The Weather and tomorrow; continued cool. Lower Michigan: Fair today Y Alt r t all Iaitj Editorials Doubtful Economy . . . Madariaga On Peace,. Jesus, Lewis And Dr. Lynch . . . Official Publication Of The Summer Session I VOL. XLV No. 18 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1936 PRICE 5 CENTS FAMMMMOW Three Die From Auto Accidents Helen Herold, Anesthetist At University Hospital, Killed In Sunday Crash Two Soldiers Also Week-End Victims Ann Arbor Fatality Total For Year Is Now At Five;, One Auto Death In 1935 Automobile crashes, taking a heavy toll of lives throughout the state, killed three and put seven others in hospitals over the week-end in Ann7 Arbor and Washtenaw County, rais- ing the Ann Arbor death toll to fivei for the year as compared with one for all of 1935, and adding two more to the list of county fatalities, already out of proportion. Miss Helen Herold, 28 years old, graduate nurse and an anesthetist at University Hospital, died there at1 11:10 p.m. Sunday from a skull frac- ture and other injuries suffered early Sunday morning when a car in which she and three other Ann Arbor resi- dents were riding crashed into a light pole at the corner of Washtenaw and Baldwin Avenues. Two Soldiers Die , A second accident, involving a pedestrian and an automobile, sent Chauncey Crytz, 75 years old, to St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital in serious condition, with fractured ribs and a possible punctured lung. In a third crash at 1:30 a.m. yes- terday on tJS-12 two miles west of Ann Arbor, a three-car collision brougitt death to two Detroit soldiers and injured five others. The dead are Alfred Sorenson, about 25 years old, of Company H, 2id TInfantry, Fort Wayne, and Harry Smalley, 28 years old, attached to Service Com- pany, 35th Infantry, Fort Wayne. The crash in which Miss Herold was killed occurred at 2:30 a.m. Sun- day, when she and three companions were returning to Ann Arbor from a dance at Walled Lake. With her were Dr. Kyril B. Conger and Dr. D. S.f MacIntyre, internes at University Hospital, and Miss Elizabeth Davis,, 26 years old, a stenographer in the1 roentgenology department at the hos- pital. Miss Davis suffered severe face1 lacerations, and Dr. Conger was* bruised slightly about the face, but Dr. Maclntyre was uninjured. - Rush Girls To Hospital Dr. Conger and Miss Herold were asleep in the back seat of the car when the crash occurred, and Dr. Maclntyre, who was' driving, is be- lieved to have gone to sleep at the wheel. The two men immediately ' stopped passing cars and rushed the two injured girls to the hospital, where an emergency decompression was performed on Miss Herold by1 Dr. Max M. Peet and three blood transfusions were given her, but she did not rally. Miss Herold, whose home is in Bradford, Pa., graduated from the nursing school at Bradford Hospital, and was taking post-graduate work in anesthesia here. Her body will be taken to Bradford for services and burial Crash On US-12 The crash on US-12 occurred when a car driven by Martin Aronson, 25 years old, of Detroit, bound east be- hind a tractor truck and trailer, swung out to pass it, saw a west- bound car approaching,sand swung back too late. The other car, driven by Sorenson, who was killed instantly, (Continued on Page 4) faculty Wives Club Will Give Tea At LeaOue Wives of the visiting faculty mem- bers will be honored at a tea given from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. today in the League Garden. This will be the second annual tea for the visitors by the Faculty Women's Club in cooperation with the Summer Session Social Committee. All wives of faculty members are also urged to come. Tahls will ho p; un in the -a-avgn Sharkey Will Meet Joe Louis August 18 At Yankee Stadium NEW YOLK, July 20.-R)~-Jack Sharkey, veteran Boston heavy- weight, was selected today as the man to start Joe Louis along the comeback trail. Mike Jacobs' 20th Century Sport- ing Club signed Sharkey and the De- troit Negro lad for a ten-round bout at the Yankee Stadium, Aug. 18. Johnny Buckley, who has managed4 Sharkey since long before he won and lost the world's heavyweight crown, came down from Beantown to sign the contract. After a long conference, during which Buckley agreed to terms, Ja- cobs got in touch with Julian Black, one of Louis' managers, at Chicago and got the Brown Bomber's O.K. Nothing was said about terms but it is believed each fighter has agreed to labor for 20 per cent of the nett receipts with the milk fund cuttingi in onthe gate.f Sharkey, now in the midst of whatI has been a successful comeback cam-a paign was elated when Buckley tele-c phoned him the match had been closed. The Squire of Chestnut Hill be- lieves if he can repeat Max Schmel-s ing's feat and win from the Negro,' he will put himself back in the thick of theheavyweight doings and may- be land a chance to win back the title.a Sharkey won the crown by pound- ing out a close 15-round decision over Schmeling at Madison Squareo Garden's Long Island bowl on Juner 21, 1932. He dropped the title tof Primo Carnera at the Yankee Sta-F dium a year later.t New Witnessest Attack Alibi oft Mark Wollner, Pass Key Said To Be Cluet In Mystery Surroundingt Death Of N.Y.U. Coed r By FRANK B. GILBRETH (Former Editor of The Daily) - ASHEVILLE, N. C., July 20.-(')-- Investigators marshalled an array of five more witnesses today, making eight in all, to attack the alibi of Mark Wollner, concert violinist, for the night Helen Clevenger was slain in her hotel room here. Meanwhile t the pass key found in the New Yorkr University co-ed's door assumed new importance as a possible clue. sheriff Laurence E. Brown, chiefJ investigator, said the key was not of the type used by hotel employees. He refused, however, to describe it. ! P. H. Branch, manager of the hotel. the Battery Park, in which the 18- year-old Staten Island girl's body was found shot and stabbed Thurs- day morning, said the hotel doors, when locked from within, could nott be opened from the outside except bye use of an emergency pass key. Het said he was supposed to have the only such key in existence. The door was unlocked, Prof. W. L. Clevenger, of the North Carolina State College at Raleigh, said in tell- ing of the finding of his niece's body when he went to awaken her for breakfast. In the lock on the outside, a pass key was found, while the regu- lar key to the room was located some time later beneath a radiator. Branch said his key had not been out of his possession. He refused to reveal what kind of key was found on the floor. Authorities said fingerprint tests made on the keys had developed nothing of value. Deferring his announced plan to quiz Wollner this afternoon, Sheriff Laurence E. Brown turned to further grilling of Daniel H. Gaddy, night watchman at the Battery Park Hotel, who was taken in custody Saturday afternoon. Rose Will Address Linguistics Institute Two luncheon conferences and a special lecture have been scheduled this week for the Linguistic Institute, Prof. Charles C. Fries announced yes- terday. Dr. Harold Rose will speak at noon t dav in the TTninn at the first meet- i- - - -- ( t Need For Law Jurisdiction, States Finch Countries Must Embrace International Law, Says Carnegie lecturer Settlement Depends On Nations' Attitude Enlargement Of Categories Of Justiciable Disputes Is Recommended By THOMAS H. KLEENE An urgent plea for nations to "em- brace international law and give it jurisdiction" as a means to the peace- ful settlement of disputes was made last night by George A. Finch, man- aging editor of the American Journal of International Law. Mr. Finch, who is a member of the teaching staff of the Summer Ses- sion on Teaching International Law, presented the third in a series of pub- lic lectures sponsored annually by the Carnegie Endowment for Internation- al Peace, speaking on "Justiciable and Nonjusticiable Disputes."{ Should Submit Questions "If we are to go about improving our peace machinery, we should re- member that law is not responsible for failure to settle questions," Mr. Finch said. "Nations should em- brace law and give it jurisdiction, and it can settle all questions between states." The speaker pointed out that set- tlement by arbitration or judicial means does not depend on "the na- ture of the question, but rather on the willingness of nations to submit questions to impartial judgment." Should Enlarge Categories Acceptance of the principle of set- tlement by arbitration "has not been promoted by the 20th century effort to classify disputes as justiciable and nonjusticiable or political and legal," he said. Mr. Finch recommended, however, the enlargement of the "categories of justiciable disputes" as a method of eliminating the element of force in international relations. "The more we can enlarge categor- ies of justiciable disputes and at the same time lessen the categories of nonjusticiable disputes, the more we will be able to substitute interna- tional law for force in international relations," he said. Enforcement Not Serious "The contention that a case is not justiciable because there is no law in existence which applies to it is abhorrent to all systems of municipal law and the same is also true of in- ternational jurisprudence," Mr. Finch said. The enforcement of arbitral laws was described as no serious problem at the present time. Mr. Fnch stated that "there is no occasion for consid- eration of the use of force or sanc- tions in order to enforce arbitral laws." "The problem is to get nations to agree on arbitration," he said. "After this has been done there will be no trouble in the enforcement of arbitral laws." Prof. Arnold McNair of Cambridge University will give the next in the series of Summer Sesion on Teaching International Law lectures at 8:15 p.m. Thursday in Room 100 of Hut- chins Hall. Tea Dance Will Supplant Usual Wednesday'T'ea A tea dance will be held from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. tomorrow at the League instead of the regular Wednesday afternoon tea. This is the first time since 1932 that a tea dance will be held. Dur- ing the summers of 1931 and 1932 this form of entertainment given free of charge by the League for Summer Session students proved very popular. However, during the next summer, the practice was discontinued. Dancing will be held in the Grand Rapids room with music furnished by a three-piece orchestra selected from Al Cowan's regular band. Refresh- monto Af ninh and oalr mwill he Blakeman's Son Drowns At Whitmore William E. Blakeman, Son Of Religious Counsellor, Dies From Diving First Drowning in Washtenaw Count y Boy's Foot Caught In Mud While Using Home-Made Diving Apparatus By CLINTON B. CONGER William E. Blakeman. 16 years old, son of Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, University counsellor in religious ed- ucation, drowned yesterday afternoon at Burke's Bathing Beach in Whit- more Lake, while using an amateur diving apparatus. With four companions, John Hild- inger, Eric Sutton, William Stevens, and William Baldwin, pumping air down to him, Blakeman had madeI the first descent with the equipment, and after he had been down for some time, his friends grew worried be- cause he had not signalled them. Thought He Was 'Kidding' Pulling in the diving bell, they found that Blakeman was no longer in it, but at first thought that he was "kid- ding," and waited for him to come up. It later became apparent that' he had gotten stuck in the lake bot- tom and had been unable to hold on to the bell when it was pulled in. It had previously been operated suc- cessfully. The sheriff's office in Ann Arbor was notified at 2:52 p.m. after some delay, and Deputy Richard Klavitter answered the call with a boat and grappling equipment. Stevens and Baldwin volunteered to aid with a second boat, and using part of the dragging equipment, brought Blake- man's body to the surface at 3:10, just as Sheriff Jacob B. Andres arrived with a pulmotor, a doctor, and a anurse. Taken To U. Hospital The resuscitation equipment was immediately applied, and after using it for more than half an hour, a panel truck. driven by Roger Lindeman of Detroit, was commandeered and the boy was brought to University Hos- pital with the pulmotor still at work. He was placed in an "iron lung" at once when the truck reached the hos- pital, but doctors did not succeed in restoring respiration or any other sign of life after more than two hours of the artificial lung there. It was the first drowning of the year for Washtenaw County. The call was answered as quickly as possible by the deputies, and the boy's body had been recovered 18 minutes after the sheriff's office was first notified, but he had already been under water 45 minutes. Dr. Blakeman Away The diving equipment consisted of a diving bell into which air was forced with a rotating pump, through hose- lines from the shore. The water at (Continued on Page 3) 200 Killed As Barcelona Is Bombed; Government MlaintainsUpper Hand' E. H. Sturtevant Talks On Hittite Findings Today n Y Guest Teacher To Discuss Influence Of Discoveries On Linguistic Science Prof. E. H. Sturtevant of Yale Uni- versity, a teacher of linguistic science in the English department this sum- mer, will speak on "The Hittite Dis- coveries and Their Bearing upon Linguistic Science" at 5 p.m. today in Natural Science Auditorium. Professor Sturtevant will deal principally with the material found in clay archives of the Hittite mon- archy of the 13th and 14th centuries, when the Hittites were the chief rival of Egypt. The archives were dis- covered in a mound in eastern Asia Minor, he said. After a teaching career that took him to the University of Indiana, Maryville (Tenn.) College, the Uni- versity of Missouri, and Columbia University, Professor Sturtevant be- came an assistant professor of Greek and Latin at Yale University in 1923. Since 1927 he has been a full pro- fessor of linguistics and comparative philology. He is a member of the American Council of Learned Societies, the American Oriental Society, the Amer- icaij Philogical Association, the Lin- guistic Society of America, the Ar- chaeological Institute of America, and Phi Beta Kappa. Professor Sturtevant is the author and editor of numerous books, and has been a contributor to linguistic magazines of this country. He received' his bachelor's degree from the University of Indiana and his doctor's degree from the Univer- sity of Chicago. Excavations In Rome Described By J. G. Winter SMussolini's Work To Fid Ancient Day Products In Rome Are Discussed. Structures erected by Romans dur- ing other days of dictatorship and uncovered by Mussolini's efforts to provide Rome with some of its right- ful heritage were discussed yesterday by Prof. John G. Winter, chairman -f t-T ~i r~r~rfort inn illq Nocturnal Prowlers Caught By Deputies At Dexter Cottage Washtenaw County sheriff's offic- ers may not have radio cars, but they still acted quickly early yesterday morning to catch two prowlers still in the act of ransacking a cottage near Dexter owned by Frank C. Cook, De- troit attorney. Answering a call from Dexter that lights were on in the cottage, al- though it was supposed to be unoc- cupied, Deputies George Randel and Alex Schlupe found Patrick Carey, 40, of Detroit, and Joseph Donnelly, 49, of Little Neck, Long Island, still in the cottage, with clothing taken from Cook's belongings on their persons. They were arraigned before Justice Jay H. Payne yesterday morning, on a charge of breaking and entering in the night, waived examination, were bound over to circuit court, and re- turned to the county jail when unable to furnish bail. DetroitChicagoo Race Will End T hi s Morning Eight 'Windy City' Boats Disabled, It Is Reported By CoastGuard Cutter MACKINAC ISLAND, July 20.- -UP)The coast guard cutter Escanaba reported late today that the leaders of the Chicago fleet in the annual Detroit-Chicago sailing race to Mack- inac Island were south of Manitou Passage, about 90 miles down Lake Michigan. They probably will not cross the finish line until the early morning hours. Although Russell Alger's Barcarat led the Detroit fleet into port at 9:06:45 a.m., to win the Detroit race for the third time, the vessels that left Port Huron yesterday afternoon had only 240 miles to traverse, com- pared to 330 miles for the Chicago fleet. The inter-city trophy, for which the two fleets are competing, is awarded on the basis of the best corrected time. The coast guard reported that eight Chicago boats had been disabled, at least three of them during a Sunday night squall. Out of the race were Dorello, Flight, Warrior, Audax, Cyn- thia, Marchioness, Clio and Truant. In the lead among the 35 boats re- maining in the race were Intrepid, Maruffa, Bagheera, Princess and Hope. Among the Detroit boats, Chantey, owned by T. Farnsworth, clinched the Aaron Deroy trophy for the best cor- rected time in the cruising division when Squall, the only entry with a large enough time allowance to beat her, failed to finish in time. The only other cruising division vessel in port was Rainbow IV, which arrived at 3:12:57 p.m. with elapsed time of 48 hours 42 minutes and 57 seconds and corrected time of 45 hours 10 minutes. All of the racing-cruising division boats were in port except Dorjack. The corrected time of Baccarat winner of the Detroit-Mackinac Island race for the third time, was 40 hours 27 minutes 45 seconds. Judge Sample Has Second Operation Judge George W. Sample, circui court judge for Ann Arbor, was oper- ated upon for the second time in a Peoria, Ill., hospital, and is in good e condition, according to reports re- ceived here yesterday. The judge was taken to the hospita e July 3 when he suddenly became il 1 on a vacation trip to Iowa, and waE operated upon once July 13. He lef g town to recuperate after the arduou throP-oav murder trial of Willian Associated Press Reported Gives Eye-Witness Story Of InternalSpain Revolt Aim Is To Stop Communism Reuters Reports 12,000 Marching On Madrid From Pamploma PARIS, July 20.-(EP)-Unconfirmed reports reaching Paris tonight said 200 persons were killed and 3,000 wounded in Barcelona alone as Spain's army revolt, rapidly becom- ing civil war, spread to that north- eastern city. Airplane passengers reaching Tou- louse, said government planes bombed the Barcelona arsenal and military barracks, and that several sections of the city were in flames. Reports of the conflict in Spanish Morocco, likewise unconfirmed, said 69 were killed and more than 150 wounded. Conflicting accounts reaching here made the outcome of the conflict doubtful. Informed French sources expressed the belief Gen. Francisco Franco, reputed leader of the rebel- lion and one of the youngest military chiefs in Spain, sought to erect a military dictatorship in the country. Spanish sources close to the situa- tion stated they thought the move- ment was rightist in character but not aimed at restoration of the mon- archy."_ In seim-official circles it was learned about 40 Spaniards, belong- ing to leftist Popular Front parties, crossed into France, where they were disarmed and authorized to live in the Pyreness department. The same sources said rebels were in control of the cities of Seville, Granda, Malaga, Valladolid and Bur- gos, while the government was as- sured of the loyalty of the Madrid police force. LONDON, July 21.-(Tuesday)- (P)--The Reuters (British) news agency reported early today word re- ceived at Bayonne, France, said 8,- 000 Spanish Monarchists and 4,000 rebel troops were marching on Ma- drid from Pamploma. The insurgent force, reported to be under the command of General Mola, was said to be accompanied by an artillery regiment. (Pamplona is about 200 miles northeast of Madrid.) The Province of Navarre, in which Pamplona is situated, was in the hands of the revolters, this account stated. WASHINGTON, July 20.-(P)-The Spanish embassy tonight issued an official communique asserting that the government in Madrid has "the upper hand of therebellion." "There is still some fighting in isolated points of Spain," the com- munique said, "but it is decreasing in intensity. "In Madrid the government never l lost control of the situation. 1 This morning the troops at the (Continued on Page 3) Cochrane Has Recurrence Of OldAfflictio DETROIT, July 20.-(AP)-Mickey Cochrane, manager of the Detroit Tigers, returned to Henry Ford Hos- pital for observation today. He said he had suffered a recurrence of symp- toms that were diagnosed tentatively - as indicating hyperthyroidism six weeks ago. A close friend said Coch- 1 rane was fearful an operation might 1 be necessary. The Tiger pilot will remain in the t hospital at least through tomorrow. Cochirane resumed his managerial duties last week after spending ten i of the Latin departmen, in an mus trated lecture in Natural Science rl,1u Ta es Auditorium. The excavations in search of the y Lead In ancient forums have taken place principally in the center of Rome, a tProfessor Winter said. His topic M ichioan Open was "Recent Excavations in Rome." This section of the city, the speaker said, teemed with ramshackle shops, which placed the problem of buying Detroit Veteran Goes Two valuable property before Mussolini, Rounds In 140; Dutra [s in addition to the well-known prob- lem of Roman over-population. Second With 141 Although all the ancient forums are not yet uncovered, the project JACKSON, July 20.-(P)-Al Wat- rapidly succeeded in clearing the rous, Detroit veteran, put together center of Rome of its more recent rounds of 67 and 73 for a blazing 140 buildings, which stood above the today to take the lead at the halfway buried constructions of Caesar and mark in the Michigan Open Golf Augustus, and other famous Romans. Championship.The Forum of Caesar, a project One stroke behind him came Mortie the speaker said the famous ruler Dutra, another Detroit pro, with a financed himself, was the first. to be 68-73-141 that inspired visions of a attacked by the excavators. Profes- gr-a-4strethdultomnsp r onsetweensor Winter said this forum was rap- great stretch duel tomorrow between idly coming to life. two of Michigan's most famous golf- Many of the findings, the speaker ers.Mn ftefnins h pae Jake Fassezke, the Jackson pro who pointed out, were not as they orig- has monopolized the title for the last inally had been. Earthquakes. for two years, came back with a 71, one example, had considerably damaged twoer yar, c a e rak nwt af71,toneone of the famous temples in the under par, this afternoon to offset a sixth century, and by the ninth cen- mediocre 76 on his morning round, tury it had been given over to the but his 147 gave him no better than a Dominican monks, who in turn gave tie for twelfth place. it to the Dominican nuns in the 16th It was after 8 o'clock before the century. Structural changes had been last of the big field of 133 had posted made to replace the fastly crumbling his score. Only the 60 low scores building all during this time, he said