The Weather
Lower Michigan: Partly cloudy
to cloudy, possibly an occasion-
al local thundershower in west
and south portions today.
A60 .
II t an
All By
Myself ..
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
New Dealers
On Road Out,
Haniiton Says
G. O. P. Campaign Head
Warns America Is Not In
A Frivolous Mood
Claims New England
SolidlyFor Landon,
Says Farley Would Have
A Hard Time Picking
Six Roosevelt States
BOSTON, July 17.-(P)-Chairman
John D. M. Hamilton of the Republi-
can national committee told more
than 1,000 party workers tonight "the
New Deal is on the way out in this
country and on the way out fast."
"The New Deal," he declared in a
prepared address, "is no broad high-
way to progress but a jumbled pile of
outworn lumber across the clear for-
ward path of common sense. The
mood of the American people is not so
frivolous nor their memory so short
as Franklin Roosevelt would have us
Sees Landon Landslide
The assertion followed his state-
ment to a group of Massachusetts Re-
publican editors that the fall elec-
tion would turn out to be either a
landslide for the Republican presi-
dential nominee, Gov. Alf M. Landon;
of Kansas, or a contest so close the1
outcome would not be known for
several days after the balloting.
"I am not fooling with Jim Farley
when I say that he would have a hard
time picking six states today," Ham-
ilton told the editors.
Hamilton's two addresses conclud-
ed a four-day speaking trip into the
six New England states. He said that
New England would vote solidly Lan-
don, and New York State would vote
Republican by a margin of from 350,-
000 to 500,000.
He repeated a question he.said the
Democratic national committee chair-
man, James A. Farley, asked at Devil's
Lake, N. D. two months ago. Farley's
question was: "Has anybody who is
listening to this speech ever heard of
a man or woman being asked whether
he or she is a Democrat or a Republi-
can before getting the dole or the
emergency job?"
Reads Application Blank
To this question Hamilton read two
documents which he said came from
the office of Leslie A. Miller, Demo-
cratic governor of Wyoming. One,
Hamilton said, was a letter telling an
applicant for a position of non-tech-
nical foreman in the Civilian Conser-
vation Corps 'last year to fill out an
application blank headed "Applica-
tion for political appointment."
Questions on this blank, Hamilton
continued, included:
"How long have you been a reg-
istered Democrat?"
"What service have you given the
Democratic party?"
"Did you contribute to the Demo-
cratic campaign fund?"
The last question, Hamilton said,
"is followed by a dollar sign which
obviously asks "how much?"
"If this were an isolated instance,"
Hamilton declared, "I would not cite
Links Kansas, New England
The tall Republican chairman de-
clared Kansas and New England were
linked by two "bonds of kinship." One
was the westward tide of migration 80
years ago. A second, he said, was a
similar treatment at the hands of
two Federal officials, Secretary of Ag-
riculture Henry Wallace, and Farley.
Wallace, Hamilton said, "came to
New England and made a speech
about a year and a half ago in which
he implied that New Englanders were
a sort of .vanished race. In effect, as
I understood it, he said you men and
women of New England were all
washed up and waiting for the
More recently, he said, Farley "has
spoken in similar vein of the people of
Kansas and of a great group of states
adjoining. He has suggested that
there is a sort of stigma attached to
citizenship in a prairie state.'
Betrayer? Well, Yes-
But Liar? Gracious, No!
BOSTON, July 17. - (A) - The
chairman of the Democratic state
committee, Joseph W. McGrath, to-
day demanded an apology in a state-
ment today for what he termed "the
rash statement" of the Rev. Charles
E. Coughlin in calling President]
Roosevelt a "liar"
"I take issue with the Rev. Charles
E. Coughlin," McGrath stated, "when
he stands on a platform in Cleveland
with his coat off and calls the Pres-
ident of the United States a liar. I
do not take one back step in my posi-
tion on this matter. Whether it be
a minister, a rabbi or a priest, we
have slipped a lot when we conduct a,
campaign as this."
Father Coughlin, addressing the
Townsend National convention in
Cleveland yesterday-termed President
Roosevelt a "betrayer, and liar."
Yankees Defeat
Tigers In Final
Game Of Series
Yanks Equal American
League Mark With Three
Home Runs In 1 Inning
NEW YORK, July 17-(P)-The
Yankees came out of their batting
doldrums with a loud blast today,
slugging home run balls all over,
their home lot, equalling an American1
League homer record and walloping'
the Detroit Tigers, 9 to 4.
The victory, third out of four starts
for the Yanks in the current series,
sent the Tigers down to fourth place,
as the Boston Red Sox moved up to
third by defeating the Browns.
The Yankee record-equalling stunt
came in the third inning, when Red
Rolfe, Lou Gehrig and Bill Dickey
smashed out circuit clouts, equalling
the mark first set by Washington in
1902 and repeated by various clubs
since. It was the eighth time the
Yanks have done the trick, with Geh-
rig figuring in the barrage on seven
The Tigers also did some homer-
hammering, with Goose Goslin get-
ting two and Charley Gehringer one,
but otherwise the Bengals could do
little with the pitching of Bump Had-
ley, who won his eighth game against
one setback for the season.
In addition to the three third-
inning homers, the Yanks also got one
in the second, when Tony Lazzeri
hit one out of the park with two
mates on base. The four homers, hit
off Roxie Lawson and Vic Sorrell,
accounted for eight of the Yankee
runs. Lazzeri's brought in three and
Rolfe's and Gehrig's two each. The
other Yankee run came in the fifth,
when Gehrig walked, advanced on
Dickey's long fly and scored on
George Selkirk's single.
Al Simmons, veteran outfielder for
the Tigers, did not see action for the
second straight day. Abdominal
pains, with which he has been suf-
fering for several days, became more
severe today and he underwent an
examination at his hotel.
After a scoreless first inning, Gos-
lin opened the second with the first
of his circuit clouts, a wallop over
the right field wall, his fourteenth
(Continued on Page 4)
Third Weekly
Leagrue Dance
WilBe Today
State Amateur,
Golf Tourney
Nears Finals
Barclay, U. Of M. Varsity
Player, Survives Along
With Seven Other Stars
Malloy Eliminated ,
In First Round Tilt
Two Former State Champs
Still In Running, One
Medalist Fails To Stick'
SAGINAW, Mich., July 17.-()-
Eight of Michigan's best amateur;
golfers-except for Chuck Koesis who,
didn't enter the Michigan golf
league's 1936 tournament-will fight
it out tomorrow and Sunday for the
title over the Saginaw country club's
sun-baked course.
The chief casualty in today's two
match-play rounds that whittled the
field from 32 to 8 was chick Harbert,
of Battle Creek, who shared medal
honors with defending champion Bob
Babbish. Harbert outstroked Tex
Ellison, of Detroit, in the first round,
but fell before Francis Beaupre, of
Detroit, two down in the second
Still in the running were two form-
er state champions, Babbish, of De-
troit, and Dave Ward, of Saginaw,
who won the title in 1926. Along .
with them were John Foley, Jr., De-
troit district champion; Bill Barclay,
Flint youngster who is No. 2 man on
the University of Michigan team, and
Ed Novak, the Traverse City shot
maker who was runner-up to Bab-
bish last year at Charlevoix.
Novak and William Artman, of De-
troit, put on one of the most spec-
tacular matches of the second round,
Novak winning with a birdie three on
the twentieth hole. Another spectac-
ular match was that between Ward
and Arthur Kerkau, Jr., Bay City
high school boy. Kerkau shot par
golf all the way but that wasn't
enough. He fell four and three as
Ward produced a card which, if fin-
ished in pars, would have equalled the
course amateur record of 67.
The quarter-final and semi-final
matches will be played tomorrow, and
the final-over the 36-hole route-on
Sunday. First and second flight
golfers will finish tomorrow after-
First and second round results of
tContinued on Page 4)
Glass Scores.
As Privilecred
Virginia Senator Says The
'Government's Nose Is In
All Sorts Of Business,
Kipke's YachtIsIn
Starting Line For
Race To Mackinac
PORT HURON, Mich., July 17.-(A')
-Twenty-two of the swiftest yachts
on this side of the Great Lakes lay
at anchor here tonight, awaiting the
starting gun that will send them away
on the annual race to Mackinac
Island tomorrow afternoon. The en-
try list is the largest in the history of
the event.
Ratings and time allowances for
the 240-mile haul, announced today,
make Harry Kipke's yawl Flo the
scratch boat in the cruising division,
the largest of the three classes.
Although the University of Michi-
gan football coach's yacht finished.
far back in last year's race, it must
give time allowances to 11 other craft
in that class this year.
The scratch boat of the entire fleet
is Four Winds, owned by W. J. Taylor,
and built years ago as a Canadian cup
Light to moderate air was forecast
for tomorrow.
Relief Balanced
Phillips Closes
Final Session
Of Conference
Lecturer Cites Need For
Organization By Districts
Of Education Association
Editor Of Education
journal Also Speaks
Meeting Yesterday Brings
To Close Seventh Annual
Meeting Of Educators
The necessity for the complete or-
ganization of districts of the state
within the Michigan Education As-
sociation was emphasized by Dr. A. J.
Phillips, acting executive secretary of
the association, in his address at the
final session of the Summer Edu-
cational Conference yesterday morn-
ing in the Union.
Yesterday's meeting brought to a
close the seventh annual Summer Ed-
ucation conference, which opened
last Monday. The conference this
year was extended to last five days
because of the interest shown in prev-
ious years, according to Dean James
B. Edmonson of the education school.
Formerly the conference had con-
vened for two days.
The topic of yesterday morning's
session was "The Organization, Pol-
icies and Program of the Michigan
Education Association." Arthur Rice,
editor of the Michigan Education
Journal was the other speaker on
the program.
The regional conference spon-
sored by the MEA were praised by
Dr. Phillips because they give teach-
ers throughout the state opportunity
to discuss the many problems con-
fronting them in their educational
I I -mw-ft -0
State's Budget,
Murphy Claims
Asserts 'We Were First To
Rescue Jobless,' In Reply
To FitzgeraldCriticism 1
DETROIT, July 17. - (') - Frank
Murphy, candidate for the Demo-
cratic nomination for governor, de-
clared tonight in the first radio ad-f
dress of his campaign that Michigan's
budget is balanced "largely because1
of relief assstance from the Demo-
cratic administration, in Washing-
"During the past year," he said,
"the cost of public relief in this state.
was $38,000,000, of which $20,000,000
was provided by the Federal govern-
ment and nearly $9,000,000 by the
state government.
"If the state government had to
meet this burden without the assist-
ance of the Federal government under
President Roosevelt and without the
assistance of the sales tax enacted
by a Democratic administration, I
wonder if the governor would not
have difficulty balancing the budget."
Murphy, replying to a recent charge
by Governor Frank D. Fitzgerald that
public funds were "squandered" dur-
,ing his administration as mayor of
Detroit, asserted that "in Detroit we
were the first to rescue the jobless."
"I wonder if he (Governor Fitz-
gerald) would let needy citizens suf-
fer rather than incur a temporary
deficit and be charged with care-free
squandering of the t a x p a y e r s'
money?" Murphy, high commissioner
of the Philippines, asked.
"The bland attitude of former
President Hoover, former Governor
Wilber M. Brucker and Governor
Fitzgerald, boiled down, is that the
government owes no responsibility
to the victims of insecurity; that they
are unworthy anyhow, and that-re-
lief is a waste of public funds. I do
not share that view."
Murphy endorsed the Roosevelt ad-
mnistration, declaring that "under
President Roosevelt's leadership, the
nation has found understanding, se-
curity and hope for the future."
Minor Changes
To Mark Next
Year's N. Y. A.
LANSING, July 17.-(P)-Dr. Wil-
liam Haber, state emergency relief
administrator, announced today the
national youth administration pro-
gram would be continued in Michigan
for another year with minor adjust-
Haber said a new age limit would
prevail, limiting the benefits to young
men of 18 to 25, inclusive. In the
1 past it was 16 to 25. Haber said
youths between 16 and 18 now em-
ployed would be kept on the rolls,
but no other younger employes would
be enrolled.
Another change will end the prac-
tice of exempting from labor NYA
employes whose scholastic work is
outstanding. Haber ,said all who
benefit must labor henceforth.
The administrator said benefits
went last year to some 7,000 young
men in schools and colleges and to
. others who were niot students. He
Saturday Night
Will Be Given In
ASHLAND, Va., July 17. - (/P) -
Senator Carter Glass (Dem., Va.)
said "we now have a system of gov-
ernment of privilege and discrimina-
tion" in an extemporaneous speech
late today at the Patrick Henry cele-
bration here.
Looking out upon several thousand
people gathered on the Randolph-
Macon College campus, he continued
by saying that this was such a gov-
ernment as Henry denounced in the
House of Burgesses when he made his
brief speech that "it was not proper
to take money of taxpayers of Vir-
ginia and appropriate it to pay off
mortgages that had been made by
thriftless and unwise individuals."
"That is just what we are doing
in this country today. . . The gov-
ernment's nose is in all sort of bus-
iness now."
If Patrick Henry were living, said
the veteran senator as he warmed
up to his subject, "he would not cure
one evil with a multitude of other
"When the Democratic party in
convention assembled d e c 1 a r e d
against high tariff and promised to
abolish or modify it, it did not mean
that it would institute another sys-
tem that would rob 56,000,000 people
out of both packets at the same time.'
"What did Democrats proclaim
from every stump throughout the
length and breadth of the land?'
Glass continued. "We would go to
Washington and modify the Smoot-
Hawley bill. They haven't written a
single line to repeal . . . a single line
WP willml idsie,, coniuethir
A research program will be inaug-
urated next fall to supplement the
other activities of the association,
Dr. Phillips said. This research pro-
gram is expected to become one of
the more important functions of the
organization, Dr. Phillips said.
"We should fight every measure
which would cut the revenues of the
schools until we have some tangible1
assurance that sources of revenue
that are taken away from us will ber
replaced," said Dr. Phillips in speak-o
ing of the proposed repeal of the prop-c
erty tax and the proposed amendment
of the sales tax. He urged strong
organization by districts of all teacher
members of the MEA in order thatC
the teaching profession can make it-
self felt when legislative measuresx
affecting the schools are being con-
Dr. Phillips added that although
he thought that the abolishing oft
the tax on foodstuffs was laudable,,
it is not advisable at the presentl
Speaking of the public relations'
division, the speaker emphasized the
fact that any action on the part oft
MEA should have public approval.i
He urged the audience to remember
that every teacher who was a mem-
ber of the MEA was a virtual public
relations agency of the association,
and made a strong plea that the
members, when presenting any idea
to the public, use rational arguments.
The membership of the MEA is ex-
pected to pass the 30,000 mark within
a year, according to Dr. Phillips, who
gave the present membership at 29,-
(Continued on Page 4
'Mary of Scotland'
Closes Run Today
After three virtual sell-out per-
formances, the Michigan Repertory
Players will close their production of
Maxwell Anderson's tragedy, "Mary'
of Scotland," with a final perform-
ance at 8:30 p.m. today at the Lydia1
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Some seats are still available for
tonight, and are priced at 35, 50, and
75 cents.
The next play of the season, which
will open Tuesday of next week, will
be John Galsworthy's "The Pigeon."
Whitford Kane, distinguished English
actor, guest director for the Players,
will be seen in the role of Wellwyn,
which he played in the original -pro-
duction. He will also direct the play.
Hopkins, Dana Leave On
Visit To Summer Camp
LONDON, July 18.-(Satur-
day)-W)--The Reuters (Brit-
ish) news agency said today tele-
phone communication between
Spain and the rest of the world
had been cut off.
The agency stated the cause
was believed to be "serious po-
litical reasons."
An official of the British Tele-
phone company stated:
"We have been notified no
calls will be accepted in Spain
MADRID' July 18.-(Satur-
day)-(P)-Strict censorship was
being applied early today on
telephone calls to and from Ma-
Officials said heavy precau-
tions against disorder were being
taken throughout the country,
but that tranquillity prevailed.
President Manuel Azana ur-
gently left the Presidential home
at 10:30 p.m. last night and took
up residence at the National Pal-
The foregoing dispatch, re-
ceived in London by telephone,
was ended by the Associated
Press' correspondent at Madrid
with the remark, "This is all I
am allowed to tell you."
Disorders, including many
srikes, have shaken the country
since the leftist government was
elected in February. Unofficial
estimates place the number of
dead in five months of troubles at
between 200 and 300, with per-
haps 1,000 wounded.
The assassination of Jose Calvo
Sotelo, monarchist leader, creat-
ed new tension early this week.
Hundreds of Fascists were round-
ed up Thursday and arms and
ammunition were seized. There
were rumors of military moves
and a possible government crisis.
Townsend Plan
Leader Leaves
(uits Session Of Directors
When Demand To Oust
Smith Is Refused
CLEVELAND, July 17.-()-Dr.
Francis E. Townsend walked out on
his board of directors tonight as the
old age pension movement innational
convention here was beset with po-
litical and legal difficulties.
Townsend's walkout followed his
demand for the ouster of Gomer
Smith of Oklahoma, national vice-
president of the organization.
Smith's fiery speech before th
convention crystalized opposition t
Townsend's leadership in joining in
the presidential campaign of Rep
William Lemke along with the Rev
Father Charles E. Coughlin and th(
Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith.
Townsend said that Gomer Smith
would have to be eliminated from the
organization and that "I will not si
in any meeting with him."
When the board convened, Smith
walked in. Townsend shortly walke
out stiffly and retired to his hote
Smith emerged and said tha
Townsend told the board that Smith'
resignation was the first order o
business and that he would retire un
til this had been completed. Smit
said he would not resign and reeft
tered the meeting.
The second National Townsen
Convention, itself, was committed t
a policy of refraining from partisan
ship or any endorsement of any po
litical party.
The Rev. Alfred J. Wright, o
Cleveland, recently removed as a re
gional Townsend leader, and thre
other persons filed a suit in commo
pleas court asking that Dr. Town
send and the board of directors bo
removed; that the court order a
accounting of $1,000,000 in Townsen
clubs' money which the petition sai
had been "dissipated," and that
receiver be appointed.
Within the directorship of th
movement there was a controvers
over the status of Gomer Smitho
Oklahoma, National vice-presiden
Dr. Townsend said he did not con
sider Gomer Smith "any longer
member of our organization."
A co-founder of the movemen
Robert E. Clements, who recently r
signed as secretary and treasure
asserted in an interview that "poli
ical opportunists" are trying to ta
over the plan and that "if it fal
into unseruunons hands (it) is
Corn Belt
Burned Up,
In Droug:ht
15-Day-Old Heat Wave
Softens Its Grip But Not
For Midwestern Farmers
No General Relief
Sighted By Bureau
Deaths Attributed To Heat
Drop Noticeably; Corn
Is King On Chicago Mart
CHICAGO, July 17.-(/P)-The 15-
day-old heat wave softened its
punches today but not for the corn
That fertile farm sector saw ad-
ditional millions of bushels burned
from its expectable yield as tempera-
tures rose again as high as 112 de-
grees at Mitchell, S. D., and unof-
ficially to 116 degrees elsewhere in
the state.
A half dozen other states of the
area were counted once more in the
"100 plus" oven belt.
No general relief was sighted by
central weather bureau forecasters
but they held out hopes of "showers
and cQoler' for the northern tier of
central states from North Dakota
east to the western part of upper
Fatalities Drop
Fatalities, attributed to the heat,
took a big drop. Less than 30 were
added during the day, compared with
a nearly 300 daily average for the
heat wave's stay. The new total was
Fears for corn's outcome magnified
as it approached the end of another
week of its critical period. Charles
D. Reed, Federal meterologist in Iowa,
estimated the yield loss was averag-
ing 10,000,000 bushels a day now.
On the Chicago Board of Trade,
corn was king. It rose the four cent
daily permissible limit at the opening
of trading and closed near that figure
despite heavy profit taking. The final
prices were 92%-/ for July, the
highest quotation in more than a
year. Wheat was lower.
Toward the' sun-ruined sections of
South Dakota-described by Resettle
ment Administrator Rexford G. Tug-
well after traveling through them as
"a picture of complete destruction"-
new Federal relief measures were di-
Tugwell Orders Loans
Tugwell, at Pierre, directed his ad-
ministration to supply loans for live-
stock feed for destitute farmers at
once. At the same time, he author-
ized grants or loans for construction
of wells in communities facing water
shortages, his agency allotted $350,-
000 for human subsistence needs.
In Washington, these additional
measures were announced for the
h general assistance program to the
stricken states:
1. The AAA arranged to buy 2,000,-
000 bushels of white wheat from the
Pacific northwest-a section with a
h bountiful crop-for distribution in
d drought territory.
2. Cattle purchasing program
ready to start emergency buying
t Monday at Chicago, St. Paul and
s Sioux City, if drought forces "dump-
f ing" of stock.
- 3. Resettlement administration an-,
h nounced land use adjustment pro-
- gram for northwestern drought states,
contemplating buying of 1,000,000
d acres of North Dakota and a total of
o 4,000,000 acres for the territory to
- cost around $13,749,000.
- Mississippi Low
The sizzling heat continued to bail
Af1 water from the midwest's streams.
The mighty Mississippi was shamed by
e reports that three Federal barge line
n steamers were stranded on sand bars.
- The stage at Rock Island, Ill., was
e only 0.4 foot above low water mark
n and at Alton, Ill., the stream was re-
d ported "running a temperature of 92
d degrees," an all time record for its
a waters.
Lack of relief for pastures brought
ze new reports of milk price advances.
y Omaha's quarts rose from 10 to 11
it cents. Kankakee, Ill., paid a cent
more at 11 cents.
a Reports that the drought was brok-
aen after heavy rains in "Egypt,"
southern Illinois, underwent some
modification when high temperatures
r, returned later in the day.
Afternoon "hot spots" included:
ke Norfolk, Neb., 109; Hutchinson, Kas,
ls 112; Kansas City, Mo., 101; Guthrie,
a 6kla., 105; Monmouth, Ill., 100; Des
The third in the series of weekly
Saturday night League dances will be
held in the ballroom of the Union
from 9 p.m. until midnight today.
Al Cowan's orchestra will furnish
the music. Several speciality num-
bers have been planned.
This is the first time this year
that the regular Saturday night dance
is being held at the Union. Next week
the dance will be at the League as
Elva Pascoe, Grad., who is in charge
of arrangements for the dance, an-
nounced that 29 girls will act as
hostesses for the purpose of helping
the students become acquainted.
The hostesses are: Ethyln Miller,
Emma Schmidt, Edith Forsythe, Jean
Nash, Ona Thornton, Frances Thorn-
Study Of Snow Removal
Costs Is No Heat Relief
LANSING, July 17.-(,)-State
highway department employes, who
have been toppling from their chairs
as heat victims, found little relief
from the 90-degree temperature to-