AY, JULY 17, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILt PAGE THREE . __ ---- , I "ON" - I i NEWS Of The DAY (From The Associated Press) Governor Ask Newspapers' Support TRAVERSE CITY, Mich., July 16. --(P)- Governor Frank D. Fitzgerald, addressing the Re- publican Newspaper League of Michigan, urged Michigan news- papers tonight to oppose the New Deal "unless you wish to place an unbearable burden on future ad- ministrations." He said the present national administration is "slipshod" and extravagant," and declared that a crisis exists in the affairs of the nation;. Opposing diversion of a sales tax revenues to the counties, he said such a policy would revive "a vicious cycle of general fund deficits." Relief To Be. Commissions Reorganized LANSING, July 16.-- (1P) - The state emergency relief com- mission granted its approval to- day to the reorganization of 57 of the 82 county relief commis- sions in Michigan. George F. Granger, deputy re- Ref administrator, said 25 other commissions were being reorgan- ized or were awaiting state com- mission approval. In most instances the reor- ganized units consist of the chairman of the old commission, the chairman of the county board of supervisors or his designated representative, and a, member nominated by the supervisors. Egg Nog' Murderers Electrocuted In N. Y. OSSINING, N. Y., July 16.-()') Mrs. Frances Creighton and Ev- erett C. Applegate were electro- outed for the eggnog murder of Appelgate's wife Ada. Mrs. Creighton preceded her aleged lover to the electric chair. Two matrons and three guards wheeled her in a wheelchair. She apparently was uncon- scious when brought into the death house. Guards and matrons quickly formed a protective screen around her, linking arms. She was pro- nounced dead after the current had been on two minutes. Investigator Quits Interior Department WASHINGTON, July 16. - (P) -Louis Russell Glavis, ace inves- tigator, again has quit the inter- ior department. Removed 25 years ago by Pres- ident Taft after, a departmental feud had developed over his un- covering of irregularities in Alas- kan coal lands, Glavis was re- stored in 1933 by Secretary Ickes as the interior department's chief investigator. Today Ickes announced Glavis' resignation. Although friends of long standig, it had been re- ported that the secretary and Glavis had been in disagreement over certain policies. Glavis has accepted a post at a reduced salary as investigator for the Senate campaign expen- ditures investigating committee, headed by Senator Lonergan (Dem., Conn.).. Major Leagues Townsend Says Four WillUnite To AidLemke Rev. Gerald K. Smith And Father Coughlhin To Join In SpeakingTour CLEVELAND, July 16. -(,)-Dr. Francis E. Townsend announced to- night that he, the Rev. Father Charles E. Coughlin, the Rev. Gerald K. Smith and Rep. William Lemke will participate in a tour in support of Lemke, the new Union party's can- didate for president. This followed a tumultuous day in the national convention of Townsend clubs which saw the welding of Town- send's old age pension movement, Coughlin's national union for social justice, Smith's share-the-wealth movement, and Lemke's candidacy in the election campaign. Rev. Coughlin addressed the con- vention today with a bitter attack on what he called "that betrayer and liar, Franklin 'double-crosser' Roose- velt." Prolonged cheering filled the Cleve- land public auditorium as Townsend, Coughlin and Smith clasped hands upon the platform in a signal of unity. A discordant note was sounded by Gomer Smith, national vice-presi- dent of the Townsend organization. He announced he is going to support Roosevelt. His speech brought mingled cheers and booes. Townsend then announced to a press conference that he would ask the board of directors to oust Gomer Smith. Townsend said that details of the campaign tour have not yet been ar- ranged but that he probably would start it and would be joined by Coughlin and Smith. Lemke will be a member of the party for at least part of the trip, he said. Townsend said he "agreed perfect- ly" with Coughlin's attack on Roose- velt. In regard to Gomer Smith, he said, "I don't want anyone in the official family who is kicking up a rumpus. There is plenty of room outside.' Summer Term Wives 1InviOted To TeaToday Michigan Dames Will Hold 'Get Acquainted' Tea In League Garden. For the purpse of welcoming the wives of all Summer Session students and internes the Michigan Dames will hold a "Get Acquainted" tea in the League Garden from 3 to 5 p.m. today. Mrs. Edward L. Adams, Mrs. Byrl F. Bacher, Mrs. Martha L. Ray, .Miss Ethel McCormick, Mrs. G. R. Car- rothers, Mrs. Roy Cowden, Mrs. C. D. Thorpe and Mrs. R. C. Hussey will pour during the afternoon. Since the names of all the wives of students were ' not available, anyone not receiving an invitation is asked to call Mrs. Lewis F. Haines, the president of the club, at rural 730F21, or Mrs. Ford Graham, the member- ship chairman, at 2-2147. The Dames will sponsor a series of weekly bridge teas beginning Wed- nesday, July 22, at 2 p.m. at the League. Both auction and contract bridge will be played and tea will be served in the League garden later in the afternoon. A committee com- posed of Mrs. Paul Cramton, Mrs. J. C. Wagner, Mrs. Kenneth Hodge, Mrs. N. G. McFayden and Mrs. Ford Graham is in charge of arrange- ments for the party. Other features on the Dame's sum- mer calender include weekly social afternoons for the mothers and chil- dren at the Island beginning Friday, July 24, and a family picnic sched- uled for Tuesday, July 28. Band Leader Dies In Air Accident BEVERLY, Mass., July 16. - ({P) - Orville Knapp, 28, widely known or- chestra leader, was killed today in the 'crash of an airplane he was piloting at the Beverly airport. Identification was made by John Shobe, head of the Shobe Airlines, at whose hangar Knapp kept his plane. Airport attendants said Knapp flew from Boston to practice takeoffs and landings. On his first take-off the engine stopped and the ship plunged 150 feet into low woods. The three-place plane was wrecked. Knapp, who had been flying for four years, bought the plane in June L .t , ((( i l l f i r ,f Athletes Sail For Olympiad In Berlin Keniston Talk On Syntax To Linguist Group Visiting Professor Directs Research Into Spanish Language'sHistory A gigantic linguistic research work being carried on at the University of Chicago, under the direction of Prof. Hayward Keniston of the Spanish department, visiting professor here for the summer, which will present an objective picture of the gradual evolution of the Spanish language from 1200 to modern times, was ex- plained by Professor Keniston at a luncheon conference of the Linguistic Institute held yesterday. His sub- ject was "Methods in Syntax." Great Scope "This is the first time a work of such a great scope has ever been attempted," P r o f e s s o r Keniston pointed out, "because always before scholars have taken merely one gram- matical construction, and gone through many texts to ascertain its frequency-the number of times it appears in any one text-and its range-the number of times it oc- curs in the works of many writ- ers-." However, Professor Keniston ex- plained that in this undertaking, he and a staff of 10 assistants go through each text, noting the appearance of several thousand constructions at once, thus eliminating the laborious procedure of having to read a text, many times, each time hunting for a different construction. Difficulties Presented "Of course this system presents many difficulties," he said. The first problem he enumerated was that of "human frailty," pointing out how difficult it is to keep one's mind on the work to such a degree that no construction is missed. "It requires DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell Hall until 3:30: 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. T ,-Associated Press Photo. Their financial woes at an end, America's athletes, 334 strong, hoisted their official standard to the foremast of the liner Manhattan and sailed for Berlin and the Olympic games. The athletes and their fellow pas- sengers are shown as the Olympic flag was raised shortly before the ship sailed from New York. 80 Young Musicians Convene For School Of Music's Clinic ment of Agriculture, salary, $4,600;: Junior Home Economics Specialist, (Optional Subjects: Foods, Nutrition,, Clothing, Textiles, Economics, House- hold Equipment), Bureau of Home Economics. Department of Agricul- ture, salary, $2,000; Fire Prevention Officer, Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, salary, $3,200. For fur- ther information concerning these examinations call at 201 Mason Hall,' office hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 4 p.m. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts; School of Music; and School of Education: Summer Session stu- dents who received marks of Incom- plete or X at the close of their last beginning for other scholars who can use the work as a basis for tracing historical, sociological and psycho- logical implications in the develop- ment of the language." Evolves System To simplify the work Professor Ken- iston evolved a system of recording the syntax which is a compromise between the formal and functional methods, and then took a unit of 10,000 words of prose for each pe- riod studied, which would serve to give a cross-section of the every-day usage of the times. "In order to give totality to the pic- ture," he said, "it is essential to see beyond the mere frequency of a con- struction, and to note the first ap- pearance of a new construction in the language, and the last appearance of a dying form." The work is by no means complete, though the first volume, on the six- teenth century work, will appear next year. Of the other volumes, one will be devoted to modern Spanish, 1900- 1930, one to the medieval period, and one to the period between 16001 and 1900. CONFERENCE PLANNED DETROIT, July 16.-(/) -Fred M. Butzel, Detroit attorney, said to- day the National Probation Associa- tion would cooperate with the Mich- igan Probation Officers Association in a three-day conference at Battle Creek September 22 to 24. 10 R wxYZ Escorts. CKLW Baseball Scores: News. 10:15-WJR Musical Program. WWJ TigersHighlights: Evening Melodies. WXYZ Ink Spots. 10:30-WJR Interview on all baseball. WXYZ Frank Winegar's Music. CKLW Griff Williams' Music. 10 :45-WWJ Jesse Crawford. WJR Orville Knapp's Music. WXYZ Leon Avrro's Music. 11:00-WJR George Givot. WWJ Troupers. WXYZ Glen Gray's Music. CKLW Al Kavelin's Music. 11:15-WWJ Dance Music. CKLW Mystery Lady. 11:30--WJR Don Bestor's Music. WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ Irving Aaronson's Music. CKLW Joe Sander's Music. 11:45-WJR Meditations. 12 :00-WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ Les Arquette's Music. CKLW Clyde Trask's Music. 12:30-CKLW Horace Heidt's Music. 1:00-CKLW Joe Sander's Music. (Continued from Page 2) term of residence must complete work in these courses by the end of the first month of the Summer Session, July 29. The Administrative Board of the Literary College, the Adminis- trative Committee of the School of Education, or the Director of the School of Music may grant a limited extension, in unusual cases, when a written request bearing the written approval of the instructor concerned is presented at the Registrar's Of- fice, Room 4, University Hall. When no additional grade is re- ceived, and no petition for extension has been filed, these marks shall be considered as having lapsed to E grades. Niagara Falls Excursion: The train for the Niagara Falls trip leaves the Michigan Central Railroad Station at 3:40 Ann Arbor time. The Seventh Annual Summer Ed- ucation Conference, sponsored by the School of Education, closes today. Topic, 'The Organization, , Policies and Program of the Michigan Educa- tion Association." Among the issues discussed will be "The Effective Func- tioning of Voluntary Teachers' 0- ganization" and "The Guild Plan for a Teachers' Organization." At 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union there will be a Phi Delta Kappa busi- ness meeting. The Michigan Dames cordially in- vite the wives of all students and in- ternes to attend a "Get Acquainted" tea in the Garden of the Michigan League this afternoon from 3 to 5 p.m. In case of rain the tea will be held in the League and the room will be listed on the bulletin board. University High School Demon- stration Assembly: The first demon- stration assembly of the. University High School Summer Session will be given at 9 a.m. today in the high school auditorium.sThe pro- gram will consist of a series of 20 tableaux, 10 showing the present work in Fine Arts classes and 10 showing work as it may be done 10 years from now. The Science class will present a series of short playlets. These playlets are composed of incidents suggested in the classroom, concern- ing the study of light, etc. All Sum- mer Session students who are in- terested are welcome to attend the assembly. The regular -Friday night dance will be held at the Union this week. It is being sponsored by the Men's and Women's Education Clubs, and hosts and hostesses have been chosen from these organizations. German Table: The German Table will hold a swimming party at New- port Beach, Portage Lake, this eve- ning. Cars will leave from the Mich- igan League at 6:30 p.m. Those in- terested should communicate with Miss G. T. Ochs or Mr. M. F. Reck at the German Table, Russian Tea Room, Michigan League or at 204 U. H. before 3 p.m. -----<. ;, 1 a strange kind of concentration," he 25 'eacher Demonstrate choral numbers Friday, July 24, on stated, "for it is necessary to spray Individual Methods Of the steps of the General Library. Next your mind in all directions." week they will conduct a Michigan He also pointed out the possibility Musical Instruction Sing at the same place. that in the end the work may be Versatile Musicians superficial, since it is impossible to Who are these interested and bright- Selected on the basis of written ap- go into minute detail for each con- eyed youngsters who do not seem to plications, the group includes stu- struction. "However, it will bring belong to the University because of dents who have played in school or- together more material than has ever their youth, and who have been seen chestras and bands. Many of them been used," he said, "and when fin- hurrying about the campus during play more than one instrument. The ished it will be a completely objective the past week? youngest, Marilyn Cooke of Clayton, syntactical analysis, which will be a Investigation revealed that 80 boys performs on the difficult French and girls from the state of Michigan horn. EVf1N 11Tt h T? D are attending the three weeks' High The various special instrument sec- School Music Clinic, the first to be tions include first viol, second viol and conducted here by the School of Mu- viola, 'cello, string bass, flute, bas- 6:0-WJR Stevenson Sports. sic, inaugurating a similar annual soon, oboe, cornet, French horn, WWJ Ty Tyson. clinic under the supervision of the trombone, bass, saxaphone, clarinet WXYZ Key Ring. Department of Public School Music. percussion instruments, string en-I 6:15-WJR Heroes of Today. percssin intruent, stingen- WWJ Dinner Music. The connotation of the word, sembles, and wind ensembles. WxYZ Day in Review. "cliic,"hasbeencarred ver romCKLW Joe Gentile. "clinic," has been carried over from Sixteen of the girls are living at 6:30-WJR Sports on Parade. the edial ntothe usial iel toWWJ Bulletins. the medical into the musical field to Mosher Jordan Hall, and are being WxYZ The Lone Ranger. mean an analysis of a student's phys- supervised by Miss Jeanette M. Jonk- 6:45 CKLWJRhythm amblings. ical make-up in relation to his play- man, a social worker graduated from WWJ Rhythm Review. ihg, and of his musical make-up and the New York Social Service Train- 7:00-WJR Lennie Hayton's Music. past training, in an effort to overhaul ing School and an enrolled student in Bordons Ensmbleet:Rsro technique. Teachers assemble as do the University Summer Session. Oth- WxYZ Irene Rich. doctors to analyze and diagnose. In er girls from Ann Arbor and vicinity - KVacation Express. . . om nn Aborand icity 715-XYZKyte's Rhythmaires. a musical clinic the instructors dem- are living with their parents. The 7:30-WJR Broadway Varieties. onstrate individual methods of boys are being housed at the Michi- WXYZ Frank Fay Calling. 'CKLW Guy Lombardo's Music. teaching which they employ, "op- gan League, where the entire group 7:45-CKLW Red Norvo's Music. studnts.8:0-WJR Hollywood Hotel. erating" upon the has meals. A blanket fee covers the WWJ Waltz Time. Prof. David L. Mattern, conductor cost of tuition, private instruction WXYZ Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians. CKLW Turf Talk. of the University Men's Glee Club, supplemented by ensembles, room 8:15-CKLW Pop Concert. and head of the Department of Mu- and meals. 8:30-WWJ Court of Human Relations. Eductio, wo i chirmn of-______________WXYZ Clara, Lu and Em. sic Education, who is chairman of CKLW Horace Heidt's Music. the clinic ,stated in an interview yes- LUDINGTON MAN DIES 8:45-CKLW Cesare Sodero. 9:00-WJR Andre Kostelanetz' Music. terday that the purpose is to develop LUDINGTON, July 16. -- () - W. WWJ Marion Talley. "talented amateurs" and to foster an Ray Cartier, 47, business man and WXYZ Harry Heilmann. 9:15-WXYZ Police Program. intelligent appreciation and regard member of a family long identified WWJ Schalert Reviews. for music throughout the state. with the lumber industry, died Thurs- : CKLW Bryant Field. :30-WJR Mharch of Time. Chorus Training Important i day after a brief illness. He was sec- WWJ Great Lakes Concert. retay-teasrerof te Eectic amF WxYZ Ben Bernie's Music. Chorus training is an important retary-treasurer of the Electric Tam CKLW EddieElkins Music. division of this band and orchestra per and Equipment Company and a 9:45-WJR Rubinoff-Peerce. divsio ofthi bad ad ochetradircto oftwobans hre.10 :00-V/WJ Amos and Andy. clinic. Professor Mattern pointed out director of two banks here. WJR Duncan Moore. that the patcua significance of - - voice training as a foundation for in- strument playing lies in the basis of similar principles of phrasing, tone production, harmony, and singing is J U LY C L EA RA NCE of special assistance in sight-read- ing. "You would not ask a high school of SUMMERU T student to read Schopenhauer," said Professor Mattern when questioned on the type of compositions being studied in the clinic. He declared that the training is veering in the $ 9 opposite direction from the accepted " theory and practice that high school students should struggle with diffi- formerly priced to $25.00 cult symphonies and compositions. b White and Pastels in Congo1- "Why expect a student to play mu- hrksknd Pa enCrngo sic which is beyond him?" continueda Sharkskin- Sugarcane- Crepe Professor Mattern. The clinic is - Navy and Printed Sheers stressing the type of composition Bembergs - Chiffons. which is within the emotional capaci- Sizes 12 to 44, 161/ tO 24/ ty of a high school student to under- stand and interpret, and of the tech- They're marvelous values and nique level to produce freedom of perfect pickups for your summer expression, precision and honesty of wardrobe playing.wadoe In conjunction with a program de- signed for individuality of music in- -- struction, as opposed to mass produc-L tion, recreational activities in ath- letics, social gatherings, and lectures on music appreciation and signifi- cance carry out a full-time schedule. WHITE, PASTEL, NAVY Mattern, Revelli Direct Sizes 12 to 20 Professor Mattern directs the or- chestra; Prof. William D. Revelli, leader of the University Band, who is vice-chairman of the clinic, has charge of the bandm Harper May-- bee, head of the Music Department of Western State Teachers' College, SUMMER COATS conducts the chorus; and Carl Lund- i 5 iIIUMJ EPil UUULJJITL 14i; GSueRL~ iiJT . J)l x w i r ./ / /' u 4 / - . . y _ L } - g t' AMERICAN New York...... Cleveland....... Detroit .......... Boston ............ Washington ....... Chicago ........... Philadelphia ....... St. Louis .......... LEAGUE W] 55 .... 46 ......45 L ......46 ......44 ......41 ......28 ... ...25 L 28 38. 38 40 39 40 52 55 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS New York 5, Detroit 2. Cleveland 7, Philadelphia 0. Chicago 9, Washington 7. St. Louis 6-4, Boston 3-5. TODAY'S GAMES Detroit, at New York. St. Louis at Boston. Chicago at Washington. Cleveland at Philadelphia. NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. . Chicago ............51 29 . Louis ..............50 32 ttsburgh ............44 38 ncinnati............41 38 ew York.............42 41 oston ...............39 44 Pet. .663 .548' .542 .535 .530 .506 .350 .312 Pct. .638 .610 .537 .519 .506. .470 ----------. ®i ,THOMAS A. EDISON THE ELECTRICAL WIZARD, Thom- as A. Edison, earned his livelihood in his youth at the key of a tele- graph. Through his genius was developed multiple telegraphy per- mitting speedier _transmission of mnessages. IN THE INTERVENING YEAIRS tele- graphy has become so specialized that The Associated Press news of world events is read by you almost simultaneously with their occurrence. To keep abreast of world events read i1 St Pi Ci Ne B3 11 1