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July 15, 1936 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1936-07-15

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Two Negroes Tie For New High Jump Record

-Associated Press Photo
Among the high spots of the final Olympic track and field tryouts in
the new Randalls Island stadium at New York were the twin leaps of
6 feet 9% inclies by Cornelius Johnson (left) of Compton, Calif., and
David Albritto'n (right), Ohio State, for a new world running high jump
Prof. Wilhelm Pauck Concludes
Sessions ofReligious Parley
(Continued from Page1) Urges Recognition Of
There are many grounds for spirit- Student Radicalism
ual resources in the Bible which have By JOSEPH S. MATTES
been unrealized Prof. Leroy Water- .
man, newly appointed chairman of Recognition of student radical
the degree program of religion and tendencies was urged upon religious
ethics, informed members of the Con- leaders of student communities by
ference of Religion yesterday on his Prpf. Wilhelm Pauck of the Chicago
second lecture to the group. Theological Seminary at a luncheon
seclueotheBibgrisop.nger meeting of the Religious Conference
"Because the Bible is no longer of yesterday in the Union.
popular interest doesn't mean ity ay
hasn't new resources. There are two Student opinions have come to
primary reasons for neglecting them. such a pitch that they have become
One is the assumption of knowing all radical, and we may as well recog-
there is to know about God and the nize it," Professor Pauck said.
other is the competition among sects He suggested that ministers at-
which makes each believe itself best tempt to understand the student be-
and therefore supreme in knowledge." fiefs and cooperate with them in
Professor Waterman continued, building their beliefs on a sound basis.
"No Christian organization seems to Taught Fundamentals
think it possible to do anything about Professor Pauck suggested that the
the suicide of the Christian religion. youth of today should be taught the
The Churches of Europe are fighting fundamentals of Christian religions,
an underdog fight for existance. The in contrast to treating the surface
situation this summer is more des- of religions. f
parate than ever before." Youth movements, such as the
Is Same As Judaism American Student Union and the
Youth Building a New World Move-
In pointing out what spiritual re- ment, were praised by Professor
sources have produced the pres- Pauck, and said to be significant.
ent religion, Professor Waterman The undergraduate life of today
stated that Christianity is much the was criticized by the speaker as not
same as Judaism, form the idea that being conducive to the peace and
the kingdom of God is all that mat- quiet that is necessary for the de-
ters and that earth doesn't count, to velopment of a sound religious phi-
the ritual of Christianity. losophy. The speaker pointed out
The Prophetic religion, which Pro- that it was seldom that an under-
fessor Waterman believes superior to graduate had a firm religious belief.
all others and which he believes in, "In the American system of edu-
offers the ideal solution to man. cation the student cannot be alone.
There are eight outstanding fea- American students are cast into a
tures. Among which are the follow- myriad of activities from the day they
ing: "No matter what man does, God enroll in college," Professor Pauck
can not change his attitude toward said.
man. Ritual is useless as a means of In his visits to theological schools,
pleasing the Lord. No external act the speaker said he found the stu-'
that one can do will effect God's at- dents had a profound illiteracy of re-
titude toward him. Everything de- ligion. "It is amazing how little
pends upon man's attitude toward our Christian students know of reli-
God. gions," he said.
Is Only Logical
Sanders Also Speaks "This is only logical," he said, "be-
OnReliio' Prcause the religious facilities are so
On eligious rogram inadequate. For example, in too
Prof. Henry A. Sanders, chairman many Sunday school classes the stu-
of the department of speech and lin- dents learn little, and in some cases
guistics, ' continued his lecture on even grow antagonistic to the
"Epistles of Paul in Third Century church."
Manuscripts" yesterday by showing Dr. Sheldon Harbach, supervisor
the members of the Conference on of the theological training school for
Religion some of the rare and val- University students, spoke on the in-
uable early manuscripts in the pos- cipient movement of training stu-
session of the University. dents of theology in psychiatry, so
The meeting was held in the map
room of the third floor of the General
Library because the manuscripts may
not be removed from the library.
Works from the third through the
sixth centuries were on display as
well as some fragments.

Costuming And
Scenic Effects
Of Play Copies
Both Miss Cohen, Wyckoff
Studied Elizabethan Era
Carefully For Details
'Continued from Pg n
a better sense of what they did at
that time."
The lighting effects also give the
mood of the scene, according to Mr.
"In the original play, the scene at
Dunbar was played in darkness, when
actually it was 8 p.m. in June and
must have been very light. That's
why I've elected to make it sunset," he
"We try to get a sense of dramatic
development with lights," he con-
tinued. "For example, Mary arrives in
Scotland in darkness; they are plot-
ting against her at dawn; she is seen
in the full hey-day of her power in
the morning; Riccio is murdered at
night; then again, at dawn, Elizabeth
finishes plotting her downfall and
the light slips from dawn to twi-
light; it is sunset when she and Both-
well are separated and night when she
is at prison.'
Down in the costume room, Miss
Cohen sat completely surrounded by
oceans of Elizabethan suits and
Details Are Authentic
"All the details of the costumes are
authentic and come from the por-
traits of each individual character as
he was in history," Fshe said. "We
have copied the Mary Stuart head-
dress and the contour of the caps ex-
actly as they were at that time. One I
might assume that Mary Stuart spent
most of her time in captivity having
her portrait painted," she said.
The transparent cape that Virginia
Frink as "Mary" will wear in the first
scene is a "copy of one that she was
often painted in. On the other hand
Sarah Pierce, as "Queen Elizabeth,"
will meet "Mary" in a costume which
is an exact copy of a portrait of her
done by Marc Gheeraerts.
"There are some 46 costumes and
the department has only been work-
ing two weeks on them," Miss Cohen
continued. "Practically every cos-
tume has a ruff and each ruff repre-
sents at least ten hours of work," she
explained," but we have had a splen-
did response from all of the Play
Production students."
Costumed Cotton Queen
Miss Cohen who does professional
costuming in New York during the
winter can hardly be baffled by a
quantity of work, however. Her last
achievement was the costuming of
the king and queen of Memphis for
the cotton carnival. These featured,
among other things, two large trains
costing nearly $1,000 apeice.
She also received a congressional
appointment to make some four
thousand costumes for the Yorktown
sesquicentennial pageant, in 1931.
"The population was so small,"
Miss Cohen recalled," that we had to
go 70 miles to Richmond if we wanted
a pin or a piece of elastic!"
Miss Cohen and Mr. Wyckoff, who
are really Mr. and Mrs. Wyckoff in
private life alsodo interior decorat-
ing in New York. They have both
'taught at Carnegie Tech and have
been assisting with the Repertory
Players for four seasons now.
that they can better understand the
problems of their congregation.
He cited the unusual access min-
isters have to the homes of their con-
gregation and suggested that they
could often help where doctors fail
in curing the psychological deficien-
cies of patients.

As a need for this type of train-
ing, Dr. Harbach mentioned the ne-
cessity that the theological student
learn to cope with the practical as
well as the theoretical.
At the University Hospital, Dr.
Harbach has been discussing the
problems that the students meet in
their half-time orderly positions.
Leaders in psychiatry and medicine
are asked to speak to the theological
students, also, he said.

-Associated Press Photo.
Lee Bartlett of Detroit, Mich., tossed the javelin 223 feet, 314 inches
at the final track and field tryouts in New York, to win a place on the
American Olympic team for the third time. He shares the three-time
distinction with Frank Wykoff of Glendale, Calif.

Detroiter Makes Olympic Team Third Time

Former Daily
Women's Head
Wed In Detroit
Carol Hanon, '34, Marries
Champaign, Ill., Man In
Garden Wedding
A simple garden ceremony, held
Saturday night at the home of the
tride's parents in Detroit, was the
setting for the marriage of Carol
Hanan, '34, former women's editor of
The Daily, and Cyril L. Darling of
Champaign, Ill.
Mrs. Darling, who is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. A.'P. Hanon, chose
for her wedding a gown of white lace
fitted to the knees, with organdy ruf-
fles around the hem. She wore tiny
gardenias in her hair and carried a
sheaf of calla lillies.
Her sister, Mrs. Wilbur Peterson,
was the only attendant, wearing flesh
colored chiffon, with a slight train
and a small ruffled chifon cape. Mrs.
Peterson carried a bouquet of pink
roses and larkspur.
The service was read by the Rev.
C. Wellington Hughes of St. Paul's
Cathedral. After the reception, Mr.
and Mrs. Darling left for a Great
Lakes' cruise. They will live in
leave their names in Room 15 Bar-
bour Gymnasium.
Mathematics Club. The Mathe-
matics Club will meet Thursday, July
16, at 4 p.m. in Room 231 A.H. The
speakers will be Prof. N. H. Anning
and Prof. R. V. Churchhill. All in-
terested are cordially invited to at-
The Michigan Dames cordially in-
vite the wives of all students and in-
ternes to attend a "get-acquainted"
tea in the garden of the Michigan
League Friday afternoon, July 17,
fromj3 to 5 p.m.
Teacher's Certificate Candidates:
All candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate to be granted on recommen-
dation-of the Faculty of the School of
Education at the end of the Summer
session are required to fill out ap-
plication blanks available in the of-
fice of the Recorder of the School of
Education, 1437 University Elemen-
tary School. These blanks should be
secured and filled out immediately.
The attention of students in the
Literary College is called to the fact
that this application is in addition to
the application made to the Commit-
tee on the Teacher's Certificate of
that College.
Students, College of Engineering:
Saturday, July 18, will be the final
day for dropping a course in the
Summer Session without record,
Courses may be dropped only with
the permission of the classifier after
conference with the instructor in the
A. H. Lovell, Secretary.

6:00--WJR Stevenson Sports.
WWJ Ty Tyson.
WXYZ Easy Aces.
CKLW Phil Marley's Music.
6:15-WJR Heroes of Today.
WWJ Dinner Music.
WXYZ Dayein Review.
CKLW Sports and News.
6:30-WJR Sports on Parade.
WWJ Bulletins.
WXYZ Rhythm Ramblings.
6:45-WJR Boake Carter.
WWJ Soloist.
CKLW SongsRecital.
7:00-WJR Cavalcade of America.
WWJ One Man's Family.
SWXYZ Folies de Paree.
CKLW Jazz Nocturne.
7:30--WJR Burns and Alien.
WWJ Wayne King's Music.
WXYZ Lavender and Old Lace. l
CKLW Music Box Review.
8 :00-JR Kay Tho moson: Andre
Ko~steanetz's Music.
WWJ Town Hall Tonight.
WXZ Kyte's Rhythmeers.
CKLW Charioteers.
8:15--CKLW Variety Revue.
WXYZ Concert Music.
8:30-WJR Come on Let's Sing.
WXYZ Band Box Review.
CKLW Grant Park Concert.
8:45-WXYZ Harry Heilmann.
9 :00-WJR "Gang Busters."
WWJ "Your Hit Parade."
WXYZ "Your Hit Parade."
CKLW Symphonic Strings.
9 :30-WJR March of Time.
CKLW Mart Kenny's Music.
9:45-WJR Rubinoff-Rea.
CKLW Bill McCune's Music.
10:00-WJR Duncan Moore.
WWJ Amos and Andy.
WXYZ Ted Lewis' Music.
CKLW Scores and News.
10:15-WJR Baseball Scores.
WWJ World Peaceways.
CKLW Lloyd Huntley's Music.
10:30--WXYZ Xavier Cugat's Music:
I WJR Don Bestor's Music.
WWJ Studio Hour.
CKLW Griff Williams' Music.
11:00-WJR Jan Garber's Music.
WWJ Troupers.
WXYZ Henry Foster.
CKLW Nat Brandewynne's Music.
Belie -Sharmeer
0 For cool comfort at its best,
wear Belle-SharrneerKnee-Length
Stockings. They fit with the same
perfection you adore in Belle-
Sharmeer regulars. These Knee-
Length Stockings are individually
sized in width and length. Ask for
your leg size by name and your foot
size by number... Brev for smalls,
Modite for middlings, Duchess for
talls. All topped with a dainty Las-
tex Lace garter. Here exclusively.

11:15--WWJ Dance Music.
CKLW 'Mystery Lady.
11:30-WJR Bernie Cummin's Music.
WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ Luigi Romanelli's Music.
CKLW Joe Sander's Music
12:00--WWJ Dance Music.
WXYZ Les Arquette's Music.
CKLW Dick Barrie's Music.
1:00 -CKLW Horace Heidt's Music.
(Continued from Page 2)
in Health Education throughout the
Niagara Falls Excursion: Reserva-
tions for the Niagara Falls excur-
sion, July 17 to 19, should be made
at the Office of the Summer Session
by Thursday noon, July 16. A deposit
of ' $8.90 for railroad fare will be
necessary at the time of reservation.
Physical Education: graduate and
undergraduate women students in
Physical Education are invited to a
swim in the Intramural Building on
Thursday evening at 9 p.m. The group
will meet in the lobby of the Intra-
mural Building at 10 minutes to 9.
Refreshments will be served on the
terrace of the Women's Athletic Bldg.
immediately after the swim. Women
students wishing to attend should

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