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July 15, 1936 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1936-07-15

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The Weather
Thunder Jhew-rs and cooler
tclay; moderate wmids.


A60 Ar
a X&


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Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Pauck Gives
Last Lecture
Of Conference
'Gives Three Alternatives
For Protestantism; 3-Day
Religious Parley Over
Recognition Of Red
Tendencies Urged
Waterman Says Spiritual
Resources Unrealized In
Afternoon Lecture
Three alternatives for the future
of Protestantism were presented yes-
terday to members of the Conference
on Religion by Prof. Wilhelm Pauck
of the Chicago Theological Institute
in his lecture on "The Outlookg for
Protestantism," the last of three
given for the -parley.
Individualism versus the church,
liberalism versus positivism and unit-
ed Protestantism versus denomina-
tionalism were the three possible
paths of the future growth of Pro-
testantism in the opinion of Professor
Do Not Identify Themselves
"There are many of the educated
middle class who do not identify
themselves with any denomination,
but follow their own religious philos-
ophy," Professor Pauck affirmed.
"The crises of the present day have
not caused a growth of church at-
tendance as was so often the case
under similar circumstances in his-
tory. Rather the number of regular
church attendants has decreased,
now forming only ten per cent of the
"This tendency of individualism in
religion is becoming characteristic
of a large group. It is possible that
the future of Protestants will tend
farther toward this individual wor-
The second alternative concerns
the nature of theology, according to
Professor Pauck, whether or not it
shall be liberal or positive. There are
two general features of the liberal
attitude, subjectivism and realitism.
Under these two features, all relative
experiences must be related to the
individual and must be seen with ref-
erence to time and place.
"Due to this basis, Christianity has
succeeded in outliving historic eras
by adjusting itself to changing cul-
tures. This was due to the insight
of the liberal theologians. However,"
Professor Pauck pointed out, "they
took it for granted that they would
preserve the Christian faith, but
here they were not so successful."
Warns Audience
Professor Pauck warned his audi-
ence against the kind of liberal who
turned to the Christianity of the 16th
century or of some other country for
his beliefs for American Protestants
cannot turn to the ritual of the Eng-
lish church nor can 20th century
thinkers take up 16th century con-
cepts as their own.
"Young theologians are in search
for something to give them stamina.
This can be done only by community
thinking," Professor Pauck stated.
As for the third alternative, de-
nominations versus united Protes-
tants, in Professor Pauck's opinion,
most Protestants agree that there
is no absolute division between the
sects. Unification may be either uni-

fied denominations or one neutral.
The difficulty lies in the fact that a
neutral church does not depict real
While people will surrender more
and more the prejudices of denom-
ination consciousness, they will fur-
ther unity, but at the same time
they will have to. give themselves to
new Protestantism. Sects entirely
different will dominate the eras to
come, Professor Pauck predicted.
These new denominations to emerge
which shall try to express Protes-
tantism consciousness will be based
in terms of politics and social con-
(Continued on Page 4)
Navy Man Held On

'Mary Of Scotland'

PELLSTON, Mich., July 14.-
(P)-While fire destroyed vir-
tually the entire business section
of this Emmet County village
with a loss of $75,000 early to-
day, Mrs. Loretta Chappell, tele-
phone operator, remained at her
post, appealing to nearby com-
munities for aid.
She left the switchboard only
when the Michigan Bell Tele-
phone exchange building itself
caught fire. It was one of six
business houses destroyed.
Lingual Theory
Of Strindberg
Called Invalid
Willey Says Author Was
Completely Ignorant Of
His Subject
Though August Strindberg achieved
great renown as a dramatist, his at-
tempts to prove his linguistic theory
that all languages are interrelated,
and are derived from one language,
Hebrew, were based upon "careless
and slipshod methods," and "com-
plete ignorance of the subject he was
dealing with," Prof. Norman L. Wil-
ley of the German department said
yesterday in addressing the luncheon
meeting of the Linguistic Institute.
Linguistics had long been a hobby
of the great dramatist, but, Profes-
sor Willey said, he firmly believed
that "with the lucid insight of a
practical man of mature experience,
free from the inhibitions of a Uni-
versity atmosphere, he was far super-
ior to the plodding lexicographers and
research scholars of his age."-
However, he pointed out that this
belief was delusion, and that, "In
nothing he has written does he give us
so detailed a view of the odd bats
hanging in his intellectual garret."
"To disclose the complete worth-
lessness of the research as well as the
slipshod methods of this philological
superman," he continued, "one need
only examine a portion of his work."
After enumerating many examples
where Strindberg showed a complete
lack ,of comprehension of his subject,
Professor Willey concluded by re-
marking, "Of Strindberg's philologi-
cal studies in Nahuatl, we may state
;hat he had no knowledge of the
simplest elements of the languages,
could not pronounce it correctly and
did not even copy accurately the plain
print of a Nahuatl dictionary."

Virginia Frink
To Have Lead
In Fourth Play
Repertory Players Open
'Mary Of Scotland' Here;
To Run For 4 Days
Harrell,.Nelson, And
Pierce Are Also Cast
Windt Is Director; Settings
And Costumes Specially
Virginia Frink will play the title
role in Maxwell Anderson's tragedy.
"Mary of Scotland," the fourth pro-
duction of the Michigan Repertory
Players, which will open a four-day
run at 8:30 p.m. today at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
The role of her husband, Henry,
Lord Darnley, will be played by Karl
Nelson, and Charles T. Harrell will
appear as Mary's lover, James Hep-
burn, Earl of Bothwell. Harrell,
Nelson, and Miss Prink are already
familiar to Summer Session audi-
ences, having appeared previously in
the farce comedy, "Squaring the
Sarah Pierce, who has been cast
this summer in "John Gabriel Bork-
man," will be seen as Queen Elizabeth
of England. Other important parts
will be played ,by Frederic O. Cran-
dall as John knox, Ralph Bell as
Maitland of Lethington, Milton Hal-
liday as the Earl of Moray, and Frank
Rollinger as Chatelard.
The role of the Due de Chatel-
herault will be taken by Truman
Smith, while Samuel Birnkrant will
appear as Rizzio, Queen Mary's sec-
retary. Jack Porter has been cast as
Lord Gordon.
Mary's ladies-in-waiting will be
Laurine Hager, Mary Lou Mehler,
Leone Lee, and Ruth LeRoux, and the
roles of the Scottish lords of Mary's
court will be taken by Frederick
James, Morris Greenstein,, William P.
Halstead,,Raymond Shoberg, and Jo-
seph Free.
Minor parts will be played by Ross
McPherson, Josh Roach, Morlye Baer,
Kenneth Wood, and Robert Rozema.
"Mary of Scotland" is under the
direction of Valentine B. Windt, di-
rector of the Players. Sets for the
production, which include reproduc-
tions of Queen Elizabeth's castle at
Whitehall, Queen Mary's Holyrood
House, Dunbar Castle and Carlisle
Castle, were specially designed by
Alexander Wyckoff, art director. Cos-
tumes were made from authentic de-
signs by Evelyn Cohen, costumiere.
Mci.illiii Says Big
Ten Football Best
CLEVELAND, July 14. --(/P) -Al-
vin N. (Bo.) McMillin, head football
coach at Indiana University, said to-
day that mid-western football, as
played by the Big Ten schools and by
Notre Dame, Marquette and Michigan
State, is the best all-around foot-
ball played in anypart of the coun-
Speaking before a group of Indiana
University alumni, McMillin said the
Eastern teams have more rugged line
play, the southwestern teams have
more spectacular passing play and
the Far West may excel in end play,
but the mid-western football teams
combine more all-around football
ability than the teams of any other

Federal Hand
In Education
Urged In Talk
Hutchins Emphasizes Need
For Guidance Of Young
Unemployed Graduates
Talks At Education
Conference Session
Reorganization Of State's
Education Plan Would
Take Ten Years
The need for Federal governmentalg
participation in the administration of
education and guidance for the
youths in school or already graduated
who face the prospect of unemploy-
ment was stressed by Dr. H. C. Hut-
chins of the Educational PoliciesI
Commissioninhis talk yesterday af- i
ternoon at the fourth session of the I
Summer Education Conference in theh
The reorganization of Michiganv
education will take 10 to 20 years, tt
according to Prof. Arthur B. Moehl-'
man who spoke at the third session e
f the conference yesterday morning e
on the subject "Basic Facts to be t
Considered in the Reorganization of
Michigan Education."
In the afternoon session, Dr. Hut- d
dhins presented the issues to be dis-
cussed under the question "What ij
New Educational Agencies Should be
Developed to Meet the Needs of Un- i
employed Youth?" +
At the fifth session of the Educa-b
tional Conference at 10 a.m. today inr
the Union an informal discussion will
be held on the trends in Michigan
High Schools with special reference
to requirements for University ac-
crediting and approval by the North 1
Central Association of Colleges andA
Secondary Schools. The discussions
will be conducted by Professor GeorgeZ
E. Carrothers and Harlan C. Koch oft
the University Bureau of Coopera-
tion with Educational Institutions.-
The topic for the afternoon session,Ia
which begins at 2 p.m. in the Union,d
will be "Is the Issue of AcademicV
Freedom Real or Imaginary?" Prof.
Stuart A. Courtis of the educationc
school will define the issues and Mo-i
wat G. Fraser, also of the education8
school, will lead the discussion.
Many recent trends were mentioneds
by Dr. Hutchins which make thes
schools of the present day more and
more responsible for the preparation
of youth to meet the increasing prob-
lems of today. The decline in birthc
rate, the speaker said, means thatv
fewer young children are coming in-
to the schools, hence affording op-
portunity for more attention to youthc
and adults.
The increasing centralization of
government has brought increasedr
governmental pressure on schools, has
made better social science teachingt
necessary if democracy is to be pre-~
served and has implied a need for so-j
cial responsibility, Dr. Hutchins said.
(Continued on Page 4)
A's Smash Out
13-Hit Barra e'
To Beat Tigers

Detroit Tigers lost an opportunity to,
gain on the League-leading Yankees
today, falling before the Athletics, 10
to 2.
Beaten two straight in the current
series, the A's won easily behind Har-
ry Kelley's seven-hit pitching and a
13-hit attack of their own off Eldon
Auker and Chad Kimsey.1
The Detroit infield also fell apart
committing four errors, two of them
by the usually reliable Charley Geh-
ringer at second base.
The A's concentrated their attack
in the third and seventh scoring nine
runs in these two innings.
Chubby Dean walked to open the
third. Moses singled. Auker walked
Puccinelli and Higgins, forcing in
Dean, and also bringing in Kimsey as
relief hurler. Johnson singled scoring
Moses. Kimsey threw wild to first,
Higgins, and Puccinelli scoring, John-
son going to third. He scored on a
wild pitch.
In the seventh Puccinelli and Hig-

Conditions Described As
Worst Since Influenza
Epidemic Of 1918
Minnesota Fatality
List TopsMichigan
Heat Cases Are Brought
To Twin City Hospital At
Rate Of 3 A Minute x
CHICAGO, July 14. - (P) - Strik-
ng heaviest, even as relief in the
hape of a cool rain-bearing air mass
was rolling eastward 33 miles an
hour, heat claimed its longest list of
ictims today.
The total number of fatalities for
he 12-day torrid spell which accel-
rated a crop deterioration un-
qualled previously in sections of the
arm belt, mounted to 2,827, up more
than 1,000 for Tuesday.
Conditions in several cities were de-
scribed locally as second only in the
death records to those which pre-
vailed during the great influenza epi-
demic of 1918.
Late reports and revisions of lists
n Minnesota sent that state's total
soaring to 560, topping even the fa-
tality roll of badly stricken Michigan,
before cooling thundershowers ar-
rived tonight.
Second Only To Flu Epidemic
The Hennepin County coroner
(Minneapolis) said the deaths, there
were exceeded for a like period only
by those during the influenza onset.
At the rate of "three a minute" dur-
ng the hottest part of a day which
saw a 106.5 degree maximum in the
Twin Cities, heat cases were brought
o the General Hospital.
In Chicago where 222 deaths were
totalled for the heat wave, morgue
attendants likewise described con-
ditions as surpassed only during the
war time epidemic.
The welcome rains sent the mer-
cury down rapidly. Minnesota read-
ings in the upper 70's and lower
80's quickly replaced those above 100
Minneapolis was drenched and the
storm at nearby -Norwood was de-
scribed as a "small tornado."
Sweeping rainstorms late today
also relieved central Michigan and
brought surcease from heat which
claimed 500 lives. The rain came
within 50 miles of Detroit.
Mercury Hits 120
Brawley, Calif., in the heat-accus-
tomed Imperial Valley had a 120-
degree reading but more than a score
of midwestern cities were not far be-
hind. The hottest place in the ter-
ritory was Mt. Vernon, Ill., with 114.5.
Only slightly less torrid were the 113
marks registered at Cedar Rapids,
Iowa; Kewanee and LaSalle, Ill.;
Wellington and Fredonia, Kan. Many
stations in Kentucky, Arkansas, Mis-
souri, Michigan, Oklahoma, Ohio,
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ne-
braska and North Dakota had read-
ings between 100 and 110 degrees.
To aid in ameliorating drought
conditions which have,, according to
one private estimate, caused crop
damage totalling a billion dollars,
Federal authorities in Washington,
poured out new relief funds. The
WPA allotted $1,500,000.

All Students May '
Hear Own Voices
On Studio Record
The opportunity to hear their
voices as only others hear it is avail-
able to Summer Session students in
Morris Hall, where a high fidelity rec-
ording machine will record their
voices, it was announced yesterday
by Turrell Uleman, assistant director
of University broadcasting.
The high fidelity recording ma-1
chine, whose recordings are excelled
from 30 to 6,000 cycles, a range wide
only by commercial records, will ar-
ticulately record all speech sounds1
enough to give a naturalness to
speech that has not been achieved
The records are of alumnium with
an aceta compound veneer and
come in three different sizes: 8-inch,
10-inch and 12-inch.
All students of speech 151 and 152
are required to have their voices rec-
orded, on one side of the record at,
the beginning of the Summer Ses-
sion and on the other during the final
week. The recordings are responsible
for better instruction, for the instruc-
tor can better point out to the student
his speech deficiencies when the stu-
dent can hear his voice as others hear
The fee for the various recordings
and the time limit (for one side only)
are as follows: 8-inch recording;
$1.90, 2z/2 minutes; 10-inch record-
ings; $2.40, 3% minutes; and 12-inch
recordings; $2.80, 4% minutes.
Dr. Sturgis To
Give Speech On
Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis ,director of
the Simpson Memorial Research In-
stitute, will lecture on "Anemia" as
one of the Summer Session lectures at
5 p.m. today in Natural Science Audi-
Dr. Sturgis will discuss the symp-
toms and causes of the disease and
elaborate on the various cures now
used in this country. The study of
anemia has occupied much of the
time of the Simpson Memorial Re-
search Institute, where a compre-
hensive study of it has been made.
Following a teaching career at Har-
vard and professional practice in the
Collis P. Huntington Hospital and the
Peter Brent Birgham Hospital, Dr.
Sturgis came to Michigan as a full
professor in 1927. He was appointed
director of the Simpson Memorial
Research Institute the same year.
The following year Dr. Sturgis was
appointed director of the department
of internal medicine.
According to Prof. Louis M. Eich,
secretary of the Summer Session, Dr.
Raphael Isaacs, assistant director of
the Simpson Institute, will speak if
Dr. Sturgis, who has been away from
Ann Arbor since June 28, does not re-
turn in time.

Ann Arbor's Thermometer
Drops Thirteen Degrees
In Two Hours
Several Are Hurt
In Storm At Ionia
State's Heat Deaths Are
Estimated At 511; Rain
Sweeps Central Portion
At least temporary relief from the
blistering heat of the last seven days
came to Ann Arbor at approximate-
ly 2:30 p.m. yesterday when a cooling
breeze, accompanied by threatening
rain clouds swept over the city, low-
ering the thermometer 13 degrees in
an hour and a half.
The rain passed over but the breeze
remained and at 7 p.m., the time of
the last reading taken by the Univer-
sity observatory, the temperature was.
The highest temperature for the
day was at 2 p.m. when the thermo-
meter showed 102.8 degrees.
No prostrations were reported.
DETROIT, July 14.-- W)- Rain
in central Michigan and cooling
breezes elsewhere brought life-saving
relief this a4trnoon, on the seventh
day of the te's worst heat wave
which caused-or hastened-at least
511 deaths.
The relief was accompanied by
violence at Ionia, where three per-
sons were injured by a sudden wind
storm. A garage roof, carried for
two blocks by the wind, crashed into
the rear of a dwelling, injuring Mrs.
Henry Stackin, 37, and her son, Don-
ald, 16. The wind demolished a gas-
oline station, injuring Robert Rockey,
16, an attendant.
Mrs. Stackin suffered fractures of
both legs. Her son also suffered a
leg fracture.
Heavy Damage Reported
Extensive damage was reported at
the Ionia fair grounds. Power and
telephone lines were torn down.
At Island Lake, 40 miles from De-
troit, trees were uprooted and small
buildings unroofed by a high wind.
No rain fell in Detroit, but the
temperature dropped from 104, re-
corded during the afternoon, to 81.
at 7 p.m.
Heavy showers fell at Lansing.
Temperatures fell from 101 into the
80's--then climbed back into the
Port Huron, Bay City and Saginaw
were spared a seventh day of the
sweltering weather when a 20-mile
breeze swept in from Lake Huron to
drive the mercury down and bring
relief to resorters at Port Huron the
thermometer dropped 12 degrees
within an hour and stood at 79. Bay
City had 82 and Saginaw 88 at mid-
The Detroit weather bureau prom-
ised relief in eastern and northern
Michigan tonight by scattered thun-
dershowers and breezes. If the cool-
ing wind shifted southward over Lake
St. Clair Detroit was expected to ex-
perience a sharp temperature drop
from the 103 recorded here.
Midafternoon highs recorded in the
state included a record 104 degree
reading at Battle Creek, 105 at, Mt.
Clemens, 104 at Bay'City, and 101
at Grand Rapids and Pontia.
Adrian'stemperature set a record for
the second time in a week when a,
reading of 108 was recorded there at
2 p.m. Jackson had 106, Hillsdale 105
and Flint a high of 98.
3 More Deaths Reported
On the seventh day of the state's
unprecedented heat wave, its death
toll stood highest in the nation. De-
troit, worst hit because of the sudden
rise from recent cool weather, to-
taled its deaths for the week at 320.
, At least 175 more were recorded in
outstate cities and rural sections,
some of them from drowning as thou-
sands sought refuge from the heat on

yriver and lake beaches.
Dr. Beit U. Estabrook, deputy
health commissioner, said Detroit's
high death toll was accounted for
partly because all deaths where heat
e was contributory had been recorded
as ,from heat. "For instance," he
g said, "there were 143 deaths Monday

Cool Breezes, Showers
Snap Seven Day Torrid
Spell; 2 ,387 Are Dead

Education Of Henry Adams,
Artist-Critic, Discussed By Spiller

"The education of Henry Adams"
was discussed not as a history of the
modern age, but as a literary work of
art "that taught man to interpret his
experiences to himself" by Prof. Rob-
ert E. Spiller of Swarthmore College,
a member of the Summer Session
faculty, yesterday in Natural Science
Auditorium. His lecture was entitled
"Henry Adams, Artist and Critic of
the Modern Age."

not living up to the Adams tradi-
. This led to Adams' belief that he
had been a failure, which he statedJ
in "The Education of Henry Adams,"t
but gave him the experience of study-
ing man's internal conflicts, the
speaker said.
In denying that Adams had been a
failure, Professor Spiller pointed out
that he was a historian of first ra'k,
and that by not participating in ac-
tive life, one reason why Adams
thought he had failed, he had gained
that detachment which contributed
to his philosophy. In addition, the
speaker said, he wasone of the great
stylists of- his period.
Shortly before the end of the nine-
teenth century Adams became inter-
ested in science, and was introduced

Costuming And Scenic Effects Of
Anderson Drama Are Authentic
By ELSIE ROXBOROUGH an expedient plan in enabling the
audience to see what time of day it
Those who will have the pleasure was.
of sitting in the cool Lydia Mendel- Magically enough, the entire show
ssohn theatre tonight to see Maxwell is iun on four pieces including three
Anderson's dramatization of the wagons and the back wall of Holly-
tragic life of Mary of Scotland will rood House. The wagons revolve and
feel as though they really are in the recombine in different positions.
court of that lovely queen when they "And at the same time I have tried
view the elaborate costumes and ex- to make them fairly unrecognizable in
travagant sets of Evelyn Cohen and their various positions," he said.
Alexander Wyckoff, guest directors ( Mr. Wyckoff pointed out the num-
for the Repertory Players. erous heavy sets which completely
"The problem was handling the filled the stage and gave the appear-
scenery," Mr. Wyckoff said. "The ance of a very expensive Ziegfield
thing had to be fairly solid and plaus- show.
ible to convey the mood, since we're "The room gives a huge effect," h
dealing with a tangible situation, and said referring to Holyrood House
at the same time be as handable as "but that's because we have the big
nncih1." f'itP1aee 'downs~taae~ and the small


iiLspion age u.arge From two "points of departure,"
Professor Spiller said, Henry Adams
WASHINGTON, July 14.--John taught man to interpret his experi-
S. Farnsworth, a former lieutenant ences: (1) Man's adjustment to the
commander in the navy, was held primal forces within himself; and (2)
~"ri d in h tnay, wa hedthe mechanistic inhuman determi-

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