Host Of Track,
Field Stars To
Compete Today
300 Athletes Competing
For Berlin Olympic Team
At Randall's Island
NEW YORK, July 10. - ( P) -
Nearly 300 of Uncle Sam's foremost
track and field athletes today awaited
the starter's gun for the final drive
down the qualifying trail that leads to
the Olympic Games in Berlin.
The final American trials, quad-
rennially the greatest carnival of its
kind in the country, will be held in
the new municipal stadium on Ran-
dalls' Island tomorrow and Sunday.
With only sixty berths available,
four athletes will fail for one that
makes the grade.
Twenty-two members of the 1932
team will be in the field among them
Frank Wykoff, who went to the 100
meters final at Amsterdam in 1928
and ran on the winning 400 meter
relay team in 1932; John Anderson
and Eddie Gordon, discus and broad
jump champions, respectively.
Three In Each Event
The first three in each of seven-
teen events will gain olympic assign-
ments. The personnel of the 400 and
1,600 meter relay teams will be se-
lected from among the sprint candi-
Motion pictures will be taken of all
finishes and in cases where judges
disagree the camera will decide.
The weather prospects are for con-
tinued clear and oven-like heat. The
stifling temperature may handicap
the runners, but from the all-impor-
tant financial standpoint it height-
ened the chances of attracting a ca-
.. pacity gate and raising the $40,000
needed to finance the team.
Finals in the 100-meter dash, broad
jump and hammer throw will be de-
cided tomorrow.
Coffee-colored Jesse Owens, Ohio
State's star sprinter and jumper, will
have the spotlight on the opening
day. The Mercury-footed Negro is
entered in the century and the broad
jump and rules head and shoulders
above the field in these events.
Owens Faces Metcalfe
Owens has been unbeatable this
year in the broad jump, in which he
has cleared 26 feet, 81/4 inches for a
pending world record, but he may
have trouble in the 100 where Ralph'
Metcalfe, Marquette Negro ace, looms
as his most formidable rival. Owens,
hoping to gain an Olympic "triple,"
also will toe the mark in the 200
meters sprint Sunday.
The 800 meter run apparently of-
fers the best prospect for a new world
record. Ben Eastman, co-holder of
the universal mark of 1:49.8 may be
driven to even faster time to clinch
an Olympic berth. Stacked against
him are Ohio State's Charley Bee-
tham, the National champion, John
Woodruff and the veteran Chuck
Hornbostel, all of whom have been
clocked under 1:51.
The competition again will bring
. together Americas outstanding "met-
ric mile" rivals in the 1,500 meters
with the possibility that one or two
of the triumvirate, Glenn Cunning-
. ham, Gene Venzke and Bill Bonthron
may be squeezed out by Archie San
Romani, of Emporia (Kan.) Teachers,
the National collegiate champion.'
Californians Rule 400
Cunningham, who won at Prince-
ton last week virtually is conceded a
place and appears the man to beat.
Bonthron and Venzke may find their
Olympic hopes seriously jeopardized.
The 400 meter race loomed a dog
fight among the Californians, Jimmy
Luvalle, Archie Williams, Harold
Smallwood and Al Fitch, with Syra-
cuse's Eddie O'Brien and Jack Hoff-
stetter of Dartmouth also making
George Varoff, San Francisco's 22-
year-old pole-voulting janitor who
soared to a new world record height
of 14 feet, 61 inches last Saturday,
figures to top the field but it is un-
likely he or the others will approach
that mark. During recent workouts
Two Instantly
Killed In Auto
Wreck; 2 Hurt
Car Collides With Truck
On Stadium Boulevard;
Clips Telephone Pole
(Continued rcm Page 1)
route from Benton Harbor to De-
troit. Another truck was backed
up to it this morning and the freight
transferred, before the wreckage
could be removed.
Coroner Edwin C. Ganzhorn im-
panelled a jury for the inquest com-
posed of Clarence Aprill, S. State Rd.,
Carl Weisenreder, 1201 W. Liberty St.,
L. D, Thomas, 1252 S. State St., Er-
nest Allmendinger, 814 Henry St.,
Kenneth Chapman, 1505 White St.,
and William Sell, 305 Pauline Blvd.
The family in the Chapman home
at 1505 White St. was eating break-
fnol-rrrh n .tha , ae + he r -,. n r i
Antiquated Auto Hides $112,000 Fortune
-Associated Press Photo.
Behind this 1911 automobile Louis Voss, administrator of the Henry
Iwers estate at Tipton, Ia., discovered $112,000 in gold coin and gold
and silver certificates. The fortune was in an iron box in a machine
shed on the Iwers farm.
All-City Tennis
Meets Entries
Are Due Today
Play Will Begin Monday;
Three Divisions May Be
Entries for the all-city tennis tour-
nament will close at 6 p.m. tonight,
Moe's Sport Shop, regular sponsor of
the annual tournament, announced
About 50 entries for the men's
singles had already been received
last night, together with 25 for wom-
en's singles, 12 for the mixed doubles,
and about 15 teams for the men's
doubles. In the junior, novice, and
women's doubles divisions, however,
entries have been light, so that un-
less more entries come in for those
classes before closing time tonight
/the tournaments in the three divi-
sions will have to be abandoned.
Play will start Monday morning,
with the drawings made either late
Saturday night or Sunday morning,
fnd contestants will be able to find
,their opponent's names by phoning or
calling at the North University store.
Entries may be made at either branch.
The officials of the tournament ex-
pect to have all first round matches
completed by Thursday. Four courts
at Palmer Field have been reserved
for the contestants, but matches may
be played at any other court upon
which the players agree.
Leroy Wier, winner of men's
singles in last year's city tournament,
is again in Ann Arbor this summer,
but will be unable to play because
of a foot injury. In the women's
singles last year's champion, Merida
Hobart( is again entered. Competi-
tion is expected to be especially keen
in the former event, with at least six
leading entries of about equal ability,
according, to the officials, and any
number of promising dark horses._
at Randall's Island the vaulters com-
plained of the take-off pit.
The Californians' Earle Meadows,
Bill Graber and Bill Sefton and
Dave Weichert, of Rice Institute fig-
ure to give Varoff his principle op-
In the high jump Walter Marty,
who holds the world record of 6 feet,
9%/ inches, will meet formidable com-
petition from Cornelius Johnson of
Los Angeles, Dave Albritton and Mel
Walker of Ohio State, and Ed Burke
of Marquette.
The South has a clear cut edge in
the hurdles. Georgia's Forrest (Spec)
Towns, clocked five times in 14.1,
ruled the favorite at 110 meters, and
Glenn Hardin of Louisiana State,
appeared the No. 1 man at 400 meters.
Alton Terry, of Hardin-Simmons
University, Texas, and Lee Bartlett
of Union City, Mich., top the field
in the javelin throw. Bartlett led the
Americans in the javelin event with a
fifth place at Los Angeles four years
Governor Fitzgerald Will
Address Calumet Eagles
CALUMET, Mich., July 10.-(P)-
An address by Gov. Frank D. Fitzger-
ald will feature the banquet of the
31st Michigan convention of the fra-
ternal order of Eagles Saturday night.
A business session will be held Satur-
day morning and a huge parade will
precede the banquet. The conven-
tion closes Sunday with a business
session, a picnic and a dance.
Gov. Fitzgerald also will attend the
annual nicnic of the Conner Country
Gasoline Company
Must Show Permit
The L. A. Smith Company of De-
troit, gasoline trucking firm, has been
ordered to produce evidence of a spe-
cial permit required by law to truck
gasoline at night, in connection with a
collision at 3:15 a.m. Tuesday just
east of Ypsilanti on Michigan Avenue,
in which a Detroit Negro woman lost
her life. Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp
revealed yesterday.
The woman, Annie Given, 32 years
old, 5518 Talbot, Detroit, was burned
to death when collision of the truck
with her parked car left her pinned
in the blazing wreckage.
Her husband, Gus Given, has been
held for negligent homicide since
the accident by state police. Accord-
ing to the accident report, he had
left his car parked withoutrlights and
on the wrong side of the road while
he walked into town to repair a flat
tire. Steve Bourgeois, 78 Stoner,
Detroit, driver of the truck, was re-
leased after questioning.
Army Officer Dies
After Balloon Crash
ANADARKO, Okla., July 10.-()-
One army sergeant was killed and
two others burned seriously today
when an army balloon crashed near
Cogar, Okla., and burst into flames.
The dead: Master Sergeant Ralph
J. Rumple.
The injured: Stay Sergeant Doug-
las M. Tucker; Staff Sergeant Poseph
Capt. F. D. Lynch escaped with
minor injuries.
Tucker was burned about the
shoulders and legs and Murray suf-
fered body and leg injuries.
Private Harold Dawson of Fort
Sill, one of four soldiers following the
spherical balloon in a truck, said the
bag had been losing altitude and sud-
denly crashed into a blackjack thick-
et, one mile northwest of Cogar.'
Dawson said they had been having
difficulty keeping the bag aloft, and
had been forced to throw out ballast
one-half mile north of Anadarko.
PONTIAC, July 10.-()-Albert
Brust, 25, of Clawson, suffered fatal
injuries Friday when a truck load of
gravel fell on him as he forced the
dump gate open on the truck. Brust
was hauling gravel to a WPA proj-
ect at Lakeville.
Frank Murphy
Seeks To Run
For Governor
Resignation Of Philippine
Executive Refused Until
After Primaries
DETROIT, July 10.-(A)--Frank
Murphy, Philippine high commission-
er, returned from Washington today,
confirmed his decision to seek the
Democratic nomination for governor
in the primaries and announced that
his campaign would be largely a
"week-end" affair.
"I will campaign actively," Murphy
said, "but it will be necessary for me
to spend most of my time in Wash-
ington, in connection with Philip-
pine affairs until my leave of absence
commences Sept. 5."
Murphy tendered his resignation as
Philippine high commissioner to
President Roosevelt, but the Presi-
dent declined to accept it immediate-
ly, planning instead to give Murphy
a leave of absence for two months
commencing Sept. 5. By the time the
leave expires Murphy's fate in the
Sept. 15 primary and the November
general election will have been de-
Mentions Platform
Murphy said in a formal statement
that if elected he would seek a mod-
ernized and simplified state govern-
ment and a non-political judiciary.
"If I should be nominated and
elected," he said, "it would be my
aim to establish in this state those
humane and enlightened social con-
ditions envisioned by the New Deal.
* * * * To insure sound and stable
government, public expenditures
should not be permitted to exceed
income except in conditions of ex-
treme public emergency."
At least one of three other candi-
dates for the Democratic nomination
has no intention of making way for
Murphy in the primaries.
George W. Welsh, one time Repub-
lican Lieutenant Governor of Michi-
gan, said emphatically that he plan-
ned to go ahead with his campaign
and would ask no help from Wash-
Schroeder Withdraws
George A. Schroeder, speaker of
the House of Representatives, told
Murphy today that he would with-
draw his announced candidacy for
the governorship. What Elmer B.
O'Hara plans to do remained unde-
termined. When he announced him-
self a candidate for the nomination
he explained his campaign would be
made on a "vindication platform."
O'Hara was convicted of vote theft
in the celebrated recount case grow-
ing out of the 1934 state election.
Murphy's announcement ended a
long period of uncertainty for Demo-
cratic leaders in the State, although
there still are some factors to be
reckoned with. The plans of Frank
A. Picard have not been clearly de-
fined, although many political ob-
servers expected him to remain out
of the governorship race if Murphy
Picard issued a statement saying he
might be a candidate if the candi-
dates now in the field did not take
what he considered a proper stand on
the question of liquor control. A
former chairman of the State Liquor
Control Commission, Picard favors an
even more rigid control of the liquor
situation by the State.
Graduates of Denison University,
Granville, O., gathered recently at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. Lionel Crocker
for a Sunday night supper. Dr.
Crocker, who is head of the depart-
ment of speech at Dennison, is a
member of the visiting faculty of the
speech department here for the sum-
Chicago Police Quiz Hate Of Slaying Suspect
--As-socIated Press Photo.
Edward Freed, tavern owner and husband of Ruth Freed, sought by
authorities for questioning in the slaying of Audrey Vallette, 31-year-
old "platinum blonde butterfly," is shown at right, after he voluntarily
surrendered to Chicago police. Ie told Capt. Andrew Barry (left), he
had neither seen nor heard from his wife since the slaying and asserted
he "can't believe" she did it.
Record - Breaking Heat, Drought
Continue; Deaths Placed At 421
Bell Telephone
Accepts Slash
Charges Cut $1,500,000
A Year By Recent Order
Of State Commission
DETROIT, July 10.-(P)-A 25-
year war apparently ended today
with formal notice by the Michigan
Bell Telephone Company of its "pro-
visional acceptance" of a recent state
order reducing telephone charges $1,-
500,000 a year.
G. M. Welch, president of the tele-
phone company, announced the order
would be accepted but the company
reserved the right to contest the low-
er rates if revenues under the reduc-
tions proved "inadequate."
The company's decision was hailed
as a victory in Lansing by William
M. Smith, chairman of the State Pub-
lic Utility Commission which issued
the rate reduction order. He com
mented that the company's proviso
"doesn't mean a thing."
"The company always can contest
rates if they prove to be inadequate,"
Smith said. "The proviso doesn't
give the company any right it doesn't
have anyway."
Smith said he hoped most of the
reductions could be made effective
as of July 1.
Welch's announcement said that
the suit in United States District
Court, pending since 1926, would be
withdrawn, leaving no telephone rate
litigation in Michigan for the first
time in 25 years.
State officials recently estimated
that telephone litigation during the
past 15 years has cost the state $2,-
In accepting the new rates, the
company contends, Welch said, that
it, is "only fair and reasonable to
ask the public and the commission
for an expeditious adjustment in the
future if the experience under the
new rates indicates that they are not
fair to the company."
Major objections of the company to
the commission's findings included
the evaluation of telephone property
used in interstate service at only
$145,000,000, the determination of
5.5 per cent as a fair rate of return,
and the reduction to 3 per cent of
the allowance to be set aside for de-
Mayor Kelly Late For
Blonde Date, Gets Left
CHICAGO, July 10.--(W)-A queen
X iss Great Lakes, became tired of
waiting for Mayor Edward J. Kelly
to receive her today and tore into bits
the mayor's engraved official invi-
tation to Cleveland's 100-day Great
Lakes Exposition.
The blonde emissary of good will,
Suzanne Saunders of Cleveland,
pouted in her (Palmer House) hotel
"Well, I've never had to beg for a
date," she said, "and I'm not start-
ing now."
(Continued from Page 1)
workers placed at the disposal of the
State ConservationaDepartment for
fire fighting and patrol work.
Water, ice and beverage consump-
tion broke State records as 0-tate res-
idents sought to keep cool even in
the sweltering shade. Detroit's wa-
ter consumption topped the all time
record when 386,000,000 gallons were
used Thursday. Thirsty Detroiters
drank not only water, but approxi-
mately 2,000,000 eight ounce glasses
of beer during the day. Which in
round numbers mcan, 4,500 barrels.
Having A Good Time,
Wrish You Were HereI
LONDON, July 10.-(/')--It was
"wish your were here" weather on
England's south coast today, with
slushy, icy, hail in the streets- at
Eastbourne and a spotted weather
map on the continent.
Europe found time to sympathize
with sweltering America while view-
ing conditions that ranged from
serious storms off the northern Span-
ish coast to bright and balmy skies
in parts of the mid-continent.
Twenty deaths, most of them of
fishermen lost at sea, were reported
in northern Spain.
Britain, with rain over most of the
country cancelling numerous sports
events, had the most freakish condi-
In mid-Europe Austria had a
bright day with the mercury around
80 following heavy rains yesterday
and storms earlier in the week. Rain
fell over parts of Germany, cooling
off following a neat wave. Berlin
was bright and balmy.
Drought Plays Hob
With Reputations
CHICAGO, July 10.-(P)--The
folks in Satan's Kingdom scorched
today and Saints' Rest was calm and
cool, but the drought' played hob
with some other reputations.
The places and the temperatures:
Satan's Kingdom, Conn., 120 de-
Saints' Rest, Calif., 64.
Cool, Iowa, 100.
Agua Caliente (hot water), Mex.,
Frost, Tex., 96.
Furnaceville, Calif., 78.
Breezy Point, Minn., 100.
Coldwater, Kan., 96.
Klondike, Tex., 96.
Cold Springs, Minn., 106.
But Soda Springs, Calif., was 39 de-
grees; Sun Prairie, Wis., 106 in the
shade; Firesteel, S. D., 110, and Hell-
town, Mich., was so hot thermometers
broke after the mercury hit 120.
- *
-VI%7 4 y t
A True Synonym for
Paper Drinking Cups!
Paper Drinking
the traditional
Cups are
choice of
NEWS to our colonial forefathers
was entrusted to a lusty voiced citi-
zen, the Town Crier. Through the
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wind! Today a network of wires
covering the country and cables that
conquer the wide spaces of the set
carry the day's news-in
all people who desire the
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They are the most Sani-
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yet are inexpensive- and
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business establishment.
Let us equip your office today
with LILY- TULIP " Personal
Service" Cups.
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