H IC.-.-- [I( ,F l X...,,AV.SJtUJ
Official Publication of the. Summer Session
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service,
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Editorial Director................Marshall D. Shulman
dramatic Critic .................... .John W. Pritchard
Assistant Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Ralph W. Hurd,
Joseph S. Mattes, Elsie A. Pierce, Tuure Tenander, Jewel
W. Wuerfel.
*,eporters: Eleanor Bare, Donal Burns, Mary Delnay, M. E.
Graban, John Hilpert, Richard E. Lorch, Vincent Moore,
Elsie Roxborough, William Sours, Dorothea Staebier.
Telephone 2-1214
CREDITS MANAGER....................JOHN R. PARK
Circulation Manager..................J. Caneron Hall
Office Manager --...........................Robert Lodge
Letters published in this counmn should not be
construed as expressing the eitorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as conlidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all 'utters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial imuortane
and interest to the campus.
Open Letter To Pres. Ruthven
Dear Sir:
Having left for California the day after Com-
mencement I have only just received clippings
showing that Commencement Exercises and espe-
cially your speech were interfered with by my
flying over Ferry Field.
As late as it is I would like to apologize for the
disturbance which I caused. At the time I had
no idea that the speeches had started as I had
called The Daily and had been told that they were
to start at 6:00 and I therefore left shortly before
that time.
Another thing I would like to have understood
is that I was flying well above the height required
by law.
No blame at all should be placed on the local
airport from which I flew as they had no idea
where I was going at the time I took off.
I am very sorry that this should have happened
and hope that the situation is understood.
Humbly yours, /
-"The Pilot over Commeicemet."
Next, Mr. Hamilton ?
To the Editor:
I note in today's Daily that Mr. John D. M. Ham-
ilton asks who 'Economic Royalty' represents in
the United States.
In an interview with John L. Lewis, president
of the United Mine Workers, that gentleman was
asked why he, a life-long Republican and a man
once mentioned for the position of Secretary of
Labor in Harding's Cabinet, now comes out for
Democrat Roosevelt, and induces his miners' union
to do the same, he answers, "Because the President,
like the elder LaFollette, like Theodore Roosevelt,
Woodrow Wilson, and Senators Norris and Wag-
ner, is waging a war against the industrial and
financial dictatorship which has been in the saddle
in this country for the' last thirty years!" (The
New York Post, Friday, July 3, 1936).
The above answers Mr. Hamilton's question.
-A Reader.
Attention is called to the rule that corre-
spondence to the editor must be signed. Names
of correspondents will be omitted upon request.
Hamlin Garland Highway is the new name given
by South Dakota to the highway that passes the
Garland homestead in Brown County. A ten-
ton boulder marked with a bronze plate is to be
placed in the dooryard of the farm.
"The great problem of our time is to see whether
we can recreate economic and social democracy
with political democracy as our only weapon ...
The job of recreating American democracy is espe-
cially the job of the teacher and the schools . .."
-George S. Counts.
Can there be a more horrible object in existence
than an eloquent man not speaking the truth?
By Virginia Watson; (Dutton).
AFTER a very few pages of Virginia Watson's
"The Featherlys" you begin to see the pattern.
When you meet the first of the English Featherlys
to take root in Virginia soil, a worthy young man
with two motherless children (thanks to the In-
dians), you know that he is going to struggle
against homesickness and privation and finally
decide to stick it out.
And that he is to be the first of a long line of1
Featherlys. When, out of the procession of years,
another Featherly takes shape in the person of
Molly, the brave, you sense a division of the fam-
ily. Sure enough, Molly meets her match, with
the generous help of coincidence. He is a young
Scot named Fergus McPherson, and he lives far to
the west; since the year is 1722, far to the west
means only the Blue Ridge mountains.
Against the wishes of her family, and especially
her brother Gilbert, Molly takes Fergus and de-
parts. And while the parent line of Featherlys
takes its part in the creation and sustenance of the
gracious life that was Virginia's pride, and even-
tually comes to hard times, the McPherson clan
is doing things out west.
You know all the time that after life has done
many hard things with both branches, they will
eventually come together. The author sees to it
that this happens in 1928, when Nina Featherly
Leftwich brings her daughter back to Virginia to
'buy Plumehurst, the ravaged but still lovely fam-
ily seat. A McPherson already owns Plumehurst.
There is a perfectly obvious answer to all this,
one so very obvious that even with the imperfect
preparation offered by this short piece it must
have occurred to you. And you are perfectly cor-
rect. Nevertheless, don't assume that "The Feath-
erlys" is dull merely because the story lacks
finesse. The novel is just what its author claims
-a Virginia tapestry. It's a little threadbare in
spots, but the tapestry as a whole makes its effect.
Book Notes
Lloyd George has completed the writing of his
war memoirs, it is reported from London. His long
work closes with the Armistice, and the task of
writing has occupied him for four years. He has
been asked to continue the story with two volumes
on the Peace Conference, and it is expected that he
will do so
* * * *
Genevieve Parkhurst has just received word
from the Minister of Propaganda in Rome that her
article on Florence, "City of Dreams Come True,"
which was published in March last year in
Good Housekeeping, has received the award which
the Italian Government gives annually for the
best article on Italy to be published in the foreign
press. The award usually amounts to 10,000 lire,
but because of the war it was cut to 2,000 this
Having sold over 100,000 copies of Negley Par-
son's "The Way of a Transgressor," Harcourt,
Brace have now decided to bring out a new illus-
trated edition with a first printing of 10,000 copies.
The new edition will be larger in format, the bind-
ing and jacket will be changed, and several half-
tones will be added.
The Turks are betting on a strait in the interna-
tional poker game. -Indianapolis Star.
VOL. XLV No. 11
Place a<
Notices Advertisin
The eta!
Students, College of Literature, o'clock p
Science, and the Arts: extr ch
No course may be elected for credit Cash in
after today. onebasis
ing linef
School of Education, Changes of Min leI hu
Elections: No course may be elected for twoo
for credit after Saturday, July 11; no three line
l0%{ dis
course may be dropped without pen- from the
alty after Saturday, July 25. Any 2 lines d
altyBy Cont
change of elections of students en- one mon
4 lnes EA
rolled in this school must be report- 4 lines BA
ed at the Registrar's office, Room 4, 100 lines
University Hall. "00 lines
1,000 lines
Membership in class does not cease 2,000 line
nor begin until all changes have based on
been thus officially registered. Ar- Ionic typ
6c per liii
rangements made with instructors are letters.
not official changes, bold face
10c per li1
capital le
The Graduate Outing Club will The ubo
meet at Lane Hall on Sunday, July
12 at 3 p.m. sharp where they will be
taken to Base Lake for a swim and [ .AUNDR
picnic supper, The approximate cost ed Me
will be 45c. Those who have cars our spely
should bring them in order to pro- at
vide transportation for every one. A dsfactio
refund will be made to those furnish- 7v.o
ing cars. All graduate students are 7oo
cordially invited to attend this and Hoover
other meetings of the club during -
the summer.
Summer Session French Club: The
next meeting of the club will take
place Tuesday, July 14 at '8 p.m. at
"Le Foyer Francais," 1414 Washte-
naw, on the occasion of the French
National Holiday. Prof. Rene Tala- - NO
mon of the French Department will
speak. The subject of his talk is
"Echos de France." There will be S(
French music. Please bring your
Charles E. Koella.
The second of the series of lectures FIG
on Prof. R. A. Fisher's contributions
to mathematical statistics will be giv-
en Tuesday at 2 p.m. in Room 3011 33A
A.H. The subject will be a continua- H
tion of the discussion of the method
of maximum likelihood.
Library Science Department: Fac-
ulty and students of the department T
of Library Science are most cordially
invited to attend a Get-Acquainted
Tea to be served in the Garden of
the Michigan League, Sunday, July
-12, at 6 p.m. Tickets may be pur-
chased from Mrs. Smith at the Study
Hall desk until this noon. Price 35
Niagara Falls Excursion: Reserva-
tions for the Niagara Falls excursion,
July 17 to 19, which is open to all stu-
(Continued on Page 3) __-_-__
advertisements with Classified
ng Department. Phone 2-1214.
assified columns closeat five
)revious to day of insertion.
anbers may be secured at no
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ith ....................8c
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used as desired ..........9c
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EXPERIENCED laundress doing stu-
dent laundry. Called for and de-
livered. Telephone 4863. 2x
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. lx
LOST: Sheaffer pen. Name on pen,
F. L. Apple. Return to lost and
found department, University Hall.
WANTED: Graduate student to share
apartment with young business
woman for summer school. Near
campus. Reasonable. Call 3448
evenings. 8
I omm
---- wwffjl
Y WANTED: Student Co-
n's shirts 10c. Silks, wools,
cialty. All bundles done sep-
. No markings. Personal sat-
n guaranteed. Call for and
Phone 5594 any time until
ck. Silver Laundry, 607 E.
r. 3x
ryme ing
/s. Louis
Minutes of Amazing
reavyweight Battte
RRes Square
It ]ertainly
Would ...
O "DOUBT he-thinks of himself as a
realist, this man Hugo Prager of
Zurich, Switzerland. In speaking before a group
of Rotarians this week in Virginia, Mr. Prager.
appealed for an increase of armaments in his
own country, and here.
"What counts," he said, "is only the certainty
that a possible aggressor will encounter real ob-
stinate resistance.
"It is this policy that obliges us at present to
spend great sums of money for modernizing our
army, especially for air protection."
Later, as a gesture which dismisses all peq.ce
efforts, he declares: "Certainly it would be nice
if we could spend the money, the time, the in-
telligence, for higher ideals. I mean if battle
would become unnecessary. But this for the time
being remains a dream. The world is not ready."
In the first place, the invasion from one of the
greater European powers which Mr. Prager fears
could not be stopped by little Switzerland even if
they converted all their resources into armaments.
(They actually did vote to borrow $98,250,0000 to
modernize their army and for air protection, re-
cently). To try to make Switzerland a military
power which would make Germany or Italy hesi-
tate would pauperize the country still further.
Secondly, it is saddening to hear a native of
Switzerland particularly dismiss peace efforts as
unworthy of support now. Switzerland, tradition-
ally the country of liberty and peace, the home of
the League of Nations, ought to be the most ag-
gressive nation in the fight for peace. Instead of
thinking in terms of world peace, however, Mr.
Prager, and presumably the great number who
voted the military appropriations are thinking
of protecting themselves--a particularly pernicious
policy in that additional armaments make more
difficult amicable international relations. The
attitude represented is precisely that of the "iso-
lationist," condemned by Professor Slosson in yes-
terday's Daily.
It is obvious that if each of the nations indi-
vidually adopts the attitude taken by little Swit-
zerland, peace is but a dream. Thank heaven that
there are citizens who can say more for peace
efforts than "certainly it would be nice." It cer-
tainly would have been nice, Mr. Prager, back
in 1914, if ..-
Constitution And The Drought
-Emergency Construction Doesn't Mean Basic Chang e-
(From the New York Times)
By Arthur Krock
People Vs.
OW SOME of the British people
at least feel about Great Britain's
betrayal of the League of Nations is indicated
by the elections at Derby Thursday.
The Labor party, weakened by bickerings be-
tween Laborites and Liberals, though both were
supporting the same candidate, in a surprising
ballot defeated the government candidate, and
entirely on the basis of the government's aban-
donment of sanctions and its foreign policy which
has spelled death to the League of Nations.
The election N ictory was regarded as the most
important in many months. The Labor candi-
date who won, Philip Noel Baker, former pro-
fessor of international relations at the University
of London, is regarded as one of the Labor party's
foremost experts on international affairs. His
seat in the House of Comrnons will help, if there
are further expressions of this same sentiment,.
to win for England a foreign policy less self-seek-
ing, less concerned about maintaining the status
quo than of laying the grounds for permanent
np-nit the fact that cracked nr chinned china-
PURSUING SOME constructions of the limita-
tions of Federal power by the Constitution, it
would be possible for a logician to demonstrate
that the Department of Agriculture is illegal. The
opinions of some- judges and the contentions of
some lawyers would not require carrying logic to
that point to prove that what the department is
now doing to relieve the drought is unconstitu-
But it would be a daring lawyer and a hardy
taxpaying litigant who would attempt to bring
the matter before the Supreme Court. If any
such there are, it is comforting to remember that
the drought will be over for this year and the bene-
fits of Federal relief policy will have been distribut-
ed before the case can arise for adjudication. The
drought, no respecter of State lines and seasons,
took on a national phase after the Supreme Court
had risen for its Summer session; and the healing
rains ,also interstate, are equally regardless of
boundaries and recesses. This being so, and the
crisis being what it is, it is fortunate that the
Department of Agriculture and the Resettlement
Administration have proceeded without worrying
over very fine points of law.
Constitution Ignored
In such desperate situations as that in which
the American farmland finds itself at present, the
Constitution gets tolerant construction or tem-
porarily goes on that "shelf" where Alfred E.
Smith suggested that it be placed during the emer-
gency of the spring of 1933. On that shelf it
rested when Jefferson made the deal for the
Louisiana Purchase and when Lincoln wrote the
Emancipation Proclamation. The Constitution
was tucked away there with the knowledge and
consent of the whole country when President
Roosevelt, without warrant from the charter,
ordered the bank holiday in March, 1933. And no
politician, however much he may declaim in speech
or platform for literal, construction as the only
safeguard of the nation's liberties, will raise his
voice to protest what Secretary Wallace and Ad-
ministrator Tugwell are doing to aid victims of
the drought.
office, but it is unlikely that lie would have raised
the issue if he were. Every one is agreed that des-
perate emergencies require immediate remedies.
Broken statutes are vulcanized by commanding
Prompt Aid Necessary
This is the crux of the- dispute between oppon-
ents and supporters of certain phases of the New
Deal, beginning to be lost sight of in the heat of
the campaign. Some people have developed their
dislike of the President and the New Deal to such
a pitch that they no longer make the valuable dis-
tinction between benevolent extensions of the law,
as it is presently constructed by the Supreme Court
majority, to meet violent emergencies; and at-
tempts to superimpose that emergency construc-
tion permanently upon the law.
The President's opposition can make out a good
case, up to 1936, to sustain the argument that
powers loaned by Congress or assumed by the Ex-
ecutive in a crisis have been used in attempts to
make permanent changes. It is true that by vote
of Congress and the popular mandate of 1934-
when the plain issue was whether the President
should be authorized to proceed with the New
Deal in his own way-the President got a rather
blind warrant to go ahead. But the courts are a
fundamental section of government, and some of
the checks administered to the New Deal by ju-
dicial decision properly and legally counterbalance
the mandate.
Exaggeration Not Needed
They have had their effect, despite the cam-
paign attempts now being made to prove that the
New Deal has proceeded steadily with illegal so-
cial reforms or has taken steps toward collectivism.
Except for the 1936 Tax Bill, or that part of it
which sought to carry out the economic principle
of redistributing wealth, the President has done
nothing this year which sustains the charge. To-
ward the budget, exclusive of relief, he has acted
as any conservative President would have; acted.
In the field of monetary policy there has been sta-
bilization of the dollar at home and abroad. The
President has his 1936 record to damage the gen-
eral assertion that socializing of the country has
gone on.
If his critics will bear that in mind, the enm-
Be gins-
The Campus Sale.
of the
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