NTH MTrTTTr.XN Tl .A TT_ N rT TTI A V TTTT.V I ft 1600 -i .3.. ir. y. . . 6. . . V.P ~ .21 19 .P tk 1 JU I '~1A T ?YTW A 4f r~mHuvuMT ruAr'xsrwrA TTwV a KIDAY, JULY lU, IUM a THE MICHIGAN DAILY Offical Publication of the Summer Session remedial agencies-schools, police, courts, churches leisure time, case work and planning agencies. 2. Take a census of problem children in every school. 3. Get behind Senator Orr's plan to provide state mental hygiene service for every Juvenile Court and major school system to cure these problem cases before they become delinquent. 4. See that your representatives in the legis- lature know that you are no longer proud of a pre-war probation system. You don't drive that style of car, so why not bring your citizenship up to date with your transportation? Our best county has 26 juvenile probation officers. Los An- geles, the same size, has 125! Try that as a chest- reducer. 5. Organize the cooperation. of your community agencies through special councils set up to focus on delinquency prevention. California 93; Mich- igan 27. he 6. Get busy! Crime marches on! Published every morning except Monday during tI University year and Summer Session by the Board Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associ tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS in a- The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted b3 Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.50, by mail, $2.0. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; b3 mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 42( Madison Ave., New York City.-400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL STAFF - Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR .............THOMAS E. GROEHN ASSOCIATE EDITOR ..............THOMAS H. KLEENE Editorial Director ....... ........Marshall D. Shulman Dramatc Critic.....................John W. Pritchard Assistant Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Ralph W. Hurd, Joseph S. Mattes, Elsie A. Pierce, Tuure Tenander, Jewel W. Wuerfel. 'eporters: Erleanor Barc, Donal Burns, Mary Delnay, M. E. Graban, John Hilpert, Richard E. 'Lorch, Vincent Moore, Elsie Roxborough, William Sours, Dorothea Staebler, BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER...........GEORGE H.- ATHERTON CREDITS MANAGER ....................JOHN R. PARK Circulation Manager .................J. Cameron Hall O.aager.........................Robert Lodge e ,i s As OthersSek Cooperatives And Competition The following is from an article in the July number: of Scribner's Magazine. It is reprinted in its present form from the United States News. By HENRY A. WALLACE (Secretary of Agriculture) Just Another Religious Conference?.. A THREE-DAY CONFERENCE on religion, annually a part of the Summer Session program, is scheduled to begin Sunday. Lectures and deliberative sessions con- sidering problems of such broad import as "Crit- ical Issues of Contemporary Culture," of such lim- ited import as "Epistles of Paul in Third Century Manuscripts," have been planned. A conference on religion possibly can, be su- premely worthwhile, probably may be worthless. The test of its worth lies in its contribution to the zolution of ordinary problems of ordinary people, even as you and I. Undisputably it is a fact that conventional re- ligion, as expressed in church worship, no longer enacts. a significant role in student life. All of us know, or have heard of, some student regularly attending church, but he or she is now the ex- ception, and the "average" student may be seen in church Easter Sunday. Undisputable, also, is the fact that few, if any, students are atheists. "Average" students believe in God, but God simply has no relation to, or influence upof', their daily activities. The con- cept of God may enter the classroom, when the discussion becomes philosophical, the term "God" may enter the golf course, when the remarks be- come profane, but to assert that divinity, con- sciously at least, affects student life is to betray one's ignorance of collegiana. At times of extreme stress, when a student feels himself "at rope's end," the thought of God as a possible "way out" will enter his mind, but more than likely will be dismissed as an evidence of weakness or self-deception. "I ignored God dur- ing fair weather, 'twould be cowardice to appeal of Him now," thinks the troubled student. Does all of this mean that students have an- swered for themselves the "why's" of existence? Or does it mean that students never have asked themselves these "why's"? Or does it mean that imperceptibly and unintentionally we have come to realize the futility of considering such prob- lems? Or does it mean that psychology, phil- osophy, ethics, sociology, anthropology, biology- never completed numbers of "ologies" or "isms"j are today partial-synonyms collectively defining{ that archaic word "religion." Or finally does it mean that some Browning-like intelligence of1 the distant future will brand our age as searingly as the .poet's- "What of soul was left, I wonder, When the music had to stop." -seared the age of renascent beaux arts? . These are not abstractions to be pummelledx about by philosophers and pedants, they consti- tute, when defined, the structure upon which are 1 based the solution of ordinary problems of ordi-a nary people, even as you and I. 1 Will this conference on religion aid us in con-E structing such a definition, or will it be just an-s s other conference on religion? We think it can,t if it has your help. THE DOCTRINE of States' rights, now invoked by the Supreme Court, was a barrier to prog- ress even in 1787, and was the cause of a terrible conflict in 1861. Today the States mark no eco- nomic boundaries that make sense, and they pro- vide only limited instruments for action to meet modern problems. Long ago the great corporations managed to break down States' rights when they interfered with corporate expansion. Today it is clear that States' rights are being invoked not for the rights which they defend, but for privileges they pro- tect . . . The dominant political idea of the future will probably have to do with the discovery of more adequate methods of obtaining unity in diversity. The totalitarian or corporative state represents the ultimate in unity, but it also represents the loss of democratic privileges which we hold so dear. It seems to me that the unity which we are seeking has to do with evolving a concept of the general welfare grounded in both political and eco- nomic democracy. With all the increasing empha- sis on unity and interdependence which seems to me to be inevitable during the next 30 years, it should not be forgotten that human welfare and happiness can only be expressed through indi- viduals ... Producers' cooperatives are not enough. For the most part.they merely take the place of middle- men and, while in many cases they save a sub- stantial part of the middleman's profit for the (producer, they do not have any very profound effect on the people whom they serve. The cooperative way of life must pervade the community and this means there must be con- sumers' cooperatives as well as producers' co- operatives, and ultimately industrial cooperatives. To live happily in a cooperative society takes an entirely different attitude of mind from that re- quired in a society where free competition is the dominating rule. It is my contention that the hereditary nature of many is as well adapted to one order of society as the other. In fact, I am inclined to think that by nature most men are better adapted to the cooperative form of society than to the competi- tive. Among economists the doctrine of free competi- tion has increasingly been abandoned during the past 40 years, but business men still cling to it, or think they do. Disillusionment is beginning to appear and the fault essentially is with the na- BOOKS EUROPE AND. EUROPEANS, by Count Carlo Sforza; (Bobbs-Merrill). THE nationalists, the jingoists, certain of the "interests" are bound (at the best) to accuse Count Carlo Sforza of undue optimism, provided any of them read his new "Europe and Europeans." "The good count," they may say, "is a splendid fellow, a perfectly splendid fellow. But that's not the way the world works. For (reduced to its lowest common denominat- or) Sforza's argument is simply that a European union must eventually come about :simply because the people, the mass of which you and I would be a part, will force. it. He is not ignorant or con- temptuous of the enormous forces of national- ism. He writes: "Our old reciprocal antipathies and our recent hatreds alone prevent us from perceiving that the European feeling has awakened in us Europeans far more than we suppose." Sforza believes that latter day statesmen such as Masaryk and Benes, know what is coming. These, "as is their duty, value the independence of their country; but they understand perfectly that a reconciliation of Eur- ope, even at the cost of common sacrifices, is its essential primordial condition." Sforza, also, is not so impressed by European war possibilities-this in the face of Mussolini's ambitions, and Hitler's threats. It is because, the Count believes, "no one in Europe, save a few crazy brains, believes in war any more-in the advan- tages of war, I mean. And if so many groups have taken on a bellicose air, it is mere sham for rea- sons of home politics, or defense of caste interests." And very shrewdly, he adds this: "It was only when the twentieth century brought out in the masses a spirit of social emancipation coupled with internationalism, thiat the upper classes all, everwhere, became warlike in appearance. This enabled them to say . . . 'Social reforms'? Per- haps. But first we must save our country, threat- ened, encircled. We must bend to a supreme na- tional need." There is much more, all very lucidly and logi- cally written. -J.S. John D. Rockefeller, Sr., ninety-seven years old this week, ascribes his longevity to the following list of health rules: 1. Never lose interest in life, business and the outside world. 2. Eat sparingly and at regular hours. 3. Take plenty of exercise, but not too much. 4. Get plenty of sleep. 5. Never allow yourself to become annoyed. 6. Get a lot of sunlight. 7. Drink as much milk as will agree with you. 8. Set a daily schedule of life and keep to it. 9. Obey your doctor and consult him often. 10. Don't overdo things. Thanks for the rules, Mr. Rockefeller. Now, how about the rules for becoming a multi-mil- lionaire? Here's a new one in the style of dress. Women of Rome are adopting the latest fashion in Italy, light coats on which is printed the map of Ethiopia. -The Daily Iowan. France has promised to pay some of her debt to this country. This, adds the Pierce City (Mo.) Leader-Journal, with what the political parties are offering to do, makes 1936 a promising year. ture of the ideas which have dominated the minds of the American people. The philosophy of the future will endeavor to reconcile the good which is in the competitive, individualistic and libertarian concepts of the nineteenth century with the cooperative concepts which seem to me destined to dominate the late twentieth century. Tigers Stretch Victory Streak CLASSIFIED Over Senators CLASSIFIED (Continued from Page1) ADVERTISING grounder to force Lewis, and Rogell Place advertisements with Classified completed a double play getting Stone Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. at first. The classified columns closeat five o'clock previous to day of insertion. Each team added a run in the Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. fourth, the Tigers when Walker Cash in advance 11e per reading line singled, stole second, took third on (on basis of five average words to line) singledfor one or two insertions. 10c per read- Bolton's wild throw and came home ing line for three or more insertions. on Hayworth's single, and the Sen- Telephone rate - 15 per reading line ators on successive singles by Bolton, for two or more insertions. Minimum Kress and Bluege. three lines per- insertion. 10% discount if paid within ten days Dietrich's first appearance on the from the date of ast insertion. 2 lines daily, college year ........ ..7c Washington mound in the seventh ByContract, per line -2 lines daily, resulted in two more Tiger runs. With one month......................8c two out, Sullivan and Burns singled, 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months .............c and Rogell's double to right scored 100 lines used as desired..........9c 300 lines used as desired..........8c Sullivan. Travis, returning the ball, 1,000 lines used as desired .... .7c threw wild and Burns also came 2,000 lines used as desired...........6c home. The above rates are per reading line based on eight reading lines per inch The big ninth inning started with Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add 6c per line to above rates for all capital Owen walking and then beating letters. Add 6e per line to above for Bluege's throw to second on Hay- bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c per line to above rates for bold face worth's grounder. Sullivan was out capital letters. bunting foul on a third strike, but The above rates are for 7% point type. Burns scored Owen and sent Hay- worth to third with a single. After FOR RENT Rogell popped to Travis, Gehringer walked, filling the bases and Dietrich ROOMS for ladys In apartment two gave way- to Cohen. Cohen imme- blocks from campus. Cross yen- diately walked Goslin, forcing Hay- tilation. L. H. K. privileges. Phone worth across the plate, then Walker 3752 mornings. singled to left scoring Burns and. Gehringer. Goslin and Walker threw FOR RENT: Furnished house for six the Senators into confusion on a months after August 10. Southeast double steal, and Bolton tossed the section. Phone 4978. 7 ball over Travis' head, Goslin scoring. - -- Sullivan walked Bluege and pinch- - hitter Millies to start the Washing- READ THE WANT ADS ton ninth, and after Chapman popped READTHEWANTA to Gehringer, Hill's double scored - Bluege and Kuhel's single brou rht ADVERTISING BOARD BOARD: $3.50 weekly. 12 meals. Strictly home cooking. Slade's, 608 lill St., nea' State. 2 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Sheaffer pen. Name on pen, F. L. Apple. Return to lost and found department, University Hall. 9 WANTED WANTED: Graduate student to share apartment with young business woman for summer school. Near campus. Reasonable. Call 3448 evenings. 8 LAUNDRY EXPERIENCED laundress doing stu- dent laundry. Called for and de- livered. Telephone 4863. 2x LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. lx LAUNDRY WANTED: Student Co ed. Men's shirts 10c. Silks, wools, our specialty. All bundles done sep- arately. No markings. Personal sat- isfaction guaranteed. Call for and deliver. Phone 5594 any time until 7 o'clock. Silver Laundry, 601 E. Hoover. 3x l 1 1 ' BleeadKihlsainaagirn u1Vh+ -L Millies and Hill both home. The Tigers sent Rowe in to the rescue, and the Schoolboy was touched for singles by Stone and Travis, scoring Kuhel. However Bolton forced Tra- vis at second, and Rowe struck out Kress to end the game. Now TWO PICTURES! Edw. Everett Horton Glenda Farrell "NOBODY'S FOOL" and Jack Oakie Sally Eilers "FLORIDA SPECIAL" TATE JTREET WATCH & JEWELRY REPAIRING _. I r iiiG:: If Web hoose To Av ert War- -Rebuild T he League And Avoid Isolationists- By PRESTON W. SLOSSON (Associate Professor of History) T SAY that the world is nearer than at any time since the armistice to another great war is an unfortunate mode of expression because it suggests that a new war is predestined whereas it may not come at all. But if "nearer" be taken in another way, as implying merely that the danger of war is greater, it is an unhappy truth. Briefly to summarize the situation: there are seven Great Powers in the world, Britain, France, Italy, Russia, Germany, Japan and the United States of America. The last three are outside the League of Nations and Germany, at least, may at present be considered almost as directly hostile to it. Russia is a very recent recruit, forced only by fear of Germany and Japan from a hostile to a friendly attitude toward the League. Italy, open- y and successfully defiant of the League over the Ethiopian war, may leave at any time. The small states are mostly pro-League but they are bitterly disappointed at the failure of Britain and France, o do anything effective to coerce Italy. But has the League of Nations failed alone? The Treaty of Versailles and its companion treaties re still valid, in the main, as fixing the boun- daries of nations on the map; in all other respects hey are merely museum pieces. Where now are eparations? Disarmament of Germany? The de- militarized Rhineland? The "realism" of Clem- nceau has perished more completely than the idealism of Wilson. And our American efforts at eace-making, what of them? The Washington reaties are dead and Japan is again engaged in a beggar-my-neighbor" naval race with us. Japan nd Italy have walked through the Kellogg Peace Pact as through thin air. The echoes of the Rhineland and Ethiopian crises are still in our ears and already a new crisis in Danzig threatens var. Austria is a volcano which has erupted more ,an once in recent months and may again do so, across the tracks, the Europeans! Isolationist pa cifists say that we must not trade with belligerents (which in the conditions of a world war would mean that we must not trade at all with anyone, for even trade between neutrals is interfered with ' by belligerents in wartime); that we must abstain from diplomacy as well as from commerce, enter into no sort of agreements with wicked foreigners, and sign little pieces of paper promising never to fight under any circumstances. Like medieval hermits we are to rush into the desert and let the world perish in its sins. That such a policy is selfish means nothing to isolationist politicians, publicists, patriots or pacifists; each in his own way glorifies national selfishness as a virtue. Per- haps it may have more effect to point out that economic isolation carried to an extreme also means economic paralysis and permanent, stand- ardized poverty. To wait in sullen stupor until war again explodes upon us is merely stupid. Fate overtakes those who believe in fate. What we want is the same indomitable courage among civilians in this dark hour of peace that soldiers showed during the dark hours of the late World War. What is the way out? Simply for lovers of peace to build new and better bridges between the nations every time one crashes. If the League of Nations creaks in its operation, amend and improve it. If it col- lapses altogether, create a firmer international union in its place, just as our national constitution superseded the old articles of confederation. If ones disarmament plan fails, examine it for flaws and then offer a better. If all our efforts fail and another general war comes, end it with a wiser peace than Versailles. If our civilization goes down in the wreck, start a new and better one; just as our modern Christian civilization is better, in most respects at least, than the great Roman civilization which collapsed into the ruin of the Dark Ages. It may be objected that such rebuilding takes centuries: hut we have hetter tools than slid Al- The Campus Sale of the STUDENT- FACULTY DIRECTORY Begins, SATURDAY, JU LY 11, At convenient places on the cam us Also at i Parole And Delinquency. . . A LANSING dispatch yesterday an- nounced that the office of state psychiatrist was again to be filled, after having been vacant since 1933. Parole Commissioner Joseph C. Armstrong, who revived the office, said that the action was designed to assure that there shall be no paroles for con- victs whose mental condition makes them a menace to society. The move is a proper one and would be deserving of congratulation had not Michigan delayed so long. With the introduction of some measure of science as a substitute for haphazard T a d t r e] id t a R R a tr 1 1 I