The Weather Generally fair and contihued warm today and tomorrow. Sir igrn Alo at Editorials Religious Conference? . Parole And Delinquency Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XVI No. 10 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1936 PRICE 5 CENTS Murphy In Governor S Race Here Is Given Leave Of Absence From Philippine Duties For Two Months Jones Carries On As Commissioner Acceptance Of Resignation Tabled Pending Result Of Fall Elections Pr of. Greene Se Tests For Men 1 I 1 x }A r4 T t C T t C i c Should Help Us Greatly In Solving Social Problems, speaker Asserts A prediction that the next ten yearsj wouldr'see a remarkable advancement in the precision of mental measure- ment tests was made yesterday by Prof. Edward B. Greene of the psy- chology department in one of the Summer Session lecture series.. His topic was "Recent Advances and Ap- plications of Mental Measurements." . "In the next ten years we shall also have a growth in the develop- ment and administration of standard tests which will doubtless give a per- son a chance not only to predict with considerable accuracy his success in various industrial fields, but also his success in marriage and in various so- cial contacts," Professor Greene said, In seeking to furnish precise tools for studies of human action, mental measurement faces three persistent and difficult problems, the speaker said. The analysis of processes or ele- ments involved in a particular series of action, the first of the three prob- lems mentioned by the speaker, has two approaches. "One is a qualitative, subjective ap- proach in which a person classifies action as different because he experi- ences them as different," Professor Greene said. "This has led to the construction of tests which give sep- arate measures of acts that are thought to be independent. From these tests a general index of ability es Advance In tal Measurement or achievement may also be calcu- lated." Under this classification, Professor Greene mentioned the Progressive Achievement Test, which gives a per- son's position in his age group on fifteen sorts of tests, as one of the most interesting. "The items of these tests have been carefully chosen so that one can quickly find out on what sorts of skills his student is deficient." The new--style test makes no pen-j alty for time, as did the old, he said but instead gives unlimited time and a classification of items. In discussing tests given to persons on the college- level and tests given in variousgoccupations, Professor Greene said "These analyses all point to the great similarity between achievement tests in school subjects and general intelligence tests." Factor analysis, developed along) somewhat different lines than the! older methods by Spearman, Hol- zinger, Thurstone and Professor Adams of the psychology depart- (Continued on Page 4) Tigers Stretch Victory Streak Over Senators- Sullivan Winning Pitcher - As Washington Loses By 10-7 Score WASHINGTON, July 9.-(P)-_ I Frank Murphy, of Detroit, submittedf his resignation as high commissionern to the Philippine Islands today to run for governor of Michigan, but Presi-s dent Roosevelt refused to accept itn until after the election.- Murphy, former mayor of Detroit, 1 told the President in a personally-de-t livered letter that he was running for governor because he believed that : "continuance of your leadership ande the success of the Democratic Party" in the coming elections were of "first importance to the people of Michi-t gan and the country at large." t Resignation Up To Roosevelt s His resignation was made subject to the President's approval and ef- fective at his pleasure. In a letter sent to Murphy later in the day, the President said that he was holding the resignation "in abey- ance." He added that Murphy would be given a leave of absence without pay for two months beginning Sept. 5. This would postpone action on the resignation until after the November election. The President promised a "reluctant acceptance" of it at that time "if developments should com- pel." Will Enter ,e T ay The exchange of letters marked the culmination of a drive by Roosevelt campaign managers to get Murphy to run as New Deal candi- date for governor in Michigan this fall. He will formally announce his entry in the race tomorrow at De- troit. His action left a vacancy in the Philippine commissionership for at] least the next four months. Murphy has recommended the appointment of J. Weldon Jones, his financial ad- viser, as acting commissioner. Jones, a former insular auditor, has been acting as high commissioner without formal appointment by the President since Murphy left Manila two months ago. A recent act off Congress authorized the naming of1 an acting commissioner in the ab- sence of. the high commissioner. Murphy announced his resignation to newsmen after a lengthy confer- (Continued on Page 3) School Ratings Are Discussed By Carrothers The need of better criteria for judging the efficiency of the secon- dary schools was stressed by Dr. George E. Carrothers of the School of Education who spoke on "The Committee on the Revision of Stand- ards for Accrediting Secondary Schools," yesterday afternoon in the University High School. The study of these standards has been going on for the past three years, said Dr. Carrothers, and will throughout the next three. Ever since 1871 the University of Michigan has accredited schools. At first a school that was approved was put on the diploma list of the University. This meant, said Dr. Carrothers, that their graduates were accepted for entrance into the University without examina- tion. Graually this list included schools throughout the state. Today, he add- ed, the University accredits schools throughout the state and accepts the accrediting of other states.. The sec- ondary schools are at present ac- credited by six regional associations throughout the United States such as the North Central Association. "The trouble," said Dr. Carrothers, "was that the criteria for accrediting Slosson Writes Article On International Scenej Need we be drawn into another World War? Has the League of Nations failed? What are we who wish to avert war to do? The Daily has asked Prof. Pres- ton W. Slosson of the history de- partment to answer these and other questions facing interna- tionally-minded students today. His answer can be found on to- day's editorial page, entitled, "If We Choose To Avert War-." Landon Agrees With Lowden On Farm Plan Farmers Receive Bounties By Cooperating With U. S. Soil Conservation TOPEKA, Kans., July 9. - (P) -An agreement that farmers should be paid bounties for soil conserving prac- tices emerged today from a confer- ence between Gov. Alf M. Landon and Frank O. Lowden on 1936 campaign issues. For more than two hours, the Re- publican presidential nominee talked with the veteran Illinois leader. At the conclusion, Lowden told a press conference they were "agreed" on a farm program, and in their views on concentration of power in Washington and "the awful extrava- gance in government, over which" all our people are aroused. "Will you campaign for Gov. Lan- don?" Lowden was asked. "Sure," he replied. "I don't know whether I will travel much but I will make some speeches." Lowden added his belief that the outlook for a Landon-Knox victory was "very hopeful" and "improving from our standpoint all the time." "People believe in him," he said with a gesture toward Landon. Mallory Found Guilty Of Stealing Love In Balm Suit MIAMA, Fla., July 9.-(lP)--A jury tonight found 22-year-old Lewis E Mallory, third, stole the love of Kathryn Crawford from her forme: husband, James Edgar, Jr., and as- sessed damages of $35,000. Edgaz sued for $300,000 heart balm. The verdict was received in virtua silence. Circuit Judge Worth W Trammell had warned against a dem onstration. The shirt-sleeved jurors, all mar ried men, received the young Detroi sugar heir's claim against Mallory fo seduction and alienation of Mis: Crawford's affections, at 4:15 p.m (Eastern Standard Time) and re ported their verdict at 10:48 p.m. DAILY POSITIONS OPEN All Summer Session students wh( WASHINGTON, July 9. - (P) - A big ninth inning splurge gave Detroit1 a 10 to 7 victory over Washington to-' day to open the Tigers' invasion of the East and enable them to hold second place in the American League by two percentage points over the Boston Red Sox. The Sox who also won, and Detroit remain virtually deadlocked, with the advantage of the pace-setting New York Yankees trimmed to nine games. Holding a two-run lead going into the ninth, the Tigers scored five' runs on two hits, three passes, two stolen bases and an error, one of four Washington misplays. Their scoring spree came in handy for the Senators pushed across four runs themselves in their half of the inning. The rally drove Joe Sullivan off the mound, and Schoolboy Rowe came in to quell the uprising, finally fanning Red Kress for the last out with two men on base. Sullivan, who relieved the starting pitcher, Roxie Lawson, in the third 'inning, received credit for the vic- tory. Earl Whitehill who started for Washington gave way to a pinch hitter and was replaced by Bill Die- trich in the seventh, Dietrich being charged for the loss. Cohen relieved Dietrich during the big Tiger ninth. Gerald Walker led the Tigers at bat with three singles in five ap- pearances at the plate, while Goose Goslin, Jack Burns and Bill Rogell each collected two safeties, one of Rogell's being a double. Joe Kubel, Senator first baseman, led Washington with two singles and a double. Washington scored once in the first on Chapman's walk, and singles by Kuhel and Stone. The Tigers grabbed' I a lead in the second as Goslin singled and was tagged on the baseline on Walker's grounder; Simmons doubled putting Walker on third, Owen singled scoring Walker and Simmons came home on Hayworth's fly to Stone. The Senators tied up the game in the third,. knocking Lawson Doff the mound as Chapman doubled and scored on Lewis' single. Sullivan came in to fan Kuhel, Gehringer made a back-handed stab of Stone's (Continued on Page 2) Chicago Solon t, Slain BGang f In Auto RaceI Pact Ratified By Germany And Austria Sign Seven-Point Accord On Political Problems With ItalianSupport Negotiations Last For Three Weeks Extensive Agreement May Forestall Monarchical Restoration In Austria VIENNA, July 9.-(/P)--Germany and Austria, strongly prompted by Italy, have reached an extensive ac- cord which would temporarily pre- vent a Hapsburgdrestoration, diplo- matic quarters believed tonight. Legitimists, however, were still keeping up a show of courage in face of a 7-point accord in principle worked out in negotiations between Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg and Franz Von Papen, German miinster to Austria. A source close to Italian and Ger- man diplomatic circles said the ne- gotiations, now in the third week, al- most broke down, but after prompt- ings by Italians, the two nations were on substantial agreement on these seven points: 1 Nazi party ban in Austria to be continued. 2. National elements (friendly ex- tension of German, but not neces- sarily of Nazi influence) to be per- mitted activity. 3. National exponents to be in- cluded 'in Austrian cabinet not later than fall. 1. Germany's willingness to support all Austrian measures aimed at equal- ity, which might, for example, in- clude the building up of the Austrian army to 400,000 or 500,000 men. 5 Amnesty for persons convicted or in concentration camps for Nazi activity. 6. At least a part of Austrian Nazi refugees now in Germany to be al- lowed to return home unpunished. 7. Efforts at trade normalization kicluding lifting of Germany's 1000- mark visa requirements for Germans going to Austria. (This has hurt Austrian tourist trade). Diplomatic circles stated no form- al announcement of the accord was contemplated until fall. F. DR. Ready For Vacation, Leaves Today WASHINGTON, July 9. -()- President Roosevelt put in one of his busiest days of the summer today winding up affairs of state for his de- parture tomorrow night on a vacation trip. From early morning until late in the afternoon, the Chief Executive was engaged in conferences with a steady procession of callers on inter- national affairs, domestic problems and politics. He was so busy with callers that he curtailed the time usually devoted to the cabinet session and postponed until tomorrow a conference with administration officials on drought 'relief plans. Tomorrow night the President will leave for New York where he will dedicate the huge tri-borough bridge Saturday morning. From New York he will go to Hyde Park for a few days before starting a two-week vacation cruise off the coast of Maine and Nova Scotia. First caller on the President's list today was Frank Murphy, high com- missioner to the Philippines, who submitted his resignation and report- ed on island affairs. Hold Second Dance At LeagueTonighi The second in a series of weekly dances will be held tonight in the ballroom of the Michigan League. A Cowan's orchestra will furnish the music. Charlotte Rueger, '37, League pres. ident, in urging a large attendance stated that it was not necessary tha t people come with partners as is th usual custom in the winter season. Hope Hartwig, '38, who is in charge r of hostesses for the dance, will be as Deaths Pass 200-Mark As East Swelters Under Seventh Day Of Drought Adrian Reports Reading Of 106 In Mid-Morning; 15 Die In Detroit Farm Experts See HeavyCrop Loss Weatherman Foresees No Relief In Sight Friday, 101-105 In Detroit (By the Associated Press) Michigan counted at least 29 per- sons dead from the effects of heat and drownings Thursday as the tem- perature crossed the 100-degree mark for the second successive day and moved to record heights in some lo- calities. At Detroit there were fifteen deaths reported, and fatal collapses in the blazing hot weather that blanketed the entire State added the remainder of the death list. A d r i a n's official thermometei soared to 106 degrees a, mid-morning, carrying a threat to the all-time Michigan high of 110 degrees set in Bay City in 1911, but a strong wind held the temperature at that mark until late afternoon. For the first time in the 63-year history of its weather bureau, Detroit experienced two consecutive days of 100-plus temperature, the official reading touching 102 in mid-after- noon. Even the Upper Peninsula remained in the grip of the heat. Marquette, with a high of 101 at 3 p.m., marked July as the first month since 1901 that the city has had three days of such hot weather. The temperature there dropped to 80 at 6:30 p.m., then started climbing again. Houghton reported a similar top of 101, but enjoyed a day's minimum of 66 degrees. At East Lansing, where 96-degree heat was reported, Michigan State college authorities told of heavy dam- age to pasture lands that they thought would be reflected in decreased pro- duction by dairy herds. H. R. Rather, head of the farm crops division of the college, predicted that owners would have to resort to hay as a feed for their animals. He declined to hazard a guess whether this would result in higher milk prices. Rather said Michigan corn grow- ers were benefitting from the heat and that it was ideal for wheat, now being harvested. He added, "it will do the bean and potato grower no good," however. Bay City and Mt. Clemens reported 104 degrees, and Jackson and Sag- inaw's maximums were almost as high. Temperatures in the western half of the State were slightly lower than yesterday's in most cases. A heavy shower in Benton Harbor early today held the top reading well be- low yesterday's sizzling 106. Green Hopes For Settlement Of labor Fight Lewis, Snubbing Meeting Of Federation, Goes T White House Conference WASHINGTON, July 9.-(P)-Re buffed again by John L. Lewis, in- surgent United Mine Workers' head President William Green tonight de fended the American Federation o Labor's organization policy and spok anew of a hope for closing the breach t in Federation ranks. He said the issue of industrial a opposed to craft unions hadbeen mis trepresented. rLewis, leader of those Federatior 1 forces which contend all workers it each industry should join one bid union, regardless of craft or trade ignored Green's summons to appeal before the Federation's executiv( e council to answer charges which ma: result in suspension of his faction e from the federation. He went, instead, to the Whit FHuse to talk nolitics with the Presi Mercury Hits 99.3 At 430 P.M While Ann Arbor Swelters The torrid wave which has gripped Michigan for the greater part of the week continued yesterday practically unabated in Ann Arbor as the mer- cury climbed again to dizzy heights, officially reaching 99.3 degrees at 4:30 p~m. at the University Observatory. No prospects for an appreciable let- up in the heat that has caused great damage in the drought areas of the Middle West, could be seen last night as the weather bureau forecast fair and continued heat for today. Yesterday started with the pros- pect of the temperature surpassing Wednesday's high mark of 102.2 de- grees ,the highest temperature re- corded in Ann Arbor sinc July 24, 1934, when the University Observa- tory took maximum readings of 105.5 degrees. At 7 a.m. yesterday the mercury was at 76.9, four degrees higher than at the corresponding time on Wed- nesday, but failed to climb as rapidly during the forenoon as it had on Wednesday, reading exactly 95 at noon. During the afternoon the temper- ature kept rising slowly and at 4 p.m. stood at 98.5. Approximately at 4:30 p.m. the high of 99.3 degrees was recorded by the Observatory, but at 5 p.m. the temperature had fallen back to 98.5. State Workers Iexperienced, States Pollock Ask Civil Service Bill To Remedy Defects Found In State Employment LANSING, July 9.-(R1)-The State Civil Service Study Commission re- ported to the governor's office today that more than 20 per cent of the 13,- 500 employes hired by the adminis- tration are inexperienced. Prof. James K. Pollock, of Ann Arbor, commission chairman, sub- mitted another fragment of the com- mission's findings to Governor Fitz- gerald preparatory to release of the proposed civil service bill the study commission is preparing for submis- sion to the next legislature. The commission found that 53 per cent of all state employes have not had more than five years' experience in private industry or business before being hired by the State. Twenty- five per cent of the employes have only a grammar school education and only 56 per cent reached the twelfth grade. Pollock charged the State has used a "slip-shod method" of employing its help. Two-thirds of the employes are men, the report continued, and 12 per cent are war veterans. The State hires only nine certified pub- lic accountants, and none of these work for the State board of tax ad. ministration, the State treasurer, the auditor general, or the State ad- ministrative board-departments in which most of the accounting is done "The same considerations that in fluence an employe's original ap pointment frequently have a bearin on his salary, the report continued - "Those persons with the best politica f backing get the best salaries." e _ hRath Bryan Owen' s .To Be Wed Today n NEW YORK, July 9.-((P)-- Th n United States Minister to Denmar g went down the bay to meet her fianc today and after greeting him with ,r kiss sped him off to a Long =Islam e Sound estate where they made plan y to be married. y Shipboard acquaintances of Cap' Boerge Rohde blue-eyed, athlete member of the life guard of Kin Christian X, quoted him as saying h Scattered Showers Bring Relief To West As Rest Of U. S. Gets New Highs Wheat Prices Up With Scant Rains 204,000 Farm Families Already Dependent On Relief ForSupport CHICAGO, July 9.-(P)-Scattered showers cheered bits of drought's western domain today as the record breaking seven-day heat siege as- sailed eastern states with the hot- test weather of the summer. Deaths for the past three days of blistering weather totalled at least 206 and the list was growing steadily as 113 degrees was measured on the official thermometer at Aberdeen, S. D. Temperatures from Michigan east to the seaboard soared toward new high marks for the year. Adrian, Mich., reported 106 degrees. New York City's 102.3 was a new all-time This'll Cool You Off TWO RIVERS, Wis., July 9.-(P) -It was 100 degrees in the shade today, and WPA workers on a city park project had to dig through a four foot snowdrift. The snow was real, and the drift was 20 feet long. It lay at the heart of a dirt pile placed in the park in March, when the ground was covered with a whit, blanket five feet deep. top. Washington, D. C., had 104. Philadelphia perspired in 101. Sev- eral eastern cities counted their first heat deaths of the year. Newark, N. J. had an all time heat record of 105. Rain Is Insufficient In the drought belt, precipitation ranging from a trace at Rapid City, S. D., to 2.42 inches at Effingham, Ill., stirred hopes for late and for- age crops. Devils Lake in North Da- kota, all counties of which have been designated as "drought emergency" areas, got a substantial 1.48 inch fall. There were showers also in Minne- sota, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, Utah, and Nebraska. But they weren't enough, said Fore- caster J R. Lloyd of the weather bu- reau station here. He said that while more rains were sighted for North Dakota, parts of Minnesota, Wiscon- sin and upper Michigan tonight or tomorrow, they would have no mater- ial effect on the general drought. Wheat Price Rises The dry spell, which already has rolled up losses exceeding $300,000,- 000 and made government depend- ents of 204,000 farm families, con- tinued to dominate the domestic grain trade. Wheat resumed its advance after yesterday's setbacks, when later ad- vices from Canada indicated that 10,- 000,000 to 12,000,000 acres of prairie wheat were still in grave danger de- spite Wednesday's rains. July de- livery closed here at 1.06$%-. With prices generally %-1 % higher. About 20 cents a bushel has been added to wheat's value here since drought de- l struction got underway in the north- west spring wheat belt a month ago. Late field reports continued to em- phasize need for rain within a week if the important corn crop was to be . saved. J Meanwhile, the government's aid program was underway and Presi- dent Roosevelt announced in Wash- ington he would review its progress at a conference with directors Friday. Y Yankees Conquer Cubs e In Education League, 8-7 k The Yankees defeated the Cubs yes- e terday in the most hotly contested a game of the Intramural Education League held at South Ferry Field by s a score of 8-7. The Braves held the Giants runless t while garnering a brace of tallies and g won their game by a score of 2-0. eg The Reds defeated the Cards 5-3, ie while the Tigers had little trouble in r r tI r it ,r .s i. 0 o CHICAGO, July 9.-(IP)-The two shotgun slugs that stopped his 60- mile-an-hour race against gangland death were the only clues tonight to the men who slew John M. Bolton, the Illinois state representative who wanted to license betting on the races in Chicago. The slugs, and the wadding which went with them, were taken from Bolton's shattered head after his driverless automobile careened into a light post on a west side street early today. The killers, who had sped along be- side him waiting their chance, never