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July 07, 1936 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1936-07-07

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The Weather
Fair today and tomorrow,
continued warm tomorrow.


r an


Round-Up .. .

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Farley T akes
Leave Aug.1
To Aid Party
President Roosevelt Bares
Latest Arrangement For
His Campaign Manager
Will Not Receive
Salary While Out
Farley Will Relinquish
Active Command Of Post
Office; Howes Selected
WASHINGTON, July 7. - (P) -
James A. Farley, under an arrange-
ment announced today by President
Roosevelt, will take a payless leave
of absence and relinquish active com-
mand of the postoffice department
August 1 to devote his entire time
until after the election to an effort
to keep the New Deal in power.
Thus was answered, for the time
being at least, the months-old ques-
tion raised by critics who objected
to Farley being postmaster general
and chairman of the Democratic na-
tional committee at the same time.
Not Present
The tall, bald-headed New Yorker,
who also holds the chairmanship of
the New York State Democratic corn-
mittee, was not present when the
President made the announcement at
his press conference. But Parley was
said by friends to have favored just
such an arrangement for the coming
The President said his 1932 cam-
paign generalissimo would take leave
without pay and during the interim
William W. Howes 'of South Dakota,
first assistant postmaster general,
would take charge o the department.
The start of Parley's leave was de-
ferred until August 1, the President
said, becse. the postmaster general
wanted more time to complete the
annual financial statement for the
department covering the fiscal year
just ended.
On August 1, Farley will have'
served three years and five months
in the Roosevelt cabinet, which, to
date, has seen only one change from
its original setup.
Republicans Demand Resignation
Republican regulars are not the
only ones who have demanded that
Parley either resign from the cabinet
or his party's national chairmanship.
Senator Norris, Nebraska Republican
independent and a strong supporter
of Roosevelt, has taken the Senate
floor frequently to assail the New
Yorker for holding his dual assign-
Whether the leave arrangement will
satisfy the critics remains to be seen.
Some administration officials said
today Farley would resign from the
cabinet, if Roosevelt is re-elected, and
return to the building supply or some
other business. Others predicted he
would return to the post office depart-
'Common Cold'
To Be Subject
. Of Smillie Talk
Visiting Faculty Member Is
Prominent In Public
wealth Administration

Dr. Nelson G. Smillie of Harvard
University, a faculty member of the
Summer Session medical school, will
lecture on "The Common Cold" at
5 p.m. today in Natural Science Au-
ditorium. It will be the seventh
lecture of the Summer Session series.
His lecture will be principally about
his studies of "common colds" in dif-
ferent parts of the world and their
wide variation in types and intensi-
ties, Dr. Smillie said yesterday.
Dr. Smillie has been prominent in
public health administration in this
country and abroad for many years.
For eight years he was a member of
the International Health Division of
the Rockefeller Foundation, and for
two years director of the Institute de
Hygiene, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Resigning from the Rockefeller
Foundation in 1927, he became a pro-

Ancient Coptic Still Understood
By Some Of Egyptian Famili
Natives North Of Luxor throughout the centuries," hes
Understand And Read ed, "with the result that these p
have a genuine acquaintance t
1500-Year-Old Tongue Coptic."
________Scholars have so far been u
A few families of Egyptian peas- to make any headway in deterii
ants have been discovered who can the ancient prenunciation, becau2
read and understand ancientCoptic has undergone so many chanes
as it was spoken 1500 years ago inthe 'corruptions since the days wh
early Christian era in Egypt, Prof. Plourished, and thus Professor V
William H. Worrell of the Oriental rell emphasized "the immeasu
languages department, who has just value in solidifying the ling
returned from a nexpedition to Egypt history that the knowledge of i
told members of the Linguistic In- people may have."
stitute at a luncheon meeting held Professor Worrell tested out I
yesterday noon. people by every method, and f
Professor Worrel was staying at that they knew by instinct man
Cairo when he received a letter from centual peculiarities which1
an Austrian expert telling him that could otherwise know only if they
there were some peasants in the vil- studied the ancient language
lage of Zeniya, just north of Luxor, years.
who knew ancient Coptic, which has Prof. Charles C. Fries of the
for centuries been considered a dead lish department and chairman o
language. Linguistic Institute, will speak at
Fear Report False p.m. today in Room 2003 Angell
"Fearing that the report might be on "The Oxford Dictionary an
false, and that their knowledge might Successors."
be an artificial one, learned from the
Coptic Bible or church ritual," he
said, "I went to the town and stayed Mercury Hits New Hig
there over a month verifying the re- For Year In Ann Arb
port." .
However, he found that these Yesterday was the hottestd
people actually did know the lan- to date this year in Ann Ar
guage, not the corrupt Coptic spoken according to a report received I
today in the church, but the real an- night from the University Obse
cient dialect. Though they are un- atory.
able to speak it fluently ,he said, they A temperature of 90.2 was o
can understand it when read aloud to cially recorded by the Observat
them, and can read it themselves. instruments, marking the n
,He pointed out that their acquain- high for this season. This is
tance with the ancient pronunciation first time that the mercuryh
could not possibly have been picked climbed into the 90's in An Ar
up from Biblical or ecclesiastical during 1936.
sources, since they were simple peas-
ants without any means of educa-
tion. Swimming Contest
Handed Down Orally
"The knowledge of the language Plans Announc
has simply been handed down orally
from generation to generation Swimming contests -plns
summer school students were
'Pos onounced today by Ernie Smit
'Post Road To charge of the program. Ten e
will compose this summer's com
Open Tonight tion.
One event a day will be held d
For4 DRu two days of each week, Monday
SFo L -}ayWednesday. The contests will b
__5:15_p.m. in the afternoon on t
days. There will be an indiv
Announce Cast For Third winner each day. At the end o
summer, the individual winner w
Production Of Michigan,
g the person who registers the gre
Repertory Players number of points during the su
Members of the cast for the Mich-
igan Repertory Players' production of jSumnier Enrollne
Steele and Mitchell's comedy melo-
drama, "Post Road," which will open Hits All-Time Pe
at 8:30 p.m. today at the Lydia Men-
I delssohn theatre for a four-day run, Enrollment figures for the Un
were announced yesterday by Frederic ty Summer Session in 1936 ye
were nnouced esteday y Fr d ay had surpassed the all-time .
O. Crandall, director of the play. day had sursed thall-t d
Margaret Tanner will play the of 1931 by more than 100 stus
leading role of Emily Madison, whose according to Miss Marian Will
efforts to return to the police a baby University statistician.
whom she believes has been kidnaped 1,621 women have enrolled, for a
and secreted in her home on the Bos- to date of 4,459, as compared
ton Post Road provide the complica- tonatenolm5ntsom ared
tions in the plot. Frances Manches- final enrollments of 4,328 in 193
ter will be seen as the girl who is Session attendance figures unti
supposedly the mother of the baby,'Seae
and Edwin Jurist, who appeared in year.
"Squrin th Cicle" hs ben ast Enrollments for four-week cci
"Squaring the Circle," has been cast in the latter part of the summe:
as Dr. Spender.i a certain number of late enroll
The role of the Rev. Cartwright wiwillill probably swell the total b
be taken by Ralph Bell who was alsowils prosantysum.l
cast in "Squaring the Circle." Nancy its present sum.
Bowman will play the part of May show an increase of 131, or r
Preble, and Sherwood Price that of three per cent, over the all-time
George Preble. Irene Freeman will in 1931, and an increase of 3
be cast as Jeeby Cashler, and Thelma nearly nine per cent, over lasty
Slack as Mrs. Cashler. statistics. They include atten
Ida Soghor will appear as the nurse,
and Leona Lee as Celia, with Dorothy at the various Summer Session c
Armstrong as Mrs. Canby. Other roles

will be taken by Loren Winship as
Frank Rollinger as Bill and Donald
Horton as Vergil Bemis,
The play has been directed by
Crandall, assistant director of thePl e s wIet n s siSb
Players, with settings designed by ____
Alexander Wyckoff, and costumes by B
Evelyn Cohen, costume designer for By JEWEL W. WUEIWEL
the Players, and James V. Doll. The Charles A. Baird Bell, the
Tickets for the production are est of the 53 made for the B
priced at 75, 50 and 35 cents, and may Memorial Tower was apprais
be obtained at the Lydia Mendelssohn Prof. Earl V. Moore, musical di
theatre box-office from 10 a.m. to i of the School of Music, yesterd
5 p.m. daily. "The most perfect bell ever
following his return from En
Golf Tournament where he tested the tonal qual
+r Today ethe Carillon.
To Start TodProfessor Moore left the U
States fob England shortly aft
May Festival. June 6, the fir
The annual summer school golf cital on the University Carillor
tournament will start Wednesday, played by Miss Elma Schepa
July 15, it was announced today by Loughborough where the bells
Ernie Smith, in charge of the intra- cast.
mural tourneys. Mr. E. Denison Taylor, ownerc

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Nationals Beat
Americans In
Annual Game
American League Batters
Held Down By Warneke,
Hubbell, Dean
Goslin, Rowe See
Service In Game
Gebringer Gets Two Hits;
Lefty Grove Is Losing
ton (Special)-Three crack National'
League pitchers, Dizzy Dean, Carl
Hubbel, and Lon Warneke, stood the
American League All-Star batters on
their heads yesterday and the older
circuit won 4-3, for its first victory
in four starts in the annual baseball
Getting away to a fast 2-0 lead in
the second inning when the Nationals
found Lefty Bob Grove for two runs,
they never were headed after that, al-
though the Americans had the tying
run on base in the final inning. They
also failed in the seventh when Joe
Di Maggio, who looked anything but
a star player in the game, failed to
come through with the bases full.
Best Performance By Dean
It was Dizzy Dean who gave the
best performance on the mound. Only
nine men faced him during the three
innings he worked. Although he
walked two men, one was the victim
of a double play and the other was
caught off the bag. Hubbell allowed
but two hits, gave no runs, and
pitched and fielded brilliantly. It
was Lon Warneke who came to Curt
,Davis' rescue in the seventh, stopping
the Americans cold after they had
filled the bases.
But while these moundsmen were
having a big day, they were aided by
the potent bats of their teammates.
Frank Demaree opened the second
with a single past Appling. Gabby
Hartnett, another Chicago slugger,
pasted a line drive in the direction of
Di Maggio. Joe missed an attempted
shoe string catch and the blow was
good for three bases, Demaree scor-
ing. Gabby scored on Whitney's deep
fly to Averill in center.
Galan Gets Home Run
The senior loop team got to Rowe
for a couple more runs in the fifth.
Augie Galan hit the flag post in right
for a home run. Billy Herman
singled to right and continued to
second when Di Maggio fumbled the
ball. After Collins walked, Medwick
singled to left to drive in what proved
to be the winning run.
It was in the seventh inning that
the American team came within an
ace of winning or tying up the game.
With Davis in the box, Gehrig took a
hold of one and sailed it into the
bleachers for a home run. Averill
and Dickey were easy outs, but pinch-
hitters Goslin and Foxx singled in
succession and Selkirk walked to fill
the bases.. Luke Appling's single
scored Goslin and Foxx. Warneke
replaced Davis. Gehringer walked
to fill the bases, but Di Maggio, with
booes ringing in his ears, lined out to
Durocher for the final out.
The Americans threatened again
in the ninth when Gehringer doubled,
but again Di Maggio made the final
out, leaving Charlie stranded on the


Awarded For Outstanding 1
Contribution To Sciencet
Through Research
The 250,00th microscope manufac-
tured by the Bausch and Lomb Opti-
cal Company and presented to Dr.
Frederick G. Novy recently will be E
used soon on some "special work,",,
according to the Dean Emeritus ofI
the Medical School.
The culmination of 60 years of :
manufacturing, the first completed
microscope having been shown at the :
Philadelphia Centennial Exposition in
Professors, Officials
Confer On Slaying
After conferring with three Uni-
versity professors for two and a half,
hours on the murder of Robert Ken-
yon, 10 years old, Tawas City, three
law enforcement officers declined to1
make their discussion public, but said
that they had discovered "nothing
The faculty members with whom
they conferred were Dr. Carl V. Wel-
ler, head of the surgery department,E
Dr. John C. Bugher of the pathology'
department, and Dr. Herbert W.
Emerson of the bacteriology depart-
The conference was understood to
have been mainly about the results of'
scientific investigations concerning
the murder case.
The officers present were John
Moran, sheriff of Iosco county, De-,
tective Philip Hutson and Corporal
Hiram Grimason, both of the State
Justice Court
To Hear Trial
Of Mrs. Baker
Woman To Be Examined
For Confesed Slaying Of
Of Local Man Today
The justice court examination of
Mrs. Betty Baker, confessed slayer
more than a week ago of Clarence E.
Schneider, a roomer in her home,
will begin at 2 p.m. today, it was re-
ported yesterday by Prosecutor Albert
J. Rapp and Frank B. DeVine, de-'
fense attorney, both of whom ex-
pressed readiness to proceed with the
Since a week ago Monday, when she
confessed the killing to the police,
Mrs. Baker has maintained that the
killing was accidental. 'She has been
held in the county jail without bond.
The prosecution expected to estab-
lish the killing as a fact and leave
the woman's intent to be decided by
the jury.
Prosecutor Rapp said that Dr. E.
C. Ganzhorn, county coroner, and
Dr. Stacey C. Howard of St. Joseph's
hospital will be called to establish
the corpus delicti, and that Police
Chief Lewis W. Fohey will be asked
to corroborate with the written con-
fession that of Mrs. Baker's shortly
after the killing.
Defense attorneys said that they
did not expect to offer any testimony
during the examination.

Dr. Frederick Novy fonored
By Gift Of New Microscope

,876, the company decided to award
his instrument to an American sci-
ntist who had made the outstand-
ng contribution to science through
escarches with the use of the micro-
The company asked the American P
Association for the Advancement of
Science to name one who in their
stimation deserved the -distinction.
k committee chosen by the associa-
ion agreed unanimously in selecting
)r. Novy, professor Of bacteriology,
nd chairman of the executive com-
nittee of the Medical School.
The presentation of the award was
nade by Edward Bausch, chairman (
if the board of directors of Bausch
nd Lomb at a complimentary lun-
ieon given to members of the as-
,ociation at Rochester, N. Y.
The occasion was the 50th anni-
versary of Dr. Novy's graduation from
>he University and his entrance into
cientific work. Following his grad- 0
ation from here, he pursued grad- W
rate studies at Michigan until 1888 a
it which time he went to Berlin and i
pent a year studying in the labora- F
ory of Robert Koch. He is one of
he very few living Americans whoh
rave had the privilege of working S
nder this famous scientist. a
The microscope which was present-
ed to Dr. Novy embodies the very lat- s
est features of research microscopic a
lesign. It is of the reversed type, the G
arm being in front of the instrument a
so as to give free access to the object b
stage, objective sub-stage and mir- 0
or, and thus offering greater con-
venience and comfort to the user. In m
order to provide extreme rigidity, the D
inclination joint has been eliminated. t
"It was an extreme pleasure to re- W
eive such a splendid instrument," f
Dr. Novy stated.cThe microscope is
Lhe best manufactured by the Bausch
and Lomb Company. 1
Courtis Urges P
Organization Of 1
All Instructors e
Believes It Will Make Them n
More Powerful In Civict
And Political Affairs a
An organization of teachers in or- i
der that they might become more
professionally minded was advocated
by Prof. Stuart A. Courtis of the ed-t
ucation school in his lecture yester-i
day afternoon on "Teacher Partici-e
pation in Social Reconstruction" be- i
fore an assembly of the faculty ands
students of the education school.'e
Could Be Powerfult
Professor Courtis stated that thep
teachers should and could be one of
the most powerful groups in thet
country and that they should makes
their great potential force felt in po-v
litical circles. Just the opposite is,
true, however, according to Professor
Courtis, and a show of hands on the
part of the audience demonstrated
that the listeners were with him. t
The chief reason for the inactivityt
of teachers in political, social andi
civic circles, the speaker said, is that
philosophy of rugged individualism
has been maintained in the school
system most strongly. Autocratic,
ideas dominate the educational sys-
tem from top to bottom, from the
school boards to the instructors in the
classrooms, Professor Courts said.
Four specific plans of action were
given for the teachers to follow in
order that they may become more ac-
tive in social reconstruction so need-
ed in this time of crisis, Professor
Courtis said.
Urges Actions

The first action urged by the
speaker was a more careful study of
the issues prevalent in various flelds
today. He stated that teachers al-
ways urge students to get the facts
and that teachers should also get the
The second thing urged by Profes-
sor Courtis was the more active par-
ticipation in civic organizations by I
teachers. He added that teachers were
very capable individuals and their
force should be felt in the communi-
A third method by which teachers
could be more active socially, ac-
cording to Professor Courtis, was by
some means of organization within
themselves. By banding together,.

For Rhine
'rofessor Ehrmann Sees.
Pact Based On German
EqualityWith Powers
Traces Historical
Setting For Issue
-erman Invasion Planned
Strategically, League's
Faults Had Been Shown
A new Rhineland accord based up-
n the equality. of Germany and her
Vestern neighbors will be the prob-
ble result of Adolf Hitler's March 7
nvasion of the demilitarized zone,
rof. Howard M. Ehrmann of the
tistory department told a Summer
ession lecture audience yesterday
The German reoccupation was de-
cribed as "not necessarily the last of
series of acts" calculated "to free
Germany from that hated and oner-
us burden-the Treaty of Versailles"
y Professor Ehrmann in his address
n "Germany and the Rhineland."
It was pointed out that already
nore recent developments in the
Danzig question are attracting atten-
ion away from the Rhineland crisis,
vhich the speaker described as "acute
or several weeks."
Invasion Planned
Germany's invasion of the Rhine-
land was carefully planned and
aunched at a time when Europe was
:reoccupied with the Italo-Ethio-
Aian situation, and when the weak-
ness of the League of Nations had
ready been demonstrated, Profes-
sor Ehrmann stated,
Tracing the history of the disput-
d area, "for centuries a battle-
ground" because of its importance for
routes, as far back as the 16th cen-
tury, the speaker attributed the
March crisis to what Germany alleges
re "inconsistencies" in the recent
pact between the French and Rus-
sian governments.
Justify Violation
The German troops marched into
the demilitarized Rhineland zone in
violation of the Locarno Pact because
t was believed that the French gov-
ernment had also violated the pact
in sanctioning the accord with Rus-
sia, Professor Ehrmann said. "How-
ever, the Powers condemned Ger-
many, denying there were inconsis-
tencies between the Franco-Russian
pact and the Locarno agreement."
Professor Ehrmann pointed out
that the "unfortunate feature" of the
situation from the German point-of-
view is that the Reich was done "a
great injustice at the end of the war."
"Germany protests that she re-
quested the Armistice on a basis of
Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points and cer-
tain pre-Armistice agreements, but
that the actual Treaty of Versailles
is a repudiation of Wilsonian prin-
(Continued on Page 4)
Plan Excursion
To Rouge Plant
Of Ford Today

Rouse Announces Buses
Will Leave Angell Hall
At 12:45 P.M.
The second excursion of this Sum-
mer Session, an inspection of the Ford
industries at River Rouge, will begin
at 12:45 p.m. today. Students going
on the excursion will meet in front of
Angell Hall where buses engaged by
the University will take them to River
According to the {Summer Session
office, where reservation for the ex-
cursion must be made, students will
be allowed to drive their own carson
the excursion, meeting the rest of the
party in front of the administration
building of Greenwich Village. The
cost of the trip has been estimated at

ls Are The Finest Ever Cast,
tates, After Trip ToEngland

ed by
day as
ity of
er the
st re-
n was
ns in
of the

compare the University bells to those
of similar sizes. Desiring to hear!
the carillon again after attending nu-
merous recitals in Belgium, he ar-
ranged for a second concert June 19.'
People of the city packed the streets'
around the factory to hear the beau-
tiful tones of the new bells.
The Baird Bell which weighs 12
tons was the most difficult problem of
the manufacturing company and also
of primary interest to Professor
Moore. There are six bells in the
United States which exceed the size
of the University bell. A solitary bell
over Wanamaker's Store in Phila-
delphia, Penn., is the largest of these,
weighing 18 tons. Three others are

Professor Moore explained that
,every large bell is an experiment in
itself. Because of the cost of pro-
duction, approximately $12,000, a
company must wait for an order to
attempt new ideas. For this reason,
each bell produced is an improvement
over the last. The Taylor Factory
has cast the greatest number of large
bells of any other company, and the
Baird Bell is the third order in ten
The keyboard or clavier of the
Carillon is the easiest to, operate of
any made up to this time. Roller
bearings are used throughout and it
is possible to regulate the tone quality

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