THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JULY 7,1936 ...- ............ .. . . ... ............... I View Of Cleveland's Great Lakes Exposit ion At Night Looking across the Court of Presidents at the Great Lakes Exposition on Cleveland's lake front. In the distance is the aurora borealis lighting of the Marine Theatre. Between it and the Court of Presidents is the double row of ships' masts flanking the Lake Erie Plaza. - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - Once A Wilderness O Cans, Great Lakes Exposition Now A Beauty Spot Recent Growth In In terniational Law Discussed, Harvard Professor Statcs That All Trcatis Are Not Legal Instruments (Continued from Page 1) also had upon its agenda such ques- tions as limitation of armaments, re- striction of the use of balloons, and restriction on the use of submarines, he said. In 1907, the second conference as- sembled as a direct result of "the conventions of the first Hague Peace Conference," and was attended by 47 states, 21 more than were present in 1898, Professor Wilson stated. This group provided for a third peace conference which was expect- ed to meet in 1915, he said, but at this time many of the earlier conventions were being tested by the actual ex- perience of war. "During the war, there were many violations of international law,"~ which, according to Professor Wilson, "rarely profitted the guilty party." Particular emphasis was placed by the speaker on the fact that interna- tional law should not be confused with international relations or inter- national politics. Although nations whose policies I are not in accord with international! law may even make treaties whichA would be contrary to 4international law, these provisions may be declaredc unlawful when they are brought to an international court, he said. Professor Wilson added that since the World War, there has been "much making of treaties under the illusion that thus international law could be made." ANACONDA INSURES HELP NEW YORK, July 6.-(RP)-Ana- conda Copper Mining Co. today an-! nouriced it has arranged for group life insurance for the 28,000 em- ployes of the parent company and subsidiaries by the Prudential In- surance Co. of America, under which joint contributions will be made by the company and each insured em- ploye. Initial cost to the employe will be 60 cents a month per $1,000 of insurance. Still Is In liding Probe Looms In Ambulance Service Here Local Sheriff's Officers Question Long Delay In Answering Call (Continued from Page 1 service, and asked it to send its am- bulance to the collision. The Red Top drivers, however, stated that a previous run about a year ago had been unpaid for because passing motorists brought in the in- jured parties before the ambulance arrived and the county auditor had refused to pay the bill. Accordingly, they asked that the approval of Cushing, auditor for the Board of Supervisors, be secured. Cushing, when called, asked the of- ficers to arrange to hold the damaged cars to insure payment to the county by the injured parties if they were able to pay, and because this would have delayed service, the sheriff's of- ficers called Red Top and sent out the ambulance, offering to pay out of office fu"ds if the auditor refused to approve the bill. Because of that action, the arrival of the second ambulance was delayed for almost three quarters of an hour. Stagan's ambulance serves the county for accidents on a contract basis. Sheriff Jacob B. Andres stated yes- terday that he intended to take the matter up with the jail committee of the county board of supervisors, in order to eliminate such delays in the future. Comparing death totals for the past By HERBERT S. FICKES a everal years, officials of the National GX a rock garden that no other city may afety Council were inclined to credit GREAT LAES EXPOSITION boast upon its water front; to the left his year with a fair showing. Deaths Cleveland, O., July 6. (Special) Fol- a stadium stands majestically wel- otals in 1925 were 216, 175 in 1934, lowing a record-breaking crowd coming its patrons in 80,000 groups 85 in 1933 and 243 in 1932. which clicked through the turnstiles of sport and lovers of the drill. They pointed out that the 254 high- on the opening day here, the Exposi- To the right a temple to the "horse- my fatalities was somewhat under tion covering 150 acres on Cleveland's less carriage"-rivaling only the in- stimates for the two days, based on lake front has settled into the gigan- candescent lamp in its contribution revious marks, and said that July's 'tic task of entertaining and amusing to the social progress of a people. verage daily death toll from acci- a daily crowd in excess of 50,000 peo- Beyond the. Hall of Progress- ents is around 300. rpleduring the 100 days which will measured by blocks rather than by Large Blaze Started terminate with the closing of the feet or .yards-industry again takes In addition to the seven deaths, two show on Oct. 4. the mystery from its products-and, f them occurring in the premature Gay with uags, pennants and bunt- old John Q. Public may therein see xplosion of fireworks in a boat near ing, the buildings and grounds of the what goes into his corn beef hash or exington, Mich.,* firecrackers start- Exposition present a gay fairyland of his stained glass windows. d a blaze which razed four business beauty. White predominates in the The blast of steamboat whistles re-, locks in Remsen, Ia., with estimated painting of the buildings with about minds that modern water transporta- amage of $500,000. Fifteen families 12 shades of five colors used in dec- tion docks at the exposition's gang- 'ere homeless and national guards- orative effects. The grounds present way-a blimp drones overhead, and ien were called in to stand patrol a marvel of landscaped beauty. How- with two-way radio directs for the uty. A Vambridge, Mass., girl died ever ,the high point in appearance of police traffic jams that are piling up >day from the effects of swallowing the grounds is to be found after dark two miles distant. A Show Boat quarter given her to buy fireworks. when the most colorful and complete nestles beside Byrd's ship. Of the remainder, three were killed system of outdoor lighting ever seen A pageant appeals. It tells the y trains while walking along the in America turns the lake front show story from the oxcart to "999" and 'acks, two were electrocuted, and two into a sparkling extravaganza. - - - -- ~ ere fire victims. Tribute To Engineering *D Seven Detroiters were killed, al- A tribute to American engineering W ork T1 Ieohfl iough only two fatalities occurred genius, the Exposition has been com- ithin the city. Two others were pleted in less than 100 working days, On Ironwoo( illed on county highways, two in an a new record in Exposition building. cident near Oscoda, and a man was In that time the grounds have been rowned in St. Clair river. transformed from what was a wilder- om e Project ness of tin cans ,ash heaps and squat- tihtman Places ers' shanties into a center of amuse- WASHINGTON, July 6. -- (/P) - ment and recreation for millions. In Glider Contest The grounds of the Exposition are A d Guy T u cRetlemen thrown open to the public at 9 a.m. Administrator, announced t o d a y daily, with the exhibits opening at 10. ground would be broken July 8 on Henry Nicoll Wightman, a student a.m. and closing at 10 p.m. Amuse- the Ironwood, Mich., Homesteads i aeronautical engineering at the ments will remain open later. niversity in 1935, placed fourth in a Fifteen miles of dustless streets and Project to provide new omes for 40 liding meet held Sunday at Elmira, sidewalks provide easy walking in all families. ew York, with a score of 210 points. sections of the grounds, and large The\ project. situated a mile and a The meet, which is considered the tractor busses, rickshaws and wheel quarter. from the town of Ironwood. cost successful yet held in America, chairs provide transportation for will occury 1,400 acres and will cost 'as marked by the high average score those who prefer to ride. about $2,500,000. f the contestants. Up until Sunday,IFeatures The Resettlement Administration Vightman had made the long dis- Interesting said it was undertaken to provide mce flight of the meet, 135 miles, There are many interesting fea- homes for low-income families whose ut his record was broken by Ches- tures to be found on the grounds to present homes are endangered by er Decker, winner of the meet, and occupy the attention of the visitor, cave-ins caused by the undermining lso winner of the $500 Vincent Ben- in addition to industrial and com- . of a large section of Ironwood. ix prize for the longest fight. mercial displays. The horticultural The town site will occupy 400 acres, Last year, Wightman won the I- building and gardens, representing each house having five-eighths of ana ercollegiate meet held at Purdue, an outlay of $250,000, stretch for 1000 acre of tillable soil for gardens. The nd at yesterday's meet he qualified, feet along the shores of Lake Erie. settlement will also include a com- ith four other pilots, for the silver On the, Exposition showboat, the munity center building, four stores, a award of the International Istus, S. S. Moses Cleveland, will be found fire station and a playground. ne of the highest awards in inter- two dance floors and two dance or- Surrounding the settlement will be ational gliding. chestras. In the amusement area will 280 acres of farm land, 280 acres of be found all types of amusements, pasture land and 440 acres of timber- GIANTS SIGN OHIO U. MAN thrills, rides and eating places. In land. The family units, for which 300 NEW YORK, July 6.-P(P)-The the streets of the world are 36 na- applications are already on file, will ew York Giants of the National tionalities presenting the costumes consist of from two to four bedrooms, 'otball League, today announced and drinking and eating spots of the bath, kitchen, living room, laundry he signing of Art Lewis, 225-pound Old West with all types of handicrafts and garage. The administration ex- ackle who graduated from Ohio Uni- for sale. pccts to complete the project by De- ersity last spring. ( The shores of Lake Eric lazily lap cember 1. - -- - --- -- -- -Associated Press Photo. Eddie Freed (above) eluded a police search after the slaying of Audrey Valette, night club figure and former show girl, in her Chi- cago apartment. An assistant man- ager of the hotel identified pic- tures of Freed's wife as those of a woman who fled from the building shortly after Miss Valette was shot. ALL-STARS AT WASHINGTON BOSTON, July 6. -- (P) -American and National Baseball League execu- tives, meeting in join session on the eve of tomorrow's all-star game here, awarded the 1937 all-star baseball game to Washington today. the more recent Zephyr. Orange trees from Florida; Lincoln momentoes from Illinois; tire making that be- gins in the rubber plantations of South America and ends in your garage. Stiffening for souls that need courage in another building. Model homes-the masterpieces of art in a distant shrine---fun houses and fried chicken served without sil- ver-fish pools of perch that leap into the frying pan--- a submarine and spaghetti--dancing dolls and luring ladies of the floor shows- Streets of the World with 30 different nations in 30 different costumes and dances-and 30 different kinds of food. Fireworks that rock the skies with their bombs; buses to carry the young and old to the pleasures that always lie just beyond. Men, women and children in studious or carnival spirit. Milling mobs or quiet nooks. All as surely a part of modern American. as were the leather jerkined pioneers, that claimed it from the Indians.I That is the Great Lakes Exposition. V. [4BOIIAK PROGRESS tirouldh the ACESAJ WHEN A BATTLE WAS FOUGHT rBECAUS E NEWS LAGGED ! 'Clearan,4ce of, DRESS0iES -SUTSaCATS ' Seeing is believing, so come to this clearance early! SPORTS - DAYTIME - EVENING Sizes 12 to 46 - 161/ to 26% $16.75a$12.9 $795 $50 WHITE - PASTEL - DARKER CREPES - KNITS - PRINTS LACES -- CIIIFFONS - NOVELTY SUMMER MATERIALS Values to $29.75 SU ITS-COATS{ NAVY SWAGGERS 1-6 - 1-14 $12.95 COPEN BLUE... .S. OR SWAGGER $12.95 NAVY COATS . . . . 2-SIZE42 .$12.95 BLACK COATS . . . 1 - SIZE20 .$295 A few plaids and lighter colored wools, sizes 12 to 18 suits .... at $6.95 and $12.95. at $6.95 and $12.95. SUMMER COATS SUMMER COATS WE WWHITE, YELLOW, AQUA, WIII' L NOVELLY WOOLS COPEN, ANGORA at $12.95 at $6.95 SUMMER COATS Taffeta Evening Wraps - Pastel String Knits Fleece and Novelty Cottons at $5.s00 NO APPROVALS 0 ALL SALES FINAL he Elizabeth Dillon S OTP EAST WILLIAM OFF' STATE ANDREW JACKSON'S glorious vic- tory at New Orleans was won after peace was actually declared! NEWS of the agreement by repre- sentatives in Europe was forced to await the pleasure of the fickle winds which carried ships to and fro in those days. The Associated Press today distributes news dispatches from Manila to Porto Rico. from Patagonia to Alaska, instantly. Lydia MENDELSSOHN Theatre WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Steele and Mitchell's MYSTERY COMEDY "POST ROAD" RESERVATIONS NOW Prices: 75c, 50c & 35c -H I Tbg Asiort-atrb jVrtrin news is timely, accurate and concise. The Michigan Daily _. ._ _ _ _____ . _ . .... ._ °° _,,.._.. _u. .... .._.__. . I w .# I -#- U - -11 1t 4t ® Ir ' UAf - XA n n 1 I