,iE MIllCAN bAIL UTURDAY, JULY 4,19-34, SATURDAY, JULY 4, 19a4~ We Who Go To War Must Act 17,000,000 dead-17,000,000 soldiers and sailors killed in the last war! Who are they? Statesmen? Politicians? Big-navy advocates? Munitions man- ufacturers? Business leaders whose factories hummed during war times? Editors whose papers love to stir up international bad feeling, because it helps circulation? No--not one! Just average citizens. Young men with their lives before them. They were told it was glory, and look what they got. Look what all of us got! Back-breaking taxes. Economic disorders that have not yet been righted. A bitter defeat for one side, a bitter victory for the other. Yet the world is drifting toward another war right now. And those who profit by war will encourage that drift unless we who suffer by war fight them! World Peaceways is a non-profit agency the purpose of which is to solidify the de- sire most people have to abolish the whole silly business of war. Today with talk of a coming war heard everywhere, Americans must stand firm in their determination that the folly of 1914-1918 shall not occur again. World Peace- ways, an organization for public enlightenment on international affairs, feels that intelligent efforts can and must be made toward a secure peace. To this end you can do your share to build up a strong public opinion against war. Write today to World Peaceways, 103 Park Avenue, New York City. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING_ As Others See I Alexander Berkman (From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch) ALEXANDER BERKMAN'S death by his own hand comes, dramatically enough, on the eve of labor's third great attempt to organize the steel industry. It was during the first attempt, in 1892, that Berkman, already well known as an anarchist and companion of Emma Goldman, tried to as- sassinate Henry Clay Frick. Berkman, aroused by the Homestead riots, in which several steel strik- ers were killed, considered Frick to be responsible, Armed with a cheap pistol and a dagger, heI obtained entrance into Frick's office, shot andj stabbed him several times and was himself cap- Stured.Frick recovered and Berkman spent a long term in prison. The incident was an in- ternational sensation. It was, however, only one of many acts of vio- lence with which Berkman was directly or indi- rectly connected. As in the case of Emma Gold- man, his whole life was one of aggressive war ,against a social order which he found it impossible to accept. His devotion to anarchy was complete, He believed in an ideal society, where men were superior to all restraints by government-a society far more Utopian in concept than any other form of radicalism. To further his convictions, he was willing to resort to the most dangerous, fantastic and cruel methods of bombing and assassination -what the anarchists called "direct action.". Berkman was too fanatical to understand that these methods, far from bringing on the society of khis dreams, damaged his own cause irreparably. The attacks on Frick, Russel Sage, William Mc- Kinley and the Preparedness day massacre in San Francisco killed anarchism in the United States. Berkman finally was deported, went to Russia and found Bolshevism unpalatable, and then wandered, homeless and hunted, over the face of the globe. A strange man. What will be the final judgment of him? Will he be the loathsome creature thirst- ing for blood which he has so often been painted, or will the perspective of time lend him that at- BOOKS THE SCHOLES MUSIC HANDBOOK, by Percy A. Scholes; (Witmark.) WHILE listening to the eminent New York Phil- harmonic Symphony society in the (presumed) comfort of your home you may have heard the re- tiring, throaty voice of Lawrence Gilman say something like this: "This movement is a kind of savage zapateado * .. " And if you were dutifully paying attention, you may have been brought up short. Just what is a "zapateado?" you may have wondered. In fact, it's quite likely you have wondered about a good many musical terms which have been creeping more and more frequently into general use. Even if you know a little about music, you may be con- fused. We discovered, the other day, a fairly competent young pianist who admitted she was puzzled as to which was slower, adagio or largo. That's an extreme case, but extreme cases do ~exist, as well as millions of mild cases. For the benefit of all these the eminent British musi- cologist, Percy A. Scholes, has written still an- other musical dictionary. It defines in admirably lucid English nearly 900 terms found in music. The definitions are short and perfectly under- standable by anyone. They also are written in interesting English. Surpisingly, they include definitions of quite a large number of terms which the puzzled amateur will not find in even such a work as Grove-for many years the standard ref- erence work. Those who may turn to Mr. Scholes' little book ,will also be delighted to find that the author has not been led into involved discussions by joy of hearing his own voice. Obviously anybody want- ing to know all there is to know on any subject can dig out the material for himself. For the American market Mr. Scholes' book has been edited by Dr. Will Earhart. The changes are very slight, the most important being the elimination of the cumbersome and meaningless British names for the notes. A crochet thus be- comes a quarter note, and a demisemi-quaver a 32nd note. -J. mosphere of nobility and self-sacrifice for hu- manity with which he long ago was garbed by his ;followers? (JASSIFIED ADVERTISING Placeavertisements with Classifed Averti in l epartment Phone 2-1214 'le clssiied columns close at five OWrlock previous to day of insertion. Box n11.)bers may be secured at no extr incharge. Cash in advance lle per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two inertions. 1c per read- ing line for three or more insertions. Mini an three lines per insrion. 'rchephone rate - 15 per reading line for twot or more insertions. Minimum three lines per inserton. 10;,;(lscounlt if paid within tn days from the date of last isertion. 1y Conamt c 'per line -- lines daily, oXni onth..... ...........c 4 lines 1«D_, 2 months...........8 lines daily, college year..........a7c 4 lines E.O.D_2 nonts7.............8c E E0 lnes used as desired ..........9 - d110 lines used as desired...r...d.de 000 lines usel as desired........7 2,000 lines used as desiredk..........c The ab~ove rates are per~ reading line based on eight reading lines per inch ionic type, upper and lower ase. Add 6c per tlin to above rates for all cap tal letters. Add 6 per line to above for bold face. upper and lower cas. Add Oc per 3lne to above ates for bold face capita l letters. The above rates are for 7z point type. LAUNDRY EXPERIENCED laundress doing stu- dent laundry. Called for and de- livered. Telephone 4863. 2x LAUNDRY WANTED: Student Co- ed. Men's shirts 10c. Silks, wools, our specialty. All bundles done sep- aratcly. No markings. Personal sat- isfaction guaranteed. Call for and deliver. Phone 5594 any time until 7 o'clock. Silver Laundry, (07 E. Hoover. 3x LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. lx rjij4 res Continue iAnns11ing uStreak Gimmoi ugend ii Iining.Ld C.ary ain Stfr own tt nst WVay iTo I )troit riiiiiiph Ovcrui, , d -oud k (Continued from Pagel) ringer' sacrificed them to second and third, and GooseGslin brought them home with a single over short. Van Atta then struck out Walker and Simmons to endgthe inning. Carey, bating for Van Atta in the St. Louis seventh, doubled, and took third a. Gehringer fumbled Lary's grounder Carey scored when Clift hit into a force lay, Rogell tossing Lary out at second. The final Tiger run came off Lieb-' haLddt in the eighth. Owen singled, Hayworth popped to Lary, then Law- son beat out a slow bounder and Burns singled scoring wen. Sammy West contributed the field- ing feature of the game, in which four double plays were completed, by running 550 yards and lunging low to nab Lawson's hard drive in the third, inning. Two more encounters of the four- game series are scheduled for the holiday tomorrow. Elden Auker and Vie Sorrell were named to start for the Tigers, opposing Thomas and Caldwell of the Browns. N DANCING \ Class & individual in struction in all types of dancing. Teachers course. Open daily dur- 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Phone 965 Terrace Carden Studio wuerth Theatre Idg. WANTED WANTED: Student men meals. Bright Spot Packar & Arch St. DRUGS to work for Restaurant. KODAKS FOR SALE OFFER wanted for lot twenty-one Eastover Hills. Write W. T. God- dard, Commerce Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. FOR RENT COOL, nicely furnished single room. Coil mattress, shower bath, con- tinuous hot water, reasonable rent. Call 8741. 912 Monroe, across from Architecture School. 6 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Alpha Omricon Pi pin. Re- ward. Phone 22281. 1319 Hill. Jiffy Kodak touch a button pop it opens touch another "click"-~it snaps the picture U Handsome, compact, simplicity itself- to operate- that's JIFFY KODAK - and the reason we feature it. We have two models. inch pictures - $9. inch pictures - $8. The Six-16 for 2'2 x 44- Model Six-20 for 214 x 34- Come in and see them today. EXPERT FINISHING IN OUR OWN DARK ROOM .' . E R Drug Comiany "This is a Business With Us - Not a Sideline." CANDY SODAS_ NOW PLAYING! G, J Reforming Party Conventions TRULY A MOST UNUSUAL PICTURE- YOU WILL CHEER IT FOR WEEKS TO COME! P E R FORfMANCE R Y D *CTp R"fSTAR! JEAN DON AIWECI4E * AL LE N J E NKIN S AiARRYL F. ZANUCK 20th Century Productio Extra CHAS. CHASE NOVEL |LATEST "ON THE WRONG TREK" IITRAVELOGUEll NEWS [N ADDITION to the interpretation of the role of party conventions given below, as reprinted from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, it is also inter- esting to recall the specific effect of radio on po- litical conventions. Dorothy Thompson, writing several days ago in her column On The Record, calls attention to the fact that radio has given conventions a strictly national character, that con- ventions are now held for the sake of their effect on the public, rather than for the purpose of a party .group meeting to iron out a platform and a candidate. As a result of the fact that each word of a convention is heard by millions of potential voters, the real work of the conventions must be done by oligarchical groups, and no criticisms of party policies can be permitted in convention, lest the public feel the presence of party dissension. Like- wise, criticising party policies before a microphone is "washing dirty linen in public." . Thus it is that the poor little delegates come, listen and cheer, puppets who have no excuse for existence other than to help to build a psychologi- cal support for the candidate chosen by small groups in hotel rooms. (From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch) IT HAS BECOME a commonplace amongst all nations which have tried popular insti- tutions that the actions of such bodies as our nominating conventions are subject to the play of passion and of chance. They meet to do a single thing-for the platform is really left to a committee-and upon that one thing all intrigue centers. Who that has witnessed them will ever for- get the intense night scenes, the feverish re- cesses, of our nominating conventions, when there is a running to and fro of agents from delegation to delegation, and every candidate has his busy headquarters-can ever forget the shouting and almost frenzied masses on the floor of the hall when the convention is in session, swept this way and that, by every wind of sudden feeling, impatient of debate, incapable of deliberation? When a convention's brief work is over, its own members can scarcely remember the plan and order of it. They go home unmarked, and sink into the general body of those who have nothing to do with the conduct of government. They cannot be held responsible if their can- didate fails in his attempt to carry on the Ex- ecutive. The foregoing passage might have been written sened by the fact that it was part of an article 1 published in the Atlantic Monthly in July, 1897; its author a professor of jurisprudence and po- litical eponomy at Princeton University named Woodrow Wilson. "Evidently, it is a purely providential form of government," he wrote elsewhere in the article. It is as apparent in 1936 as it was in 1897 that such feverish, intense gatherings are "impatient of de- bate, incapable of deliberation," as the news re- ports and the radio broadcasts have testified. When Wilson became President, he sought to cure these conditions. In his message to Congress on Dec. 2, 1912, he said: "I feel confident that I do not misinterpret the wishes or the expectations of the country when I urge legislation which will provide for primary elections throughout the country at which the voters of the several parties may choose their nominees for the presidency without the intervention of nominating conven- tions." He outlined his proposal, to retain party con- ventions, but only to accept the verdict of the (primaries and formulate the platforms; the dele- gates not to be chosen at large, but to consist of each party's nominees for House and Senate at the forthcoming elections, the Senators still in office, the national committees and the presiden- tial nominees. In this way, he said, "the platforms may be framed by those responsible to the people for carrying them into effect." Congress took no action on this proposal for direct national primaries; in fact; it is probable that Congress lacks power under the Constitution to enact such a law. The states began adopting presidential primaries in 1910, but eight of the 25 that did so have abandoned the plan, and in others the scheme has proved of little value in determ- ining a choice of nominees. President Wilson himself dealt the plan a blow in 1916, when lie re- fused to let his name be entered in such primaries. At present, they are chiefly used as a political de- vice to forward the hopes of "favorite sons." The remedy Wilson urged for convention evils thus has proved ineffective. What, then, is the solution? No definite plan now appears to be in sight. Doubtless much could be done if the parties ! would reduce the ballyhoo elements in the con- ventions to a minimum, and dispatch the business for which they are convened as speedily as pos- sible. For instance, the work of the two recent conventions, if shorn of the gaudy atmosphere of showmanship, could have been finished in one or two days of deliberation, instead of being pro- longed to lengthy circus performances. II 11 I~9- - SHADES OF OLD ATHENS I RECENTLY A REPORT RELATED how a native of the Riff country ran more than sixty miles without a halt to deliver a message to the British Governor. Such marathon running is reminiscent of the ath- letic prowess of ancient Athens, now but a chapter in history. THE WIRES OF The Associated Press flash important news from all the world in less time than it took the Riff to get a fair start on his sixty-mile journey. Keep en- lightened -keep informed. Read I ® .. .uri,*1. -I .'. .Y~ni±a * .I - - , \