THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, AUG. 21, Prof. O'Roke Finds Traces Of Curious Animal Disease In Deer, f."?-- Autopsy On 14 Perforrned To Reveal 'Sickle Cell'' Anemia Traces "Sickle cell" anemia, a disease very rarely found heretofore among ani- mals, has been detected in 14 autop-! sies performed upon 178 deer, re- ports Dr. E. C. O'Roke, animal path-I ologist of the University of MichiganI School of Forestry and Conservation.j While searching for deer lungI worms his attention was drawn to aI number of deer whose red blood cells instead of being perfectly roundI showed defintie half-moon shapes,; Dr. O'Roke states in a recent num- ber of the Proceedings of the So- ciety for Experimental Biology andj Medicine. In conference with Dr.I Raphael Issacs, of the University Medical School, it was determinedt that the symptoms were doubtlesslyt those of sickle cell anemia.- Autopsies on the diseased animalst showed that there was an atrophy of the spleen in practically all of thei specimens. This is a characteristic ofI sickle cell anemia in humans, thel spleen being an organ which norm- ally both stores up red blood cells for use during activity and separates out the cells which are no longer ef- ficient. The pulp, or main body of the spleen was greatly reduced in most of the deer, according to Dr. O'Roke. Another similarity to the human type of sickle cell anemia was the fact that the deer examined showed an unusual amount of breakage in the leg bones. This is a condition al- so noted among human patients, due to a thinning of the outer layer of Negro Charges He Was Forced Into Confession Judge May Throw Aside Confession In Trial Of Moore For Co-Ed Death ASHEVILLE, N. C., Aug. 20.-(')-- Martin Moore, fighting for his life, told Judge Don Phillips today that fists and a rubber hose were used to wrench from him a confession that he killed 18-year-old Helen Clevenger while a thunderstorm raged about her hotel room in the small hours of July 16. The lanky 22-year-old Negro, whose appearance on the stand sent the girl's father, J. F. Clevenger, into a fainting spell, made the statement in the absence of the jury while the judge was considering whether to admit the confession into evidence.' After lengthy arguments and ques- tioning of several witnesses, the Judge allowed two witnesses to tell what they heard as Moore confessed, but refused to allow Sheriff Laurence E. Brown or other officers to present the signed statement or details of its contents. Carried To Hotel Clevenger, whose home is at Great Kills, Staten Island, N. Y., was car- ried to his hotel and placed under care of a physician. Answering charges of coercion by defense counsel while the jury was out, Sheriff Brown said: "The only thing I said to him was that if he told me the truth about this matter I would tell the judge he told me the truth." Siding with the defense claim of coercion and inducement, Judge Phillips snapped: "Objection sustained." Moore told the court "a fat man" whose name he did not know "beat me with a rubber hose and hit me in the stomach with his fist" while he was being questioned in jail. 'The Fat Man' "The fat man," Moore said, also told him officers had found his fin- gerprints on a lamp shade in the girl's room. Prior to the trial Sher- iff Brown said no fingerprints of any value were found. Walter B. Orr, former Charlotte, N. C., chief of police who aided in the investigation of the case, said two New York detectives, "Quinn and Martin," were present while Moore was questioned. He described Quinn as weighing "about 200 pounds.". Orr said he stopped a fight between Moore and W. L. Roddy, Negro fel- low employe of the defendant at the Battery Park Hotel, while the two were handcuffed together. Moore had claimed Roddy borrowed the gun which he later admitted he used to kill the girl when she frightened him by screaming when he entered her room to rob it. the bone. The deer were typically "anemic," being thin, emaciated and with "watery" blood. The deer showing anemia were all from two regions, near Alpena and Bitely. In 100 specimens from an- other area no cases were discovered. The condition was also detected, however, in a specimen examined by Dr. O'Roke in California. This makes it likely that the condition may be hereditary, still another analogy to the disease in humans. Further studies of the condition are to be made, according to Dr. O'Roke, since the disease may have some con- nection with the inability of certain deer to withstand severe winters. So far the anemia has been found most- ly in fawns and young deer. There is no evidence thus far that the condition is caused by any bac- teria or filterable virus. It is a physi- cal abnormality and in no sense con- tagious to other animals or man. The abnormality has been observed by Dr. Don R. Coburn, of the State Depart- ment of Conservation, according to Dr. O'Roke. No More Delay To Be Allowed In Legion Trial Judge Tells Prosecutors To Come To Agreement On Date By Today DETROIT, Aug. 20.--kP)-Circuit Judge Joseph Moynihan announced today he would countenance no further delay in the trial of 12 Black Legionnaires charged with kidnaping and killing Charles A. Poole. He told County Prosecutor Dun- can C. McCrea and Assistant Attor- ney General Chester P. O'Hara, who: has intervened in the case, that "if you can't agree on a date by 9:30 a.m. tomorrow, I'll assist you." The judge denied defense motions to dismiss charges against John S. Vincent, Albert Stevens, Virgil Mor- row and Thomas R. Craig. He also asked Prosecutor McCrea to hasten the examination of John B. Mitchell and to submit a medical re- port on the condition of George John- son, another defendant who has been ill in Receiving Hospital since his arrest in May. Should they be held for trial, the number of defendants would be increased to 14. McCrea and O'Hara had disagreed on several matters pertaining to the prosecution when Judge Moynihan delivered his ultimatum. McCrea had asked for dismissal of the kidnaping charges, electing to stand on the murder charges, but O'Hara had pre- vailed with his insistance that both charges stand. 2 Fire Trucks Collide On Way To Fight Blaze Farm Problem Parley Asked By Roosevelt Seeks Study Of Approach To Crop Insurance And Rural Credit Issues HYDE PARK, Aug. 20.-(J)-Post- election conference of farm organiza- tions to study an effective approach to the problems of crop insurance and rural credit was suggested by President Roosevelt today as he con- tinued to survey drought relief needs. Crop insurance and rural credit are two of the key items of the legislative program of the National Grange, and Louis J. Taber, master of the Grange, said they had been emphasized, along with drought problems, in an hour's conference with the President and Secretary Wallace. Wallace's Suggestion "The President and Wallace," Ta- ber told the reporters afterward, "suggested it might be a good idea to call a conference of farm organiza- tions and other interested parties after the election to consider an in-. telligent approach to both these prob- lems, crop insurance and rural credit. "The President gave assurance that the administration was studying something sound in this regard." The Grange, Taber said, is advo- cating a crop insurance program car- ried out through Federal state co- operation at a cost of around $25,- 000,000 a year. The cost would be much lower than for the present method of drought relief, he said. Confers With President Wallace, who is expected to accom- pany Mr. Roosevelt on a trip to the drought-parched Mid-West starting Tuesday night from Washington, conferred with the President private-' ly about drought conditions, but had nothing to say afterward. The itinerary for the drought-state tour was virtually completed during the day, but the President was hold- ing up its announcement until all details were final. White House aides said they expected to make it public tomorrow and at the same time dis- patch invitations to drought state governors for a series of conferences with the President on his swing through the dust bowl. The President said some time ago I that Governor Landon would be in- New York...... Cleveland ........ Detroit ........... Chicago .......... Washington..... Boston ........... St. Louis ....... Philadelphia ..,.. . W. L. .... 75 40 ...64 53 .64 54 .... 61 56 .59 57 .... 59 59 .44 73 .... 41 47 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Detroit 8, St. Louis 4. Only game scheduled. TODAY'S GAMES Chicago at Detroit. St. Louis at Cleveland. Washington at Philadelphia. Boston at New York. NATIONAL LEAGUE .652 .547 .542 .521 .509 .500 .376 .357 Pct. .614 .600 .574 .517 .482 .465 .395 .360 in- .hed- War Games Forces Begin Demobilizing CAMP CUSTER, Aug. 20.-(P)- Twenty thousand National Guards- men of Michigan, Illinois and Wis- consin awaited demobilization to- night, their two weeks of training, which included participat nin ex- tensive war maneuvers in Allegan county, concluded. A demonstration of the firing pow- er and maneuverability of the me- chanized first cavalry, from Fort Knox, Ky., ended the second army's war games. The mechanized unit simulated an attempt to capture Harbord Hill, on the Camp Custer reservation. Wisconsin troops will embark for Milwaukee tomorrow from Grand Haven and South Haven. Illinois guardsmen will return home by mo- tor convoy and by boat. Major Leagues AMERICAN LEAGUE St. Louis New York .... Chicago...... Pittsburgh Cincinnati Boston ....... Brooklynh.... Philadelphia . W. L. .70 44 .69 46 S66 49 , S60 56 55 59 .53 61 5... . 69 S41 73 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING LAUNDRY CLASSIFIED LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. ADVERTISING Careful work at low price. Ix Place advertisements with Classified ed. Men's shirts IOC. Silks, Wools, Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. The classified columns close at five our specialty. All bundles done sep- o'clock previous to day of insertion arately. No markings. Personal sates Box numbers may be secured at no isfaction guaranteed. Call for and extra charge. Cash in advance Ile per reading line deliver. Phone 5594 any time until (on basis of five average words to line) 7 o'clock Silver Laundry, 607 . for one or two insertions. 10c per read- ing line for three or more insertions Hoover. 32 Minimum three lines per insertion. Telephone rate -5c per reading line for two or more insertions. Minimum FOR RENT three lines per insertion. 10 discount if paid within ten day a URNISHED housekeeping suite, $6 from the date of last insertion. FRIHDhueepn ut,$ 2 lines daily, college year ........,..'c.per week. 1420 Washington Hts., By Contract, per line - 2 lines daily one month .....s..............8 near hospital, campus. Phone 4942. 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months............8c 42 4 lines E.O.D.. 2 monthsr..........8c 100 lines used as desired .........9c 300 lines used as desired............c8 FOR RENT: 5-room furnished bun- 2,000 lines used as desired..........6c galow. Adults only. Phone 6805. The above rates are per reading line 40 based on eight read.'ng lines per inch Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add 6c per line to above rates for all capital FOR RENT: 4 or 5-room furnished letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add apartment. Lockers. Oil burner. 10c per line to above rates for bold face Electric refrigerator. 209 N. Ingalls. capital letters. The above rates are for 72% point type Phone 3403. 39 ROOMS for girls for balance of sum- mer, large shady yard, garage, 1511 Powers' Neutrality Washtenaw. Tel 3851. FOR SALE Hopes Are CoolingFOR_____ HARLEY DAVIDSON single cylinder (Continued from Page 1) model. A nice bike. Economical and dependable. low priced. Call 5778. French plan-but with reservations. WANTED Italy has said she would do nothing in Spain if France'"wouldn't. Both WANTED: Log Log slide rule and Italy and Germany, through the of- drawing instruments. Phone 3082 ficial press, have accused France of between 1 and 2 Friday. talking ileutrality and acting for the Socialist Loyalists at the same time. WANTED: Three persons to fill out StiaistLoyaitatinhsami e.f- tonneau of large seven-passenger Striving to maintain a middle-of- Cadillac V-16. Leaving for New the road course was Great Britain York via Joe Bathey's Sunday which was trying to find out whether morning. For further information there really was a blockade of cer- call either G. Athertoin at 2-2977 tain coastal areas held by rebels. or J. Park at 2-1214. Britain was informed that this was poused the loyalists, as the Madrid so by the Spanish Loyalists, but ac- forces contain a large contingent of cording to iernational custom, it Communists and Anarchists. was said, a blockade is not a block- Th.nte tts'plc.hsbe ade until it is recognized as such. one of strict non-intervention, as an- Great Britain wanted to know. nounced on several occasions by Pres- She already has declared an em- ident Roosevelt, although in some bargo on all shipments of arms to British circles the United States was either Spanish belligerent. suggested as perhaps the most inde- Soviet Russia throughout has es- pendent mediator. NOW! Ii OWSaib ira Stanw yck - Robert Young GENE RAYMOND NED SPARKS in The hilariously diverting comnedy '"Tlie lBridle Walks Out" YESTERDAY'S RESULTS St. Louis 4, Cincinnati 2. Pittsburgh 8, Chicago 7 (11 nings). Boston 3, Philadelphia 1. Brooklyn-New York (not sc uled). TODAY'S GAMES New York at Boston Cincinnati at Chicago. Pittsburgh at St. Louis. Philadelphia - Brooklyn played later date). eluded, and the would accept. Kansan indicated he (to be STe LENASe By ROBERT L. GACHD The following problem is one thatI probably has bothered some of you. If a picture were taken with every- thing perfect except focus, would it be possible to print it sharply by projection if a focusing enlarger were used and you compensated for the error in fosus. If this were possible we would be using lenses of f.0000000001 aperature and wouldn't bother to focus them. However the question is inspired by a great deal of thought, and is one that pops up frequently. This is not possible at all and the following viewpoint may make it clear. Forget anything about how a lens forms an image, and look at it this way. You put a film into an en- larger, the best that the enlarger can do is to give you a print that is as sharp as the negative. This print is in a certain sense a picture of the film, and just like the camera, which has to be focused on the object, the enlarger lens must be focused on the film. If you tried this method of so called reconstruction you would be making an out of focus print of an out of focus film, or two times two makes four. A double coated Scotch tape has been develpoed for the shoe industry. The manufacturers have discovered that it is very handy for mounting photographs so it will be available to the photographic in- dustry in a very short time. SCREEN ENGAGEMENT HOLLYWOOD, Aug. 20.-(Y)-The engagement of Jeanette MacDonald, screen singer, and Gene Raymond, film actor, was announced today by Miss MacDonald's mother, Mrs. Anna MacDonald, at a tea attended by a number of motion picture notables. - < f') 2 Firemen Are Injured, One Critically; Wagons Crash At Intersection I " DETROIT, Aug. 20.-P)-Two firemen were injured, ono critically, when fire trucks hurrying to answer an alarm today collided at a down- town intersection here. Joe Hallman, of High Pressure Co., No. 1, suffered a skull fracture, frac- tures of both legs and the jaw, and burns about the legs. Elmer V. Gra- ham, hose cart driver for the same company, was less seriously hurt. Therother truck was an enclosed pumper of Engine Co. No. 1. Tony Kort, driver of the pumper, said both vehicles were traveling at a high rate of speed. The sirens of both were going, and neither driver could hear the other's siren. Graham was thrown 20 feet from the hose cart by the impact. Hall- man was partially caught beneath one wheel, and his clothing was ig- nited when gasoline from a dam- aged tank on the truck burst into flames. Other firemen suffered min- or burns extinguishing the flames. Both trucks were badly damaged. / Wht' 000 humanly"'errs,. it correctsN Cladjy. SATURDAY LAST DAY hl . r. 11 LAST TIMES TODAY- Feature Starts 2:00 -- 4:00 -- 7:30 -- 9:35 -A MILTON'S AUGUST CLEARANCE SALE! I I I