The Weather Generally fair, cooler south portion today; tomorrow cloudy, warmer north and extreme west portions. YI Sir i gan xtl Editorials Tip To Potential Soldiers .. Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XLV No. 44 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUG. 20, 1936 PRICE 5 CENTS Farley Flays At Republican 'Scare' Drive Attacks GOP Campaign As Effort To 'Break Down Faith OfPeople' His First Speech Since Convention Bells For University's Carillon Are Tried Out In Test Concert Are Hung In Test Tower Trials Temporary! For Tuning By W. H. MILLGATE LONDON, Aug. 19-Final testing of the 53 bells cast at the historic bell foundry of John Taylor & Co. at Loughborough for the University of Michigan carillon required the building of a temporary test tower duplicating the positions in which the bells will be hung in Ann Arbor. When this was completed expert carillonneurs played and skilled tun- ers listened in. Every time the foun- dry completes a set of bells, Lough- borough is treated to a concert. The Ann Arbor carillon will be the third largest in the world. The 53 bells, together with their framework and equipment, will weigh approximately 200,000 pounds. The (o ti t It i] Credits Business To Actions Of Since Election Recovery Roosevelt NEW YORK, Aug. 19.-(IP)-Demo- cratic Chairman James A. Farley to- night struck out at what he termed the "scare" campaign of the Repub- lican party. In his first political speech since the national conventions, Farley as- serted that the, Republican campaitn "consists of nothing more than* ef- fort to break down the faith of the people in the Roosevelt administra- tion by a constant barrage of scare propaganda." Speaking over a Mutual Broadcast- ing Company network on the occa- sion of Democratic jubilee banquets in several Michigan cities, the Dem- ocratic leader said: "The G.O.P. is vainly hoping that enough voters can be frightened to secure the success of their ticket. They underestimate the intelligence of the American voters." Cites Scares Farley originally wassscheduled to speak in Detroit, but was held here, he said, by "the demands of the campaign." He listed the following ' as "the two favorite bogeymen in the stale and, dreary scare campaign which the Republicans are using in their efforts to intimidate the electorate": 1. That the public debt will bank- rupt the country. 2. That sinister forces are at work in the Roosevelt administration to weaken the Constitution. He answered these charges byr quoting from statements made somec time ago by two Michigan Republican leaders. He quoted Senator JamesE Couzens as saying there was no danger of bankruptcy and that het "was disgusted with this constantx talk about balancing the budget." Ont the second charge, he quoted former1 Governor Groesbeck as saying "this talk about the Constitution being en- dangered is pure bunk." . "When we examine the Republican case," Farley continued, "we find nothing but two scare stories, both of which disappear in the light of hard{ facts."-, Turning to President Roosevelt's record, the Democratic leader de- clared "he has brought this countryf from a condition of business stag- nation and paralysis to a high level of prosperity and happiness for all sections and all classes." Landon A 'Gentleman' Citing a recent statement from the United States Chamber of Com- merce that 1936 would be the best year in business since 1929, Farley said the only persons who did not credit the New Deal with bringing about recovery were those in "the relatively small group that has ben- efitted most."1 "It was because we had a man at the head of our country who daredj put the props under the tottering structure of business, which only the Federal government could supply,1 that business was able to continue," he declared after describing condi- tions in 1932. "It was only because government assumed the burden of keeping the, workless millions of our population# alive that rioting, if not revolution, was averted." Farley described Governor Alf M. Landon as "a gentleman who is" doubtless well-intentioned himself, but is being backed by the very in-. terests which seek to break down the; machinery that has brought us out of a nightmare of doubt and distress to at least a measure of confidence and economic security.,, Colonel Not Perturbed Of Colonel Frank Knox, the Re- publican Vice-Presidential nominee, he said: "I am aware of the fact that while Governor Landon is maintaining a policy of strict silence on campaign issues, his running mate, Colonel Knox, is galloping about the country warning the people that they are in peril. Almost nightly he thun- University Men Give Speeches At Health Meett Grand Rapids Specialista Opens Drive To Be Madet In State Against Cancer MARQUETTE, Aug. 19. - () -s Pointing to the success of the edu- cational campaign which reduced tu- berculosis from second to sixth placet in the list of principal causes of death in the United States Dr. Henry J. Vandenberg, of Grand Rapids, inj an illustrated lecture tonight before several hundred persons here, ex- plained that the prevalence of cancer has forced health authorities of the nation to set up a similar plan of battle against that disease, which is causing 100 tleaths each week in the state of Michigan alone. "One out of every 10 persons today dies of cancer," the specialist de- clared, "and this disease has jumped into second place. among the prin- cipal causes of death in the nation, ranking close to the leader-heart disease."1 Speaking on the topic, "the pres- ent knowledge of the cause and curec of cancer," Dr. Vandenberg was one1 of the two speakers on tonight's public session of the 1936 conferencet of health professions, which endst here tomorrow. Dr. Howard Y. Mc- Clusky, of the University of Mich-C igan, was the other speaker. His( topic was "growing up mentally." t What constitutes a complete health service for the community was the question under consideration at thet opening session of the conferencef this afternoon. About 75 representa- tives of medical and health profes- sions in the Upper Peninsula attend-t ed. Opening the program. in place of (Continued on Pae 4 Browns Defeat Tigers In Big Second Inning ST. LOUIS, Aug. 19.-(/P)-The De- troit Tigers lost a chance to tie for second place in the American League today as they dropped a 13 to 8 slug- . fest to the St. Louis Browns. Each team collected fifteen hits, but the Brownie blows were more effec- tive. Included in the sluggers' pro- duction for the day were three home runs, a three-bagger and six doubles. The Browns knocked Rookie Jake Wade from the mound during a sev- en-run spree in the' second inning. Red Phillips, Roxie Lawson and Joe Sullivan followed him, and only Law- son escaped the fury of the St. Louis bats. Al Thomas went the route for the Browns and was hit hard and often, but behind the big lead his team- mates piled up, never was in danger. As a result of the defeat, Detroit dropped a full game behind the sec- ond-place Cleveland club which was idle today. Wade walked four Brownies and allowed three singles and a triple be- fore he was taken from the mound in the second inning. The other big St. Louis scoring burst came in the sixth when Phillips was touched for home runs by Solters and Bottomley, and singles by Bell and West, the hits bringing in four runs. Gas And Cave-Irs Make It Difficult For Rescue1 Workers MOBERLY, Mo., Aug. 19.-()-t Doggedly fighting the double-edgedx menace of gas and cave-in, weary coal miners bored through a debris-t littered shaft tonight toward four fellow workers, trapped for moret than 24 hours behind a collapsed tunnel, 100 feet below the surface. "We're going to stay on the job," declared State Mine Inspector Arnold Griffith. Veteran miners doubted if the men had survived their day and night entombment. Twice deadly black 'damp-gas that lurks in coal mines when air circulation is blocked-drove rescue1 crews to the surface after they had wormed their way down a water- blocked air vent to the debris-blocked! bottom of the main shaft. Fire Breaks Out A report late today said another fire-similar to the one which pre- ceded yesterday's collapse - had broken out beneath the surface, but Griffith said he believed the flames under contol. Griffith, who led one of the rescue crews, said he did not expect the main shaft to be cleared for sev- eral hours. "All of the hope now depends upon the judgment used by the entrapped men. If they are in what we call the 'back entrance' they may be saved." The "back entrance" is the extreme end of one tunnel that leads off the main shaft. With the men in the mine when the fire swept the superstructure and caved-in the main shaft yesterday, was a black and white spotted Shet- land pony, used to draw coal cars. Griffith said it would have been necessary to kill the animal because it would use five times as much air as any one of the imprisoned men. Keep Up Hope Among the exhausted workers with bloodshot eyes and haggard faces moved the wives and families of the imprisoned miners. Infants cried in their mothers arms. Thick clouds of dust swirled about the mine en- trance. Families of the men kept up hope as the rescue crews drove ahead. "Demmie is a level-headed man," said Mrs. J. F. Sexton of her son, Demmie Sexton, 32, one of the vic- tims. "If he just used 'that level headedness in the excitement there is still hope." Her husband added: "I think our boy still has a chance if he only kept a steady head after weight of the largest bell is slightly over 24,000 pounds. Bellmaking is an art with cen- turies of traditions behind it, and it s an art, moreover, toward the at- tainment of which there is no short cut. That is why there are so few notable bell foundries in the world. M[odern industrial revolution has not passed this art by, nor has it over- looked it. It has aided it, but it has failed to absorb it. That is be- cause mechanical genius is not the primary consideration involved. In the case of all large and heavy bells such as, for instance, a num- er of those in the Ann Arbor car- illon, they are cast in molds fixed in the sandpits where they after- wards remain buried for weeks before any attempt is made to uncover them. This is because their cooling must be very gradual and steady. Any attempt to hasten the cooling would wreck weeks of labor and cause endless financial loss. One of the most interesting pro- cesses in bell making is the tuning of the bells. The heavier the bell, the deeper and more resonant is its note, and when it is remembered that every bell has five separate and dis- tinct notes, it will be realized what a delicate operation this is. The five notes are the hum note, an octave below the strike note; the nominal note, an octave above; the tierce, the third note; the quint, which is the fifth note; and finally the strike note. These must all symphonize. It is the practice, or perhaps the art, to produce all bells so that the original cast gives off a note (Continued on Page 4) Miners Battle To Save Lives of Comrades Knox Repeats His Attack On New Deal Law Chicago Publisher Scores Administration For Its NRA, Part Of WPA Free Enterprise Is Only Practical Rule Tells Merchants 'Business Of Country Can't Be Run From Washington' HAGERSTOWN, Md., Aug. 19.-(/P) -Calling for "few laws and betterl aws," Colonel Frank Knox, Repub- lican Vice-Presidential nominee, to- night declared that "the business of this country cannot be run from Washington." The Chicago publisher set out his views on "the relation of the nationalg government to our business affairs"t in an address prepared for deliverya before the annual meeting of the United retail merchants association.1 Retailers from Maryland, Pennsyl- vania, West Virginia and Virginiac made up part of his audience.D After criticizing some of the Roose- velt administration's activities, par-f ticularly the now dead NRA and some WPA projects, Knox asserteds that "free enterprise" was the "onlyf system that will work." He added:v Trial Has Been Given t "We have been giving the otherv systems a trial. We tried govern-c ment regimentation, and we shall ,be years recovering from the experi-~ ment. We tried cracking down onc business, and it paralyzed invest- ment. The lesson * * * is that thet business of this country cannot bec run from Washington."a With both Democrats and Repub-t licans in his audience, Knox said iti would be poor "taste to convert thec occasion to partisan political pur-t poses.t He said he would talk about "some of the problems of * * * * men who earn their livings." It was the thirdc major address of his 35-state cam-c paign tour. "We cannot go back to those simpleH times when Thomas Jefferson ate hist breakfast, got on his horse, and rode to the White House to be inaug- urated," he said. "There seems to be some question whether even horse-and-buggy meth-c ods can be retained. 'Leave Individuals Alone' t "But we should not have the end- less confusion and complexity andl milling around and general hulla- baloo that now characterizes our na- tional government. "For the past three years all Amer-e ican business has lived in the shadowl of fear and uncertainty. Business; ;men cannot create recovery when they have to spend their time reading the paper to see what happened to them the day before in Washing- ton. "It is high time we abandon this foolish notion that government can direct industry and control produc- tion and guarantee profits and in- sure wages." Knox declared the Federal govern- ment should regulate only for the purpose of "guaranteeing fair play," and should "leave individuals alone." (continued on Page 3) Armistice Day Is Reached As Maneuvers End CAMP CUSTER, Aug. 19.-(')- Tanks, armored cars and massed air- planes, the army's latest weapons, roared a finale to the summer man- euvers of the Second Army today while 25,000 troops watched the dem- onstration. In the air fleet were 77 planes, including attack, pursuit, observa- tion and bombing ships, from the general headquarters air force. On the ground, mechanized cavalry from Fort Knox, Ky., attacked a hill and drove out a theoretical enemy. After the demonstration, staged for the benefit of national guards- men from Michigan, Wisconsin and Illinois, the motorized cavalry left for Fort Knox. It will follow High- way U.S.-131 south from Kalamazoo, Mich. Michigan and Wisconsin National Guardsmen, composing the thirty- Assert Spain Is Justified In Receiving Aid From Abroad ToQuell Rebefs Rut Help To Fascists Is Branded 'Illegal' Autonomous Government Of Catalonia Carries Out A ProgramOf Socialism MADRID, Aug. 19.-(/P)-Socialist government leaders tonight girded their forces for "a serious long, war," and anxiously watched developments in the powers' neutrality moves. Government leaders kept silent on concrete evidences of French sym- pathy to their cause, but insisted Spain was justified in receiving aid from foreign powers in a civil war. At the same time, high government sources said, any direct aid by a foreign power to the Fascist rebels would be considered a violation of in- ternational law serious enough to warrant submission before the League of Nations. Loyalist leaders organized a "rear guard" as rebels prowled the adja- cent Guadarrama mountains. Within the city of Madrid. the Communist adherents to the loyalist cause asked for transformation of all civil industries into war indus- tries, while the autonomous govern- ment in Catalonia began carrying out its socialization of all indus- tries, and control of banking opera- tions. Government Claims Victory The government claimed a victory over the Fascists at the walled city of Avila, about 60 miles west of Ma- drid, and asserted 500 rebels were killed or captured while six big guns were seized. The revolters, the government de- clared, marched out of the city, which they had been holding, in an attempt to cut off the loyalist forces of General Mangada from his base and to open a rebel line of escape to Portugal. Near Granada, in southern Spain, loyalists seized a gun powder fac- tory, the Madrid regime said. Three insurgent airplanes and a rebel warship bombarded the north- ern city of San Sebastian, which had been under Fascist siege for nearly a month. Three persons were killed and seven others were wounded. while the populace was thrown into a panic. The high command of the loyalists reported nothing important had been heard during the day from any army front except the seizure of a gun- powder factory near Granada by local troops from Cartagena. Government forces defending be sieged Irun were battling fiercely against rebel land attackers nea the French frontier. One column o rebels was within yards of the city's gates. Women Urged Home Continuing its campaign for new recruits to defend Madrid against an expected rebel onslaught, the gov- ernment urged women who were fighting side by side with their men at the front to return home and de- vote their patriotic energies to the manufacture of munitions, bandages winter clothing and underwear fo the troops. At Oviedo, the besieging Asturian miners were being fought bitterl by rebel troops, with little news o the encounter reaching Madrid. The miners, it was given out were marching on Oviedo with stick of dynamite stuck in their belt: which they lighted from cigars the grimly puffed as they went int battle. The government earlier had pre dicted the fall of Oviedo momentarily Intermittent battles still were go ing on in Badajoz province whil the war minister said civilians o Ifni on the West African coast wer organizing to fight back rebel force which triumphed there several-day ago. War Chest Swells In Madrid, meanwhile, it was an Ford Swings It At Dancing Class In Pequaming School HOUGHTON, Mich., Aug. 19.-(A') -Henry Ford dropped into Pequam- ing, Baraga county, Monday after- noon, visited the dancing school, where old-fashioned dances are taught, joined for a halfhour in the dancing with the children, ordered treats for all the young folks of the village, and then departed on the return trip to his summer home in the Huron mountains. Mr. Ford has a warm place in his heart for Pequaming, a picturesque little place where is located one of his busiest saw mills. It was his second visit to the village this summer. He arrived unannounced on the tug Bar- low and went immediately to the dancing school, where four classes were in progress. The dance being taught was the minuet. Mr. Ford joined one of the groups and paired with a little girl, with whom he went gracefully through the measured rhythmic steps. Then he suggested the Virginia Reel, in which, with another little girl partner, he led one of the groups. Before leav- ing he left orders that all the chil- dren{of the village be treated to ice cream and cake. Conspirators Confess Plot To Kill Stalin Reign Of Terror Was Planned In Attempt To Seize Government MOSCOW, Aug. 19.--(/P)-Calmly aware executioners' rifles answer confessions such as theirs, 16 con- spirators--including two who once helped rule Soviet Russia-admitted today plotting a reign of terror to seize power in the U.S.S.R. Gregory Zinvoieff and Leon Kame- neff, two who confessed to the con- spiracy which aimed first at the a- sassination of dictator Josef Stalin, governed in a triumvirate with him 13 years ago. fTheir confessions bared revelation after revelation as the government "herded the ring of terrorists into the witness box to hear from their own lips how they schemed to bring the exiled Leon Trotzky back into power In a flat, almost bored voice, G. Ev- dokimoff, former chairman of the Leningrad Soviet, told the court how the sixteen view for the "honor" o shooting Stalin. "Zinovieff said the honor belonged r to his group, not to the ones sen f into Russia by Trotzky," Evdokimof testified concerning a meeting a Zinovieff's home, "and he won th argument." Hardly had the session opened in a court-martial asmosphere with bayonet armed guards mounted ove the prisoners' boxes, than Zinovief rose and declared: "I am fully guilty." His colleagues followed suit, al though two, declaring they had no r plotted directly to kill the Sovie leaders, entered reservations to thei n guilty pleas on three formal charges y Zinovieff was asked by the prose f, cutor if he organized the territors. "Yes," he replied. , "Did you plot the death of Serge s M. Kiroff (Stalin's chief aide)?" s "Yes." y "Did you organize the plan t o kill Stalin?" "Yes. I am guilty of every charg - in the indictment." - Townsend Leader d Will Start Revol e s s BOSTON, Aug..19.-(1)-An oust ed official of the Townsend plan or ganization, Dr. Clinton Wunder, an - nounced tonight he would initiate a 11 Duce Softens Hi*s Tone After Franee s Warning; Loyalists See Long War Mussolini Says He Seeks Only A United Policy Of Keep Hands Off Spain Statesmen Believe Skies Are Brighter Britain Slaps An Embargo On Shipments Of Planes And Guns To Strife Area (By the Associated Press) Rays of peace hopes from some of the world's capitals last night pierced the war clouds over troubled Europe. In Fascist Italy, Premier Mus- solini's powerful war machinery was geared for any eventuality, but high sources said he was not seeking to cause a general European configra- tion, wishing rather to force a united policy of hands-off in the Spanish strife. The sympathies of his regime nec- essarily aligned with those of the Fascist rebels in Spain, Il Duce was said by sources close to him to be amenable to any neutrality pact which would prevent France from materially aiding the Loyalist Span- ish government. France's "popular front" govern- ment, containing many Socialists, is of much the same complexion as the government art Madrid, and at Rome it was believed that undis- guised French aid to Madrid would seriously hurt the cause of the rebel Fascists. Italy Accused France, accused Italy of talking ' neutrality and acting the role of a partisan in Spain, yesterday avowed she would abandon her neutrality pact efforts if Premier Mussolini were found to be aiding the insurgents. With both France and Italy agree- ing to keep their arms and men at home if the other country would do the same, statesmen in the other capitals saw the European scene brightening. In London Great Britain stepped forward with a strict embargo on shipments of arms and planes to either of the Spanish belligerents. In some quarters it was suggested that the United States act as mediator in the civil war. To this suggestion, Washington gave small comfort in responsible quarters. A rebel government in Spain could be sure of German recognition and support providing it were able to protect foreign lives and property, well-informed sources in Berlin said, f adding to the European ramifications of the Spanish strife. Position Unchanged t While the national-socialist regime f of Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler is not t strictly Fascist, its political beliefs e are in most vital points analagous to those of the insurgents in Spain. Observers, however, were led to be- h lieve that whichever side in. Spain r best proves it can maintain law and T order in that country would eventual- ly receive the endorsement of Berlin. On the French-proposed neutrality t pact, the German government's po- t sition remained unchanged, the for- r eign office said. . The expressed German view is that - other arms-producing nations such as Czechoslovakia, with its Skoda munitions works, must be sounded i out before a collective neutrality pact can gain sufficient impetus to suc- ceed. o "The next move is up to Paris," a Berlin foreign office spokesman said. e Russia Warns Of War The admiralty meanwhile prepared to have plenty of German naval ves- sels in Spanish waters if, as is ex- pected, the Spanish situation comes t to a head within the week. The vest pocket battleship - Deutschland and other vessels which - have been patrolling Spanish waters - since July 26 are to be relieved by n the cruisers Leipzig and Nuernberg, .1