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August 18, 1936 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1936-08-18

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WEDNESDAY, AUG. 19, 1936



New WPA Biological Laboratory At Lansing

Of The

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the mAl1ce of the Summer Session, Room 121.
Angell Hall until 3:30: 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

(From The Associated Press)
M.D.'s Offer Contradictory
Views On Braddock Hand
NEW YOtK, Aug. 18.-(P)-A
battery of physicians peered at
Jimmy Braddock'es ailing left
hand today and then offered
such contradictory testimony as
to whether the injury was serious
enough to warrant postponement
of the heavyweight champion's
15-round title defense against
Max Schmeling next month. The
New York State Athletic Com-
mission ordered Jimmy to con-
sult a "prominent bone special-
ist" and report the outcome next
Indications tonight were that
the bout would not be held in
September. Jimmy Johnston,
boxing director of Madison
Square Garde, said the fight
wouldsbe held next May in the
event a postponement became
Joe Gould, B'raddock's little
manager, insisted he didn't care
what the Commission decides on
Tuesday. As far as he is con-
cerned Braddock will not fight
again this year.
Found Guilty Of Driving
After License Is Revoked
MARQUETTE, Aug. 18.-(/P)-
Charged with driving an auto-
mobile after his license had been
revoked following conviction for
operating a car while intoxicat-
ed, John J. Donahue, of Ishpe-
mig, was found guilty by a jury
in Municipal Court here this
after'noon. It was the first case
of its kind in the Marquette
Municipal Judge Ralph R. Eld-
redge ordered Donahue to spend
two days in the county jail, man-
datory under the state law, and
fined him $10 and costs.
American Olympic Stars
Leave Berlin For Home
BERLIN, Aug. 18.---P)-Amer-
ica's Olympic athletes broke
camp in the Olympic Village to-
day and started for Hamburg
from where they sail for New
York tomorrow in the S.S. Presi-
dent Roosevelt.
German Olympic officials ga-
thered at the village to see the
team off and followed the Amer-
icain contingent to the railway
station. The officials voiced ap-
preciation of America's partici-
pation in the games and hoped
for a "happy'reunion" at Tokyo
in 1940.
Then a band played the Star
Spangled Banner, and the ath-
letes pulled down the Stars and
Stripes and left for the station.
Meanwhile the rest of the
squad was scattered over Europe,
some in the Scandinavian coun-
tries, others in England and va-
rious parts of Germany. The
team will sail in two groups, one
on the President Roosevelt to-
morrow and the other on the
Manhattan Aug. 26.
Hank Greenberg Going
Back To N. Y. And Wait
DETROIT, Aug. 18.-A)-
Hank Greenberg, whose twice-
broken wrist has kept him from
playing first base for the Tigers
since April 29, packed up today
and said 'he was "going back
home to New York and wait for
the next season to come around."
The lanky star, voted the most
valuable player in the American
League last year, said he had

giyen up hope of playing any
more this season and was "retir-
ing" at the suggestion of Walter
0. Briggs, owner of the Tigers.
"Until today I thought there
was still a chance I might play in
one or two of. the September
games," Hank said. "But Mr.
Briggs doesn't want me to risk
any chances with my wrist."
Youngster's Courage Saves
Life Of Two Children
BOSTON, Aug. 18.-(IP)-Thir-
teen-year-old John O'Grady's
courage and presence of mind
saved two younger children from
probable death by fire and pre-
vented his home from being de-
stroyed today.
The youngster fought his way
through acrid smoke to the cellar
of his house and rescued Walter
Mackav. five, and Harnld Rrnwn-

-Associated Press PThoto
Designed to aid Michigan in its everlasting war on disease, WPA workmen constructed this building to house
the State Board of Health's biological and diagnostic laboratories at the board's farm, near Lansing. Part of a
WPA general improvement program there, the building will house, in addition to health research facilities,
laboratories for the State Department of Agriculture and the State Highway Department. A small penthouse
atop the building will be used for tetanus investigations.

Tigers Divide
With. Brownies
St. Louis Wins In Opener
As Elden Auker Pitches
Winning Game In Finale
(Continued from Page 1)
doubled. Al Simmons beat out a high
bounder and Owen singled, the first
putout being registered as Simmons
tried to take third on the play and
was thrown out. Liebhardt came in
to retire the side without further
Roxie Lawson, starting for the
Tigers, couldn't hold the lead, as the
Browns made use of three singles,
three walks, a wild pitch and a force
out to knot the count in the second
inning. Lawson was taken out when
Bell doubled to open the third and
Vic Sorrell held St. Louis scoreleg
until the eighth.
The Tigers meanwhile grabbed the
lead again with Goslin's home run in
the fifth off Jack Knott, and suc-
cessive singles by Goslin and Sim-
mons, Robell's walk and Hayworth's
long fly in the seventh.
The Browns broke up the ball
game in the eighth, battering Sorrell
for six hits including Solters' triple,
to score six runs. Schoolboy Rowe's
,pinch single in the ninth scoring
Owen merely cut down the St. Louis
Walker, Gelringer, Goslin and
Simmons all singled, and Owen
doubled to start the second game and
sent Hogsett to the showers for the
second time. Liebhardt walked Ro-
gell purposely, passed Hayworth to
force in a run, and then Auker
brought all three runners in with a
triple to left center.
Rogell's double, and singles by
Hayworth, Walker and Parker
brought in two more runs in the
third, and a walk, Gehringer's
double and Bema's error allowed
Parker to score with the tenth run
in the fifth.
With a ten-run lead, Auker was
touched for three runs bythe Browns
in the fifth. Walker's error on ot-
tomley's line drive was followed by
Hemsley's double, a walk to Bejma,
pitch-hittr Coleman's single and a
single by Lary.
Welsh Flays Record
Of Gov._Fitzgerald
(Continued rrom Page 6)
sion, in charge of the workmen's
compensation laws of the state.
The candidate, who spoke through
an amplification system from the
south steps of the County Building
after an address in Ypsilanti, was
introduced by former Gov. William
A. Comstock of Ann Arbor, who called
him "a regular organization man."
"From 1920 on, when I first met
George in campaigning, we've been
talking exactly the same things from
the platform," Comstock said. "We
both belong to that group which for
want of a better name have been
called Progressives.
"By a regular organization man I
mean the type of candidate who does i
not begin to think when he gets into
office that he is appointed by God and
not elected by the people. A lot of
our family troubles in the Democratic
party have been caused by swelled
heads. The minute a man begins
to think he is the boss of the party,
his days are numbered."'
Welsh was followed on the pro-
gram by Prof. John H. Muyskens of
the speech department, Democratic
candidate for United States Senator,
who announced his endorsement of

* * * *
Work Near Completion OnState's
New WPA Biological Laboratory

Health Department To Be
Housed In New Research
(Special To The Daily)
LANSING, Aug. 18.-Work on the
new biological and diagnostic labora-
tory being constructed here by the
Works Progress Administration under
the sponsorship of the State Depart-
ment of Health, is more than 90 per
cent completed.
To make it ready for occupancy,
there remains only the installation
of elevators, plumbing, electrical fix-
tures and the elaborate air condition-
ing facilities, Harry L. Pierson, state
WPA administrator, has announced.
Located four miles northeast of
Lansing on a tract of state-owned
land assigned to the Department of
Health, the brick and concrete three-
story structure is 100 feet wide and
100 feet long, surmounted by a 24
by ,24-foot penthouse intended spe-
cifically for investigation and con-
trol of tetanus technique.
The basement will not only provide
storage rooms, but will house special
heating furnaces and air-condition-
ing equipment designed to provide
automatically the exactly right de-
grees of temperature for experimental
work with serums to control disease
All laboratory agencies maintained
by the state, in addition to those of
the Health Department, will be
housed in the building. Among them
will be that of the Department of
Agriculture, which makes extensive
technical examination of seed for
germination and purity, of fertilizer
for chemical balance, and of com-
mercial stock foods and remedies.
The State Highway Department also
will have facilities to test various ma-
Many people fail to realize that
the Weston or any similar meter can
be used in many ways. The least
used and. probably the most impor-
tant stunt is that of taking a read-
ing by comparison. When you are
in dim light and the meter fails to
read enough to allow its use, try
a piece of white paper, if the meter
will give a reading of the light re-
flected from the paper, the exposure
can be computed if you find the
reflecting power of the paper and
the surface to be photographed. Find
a surface similar to your subject that
is in light bright enough to effect
the meter, and take a reading on it
and also on the paper, then if you
find the ratio between these two
readings it is a simple matter to
compute the exposure when the read-
ing is taken on the paper in a dark
If you want to shoot a subject that
is too bright and the meter flies off
scale, try covering part of the cell.
With the cell partly covered the
meter will read low. Find the ratio
between the readings with the cell
covered and uncovered when point-
ing it at something that does not
read off scale. Then you can com-
pute the exposure of your bright sub-
ject when the reading is taken with
the cell covered.
A stunt that to my knowledge has
not been. tried, but it seems like a
logical one, is to use some type of a
lirchl rc.tl -:ri - -nfin ccfn nr

terials entering into road construc-
The most important work to be
done, however, will be the conserva-
tion of public health, especially in
the control and prevention of period-
ical outbreaks of typhoid fever,
smallpox, diphtheria, tetanus, menin-
gitis, scarlet fever and other com-
municable diseases. Control methods
depend largely on the development
>f serums, the base of which, for
nost diseases, is blood drawn from
the veins of horses. To provide the
blood, a herd of 76 horses is main-
tained under the most careful hy-
gienic conditions. Dr. C. C. Young,
head of the laboratory department
of the State Board of Health which
makes more than 350,000 diagnostic
tests a year, asserts that the state
is now in the forefront of all health
agencies in the nation. It is one of
the few states licensed by the Federal
government to manufacture serums.
With up-to-the-minute laboratory
facilities Dr. Young sees the con-
summation of a program started at
the close of the World War, based
on the principle of prevention and
control of disease in every community
before it gains a foothold rather than
curative work after an epidemic has
started. In this work, he says, the
WPA has been the deciding factor in
what he declares is the most forward
health step in recent years, advancing
the state's program a decade.
The original WPA allotment called
for $114,518 and a sponsor's share
of $7,629. However, an additional
10 per cent has been allowed from
Federal funds to compensate for in-
creased wage allowances granted to

VOL. XNLV No. 43
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 19, 1936
'The Intramural Sports Bldg. will
be closed to activities Friday, Aug. 21,
at 6 p.m. Lockers must be renewed
or vacated on or before that date.
A. A. James.
All music and instruments bor-
rowed from the School of Music Li-
brary must be returned to the Li-
brary by Wednesday, Aug. 19.
Henry A. Bruinsma.
Blue prints and directions for Sep-
tember registration for College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts;
College of Architecture; School of
Education; School of Forestry and
Conservation; and School of Music
will be mailed the first week in Sep-
tember. These reports will not reach
you unless the Registrar's Office,
Room 4, University Hall, has your
correct address for that time. Please
report any change of address at once.
Visiting students and teachers en-
rolled in L. S. and A.; Arch.; Educ.;
Forestry; Music; Your credits for
this Summer Session will be sent
wherever you direct immediately af-
ter the grades are received if you will
fill in the proper request in Room -4,
University Hall. between now and
Aug. 20.
Lecture Course, 1936-1937: The Uni-
versity of Michigan Oratorical As-
sociation has the pleasure to an-
nounce its program for the next
school year:
Oct. 29, Cornelia Otis Skinner, Or-
iginal Dramatic Sketches.
Nov. 12, Father Bernard J. Hub-
bard ("The Glacier Priest") -Motion
picture lecture.
Nov. 24, Bertrand Russell speak-
ing on "Education and Freedom."
Dec. 9, H. V. Kaltenborn speaking
on "Kaltenborn Edits the News."
Jan. 14, Bruce Bliven speaking on
"The Press-Truth, News or Prop-
Jan. 21, Edward Tomlinson speak-
ing on "Haitian Adventure" with col-
or motion pictures.
Feb. 25, Capt. John Craig speak-
ing on "Diving Among Sea Killers"
with motion pictures.
March 16, The Martin Johnsons
speaking on "Wild Animals of Bor-
neo" with motion pictures.
For further information address
The Oratorical Association, 3211 An-
gell Hall, Ann Arbor.
Candidates for the Teacher's Certi-
ficate: Students who expect to re-
ceive a teacher's certificate at the
close of the Summer Session must pay
the fee by Aug. 21, Blanks for this
purpose may be secured in the office
of the Recorder of the School of Ed-
ucation, 1437 U.E.S.
Notice to Householders: Rooms are
being sought for teachers attending
the Training Conference for Nursery
School Teachers sponsored by the
Michigan division of the Works Pro-
gress Administration which will be

held at the University Elementary
School from Sept. 7 to 18. House-
holders who have rooms available for
this period are urged to list them at
once with Miss Davis by telephoning
4121, Extension 360 during the day,
or 7456 in the evening, or by writing
to the School.
Sarita Davis, Librarian.
Seniors: College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: College of Archi-
tecture; School of Education; School
of Forestry and Conservation; School
of Music, who expect to receive de-
grees at the close of the Summer
Session should pay the diploma fee
not later than Aug. 21. Blanks for
payment of the fee may be secured in
Room 4, University Hall.
Students from other colleges, en-
rolled in the Summer Session, who
wish to transfer to the College of Lit-
erature, Science and the Arts for the
year 1936-37, should call at Room
1210 Angell Hall for application
blanks for regular admission.
The Michigan Dames will hold
their last bridge tea Wednesday
afternoonat 2 o'clock at the League.
They cordially invite the wives of
all students and internes to attend.
The bridge will be a "White Ele-
phant" party and everyone is to bring
a "White Elephant" prize.
Special Colloquium in Applied Me-
chanics: Wednesday, August 19 and
Thursday, August 20. The Summer
School students in Engineering Me-
chanics who have been working on
Photo-Elasticity will present the re-
sults of their work on Thursday, Au-
gust 20, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 445
West Engineering Building. The re-
ports will be illustrated by slides.
All interested are cordially invited to

CHICAGO, Aug. 18.-()P)-Capt.
Daniel Gilbert of the state's attorney's
police announced tonight that Rufo
Swain, alias James Gray, a Negro
gambler, had confessed the slaying of
Mrs. Mary Louise Trammell, 24, in her
hotel room Sunday.
Capt. Gilbert, with Swain and sev-
eral other officers, left immediately
for the State Street Hotel in which
Mrs. Trammell's nude and beaten
body was found to re-enact the crime.
Swain was quoted as saying he took
Mrs. Trammell's life when she resist-
ed his attempt to rob her. Further
details of the confession were not
made known immediately.


t ~



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