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July 02, 1936 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1936-07-02

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The Weather
Lower Michigan : scat tered
thundershowers, cooler in ex-
treme west today,

L C-

Sir iga


Hurrah For The Abundant
A Better Riot Squad .. .

Official Publication Of The Summer Session

L. XVI No. 4



-_ _ _

Wa rrant Is
Issued For
M.rs. Baker
Rapp To Arraign Officer's
Wife In Court Today For
Murder Of Roomner
Accused Reiterates
'Accidental' Stand
Charge Made After 2-Day
Investigation; Victim
Was Clarence Schneider
A warrant charging Mrs. Betty
Baker, 30 years old, wife of Officer
Albert K. Baker of the Ann Arbor
police force, with first degree murder
in the shooting of Clarence Schnei-
der, 24 years old, a roomer at her
home, was ordered last night by
Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp, after a
two-day investigation of the killing.
Rapp planned to arraign Mrs.
Baker in Justice Court on the charge
yesterday, but postponed the arraign-
ment until today at the request of
Attorney Frank B. DeVine, who has
been retained by Officer Baker to de-
fend his wife,- because DeVine had
had no opportunity to discuss the
case with his client.
Reading To Arraign Her
The arraignment, according to the
Prosecutor, will probably take place
before Judge Harry W. Reading.
Mrs. Baker reiterated yesterday
that the shooting was entirely acci-
dental, as she had only meant to
"scare" young Schneider, a waiter at
Davenport's Restaurant, for using;
abusive language with her in public,I
and her policeman husband asserted
that he meant 'to fight the case to
a conclusion to clear her name, be-
lieving steadfastly in her innocence
and her claim that it was all an
Victim 'Afraid' Of Her
Meanwhile Harold Schneider, the
dead man's younger brother, related
that his brother had been afraid of
Mrs. Baker because, Clarence had
told him, she had once before threat-
ened him, allegedly for going out with
other women.
Mrs. Baker, it was learned today,;
was engaged by theatres in Detroit
for a period of about a year in 1927
and 1928 as a featured dancer, prev-
ious to her marriage, and later gave
tap-dancing lessons in Ann Arbor.
She won a popularity contest at a.
local theatre about six years ago.
Worked At Davenports
Schneider at one time worked for
Western Union as a messenger boy,
and later at Davenport's, a local beer-
parlor, where he was employed at the
time of his death. His mother was
killed by a Detroit streetcar last De-
cember, and since that time Mrs.
Baker, . according to her statement
has been looking after him in such
matters as buying suits. It was to
make arrangements to go shopping
with him for a shirt that she visited
him at' Davenport's at 4:30 p.m. on
the day of the shooting, at which
time, according to her story, he grew
abusive and told her she "couldn't
come in there and get hard-boiled
with him."
Circuit Court trial on the case prob-
ably will not be held until Nov. 4
at the earliest, unless the defense
and prosecution desire especially to
rush the case through, inasmuch as
Judge George W. Sample has been

ill lately, and is at present resting
following the trial of William Pad-
gett, convicted yesterday of a police
slaying. Jurors for the October term
of Circuit Court will be drawn Oct.
1, but will not be called until afterI
the national election.
Telling Truth Brings
Boy Scouts Into Courtj
ANGELS. CAMP, Calif., July 1.-OP)
-Because a Boy Scout's "honor is
his bond," 16 youths will face charges
in Berkeley Juvenile Court because
of a fire which swept 16,000 acres of
grazing land near Copperopolis at a
loss of $30,000.
Thirty frightened Scouts, occu-
pants of a truck from which fire-
crackers were tossed, starting the fire
Saturday, were confronted by D. S.
Seaman, camp director, and Horace
Kennedy of Sacramento, state fire#

Gets Life "erm

Plan Three-Day
Conference On
Religion Here
Will Begin July 12 Under
Direction Of Blakeman;
Pauck To Lecture
The third annual Conference on
Religion will be held during the
Sumer Session July 12, 13 and 14,
under the direction of Dr. Edward
W. Blakeman, counselor in religious
Prof. Wilhelm Pauck of the Chi-
cago Theological Seminary and au-
thor of "The Church Against the
World" will give a series of lectures1
on "Our Culture and the Outlook for{
Christianity." Other talks will be
given by members of the faculty and
a series of panel discussions will be
The conference will open at 8 p.m.
July 12 with an address by Professor
Pauck on "Critical Issues of Contem-
porary Culture." Two other talks
will be given by Professor Pauck, one
at 8 p.m. July 13 and the other at 3
p.m. July 14. "Religious Conflicts,
in Germany" will be the topic of the
second lecture and "Present Day
Culture and the Outlook for Chris-
tianity" is the subject selected for
his last talk.
Prof. Leroy L. Waterman, head of
the department of Oriental languages
and literatures, will also deliver two,
addresses on the general topic of;
"The Bible's Need of Fresh Transla-
tions" and "Unrealized Spiritual Re-
sources in the Bible."
"Epistles of Paul in Third Century
Manuscripts" will be the subject of
two lectures to be given by Prof.
Henry A. Sanders, chairman of the
department of speech and general
linguistics. His lectures will be il-
lustrated with some rare manuscripts
from his and others' research.
The series of panel discussions will
be under the direction of Prof. Theo-
phile Raphael of the Health Service,
Prof, Howard Y. McClusky of the
School of Education and Dr. Blake-
Topics to be discussed include "The
Minister in his Community," "Our
Youth and the Church," "Religion
and Mental Health." A symposium
will be held on the subject of "Com-
mon Problems in Religion and Psy-
Educeation Club
Committee Wi1l
Plan Program
A program committee of seven
members was chosen to plan a sched-
ule for the Summer Session by the
Women's Education club in its or-
ganization meeting held last night in
the Union.
The committee is composed of El-
eanor Welsh, chairman, Genevieve
Wilkowski, Marjorie Kleinecke, Kar-
in Ostman, Claudine Steffel, Irene
Morris and Noma Reed, and plans,
according to Miss Welsh, to arrange
a program of recreational activities
and hobbies to carry through the en-
tire Summer Session.
Some of the ideas which the com-
mittee has developed, Miss Welsh
said, are finger painting, canoeing,
riding, cycling, folk-dancing and a
tennis tournament.
R n+atn+ th dis iu mm lwa a n-_

Padgett Given
Life Sentence
In Stang Case
Found Guilty Of Murder In
First Degree After Only
Hour's Deliberation
Receives Maxinum
Penalty Under Law
Judge Sample Gives Killer
Hard Labor And Solitary
A Circuit Court jury of eight men
and four women yesterday returned
a verdict of guilty after less than an
hour's deliberation in the trial of
William Padgett, alias "Shorty" Hay-
den, charged with first degree mur-
der for the shooting of Officer Clif-
ford A. Stang in a holdup of Conlin
& Wetherbee's clothing store here
March 21, 1935.
Immediately after the verdict
Padgett received from Judge George
W. Sample a sentence of life im-
prisonment at Marquette Prison,
under hard labor and in solitary con-
finement. This is the maximum sen-
tence which can be given under
Michigan law.
Question Of Identification
The trial turned mostly on the con-
flict between the identification of
Padgett by James Akers, '38, Everett,
Pa., a customer in the store at the
time of the holdup and shooting, and
Herbert T. Wetherbee, part-owner of
the store, on the one hand, and the
defendant's own statement that he
was "somewhere out East" at the time
on the other. Padgett produced de-
positions placing him in Baltimore
March 13, but was unable to prove
his whereabouts for the date of the
In his charge to the jury Judge
Sample advised them first that they
did not need to abide by his opinion,
and then continued with a declara-
tion that the two identifications
should be given more credence than
Padgett's testimony.
'The only thing this jury has to
find is, is this defendant the right
man?" Judge Sample commented in
his charge to the jury. "The testi-
mony of Mr. Akers and M. Wether-
bee convinced the court that they
were telling the truth and the con-
servative truth." Continuing with
reference to Padgett's own testi-
mony, the Judge added, "I don't be-
lieve a word of his testimony unless
he just had to tell the truth."
Hinted At Severe Sentence
He closed his charge by hinting
that in the event of a verdict of
"guilty," his disposition of the case!
would be such "as to make certain
people in this state lead different
It was Judge Sample who in the
summer of 1931 sentenced the three
Ypsilanti torch murderers to four life
imprisonments each at Marquette, al-
so under hard labor and in solitary
In the closing arguments to the
jury yesterday morning Prosecutor
Albert J. Rapp attacked Padgett's
testimony as unreliable, pointing out
that he had changed details of his
original statements when he was put
on the stand, and that his own testi-
mony had been broken down in at
least two points under cross-exam-
Lehman Hits Discrepancies
Defense Counsel Arthur C. Leh-
man in' his address to the jury

stressed discrepancies in the descrip-
tions Akers and Wetherbee had made
in their identifications of the de-
fendant, and claimed that those dis-
crepancies should in themselves give
rise to a 'reasonable doubt" that
Padgett had committed the crime.
In his redirect argument Rapp
branded Padgett as a "demon" with
"murder in his mind," and again at-
tacked his veracity by pointing out
that he had failed to tell the truth
about "the smallest possible matter,"
his birthplace.
In passing sentence Judge Sample
complimented the jury on their ver-
dict, and declared that there was "not
a millionth of a chance" that Pad-
gett was innocent of the murder
The 35-year-old ex-convict will
probably be held here for further
questioning about his two accom-
plices before being taken to Mar-
quette to begin his sentence. Al-
though eligible for parole in 17 years
under Michigan law. he has 11 years

'35-36 Deficit
Total Exceeds
Four Billions
U. S. Operating Expenses
For Year Just Ended Set
Peace-Time Record
Gross Government
Debt Is 34 1a lions
Recoverable Assets Offset
Debt Total To Extent Of
WASHINGTON, July 1.-(/')-
Speaking in round figures, Secretary
Morgenthan tonight placed' the
treasury's deficit for the fiscal year
ended last midnight at $4,400,000,000
--the largest such red ink figure in
the nation's peace-time history.
His statement, made in a nation-
wide radio address and couched in.
the simplest, non-technical terms al-
so fixed the public debt at the fi-
nancial year-end at $33,750,000,000.
Against this, he listed figures
termed an "offset," or "recoverable1
assets," which added to $8,750,000,000.
Apparently, important items are to+
be revealed on the treasury's daily
statement tomorrow-as of the close+
of business June 30. Today's state-!
ment, dated June 29, showed a deficit+
of $4,727,000,000, and a gross in-
debtedness of $33,841,000,000.'
One possible explanation was of-1
fered tonight by a responsible treas-
ury official. He said that Morgen-
thau had excluded debt retirements'
from his list of expenditures on the'
ground they had no place in the op-'
erating deficit of the government.
Ordinarily, these expenditures are
carried on the treasury's daily state-
ment under the heading of general'
expenses, and through June 29 had
amounted to $403,000,000.
Morgenthau likened his speech to
the chairman of a board making his,
annual report to stockholders.
The plans of government as well as,
business, he asserted, are "subject to
unforeseen a n d extraordinary
events." In this connection, he de-
clared at a later point that if the
funds for paying the bonus were left
out of consideration, the deficit for!
the fiscal year would be $2,700,000,-
"We may derive real encourage-
ment and satisfaction from these
facts," he said in conclusion. "lna-
tional income is rising; as a result
Federal revenue is increasing; Fed-!
eral expenditures are on the decline,
and the nation's business is continu-
ing to show steady improvement."
After noting at the outset that
events that could not be foreseen had
thrown the budget estimate made
nearly two years ago out of line, he
"Scarcely had the present Con-
gress met last January when two
events completely changed the bud-
get outlook. First ,the prospective
revenues were cut down as a result of
the decision of the Supreme Court
that the Agricultural Adjustment Act
was unconstitutional. This meant a
loss to the treasury, in 1936, of near-
ly half a billion dollars.
City Community
Fund Budget Is
Cut 10 Per Cent,

Necessitated By Failure Of
Last November's Drive
To Reach Goal
At a meeting of the Board of Di-
rectors of the Ann Arbor Community
Fund held Tuesday night it was de-,
cided to make a ten per cent cut in
the budget for the last six months of
the fiscal year, according to Everett
R. Hames, Executive Secretary of the!
Community Fund.
The decision to make the cut, which
will be apportioned among the va-
rious Fund agencies on a pro rata
basis, was reached following recom-1
mendations of the move by the
Boards of Directors of the agencies
themselves, and was necessitated by
the results of last November's drive,
which fell $7,500 short of the goal of
$55,000. The budget has now been
reduced by a total of 15 per cent for
+he vpnor

Weller To Lecture On
Knowledge Of Cn cr'
Dr. Carl V Weller, head of the
department of pathology at Uni-
versity Hospital, will give the
fourth in the series of Summer
Session lectures at 5 p.m. today
in Natural Science auditorium, on
"WhatbEvery Layman Should
Know About Cancer."
Dr. Weller came to the Univer-
sity as an instructor in surgery in
1911, was made assistant professor
of pathology in 1916, associate pro-
fessor in 1921, and later full pro-
fessor and head of the depart-
Law Professor
To Speark Here
G. G. Wilson Will Again
Open International Law
Series Of Lectures
Prof. George Grafton Wilson of
Harvard will again open the series of
public lectu'es annually sponsored as
a part of the five-week program of
the Summer Session on Teaching In-
ternational Law at 8 p.m. Monday,
July 6 when he speaks on "Twentieth
Century International Law."
Professor Wilson, who is a teacher
of international law at Harvard Uni-
versity, is now serving on the coun-
cil of the international law parley,
which is under the auspices of the
Carnegie Endowment for Interna-
tional Peace, for the fifth consecutive
This lecture series will be continued
on succeeding Monday nights by
other members of the teaching staff
of the international law session, who
will discuss varied aspects of the sub-
Internationally recognized as an
authority in his field, Professor Wil-
son has on numerous occasions rep-
resented this country at international
conferences including the Interna-
tional Naval Conference of 1908-09
and the International Commission
of the United States and the Neth-
erlands in 1928.
39 Enroll For
Kellogg Course
In Child Study
Camp At Pine Lake Jointly
Sponsored By University'
And Foundation
Another phrase of the University
Summer Session opened activity
Tuesday when 39 students' registered
for the two educational courses of-
fered at the W. K. Kellogg Camp at
Pine Lake, near Doster, which are
jointly sponsored by the Summer Ses-
sion and the Kellogg Foundation.
The courses deal with the psychol-
ogy of child development and the
education of young children, and the
students enrolled have been specially
selected for the work from the area
served by the Michigan Health Proj-
ect, and from each college and uni-
versity in the state.
Approximately 500 children, in
three shifts of three weeks each, will
attend the camp during the summer,
and the students will act as coun-
sellors in the camp, giving them an
opportunity to integrate theory and
practice. The first group of children
arrived Monday.
About 600 books relating to the
work have been made available at the

camp library for reference and re-
search reading.
Prof. Willard C. Olson of the School
of Education is in charge of organ-
ization and instruction at the camp,
and Miss Esther Belcher and Fred
Miller will be resident instructors.
E. H. Martindale is camp director,
and Gerald Bradley will act as sen-
ior counsellor for boys, with Miss
Ruth Sherwood senior counsellor for
The course will run for 10 weeks.
Students To Tour
University Today
The first University excursion for
the Summer Session, to begin at 2
p.m. this afternoon, will be a con-
ducted tour of the campus for new
students attending school this sum-
mer and there will h no charge

Yale Professor Will
Speak At Luncheon
Prof, E. H. Sturtevant, visiting pro-
fessor of linguistics from Yale Uni-
versity, will be the speaker at the
first luncheon meeting of the Lin-
guistic Institute, to be held tomorrow
noon in the UnionProf. CharlesC.
fries, director of the Institute, an-
nounced yesterday.
Professor Sturtevant, who is as-
sistant director, will speak on "Do
We NeedStricter Methods inthe
Treatment of Analogy?" ollowing his
speech, there will be a discussion
This is the first of a series of
luncheon meetings which will be held
every Tuesday and Thursday noon
in conjunction with the Institute lec-
Tiger Slugfest
Brings Victory1
Over White Soxt
Tigers Gain Second Place,
Score 21 Runs, Continue
Winning Streak
CHICAGO, July 1.-(,?)-The pent-
up fury of two idle days exploded in.
the biggest Tiger slugging rampage
of the season today as the champion
Detroit baseball team took Chicago's
White Sox apart in a 21 to 6 scoring
spree and seized second place in the
League by a single percentage point.
Wielding their war clubs with
deadly effect, the Tigers pounded the
ball to all corners of Comiskey Park.
The veteran Ted Lyons, knocked off
the mound in the second inning, and
his successors, Red Evans and Italo
Chelini, gave up 25 hits including
two doubles, a triple and Gerald
Walker's third home run of the sea-
Walker Leads Attack
Tommy Bridges was the only Tiger
held to a single safety. Walker, who
batted in seven of the runs, Charlie
Gehringer and Goose Goslin had
four apiece. Bridges, steadying af-
ter a shaky start when the Sox
touched him for four runs, won his
ninth victory of the season.
The Tigers, stretching their win-
ning streak to five games, slipped into
second place with a percentage of
.536, a single point ahead of the Bos-
ton Red Sox and Cleveland Indians,
but ten and a half games behind the
pace-setting New York Yankees.
Schoolboy Rowe will be called on
to hold the advantage tomorrow in
the finale of the series here, against
Johnny Whitehead.
Rosenthal Gets Hand
Lawrence Rosenthal, hard-hitting
oufielder recently obtained from St.
Paul by the Sox, gave some 5,000 Chi-
cago fans their only cheering op-
portunities by slamming out a single
and triple and scoring three of the
Sox runs.
Jack Burns singled, advanced on
two infield outs, and scored the Tig-
ers' first run in the initial inning on
Walker's single.
A foretaste of what was to come,
the Tigers poured five runs over the
plate in their half of the second.
Marvin Owen was safe on Manager
Dykes' error, Hayworth singled and
was forced at second by Bridges,
Burns singled scoring Owen, and Ro-
gell walked, filling the bases. Geh-
ringer's single brought Bridges and
Burns home, Rogell scored on GL -
lin's single, and Walker greeted Ly-
ons' relief, Evans, with a long liner
scoring Gehringer.
Gee Hits Homerf

Walker lifted his circuit clout into
the left field stands 352 feet from the
plate in the fourth to score Gehringer
who had walked and Goslin who had
singled, ahead of him.
A walk, a hit, and error and a long
fly ball brought two more ''igers
across the plate in the sixth, and
Gehringer and Goslin scored in the
seventh on two singles, a double, and
Al Simmons' long fly.
The biggest single outburst of the
Tigers came in the eighth. Hayworth,

'Only Miracle Can Prevent
Us From Being Involved
In A MajorConflict'
Claims Americans
Are Iso lationists
Says This Attitude Opposes
'Cooperation' Policy Of
Official Washington
Only a miracle can prevent the
United States from entering a war,
providing it is a major conflict, with-
in a relatively short time, Prof. Law-
rence Preuss of the political science
department said yesterday afternoon
in the third of the Summer Session
lectures given in the Natural Science
Professor Preuss outlined the policy
of the United States regarding neu-
trality down to the present day in his
talk, the subject of which was "The
American Neutrality Policy."
"The American public is now thor-
oughly wedded to the newer isola.tion-
ist point of view," Professor Preuss
said in speaking of the United States'
attitude toward keeping out of a
European conflict.
Restrict Commerce
Those who hold the isolationist
viewpoint, he explained, maintain
that commerce should be restricted
to a certain degree during time of
war, in order that the state of neu-
trality is afforded less chance of be-
ing interrupted by the almost in-
evitable interference by belligernt
nations into commerce. Professor
Preuss added that belligerent na-
tions are practically necessitated to
interfere with trade connections of
their opponents because were they to
allow commodities to go through to
their opponents it might mean the
difference between victory and de-
The isolationist position . differs
greatly from the "tradionalist" view
formerly held by most Americans,
Professor Peruss stated. The tradi-
tionalists have held that freedom of
seas should be maintained and that
America should be allowed to trade
with all nations, belligerent or other-
wise during any war that she her-
self was not engaged in.
Position Abandoned
This position has been almost en-
tirely abandoned, according to Pro-
fessor Preuss, for the isolationist
view. However, Professor Preuss
continued, despite the fact that pop-
ular feeling seems to be with the
isolationists, the present Adminis-
tration has clung to a stand that is
entirely different than either the iso-
lationist or the traditionalist posi-
tion, that of international coopera-
The Administration's interpreta-
tion of the neutrality legislation of
August, 1935 and February, 1936,
which was essentially isolationist in
its philosophy, Professor Preuss stat-
ed, has been that of cooperative ac-
tion with the other great powers of
the world. He further explained that
whereas on the surface of the Admin-
istration's application of the embargo
on munitions trade to both Italy and
Ethiopia seemed to agree with the
spirit of the neutrality legislation, it
did, in reality, express the Adminis-
tration's desire to cooperate with the
League of Nations.
Status Of League
Professor Preuss felt that much
of the United States' future policy
depended upon the status of the
League, which has suffered, he said,
a terrific decline since the Italo-Eth-
iopian campaign. One of the lead-
ing factors which brought about pop-
ular disfavor against the League was
the Hoare-Laval plan for the settle-
ment of the Ethiopian problem. Al-
though this plan was later repudiated

by the League, the feeling against the
League had already set in.
Therefore, Professor Preuss con-
tinued, much depends upon the re-
forming of the League which is be-
ing discussed at the present time. If
the League succeeds, the United
States will probably continue its pol-
icy of passive cooperation with the
League. If the League fails, Profes-
sor Preuss said, there will be no nos-

Preuss Maintains
U.S. Cannot Stay
Out Of Next War



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