PAGE FOTU THE 'MICHIG~AN DAILY i F{La Y N J- s Ja . s..a .-~ Governor Asks Legon Aid In. Upholding Law Addresses War Veterans' Final Banquet At State Convention LANSING, Aug. 17.--()-Festivi- ties of the American Legion's State Convention drew to a close tonight after reaching their peak in the an- nual parade and banquet. State officials and their guests sat in a reviewing stand before the cap- itol through a hot afternoon as gayly uniformed drum and bugle corps ac- companied by sections of the Legion's State Department and Auxiliary marched by. Governor Fitzgerald headed the of- ficial family in the stands and spoke at the Legion banquet tonight. He enlisted Legion aid and urged its members to stand squarely behind the cause of organized government. The Governor compared the crea- tive efforts of the Legion with ac- tivities of the recently exposed "Black Legion" and said in part: Stands Behind Government "It is reassuring, too, to know that there stands behind the forces of or- ganized government, in times of un- certainty and unrest, an organiza- tkon such as yours, pledged at all times to uphold the laws of the land, as enacted by the people. "I see no danger of any widespread defiance of constituted authority, but if it ever should raise its head, I know we wouldn't be acting as Demo- crats or Republicans any more, but as Americans." The convention will close tomor- row with election of officers and thel acceptance of committee reports. Le- gion members already are laying plans for the national convention in Cleveland, September 21-24. During the morning session the Le- gion heard speakers urge closer co- operation to combat radicalism and subversive activities. Leslie P. Kef- gen, of Bay City, former State Com- mander and Chairman of the Amer- icanism Committee, urged all zone vice-commanders to push an Amer- icanism program this year. Harry W. Colmery, of Topeka, Kans., la candidate for National Le- gion commander, told convention del- egates the Legion must lead the fight against subversive activities and in behalf of organized government. Must Fight as Individuals "The Legion presents the best op- portunity to oppose those forces seeking to overthrow government," Colmery declared. "Each of you must fight as individuals and as members of an organization. Walter S. Reynolds, chairman of the State Committee on subversive activities, declared he favored a bill prohibiting inclusion of the name of the Communist party on the ballot. He insisted the party advocates over- throw of organized government by force and for that reason sacrifices its privileges. Supporters of Guy M. Cox, of Iron River, candidate for State Com- mander, were insistent his election would be a formality without opposi- tion. The Legion will vote tomorrow afternoon on a State Commander to succeed David V. Addy, of Detroit. Approximately 150 resolutions are awaiting approval or rejection of the convention.. Many Legion members who came to Lansing to witness the parade and participate in activities were checking out of hotels tonight. 15,000 Battle Forest Blazes In Duluth Area Continued Drought Causes New Peril, Endangering Minnesota Cities ST. PAUL, Aug. 17.-(P)-Fifteen thousand forest fire fighters sought today to maintain control of con- flagrations as E. V. Willard, State Conservation official, warned failure to accomplish this over a wide area would endanger their lives. The situation was fraught with new peril since rain, predicted for the last weekend, did not fall in the fire zones and several new blazes started while others broke out afresh., One fire alone burned over 2,000 acres in the last 24 hours. Willard said there was "grave dan- ger" of the flames spreading if a high wind developed. Wind blew smoke from the fires into the city of Duluth today. The United States Weather Bureau forecast showers tonight or tomor- row with only moderate south tc southwest winds. Meanwhile, how- ever, settlers in the McGrath area packed their belongings for fligh should fire rush into populated ter- ritory. Fire broke out with renewed in- tensity in the Palo-Markham dis trict, where 20 settlers and farmer Vanderbilt May Desert Ranks Of Bachelors 415-J ole Title I ATAING RADIO. To Wed Saturday Playoff Won By ROCRAMS D utra, Griffin 6:00-WJR Stevensonports WXYZ Easy Aces. 6:15-WJR Heroes of Today. ectacular Match Take, WJ Dinner Hour. "pcaua s WXYZ Day in Review. 1 2Playing r Time* 6:30-WJR Kate Smith's Band. 3 /2 Hours Plying T m ; WWJ Bulletins. WT T WXYZ Rhythm Time. Watrous, Brinke Lose 6:45-WJR Boake carter. WWJ Soloist. WXYZ Rubinoff-Rea. JACKSON. Aug. 17.-()-In a 7:00-WJR Hammerstein's Music Hall. WWJ Leo Reisman's Music. spectacular playoff that ended on WXYz Charioteers. CKLW Dick Tracy. the 45th hole and staged under the 7 :15-WXYZ Kyte's Rhythmaires. most phenomenal conditions ever ex- 7:30 w LaJoeGenwih Ken Murray. perienced a course here, Mortie WWJ Horace Heidt's Music. On rwXY ZEdgar Guest in Welcome Druta and Ken Griffin of Detroit won Valley. the 1936 Pro-amateur golf champion- 8:00-WJR Tommy Dorsey's Music. WWJ Vox Pop. ship played over the Cascades links WXYz Sonhie Tucker. C KLW Witches Tales. today. 8:30-W.TR Rupert Hughes: Ending the 36-hole grind in a tie Benny Goodman's Music. WWJ Drama. with Al Watrous and Chris Brinke, WXYZ Buddy Rogers Music. Oakland Hills entries, with 136's, the _L LoMuicfarkeyayFight. nine-hole playoff between the two WWJ Nickelodeon. teams started at 5 o'clock and ended WXYZ String Symphony. CKLW Evening Serenade. nearly three and a half hours later 9:15 WXYZ William Hard. under light supplied by automobile :KLW Great Lakes Symphony. unerlihtsupledby39 WJ-u.R March of Time. headlights, cigarette lighters and WWJ Soloist. WXYZ String Symphony. matches. 9 :45-WJR Hot Dates in Music. *The Oakland Hills team forced the~ WWJ Royalists. 10:00--WJP. News. playoff when Al Watrous, pro, sank a WWJ Amos and Andy. 17-foot putt on the 36th green for a WXYZ Dance Music. CKLW Scores and News. birdie three. Griffin had previously 10:15-WJR Rhythm. birdied the same hole by dropping a WWJ Evening Melodies. CKLW Lrving Aaronson's Music. seven-footer to gain for the Red Run 10:30-WJR The Mummers. Country Club team what then ap- WWZ Pank ine's Music. peared certain victory. CKLW Ted Weems' Music. The extra nine holes score of Dutra WXz Jolly Coburn's Music. and Griffin was 34, two strokes under 11 :00-WJR George Givot. WWJ Dance Music. par. The total nosed out the Oak- WXYZ Shandor: Earl Waiton's Music, land Hills entries by a single stroke, CKLW Shep Fields' Music. 11:15-CKLW Mystery Lady. Watrous and Brinke posting 35 for 11:30-WJR Maurice Spitalny's Music. the nine-hole jaunt. WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ Lou Bring's Music. In a tie for second place were CKLW Joe Sander's Music. E. W. 2 and Chick Harbert, Battle WXYZ Les Arquette's Music. Creek father and son team, and Den- CKLW Johnny Lewis' Music. ny Champagne and Harold Brinke of :00-CKLW Joe Sander's Music. Grand Rapids. They posted 138's. -Associated Press Photo. Society folk around New York are speculating how long it might be before Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt, wealthy 24-year-old sportsman:, deserts the ranks of the bachelors. His name has been linked recently with that of Katherine Barker of East Hampton ahd New York. They are shown together at the races at Saratoga, N.Y. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 121.1 Angell Hall until 3:30: 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Audrey Talsma, who was gradu-I ated in June, will marry Thomas J.1 Lyndon of Detroit, a graduate ofj the Law School in the classof 1935, Saturday in Grand Rapids During her senior year, Miss Talsmna was a member of the assembly and gen- eral chairman of the Assembly Banquet. WPA Director Demands Study Of Wage Level WASHINGTON, Aug. 17.--OP)-- Niles Anderson, chairman of the Works Progress Administration Labor Relations board, asked Harry L. Pier- son, Michigan State WPA Director today, to give him a report on wheth- er the prevailing wage rate for labor in Detroit was 50 or 60 cents an hour. Anderson asked for the informa- tion by telephone after leaders of the WPA labor union in Detroit asserted the prevailing scale in Detroit was 60 cents while WPA was paying only 50 cents. The demands for the Detroit union were laid before WPA by a delegation of 15 who claimed the union' had a membership of 5,400 workers. H. L. Ames, general representative of the Hod Carriers Union, said the Detroit WPA union had only 200 paying members and he would recom- mend revocation of the Detroit unit's charter. TUESDAY, AUG. 18, 1936 Laundry Tag, Notebook Clues In Hotel Death Mrs. Trainmell Is Found Murdered In Chicago ; Theft Possible Motive CHICAGO, Aug. 17.-(P)-Names in a black notebook and a laundry tag today gave police investigators what they considered their principal clues for a quick solution of the hotel slay- ing of Mrs. Mary Louise Trammell, 24, found brutally beaten to death in her third floor room Sunday. The notebook, dropped recently by a Negro prowler who was frightened away while attempting to enter a man's room in the (State) hotel. where Mrs. Trammell resided, was regarded as an important lead, by - the investigators who theorized that its owner returned later and killed Mrs. Trammell. 'The nude body of the former Knoxville, Tenn., stenographer, married 18 months ago, was found by her husband, Thomas, railroad din- ing car steward, when he returned from a trip to Michigan. .She had been beaten about the head with a blunt instrument. Investigators said she also apparently had been crim- inally assaulted. Nearby on a chair lay her open purse, some of its con- tents scattered on the floor. Because no money was found in the purse the police theorized that robbery was the motive, but they added they were not overlooking the fact that killer may have simulated theft in an attempt to confuse the investigation. The notebook and laundry tag were turned over to the police by William Schumacher, 67, who occupies a room on the floor below the one in which the Trammells lived. He told police he was awakened a week ago and saw a "burly Negro" crawling through the window of his room from the fire escape. He frightened him away and later saw the notebook on the fire escape. It contained the laundry tag bearing a name and information about horse racing, as well as the list of 25 names. CIVIL WAR VET KHLED GRAND RAPIDS, Aug. 17.-(A)- Charles Green, 91, a civil war veteran and justice court officer, was killed by a railroad motor bus Monday. VOL. XLV No. 42 TUESDAY, AUG. 18, 1936 Notices The Intramural Sports Bldg. will be closed to activities Friday, Aug. 21, at 6 p.m. Lockers must be renewed or vacated on or before that date. A. A. James. I would appreciate the names of the students who are here with their 'families living in tents or trailers. Please give this information at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell Hall, for purposes of a survey. L. A. Hopkins.t All rowed brary brary music and instruments bor- from the School of Music Li- must be returned to the Li- by Wednesday, Aug. 19. Henry A. Bruinsma. Blue prints and directions for Sep- tember registration for College of Literature, Science, and the Arts; College of Architecture; School of Education; School of Forestry and Conservation; and School of Music will be mailed the first week in Sep- tember. These reports will not reach you unless the Registrar's Office, Room 4, University Hall, has your correct address for that time. Please report any change of address at once. Visiting students and teachers en- rolled in L. S. and A.; Arch.; Educ.;, Forestry; Music; Your credits for this Summer Session will be sent wherever you direct immediately af- ter the grades are received if you will fill in the proper request in Room 4, University Hall, between now and Aug. 20. Students desiring pictures taken of the excursion group at General Mo- tors Proving Plant may call for them at the Office of the Summer Session, Room 1213, Angell Hall. Seniors: College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: College of Archi- tecture; School of Education; School of Forestry and Conservation; School of Music, who expect to receive de- grees at the close of the Summer Session should pay the diploma fee not later than Aug. 21. Blanks for payment of the fee may be secured in Room 4, University Hall. Dec. 9, H. V. Kaltenborn speaking on "Kaltenborn Edits the News." Jan. 14, Bruce Bliven speaking on1 "The Press-Truth, News or Prop- aganda?"f Jan. 21, Edward Tomlinson speak- ing on "Haitian Adventure" with col- or motion pictures. Feb. 25, Capt. John Craig speak- ing on "Diving Among Sea Killers" with motion pictures. March 16, The Martin Johnsons speaking on "Wild Animals of Bor- neo" with motion pictures. For further information address The Oratorical Association, 3211 An- gell Hall, Ann Arbor. Candidates for the Teacher's Certi- ficate: Students who expect to re- ceive a teacher's certificate at the close of the Summer Session must pay the fee by Aug. 21, Blanks for this purpose may be secured in the office of the Recorder of the School of Ed- ucation, 1437 U.E.S. Notice to Householders: Rooms are being sought for teachers attending the Training Conference for Nursery School Teachers sponsored by the Michigan division of the Works Pro- gress Administration which will be held at the University Elementary School from Sept. 7 to 18. House- holders who have rooms available for this period are urged to list them at once with Miss Davis by telephoning 4121, Extension 360 during the day, or 7456 in the evening, or by writing to the School. Sarita Davis, Librarian. Price Of Corn Sours As Heat Scorches West . at 1 ja a . cy ~ au v . Louis Chiapetta and Jim Monroe of Jackson came in with 139's while their L 149 game the Beaupre broth- ers, Orm and Russ, of Detroit, fourth place. Dave Ward of Saginaw, 1935 ama- teur winner, was not entered, his professional mate, Leo Fraser, having left Michigan. Negro Pleads Not Guilty To Co-Ed Murder Arraigned For Slaying Of Helen Clevenger; Trial To Begin Tonorrow ASHEVILLE, N. C., Aug. 17.-()- Martin Moore, 19-year-old Negro, pleaded innocent on arraignment to- day in Bucombe Superior Court to an indictment charging him with the murder a month ago of Helen Clev- enger, New York University student. "I am not guilty," the six-foot three-inch hotel hallboy replied, when Solicitor Zeb V. Nettles read the in- dictment. "How will you be tried?" Nestles queried. "By God and my country," the Negro answered in the legaritual on prompting of defense attorneys. "May God grant you true deliver- ance" the solicitor concluded. Judge Donald Phillips set the trial for Wednesday morning and ordered a special venire drawn. The Negro who confessed, Sheriff Laurence Brown said, to slaying the pretty blonde student, was arraigned only on the murder charge, although the grand jury returned two true bills. Onercharged murder, theaother first degree burglary. Both are capital crimes. Moore, wearing black trousers an a black shirt crossed by light suspen- ders, sat with his court-appointe counsel and showed only slight in- terest in the preliminaries. Hearing In Schlitz Case Is Deferred GRAND RAPIDS, Aug. 17.-(P)- Hearing of arguments in suits by th Schlitz Brewing Company of Mil waukee and ten Michigan beer dis tributors challenging authority of th State Liquor Control Commission t enforce certain of its orders was de ferred by mutual consent in Federa i Court today until Sept. 4. The suits name the commission Gov. Frank D. Fitzgerald and At torney General David H. Crowley a defendants. The Schlitz company i contesting the commissions' authorit to bar its products from the state fo s failure to pay a fine for unauthorize extensionof credit to wholesalers an for subsidizing beer vendors. It con s tends the commission exceeded th a powers granted by the legislature i IS assessing an inspection charge on im t ported beers, and in compelling te foreign brew to go through ware s housing. i _ t 1 r Cash Quotations Highest In 11 Years; No Relief In Drought Seen CHICAGO, Aug. 17.-(P)-Highest prices in 11 years were paid for cash corn in the Chicago grain pits today as 100degree heat beat relentlessly on Western plains. Cash quotations soared to $1.29 a bushel-five cents below the 1925 high-and futures went up to their I. d d I e - e o Vl t- ts is ,yr r d d - e m Mackinaw Ferries Establish Record LANSING, Aug. 17.-UP)-The State Highway department reported today that state ferries across the Straits of Mackinac established a new record last weekend. Ferries carried 2,798 motor vehicles Sunday and 2,758 Saturday. The previous record was 2,625 vehicles, carried Labor Day Sunday of 1935. Murray D. Van Wagoner, State Highway Commissioner, predicted ferries will carry 200,000 vehicles over the Straits by the end of the present season. Did you ever see a man carrying a billboard under his arm? NO! Did you ever see a handbill on the family reading table? No! Did you ever see a picture of the new hat or pair of shoes you wanted to buy come into your home via radio ? No. 1 l f Students from other colleges, en- highest level since May, 1928, $1.12. rolled in the Summer Session, who The bullish trend was accentuated wish to transfer to the College of Lit- by market reports that the drought erature, Science and the Arts for the had reversed the normal situation and year 1936-37, should call at Room the West, which usually supplies the 1210 Angell Hall for application bulk of the crop, would be fed by the blanks for regular admission. eastern end of the grain belt. No relief from the sun which has Lecture Course, 1936-1937: The Uni- scorched Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri versity of Michigan Oratorical As- and Oklahoma for weeks was seen by sociation has the pleasure to an- the weatherman. For at least two nounce its program for the next more days, he said, temperatures in school year: those states would continue between Oct. 29, Cornelia Otis Skinner, Or- 90 and 105 degrees. iginal Dramatic Sketches. Topeka, Kans., suffered its 44th Nov. 12, Father Bernard J. Hub- successive day of 100 degree plu bard ("The Glacier Priest")--Motion weather. picture lecture. A tropical disturbance moving up. Nov 24, Bertrand Russell speak- ward, from the Gulf toward Texas ing on "Education and Freedom." brought storm warnings frora expected to push the southwest heat Did you ever see a live newspaper thrown into the wAste basket without being read? No!1 That is why advertising in the Michigan Daily brings results. Gangsters Get Man On Fourth Attempt PHILADOVHIA, Aug. 17.-P)- nrh and eastward-. Only the drought ridden Dakota, could expect coolerdbreezes, the weather bureau reported. A new ho wave was due to spread over the Midwest as far as Ohio by tomorrow t e ., [i - NNW I TYPEWRITERS I Iill II II I