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August 18, 1936 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1936-08-18

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1 i1 E M I Ia H 1

TUESDAY, AUG. _18, 193E

--- -TW- -- . ---- -AUG.-18,-1936

Official Publication of the Summer Session

Publishe every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and She Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
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Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard
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Madison Ave., New York City.-400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill
Telephone 4925
Editorial Dirctor ................Marshall D. Shulman
Oramatic Critic.. .. ......John W. Pritchard
Assistant hditors: Clinton B. Conger, Ralph W. Hurd,
Joseph b . Mattes, Elsie A. Pierce, Tuure Tenander,
Jewel IW. Wuerfel.
Reporters: Eeanor Barc, Donal Burns, Mary Delnay,
M. E. Graan, John Hilpert, Richard E. Lrc. Vincent
Moore, Elsie Roxborough, William Sours, Dorothea
Staebler. Betty Keenan.
Telephone 2-1214
,REDITS MANAGER....................JOHN S. PARK
Circulation Manager..................J. Cameron Hall
Office Manager ............................Robert Lodge
The Alumni
And The Uiversity.. ..
iting alumnus is generally a pa-
thetic sight. He wanders about the campus on
those homecoming days trying vainly to recap-
ture those moments of irresponsible collegiatism.
Forcedly, hysterically (sometimes alcoholically),
he slaps people on the back, people with whom
he was once intimate and from whom he is now
separated by a world of experience. Some go
quietly about, dreaming of their youth, but by
far the most, or at least the most in evidence, are
those for whom the experience is an unreal one
with a predominant. unexpressed note of sad-
"The alumni are a part of the University,"
It is said. In what sense is this true? For
the most part, the ties between the University
and its alumni are sentimental ones. Some few
are interested in athletics and participate active-
ly in getting material for the teams and in sup-
porting or opposing the current football coach.
Some contribute to the University-buildings,
money for scholarships, loans, and occasionally
for strengthening the faculty. The most con-
structive element in the relationship is the Alum-
ni University, a program in contemporary events
presented by members of the faculty expressly
for alumni.
It is interesting to note what Bennington Col-
lege has done to make itself of continuing use
to alumni. According to a note in the New York
Times, "Bennington College, Vermont, which is
breaking new paths in higher education, now
aspires to be the first American college without
any typical sentimental 'old grads.' Instead of
trying to keep alive class organizations, class
'spirit' and reunions devoted to recalling under-
graduate pranks, it is forming alumnae associa-
tions devoted to special interests-music, art,
drama, literature, social studies, science and
"An active committee for each group will at-
tempt to aid the college to improve its equip-
ment and teaching methods in each field. Com-
mittee members, because of their professional
connections, will also be able, presumably, to
help undergraduates find apprentice positions
during the winter field-work period.
"'Reunions' will consist of the annual meet-
ings of graduate committee members with col-
lege authorities, who will consider their sugges-
tions for improvement of the various depart-
Our Alumni University is one such constructive
relationship; why cannot it be extended along the
lines indicated at Bennington? Why cannot the
alumni be more than a sentimental appendage?
College reunions should mean more to alumni

than a psychological release from home respon-
sibilities and family restraints. Professional men
need to keep abreast of new developments in
their field and below to societies which keep
them informed. Why cannot the University
serve such a function for its alumni-keep
them from growing stagnant, and at the same
time may it not benefit from the close coopera-
tion and sympathy of a body of men and women
whose ideas have not reverted to Main Street
after a four year dabble in the arts?
Five Texas prisoners escaped, using a "pistol"
made of soap. Others of the criminal element
hire lawyers to soft soap their way out of jail.
-69th Street News.
A girl may be lean and lanky-until she in-
herits a fortune. Then she becomes slender and

WATERLOO: A new novel by Manuel Komroff.
Coward-McCann, New York.
IVANUEL KOMROFF, whose historical novel
Coronet scored such asensational success a
few years ago, has finally come throug with an-
other book, after seven years of reviewing, editing
and criticizing, in which he writes about his fa-
vorite historical character in his favorite type
of situation, essentially tragic and magnificently
No single historical sequence has ever provided
a background for as much literature of every
kind as the Napoleonic legend, and no part of the
career of the most celebrated of the conquerors is
as fitting material for the poet or novelist as the
last desperate rally known to history as "The
Hundred Days," driving to its meteoric climax on
the bloody field for which this novel is named.
Waterloo starts off rather slowly. The reader
is just a bit bored by the long and too-detailed
account of the trip from Elba to Paris and per-
haps even more by the uninteresting flow of
events in England, whither he is transported to
discover some English people who play a part
in the fictional side of the story. But as the op-
posing armies approach each other the story be-
gins to take on speed and color. There is a grow-
ing note of excitement and expectancy as the
Black Brunswickers leap their horses into the Os-
tend harbor to hasten the landing, the .pipes
of the Highlanders scream through the streets
of Brussels, the scarlet-uniformed English offi-
cers mingled with the foreign counts and diplo-
mats and the corsetted and brocaded ladies at
the dazzling military ball, and, while his enemies
danced, Napoleon on the march!
Then conflict-the savage hand-to-hand
fighting in the village square of Ligny as Prus-
sians and French hacked and stabbed at their
hated enemies with no quarter given or asked,
as charge and counter charge were repelled
by the sombre guns, Marshal Blucher, the Prus-
sian commander, thrown from his horse, almost
trampled underfoot by the French cuirassiers,
but escaping notice by a miracle and being res-
cued by a troop of his own horse, and finally
the Old Guard breaking the enemy's center
and giving Napoleon the conditional victory that
paved the way for Waterloo. Meantime Welling-
ton is deadlocked with Ney at Quatre Bras.
Here Komroff inserts the best and most feel-
ing of the many interludes portraying Na-
poleon in soliloquy. "Victory is the only answer
... to the libellous English editors, to the Royal-
ists, to the minister, to the Congress of Vienna,
to writers of Catechisms, lackeys of politicians,
clever women who gather those dandy wits under
crystal chandeliers and think they rule the
nation, to all, all."
And now he turns on the English, leaving
Grouchy to pursue the defeated Prussians. The
plan of battle is excellent, as usual, but there
are accidents from the beginning. The corps
commanders make small mistakes, the guide ne-
glects to mention some of the landscape features,
even fate seems against him, for the rain pre-
vents battle from being joined till noon. The
final blows of fortune are the wastage of the
cavalry by the brave but imprudent Marshal Ney
and the failure of the unimaginative Grouchy to
catch Blucher on the St. Amand road, Blucher,
marching to Wellington's succor with his ex-
hausted troops, arriving at the decisive moment
and turning the tide of the battle.
But in spite of his obvious research, Komroff
makes no attempt at a complete military his-


As Others






(From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
O BETTER WORDS have come out of Ar-
kansas in a long time than these of Gov.
J. Marion Futrell:
I recognize the seriousness of the tenant
farmer or sharecropper problem. For dec-
ades it has been developing and in recent
years has grown to such serious condition
that the problem must be settled if Arkansas
is to have peace among its citizenry and
agriculture is to continue to hold its right-
ful place as the state's chief resource.
The plight of the sharecropper may be
exaggerated in some reports; but the thing
itself--the system-is eating at the vitals
of the - South's economic structure and
whether exaggerated or not, is of such
serious character as to call for immediate
and exhaustive study and examination with
a view to its definite settlement.
Suiting his action to his words, Arkansas' out-
going governor has announced that he will ap-
point a statewide commission of 40 to 50 mem-
bers, including sharecroppers, landowners, bus-
iness and professional men, educators and legis-
lators. This group will meet at Hot Springs to
discuss the problem in all its aspects and to
propose a course of action to remove the trouble.
It.is true that Gov. Futrell's acknowledgement
of his state's chronic agricultural disease follows
the announcement of Attorney-General Cum-
mings of a Federal grand jury investigation
into charges of slavery in cotton fields in Ar-
kansas. But whether the Federal inquiry is in
any responsible for the timing of Gov. Futrell's
declaration, it is only fair to the governor to say
that his proposal of a thorough study is the out-
growth of the conferences which he called last
spring after the strike in the cotton counties.
Sharecropping was a natural development
after the Civil War when landowners retained
only their land and the freed slaves had only
their freedom. In 1936, when 60 per cent of Ar-
kansas' farms and 70 per cent of Mississippi's
still are tenant operated, and the average in
the South is well above 50 per cent, the system,
as Gov. Futrell says, is eating at the South's
vitals. Arkansas' governor could not spend
his remaining months in office in a better cause.
tory. His fictional characters are trivial and
their adventures are not very imripressive, but Wa-
terloo remains a story rather than an account,
the kind of story Komroff loves to tell, a pictorial
story dotted with a score of living incidents, the
exploits of Corporal Shad, a champion of the
London prize ring; the artillery horse whose head
was half carried off by a round shot but who
refused to leave the gun carriage traces; the
birth of a child on the field in a vivandiere's cart,
the baby girl being carried off by a German
officer and later married to her rescuer; the sur-
geons bleeding the dying men ranged on the
Brussels road; Ney, with his uniform torn. and
blood-stained, his hat and scabbard lost, four
horses shot under him, leading the last charge of
the Old Guard on foot; Wellington, calmly cold
but worried; Napoleon, darkly gloomy but im-
passive in defeat as in victory; the soldier on the
side of the road, horribly wounded, whispering
'Vive l'Empereur' as Napoleon rode by, and final-
ly the French officer Cambronne snarling his
glorious epithet at the English officer who called
on him to surrender.


Un healthy Stimulant
(Fr-em a JReport of the Foreign Policy
As ociation by Winthrop W. Case,
Assoclate Editor of the Annalist.)
increase in industrial production
i1 due to the artificial stinulation of
domestic industry by economic n1a-
tionalism which has merely replaced
more erficient foreign trade, to the
increase of armament expenditures
and to the diversion into less pro-
ductive domestic channels of funds
which before the depression found
invest ment in the international
field, says the report.
Increasing rearmament and the
growing fears of war remain a real
obstacle to healthy recovery and the
full restoration of confidence. While
government 'expenditures for military
purposes have undoubtedly stimulated
both industry and commodity prices,
their importance in the current im-
provement, although steadily increas-
ing, is probably somewhat exaggerat-
ed, except in Germany, Italy and Ja-
. The unsettled international polit-
ical situation, however, is a serious
deterrent to the resumption of for-
eign lending and long-term commit-
ments of all sorts, although in other
respects conditions have improved
enough for a country like Britain to
contemplate a limited resumption of
lending abroad.
The burden of rearmament, more-
ver, is increasing rapidly in cun-
tries other than Germany, Italy and
Japan; even in the United Kingdom.
military expenditures in another two
years will consume nearly 6 per cent
of the national income, as against
4% per cent in 1936.
However they may be financed,
such expenditures can be paid for in
the end only by a lowered standard
of living throughout the world.
More far-reaching, perhaps, in its
implications, is the spread of eco-
nomic nationalism. The turning of
industrial Europe to agricultural Eu-
rope to agric'ultural protectionism in
the post-war years, already noted,
carried with it the corollary of in-
dustrial development in the agricul-
tural and raw material countries
which, once their European markets
had been curtailed, were less willing
or less able to buy their manufac-
tured goods from Europe.
HOLLAND, Aug. 17.--(IPJ- -Harold
Woltman, 23, was held Monday on
charges of a $115 holdup at the Warm
Friend Tavern because George Par-
dee, night clerk, said he recognized
the masked gunman's voice as that

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ed by 2 girls. Leaving Aug. 21. Call
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FOR SALE: Scottish terriers, 4 males.
8 weeks old. Registered A.K.C. Little
beauties. Reasonable. Sat., Sun.,
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FOR SALE: 1933 Ford coupe. Motor
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ed. Men's shirts 100. Silks, wools,
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GRADUATE student wants room for
coming college year in exchange
for piano lessons. Box B 170
WANTED: Canoe in good condition.
Price must be right. Phone 4740.
WANTED: Log Log slide rule, draw-
ing instruments. Real leather note-
book. Box 168. Michigan Daily.
HAVE CASH for fairly late 5-pas-
senger car. Phone 4714, Tues. p.m.





..Thoy'vo fllmod That
WoId.t'omou, i $t@ Hil
w 44....w 7

of Woltman,
at home.

who was arrested later

," <

Class & Individual Ini-
struction in all types
of dancing. Teachers
course. Open daily dur-
lng Summer Session
10 A.M. to 9 P.M.
x-none lC9695
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Wuerthr'Theatre Bldg.,

w I

.4 WW



Growing Cleavage In Parliament
-British Laborites Introduce New Element To Party System-
(Thomas F. Woodcock in the Wall Street Journal)

Do you have typing to be done,
or do you want typing to do?
Or, have you lost anythi ng?

LONDON (By Mail).
READING the parliamentary debates, which
are now-in full blast, leaves upon this writer,
an impression that here the "Mother of Parlia-
ments" is showing unmistakable signs of progres-
sive organic change in a most important respect.
Most people, probably, will agree that the parlia-
mentary system works best when there are but
two main parties, differing-sharply at times--
upon ways and means and even major policies
but fundamentally agreed upon the structure of
the governmental system itself. It is this agree-
ment that Madariaga has in mind in insisting
that a democracy must be unanime, that is,
single-minded as to the foundations of the so-
ciety itself. In such a system the opposition
party is really a part of the governmental system,
and the English phrase, "His Majesty's Opposi-
tion," has had a very real content of truth.
Today, however, the fact that the opposition
party in Great Britain, namely, the Labor party,
with ia growing left wing, has a definitely col-
lectivist objective, requiring fundamental changes
in the traditional theories of government in Great
Britain, introduces an entirely new element into
the parliamentary system. Here is no opposition
of the time-honored Liberal-Conservative kind,
playing a definite part in shaping legislation
within the borders of the Constitution, but a
frankly revolutionary party with little or nothing
really in common with its opponent.
* * * *
This has been made clear in the past few
days by debates upon national defense and the
changes in the dole. For the first time (so far
as this writer is. aware) the Labor opposition
fought the government's defense program on
general principles, with no logic whatever to
support the attack. Sir Thomas Inskip had no
difficulty in answering the hecklers by asking
them whether they wanted Great Britain to be
impotent to defend herself in face of a situation
i-pnh mn.1. rp.,x. fkraann v , a 'n n i- ',n nrprn ron.ir

nature of a "mean test," and stated that it
would never accept any regulations under which
any inquiry of the sort was'made as to the posi-
tion of applicants for relief. The government's
proposals involve an addition of three-quarters
of a million sterling to the total disbursements
(nearly $200,000,000) chargeable to the budget,
and would result in increasing payments to
a great majority of recipients but' reducing
sharply payments to about 60,000 now being ad-
mittedly overpaid. Here, too, logic was all on the
government side, but the opposition took the
ground that it must be relief with "no ques-
tions asked," and denounced the whole scheme
of payments as quite insufficient. The temper
of the debate, moreover, was such that the
speaker had several times to rebuke members-
not a frequent occurrence since the Irish mem-
bers left Westminster.
As we all know, things change slowly in Great
Britain; nevertheless, -the tempo seems to be
quickening. One result of the growing funda-
mental cleavage between parties is interesting.
It happens that neither party is generally con-
sidered to be strongly led. The recent humilia-
tion of the country over Ethiopia would probably
have led, a generation ago, to defeat of the
government and a change of premiers and par-
ties. That Premier Baldwin is to be succeeded
next spring, after the coronation, by Neville
Chamberlain is generally taken for granted. No
one seems to look for an accession of the Labor
party to power in the early future, precisely be-
cause of its extreme views. Further, ne one on
the Labor side stands out as an evident leader.
Thus it seems that owing to the absence of an
opposition of the old classical type, the present
Government (despite much internal dissatis-
faction among the younger Conservatives of a
progressive mind) runs no risk of upset before
either the Parliament's life is run or it chooses
to go before then to the country. In either

In any case, your best mnediu

is The Michigan Daly
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