PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY r SUNDAY, AUG. 16, 1936 I I wommam"m McCrea To Ask Extradition Of Legion Member 'Major General' To Face Charge Of Possessing Hand Grenades DETROIT, Aug. 15.-(P)-Prose- cutor Duncan C. McCrea said today he would move Monday to have Vir- gil F. "Bert" Effinger brought here from Lima, O., to answer a warrant charging him with possessing six hand grenades at a Black Legion meeting here a year ago. Effinger surrendered to Lima po- lice today, but they said he was not under arrest, and that no further steps would be taken until the war- rant arrived. McCrea asserted that Effinger was a Black Legion "Major General" in command of the hooded secret society in this part of the United States. Effinger denied the grenade pos- session charge and said he would fight extradition. "I never had a hand grenade in my hands and have never even seen one," he told Ward Taylor, Lima po- lice chief. "These charges are ri- diculous." The warrant was based on a state- ment by William H. Guthrie, a print- er-member of the hooded order, and corroborated by Dayton Dean, con- fessed "executioner" in the killing last May 12 of Charles A. Poole. Dean told' McCrea that Effinger, in a speech here, declared that the Black Legion planned a coup d'etat for Sept. 16, 1936 "to take over the United States government." "They did it in Russia with 30,000 men," Dean quoted Effinger as say- ing, "and we are stronger than that here and are better equipped." Effinger told the Lima police he had never met Dean, and that his story was "a lot of nonsense.'' Guthrie said Effinger produced the six grenades Aug. 24, 1935 at the home of Arthur F. Lupp, Sr., state commander of the Black Legion. "He said they were for 'our ene- mies,' " Guthrie related. Dean said Effinger handed him two suitcases at the meeting and said: "Guard these well, captain, be- cause there is enough explosive in there to blow up this whole block." Lupp is free on bond on charges of conspiring to kidnap and kill Arthur L. Kingsley, a Highland Park pub- lisher. Dean has pleaded guilty to mcrder in the Poole case, and Guthrie is held on a charge of conspiracy to incite a riot. Major Leagues NOTES from By ROXIE Hardin Van Duersen, who kept his audience rocking with mirth when he Lawrence-Tibbetted what a glorious thing it was to be a pirate king in "The Pirates of Penzance," discov- ering that it wasn't such a glorious thing to be the father of three little tikes who so veddy veddy indiscreet- ly contracted whooping cough during the run of the show .. . In the meantime, his Lieutenant, Harold Tharp, finding that it was quite a glorious thing to be the self- appointed Don Juan of the cast, com- ing out of a different corridor each night, (prop-room, etc.) proving that he was a Missouri school teacher in learning definitely who of the twenty- odd women in the chorus actually bore the extenuating "M.R.S." de- gree.. Wm. Hugh Miller, who did the bob- bie Sergeant so cleverly, giving vent to a burst of temperament the second night of dress rehearsal and throw- ing a bomb shell into the smooth mechanism of the system, Mr. Windt exclaiming through the microphone hook-up, made especially for opera- tion directing and moreover, threat- ening to the take the number out completely, though they all made it up and the number went over big opening night . . . Goes Into Ecstasy The blonde Mildred ("Mabel") Ol- son of the mellifluous voice who was so appalled at sight of the lovely sati night gown which she was to wear in "Ladies in Waiting" last season, ac- tually going -into ecstasy over the ducky little pink flannel nighties that were worn in this Gilbert and Sulli- van brainchild ... Leah (Edith) Sanger, getting back into the spirit of the grease-paint to such an extent that she resigned her teaching job with an eye on the Cleveland Playhouse or a trip abroad following her season here ... Martin ("Frederick") Thompson enjoying his overnight stardom so much in his very first dramatic-mu- sical role that he's thinking about going professional, too, with his eye wistfully on the Metropolitan Opera, and considering staying here another year to continue his vocal studies; he's been teaching six years at Yankton College in South Dakota and is not in the least particular about it-that is not anymore! ... Margaret (Chorine) Roberton gain- ing distinction with her fluttery in- terpretation of her few lines in the show; she's been here all year learn- ing how to balance a budget while her husband toiled away in the Law School ... Elwin Carter, the huge, hefty lad who invited so many titters as her choral partner, is one of four alumni in the show who hail from Central High in Detroit, the others being: Dorothy Shapland, Henry Houseman and Phylis Blauman ... Gets Razzing Last-but-not least of the show be- ing Virginia ("Kate") Ward, who is to teach in Chicago this winter get- ting quite a razzing for changing her otherwise plain coiffure to a waved one with bangs at the Lantern Shop where she works; a certain important member of the Speech department doomed to look .forlorn after the de- parture of Nancy ("Ruth") Bowman, the California Pennsylvania tacher of English who made such a decided hit in the last two shows-Nancy un- happily being visited by hay-fever the second night of the show; Nick Preke- tes, who has done the show at Ann Arbor High, the only High School lad in the show; Jane ("Mabel") Brewer escorted out a lot by Morris ("Chalk Dust") Greenstein; Truman Smith proving himself quite a comedienne, outside the registrar's office with his capers in the Bobbie chorus; Fred Densmore, son of Prof. G. E. Dens- more of the Speech department avow- ing that wearing a wooden leg and being blind in one eye is not all un- comfortable. Of human interest: Irene Trend- berth who. has been working back- stage this summer having once di- rected Ed Paskill, the janitor of the theatre in one of her earlier plays in 1914, "The Corner Drugstore," in Bessemer, Michigan when she was supervisor of music there. Ed Paskill, when asked about his dramatic work said: "Oh, I've worked in a lot of amateur plays!" Miss Trendberth is now the supervisor of music in Cal- umet, Michigan ... Frank Wurtsmith, electrician for the plays, sending a pseudo wire to the PLAYERSI The LENS yours truly saying: "Main event__ Thursday will be falling of curtain on successful season and open-mouthed By ROBERT L. GACH box-office force Stop Lakes Oceans In photography background is as Rivers Mountains Forests etc. are to important a part in the picture as the be joyfully embraced by a great subject itself, providing of course the number of us-" signed, "Peg subject isn't a mountain or a lake Stage,"-speaking for the real stars with a background you can do little of the shows: the stagehands who about. But in portraits, or in pictures virtually formed a semi-nudist colony of your dog, or in pictures of close this summer while doing the sets up objects that have something sur- midst the heat of it all .. rounding them, or in back of them, Eugenia Kerr of Carnegie Tech background will help decide whetheri having to surrender her first, most your picture is a success or a dis-I coveted leading role on campus, that grace.I c e ledingrol oncamps, hat For an example you may be taking of "Miss Sherwood," in "Chalk Dust," anuexa younman seumaedn the satire on the high school system into a postureofdejection. manYoslumped opening Tuesday evening for a three- tend it troe a symbol of all the day run and being confined to health dwn and out agony of unemployed service while her school-mate, Mary youth, but you forgot that part of a Lou Mehler who attracted the critics bed, a chest of drawers and a picture in "Mary of Scotland," was placed in of your grandfather was in back of the role. . . him, so instead of being the kind of Promises To Be Hit picture you were hoping for, it was a "Chalk Dust" promises to be one of jumble of incoherency. The bed or the hits of the season since it will the drawers or the picture add noth- strike home to so many of the cam- ing to the meaning you were intend- pus students, Charlie Harrell will play ing and because you had them, your the part of "Rogers," a young school meaning was lost. A simple, dark teacher in love with a teacher 10 toned wall behind the figure would years his senior and there is an epi- have given you what you wanted. Or sode where he is imprisoned in the a little more difficult background, but ladie's room with Virginia Frink, thus effective, would be the use of simple causing gossip to circulate through panels of contrasting colors, or merely the school-Claribel Baird is also in of different shades behind the figure the cast with Robert Uslan playing in such a way as to make the light a very sensitive student who is re- parts of the body stand out against sponsible for Miss Sherwood's re- a darker strip of background. maining a schoolmarm; while Frank Plain Background Better Rollinger plays "Doozac," an urchin For portraits the beginner should of the streets; and Gladys Goodwin, stick to the plain background in neu- the niece of a big-shot who gets a job tral shades-darker shades for pic- in the system through politics . .. tures where light hair, or profiles are Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Wyckoff, in relief, and light shades for dark- the scenic designer and costumiere, haired persons. When you don't have have worked together for 15 years time for much arranging, and there and have an igenious little son, Peter, is little choice of background, the thing to remember is that the simpler aged eight, who is now busy making the background the more effective the a telescope at a camp in Wisconsin picture. For an example, one person where his parents will pick him up I know of was always trying to get a' enroute back to New York. .. good picture of his dog. The dog They taught together for four years is a sandy color and the pictures were at Carnegie Tech when Mr. Wyckoff usually taken with the dog on the was Mrs. Wyckoff's boss,-preceding grass and the result was that the dog I their marriage, of course! They had looked like just so much more grass. their most vigorous quarrels while After he finally realized what the vacationing with Walter Eatons one trouble was he took a picture of the sufmer, Mr. Eaton being one of the dog against a wall of the house cov- directors of Yale and a renowned dra- ered with dark brown shingles and matic critic and author. The quibbles the picture was a success. So the raged over such vital questions as: first rule to go by is simplicity and whether there were five or six color the second is contrast to some extent. colors in the color scale or whether ---__- snow' shades were blue or violet! .-. "The Old Maid," being members of To Sail For Russia his vast collection ... Valentine B. Windt, the director James Doll, the assistant costu- will leave for the Moscow Theatre miere is also the winner of one of Festival immediately, after the season this season's Hopwood Awards. He closes, sailing on the good ship Nor- claims he wrote the play between mandy. He will fly from Paris to dinner-time one day and lunch-time Moscow and following the Festival the next. Now's he's working on a he'll take wings again from Athens dramatization of one of the less to Naples where he sails back in time known 19th century novels by the to welcome the new semester. His English novelist whom he considers sister, Serena Windt, coutouriere of the greatest of that period, Anthony some repute, and proprietor of one Trollope. Of his prize-winning play, of New York's most exclusive shops, "Boots For Three" which concerns visited Ann Arbor this week to catch campus life, Alexander Dean, one of "The Pirates" and see him off ... the leading directors at Yale and Frederick Crandall, director of director of last season's "Russet "Chalk Dust," has a penchant for Mantle," said: collecting antiques, old costumes, old "In many respects I consider this furniture, old china and old records, the best play, not only of the Minor of which he possesses quite a score. Contest but for the Major as well, of The fur wrap Ruth Le Roux wore in all of those submitted. The author is "Borkman," and the paisley shawl writing material that he knows, both Miss Davis wore as "Mrs. Mingott" in in its story and in its characters ... Officials Find More Profit In Cheaper Cars Surveys Show 95 Per Cent Of Autos Sold Were In $750 Bracket DETROIT, Aug. 15.-(P)-The men who make motor cars have shown an increasing disposition to rely on vol- ume distribution to make the assem- bling of automobiles profitable and with this inclination they have gone in more widely for the manufacture of lower-priced vehicles. At the same time they have not given up the production of a single model in the medium and upper price brackets during the last year or more in which the recovery movement has shown its greatest strides. It is no secret in trade circles that lighter and cheaper cars are constantly be- fore the engineers as one of the de- velopments the manufacturers believe hold the greatest prospect of profi- table operations. Oddly enough vir- tually every motorcar producer in the other brackets has reported greater demand during the last several months than at any time since motor- car-making began to climb again after 1932. Demand Is Greater Analyses conducted by the automo- bile manufacturers' association show that 95 per cent of all the cars dis- tributed a year ago were listed at $750 and under wholesale. An inter- esting disclosure of the survey con- ducted by the association's statisti- cians is that cars selling between $500 and $750 wholesale are in greater de- mand currently than at any time dur- ing the last decade. The gossip that precedes virtually every new model introddction season has covered about everything except- ing price levels for the coming year. It appears to be a safe guess at the moment that if any marked changes in price listings accompany the new types scheduled to appear around No- vember 1 there will be a comparable alteration in the vehicle itself. In other words if lower prices are an- nounced they most likely will apply to entirely new types of cars added to the standard lines of the makers. Ford Eight Discussed. Most of the gossip concerning pos- sible departures in the low price field -enters around the long rumored Ford lighter eight. It is more or less com- mon knowledge in automotive circles that this vehicle is well beyond the blue print stage, but whether it is ready for introduction probably will not become known until the new sell- ing season arrives. Some sources credit Ford with having the new car ready for introduction within the next fort- night, but planning to withhold it until more becomes known regarding the intentions of his competitors in the low-price field. Confesses Slaying EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS 6:00-WJR Stevenson Sports. WWJ Widows' Sons. WXYZ Tim and Irene. CKLW Ted weems' Music. 6:15-WJR Rhythm Review 6:30-WJR Julia Sanderson and Frank Crumit. wwJ Fireside Recital. WXYZ Husbands andbwives. CKLW String Ensemble.. 6:45-wWJ Sunset Dreams. 7:00-WJR Musical Program. wwJ Major Bowes' Amateurs. WXYZ Evening Melodies. CKLW Art of Song. 7:30-WJR Philadelphia Summer Concert. WXYZ Goldman Band. CKLW Fop Concert. 8:00-WWJ Manhattan Merry-Go- Round. WXYZ Cornelia Otis Skinner. CKLW Americana. 8:15--WXYZ Paul Whiteman's Varieties. 8:30-WWJ Album of Familiar Music. CKLW Horace Heidt's Music. 9:00-WWJ National Music Camp. WXYZ Bob Crosby. CKLW Music for Dancing. 9:15-WJR Jack Randolph. WXYZ Mirror of Melody. 9 :30-WJR Community Sing. wXYZ Adventures of the Hornet. CKLW Goodwill Court. 10:00-WJR Musical. WWJ Dramatic Half Hour. WXYZ Buddy Rogers' Music. CKLW First Baptist Church. 10:15-WJR Vincent Lopez' Music. 10:30-WJR Ghost Stories. WWJ Nocturne. WXYZ Leon Navarro's Music. CKLW Ted weems' Music. 11 :00-WJR Johnny Johnson's Music. WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ Henry Bussee's Music. CKLW Don Bestor's Music. 11:30-wJR San Francisco Symphony Orch. WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ Eddie Fitzpatrick's Music. CKLW Nat Brandewynne's Music. 12:00-WXYZ Ace Brigode's Music. 12:30-CKLW Joe Sander's Music. -- Associated Press Photo Ray Johnson (above), 39, was held' in the county jail at River- side, Cal., on a charge of murder- ing Midi Takaoka, 25-year-old Ja- panese actress. Arrested at Corona, Cal., authorities said he confessed the knife slaying and blamed it on jealousy. Gov. Considers Modif ieatiou Of LiquorRuling Prohibition Of Licensees Taking Workers' Checks Arouses Controversy {Continued from Page 1) other question. We will refuse tax stamps for Schlitz beer." Friends of the Governor were an- noyed by the promised jangle over liquor on the eve of the campaign. They recalled that the Governor and McDonald clashed once before over liquor issues, and at that time Gov- ernor Fitzgerald announced he would leave administration of the act to the commission. He has avoided attend- ing any commission meetings, but his friends feel he is blamed for any dis- turbing regulations. "I want it clearly understood I had no part in adopting the recent regula- tions for the beer business," the gov- ernor said. "If these new regulations are justified, I will expect commis- sioners to explain to the people the grounds for their adoption." The governor disclosed he had dis- cussed the new regulations with Com- missioner Frank E. Gorman and asked that proper publicity be given the causes for the regulations which have aroused the dispute. 22 Killed As Train Demolishes Truck (Continued from Page ) three priests were administering last rites to the injured, some of whom were taken to hospitals here and some to a hospital in Three Rivers, 25 miles away. A 17-year-old textile mill worker, Fernand Tousignant, saved himself by jumping, but he said he did not know why he jumped. He did not see the train until he picked himself up in the roadside ditch. Tousignant said no screams of hor- ror or fear of momentary death were heard before the train struck. Emile Ferron, a member of parlia- ment, said the truck was going about 40 or 50 miles an hour. "It was a horrible sight," he re- lated. "Shrieks of the injured and dying mingled with the cries of rela- tives who gathered on the scene, hampering our efforts." -TATE TRELT aT E WE E R WATCH & JEWELRY RECPAIRING w AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. New York ...........73 37 Cleveland ...........64 50 Detroit .............60 52 Chicago...........59 54 Boston............58 55 Washington .........55 56 St..Louis...........41 71 Philadelphia........38 72 Pet. .664 .561 .536 .522 .513 .495 .366 .345 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS St. Louis 4, Cleveland 0. Washington at Boston (2). Detroit 3-10, Chicago 1-3. New York 16, Philadelphia 2. TODAY'S GAMES New York at Philadelphia (2). aWshington at Boston (2). Detroit at Chicago (2). Cleveland at St. Louis. NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. St. Louis .............66 44 Chicago .............65 44 New York ...........65 46 Pittsburgh ............57 53 Cincinnati..........53 57 Boston ..............51 59 Brooklyn .........44 60 Philadelphia.. ......40 70 YESTERDAY'S GAMES Pittsburgh 7, St. Louis 1. Cincinnati 5, Chicago 4. Brooklyn 6, Boston 2. New York 4, Phila.delphia 1. TODAY'S GAMES Philadelphia at New York. Boston at Brooklyn (2). Chicago at Cincinnati (2). St. Louis at Pittsburgh. Pct: .600 .596 .586 .518 .482 .464 .400 .364 : t t i E n imm Now Playing 25c t ill 2 P.M. Today! SEE IT FROM THE BEGINNING Feature Starts Today at 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 - 7:33 - 9:36 I I1 FRANCES FRRMER%" R Y n WB i n nisi 'k t' U E E I I I V10