rAOE FOU'R' THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1936 PAGE FOUR W __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ I Music School To Inaugurate Choral Work Sumner Students Invited To Participate In Mixed Chorus, Orchestra The School of Music is offering an opportunity to all Summer Session students who can qualify to partake in the mixed chorus, men's glee club, students' orchestra and the band, all under the direction of Prof. David Mattern. The mixed chorus meets for one hour a week from 7 to 8 p.m. Tues- days at Morris Hall. The first meet- ing was held last night, but there is still room for others who are in- terested in trying out. The chorus will give public performances on several occasions during the sum- mer, including the three Sunday Vesper Services. Professor Mattern stressed that the meetings would be made into social hours as well as in- strumental ones. The opening meeting of the Men's Glee Club will be held in the form of a sing and a smoker at 7 p.m. to- morrow at Morris Hall. Music for the summer will be selected from the library of the regular Varsity Glee Club. The Summer Session Orchestra will meet from 2 to 3 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays in the Auditorium of Ann Arbor High School. Although it is meeting in the high school build- ing, the orchestra will be limited en- tirely to University students. The band will also hold rehearsals in the auditorium of Ann Arbor High School. Meetings will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Field Stations Of University Are Numerous Mitchell Conducting First Summer European Tour Under University (Continued from Page 1) Frank C. Gates of Kansas State Col- lege, Prof. George E. Nichols of Yale University, Prof. Herbert B. Hunger- ford of the University of Kansas, Prof. William W. Cort of John Hop- kins University, Prof. Charles W. Creaser of Wayne University, and Prof. Lyell J. Thomas of the Uni- versity of Illinois. For 15 years the geology and geo- graphy departments held a combined summer station in Mill Springs, Ky. This year, the two departments are holding separate stations, the geology station being in Colorado and the geography one in the Upper Penin- sula. Although the geological stratas of Kentucky are more simple for be- ginning students to study, there is more opportunity for research in the Rocky Mountains. The geological field courses in Col- orado began June 22, the group driv- ing in privately owned autos. The station is located at State Bridge, which is approximately 100 miles west of Denver. The group is made up of 25 members, three of whom are members of the faculty and two are faculty members' wives. Members of the faculty in charge of the station are Prof. George M. Ehlers, Prof. Armand J. Eardley, and Prof. Ralph L. Belknap. The station pis arranged similarly to a tourist camp. The area to be covered in the study is more than 30 miles square. Autos and horses are used for transportation. At the close of the Summer Ses- sion here, Prof. Irving D. Scott of the geology department will take a group of students of physiographical geol- ogy into the Allegheny Mountains for a week, it was announced yesterday by Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, director of the Summer Session. More than 2,000 miles will be covered in that trip. The Geography Station in the Upper Peninsula is being held in connection with the Department of Conservation in a land survey. Dur- ing the fourth week, Prof. Stanley D. Dodge will conduct a group through Maine. The Forestry Station which is be- ing held on the west shores of Golden Lake in the Upper Peninsula, opened yesterday and will continue for ten weeks. The territory on which the camp is situated has been loaned by a lumber company, formerly being a camp, which was remodeled to suit the group's needs. Prof. Robert Craig, Jr., is in charge of the station. More than 67 stu- dents are enrolled for this field course. One other University field course being held this summer is the Sur- veying Station in Jackson Hole, Wyo. Prof. Clarence T. Johnston is in charge of the camp. rrn, ,-,,v.., _ f +H cn fnlr.n...Lrn Three Escape Injury In Automobile Wreck Dr. Ryder Will Be In Unitarian Summer Pulpit To Speak On 'The Genius Of Religion' Sunday At Church House Summer services at the Unitarian Church will be under the leadership of Dr. Walter S. Ryder of Flint, and formerly a teacher of sociology at Macalister College, St. Paul. Dr. Ryder will speak next Sunday on "The Genius of Religion" and the following Sunday on "Creative Per- sonality." Other topics for the 11 o'clock service are "Religion and Morals" and "Cooperative Society." Students are invited to the recep- tion to be held next Sunday at 4:30 p.m. in the library of the church to meet the Ryders. One feature of the summer services will be the round table Sunday at 7:30 p.m. to be followed by a social hour. On July 12, Dr. Ryder will lead a dis- cussion on "Religion and Current Thought," and on July 19, Mr. Ker- mit Eby of the Ann Arbor High School will speak on "The Teaching of Controversial Issues." Dr. Ryder earned his Ph.D. degree at the University of Chicago, and this summer is taking additional work on the campus. He has held churches in New York, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota, and is author of a book, "Men and Religion." The minister, Rev. H. P. Marley is instructing this summer in the Stu- dent Volunteer Work Camps, main- tained by the Society of Friends in various strategic points in the South, including the T.V.A. Wallace Raps I Supreme Court In New Book Lawson Little Is Awarded Sullivan Trophy a1 1 PROGRAMS EVENING RADIO 6 :00-WJR Stevenson Sports. WWJ Ty Tyson. WXYZ Easy Aces. CKLW Phil Marley's Music. 6:15-WJR Heroes of Today. WWJ Dinner Music. WXYZ Day In Review, CKLW Sports and News. 6:30-WJR Kate Smith. WWJ Ramblings. WWJ Bulletins. WXYZ 'me Lone Ranger. CKLW Rhythm Rablings. 6:45-WJR Boake Carter. WWJ Rhythm Review. CKLW Song Recital. 7:0O--WJR Cavalcade of America. WWJ One Man's Family. WXYZ Folies deParee. CKLW Jazz Nocturne. 7 :30-W/JR Burns and Allen: Jacques Renard's Music. WWJ Wayne King's Music. WX YLavender and Old Lace. CKLW Music Box Review. 8:00-WJR Lily Pons: Andre Kostelanetz' Music. wwJ Town Hall Tonight. WXYZ Kyte's Rhythmeers. CKLW Charioteers. 8:15-CKLW Variety Revue. 8:30-WJR To Be Announced. WXYZ Bankbox Revue CKLW Grant Park Concert. 8:45-WJR Sports on Parade. WXYZ Harry Hellman. 9:00-WJR "Gang Busters." WWJ "Your Hit Parade." CKLW Symphonic Strings. 9 :30-WJR March of Time. CKLW Alex LaJoie's Music. 9:45-WJR Rubinoff-Rea. CKLW Bob Grayson's Music. 10:00-WJR Duncan Moore. WWJ Amos and Andy. WXYZ Ink Spots. CKLW Scores and News. 10:15--WJR Baseball Scores. WWJ Studio Hour. WXYZ Girl Friends. CKLW Lloyd Huntley's Music. 10:30-WXYZ Xavier Cugat's Music. WJR Don Bestor's Music. CKLW Griff Williams' Music. 10:45-WWJ World Peaceways. 11:00-WJR Little Jack Little's Music. WWJ Troupers. W/XYZ Henry Foster. CKLW Charles Barnett's Music. 11 :15-WW/J Dance Music. CKLW Mystery Lady. 11:30-WJR Bernie Cummins' Music. WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ Luigi Romanelli's Music. J -Associated Press Photo When two automobiles and a truck came together on Riverside Drive, New York, the machine shown here, driven by Charles Erb, hurtled over a steep embankment and was demolished. Erb, his wife and seven-year old child were uninjured, although the latter two were trapped in the wreckage for twenty minutes. Prof. Davis outlines Problems In Secondary School System -A.ssociated Press Photo. Lawson Little, Jr., (left), of San Francisco, winner of the British and United States amateur golf championships in 1934 and 1935, was award- ed the James E. Sullivan memorial trophy as America's outstanding athlete in 1935. The presentation was made in Chicago bS Avery Brundage (right), president of the American Olympic committee. Michigan Utilities Commission Emphasizing the issues of secon- dary education as brought out at the St. Louis meeting of the National Education Association, Prof. Calvin 0. Davis, secretary of the education school, yesterday afternoon traced the history of secondary schools to the present day in hislecture on "Is- sues of Secondary Education" de- livered in the University High School auditorium. In dealing with the educational system of the present day, Professor Davis mentioned the contribution made by Dr. Thomas Briggs in clar- ifying the controversies that center about the secondary school today. Ac- cording to Professor Davis, Dr. Briggs correctly pointed out that the basic differences of opinion regarding the Roosevelt And Farley To Talk Over Situation President Is Non-Commital On Postmaster General's Cabinet Resignation WASHINGTON, June 30. - P)- President Roosevelt said tonight he would confer with Postmaster Gen- eral James A. Farley Thursday and question of Farley's resignation from the cabinet. Asked at his press conference whe- ther Farley would resign to devote his full time to the chairmanship of the national and New York state Democratic committees, Mr. Roose- velt sid he would have nothing to say until after the Thursday confer- ence. Reports long have been current that Farley would retire. However, in Atlantic City last night, he said: "I have not resigned as Postmaster- General and beyond that I have no comment to make." Usually well-informed sources here said there was a possibility that Far- ley might take a leave of absence until after the conclusion of the elec- tion campaign. Should he do so, they added, he would be in a position to return to his post after November. When. he was asked about the re- ports Farley would resign, Marvin H. McIntyre, one of the President's sec- retaries, said today: "All I know is that Jim said at Philadelphia he was not going to take any action until he talked to the boss." While Senator Townsend of Dela-, ware, newly-appointed chairman of the Republican senatorial campaign committee, was predicting an "easy" Republican victory, Governor Alf M. Landon of Kansas remained in his Colorado Rocky Mountain retreat, making quiet plans for his presiden- tial campaign. W. D. Bell, New York chairman of the Republican finance commit- tee, is expected to confer with Lan- don Friday. Senator Steiwer of Ore- gon, keynoter at the Cleveland con- vention, also is expected to visit the Estes Park Camp this week, and four members of the Landon campaign staff are due to arrive "in a day or two." nature and purposes of the secondary schools would cease to exist if edu- cators would get at the fundamental philosophy of the schools. Professor Davis mentioned that many of the controversies existent today in the secondary system are almost unsolvable because of the great expense involved in adjusting the schools to newer conceptions of education. Another difficulty brought out by Professor Davis is inability of get- ting rid of secondary curricula sur- charged with college notions. The secondary schools must of necessity, Professor Davis added, remember that they are part of the whole ed- ucational system and at the same time they must not lose their in- dividuality. Ten issues brought out by Profes- sor Davis, which were reported at the National Education Association by a committee of the department of sec- ondary school principals at St. Louis, were: 1. Shall secondary education be provided at public expense for all normal individuals or for only a limited number? 2. Shall secondary education seek to retain all pupils in school as long as they wish to remain, or shall it transfer them to other agencies under educational supervision when, in the judgment of the school authorities, these agencies promise to serve better the pupils' immediate and probable future needs? 3. Shall secondary education be concerned only with the welfare and progress of the individual, or with these only as they promise to con- tribute to the welfare and progress of society? 4. Shall secondary education pro- vide a common curriculum for all, or differentiated offerings? 5. Shall secondary education in- clude vocational training, or shall it be restricted to general education? 6. Shall secondary education be primarily directed toward prepara- tion for advanced studies, or shall it be primarily concerned with the value of its own courses, regardless of a student's future academic career? 7. Shall secondary education ac- cept conventional school subjects as fundamental categories under which school experiences shall be classified and presented to students, or shall it arrange and present experiences in fundamental categories directly re- lated to the performance of such functions of secondary schools in a democracy as increasing the ability and the desire better to meet socio- civic, economic, health, leisure time, vocational, and pre-professional problems and situations? 8. Shall secondary education pre- sent merely organized knowledge, or shall it also assume responsibility for attitudes and ideals? 9. Shall secondary educatiQn seek merely the adjustment of students to prevailing social ideals, or shall it seek the reconstruction of society? 10. Granting that education is a "gradual, continuous, unitary pro- cess," shall secondary education be presented merely as a phase of such a process, or shall it be organized as a distinct but closely articulating part of the entire educational pro- gram ,with peculiarly emphasized functions of its own? l , 1; I; LANSINC State Publi rected the Company t and service approximat The orGE i'ate hearir have exten ten-year p the telepho cent of th tomers. Lowers Bell Telephone Rates' G, June 30.-(A')-The The order reduces semi-public or c Utilities Commission di- guaranteed coin box rates in De- Michigan Bell Telephone troit, Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Bay today to reduce its rates City, Flint, Grand Rapids, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Pontiac and charges to customers by Saginaw by an estimated $50,000 ely $1,500,000 annually. yearly. er culminates a series of The commission's engineering de- ngs and litigation which partment estimated: that 66,000 sub- ded over approximately a scribers in municipalities outside of eriod and directly affects Detroit will pay reduced rates. ne bills of roughly 65 per That charges made annually by the e company's 550,000 cus- company on 200,000 items, such as installation of telephones, will be cut. Says Tribunal's Defense Of States' Rights Bars Nation's Progress NEW YORK, June 30. - ( P)-- The administration's sharpest critic of the Supreme Court in a book to be pub- lished tomorrow groups that body with the Republican party and the Liberty League as upholders-"at least part of the time"-of the doc- trine of states' rights "at any cost." Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace, in a book called "Whose Constitution," likewise calls for es- tablishment of a cooperative com- monwealth-"a cooperative society." It was Wallace who publicly as- serted some months ago that the court's return to processors of taxes collected under the defunct AAA per- mitted a "legalized steal." Balancing a major part of the book's philosophy on the thesis that this was intended to be a "union of people instead of states," the secre- tary asserted : "The doctrine of states' rights, now invoked by the Supreme Court, was a barrier to progress even in 1787, and was the cause of terrible conflict in 1861. Today, the states mark no eco- nomic boundaries that make sense .." He went on : "Only the large corporations, the Republican party, New England, the Liberty League and most of the newspapers of the country are ap- parently for states' rights today at any cost. "To these sections, interests and groups, however, must be added one other body, at least part of the time. The Supreme Court has disagreed in a numbernof instances with the posi- tion taken by the administration on the matter of Federal powers. "In the case of NRA, it held that the commerce clause of the Consti- tution did not give the federal gov- ernment the powers it had assumed to set up rules for business. In the case of AAA, it held that agriculture was a local matter, and that its reg- ulation, whether or not in the in- terests of the general welfare, is a power not granted to the federal gov- ernment .. . " ... I do not doubt that through the multiplicity of legal precedents available to the Supreme Court it is possible to take a narrow view of the Constitution which virtually limits the scope of granted federal powers to those which would have seemed useful under the conditions of 1787 .." " '...were agriculture truly a local matter in 1936, as the Supreme Court says it is, half of the people of the United States would quickly starve." Summer Sclioolers Ladies and Gents, attention! You cannot study to advantage with a sweaty itching scalp. Re- lax in our shady patio after a rain water shampoo and scalp treatment. You'll be surprised! Harper Method. Dial 4016. F Rates for one-party, two-party and' four-party residential telephones in Grand Rapids are reduced $3 a year. The total reduction on these rates is estimated at $60,000 for the city. Detroit benefitted heavily, the commission estimating that required rate adjustments there would cut bills $585,000 annually. Cuts in residential rates in Flint, Lansing, Kalamazoo, Saginaw, Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Jackson, Pon- tiac and. Bay City are expected to lop $210,000 a year from the com- pany's income. Residential rates in those cities will be $3.50 for individual line service, $2.75 for two-party and $2.25 for four-party line service. In Grand Rapids and Flint the residential rates will be $3.75 for one-party service, $3 for two-party and $2.25 for four-party service. The reduction is not pro-rated over all customers, some of the rates charged in various exchanges not be- ing altered. A part of the $1,500,000 a year reduction is made by dropping service connection charges by ap- proximately 50 per cent. The com- mission estimates the reduced serv- ice charges will cut company income by $250,000 a year. The company will be permitted to charge only $1 for restoring service where it has been cut off for non- payment of bills. Previous to the order the charge was $1.50. The company now makes a sur- charge of 25 cents a month for hand sets for 18 months after their instal- lation. The new order reduces the surcharge to 15 cents for the same period. The surcharge on desk sets in rural areas was reduced from 25 cents a month to 10 cents a month for 18 months. v 0> r ^0 0 SPECIALS! PERMANENTS 0 $3.50 Regular $5.00 Value SHAMPOO, FINGERWAVE, c COLOR RINSE -All for 60c CHAPP ELL 0 Beauty Shop o 625 E. Liberty Phone 5861 Lower surcharges will affect 100,000 hand sets. That lower toll rates will affect 100,000 calls annually. The order lowers summer resort rates to affect an estimated saving to subscribers of $21,000 annually. Minor toll reductions will cut $30,- 000 off the company's yearly income. FOURTH OF }A WED. - THURS. - FRIDAY CRACKER JACK VALUES! WATCH THE FIREWORKS in Elizabeth Dillon's dress depart- ment tomorrow! For everyone who wants a smart new frock for the Fourth will certainly want to take advantage of these low prices! Outstanding for value and fashion. s SEI DR ESSES TWO GROUPS 1 Cottons - Acetates - Tubsilks - Crepes - Prints - Knits Sizes 11 to 46 - 161/2 to 2812 DRESSESL 95 TWO GROUPS $ X95 Values $16.95 to $35.00 Crepes - Prints - Laces - Congo Cloth - Knits in both j Suits and Dresses .. . SUMMER. CO"ATS White and Pastel Wools... at $12.95 Corduroy and Novelty Cloths. .at $8.95 String andCottons.. ... . ....at$5.00 Sprin g Suits andloa.ts 05Values to $29.75 $ ~ .95 .,u~,.$2.2,95 Two Groups of Spring Swagger and short, fitted suits, also navy and plaid and lighter colors in coats. Sizes to 44. Dresses Blouses values -Odds and ends - Sizes 12 to 44 Cotton and Silks -- $2.95 vle A IT HAsL JI LI ts antAraw at$21 WHITE HATS of Felts and Straws at $ 2.9 5. Typewriter!,; Rentals I EI1 1 I