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August 15, 1936 - Image 19

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Michigan Daily, 1936-08-15

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Ambitious Young Authors Have Chance For Hopwood Awar

ds Here

Summer Session's
Enrollment Grows
The University Summer Session has
the largest enrollment this year that
it has had in its existence of more
than 20 years. Nearly 5,000 students
The great majority of the students
are graduate students who are in
residence working on advanced de-
grees, although a good number of
regular students attend the session.
The University sponsors an exten-
sive program of speakers, all specia-
lists in their subject, for several af-
ternoons of each week of the Summer
Session. The Michigan League and
the Michigan Union collaborate in
providing social affairs, which usually
take the form of dances and teas, al-
though picnics are sometimes given.
The Repertory Players, under Uni-
versity sponsorship ,entertain with a
play each week.
An even greater enrollment is ex-
pected next year.

The Union Offers Every Advantages To Michigan Men

Men's Activities Revolve Around Prizes Totaling
One Principle Ceiiter-- TheUnihn Near $10,000

1 {

Incoming freshmen to the Univer-
sity will find that the majority of
men's campus activities revolve
around one principal hub-the Mich-
igan Union.
At the Union a multifold program
is carried on, including a recrea-
tional, academic and student govern-
ment schedules.
The Men's Council, heading the
new student government plan inaug-
unted last fall, makes its headquar-
tens in the Union. Miller Sherwood,
'37, is the president of the Men's
Council for the coming year, Thomas
Sullivan, '37, is the vice-president
and William Struve, '37, is the secre-
The Men's Council has "authority
and responsibility in all men's activ-
ities coming within the field of its
jurisdiction, as it now exists, or as

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The meaning is very simple - only this: "Clean even under a
The process consists of adding a secret formula to the clean-
ing solvent which in solution breaks into minute molecules and
passes through the weave of garments picking up any and all
soil, dust and foreign matter.
The MICROCLEAN process was brought forward as an ad-
vanced step over the gasoline soap dry cleaning, even still used
by many cleaners, leaving at times an odor. This, however, is
not a gasoline odor as many think, but decayed animal fat soap
which is impossible to rinse out - thus, when worn and brought
to body heat, gives off a sweet unpleasant odor.

KNIT DRESSES blocked to individ-
ual measurements.
GLOVES cleaned and stitched on
regular factory glove-stitching ma-
chine - the only one in Ann Arbor.
LEATHER JACKETS- we guarantee
all work on' leather jackets.
DYEING skillfully done by experts.
You'll appreciate this service next
We retain them at all times for
alterations, repairs and re-styling.
Credit Department
We also have in connection with
Dur cleaning establishment a Credit
Department who will be pleased to
open a personal charge account to
any student who can furnish ade-
quate credit information.
Monthly statements will be sent
directly to the student or to the
parents for their approval, which-
ever they request.
We feel this service is one to be
considered, as our credit records are
kept accurately and brought regu-
larly to the student's attentionand
de in turn can check, as well as the
parents, on his "cleaning budget" at
mny time.

Either Ladies' or Meni's
September 2nd starts the felt hat season this fall. After this
date woe be unto any Freshman caught wearing a straw hat.
Felt hats vary in price anywhere from $2.00, $10.00 and up.
Good hats range from $4.00 and up. The big difficulty is that 'a
cheap hat is made from wool which is very unsatisfactory, as
it does not hold the block or shape well. A felt hat is made from
rabbit fur felted together; that is, pressed together.
Felt hats need cleaning and blocking the same and nearly as
often as suits to be kept looking well.
First the hat is measured for size (a hat one size too large or
small can be changed to fit) then thoroughly cleaned, not just
hand-brushed and the dirt spread around, next deodorized which
also fumigates, killing all germs.
Next the chapeau is placed on a block the proper style and
size and machine blocked on exactly the same equipment as is
used by leading hat manufacturers -same as Dobbs, Stetson,
Each hat is again measured for size before packing in individual
boxes ready for delivery.
Badly faded or worn ribbons may be replaced at a very nomi-
nal cost, also leather perspiration band. Rims may be narrowed
to change the style and bring an out-of-date hat to present-day



it may hereinafter be widened by the
University," except in the Law School,
the Medical School, and School of
Dentistry, which are expressly exclud-
ed by the provisions of the consti-
All cases involving discipline of
men students which are to come be-
fore the University Committee on
Discipline and other disciplinary cases.
in which the procedure is authorized
will be referred to the Council's ju-
diciary committee for investigation
and report. The Council will then
prepare for the University discipli-
nary committee a report stating what
disciplinary actions are recommended.
The Union also has its own student
government and the president of the
Union for the coming year is Herbert
B. Wolfe, '37, and the recording sec-
retary is William S. Struve, also
'37. All men in the undergraduate
schools of the University are eligible
to try out for positions on the ex-
ecutive council of the Union. Fresh-
men, providing their academic work
is satisfactory, become eligible to ap-
ply for positions after one semester's
residence on the campus.
The executive council for the com-
ing year, chosen last May, is made
up entirely of men in the junior
class. It includes Laurence G. Briggs,
H. Murray Campbell, Samuel M.
Charm, Carl H. Clement, Frederick
A. Collins and Frederick V. Geib.
Others appointed were Louis G.
Hoffman, W. Jack MacLeod, Jr., Hugh
U. Rader, Bruce T. Telfer, John C.
:Thom, Hudson R. Tourtellot, Harry
J. Traugott, Walter J. True, Jr.,
and Burton S. Wellman, Jr.
Vice-Presidents of the Union are
also elected, one from each of the
schools and colleges of the Univer-
The Pendleton library, containing
various types of books and reference
materials, as well as manyperiodicals
is located on the second floor of the
Union, providing an excellent place
to r'cad and study for examinations.
In the recreational line, the Union
offers practically every type of in-
door recreation. In the basement is
;;cated the splendid swimming pool,
n~ yar'ds in length and 15 yards in
width. Everyone can enjoy swimming
facilities for a nominal charge.
In the basement are situated the
,owling alleys, where individual
aomes, as well as the regular Union
tournaments, are held. Up on the
:econd floor are located billiard and
cool tables, as well as many ping-
)ong tables. During the year bil-
ard tournaments are held and many
of the country's leading chalk-line
krtists give exhibitions in the Union
which may be attended free of charge.
A barber shop is located downstairs
n the Union, where nine barbers,
ome permanent men and some stu-
lents working their way through
;,hool, are ready to serve men on the
Dining facilities are to likewise be
ound in the Union. In the base-
rient is located the tap room, which
crvcs food cafeteria ^tyle through-
)ut the day. On the main floor is
he dining room, an excellent place
to enjoy a Sunday dinner and to
ring the parents when they are vis-
iting Ann Arbor.
A large ballroom is situated on the
;econd floor. Here dances are held
every Friday and Saturday night.
Bob Steinle and the regular Union
band are featured at these dances,

Four Major Writing Fields
Included In Contest; Are
Major, Minor Divisions
For the best work done by students
in creative writing, the University an-
nually awards prizes totaling around
$10,000. This money was provided
by the late Avery Hopwood, a grad-
uate of the University, and the con-
test is known as the "Hopwood Con-
According to Mr. Hopwood's will
one fifth of his estate was set aside
for the purpose sketched in the above
Four major fields of writing are in-
cluded in the Hopwood Contest, name-
ly, poetry, drama, fiction, and essay
Prizes are distributed in each of these
divisions while the contest itself em-
braces two divisions.
The former, known as the major
awards are open only to graduates
students and seniors and carry the
largest cash value. The latter, or
minor awards, are open to all quali-
fied undergraduate students. Qual-
ifications include registration in the
English composition course or a
course in the journalism department.
In addition to the main awards,
the Hopwood Committee, which ad-
ministers the bequest, has in recent
years established a special awards
contest for freshmen. The freshman
division is patterned along the same
lines as its prototype, the main con-
test, and carries cash awards of $50,
$30, and $20 for first, second, and
third, respectively in each of the four
fields of writing.
This year's contest will be the sev-
enth since the original competition
in 1930-31. The freshman division
was founded the following year and
takes place earlier in the year than
the general contest of major and
minor awards. The latter holdsits
,deadline for manuscripts some date
in April, as yet not set.
with occasional "name bands"" being
brought in as added attractions.
Construction has already been
started for the enlargement of the
Union. The tap room will be made
twice its present size through the
lengthening of the basement floor.
Many more rooms will be added, giv-
ing a limited number of students op-
portunity to live in the Union dormi-
Although the present construction is
already under way, through funds se-
cured from outside sources, a Federal
allotment of funds for the addition
to the Union is at this writing await-
ing approval by President Roosevelt.
Should this additional grant of funds
come through, 75 new rooms for men
students will be available, acrding
to Stanley Waltz, manager of the
Registration for membership to the
Union will be possible during the
entire school year, but it is urged
that freshmen register at the Union
during the first few weeks of the
semester. Membership is open to
every man student at the University.
University of Santo Tomas (Manila,
P.I.) is the oldest university under
the United States flag. It celebrated
the 200th anniversity of its founding
on December 6, 1934.

~ - -
Inspection ...
All garments are inspected three
times, for spots, minor repairs,
missing buttons and form pressing. c.
This helps to insure you of a per-
fect job. However, if at any time
you have any complaint, we are
always very glad to adjust it.

MOSHER-JORDAN DORMITORY - one of the most beautiful anld complete girls' dormitories on any campus. Housing
approximately 500 Freshman girls. The grounds are beautifully landscaped, and among other appointments the building affords
spacious parlors for the entertainment of guests.

i ;.

Satisfaction Guaranteed
f.DrrKIE~ ' C

lead the field in-



Style Distinction
Priced at $6.75 and up.
Headquarters for:

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