PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, AVG. 15, 1938 . . . . ....... Advice Is Given To Freshmen On What To Wear On Campus s I Outfits For Rushing Dates, Necessary Wardrobe All Occasions Described By JEWEL WUERFEL You may have a sister at Vassar or Northwestern, but she cannot tell you just what to put into the trunk for your first year at Michigan. Each campus has its own code of what the well-dressed women wears. Remember one thing. For the next eight months you will be competing with 3,500 other women for the dis- tinction of standing out in a group as smartly groomed, which means painstaking care to arrive at the right degree of individuality. You may come expressly to be a scholar or to nab a husband. Which- ever it is, be sure to dress the part of the student during class hours. Be Comfortable Of primary importance is to look comfortably dressed: low heeled shoes for the long walks from building to building taken on the fly between classes; roomy coats that are easily slipped on and off every hour; gaily colored knits and wool dresses to brighten up the drab winter days; sweaters and skirts which can be worn in different combinations; hats which are easy on the head for a four- hour stretch. To be more specific, here are a few models which are ideal for putting on at 8 a.m. and wearing right through dinner. First and foremost are knits. New fall yarns are especially intregu- ing with their variety of colors and tweed mixtures. One style is of a tweed mixture with red and white flects on a navy background. The dress is two-piece, the jacket fasten- ing down the front with red leather frogs and a matching belt. Hats will prove an important item in your winter wardrobe. Day after day you will wear the same warm coat from morning to night. A change of gaily colored and perk hats will brighten up the morning when you start dressing at the dreary cold dawn for an eight o'clock for which you arenot prepared. Fur Coat Needed For early fall you will need a light weight coat for those days when the weather man can't seem to decide whether to make it hot or cold. The local favorite is a raglan sleeved, loose hanging coat with a slit half way up the center back. In plaid, check, plain brown, tan, blue, rust, wine, what you choose, nothing can be more comfortable. Before the football season is over, your warmest coat will be of service. If you must limit yourself to one winter coat, choose that with tailored, sporting lines rather than a dress coat. It is much better to wear a coat that is just a little too tailored on Friday and Saturday nights tha to be too elaborately dressed fro 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. six days in t week. One middle course coat being di played in the early fall showings cut on a swagger line with a hu fur collar of dyed wolf, which is o of the new fall furs. It is bleachE to almost white in places and shad into tan and darker brown on ti edges. The coat is made of a to material resembling that of Huds Bay blankets. New Fur Coat Styles an m he s- is ge ne ed es he an on Fur coats are more attractive this year than ever before. They are be- ing made in more becoming, flatter furs, and the new cuts and lines are excellent. Swagger cuts, in knee lengths and ballet skirt style with narrow waist and full, flaring skirts are the two models predominating the fall showings. Another type of coat which is abso- lutely indispensible is a raincoat. In the fall and spring it pours for weeks on end. The most practical protec- tor is an oiled sjlk wrap. It is light weight, can be folded up into a little package and carried in your notebook, comes in coat or cape styles with hoods or without, is made in brilliant colors and is absolutely waterproof. Umbrellas are made in matching col- ors. For Friday and Saturday night dates there is a variety of lines to follow. For the last two years, women on campus have gradually grown away from the custom of wearing floor length gowns to Union and League dances. Replacing these are street length silks and sheer wools. . Formals For Every Type No type of apparel has as many possibilities and variations in styles and materials as formals, and none are as flattering to a woman. There is one thing to remember, a formal cannot change your personality. It can bring out hidden features but it cannot create a miracle and make a sweet young girl into a tall sophis- ticate. Study your type and dress accordingly. The most immediate problem in dress is what to. wear for rushing dates. Everyone agrees that clothes really shouldn't matter and it is true that a sorority will not rule you out because yoilr outfit isn't quite up to the minute, but the fact remains that if you feel dressed to the occasion, your poise and self assurance will be much greater and you are capable of making a much better appearance. For the first two teas on Saturday and Sunday, any of a number of types are appropriate. Saturday afternoon, a wool dress, a'knit dressy suit or a tailored silk would be very accept- able. On Sunday select slightly more dressy models of the same type. i Utlrich 's A We have worked hard this Summer to stock our shelves with a huge supply of GOOD USED BOOKS (our specialty) at lowest possible prices,. These books were purchased from all parts of the United States. Also NEW BOOKS for those who prefer them. A complete stock of TEXTBOOKS for History, English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Sociology, Psychology, Education, Economics, etc. ENGINEERS' NOTICE Everything for the Student Being located across the street from the Engineering School, we are headquarters for Engineers' and Architects' Books and Supplies, carrying the largest stock in the state. Authorized agents for Eugene Die tzen, Keuffel & Esser, U. S. Blue and Frederick Post Co. NOTICE - Standard sets of drawing instru- ments approved by the University of Michi~ gan, care sold 30% to 40% under catalogue prices in Ann Arbor. Limited Number of SLIGHTLY USED SETS NOTEBOOKS. 5c to $5.00 ALL PRICES LAUNDRY CASES........ . FOUNTAIN PENS ........ c to $10.00 (Standard makes - all guaranteed by us) DESK LAMPS ........... . 98c } STATIONERY .. Priced to fit any purse! PENCILS . . MICHIGAN .. INK .... EXPENSE BOOKS PENNANTS, BANNERS, Etc. In c/nn carbor it's The Collins Shoppe for C ollegeClothes The Proper Clothes To Wear On Campus Are Inevitable, Shop Here . . . If You The unanimous verdict of the hundreds of girls who answered our College Questionnaires selected the following: KNITTED CLOTHES by BRADLEY for Class and Sports Wear AN ELLEN-KAYE or CARTWRIGHT for Daytime and Tea Danc- ing AN EXCLUSIVE EISENBERG for a Glamourous Evening Our sales personnel in- cludes college women to advise the correct campus attire. '. .r ° '. ' . f I Because of the large amount of these supplies used in Ann Ar- bor, we buy in huge quantities, Complete Stock drop of and thereby get ROC K-BOT- FICTION, POETRY, Perhaps we can help you with street directions, wrap and mail packages, or give you informa- tion of any kind. Come in and get an official map of the cam- pus, showing all buildings Free! TOM PRICES from manufac- turers, which we pass on to you. DRAMA, Etc. When you arrive in Ann Arbor in and get acquainted. 300 Genuine Leather ZIPPER Notebooks 812x 1 Size $ 225 and Up v b Urich I COME IN AND BROWSE S 547=549 E. UNIVERSITY AVE. i T 11