SATURDAY, AUG. 15, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN SATURDAY, AUG. 15, 1936 PAGE SEVEN Freshmen Have Equal$tart In LeagueSystem Scholarship, Leadership. Character Form Basis For Position Awards Every woman from the beginning of her freshman year until she grad- uates is given an equal opportunity to take part in campus activities through the League's plan of govern- ment which is based on the merit sys- tem. The merit system is founded on the scholarship, character and qualities of leadership which each individual women displays. At the end of her freshman year, each woman is given an opportunity to file a petition for a position in any field in which she happens to be particularly interested. All applicants for minor committee jobs are accepted and each girl is given a chance to work up into a ma- jor position. For everything which a woman does in the extra-curricular line she is given a point or more. A record of all the points which each woman has earned throughout her college course is kept in permanent iles. The points which a girl earns seve as a basis of her advancement to a position of major importance. headed By Council At the head of the League govern- ment is the undergraduate council. This Council is made up of a presi- dent, several vice-presidents repre- senting the various schools in the University,.a secretary-treasurer, the presidents of the Panhellenic Asso- ciation, Assembly and W.A.A. or the Women's Athletic Association, the Women's Editor of the Daily, ex- officio, and the chairmen of the various League committees. The various committees which are responsible for all the activities spon- sored by the League include the mer- it system committee, the social com- mittee, the house reception com- mittee, the theatre and arts commit- tee, the orientation committee, and the publicity committee. Any wom- an at the close of her freshman year may designate on which committee she would like to work. The chief work of the merit sys- tem committee is of a clerical na- ture. Records of the activities' points of the individual women, the dormi- tories and the sororities are kept in permanent files and are listed briefly on the large merit system chart in the lobby of the League just outside the undergraduate office. Responsible For Advertising The publicity committee is respon- sible for all the advertising of activi- ties at the League. It also files clip- pings concerning League activities, which appear in the newspapers. The teas and style shows are planned by the social committee. Members of this committee also as- sist at the president's receptions. The house reception committee has charge of the actual management of the League. It conducts tours of the League buildings and of the campus, and receives guests. Sponsoring sculptor and art ex-; hibits and managing the Children's Theatre which features entertaining and educational productions for the children of Ann Arbor is the work of+ the theatre and arts committee. The Board of Representatives is the legislative body of the League. Its membership includes the president of Assembly, the organization for inde- pendent women on campus, the president of Panhellenic Association, a similar organization for sorority women, two representatives from each sorority and two representatives for every 40 independent women on cam- pus. Women's Athletic Association Putting Greens Non-Affiliated Athletic Director Women Ruled By Assembly For the purpose of organizing un- affiliated women and stimulating their interests both social and scho- lastic an organization known as the Assembly has been established on campus. The Assembly is under the direc- tion of an executive board composed of a president, a vice-president, a secretary and a treasurer. These of-, ficers are chosen under the League's merit system plan. The league houses are divided into zones of 40 women each. For each group of this size and for every 40 independent women living in the dormitories there are two representa- tives in the Assembly. These women are chosen from their respective zones and dormitories. Last year there were 40 representatives in the Assembly. Each year the Assembly as an or- ganization sponsors two major social events. The Assembly banquet is held sometime during the first se- inester and is for all independent women. At this banquet the house with the highest scholastic average receives an award. For the past few years Alumnae House has won this inrease Field For Aetivites (Continued from Page 6) was given as a series of short skits de- pictilg college life from the slant of magazines such as Vogue, Photoplay, Esquire and Gargoyle, the student campus magazine. Another project which is fast be- coming a campus tradition is the Sophomore Cabaret, which is present- ed during the winter by members of the sophomore class. Last year's pro- duction, "All Aboard!", featured a floor show of songs and dances, com- posed ariddirected by the sophomore women, and hostesses from the soph- omore class for dancing. The Sopho- more Cabaret usually runs for two days, two performances given each day. The Freshman project varies slight- ly each year. Year before last, mem- .ers of the freshman class ofered a dance in the form of a Mardi Gras, at which a campus queen was chosen. Last year freshmen added their tal- ents to the annual Lantern Night Pro- gram by presenting a fantastic pageant, "The Land of Oz U." The theme of the pageant was the en- trance of Michigan students into the weird Oz University. It was present- ed in iht'rt scenes, Registration, Ex- anination and a Lecture by Prof. League To Sponsor Dancing Lessons The League will sponsor dancing lessons for beginners and advanced students in the League on Tuesday and Wednesday night during the next year. Marie Sawyer, '38, and Douglas Gregory, who have studied under Roy Hoyer, will teach dancing for begin- ners at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday nights. The lessons are under the direction of Miss Ethyl McCormick, social director of the League. At 7:30 p.m. Wednesday nights, advanced students will be taught any of the new steps. Miss Sawyer and Gregory are prepared to show any steps desired. Beginners are urged not to join this class. The classes were started last year _and proved successful enough to warrant contin- uing them this year. Wagglebug. Following the skit, the freshmen entertained with a dance and refreshments. The last project of the year is Lan- tern Night, sponsored by the senior women. This ceremony, which is held after sunset, symbolizes the passing of the classes. Followed by the under classes, the senior women dressed in caps and gowns start the line of march walking two by two down the hill to the music of the Varsity Band. Another project sponsored by the W.A.A. is Penny Carnival, which is held in Barbour Gym during the spring of the year. The W.A.A. putting greens are next to the Women's Athletic Build- ing on Palmer Field. All women in the University are invited to make use of these grounds as often as they wish. Instructions in golf are given by members of the physical education department. W. A. A. Makes Mixed Sports Part Of PlanS Large Selection Of Sports Is Available Every Day To Campus Women Besides athletic clubs, tournament play and elective participation, the Women's Athletic Association will sponsor something new in the form of sports activities this fall. The key- note of next year's program will be the idea of mixed participation in sports. The new tendency is to encourage men and women to play together in games such as golf, tennis and ar- chery. Every Wednesday will be set aside as "mixed sports day," with re- freshments served in the W.A.A.. building after the game. Points May Be Earned The Women's Athletic Association is based on a system of tournament play and individual participation, and points can be earned for both types of sports activities. The total num- ber of women who participated in sports last year is 1,457, of which number 532 entered in tournament play, and 925 in individual sports. Of the latter, tennis is the most popular, with swimming rating a close second, and the other favorites being archery, golf, riflery, fencing, bowling, ridiug, ping pong, dancing and hiking. Teams for the tournament play are made up of sorority women, who sometimes have more than one team to a house, and independent women, who are grouped into zones. The number of women in a zone depends on the number of League Houses marked off and the number of women in a house, the average running 60 women to a zone. The sport year is divided into four seasons, the favorite team sports for the various seasons being hockey, bas- ketball, baseball, badminton and vol- ley ball. Athletic Clubs Active Athletic clubs for particular sports are mainly for the nucleus of people interested in a certain activity, and there is less competition in this phase of the sports activities than in either tournament play or elective participa- tion. The "Crop and Saddle," a women's riding club, sponsors rides during the year, and an annual horse show in the spring. The Swimming Club has exchange meets with women from Wayne Uni- versity in Detroit, Michigan State College in Lansing, and Michigan State Normal College in Ypsilanti. There is also a Rifle Club, and a Daice Club, which, in collaboration with the Physical Education Depart- ment and Play Production, presents dance recitals during the year. Dur- ing the past year, t heDanco Club gave two recitals in Ann Arbor ,and one in Grand Rapids. On the first Wednesday of Orien- tation Week, the W.A.A. will sponisor an afternoon of entertainment for all new and old women stud(Iein ts. I iere will be sports activities, a fashion show, demonstrating correct sports wear, and refreshmen ts. DR. MARGARET BELL distinction. . Also an award is given to the sophomore, junior and senior girl who in the preceding year re- ceived the highest grades of any in- dependent women in their respective classes. The Assembly Ball is given early in the second semester. Following the dance breakfast is served at the League and at various other eating places on campus. The dance is pri- marily for independent women and their guests although sorority women may also attend.; a No'- You us " GETI 1 Y)Our FASHION eXAMS!' a ;: r ' Wickec Smart. ,. a & THAT'S THE WAY A FELT HAT SHOULD MAKE YOU LOOK! in Jacobson's Hat Department you will find your hat that is "bubbling, over" with style and youth-the right brims, . .. the correct crowns ... the pert angles-- Jacobson's hats have been made to best "show you off" . . . so write it in your datebook . . . to visit the Hat Department without delay. JACOBSON'S I V, b A REAL Cors but it stretches BOTH Ways! begins at your feet in these Dashing, New " JACQUELINE Modes * CONNIE Creations S, , ,l OUNG LADY, you are going places and be looked at this fall. Along the Diagonal . . . at the Union . . . and the League . . . House Parties . . . and the Stadium. You simply must win an "A" in these FASHION EXAMS! FOR YEARS Michigan Co-eds have relied upon Jacobson's to make up their col- legiate wardrobes, and what a treat the Fashion Center has in store for you ... our new friends! There will be Black, Rust, Green and Brown ... frocks will be frosted with white or silver . . . or touched with gold. Jacobson's will out- fit you in regular Michigan style . . F , :;,Mv .-s ' " , - , ' :.. f . .; .: - , ,' 1, . , ' - : r t _ i Jfxiewr WO V E N TWO - WAY STRETCH $ 95 throughout the year you'll find the 7 to $6.50 "right" things at your Fashion Center, at the prices that coincide with your collegiate purse. It always stays in place! It holds your hips firm and flat! It wears almost indefinitely! It washes marvelously-as a matter of fact, washing makes LASTEX wear longer! From sports brogues to ele- gant "tea-timers" . . . these stunning styles pass the most rigid entrance exams! In Autumn's most favored mate- rials! in Black, Bi-own, Araby ,,,_ ..e- I SII I 'V,: ::