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August 14, 1936 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1936-08-14

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FRIDAY, AUG. 14, 1939

Board Takes
Issue' Stand
Local School Board Tells
Its Position On Teaching
In Ann Arbor Schools
Only Facts Allowed
Eby And Group Of School
Principles Give Approval
To Adoption
The Ann Arbor school board yes-
terday announced a policy governing
the teaching of controversial subjects
here as an offshoot of the Kermit
Ey case of more than two months
The essence of the new ruling is
that the individual teacher shall be
responsible for giving pupils factual
data on all controversial subjects, but
shall not use his position to further
any social, religious, political or ec-
onomic interest.
Supt. Otto W. Haisley of Ann Ar-
bor High School, who stoutly defend-
ed Eby when his trial was before the
school board, said in submitting the
proposal that it would not only pro-
tect the public from propagandizing,
but would also define for the teacher
how far he can go in teaching con-
troversial subjects.
Eby Gives Approval
The policy, Mr. Haisley said, had
been approved by Eby and a group
of high school principals.
The policy as adopted by the school
board reads as follows:
"An individual may best be induct-
ed into a consideration of controver-
sial issues under conditions prevail-
ing in a public school calssroom. Here
partisanship and propaganda are
much less in evidence than otuside the
classroom, and scientific techniques
of attack on social, political and ec-
onomic problems are not only used
but the uses of these techniques are
likewise taught.
"All school pupils should have an
opportunity to collect factual mater-
ial; to record this factual material;
and to generalize upon the basis of
factual material.
Not To Propagandize
"No teacher should use his posi-
tion of teaching to propagandize in
the interests of any religious, social,
economic or political creed, but every
Teacher has the responsibility of giv-
ing aid in the gathering of factual
material so that the pupil may learn
on the basis of as complete informa-
tion as existing facilities and his abil-
ity to understand will permit.
"Every teacher has the right to ex-
press his own personal views on con-i
troversial subjects, but this should not1
be done during the developmental
period of the topic under considera-
"The techniques of dealing withf
controversial issues are among thec
most valuable outcomes of these
classes and include an ability to col-
lect information, to refrain from1
passing judgments before sufficient1
facts have been secured upon which1
to base these judgments, to organizec
conclusions, and to make generaliza-
"No teacher should express his per-i
sonal views at a time or in a manner
that would interfere with the achieve-
ment of these outcomes or that would
condition the thinking of the pupil
upon the controversial issue underf
consideration before that pupil has
his basic facts."

I just had an interesting experience
that brings up a question that is often
asked: "What kind of camera should
I buy?"
I received a telephone call to the
effect that a picture was wanted in
a hurry. It was to be a picture of a
room. I asked if there were to be
people in it, and they said, "no."
I asked if it was to be a small sec-C
tion or as much as possible of the
room. The customer wanted as mucht
as possible. Without any people it
could be a time exposure, so I packed
no flashbulbs or gun. I took an
8"x10" view camera and made suret
that I packed a wide-angle lens. t
When I arrived on the job I dis-
covered that it was one of those,
"shoot at your own risk" jobs, the
type of picture to which there might
be some violent objections, and cer-
tainly not the type of job to shoot
with a clumsy box like the one I had
I solved the problem by first takingt
a very short exposure at large aper-
ture. This would not assure either
good exposure or focus but it would{
give me something in case I couldn't
stay long enough for an exposure ofl
two minutes, which was what was re-
quired. Then I stooped down and
took a second shot at two minutest
with one eye on the camera and the
other eye on the door.*

Loyalists Start Despe rate Offensive To Save C> cai*Iv

Olympics At
A Glance
Swimming and diving:
Mrs. Dorothy Poynton Hill, Los
Angeles, won platform diving cham-
pionship; Velma Dunn, Los Angeles,
second; Kaethe Koehler, Germany,
third; Cornelia Gilisen, New York,
Dina Senff, Holland, won 100 met-
er backstroke championship, with
Rita Mastenbroek, Holland, taking
second; Alice Bridges, Uxbridge,
Mass., third; and Edith Motridge Se-
gal, Los Angeles, fourth.
Adolf Kiefer, Chicago; Al Vande
Weghe, Patterson, N. J., and Taylor
Drysdale, Detroit, gained men's 100
meter backstroke final, Kiefer setting
New Olympic record of 1:06.8.
Jack Medica, Seattle; Ralph Flan-
nagan, Miami; Jim Kaye, and Jack
Kasley, Detroit, and Johnny Hig-
gins, Providence, advanced to 200
meter breaststroke semi-finals; Mrs.
Lenore Kight Wingard, Homestead,
Pa., and Mary Lou Petty, Seattle,
qualified for 400 meter free style
semi-finals; Dorothea Dickinson, New
York, withdrew due to lame should-
Rowing: Dan Barrow, Jr., Phila-
delphia, qualified for single sculls
final; Bill Dugan and John Houser,
Philadelphia, qualified for double
sculls final; German won places in
finals of all seven events; Donald
Hume, University of Washington
eight's stroke, developed bronchial
complication in chest cold but ex-
pects to row in eight-oared final to-
Basketball: United States defeated
Mexico 25-10; Canada defeated Po-
land, 42-15, both gaining final.
Fencing: United States eliminated
in sabre semi-finals; Hungary, Italy,
Germany and Poland finished that
order in final standing.
Field Hockey: Afghanstan defeat-
ed United States 3-0 in consolation
Water Polo: Consolation games:
Holland 5, Austria 4, Sweden 4, Great
Britain 2.
Soccer: Norway defeated Poland
3-2 for third place; Italy and Austria
meet Saturday for first and second
Women's Gymnastics: German won
team title with 506.50 points; United
States sixth with 465.65.
Equestrian: German won team and
individual titles in dressage compe-
tition; United States ninth in team
rankings, individually, Capt. C. Stan-
ton Babcock, 23rd; Capt. Isaac I.
Kitts, 25th; Maj. Hiram E. Tuttle,
Boxing: Lou Laurie, Cleveland fly-
weight, defeated Sobrowiak, Poland;
Jackie Wilson, Cleveland bantam-
weight, defeated Larazabal, Philip-
pines, both gaining semi-finals; Ted
Kara, Cleveland featherweight, lost
to Catteral, South Africa; Andrew
Scrivani, Chicago lightweight, lost
to Agrin, Sweden; Jimmy Clark,
Jamestown, N. Y. middleweight, lost
to Chmielewski, Poland.
Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, director of
the Summer Session, will speak on
"The Need For Conversion" at 10:45
a.m. Sunday, Aug. 16 in the Church of
of Miltons Standard

Merchandise at Ex-
tremely Low Prices !
$11.90 and $17.90
Extra Pants $3.80 Extra Pants $4.80
$7.45 and $10.45

CLASSIFIED FOR SALE: Model A Ford coupe,
ADVERTISING 1931. Recent overhaul. Excellent
condition. Rumble seat. $160, phone
Place advertisements with classified 6710. 30
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at five FRRN
o'clock previous to day of insertion. FOR RENT
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge. FOR RENT: Furnished five-room
Cash in advanceale per reading line bungalow. Phone 6805. 32
(on basis of five average words to line)j ugowPhn685
for one or two insertions. 10c per read-
ing line for three or more insertions. LAUNDRY
Minimum three lines per insertion._______________________
Telephone rate - 15c per reading line LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
for two or more insertions. Minimum
three lines per insertion. Careful work at low price. . 1x
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion. LAUNDRY WANTED: Student Co-
2 lines daily, college year........ ..7c
By Contract, per line - 2 lines daily. ed. Men's shirts 10c. Silks, wools,
one month*....... ..............8c our specialty. All bundles done sep-
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months ............8c
4 lines E.O.D.. 2 months..............8c arately. No markings. Personal sat-
100 lines used as desired ..........9c isfaction guaranteed. Call for and
300 lines used as desired...........8c
1,000 lines used as desired..........7c deliver. Phone 5594 any time until
2,000 lines usedtas desired...... .c 7 o'clock. Silver Laundry, 607 E.
The above rates are per reading line
based on eight reading lines per Inch Hoover. 3x
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add ---------- --______
6c per line to above rates for all capital WANTED
letters. Add 6c per line to above for WNE
boldrface, upper and lower case. Add
10c per line to above rates for bold face WANTED: Ride to Wisconsin or Lud-
capital letters. ington. Share expenses. Aug. 20, 21.
The above rates are for 71, point type. C.MEwr.Poe33.1
C. M. Ewers. Phone 3233. 31
READ THE WANT ADS HAVE CASH for fairly late 5-pas-
senger car. Phone 4714, Tues. p.m.

-Associated Press Photo.
These pictures, rushed from Spain to New York, show loyal government troops in action in one of their
desperate offensives to prevent Fascist rebels from taking Madrid. Top, a heavy artillery piece of the loyal
army in action on the-Guararrama mountain front not far from the capital; center, loyal soldiers with rifles
poised while comrades lift a wounded Fascist pilot from a rebel plane which was shot down near the village
of Soma Sierra; below, government troops charging up a hill in the Guadarrama mountains to wipe out a
rebel machine gun nest.
Huron River Valley Project Progress
Described Here In its Various Phases

Dr. J. T. Sunderland
Dies After Bad Fall
lContinued from Page i)
anese, and also had several revised
editions. Shortly before his death Dr.+
Sunderland had been writing a series+
of articles for the "Modern Review"
of Calcutta, and his latest books were
two volumes on "Eminent Americans
and Englishmen Whom India Should
He was at one time editor of the
Unitarian Monthly, and later of
Young India, a monthly issued in New
' Funeral arrangements are awaiting
the arrival from California of Profes-
sor Sunderland, his son, who is teach-
ing in summer school there.
Dr. Sunderland is survived by his
son, a daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Saf-'
ford, of Detroit, a sister, Mrs. Mary
Moore, of Denver, who is 98, seven
grandchildren, four great-grandchil-
dren, and 14 nephews and nieces.
Allen Blanks Tigers
For Ninth In Row
(Continued from Page 1)
get another safety. Salty Parker,
rookie shortstop making his first ap-
pearance for Detroit, came up for the
first time openingthe eighth, after
he relieved Rogell in the fifth. He
struck out. Myatt drove a single to
right for the second Detroit hit, and
Jo-Jo White, pinchhitting for Joe
Sullivan, also singled. The blows
were of no avail as Walker popped
to Knickerbocker and Allen fanned
Gehringer opened the ninth with
another single, but was forced at sec-
ond by Goslin, and Simmons ended
the game by hitting into a double
play, Hughes to Knickerbocker to

New York ........
Cleveland .........
Chicago ..........
Detroit ..........
Boston ...........
Washington ......
St. Louis .........
Philadelphia ......

W. L.
...72 36
....63 49
...59 52
...58 52
... 57 54
...54 55
...40 70



72 .340

Cleveland 8, Detroit 0.
St. Louis 7, Chicago 3.
Washington-Boston to be played
later date.
New York-Philadelphia to be
played later date.
Detroit at Chicago.
Cleveland at St. Louis.
New York at Philadelphia.
Washington at Boston.

Major Leagues


St. Louis........
New York ...... .
Pittsburgh ........
Boston ...........
Brooklyn .........

W. L.
... 66 43
... 64 43
.. .63 46
... 56 53
...52 56
. . .51 57
... 42 66
...39 69


(Continued from Pace 1)
teen or twenty lagoons on the Huron
that are well suited to such gardens.
3.. Engineering Improvements. On
the rivers controlled by the U. S.
War Department, the channel is
maintained if necessary by dredging
or the building of dams. The engi-
neers of the department determine
the height of bridges and require
locks for the passing boats. The
Huron has all of these engineering
problems along with a number of
others. The law says the power com-
panies must maintain fish ladders
over dams for the passage of fish, but
it says nothing about boat conveyors
for the passage of boats. Still people
are probably as important as fish.
4. Reforestation. The steep bluffs
of the river will raise no other profit-
able crop but trees. There are many
areas between the railroad and, the
river that are almost inaccessible and
are now unused. In general, they are
well suited for reforestation. Where
gullies are beginning to form on hill-
sides, trees are the best cure and
there are many places where a shield
of willows would shut off the rail-
road and add a graceful reflection to
water vistas.
Public Parks
5. Better Fish. The first and most
important problem is to get the sew-
age out of the river, then would come
the protection of the spawning sea-
son, the furnishing of spawning beds
in certain quarters and the syste-
matic planting of the better varieties
of fish.
6. Wild Life Protection. Much of
the attraction of any river comes
from its water and shore life. It
might be possible to make the chain
of ponds on the Huron into a chain
of sanctuaries. From a thousand to
two thousand ducks stay over on the
Geddes pond for a month or so each
spring, but apparently few people
see them. Nesting and food shelters
in the spring and winter shelters of
cedar or spruce with food plantings
or feedings are suggested.
7. Recreation. The effective range
of such features as parks, swimming
beaches and camp and picnic sites
is not less than ten miles in this day
of the automobile. Within ten miles
of the Huron, counting lower Detroit
are more than a million people. If a
half mile strip along the river were
camera shall I buy?" It is impossible
to say that any one camera will
serve all your wants, but certainly
there is a type that will do most of

set aside for forests, sanctuaries, golf
courses, swimming beaches, camp and
picnic grounds, it would represent
two and a half per cent of the area,
considerably less than many cities set
as their standard. This would put
these recreational facilities within ten
miles or less of all the people of the
valley. It is not an excessive amount.
Within fifty years not less than a half
of this strip should be obtainable. This
would make a park one hundred miles
long by the side of the river. If this
were threaded by a river parkway
with a nearly continuous trail at the
water's edge, it would provide for
nearly every form of recreation.
Better Walks, Drives
8. Administration. In water uses
we are in the horse and buggy stage.
Recreation is the dominant use of our
inland waters, but the law has scarce-
ly discovered it as yet. Our entire
water code needs to be revised, and
definite authority given to some state
departments rather than to the coun-
ties, which are concerned only with,
sections of a river. It is also felt that
there should be some governmental
unit or valley authority to conserve
and promote for all the people of the
Huron valley the values above indi-
Such a guide from its valley pic-
tures should make our walksiand
drives and river cruises more inter-
esting to us all. The indications are
that it would be introduced into the
social studies groups in the high
schools for thorough perusal, and that
it could be placed in the libraries
of five hundred or more rural schools
of the valley. If these ideals of a riverJ

improved and made accessible to all'
thus becomes a part of the conscious-
ness of the rising generation, there is
little doubt that many of these ideals
will become realities. Only about
half of the funds necessary to print
and distribute this guide of fifty
pages are thus far available.
Land Owners' Cooperate
In many ways the conditions for
carrying out the plans outlined are
peculiarly favorable here. There are
three large property owners who
largely dominate the valley. They
have all promised their cooperation.
They are the Detroit Edison Com-
pany, the Michigan Central Railroad
and Henry Ford. The Michigan Cen-
tral has offered a lease on a 92-acre
tract lying above the Superior dam
for a park. The Detroit Edison has
offered about two miles of the river
from the Scio Bridge to Dexter for the
same purpose and an area lying be-
tween the Barton Pond and the rail-
Through the cooperation of the
Garden Club of Ann Arbor, the first
of the water gardens, consisting of
eight varieties of water lilies have
recently been planted in a lagoon a
short distance above the Sand Bar
swimming pool.
There are two groups of influential
citizens who are promoting these de-
velopments on the Huron, one a com-
mission of seven of which Joseph
Hooper is chairman appointed jointly
by the Common Council of Ann Arbor
and the County Road Commission,
the other a similar commission with
John Gault as chairman appointed
by the Common Council of Ypsilanti.
The laughs begin when the
stork drops in-

New York 6, Philadelphia 4.
Pittsburgh 5, Cincinnati 4.
Boston-Brooklyn to be played later
Only games scheduled.




r -- _ _ _ _ _


- - - L ast D ay
and -
Starting Saturday
Said * a as *News*inits Play Rview



$1.45 and $1.95
$3.80 and $4.80
These are trousers from Milton's
regular $16.50 and $22.50 Suits.


DRESS SHIRTS ... $1.29
NECKWEAR 29c and 43c
BRACES . . 39c and 69c
BELTS . . . . 39c and 69c
SHORTS . .29c and 39c
PAJAMAS. . . . . $1.29
POLO SHIRTS'. . . . 83c
MEN'S SOX . . . . 29c
HATS. . $1.49 and $2.39

THE CHINESE are reputed to have
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TODAY millions of readers of more
than 1200 daily newspaper are in-
formed of world events by the globe
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