PAGE TWO 11 1 rME M10116AN OATIV ,7CHURSDAY, AVO. 14, 1936 THE MI.HIGN DAIL ThURSDAY, AUG. 14, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Offieial Publication of the Summer Session -t! Publishect every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Studen1~Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or niot otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Al rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post~ Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second clas snatter. Specialarate of postage granted by Third Assistant Posiaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.50, by mail, $2.08. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.0. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Repreentatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City.-400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ............THOMAS E. GROEHN ASSOCIAT EDITOR............THOMAS H. KLEENE ditorialDirector...............Marshall D. Shulman 'Dramatic critic ....... .............John W. Pritchard Assistant .'ditors: Clinton B. Conger, Ralph W. Hurd, Joseph b'; Mattes, Elsie A. Pierce, Tuure Tenander, Jewel W. Wuerfel. Reporters: Eleanor Barc, Donal Burns, Mary Delnay, M:' E. Graban, John Hilpert, Richard E. Lorh, Vincent Moore, Elsie Roxborough, William Sours, Dorothea Staebler, Betty Keenan.' BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER ........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDITS MANAGER.................JOHN S. PARK Circulation Mnager...............J. Cameron Hall Office Manager.......................Robert Lodge Fascist Intervention InSpain. .. THE CIVIL WAR in Spain has never been a local issue. It is sig- nificant, and dangerous, because it is an out- break of the class warfare that is threatening the continent. Dorothy Thompson, in her syndicated column, makes a note of the fact that it is not the diplo- mats or the governments of the various European countries who are edging toward participation in the struggle. "It is the people, the masses themselves, who are taking sides and making neutrality exceedingly difficult." Hence, although the governments of the various European nations promise neutrality, the people are "pushing to- ward the debacle," through sending money, sol- diers, and demonstrating in the streets in favor of one fside or the other. She makes the reservation, however, that "only in the Fascist countries are the people and the government policy at one. At one, that is to say, for all national purposes." This statement was confirmed by the reports received yesterday that twenty-seven heavy German Junker bombing planes and five German pursuit planes manned by German military pilots, together with seven Italian bombers piloted by Italians were received by the rebels in Seville this week. Fascist coun- tries, either through imperialism (that is, for their own national purposes) or to strike down the Leftists who were apparently winning, have defi- nitely taken the first step toward making the struggle in Spain spread like the fires of northern Michigan. The step is of course not official. The governments deny it, but the German press con- tains stories about French intervention (the same sort of tactics as we ourselves fell for in the last war). We are grateful that the State Department at Washington told certain American aircraft man- lffacturers that it definitely opposes the sales of arms or other instruments of war to either side. Although the United States cannot declare neu- trality because its neutrality law provides only for struggles between nations and not for civil wars, we cannot allow ourselves to be drawn into the war, either privately or as a nation. Nevertheless, we must remember that should Fascist inter- vention precipitate official intervention from France and Russia we cannot avoid participation in the class war that will follow. The struggle between Fascism and Leftismleaves democracy in the middle, with either side victorious, democ- racy is certain to be destroyed just as a liberal republic in Spain seems an utter impossibility regardless of the outcome of the war there. That Great Britain and the United States can remain apart from such a struggle is impossible because the war will be not between nations but between classes. If any further proof were necessary that Fas- cism is inherently related to militarism, if any further warning were necessary to eschew any movement in the United States which is even distantly related to Fascism, Italo-German inter- vention in Spain should suffice for us. Subsistence .Levl .. . ,ANEW JERSEY family of four, whose $20,000 award for silicosis damages was being held up by the court, has been living on $2 a week in weekly food orders since the state turned back the relief problem to the municipalities in April. Apart from the interesting angle of the legal liyin hanli te .a .don.c ha d,-,- T lEFORUM1 Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial Importance and interest to the campus. D.A R. And Teachers' Oaths To the Editor: From no point of view may it be considered an honor to teachers to take the loyalty oath for the reason that teachers, as a class, are selected to take the oath, whereas other classes of citizens are greatly more liable to spread subversive ideas than teachers. The matter was well stated by President Angell of Yale. Said Mr. Angell: "Compel all persons to take such an oath, if you will, but do not insist on the teacher while you spare the radio speaker, the newspaper ed-' itor, the maker and purveyor of the movie and the movie news reel, all of them far more powerful agents of insidious propaganda than the unfor- tunate teacher." -Instead of being an honor, teachers' loyalty oaths are a dishonor to teachers since teachers are being suspected by reactionary legislatures of being "un-American," that is, revolutionary, whereas there is no class of American citizens that is more loyal to our democratic form of gov- ernment than teachers. For other opinions on the subject the reader may be referred to The Michigan Daily of July 23, 1936. -Pro Academic Freedom. Popularity To the Editor: M. Jaquier, in writing to your column last week said in regard to Governor Landon: "Never have I heard or read of a governor who enjoyed as much or more wholehearted support, trust and popularity." Will he then please explain why this same governor was able to pool no more than 53 and one-half per cent of the total vote when he was re-elected in 1934? At this time approxi- mately 60 per cent of the people voted Democratic in the congressional elections. -P. Earl Blackwood, Elmo, Kansas. Liberty To the Editor: Today there is no word more bandied about than liberty. Every effort at organized control of economic forces is resisted and attacked, by a certain group, in the name of liberty. The slightest observation shows that this group is made up of those who are interested, from causes that are evident, in the preservation of the status quo; that is to say, in the maintenance of the customary privileges and .legal rights they al- ready possess. When we look at history in the large we find that the demand for liberty and efforts to achieve it have come from those who wanted to alter the institutional setup. This striking contrast is a stimulus to thoughtful inquiry. What does liberty mean anyway? Why should the cause of liberty have been identified in the past with efforts at change of laws and institutions while at the present time a certain group is using all its vast resources to convince the public that change of economic institutions is an attack upon liberty? --- The moment one examines the question from the standpoint of effective action, it becomes evi- dent that the demand for liberty is a demand for power, either for possession of powers of action not already possessed or for retention and ex- pansion of powers already possessed. The present ado in behalf of liberty by the manager and ben- eficiaries of the existing economic system is im- mediately explicable if one views it as a demand for preservation of the powers they already pos- sess. Since it is the existing system that gives them these powers, liberty is thus inevitably identified with the perpetuation of that system. Translate the present hullabaloo about liberty into struggle to retain powers already possessed, and it has a meaning.-From "The Social Fron- tier, a Journal of Educational Criticism and Re- construction." -Truthseeker. Father Coughlin To the Editor: "If any attempt is made to transmute the Union for Social Justice into action it will lead by its very nature into Fascism-not because Father Coughlin is a malicious man or a wicked man, but simply because he does not know how to get from one state of society into another; and because, in his confusion, he is likely to ally himself-or have the movement captured by - a few powerful men who also want a more abun- dant life-for themselves."-from The New Re- public. * ** * "The Union of Social Justice is a piece of ef- frontery, as disquieting as it is arrant." From The Nation (New York. .. ... ... * * * * "Numerous letters from indignant Catholics have protested against T.R.B.'s statement in his Washington Notes to The New Republic that Father Coughlin's political activities were prob- ably receiving official Catholic support and rep- resented a Catholic desire to defeat Mr. Roose- velt. We should be happy indeed if these corre- spondents were correct and if the religious issue could be kept out of politics. Nevertheless if the Vatican; after consultation with Bishop Gal- lagher, Father Coughlin's immediate superior, who has gone to Rome to discuss the matter, does nnf rvrr ivcc P r ii 1 .a4f *..- . ,... RADIO By TUURE TENANDER STATION WJR, which has been the least con- conspicuous offender among the Detroit broadcasting units thus far in the fascinating game of breaking in on the middle of good net- work programs with some inane local broadcast, has developed a particularly annoying habit for Sunday afternoons. At 2 p.m. on Sundays, CBS carries an excellent program called "Everybody's Music." This is a full hour program but 15 min- utes before its close WJR switches off the network and presents a program of "Tea Time Melodies." Last Sunday many local listeners were irked to be shuffled from the midst of a broadcast of over- tures by Wagner into the said "Tea Time Mel- odies." Although we having nothing against tuneful tempos for tea-time, and feel that tea drinking is an admirable habit, we do feel that a more suitable spot could be found for this latter program. * * * * Bill Slater, NBC's sports commentator who sounds a lot like Ted Husing, deserves a little word of commendation for his broadcasts from the Olympic Games in Berlin. Slater has been doing remarkably well, especially in view of the limited time he has been allotted. Both networks will carry the women's final in the breaststroke competition at 11:30 a.m. today. The rowing finals will be broadcast tomorrow, beginning al- ready at 8:30 a.m. and again at 12:15 p.m. Sat- urday, on the eve of the closing ceremonies, NBC will carry a roundup broadcast from Berlin at 2:30 p.m. and CBS will broadcast at 8:30 a.m. and at 5:30 p.m. The NBC broadcast will include the description of the diving and boxing finals and interviews with some of the stars of the present games. * * * * BENNY GOODMAN and his orchestra continue to broadcast from the Palomar ballroom in Los Angeles on a sustaining program in addition to his regular Camel Caravan show with Nat Shilkret and his orchestra and Rupert Hughes, the writer, as a master of ceremonies. Teddy Wil- son, colored pianist extraordinary and the one who plays so well on all those Goodman Trio records, is out on the coast now too, and has been featured with Gene Krupa and Benny him- self on some of the broadcasts. Goodman's or- chestra is being filmed in "The Broadcast of 1937." We hope that the orchestra gets a better break in the picture than did Ray Noble in "The Big Broadcast of 1936." By the way, Murray MacEachern is the name of that trombonist who replaced Joe Harris with Goodman's troupe. He plays a lot of trombone. ! lippings L rhb]F PdI A, * * * * 'he Pirates' Found To Be Good Drama And Music Thomas "Fats" Waller, writer of many hit tunes, including:"Honeysuckle Rose," "If It Ain't Love" and others, and one of the better pianists going, was the guest star on the Magic Key pro- gram last Sunday afternoon. If you missed this broadcast you should be sure to go and hear him in person either Saturday or Sunday at the Eastwood Ballroom in Detroit, and if you did hear the broadcast in question you'll probably go and see the inimitable Fats anyway. Besides being a fine musician, he always put on an en- tertaining show. (From The New York Times) AsDrama U NTIL NOW, it has been the settled policy of American trade unions THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE not to form a separate political party. A Review In vain have the lure and success of The music and the drama depart-; the British Labor party been held up ments have fused! This comment1 before workingmen. They have rea- soned that their strength could best be probably is a bit bathetic, coming, as exerted from a position of political it does, about two years after every- neutrality. With both parties bid- body else on campus had discovered ding for their support, they believed the fact. But this reviewer has not that they could obtain readier and seen a campus production of Gilbert larger benefits through casting their votes now for one, and now for the and Sullivan since 1934, when "The other, thus seeming to hold a balance Gondoliers" marked the beginning of of power. Today, however, it is clear this new epoch of attempted fusion. from the speeches and resolutions of Assuredly "Penzane," as presented the Non-Partisan Labor League at last night, combined finesse, beauty, Washington that an American Labor and punch so excellently that little party is to be formally organized. Not more could be desired. .this year. That would be premature."ea ,,o But the 1936 election is to be used h Penzance," for those of you who as a point of departure for working have missed this gem of Gilbert-Sul- as a oitone pa rturenlivania, presents the rare paradox- out the new plan. 'the most ingenious paradox"-of This was outlined cautiously but sharp satire infused with gentleness. positively by the speakers at the The story deals with a youth, ap- Washington meeting. They declared prenticed by error to a gang of cream- that the time had come for American puff pirates, who is released from his labor to find a way of expressing po- articles on his twenty-first birthday, litically its aims and aspirations. becomes betrothed to one of many Nothing revolutionary or even violent daughters of a major-general, and is intended, though one orator said then discovers, to his mortification, that if Landon were elected in No- that certain gaucheries of the cal- vember there might be an "erup- endar prevent him from reaching his tion" by the disappointed laboring twenty-first birthday until 1940. Since classes. The hope is to array or- the date is 1871, one scents an im- ganized labor in a definite political passe. party which will powerfully influence Now for the fusion. Clearly the the Congressional elections of 1938, speech department and the music de- and will be strong enough to win a partment have put their heads to- victory in the Presidential campaign gether; foh not only was acting.ability of 1940. Thus it is not a case of a strongly apparent in the singers labor organization standing between (culled, in general, from the musical the two present national parties, but rather than from the dramatic con- of a strictly labor party absorbing or tingent), but even in the choral num- destroying one and terrorizing the bers, one found dramatic elements othero soutstanding. In brief, "Penzance" No one will question the right of or- gives us actors who can sing and sing- ganized labor toset up in political ers who can act. This immediately business for itself. Our laws pro- calls for laurels to the directors: Val- vide for the freest possible recording entine B. Windt, Joseph Conlin, Mil- of the political preferences of Ameri- dred Streeter, and Mary Pray. You can citizens. A third party could note at each instant the clarity with easily be put into the field four years which they saw their problem, and from now. We have had Third par- the ingenuity with which they solved ties, and occasionally Fourth and it. Singers who can sing together Fifth at the same time, and no one dramatically, and who, above all, can has objected. For labor leaders it is thus develop a pleasingly integrated not a question of ability but of wis- theatrical whole, require slavish di- dom. They can abandon, if they rectoral devotion. This was achieved. choose, the political strategy which There seems to be a tradition on has again and again been affirmed campus that Gilbert and Sullivan op- to be the true one of our workingmen, ears shall be stylised. I suspect that but is it wise for them to do it? stylism and mass symmetry cannot At present, the possibility of bring- easily be harmonised. The current ing all trade unions into one united production builds stylism up to a high and harmonious political party seems point, and while mass symmetry rath- doubtful. We have, to start with, the er unfortunately makes its appear- fact that the trade unions are at this ance in places (notably the opening moment sharply divided on a ques- chorus, and later in the nightgown tion of immediate policy. The mi- scene), it is not obtrusive. nority led by Mr. John Lewis is open- Sullivan music is of a genre which ly at war with the Federation of La- this critic can enjoy without attempt- bor under President Green.Can their ing to appreciate; let Mr. Lichten- furious and fighting differences be wanger dress that angle. Yet I can't compromised? Even if they could be, pass over the fine, incise, lilting chor without leaving persistent bitterness al rendition of "How Beautiful and behind them, there are large and suc- Blue the Sky" in Act One; the fe-n cessful unions, like those of the Amer- inine chorus is highly trained, and ican railways which have stood aloof not only is its diction here so perfect and probably would continue to do so. that every word of the ifficult Gil- Old political habits are hard to bert lyrics can be follo ed, but the change at the word of command, and softness and sweetness of the choral it appears to be unlikely that work- voice is ineffable. Combine these ingmen who have long been accus- factors with the frothy humor of the tomed to describe themselves as either theme, and you have here the mu- Democrats or Republicans or Social- sical high spot of the production. ists would care at once to be identi- Many manifestations of particular- fled with a newly founded labor neat direction come to mind. I Still, the thing could be done. If reflect with pleasure on what hap- millions of free Americans are will- pened later when the Bobbies ing to band themselves together as marched 4n. The first entered on a exclusively a class party, they can rapid tempo; the second goose step- doubtless do it. But it would be ped in half-time, giving promise of a prudent first to ask whether this ludicrous rhythmic counterpoint; but would not be bad for the country and when the third entered on a tempo bad for labor itself. Would it not spaced somewhere between those of accept the doctrine hitherto repug- the first and second, doubt began to nant to American thought that there materialize; and by the time the is a fixed social status for working- entire chorus had appeared, there men, so that no one of them can as- wasn't any counterpoint left. This pire to change his occupation or rise was a gross type of excellence. to something higher? One reason for Frederick, the pirate apprentice establishing a Labor party in Great and hero, is doubly cast, John Toms Britain was the spread of the idea and Martin Thompson playing the that once a workingman, a man must role. Lat night Mr. Thompson's in always be a workingman. That ac- terpretation caused me to ponder: cords ill with previous American did Mr. Thompson know how good theories and practices. The older and he was? He is chunky, you see, and inherited ideals of our working people strongly suggested a moronic Na- will have to be made over before there poleon. Crisply hp bit his words, can really be a labor party in this while in stilted accentuation he tossed country that is both distinct and com- his abbreviated arms. The note was prehensive. just right. He will, I hope, take note of this incipient style of his, and cul- r i n tivate it. His tenor voice transcend- Prevzewing Legislation ed his appearance; comic only (From the Memphis Commercial through intentional emphasis, it has Appeal) richness and maturity. VIRGINIA and Kentucky have join- Hardin Van Duersin, a pirate chief, ed those states whose citizens be- stopped the show in the early se- joined those states whose citizens be- quences with his belly-splitting ren- lieve that laboratory tests of proposed dition of "Oh it is it is it is it is it is it legislation should be made before leg- is etc. a glorious thing to be a pirate islative sessions open. king!" There is no restraint here; Under the Virginia plan, seven cit- thehorizon does not give him suf- izens named by the governor form a ficient scope for his gestures, and council whose duty it will be to make the profundity of his expressive bari- an investigation and study of the tone suggests a potential Tibbett. matter or question which may be --John W. Pritchard. referred to it by the Legislature and to submit a report at least 30 days tion. The only difficulty is that the before the next regular session. A councils do not have sufficient au-' similar service is to be furnished the thority to make their recommenda- govenor when requested. Five of the tions binding. It should be possible seven councilors must be members for the extensive and exhaustive study of the legislature. of which the councils are capable to The Kentucky plan is a bit more be carried into positive and beneficial' iAs Music It is too bad that this could not be a criticism of next Saturday night's performance of The Pirates. By that time all the minor flaws of the open- ing performance will have been erad- icated, and the show will be gen- uinely deserving of all those super- latives so dear to the critic's heart: "great," superb, magnificent, and the more prosaic but all-encombassing "best." Even in spite of the erratic- ness of an opening night, this show is an advance over the previous musicals -not, however, because of the super- iority of the vehicle, or the higher quality of the singing, acting, or other details of performance. The Gondol- iers is undeniably a better show, and there have been both actors and sing- ers who surpassed the current players in quality of\ performance. But in The Phates Director Windt comes closer than ever before to realizing his prime ambition; the production of a musical show in which all the elements-singing, acting, scenery, etc.--are fused into a unified, well- balanced, artistically effective whole, in which each complements and en- hances the other. It is with that aim in mind that, with one exception, Gil- bert and Sullivan operas hav been al- ways chosen as vehicles; it is difficult to find suitable works in which there is a better balance of music and drama. But this is supposed to be a criti- cism of last night's musical perform- ance, probably with a fully orches- trated description of the star's work. But, as we intimated before, there was no star. Mildred Olson was a charm- ing and vivacious Mabel, singing eas- ily and capably in spite of her none- too-full voice; she executed her grand-operatic gymnastics with a facility that would have pleased Don- izetti himself. Martin Thompson, op- posite her, sang well, but was handi- capped by a non-carrying voice of a rather throaty, metallic quality. Nancy Bowman, sang her part quite well, although making no pretense toward being a singer, the effect would have been better, had she sung all three verses of her "confession," in the First Act, instead of merely de- claiming the first two. Virginia Ward, as one of Mabel's more proper sisters, displayed a voice and singing ability not always found in a small part. Among the men, Major-General Vernon Kellett and Police-Sergeant W. H. Miller both turned in perform- ances which were of professional cal- ibre, but in which sheer musical qual- ity was necessarily subordinated to the demands of the acting. The prize among the men must go to the swash- buckling pirate chief, Hardin Van Deursen, for his rendering of "I Am A Pirate King," if for no other reason. That number, and the Tarantara chorus of policemen (and daughters) in the last act, were the most enthus- iastically and convincingly done of all. Any gang of pirates or policemen who can warble as lustily as these fellcw should quit their respective rackets and take up singing profes- sionally. For the last six sentences we've been trying to think how to introduce a compliment to the §cenic designs into a musical review: At last we've got it; something about the "harmonious, melifluous-toned radiance" of the moonlight setting of the final act. Anyway, it was quite enchanting, and added immensely to the enjoyment of an already excellent show. -W. J. Lichtenwanger. 'Not An Isolationist' (From The New York Times) T IS NATURAL enough that the European press should be deeply interested in Governor Landon's views on foreign policy. In response to re- quests for light on his position, the Topeka correspondent of The Kansas City Star has written an article to which the Republican candidate has given his approval. The gist of it is that "Governor Landon is not an iso- lationist." He is, of course, opposed to American membership in the League of Nations. He wants no political entanglements abroad. He believes in protecting the home mar- ket. But he thinks that, on occa-' sion, the United States might work with governments represented in the League. He recognizes the truth of the observation that we cannot ex- pect other nations to buy from us unless we also buy from them. In the matter of the war debts, close friends believe that he might be willing to make "such proper adjustments as economic conditions might require," after a study of the problem. While there are some reassuring comments here, the Governor's views are stated in terms so broad and so tentative that it is to be hoped he will give more point to them, in words of his own choosing. It is scarcely a definitive description of his position to know that he does not regard him- self as an is'olationist. The last Re- publican Administration would have resented bitterly the charge that it favored isolation. Yet it was that Administration which raised Ameri- can tariffs in the early days of an * * * * BEN BERNIE really pullled a fast one and scooped the country on his program Tues- day night when he had Ethel Barrymore as guest star. Her announcement that she would retire from the stage, while probably expected by some in the know, was definitely news, and the of1 Maestro deserves a bonus from his sponsors for having the announcement made on his program. Benny Kanter,, a Bostonian who stepped into the first sax chair for Bernie when Dick Stabile left to organize his own orchestra, has a lot on his hands in trying to fill the big gap left by Sta- bile's departure. Dick has a good band and has had some good spots. He started in at Levaggi's in Boston, then to the Madhattan Room of the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York, and then into the Blue Room of the Hotel Lincoln in New York. He can be heard over CBS at 11:30 p.m. Tues- days and at 10:30 p.m. Thursdays. S* * * * The Columbia Broadcasting System has this department's congratulations for combining Eddy Duchin and his orchestra on the same program with Burns and Allen. Now, by not listening to this one program, the radio fan can easily and simply escape both the twinkling piano of Duchin, who usually lets his orchestra accompany him a bit, and the slap-stick of Burns and Al- len. Don't you think so, Georgie? A good bet is to take a short stroll at 7:30 p.m. every Wednes- day. But be sure and, be back by 8, for Stoop- nagle and Budd will be on then. * * * * Those New York band concerts by Edwin Franko Goldman's band (NBC-WJZ' present some of the finest legitimate band music on the air these days. Goldman is known to all lovers of music for his fine work during his many active years in the field of band music. We, too, are proud that we had once the opportunity, some years back, to perform under the baton of this capable conductor. Of course, there were some 900-odd other high school musicians playing at the same time so we didn't get much individual attention. * * * THE HOUR of 8 p.m. on Tuesday presents quite a knotty problem to the radio listener, what with NBC carrying on its networks the Vox Pop program over the Red and Ben Bernie over the Blue hookup, and CBS presenting Tommy Dorsey and his orchestra over its network, We often listen to Vox Pop until the boys ask a question that we can't answer, usually the first one, and then poceed to tune in on the excellent rhythms