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July 01, 1936 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1936-07-01

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The Weather
Generally fair today and to-
morroW; rising temperatures


L4ir ia


A Return, To
Free Private Enterprise...
Justice Made To Order...

Official Publication Of The Summer Session

VOL. XVI No. 3



Confessed Slayer
Of Waiter Faced
By Murder Count

Modern Youth
Education Hit
By Californian

University Of


Mrs. Betty Baker Is Held
For Schneider Slaying;
Follows Altercation
Defendant Planned
To 'Scare' Victim
Explains Gun Discharged
Accidentally And Struck1
Youth In Face
Mrs. Betty Baker, 30 years old,
Wife of Officer Albert K. Baker of
the Ann Arbor police force, will prob-
ably be arraigned in Justice Court on
a charge of murder as soon as the
William Padgett trial is finished,
Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp announced
last night after further examination.
Mrs. Baker is being held in the
county jail during investigation of
her confessed shooting of Clarence
E. Schneider, 24 years old, a roomer
at the Baker home at 1804 Jackson
Ave. here.
Although the trageay which cost
the young man, an employe at Dav-
enport's Restaurant on W. Huron
St. his life occurred at some time be-
tween 5:30 and 6 p.m. Monday night
according to Mrs. Baker's statement,
the police were not informed until
shortly before 10 p.m., and the arrest
was not made public until 3 a.m. yes-
terday morning.
Looks After Schneider
According to her statement, Mrs.
Baker had been looking after
Schneider to the extent of buying
such articles as his suits and shirts
for some time. The boy's mother
was killed by a street car in De-
troit last December. Monday she
entered thie beer hall where he was
at work to arrange for meeting him
at 4:30 p.m. When he finished work,
to take him shopping.
An altercation ensued, during
which, Mrs. Baker related, the young
roomer swore at her and told her
that she couldn't come into the res-
taurant and "get hardboiled" with
him. She went home and got her
husband's .38-calibre revolver, wrap-
ped it up, and went down to meet
Schneider, intending to "scare him."
With him in the back seat, she
then drove out Huron River Road
north of Ann Arbor, to Wagner Road,
about seven miles out, turned up
Wagner and stopped in a secluded
parking spot about 300 feet from the
Unwrapping the gun, she turned
9nd pointed it at her companion, tell-
ing him that he "couldn't bawl her
out in front of a lot of strangers."
Schneider laughed, and to show
him she "wasn't fooling," she re-
lated, she cocked the revolver and
again pointed it at him. While they
were arguing, the gun was accidental-
ly discharged, and she saw that the
bullet had struck him in the face.
Called Lansing
She started to drive back to the
hospital, but en route became
alarmed because he did not groan or
show any other signs of life, and, dis-
covering he was dead, went to her
home instead and put the car, with
the body still in it, in the garage.
Her next move, she told the sher-
iff's officers, was to call Assistant At-
torney General Milton G. Schan-
cupp of Lansing, and told him what I
had happened, asking his advice. He
hurried to Ann Arbor and after dis-
cussing the situation with her, ad-
vised her to call the police. The two
of them went upstairs in the Baker
home to awaken her husband, who
was sleeping before going on duty at
11 p.m., and it was he who called the
police station shortly before 10 p.m.
to report the shooting.
Officers Casper Enkemann and
Julius Ehnis went to the Baker home,
and brought her in for questioning by
Chief of Police Lewis Fohey and

Prosecutor Rapp, and when they
learned that the shooting had taken
place outside the city limits, the in-
vestigation was transferred to the
sheriff's- office under Sheriff Jacob
B. Andres.
Mrs. Baker directed the sheriff's
off icers to the spot where the shoot-
ing had occurred, and there was asked
to retell the details of the accident.
She was then returned to the county

Attacks Roosevelt

* * *
Ogden L. Mills
Raps Platform
Of lDemoc rats
Asserts Amendment Plank
Would Result In Loss Of
States' Rights
NEW YORK, June 30.-(P)-A
double-barrelled blast was fired in a
speech by Ogden L. Mills tonight
against President Roosevelt and the
platform on which he stands for re-
His attack on the Democratic plat-
form was centered on the plank that
calls for a constitutional amendment
which, Mills said, would "mean the
end of state's rights, and ultimately
of the individual liberty we have
rightly regarded as our most pried-
less possession."
"The question at issue,' he said,
"is the transfer to the Federal gov-
ernment of all of the powers hither-
to reserved to the states, and an
enormous extension of governmentall
intervention in the life of the people,
all in furtherance of the establish-
ment of a totally un-American sys-
tem of paternalism."
"The Republicans pledge them-
selves to stop the folly of uncon-
trolled expenditures and thereby to
balance the budget," he said.
"The man who loosed the flood
gates of uncontrolled expenditure,
who created this all-consuming bu-
reaucracy, who built up these im-
mense vested interests in governmentI
spending, even if he will-and he
won't-can never arrest the tor-
rent that is sweeping the nation
headlong to inflation, bankruptcy
and ruin.
"A new captain can and will. His
name is Landon; he comes from
Kansas, and he's everything Roose-
velt isn't."

PresidentAttacks Social
Educator Criticizes
Fascist Tendencies
Freedom And Tolerance
For Individual Stressed
For Youth's Ideal
PORTLAND, Ore., June 30--RP)-
American youth is being "mercilessly
exploited by the social racketeers,"
President Robert G. Sproul of the
University of California told the Na-
tional Education Association tonight.
These "racketeers" are telling
youth that America "is not the fair
land of hope and opportunity that,
always and everywhere, it has been
pictured to be," he asserted.
The educator said the answer of
America to her youth "must be to-
day, as her ideal always has been,
abundant life, ordered liberty and the
right to pursue happiness with some
prospect of attaining it."
"The blackshirted youth of Italy
marches with hearts attuned to the
commands of Il Duce. The young
people of Russia sing the Interna-
tionale with all the fervor of convic-
tion. . . .Is it reasonable to believe
that American youth is thinking any
more clearly?
"As a matter of fact they are; and
they are being mercilessly exploited,
too, by the social racketeer. .."
Too often, Dr. Sproul said, "port-
raits of youth are conjured up, not
by persons who see in youth the only
hope for a shattered world, but by
those who plot to trade on youth's
"I cannot be sure," said Dr. Sproul,
"that youth is making an appeal, even
though I hear the clamor of a multi-
tude of voices claiming to speak in
youth's name."
Dr. Sproul said the way of reaching
the answer to youth and the means
of attaining the ideal he mentioned
were "just what they have always
been-freedom and tolerance for the
individual, regard for the hights of
minorities, an intelligent sense of re-
sponsibility for the common welfare,
respect for law and love of peace-
the ways and means of democracy."
Orville C. Pratt, superintendent of
schools, Spokane, Wash., and Wil-
liam H. Holmes, superintendent of
schools, Mount Vernon, N. Y., were
nominated for the presidency of the
'Pirates Of Penzance'
Tryouts To Be Today
Tryouts for the Michigan Reper-
tory Players' production of "The Pi-
rates of Penzance" will be held at 5
p.m. today in the Lydia Mendel-
ssonh theatre, Valentine B. Windt, di-
rector, announced yesterday.
All students enrolled in the Sum-
mer Session are eligible to try out
even if they are not enrolled in Play
production courses, he said. Librettos
and scores may be obtained at Wahr's
book store.

Hayden Trial
Continues In
Circuit Court
State Witnesses Positively
Name 'Shorty' As Slayer
Of Patrolman Slang
Defense Attorney
Shakes Testimony
Dearborn Gasoline Station
Owner, Surprise Witness,
Also Offers Testimony
The trial of William Padgett, alias
"Shorty" Hayden on a charge of
shooting Officer Clifford A. Stang in
a hold-up of Conlin & Wetherbee's
clothing store here March 21, 1935,
continued in circuit court yesterday
with three state witnesses positively
identifying the defendant as a par-
ticipant in robbery armed.
Following brief testimony by Dr.
Stacey C. Howard, pathologist of St.
Joseph's Hospital, Chief Lewis Fohey,
Detective Eugene Gehringer and Of-
ficer William Mars of the Ann Arbor
police force, who testified to the find-
ings of the autopsy and the slain of-
ficer's uniform and handcuffs, in-
troduced as evidence, James Akers,
'38, Everett, Pa., took the stand.
Akers, who was trying on a suit
when the two bandits entered the
store, told of being forced into an
office at the back of the store at
the point of a gun. When asked if
the smaller of the men who had en-
tered the store was in the court-room,
he pointed at Padgett, replying, "It's
that man sitting over there. I feel
quite sure of it." He described the
action of the characters in the store
and traced their movements on a
chalk diagram of the location.
Testimony Shaken
In cross-examination D e f e n s e
Counsel Arthur C. Lehman was able
to shake part of Akers' testimony
when his memory of details tripped
him up, but Herbert T. Wetherbee,
co-partner in the store, also identified
Padgett and gave a detailed account
of the action of every character in
the store which Lehman was unable
to discredit.
He was followed on the stand by
a surprise witness, Walter Sewiss,
5955 Central Ave., Detroit, the man-
ager of a Shell gas station at Dairy
and Warren Avenues in Dearborn.
Rapp put Sewiss on the stand to
identify Padgett as one of two men
who had held him up at his gas sta-
tion March 5, 1935, and Lehman ob-
jected violently to the line of testi-
mony as irrelevant in the present
case. Rapp countered that Michigan
statutes permit introduction of tes-
timony to like crimes to prove mo-
tive or intent, and the judge allowed
the testimony.
Closes Case
Sewiss positively identified the
defendant as the man who had as-
sisted James Milan, now serving a
term in the Michigan Southern
Prison at Jackson, in holding him
In closing the case for the people,
Prosecutor Rapp read depositions
taken for the notice of defense of
alibi, setting forth that Padgett, was
in Baltimore, Md., with relatives
March 13.
This statement Padgett himself
amplified, when he took the witnessi
stand almost immediatelytafterward,
to mean that he had been in Balti-
more "on or about the 21st of March,"
after leaving Detroit between March
8 and March 11.

"And why did you leave. Detroit?"
he was asked by Rapp.
"Well, I was kinda in a hot spot
(Continuea on Page 3)
Cigarette Gets
Blame In Lodi
Farmer's Death
Edwin Hultin, 40 years old, Lodi
Township farmer, was found burned
to death in his home about seven
miles southwest of Ann Arbor yester-
day afternoon, after a fire which,
sheriff's officers believe,, was caused
by his falling asleep in bed while
smoking a cigarette. Hultin was an
inveterate smoker.
The body was found by Mrs. Ber-
nice Haug of Platt, owner of the
farm, when she made her daily visit
to the farm at 5 p.m. yesterday. It
wac h, lfnt- -,a ~

Above Last Year's

Enrollment Figures Soar


University Summer Camps Are
Spread Over Face Of Globe

Mitchell Conducting
Summer European'
Under University


University field courses for the
summer are stationed as far West as
Colorado and Wyoming, as far North
as the Upper Peninsula and as dis-
tant as Europe.
For the first time this year, a
European study tour has been ar-
ranged by Prof. Elmer D. Mitchell of
the physical education department
for graduate students in the educa-
tion school and a few undergraduates.
The group of more than 35 students
sailed June 27 from New York and
are scheduled to arrive July 3 in
Cherbourg. Stops will be made in
Paris, Cologne, Heidelberg, Munich,
Vienna, Budapest, Prague, Dresden,
Berlin, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Lon-
don and other cities.
The purpose of the tour is to study
the fields of physical education,
health, recreation, youth movements,
adult education and univerity life in
Europe. The unique feature of each
country's program of health will be
given particular attention.

Six hours of graduate credit will be
given for completion of the course.
Classes will be taught aboard the
The 28th session of the Biological
Station of the University opened yes-
terday on the shores of Lake Doug-
las in Cheboygan County and will
continue until Aug. 22.
A capacity enrollment for the
camp was reached before the middle
of April. The residents include stu-
dents, faculty members and their
families. Small houses hold two or
three students and meals are served
in a large central dining room, which
holds more than 200 people. The
station covers more than 4,000 acres
of land and there are more than 100
buildings on the land.
The faculty of the Biological Sta-
tion includes representatives from a
number of Universities. Prof. George
R. LaRue is the director. Prof. Al-
fred H. Stockard is secretary and
Dr. William M. Brace of the Health
Service is camp physician. Miss
High School acts as dean of women
Odina B. Olson of the University
for the station.
Among the members of the faculty
from other universities are Prof.
(Continued on Page 4)

4,195 Register To Date;
Increase Of 447 Over
1935 TotalFigures
Decided Increase
In Women Is Noted
Enrollment In -Literary
College Is Exactly The
Same As Year Ago

New Record Is Predicted

Preuss Talks Today
On Neutrality Policy
Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the
political science department will
lecture on "The American Neu-
trality Policy," the third lecture
of the Summer Session lecture
series at 5 p.m. in the Natural
Science Auditorium.
This spring, Professor Pruess
was awarded the Henry Russel
Prize for 1935-1936, awarded each,
year to the instructor or assistant
professor in the University who
has shown outstanding scholastic
achievement or research work. He
is a national authority on inter-
national law and its problems. He
has many extensive publications
which contain important, brilliant
In his lecture, Professor Preuss
will discuss the present interna-
tional neutrality situations and
state his reactions to the present
administration along this line.
His own personal theories in mat-
ters of neutrality, concerning fu-
ture war and our lutimatestand,
will be presented.

League Flayed
For Desertion
Of Ethiopians


Scene Develops
Selassie Charges

Partiality To Italy

Striking, Cultural Contrast Very
Evident In Brazil, James Says

A constant impact between the
newer industrial culture and the
older civilization of the feudal ages
makes itself very much felt in Bra-
zil, Prof. Preston E. James of the
geography department said yesterday
afternoon in his lecture on "Rio de
Janeiro and Sao Paulo" in the Na-
tural Science Auditorium.
Professor James explained that the
contrasts in cultural development are
produced because of the great dif-
ference in the growth and advance-
ment of tle urban portions and the
hinterland in Brazil.
"Brazil is one of the few places in
the world where one can still find
iron being smelted by the. charcoal
process," Professor James said. "Cul-
tural changes have reached certain
portions of Brazil recently which had
made their mark in the northern
hemisphere already in the nineteenth

contrast to the older structures of Rio
immediately behind the facade of the
picturesque development to be seen
upon entering the harbor at Rio de
The discovery of gold in the moun-
tains of inner Brazil was one of the
chief reasons for the rapid growth
of Rio. Another reason was the
excellent harbor, which is, according
to Professor James, one of the best
in the world.
Turning next to Sao Paulo, another
great city in Brazil, Professor James
gave a description of the tropical
metropolis which became very im-
portant because of its location in the
heart o fthe coffee growing region.
Although no coffee is produced in
the immediate city of Sao Paulo, that
city is located between the two great-
est coffee belts in Brazil. From Sao
Paulo, Professor James said, the cof-
fee is transported by railway to San-
tos- fronm whprP t s Rhiennri tmwnrlr

First Summer
Vesper Service
Will Be Sunday
Rev. Henry Lewis To Lead
Church Service; Hopkins
Will Preside
The first of a series of three Sum-
mer Session Vesper Services will be
held at 7 p.m. Sunday on the steps
of the General Library.
Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, director of
the Summer Session, will preside at
the initial service and the Rev. Henry
Lewis, pastor of St. Andrews' Epis-
copal church will lead a short devo-
tional service.
Congregational singing lead by
Prof. David E. Mattern will form
the main part. of the evening. The
mixed chorus of the Summer Session
will assist with the singing and a
soloist from the School of Music,
who will be announced at a later
date, will sing.
The second Vesper Service will be
held July 26. The Rev. Howard Chap-
man, campus pastor for Baptist stu-
dents, will give a short talk and Dr.
Fward _ Ba emran .counselorin !

GENEVA, June 30.-(I')-Riotous
scenes of cursing and fighting in the
galleries shattered the dignity of the
League of Nations assembly tonight
when black-robed Little Emperor
Haile Selassie told the world's peace-
makers, "You deserted us to Italy."
Police were called in to restore
order after a chorus of heckling boos
and curses greeted the Emperor with-
out an empire when he rose to make
a final dramatic plea for aid.
It was almost 10 minutes before
police restored order and the erst-
while ruler of Africa's last empire
was allowed to resume and tell the
League members:
"God and history will remember
your judgment!"
Persons alleged to be Fascists
started the tumult, shouting curses
at the Negus in Italian, French and
Officials of the League of Nations
announced late tonight they would
cancel press cards of Italians as a
result of the demonstration against
the Emperor.
The standing committee of the In-
ternational Association of newspa-
permen accredited to the League
adopted a resolution, "deploring and
condemning the conduct of a group
of Italian journalists."
The political atmosphere was tense
as a group of Italians arrested in the
galleries was still held by political
police on charges of disorderly con-
duct and rioting. Authorities said
they were all newspapermen.
There were unconfirmed reports
Premier Mussolini, angered at the
privilege of speech and courtesies ex-
tended to the Negus, might withdraw
Italy from the League.
When the demonstration in the
galleries was squelched by police
Haile Selassie said what he had to
say, calmly and fully.
"I could not believe that 52 na-
tiops-among them the most pow-
erful in the world-could be defeated
by a single aggressor," he said sor-
Deputies Give Blum
Vote Of Confidence

With many students still register-
ing, enrollment figures in the Sum-
mer Session approached tle all-time
high of 1931 yesterday, with 4,195 al-
ready admitted.
The total to date is 447 more stu-
dents than were enrolled at a cor-
responding date last year, an in-
crease of approximately 12 per cent.
The total enrollment up to yester-
day had already passed last year's
total registration of 4,066, the second
largest enrollment on record.
A great increase in the number of
women enrolled this year is noticed
with 2,688 having already gone
through the registration lines. The
total enrollment of men to date is
1507, an increase of approximately 21
per cent over last year. The Grad-
uate School, in which are enrolled
more than half the total summer
student population, an increase of 17
per cent over last year was recorded.
One of the strangest coincidences
is that one evidenced in the literary
college enrollment when 684 students
registered through yesterday, exactly
the same number that had signed up
by June 30, 1935.
Miss Marian Williams, University
statistician, believes that the total
enrolment for this year will easily
surpass that of the record year of
1931 when 4,328 enrolled, and it is
believed that the 5,000 mark will be
Included in these figures are all
of the resident campus students,
those working at Douglas Lake, Jack-
son Hole, Wyo.; State Bridge, Colo.;
on Golden Lake in the Upper Penin-
sula, and the University European
Budcret Deficit Is
Shown With End
Of Fiscal Year
Report Shows Receipts Of
$4,086,425,554 And A
$4,723,000,000 Deficit
WASHINGTON, June 30.-IP)--
The government closed its 1936 fis-
cal year tonight with the latest tab-
ulations-for June 27-showing re-
ceipts of $4,086,425,554 and a deficit
in excess of $4,723,000,000.
The income compared with Presi-
dent Roosevelt's budget estimate of
$4,410,000,000, a calculation which,
however, included $529,000,000 in ex-
pected processing taxes subsequently
invalidated by the Supreme Court.
The 1936 income, records showed,
was $293,000,000 greater than that
collected a year ago, despite the loss
of the processing levy.
. As of June 27, the government had
spent $8,809,923,537 and the gross
public debt stood at $33,913,590,295.
The year's final totals will be given
by Secretary Morgenthau in a radio
address tomorrow night.
Current year receipts showed big
gains in virtually. all categories of
revenue. The total officials said al-
ready was in excess of revenue col-
lected in such years as 1928 and 1929
when the treasury's income aggregat-
ed $4,042,000,000 and $4,033,000,000,
Of money disbursed during this
year, $5,546,000,000 went for what the
treasury defines as "general" pur-
poses for maintaining government
.epartments. Extraordinary or
"emergency" spending for recovery


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