TUESDAY, AUG. 11, 1936
Teaching Aim
Discussed By
Text And Teacher Should
Not Interfere, According
To Prof. McCutcheon
lContinued from rage Y)
effect of these changes is apparent in
that in 1928 the average number of
books read per pupil was 15, while
in 1930, the number inceased to 55
books per pupil."
Book clinics were created for the
benefit of those pupils who had no
desire to read good books outside of
class. They were started on the easy-
reading type of book, as those of Alt-
shelter, Alger, and Zane Grey. Grad-
ually a well-defined taste was de-
veloped, so that many of the books on
their list at present coincide to a list
compiled by Nathan B. Goodman,
"One Hundred Books Which Every
American Should Read."
The importance of linguistic knowl-
edge and phonetics for the English
teacher was impressed upon the'
Michigan Council of English Teach-
ers by Harold B. Allen, of the Uni-
versity English Department.
"The National Council's Commit-
tee on English Language Courses in
Colleges and Universities," said Mr.
Allen "declared that the training of
teachers of English is deficient un-
less it includes adequate study of the
historical developmnt of English pro-
nunciation, grammar and vocabulary,
and hene the aquisition of a scien-
tific point of view toward language."
Mr. Allen pointed out that lack on
the part of. most colleges and uni-
versities in giving teachers this train-
ing, and the necessity for change, by
citing statistics rom a questionnaire
sent to 800 colleges in the country.e
Mr. Mentor Williams, also of the
University English department, who
stressed the need of cooperation in
the teaching of English, gave a re-
port on the work of the high school
consdltants in English, who by let-
ters and visits to various high schools
are nearing their accomplished goal
of cooperation.
Ideal Theatre
Is Achieved In
Great Operetta
Music, Dance And Drama
Cited By Windt As Good
Student Combination
(Continued from Page l)
acquired a working knowledge of the
French tongue at the ripe young
age of seven; while at thirteen, he
was first showing rhythmical genius
in carrying off most of the prizes for
metrical translation of the Latin and
Greek classics.
He then became enamoured with
the passion of his life, the theatre,
and wrote, directed, and acted in the
school plays. In fact, the passion
so overwhelmed him that he made a
frantic dash to join the company
which was headed by the great
Charles Kean only to be promptly re-
turned to Great Ealing.
At sixteen, he studied very unhap-
pily at King's College, Cabmbridge,
and was delighted when the Crimean
War broke out in 1854, inducing him
to leave Cambridge and go to Lon-
don where he crammed for his exam-
ination for a commission in the Royal
Artillery,' which he never got to take
because the war came to an end.
Madame Parepa, a concert singer
and friend of the Gilbert family, who
was afterwards Mine. Carl Rosa, gave
him his first big chance when she
asked young Gilbert to write an Eng-
lish translation to a French laughing
song which she was to sing at one
of the London Promenade concerts.
His first brainchild made its appear-
ance on the printed program and
was particularly enjoyed by Gilbert
himself, who attended the concerts
regularly merely to watch the prom-
enaders casually reading the trans-
Eventually he became a very un-
successful lawyer with a preference
for writing dramatic criticisms and
editorials, political polemics and es-
says which failed to increase his
financial status.
Finally Henry J. Byron took a liking
to his contributions and sketches to
his "Fun" magazine and Gilbert who
initialed his goblin-like caricatures
"W.G." and "W.G.S.,, came to call
himself "Bab," in memory of his pet
name as a chili, the origin of the
"Bab Ballads." These ballads were
to become very important to the world
and to Gilbert as a source-book for
the Gilbert and Sullivan operettas.
Gilbert's first offering to the the-
atre was "Dr. Dulcamara," or "the
Little Duck and the Great Quack," a
burlesque of his crony, Donizetti's
"L'elisir d'amore. This delicious ex-
perience merited him the fabulous
sum of thirty pounds and encour-
aged a series of burlesques and par-
odies of Italian and French grand
T hree U. S. Track Stars Win Oak Trees At Olyinpics
F.D.R. To Make
Speaking Tour
Of Flood Areas
Discusses Flood Control;
Will Visit Great Lakes
Exposition On Friday
WASHINGTON, Aug. 10.-OV)-Af-
ter a flood control conference with
his aides today, President Roosevelt
announced plans for a tour of the
flood damaged sections of Pennsyl-
vania and southern New York start-
ing Thursday and an address on for-
eign affairs at Chautauqua, N. Y..
Friday night.
l?(lrl-c(l {'(FInIplci y
Arrangements for the
will include a visit to the
tour, which
Great Lakes
--associated Press Photm.
Three American track stars, winners of championships at the Olympic Games in Berlin, are shown with the
German oak trees presented them for their achievements: Front. left to right: Cornelius Johnson, Olympic
high jump record breaker; Jesse Owens, four times winner of Olympic gold medal; Glenn Hardin, 400-meter
hurdle champion. Rear, left to right: Marty Glickman, Brooklyn relay man who with Sam Stoller was
dropped from America's 400-meter relay team; Gene Venzke; 1,500-meter runner; Albert J. Mangin, 5,000-
meter walker; Foy Droper, member of the championship 400-meter relay team, Forrest Towns, 110-meter
hurdle winner.
This picture was rushed to New York on the Zeppelin Hindenburg.
4 Men Figure
In Examination
Of Mary Astor
Barrymore And Kaufman
Prominent As Actress Is
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 10.--P)-The
name of John Barrymore provided a
whiff of comedy relief to a session
of heavy drama today when Mary As-
tor testified that. the great movie
lover hurried straight to her "to tell
his troubles" on that September day
"when he arrived back from his fa-
mous trans-continental trip."
A smile broke over her face as she
recalled and described it.I
The movie actress obviously was
alluding to Barrymore's celebrated
flight from Elaine Barrie when, as
"Caliban," he scrawled a vast zigzag
across the continuent from his erst-
while "Ariel."
Miss Astor was testifying in her suit
to break the custody award given her
ex-husband, Dr. Franklyn Thorpe, of
their 4-year-old daughter, Maryln.
Questioned by Dr. Thorpe's attor-
ney. Joseph Anderson, she was asked
if Barrymore had visited her at her
home. She said he had.
While Miss Astor was testifying,
an assertion that George S. Kaufman,
noted playwright whose relations
with her have been a prominent point
in the hearing, had disappeared, came
from A. P. Narlian, attorney for Dr.
A bench warrant was issued for
Kaufman when he did not answer a
subpoena at today's session.
As the sensation-studded story un-
folded the name of Bennett Cerf, New
York publisher and former husband
of Sylvia Sydney, and Daniel Silber-
berg, New York stock broker, were
brought forward. In New York Cerf
said that he had met Miss Astor "just
Sanity Hearing,
Denied Dean By
CircuitJud ge
Says Hearing Unnecessary
In View Of Testimony
Presented At Trial
DETROIT, Aug. 10.--W)-A de-
fense motion for appointment of a
sanity commission to examine Day-
ton Dean, Black Legion "triggerman"
expected to be the principal state wit-
ness in the trial of 13 men on charges
of kidnaping and killing Charles A.
Poole, was denied today by Circuit
Judge Joseph A. Moynihan.
The sanity hearing was asked by
Bernard W. Cruse, defense counsel,
and was opposed by Prosecutor Dun-
can C. McCrea and Assistant Attor-
ney General Chester P. O'Hara.
"In view of the testimony at. the
examination in this case, no sanity
hearing for Dean is necessary," the
court said. At the examination Dean
told a detailed story of the manner
in which Poole, a young WPA worker,
was taken to a deserted spot on a
suburban road and shot to death the
night of May 12 by a group of the
terrorists. Dean admitted firing the
fatal shots, and subsequently pleaded
guilty to kidnaping and murder
fl)tlorc 001 r4'-ns n no, rrnnr t
Jesse Owens May
Turn Professional,
If He Gets Enough
BERLIN, Aug. 10.--Jesse Owens
will turn professional if there is
enough money in it, he announced
todaygbefore leaving for Cologne,
where he was scheduled to run to-
Already he has been offered a $25,-
000 contract to appear for 10 weeks
with a California orchestra, and a
flood of other offers indicated the boy
who won four gold medals in the cur-'
rent Olympics will have no trouble
turning his performances into cash.
Jesse, who will fly to Praha for an
exhibition tomorrow and to Bochum
for another on Wednesday, has the
approval of Larry Snyder, his coach
at Ohio State, in the professional ven-
ture despite the fact that Jesse still
has one year of college eligibility left.
Though he expressed regret over
the prospect of wrecking next year's
Ohio State track team by losing Ow-
ens, Snyder said:
"It would be foolish for me to stand
in' Jesse's way. He's absolutely at
the height of his fame now. Nothing
that he could do in his remaining
year of college competition would lift
him to a higher peak in the athletic
world than he now enjoys.
"Under the circumstances, I be-
lieve he is justified in accepting of-
fers to turn professional so long as'
they're the right kind. He has a good
chance to make from $75,000 to
$100,000. I'd be glad to see him do
Bierman Will
Coach College
All-Star Team
Defeats Elmer Layden, His
Closest Rival, By Huge
MajorityIn Nation Poll
CHICAGO, Aug. 10.-M)-Bernie
Bierman,hwhose mighty Minnesota
elevens have swept all opposition
aside for the last two seasons, will
direct the collect All Stars against
the Detroit Lions, champions of the
professional football world, at Soldier
Field Sept. 1.
Bierman was elected to the office
of head coach in the third annual poll
conducted by the Chicago Tribune by
a margin of 1,088,010 points over
Notre Dame's Elmer Layden, who will
serve as one of his assistants. The
other members of the Collegians'
board of strategy will be Alvin (Bo)
McMillin of Indiana, Lou Little of
Columbia, and Lynn Waldorf of
Northwestern, who followed in that
order in the poll.
The Gopher mentor piled up 3,872,-
251 points through 1,047,173 first
place votes, and 247,284 and 236,164,
respectively, for second and third
choices. Layden's supporters gave
him 684,327 first choice votes, and
enough seconds and thirds for a point
total of 2,784,241. McMillin had 2,-
770,643, Little, 2,169,202 and Waldorf
Bierman and his aids will have at
their disposal a squad of 53 stars
who were seniors on 1935 college
The squad will report to Bierman
and his staff at Dyche Stadium,
Northwestern's home battle ground,
Thursday morning.
PONTIAC, Aug. 10.--(P)--Charles
27 New World
Records P a ss
Athletic Board
Six New Standards Made
By Owens In Ann Arbor
Meet WithApproval,
BERLIN, Aug. 10.-u')-The Inter-
national Amateur Athletic Federation
opened its two-day congress today by
approving a history-making collec-
tion of 27 world record track and field
performances dominated by Amen-
cans. It also took a strong stand in
opposition to commercialism or prop-
aganda in connection with sports and
then gingerly tackled the "man-
woman" athletie subject as a conse-
quence of assuming complete juris-
diction over women's track and field
Owens Has Big Day
Jesse Owens, Ohio State Negro who
is expected to wind up his amateur'
career at the end of a current Europ-!
ean tour as a result of his decision to
turn professional if satisfactory fi-
nancial inducements develop, left
something to remember him by as far
as the record books were concerned.
Due mainly to his tremendous day
in the 1935 Big Ten championships
at Ann Arbor, in which his four
records produced six world 'record
marks when spread into metric cat-
egories, Owens' name now is listed
eight times.
These include two 9.4 seconds per-
formances at 100 yards; 20.3 seconds
for the 200 meter and 220 yard
dashes; 22.6 secondsfor the 220 yard
and 200 meter low hurdles; 26 feet,
81/4 inches for the broad jump, and a
fourth interest in the new world 4001
meter relay record set up yesterday
by Owens, Ralph Metcalfe, Foy
Draper and Frank Wykoff in the
16 U. S. Records Passed
All told sixteen record-breaking or
record-equalling performances by
Americans were included in the most
dazzling list ever passed on by the
The records were brought com-
pletely up to date by including all
the principal marks made in Ameri-
ca this year as well as world records
set during the Olympics.
A sharp debate in which the British
delegate, Harold Abrahams, former
Olympic 100 meter champion, charged
Avery Brundage, president of the
American Olympic committee with
"entirely distorting the idea," ac-
companied passage of the resolution
embodying the I.A.A.F. stand against
commercialism and propaganda in
connection with any track and field
exposition at Cleveland, provide for
the President to leave the capital
Thursday. His speech at Chautauqua
may be broadcast.
Returning to the White House af-
ter a month's absence, Mr. Roosevelt
plunged immediately into discussion
of government measures to prevent
floods such as those that damaged
eastern states last march.
Holds Conferenes
He conferred also with Secretary
Swanson and Admiral William H.
Standley regarding the possibility of
re-establishing a naval squadron in
European waters, and shifting vessels
protecting Americans in Spain.
On his tour of flood areas, the
President will be accompanied by
Major General Edward M. Markham,
chief of army engineers; Robert(
Fechner, director of the Civilian Con-
servation Corps, and representatives
of the soil erosion service, the WPA
and the National Resources Commit-
He will arrive at Johnston, Pa.,
Thursday afternoon and leave late
that night for Cleveland.
To Visit Exposition
Reaching Cleveland Friday morn-
ing, he plans to visit several WPA
projects, motor through the Exposi-
tion grounds and speak informally at
a luncheon arranged by fair officials.
The trip also will take him Friday
to Mayville, N.Y., and Chautauqua;
Saturday to Binghamton, N. Y., and
Scranton and Wilkes-Barre, Pa., and
thence to Highlands, N.Y., across the
river from his home at Hyde Park,
where he expects to spend several
Aides said Governors Lehman of
New York and Earle of Pennsylvania
would be with him at Johnston,
Chautauqua, Binghamton and Scran-
The President, browned by sun and
sea winds on a yacation cruise, ar-
rived in Washington at 8:30 a.m.
from Hyde Park.
20 Are Aboard
Boat Missing
Since Saturday;
GREEN BAY, Wis., Aug. 10.-(A)-
Captain E. C. Anderson of the Eagle
Harbor, Mich., coast guard station
and three coast guardsmen searched
today for a motor boat, Faith, with
20 persons aboard, which has been
reported missing on Lake Superior
since Saturday night.
The 35-foot power cruiser left Port-
age, Mich., Saturday at 9:30 p.m. for
Isle Royale in Lake Superior. The
run to Isle Royale normally takes
about seven or eight hours. Coast
guardsmen said there had been no
severe storms on the lake the last
few days and that the lake was com-
paratively calm Saturday night.
Fearing for the safety of the 18
passengers and crew of two men, Wil-
bur Llernan of Portage, Mich., the
owner, requested the aid of the coast
guard today. Captain Anderson said
he expected to follow the boat's usual
A plane was sent out when the boat
failed to arrive at Washington Harbor
on Isle Royale, but no trace of the
craft was reported.
Lieut. S. B. Johnson, commander of
the 11th district coast guard who or-
dered out the lifeboat, said he was in-
clined to believe the Faith ran off its
course because of the heavy smoke
hanging over the lake from the forest
fires on Isle Royale.
--Associated Press Photo.
A new chapter in the difficulties
of Eleanor Holm Jarrett, ace swim-
mer, and Amerfcan Olympic offi-
cials was written when Avery
Brundage, president of the A.A.U.,
barred her from any amateur
competition in Europe. She is
shown in press box at Olympic
games in Berlin.
(Continued from Page 2)
nesday, 7:30 p.m. at the League. Fing-
er painting will be discussed and dem-
Summer Session French Club. The
last meeting of the club will take
place Thursday, Aug. 13. There will
be a banquet at 6:45 p.m. in the
"Second Floor Terrace Room" of the
Michigan Union. Special program.
Please bring your songbooks.
The members who have not yet
signed up for the banquet please do
so before Wednesday evening by tele-
phoning Mr. Koella, phone 3923.
Those who have signed up and can
not come please telephone also.
Comprehensive Examination for
Masters Degrees in Psychology. This
examination will be given Friday,
Aug. 14, at 2 p.m. in 2125 N.S.
Students desiring pictures taken of
the excursion group at General Mo-
tors Proving Plant may call for them
at the Office of the Summer Session,
Room 1213, Angell Hall.
Visiting students and teachers en-
rolled in L.S. and A.; Arch.; Educ.;
Forestry; Music: Your credits for
this Summer Session will be sent
wherever you direct immediately af-
ter the grades are received if you will
fill in the proper request in Room 4,
University Hall, %between now and
Aug. 20.
The University Extension Credit
and Noncredit Course bulletin has
just come from the press. Summer
Session students and others who wish
to obtain-this bulletin may do so by
coming to the Extension Office, 107
Haven Hall,or by calling, telephone
4121, line 354.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate: Students who expect to re-
ceive a teacher's certificate at the
closeof theSummer Session must
pay the ree by Aug. 21. Blanks for
this purpose may be secured in the
To Be Smallest
In Fifty Years
WASHINGTON, Aug. 10.-A-P)-An
official forecast that this year's do-
mestic corn crop will be the smallest
in 50 years was coupled today with a
prediction that much livestock will
have to be marketed and grain ra-
ticns reduced for stock kept over the
Based on August 1 conditions, the
prospective 1936 corn harvest was .
estimated at 1,439,135,000 bushels by
the crop reporting board of the de-
partment of agriculture. The July 1
estimate-before the drought took its
heaviet toll-was 2,244,834,000 bush-
els. The 1935 production was 2,291,-
"Irrespective of weather conditions
during the remainder of the season,"
the board reported, "there will be a
shortage of grain that will necessitate
rather heavy marketings of grain-
consuming livestock and a reduction
in the grain ration of livestock win-
"The shortage of feed grains will
necessitate extensive readjustments
of livestock numbers and of feeding
practices. The greatest shortage of
feed grains will be in corn, the total
supply of which will be less than in
1934, and the greatest readjustments
in numbers of livestock will be in
hogs, which are almost dependent
upon corn supplies."
office of the Recorder of the School
of Education, 1437 U.E.S.
A list of those students in the
School of Education, College of Lit-
erature, Science, and the Arts, and
Graduate School who have made ap-
plication for a teacher's certificate to
be granted at the close of the Sum-
mer Session has been posted on the
School of Education bulletin board in
Room 1431 U.E.S. Any student whoe
name does not appear on this lisk
and who wishes to be so listed should
report this fact at once to the Re-
corder of the School of Education,
1537 U.E.S.
Seniors: College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: College of Archi-
tecture; School of Education; School
of Forestry and Conservation; School
of Music, who expect to receive de-
arees attheclose of the Summer
Session should pay the diploma fee
not later than Aug. 21. Blanks for
payment of the fee may be secured in
Room 4, University Hall.
Public Health Nursing Certificate:
Students expecting to receive the
Certificate in Public Health Nursing
at the close of the Summer Session
must pay the required fee by Aug. 15.
Blanks for this purpose are available
in the School of Education office,
1437 U.E.S.
Students from other colleges, en-
rolled in the 'Summer Session, who
wish to transfer to the College of Lit-
erature, Science and the Arts for the
year 1936-37, should call at Room
1210 Angell Hall for application
blanks foreregular admission.
Last Day
"The White Angel"
James Oliver Curwood's
-- Coming Saturday
"Green Pastures"