,AY, AUG. 11, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY VAGZ Zw A!', AUG. 11, 1930PAGE TNEE3 NEWS Of The DAY (From The Associated Press) Russian Fliers Resume Long Flight KETCHIKAN, Alaska, Aug. 10. - (P) - Sigismund Levanevsky and Victor Levehenko, Russian fliers, resumed their California to Moscow flight at 5:10 p.m. (8:10 pim. E.S.T.) today, hopping off for Juneau, 225 miles to the north. The fliers decided to leave for Juneau despite a light rain here and reports of adiverse flying weather to the north. Aided by a strong tail wind, the noted aviators arrived here un- heralded at 12:55 p.m. today from Belga, Bella, . C., where they were forced down Saturday by rain on the third leg of their leisurely flight from Los Angeles to the Russian capital. School Teacher Drowns; Five Companions Safe. MIDEN, Ont., Aug. 10.-(I)-A Detroit school teacher drowned and five companions escaped a similar death here over the week- end when their skiff, powered by an outboard motor, was swept over Moore's falls in the lake country of Haliburton County. Details of the accident which occurred Saturday afterioon, reached here today from the iso- lated section near Gull Lake. The drowned woman was Mabel Wray, 53. Kern Pritchard of Maiden, an eyewitness to the tragedy, pulled two members of the party to shore while three others gained shore without assistance. Pritchard said the pilot of the beat apparently misjudged the current above the falls and shut off the motor too soon. The skiff was drawn swiftly to the brink of the falls and toppled into the white water below. Jeffersonians Split Justified By Comstock Asserts He Favors Many New Deal Measures As Emergency Actions Continued from. Page D these emergency measures or wheth- er you take the Republican view that things were bound to get better any- way. "My personal opinion, shared by a great many people who have had practical and theoretical experience in governing the country, is that if the present Democratic administra- tion had started tapering off its emergency actions and expenditures at the expiration dates of'the various emergency bills instead of contin- ing them under the name of the New Deal, we might have had a different story to tell. Received Judicial Setback "But when these measures in more or less permanent form came before the Supreme Court the whole pro- gram received a severe set-back. The whole spirit of the present adminis- tration seems to be directed toward evading the Constitution in order to carry on its economic and social ex- periments. In my opinion this at- titude can only cause confusion and ultimately lead to a chaotic condition of public sentiment which will bode ill for the fundamental principles of American government. "For the purposes of this discus- sion, I'll use only one example. That is the tremendous concentration of power in the Federal government per- mitted through the enactment of these primarily emergency measures by Congress, and submitted to by the people because of the necessity of drastic action in the interests of re- covery. Now, under the Constitu- tion the Federal government has only such powers as are accorded to it by that instrument. All other powers are vested in the sovereign states. But it is a common practice for the Fed- eral government in administrative actions to absolutely ignore the state governments and to take unto them- selves the powers that belong to the states. Coercion By Federal Aid "If the states object, the answer is: 'Do as we say, or we'll cut off Federal aid.' And so men who believe in the fundamental principles of American government-states rights, home rule, and individual liberty, fall away from the policy of the present administra- tion. In this category you find most of the tried and experienced leaders of the older generation. Most of them appear to have on principle found objection to many of the high- handed practices which have emanat- ed from Washington. "While most of them have respect for the early accomplishments of Mr. Roosevelt's administration, most of them are distressed by and appre- hensive over the evident intention to circumvent the laws of the land and arbitrarily carry on their experi- ment. They are throttling all crit- cism and opposition by the power of public money. "The old leadership objects to these practices on principle, and believes that the party is being led away fromi American and Democratic funda- mentals by the policies of Mr. Roose- velt." Major Leagues j AMERICAN LEAGUE Military Officers Discuss War Games Strategy -Associated Press Photo. Headquarters staff of the Sixth Army Corps are shown deep in con- sultation at Fennville, Mich., where thousands of soldiers have been concentrated for war games during next few days. Front, left to right: Maj. W. C. Dunckel, Col. Fred R. Brown. Chief of Staff; Brig. Gen. Dana T. Merrill, commanding; Col. H. Clay M. Supplee; rear, Maj. A. F. Christi, Lt. Col. C. T. Marsh, Capt. S. T. Hames, infantry; Maj. Lloyd H. Cook, infantry deputy chief of staff; Lt. John G. Ondrick, infantry. Pursuit Planes, Bombers Fignht In War Games 'Blue' Army Is Attacked By 'Red' Aerial Forces In Western Michigan ALLEGAN, Aug. 10.-(i)-Roaring down out of.cloudless skies, 77 power- ful planes of the general headquarters air force theoretically gassed, bombed and machine-gunned various en- campments of the sixth corps, second army, late today. Operating as part of the "Red" army which is attacking a "Blue" force encamped in this Western Michigan area, bombers of Langley Field, Va., swooped over Allegan, Fennville and New Richmond in the formation they would use in drop- ping the 2,000-pound bombs for which they are fitted. Pursuit Planes On Defense Pursuit planes from Selfridge Field, acted as a defensive force. The bombers soared over Allegan at an altitude of 5,000 feet, and then proceeded to the army concentra- tion areas to the northwest, simulat- ing their attack over each camp. The attack ships, from Shreveport, La., swooped close to the tree tops in power dives to get in position to rain machine-gun fire on the encamped troops. The defense planes climbed to high altitude, then went into power dives that sent them thundering down and around the larger ships in huge circles. All the planes returned to) Selfridge Field after the maneuver. Graphic Illustration The aerial exhibition, witnessed by a dozen foreign military attaches, was ordered by Major General Frank M. Andrews, commander of the GHQ air force, to give the troops now be- ing conditioned in the field for the Western Michigan war games a graphic illustration of the part played by planes in modern warfare. Preliminary to the war games, in- telkigence officers received a report that the "enemy" troops of the me- chanized "Red" army had invaded Eastern Michigan and were encamped at Selkirk Lake. Word of the invasion prompted division commanders of the "Blue" army to hurry "conditioning" of al- most 24,000 troops in preparation for a defense of the Great Lakes area from an attack of the allied "Red" and "Brown" nations advancing from the south and east. GASTON MEANS ILL WASHINGTON, Aug. 10.-(P)-The Justice Department announced today that Gaston B. Means, former Justice Department investigator, was "seri- ously ill" at the Federal prison at Leavenworth, Kans. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING LAUNDRY WANTED: Student Co- CLASSIFIED ed. Men's shirts 10c. Silks, wools, our specialty. All bundles done sep- ADVERTISING arately. No markings. Personal sat- isfaction guaranteed. Call for and Place advertisements with Classified deliver. Phone 5594 any time until Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. 'he classified columns close at five 7 o'clock. Silver Laundry, 607 E. o'clock previous to day of insertion. , Hoover. 3X Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance 11c per reading line LOST AND FOUND (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per read- -_____________________ ing line for three or more insertions. LOST: Trigon fraternity pin. En- Minim um three lines per insertion. Telephone rate - 15c per reading line graved D. E. Adams. Reward. Reply for two or more insertions. Minimum Box 166. three lines per insertion. 10% discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion.-WANTED 2 lines daily, college year ...........7c By Contract, per line -2 lines daily, one month ..........................8c HAVE CASH for fairly late 5-pas- 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months ..... .....8c Senger car. Phone 4714, Tues.p.m. 4 lines E.O.D.. 2 months........'.....8c sne a.Poe41,Te.pm 100 lines used as desired ..........9c 300 lines used as desired ............Sc TWO or THREE PASSENGERS to 1,000 lines used as desired ..........7e 2,000 lines used as desired...........6c New York or vicinity, leaving early The above rates are per reading line morning of Fri., Aug. 21, probably based on eight reading lines per inch Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add by way of Niagara Falls, through 6c per line to above rates for all capital Canada. Returning Sept. 5 or 6. letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add Share exp. Ph. 5539. 10c per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. The above rates are for 7% point type. FOR SALE FOR SALE: Model A Ford coupe, LAUNDRY 1931. Recent overhaul. Excellent LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned, condition. Rumble seat. $160, phone Careful work at low price. 1x 6710. 30 Tragic Figures Alone In War Torn Spain The LENS] By ROBERT L. GACH Now that Germany has removed certain restrictions from her export- subsidary policy, the United States Treasury Department has removed the high duties that have been in ef- feet recently anti German cameras are again admitted at the old rate. Lens Speed A reader wishes to know the mean- ing of the "" system of indicating lens speed. You should remember from your high school physics courses that the strength of a light dimin- ishes as you move away from it. Also the more obvious fact that an open- ing of twice the area will admit twice as much light. A lens must be a definite distance from the film to form a sharp image, and the dis- tance from the lens to the film when focused on infinity is known as the focal length. It is quite obvious then, that if we have two lenses, one with twice the area, but both with the same focal length, the larger one will let in twice as much light and thus pro- duce twice as much effect on the film in the same period of time. Also, if we have two lenses of the same size but different focal lengths, the lens that forms an image when it is farther away from the film will have the least effect on the film, so the speed of a lens depends not on the size or the focal length, but rath- er on the ratio between the two, and this ratio is expressed as a fraction with the upper figure reduced to one. Thus f. 4.5 really means 1/4.5 and likewise f. 11 is 1/,11. This means that in the case of'f,11 the lens di- ameter is one eleventh of the focal length. To compare various "f" ratings the numbers are squared and the result- ing figures are inversely proportional. In most cases this is unnecessary as the scale on the camera is written in values that bear a direct relation to each other. V TYPEWRITING Lewis A. F. To Disregard Of L. Threat WASHINGTON, Aug. 10.-(P) -John L. Lewis' committee for industrial organization decided tonight to disregard the Ameri- can Federation of Labor execu- tive council's suspension threat. The committee made its deci- sion at an unheralded meeting late tonight in the United Mine Workers' headquarters. In the course of the prolonged struggle between the Federation's Craft and Industrial Union fac- tions, the executive council last Wednesday directed that the 10 unions affiliated with the Lewis committee be suspended Sept. 5 unless they withdraw from the, committee beforehand. Eleven Are Injured In Auto-Fire Accident SUPERIOR, Wis., Aug. 10.-(R) Eleven person's were injured, five of them possibly critically, when two automobiles collided headon late today in a smoke pall shroud- ing the Bennett, Wis., forest fire area 25 miles sooth of Superior. Capt. Reuben Le Claire, com- mander of the U. S. Coast Guard station at Duluth, was taken to St. Francis Hospital. A driver's license in the second automobile bore the name of Chester Koback. of Stevens Point, Wis. The occupants of the second car were believed critically in- jured. The St. Francis Hospital staff said it could not immediate- ly identify any of them. Others of the Le Claire family injured were Mrs. Le Claire, Reuben, Jr., 14; Ramona, 6; An- nette, 10, and Phillip, 8. The family was returning from Ra- cine, Wis., where it had been va- cationing. BOY KILLED GRAND RAPIDS, Aug. 10.-(R)- Tony Giglio, 6, attempting to re- trieve a piece of ice beneath a truck at the Arctic Dairy, was killed in- stantly when the driver started the truck, not knowing of Giglio's pres- ence. Giglio was not a dairy em- ploye. BURR IS CRITICIZED LANSING, Aug. 10. The State Public Utilities Commission struck back today at one of its critics, Rep. Redmond M. Burr, of Ann Arbor, president of the Rural Electrification Association. ..-.-.. .. -Associated Press Photo The tragic figures in this picture are a little Spanish girl and her baby brother shown in the broken-down doorway of a peasant's stone hut in Robregordo, Spain, where they were the only remaining inhab i- tants after the village had been shelled by both Loyalist and Rebel troops during the advance from the mountains of the Fascist forces. XZJ j , 'rh f DANCING Class & individual in- struction in all types of dancing. Teachers course. Open daily dur- ing Summer Session. 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. rnone 9695 Terrace arden Studio Wuerth Theatre -Bldg. and MIMEOGRAPHING Promptly and neatly done by experienced operators at mod- erate rates. Student work a specialty for twenty-eight years. o. P. Morrill 314 South State Street ~.. --- I .:. New York .... Cleveland .... Chicago ...... Detroit ....... Boston ...... Washington .. St. Louis ..... Philadelphia .. W. .......71 .......61 .......58 .......57 .......55 .......53 .......38 .... 36 L. 35 48 50 50 53 54 69 70 a YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Washington 13, New York 4. Only game scheduled. TODAY'S GAMES St. Louis at Chicago. Detroit at Cleveland. Philadelphia at Boston. Washington at New York. NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. St. Louis...........65 42 Chicago............63 42 New York-..........60 46 Pittsburgh ...........53 52 Cincinnati ...........51 53 Boston .............49 57 Brooklyn ............42 64 Philadelphia .........39 66 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS St. Louis 7, Chicago 3. Brooklyn 6, New York 5. Boston 9, Philadelphia 7. Only games scheduled. TODAY'S GAMES Chicago at St. Louis. New York at Brooklyn. Boston at Philadelphia. Cincinnati at Pittsburgh (2). Pet. .670 .560 .537 .533 .509 .495 .355 .340 Pet. .607 .600 .566 .505 .490 .462 .396 .371 EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS 6:00-WJR Stevenson Sports. WWJ Ty Tyson. WXYZ Easy Aces. CKLW Phil Marley's Music. 6:15-WJR Heroes of Today. WWJ Dinner Hour. WXYZ Day in Review. CKLW Joe Gentile. 6:30-WJR Kate Smith's Band. WWJ Bulletins. WXYZ Rhythm Time. CKLW Rhythm Moments. 6:45-WJR Boake Carter. WWJ Soloist. WXYZ Rubinoff-Peerce. CKLW Song Recital. 7:00--WJR Hammerstein's Music Hall. WWJ Leo Reisman's Music. WXYZ To Be Announced. CKLW Charioteers. 7:15-WXYZ Kyte's Rhythmaires. CKLW Musicale. 7:30-WJR Laugh with Ken Murray. WWJ Horace Heidt's Music. WXYZ Edgar Guest in Welcome valley. 8:00-WJR Tommy Dorsey's Music. WWJ Vox Pop. WXYZ Ben Bernie's Music. CKLW Witches Tales. 8:30-WJR Rupert Hughes: Benny Goodman's Music. WWJ NYU Chorus. WXYZ Buddy Rogers Music. CKLW Return Engagement. 9 :00-.WWJ Nickelodeon. WXYZ Mich. T. B. Association. CKLW Modern Ensemble. 9:15-WXYZ William Hard. CKLW Great Lakes Symphony. 9 :30-WJR March of Time. WWJ Civil Service Program. WXYZ Symphony Concert. CKLW LaJoie's Music. 9:45-WJR Hot Dates in Music. WWJ Four Showmen. 10:00-WJR News. WWJ Amos and Andy. WXYZ Dance Music. CKLW Scores and News, 10:15-WJR Rhythm. WWJ Evening Melodies, CKLW Irving Aaronson's Music. 10:30-WJR the Mummers. WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ Frank Winegar's Music. CKLW Griff Williams' Music. 10:45-WWJ Jess Crawford. WXYZ Jolly Coburn's Music. 11:00-"WJR George Givot. WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ Shandor: Earl Walton's Music. CKLW Shep Fields' Music. Walkout Threatens Toledo Gas Service TOLEDO, Aug. 10.-()-Union workers of the Ohio Fuel Gas Co., and it affiliate, the Northwestern Ohio Natural Gas Co., went on strike today and left only skeleton crews to pre- vent a shutdown of gas service to the entire city. Edmund Ruffin, secretary of the Toledo Industrial Peace Board, met with representatives of the company and the Gas Workers Union in an at- tempt to negotiate a settlement be- fore the strike could cause a shut- down. Ruffin said that Toledo's entire population of about 300,000 persons would be affected directly or indi- rectly by an interruption of service. He added that it was impossible to predict whether a shutdown would occur or when it might occur. Robert Pierce, president of the union, said that the union has a membership of about 260 among the 300 employees of the *cwo companies and that all union members left the plants except men in key positions. ON AERONAUTICS BOARD LANSING, Aug. 10.-(P)-Governor Fitzgerald announced today the re- appointment of Thomas E. Walsh, Grand Rapids, and Carl H. Keller, Detroit, to the State Board of Aero- nautics. Their terms expire in 1940. 11 :15-CKLW MysteryLady. 11 :30-WJR Musical Program. WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ Lou Bring's Music. CKLW Joe Sandier's Music. 12 :00-WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ Les Arquette's Music. CKLW Johnny Lewis' Music. 12:30-CKLW Horace Heidt's Music. 1:00-CKLW Joe Sander's Music. Springu, Summer, Mid-=Season Stocks at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Here is your opportunity to add to your late summer and fall wardrobe at a remarkable savings. FletnoIval.Sale! Before moving to our New Location at 309 SOUTH STATE ABSOLUTE CLEARANCE of ALL REMAIN I NG at $10.00 Light and .Darker Prints - Crepes - Sheers - Laces and Knits. Also a group of Evening and Dinner Dresses- many suitable for late fall. Values to $29.75. at $10.00 Swagger Suits mostly navy and lighter blues. 1-42, 1-44, Navy. Balance below size 18. Navy, Black and Oxford Coats - sizes 1 8 to 42. Values to $29.75. t $5.00 White and Pastel Crepes and Knits. Darker Crepes and Knits. Also a group of Summer Evening Dresses. Values to $14.95. at 5.00 Summer Coats of Corduroy, Angora and Noveltys. Sizes to 18. Values to $14.95. I BLOUSES andSWEATERS.$1.39and2.00 SKRTS.... JACKETS ..... . Pastel, Navy, Brown, Black Checks, Stripes, and Plaids S *O * 9@ * * S $2.00 . . @. .. .. $3.95 at $7.95 Odds and Ends in Coats, Shirt Fitted and Swagger Suits. Values to $16.95. Smaller sizes. at $3.00 White and Pastel Crepes. Lighter Prints and Cottons. Values to $7.95. I- - d 'REMOVAL, SALE of ALL SPRING and SUMMER STRAW HATS 5at fSrar ARTCRAFT HOSIERY -- Mostly Darker Sha des $1.35 Value......85c $1.00 Value ......65c Typewriteri; Rentals __ - -- EI I I I I 0E _ _ _ ___l. .. ®.