i Los TWO, MTt MCHIU X tTZ SUNDAY ,AUG. 9, 193b THE MICHIGAN DAILY OffHicial Publication of the Summer Session VS-. Published every morning except Monday during the UnIversity year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered atrthe Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second ciass matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscriptlon during summer by carrier, $1.50, by mail, $2.00. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50, Offices: Student Pubications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City.-400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 1ll. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 'MANAGING EDITOR............THOMAS E. GROEHN ASSOCIAIL EDITOR.............THOMAS H. KLEENE Editorial Director...............Marshall D. Shulmnan Dramatic Critic. . .....John W. Pritchard Assistant editors: Clinton B. Conger, Ralph W. Hurd, Joseph b. Mattes, Elsie A. Pierce, Tuure Tenander, Jewel W. Wuerfel. Reporters: Eleanor Bare, Donal Burns, Mary Delnay, M. E. Graban, John Hilpert, Richard E. Lorch, Vincent Moore, Elsie Roxborough, William sours, Dorothea Staebler, Betty Keenan. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER.........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDITS MANAGER ...................JOHN S. PARK Circulation Manager .................J. Cameron Hall Office Manager ............................Robert Lodge y w Th AmericanIdeal For University Freedom ... V ISITING HARVARD in the course of a tour of New England, a group of Nazi students from German secondary schools heard a welcoming address by Dr. Kirley F. Mather, director of the Harvard Summer School, that deserves to be retold when the visitors return to Berlin. It can also be retold to good advantage elsewhere in this country. Sometimes in this country, Dr. Mather is re- ported as saying by the New York Times, efforts were made to restrict education and to tell stu- dents that they cannot think about ideas de- velkped in other countries and by other races, but, he declared, Harvard did not uphold such teach- ing. "Here we are striving to cultivate education for freedom," he went on. "We are trying to preserve to individuals all the liberty which is possible for them in the midst of a very complex society. "I tiink the real problem you young men and ' young women will, help to solve in the next few years is the problem of getting a satisfactory balance between the rights of society, sometimes represented in the State, which must impose more or less restraint on the individual, and, on the other hand, the right of the individual to live his own life as he would like to live it. "It is a very difficult thing to harmonize the right of the individual with the restraint which is imposed by society on him. We in Harvard are doing what we can to educate, to develop ourselves and you also who come into contact with us so that we may be able wisely to enjy liberty. "To enjoy liberty,'to be'free is a more difficult task in this century than it has been in any prev- lous century in the history of Harvard or of mankind in general. "And so our ain here in Harvard is very simply stated something like this: We are trying to help young men-and occasionally young women, too-we are trying to help young people learn how to think for themselves. "We don't tell people what to think; we help them to learn how to think for themselves. We believe that the only way to solve this conflict between the individual and the group in which he must live his life is to develop the ability for each individual to think for himself and to reach conclusions which are wise for him to reach. "We believe in freedom. We therefore are in- terested in all sorts of people and in all kinds of culture. On the faculty of Harvard University there are representatives of a dozen different races of mankind. Our professors are drawn from all classes; many of them were educated in Europe, some in Germany; most of them, of course, had their training in America. "They are interested in all sorts of things. We have courses in almost every conceivable subject, because young people are interested in almost everything under the sun and have the right to become acquainted with all kinds of literature, all kinds of politics, all systems of government. "We ,keep for ourselves here at Harvard all the freedom we can retain or secure, so that we may learn how to think, and, knowing how to reach conclusions, we may become better citizens of the great civilization of mankind." What you keep to yourself you lose, what you give away you keep forever. What is the good of hoarding our money? Death has another key to your safe.-Axel Munthe, The Story of San *4ichele, in Readers' Digest. MUSIC -Program Notes- By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER FACULTY CONCERT Tuesday evening, August 11, 8:30 p.m. Chame. r Music Class, Hanns Pick, Director FOR HIS ANNUAL Chamber Music Recital, which concludes the summer series of con- certs, Professor Pick has chosen a program made up entirely of compositions by modern composers. In spite of its overwhelming modernity, however, the program achieves a considerable degree of variety through the contrasts between the styles of the various composers represented. All the diverse types of modernism are exemplified, from the comparative conservatism of Chausson to the extreme, ultra-modernism of Honegger and Tcherepnin. A considerable part of the music to be heard is expressed in idioms which are vastly removed from the unmistakable, unalloyed speech of Bach and Beethoven, to whom we have heretofore been listening; it is music which is apt to seem chaotic, meaningless, even ugly, if the listener tries to interpret it in terms of pre-twentieth century music. Such music is not to be judged conclusively at a single hearing, and not until the critic fully understands both the aims and the idiom of the composer. Undoubtedly, much mu- sical rubbish passes today under the fashionable guise of "modernism," but composers who have long since established their competence and their ability, as have those whose names are on this program, are entitled to be listened to with re- spect, if not with esteem. It is always wise for us to remember that Beethoven was once a "madman," Wagner a "heretic," and Cesar Franck a "stupid old bore." PROGRAM: First Movement from the String Quartet in D-Major, Ottorino Resphigi (1879-1936)-Thor- oughly Italan in both ideas and mode of ex- pression, Resphigi was, at the time of his recent death, one of the outstanding composers of the period. While modern in every sense, his music is free from sheer eccentricity and sensualism; he is concerned primarily with the expression of his own ideas and emotions in such a way that they are intellectually comprehensible. For this rea- son, his music never fully yields to its inherent tendency toward utter lyricism. The string quartet of which the movement to be played comprises the first section is the earlier of Resphigi's two such works, having been written in 1907, when the composer was still making a serious study of other masters, such as Rimsky- Korsakov in Russia and Max Bruch in Ger- many. The parts move with complete melodic freedom and disregard for mere euphony, but they are woven together into a whole which pos- sesses a distinctiveness of both form and tonal- ity. Concerto for Violin, Cello, Piano, and String Orchestra, Op. 47, Alexander Tcherepnin (b. 1899) -One of the few sons to follow successfully in the footsteps of a composer-father, Alexander Tcherepnin has far surpassed his parent both in the quality and the scope of his work. His gift of invention, is fantastic and exuberant, his rhythmic sense virile and well-defined, and these elements combine to form an idiom which is dis- tinctly original.- His outstanding peculiarity in- volves an indecision between the use of the minor and major modes. In his earlier works this ex- pressed itself in a constant alternation between the two; but in more recent compositions, such as this Concertino, it consists in employing the two simultaneously, with utter disregard for the acoustical discordancies provoked by the justa- position in the chord of both major and minor thirds. The salvation of his music from being merely cacophonous chaos is effected, however, by the fact that Tcherepnin conceives of a chord as a single sound, rather than as a combination of tones, and rememberance of this fact is essen- tial to an understanding of his work. * * * * Danse Rococo from the Sextet for Piano and Wind Instruments, Op. 21, Ludwig Thuille (1861- 1907)-This piece, which in the German edition is entitled "Gavotte," combines the general style of that ancient dance form with a modern formal and harmonic treatment. The Sextet, written in 1887, was the composer's first important work; it is interesting to recall, apropos, that Thuille's close friend and fellow-student, Richard Strauss, made his debut with a similar composition, a Serenade for Wind Instruments. * * * * "Le Dit des Jeux du Monde," Suite for Stringed Instruments, Flute, Trumpet, and Percussion, Arthur Honegger (b. 1892) (American Premiere) -Written in 1918, this unusual work by the com- poser of Pacific 231 and King David is a trans- lation into musical language of a poem by Paul Meral, in which the poet speaks of Man's eternal restiveness and yearning to free himself from bondage to the all-powerful will of the universe. The entire suite comprises thirteen movements, only five of which are to be heard on this pro- gram. The quotations from the poem with which the various movements are prefaced have been translated as follows: 1. "-and there is a child trying to dip all of the water from the sea, which is Life; and the sea and the child are playing together-" The mood here is one of tranquility and artless sim- plicity. 2. "-and there is a man whom the world called mad-." -mad because he tries to escape the immutable destinies of Life. The triangle part of this movement was originally intended to be played on the bouteillophone, an instrument con- sisting of a series of various-sized bottles. 3. "-and there is a mountain, whose rocks free themselves and tumble down; and the mountain and the rocks are playing together-." The relatn. nnumnt rnr Aisorder of thiq csp Letters published In this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded, The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Foreign Trade To the Editor: "With or without trade agreements, we must accept goods in exchange if we expect to be paid for our exports and receive any return on capital invested abroad." This is the first sentence of the last paragraph of an article from the Wash- ington Post, reprinted in The Daily for Aug. 7. I wish to question that statement. In doing so I wish to state briefly what appears to me to be the basic nature of trade and investment. By so doing I hope to make clear why I think it important to discuss the validity of the reason- ing in the sentence quoted. It seems correct to say that income is nothing more nor less than the right to use or control the goods that come from production. As far as individual use is concerned it is only consumer goods that are desired. All goods come into being only by the expenditure of labor (by hand or brain) upon the resources of nature. Capital goods can be produced by labor only when it is supplied with the necessary means of living. One who receives income more than enough to supply his wants, may divert its use to mechanics who build capital plant. Such plant belongs t9 the one who diverts income (invests) after he has paid the laborers hire. The motive for invest- ment is to gain control of capital plant (or resources) for more income. If progress con- tinues increasing amounts of income must go to return on investment. The total income is the total product produced. Only by an in- creasing need for capital plant is it possible to divert increasing income on investment to those who can exert a demand for goods on the market. Only in this case can labor be given enough for its barest needs through the present normal channels of distribution. The rate of demand for capital plant cannot increase indefi- nitely. When the capital plant frontier within a na- tion cannot absorb income crying for investment, new frontiers are sought. The development of capital plant must be accomplished by giving labor sustenance while building. Goods manu- factured in America may be sent to Spain and exchanged for the right to use goods. But it does not follow that those goods have to be used in the USA. They may be diverted for labor to live upon while building plants in Spain. News ac- counts tell us that $70,000,000 of such diversion has been made there by Ford and General Motors alone. The return upon this capital investment does not have to come to the U.S. in the form of goods because it may be used for further de- velopment of still other foreign capital plant frontiers. The end result is that both the frontiers are narrowed and that the demand for them is in- creased. It comes to be that income cannot be used directly or indirectly to place goods in de- mand. Investment funds being plentiful interest rates decrease, and strain those financial struc- tures which were evolved when the need for the accumulation of capital was boundless. Goods lacking demand employment ceases. Each nation faced by social unrest prepares to fight for a market that is not there, while actively engaged in trying to prevent others from gaining access to home markets. Trade agreements must be de- vised primarily to prevent the acceptance of goods in exchange, with the hope of receiving return in terms of capital plant. It is this situation that races modern imper- ialistic capitalism. When the history of the next decade or so is written, those who hope for a successful League of Nations, may look back and see why it could not be. Those who now have prestige by advocating civil service, govern- ment economy, and other such reforms, may recognize the tiddle-de-winks with which they were playing. Those who have hopes of remov- ing the social hazards without removing the necessity of having to invest surplus value, may wish that they had investigated farther. Those who would stifle open discussion of any possible theory may be properly disgraced. The contention is that we must not accept goods in exchange if we expect to be paid for our exports and receive any return oI capital in- vested abroad; that we must devise ways and means of refusing such acceptance. This, of course, is recognizing the implication of the ar- ticle, that such goods must be shipped to us. Exchange of goods by actual shipment to and fro, will not in a major way improve nor hurt our internal economic condition. -U.V.W. P. S. See article by Lewis Corey in the Nation for Aug. 1, 1936. the world. This is the solemn mystery of the universe." Following its gigantic climax, the work ends swiftly in a mood of inscrutable mys- tery, the melodic thread breaking off abruptly in the middle of a phrose. Thus is expressed the futility of man's struggle against the universe. * * * * "L'Oiazion del Torero," for String Quartet, Joaquin Turina (b. 1882)-This piece is of a definitely pictorial nature, but the composer has designated no program beyond that indicated in the title. The Spanish "orazion" signifies a prayer addressed to the Virgin Mary; evidently the toreador is seeking celestial aid before ven- turing forth to battle with the bull. The mood se i hat of eincere reveroencer n tnrate with a How One Firm Treats 'Labor PROCTER & GAMBLE, with a 50- year record of minimum labor dis- cord and unhampered production, an- swered Business Week's questions on industrial relations in these words: "Any improvement in production which is achieved at the expense of lowered morale or physical impair- ment of employes will in the long run prove costly. Likewise, any personnel activities which do not improve pro- duction either directly or indirectly will be uneconomical. It is the basic philosophy of Proctor & Gamble, therefore, that enlightened industrial relations are a matter of sound busi- ness, and not of paternalism or wel- fare." In these words, the largest manu- facturer of soap and of vegetable shortening in the United States, with 12 factories in this country and in Canada, two factories in England, one in the Philippines and one in Cuba, strikes at the heart of modern Ameri- can policy which is being adopted by large and small businesses the coun- try over. Procter & Gamble's first starting step in giving the emploe a break came in 1886, when a Saturday half-holi- day was instituted for all employes. In those days, such a thing as free time for workers was unheard of. Today, the range of industrial rela- tions policies in this company is so, wide that it necessitates expert super- vision in a dozen different plants. In the advance of Procter & Gamble along the trail of workable industrial relations, there are several mile-posts, tried and tested policies which have proved their dollars-and-cents value in company welfare and company prosperity. Some of the most notable are: The profit-sharing plan. An- nounced to employes in 1887, based on the theory that employes should benefit as the company prospers, this plan has undergone several revisions through its half-century of operation. Today, it is an employe stock owner- ship plan, with liberal quarterly bon- uses. The employe saves a designat- ed small percentage of his wages, the company adds to that another per- centage each quarter, based on length of service and on condition of busi- ness. Common stock in the company is bought with the combined total. Guarantee of regular employment has been in operation since 1928. It guarantees each year to factory em- ployes the equivalent of 48 weeks' work on' the basis of the standard- hour week. Hourly-paid employes with more than 12 months' consecu- tive service are covered by the plan, with the exception of those in sea- sonal production plants. Factory vacation plan. This year, a plan of vacations with pay for fac- tory workers was announced. Hourly- paid employes with two years' service or more will receive vacations with pay. Pension and benefit plan. This policy was adopted in 1915, supple- menting a pension plan in operation since 1894. It provides for old-age pensions, death benefits and benefits for non-industrial disability. Wages. The company's policy is to pay at least the prevailing rate in each community, for each classifica- tion of work. The employes' service department for each factory finds part of its big job here-it must make periodic wage surveys and assist the factory superintendent in preparing and revising wage schedules to con- form with the company policy and to establish fair differentials. Wage-in- centive schedules have been superim- posed on basic wage schedules for many factory jobs, where desirable, to provide for time bonuses. Training and education. Following up its comprehensive selection pro- gram, which involved keeping in con- stant touch with schools and other sources of good employe materials, the company fosters thorough-going training schdules, responsibilty for which rests with the line organiza- tion-the foreman, supervisors and executives. Employes are also in- structed on company policies and plans, and are educated along fun- damental economic lines. From all of which is may be seen that Proctor & Gamble has left little chance for dissatisfaction and poor workmanship to creep into its plants and slow or stop production. It has been free from labor troubles; it be- lieves that it is worth while to spend time, money and honest thought on the problem of keeping free. To all businesses confronted with the problem of meeting labor face to face; it presents a thorough, time- tested manual of instruction. U.S. To Exhibit At Escanaba Fair WASHINGTON, Aug. 7.-(AP)-The United State Department of Agri- culture will send a carload of edu- cational farm exhibits to the Upper Peninsula State Fair at Escan'aba, Aug. 18 to 23. The department announced that the exhibits would show the results - czrinn*fif or a ,npimarnro _ - DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session, Room 1215 Angell Hall until 3:30: 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Pirates of Penzance Orchestra: Re- hearsals for the opera orchestra will be Sunday, July 9 at 1:30 pm. at the School of Music Annex, and at 8 p.m. at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. David Mattern.I Summer Session Chorus: Report at 6:30 p.m. sharp Sunday at MorrisZ Hall in preparation for the Vesper Services. David Mattern.t Summer Session Orchestra: Report at 6:45 p.m. Sunday in front of the General Library, for the Vesper Serv- ices. David Mattern.f The Graduate Outing Club will meet at Lane Hall on Sunday, Aug. 9 at 2 p.m. where they will be taken to Silver Lake for swimming, games and picnic supper. The approximate' cost will be 45 cents. Those planning to go who have cars call 4367. A re- fund will be made to those furnish- ing cars. All graduate students are+ cordially invited to attend all meet-] ings of the club during the summer. First Baptist Church, Sunday, 10:45 a.m. Dr. Lionel G. Crocker, head of the department of speech in Denison University, and visiting professor of public speaking in the University Summer Session, will occupy the pul- pit, speaking on the subject, "The Seeing Eye." There will be no church school and no studnt gatherings. Members of the congregation urged to attend the Campus Vesper serv- ices at 7:30 p.m. Stalker hall: Wesleyan Guild meet- ing in the vestry of the Methodist church at 6 p.m. Prof. Bennett Weaver will speak on "The Christian Influence in Literature." This is the last topic in the series "Christianiz- ing Your Education." Fellowship hour following the meeting. First Methodist Church: Morning worship service at 10:45 a.m. The Rev. L. LaVerne Finch will preach on "Am I A Christian?" Faculty Concert: The last faculty concert in the Summer Session series will be given by the members of the Chamber Music Class under the di- rection of Prof. Hanns Pick, in Hill Auditorium, Tuesday, Aug. 11, 8:30 p.m. The public, with the exception of small children, is cordially invited to attend. Monday at 7:30 p.m., in the ball room of the Union, Dr. Clifford Woody will present a subject of vital interest to all men in Education. There has been no end of questioning this summer relative to requirements for degrees in education. This ques- tion and others of this nature will be answered by Dr. Woody at the meet- ing on Monday. His subject is "Trends in Michigan." Dr. Woody will discuss present requirements, re- cent developments, and suggest cer- tain directions which graduate work is apt to take. Every man in educa- tion is cordially invited and is re- quested to be there. This is the last meeting of the Men's Education Club CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. Theclassified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cashin advance liecper reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. lOc perrread- ing line for three or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. Telephone rate - 15c per reading line for two or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. 10% discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. 2 lines daily, college year2...........7c By Contract, per line -2 lines daily, one month...................... 8c 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months ...........8c 4 lines E.O.D. 2 months.............8c 100 lines used as desired.........9c 300 lines used as desired..........8 1,000 lines used as desired.........7c 2,000 lines used as desired ..........6c The above rates are per reading line based on eight reading lines per inch Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add 6c per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add lOc per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. The above rates are for 7% point type. LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 1x LAUNDRY WANTED: Student Co- ed. Men's shirts 10c. Silks, wools, our specialty. All bundles done sep- arately. No markings. Personal sat- isfaction guaranteed. Call for and deliver. Phone 5594 any tin'W until 7 o'clock. Silver Laundry, 607 E. Hoover. 3x FOR SALE FOR SALE: Ford coupe, 1933. Re- conditioned motor. Good finish. $225. 508 Thompson. Phone 9092. T A t ({_ R T____ _ T TT VOL. XLV. No. 35 SUNDAY, AUG. 9, 1936 Notices for this summer. It is hoped that all the men in Education still on the campus will make this a good sociable mixer. Visiting students and teachers en- rolled in L.S. and A.; Arch.; Educ.; Forestry; Music: Your credits for this Summer Session will be sent wherever you direct immediately af- ter the grades are received if you will fill in the proper request in Room 4, University Hall, between now and Aug. 20. Blue prints and directions for Sep- tember registration for College of Literature, Science, and the Arts; College of Architecture; School of Education; School of Forestry and Conservation; and School of Music will be mailed the first week in Sep- tember. These reports will not reach you unless the Registrar's Office, Room 4, University Hall, has your correct address for that time. Please report any change of address at once. Summer School Students: The reg- ular meeting for summer school stu- dents of the Episcopal Church will be held tonight, but not at the home of Mr. T. R. Peirsol, as announced yes- terday. Cars will leave the church at five o'clock. All Episcopal students and their friends are cordially in- vited. Saint And'ew's Episcopal Church: Services of worship Sunday are: 8 a.m. holy communion; 11 a.m. kinder- garten; 11 a.m. morning prayer and sermon by The Rev. Sheldon Har- bach of Providence, R. I. Congregational Church: Service of worship at 10:45 a.m. Sermon by the minister, Allison Ray Heaps. Sub- ject, "What is there to worry about?" Soloist, Joseph Daverman. Late serv- ice until fall. The Presbyterian Student Group is having a very unique program at their meeting in the Upper Room at Lane Hall at 8 p.m. Sunday, immediately following the campus vesper service. The director and the assistant direct- or of the University's Bureau of Co- operation with Educational Institu- tions, Prof. George E. Carrothers and Prof. Harlan C. Koch, will hold a conversation on the question, "Should youth go modern in its religious be- liefs?" This is the final meeting of this group this summer and they invite students and friends to join them at the service. Professor and Mrs. Winter will hold an informal reception of graduate students in the Department of Latin on Monday, Aug. 10, from 8-10 p.m. in the Michigan League Bldg. The Michigan Dames will hold their family picnic Tuesday evening, Aug. 11, at the Ann Arbor Island. Each family is asked to bring its own pic- nic supper and dishes. Drinks and ice cream will be sold on the grounds. All married students and internes and their wives and children are in- vited to attend this picnic. There will be a soft ball game for the men, and games for the children. Ball games will begin at 5 p.m. and supper will be served at 6 p.m. Come as early as you wish. Excursion No. 11, Wednesday af- ternoon, Aug. 12. Inspection of the new Ann Arbor Daily News Bldg. Make reservation at Office of the Summer Session. Meet in front of Press Building at 2 p.m. There is no charge for this trip. The University Extension Credit and Noncredit Course bulletin has just come from the press. Summer Session students and others who wish to obtain this bulletin may do so by coming to the Extension Office, 107 Haven Hall, or by calling, telephone 4121, line 354. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate: Students who expect to re- ceive a teacher's certificate at the close of the Summer Session must pay the fee by Aug. 21. Blanks for this purpose may be secured in the office of the Recorder of the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S. A list of those students in the School of Education, College of Lit- erature, Science, aiid the Arts, and Graduate School who have made ap- plication for a teacher's certificate to be granted at the close of the Sum- mer Session has been posted on the School of Education bulletin board in Room 1431 U.E.S. Any student whose name does not appear oilthis list and who wishes to be so listed should report this fact at once to the Re- corder of the School of Education, 1537 U.E.S. Seniors: College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: College of Archi- tecture; School of Education; School of Forestry and Conservation; School of Music, who expect to receive de-