SATURDAY ,AUG. 8, 1936
Moynihan Gives
Even Break On
Legion Hearing
3 Abductors Of Colleagues
Found Guilty Of False
Imprisonment; 3 Freed
DETROIT, Aug. 7.-(A)-A divided
verdict that convicted three men and
freed three others on false imprison-
ment charges, marked the close today
of the first Black Legion trial since
the terroristic activities of the hood-
ed society were disclosed more than
two months ago.
Circuit Judge Joseph A. Moynihan,
who tried the charges of kidnaping
and flogging without a jury ruled
that Earl Angstadt, 35, and Thomas
F. Cox, 31, steel workers, and Fred-
erick A. Gulley, 31, had forced Rob-
ert Penland, a steel worker of sub-
urban Ecorse, to leave home and go
with them to a meeting. Therefore,
he said, they were guilty of "false
imprisonment." They were jailed to
await sentence.
The court acquitted Charles D.
King, former Ecorse councilman;
Harold Lawrence, a steel worker, and
Wilbur Robinson, former Detroit
street railway employe and self-styled
"brigadier-general" in the Legion.
More than 50 men remain to be
tried on various charges of Black
Legion terrorism, including murder,
kidnaping, arson, conspiracy to incite
riot and related offenses.
Prosecutor Duncan C. McCrea
charged the six men abducted Pen-
land at a point of a gun, took him in
a car on the night of Oct. 5, 1935,
to a field and there-in the glare of
automobile headlights and with 300
other men watching-tied him to a
tree and lashed him "perhaps a dozen
Penland testified he was not whip-
ped and Judge Moynihan held that
there was no evidence of a kidnaping
or flogging but that the kidnaping
charge included a common law charge
of false imprisonment and that it was
"clearly shown" that Gulley, Cox and
Angstadt took Penland in the auto-
mobile by force.
"Not feeling that upon the record
the guilt of King, Lawrence and
Robinson has been established be-
yoid a reasonable doubt, the court
finds them not guilty," the judge add-
Handcuffed, the convicted men
were taken away at once, leaving their
wives weeping in the courtroom. The
other three rushed to shake hands
with their attorney and were dis-
Judge Moynihan ruled that Gulley,
who testified for the state at the ex-
amination a month ago but repudiat-
ed his "confession" at the trial, com-
mitted perjury. McCrea announced
a perjury charge would not be filed,'
however, in view of Gulley's convic-
Michigan's statute on false im-
prisonment provides for a penalty of.
$2,500 fine or five years imprisonment,
or both. The men are to be sen-
tenced after the judge studies a rou-;
tine probation report.
After a short recess, Judge Moyni-
han took under advisement a motion
by counsel for 13 men held for trial
in the "execution" of Charles A.
Poole, a WPA worker, to have a sanity;
examination of Dayton Dean, con-)
fessed . "executioner" in the killing,
who has pleaded guilty to murder.
Find Wife Guilty In
Train -Wreck Plot
MILTON, Fla., Aug. T7.---)-Mrs.
L. W. Vann, 40-year-old grand-
mother, received without emotion to-
day the verdict of a six-man jury
convicting her of conspiracy to wreck
a train piloted by' her engineer-hus-
The jurors stayed up all night de-
liberating a decision in the case of
the woman charged specifically with
being "an accessory before the fact
in a conspiracy to commit murder."
Mrs. Vann and two Negroes, who
pleaded guilty previously to a part in
the plot, face prison terms of from
one to 40 years.
After the court set Aug. 31 for a
hearing on a motion for a new trial
and continued her $5,000 bail, Mrs.
Vann left with her husband, 20 years
her senior, for their home in Pen-
Air Crash Which Took Lives Of Eight On Board
Ely Promises
To Stump For
Alf M. Landon
G. 0. P. Nominee Is Urged
As Rallying Point For
Anti-New Dealers
I .ontinued from Page l)
oanization through which Democrats
opposing the New Deal might speak
against the reelection of President
Roosevelt without doing so under Re-y
publican sponsorship.
Many of those present favored en-
lorsement of the Republican nom-
inee, Gov. Alf M. Landon, as the most
effective way of expressing the anti-
administration Democratic opposi-
A proposal that the conference
place a constitutional Jeffersonian
party in the presidential race rapidly
lost favor. Many members of the
group opposed it and Ely character-
ized it as impossible at this time.
"It's too late," he added.
Killi ti Crash
----Asocial e ]rf-s Photo.
The body of Carl Zicr (above).,
Chicago pilot of the Chicago and
Southern airliner which crashed
near St. Louis with a loss of eight
livuc: war found with n rlnekvd
The move to endorse Landon en- ",bout body of co-pi a b u 5
countered opposition from members about body of co-pilot about 50
of the group from some sections of the feet from part of wrecked ca.n.
South, some conferees said. The ob-,
jections were not extensive and pre-
dicted the Southerners eventually nian
would agree.
Bailey Urges Landon h olds Evenino
met behind closed doors, was James I -
A.Chairman of the conference, whichi
A. Reed: In addition, the participants 4 Ill US s ifnl
included Bainbridge Colby, secretary P
of state under President Wilson, Hen-
ry Breckinridge, and John Henry The German Table spent a "Deut-
Kirby, Texas Democrat scher Abend" Thursday. A group
Joseph W. Bailey, Jr., former Dem- of about twenty students under the
oeph bdirection of Prof. J.A.C. Hildner met
Texas, came to the conference from alon campus at 9 p.m. and sang a group
exa me t theconfrenc fro of German folk songs..
meeting of Texas anti-New Deal o emnfl og.
Democrats, which endorsed Landon. Then a procession of six cars went
He urged that such a course be fol- through the city stopping near the
lowed here. homes of various German professors.
Ely, who with Smith, Colby, Reed The group approached the homes
and Former Judge Daniel F. Cohalan with lighted lanterns and sang Ger-
man folk songs on each lawn, clos-
of New York signed a plea to the ing with Brahms' "Wiegenlied."
Democratic convention to put Presi- The members of the German Table
dent Roosevelt aside, said today he were first graciously received at the
was "not here to malign the President homes of Prof. and Mrs. J. W. Scholl,
and not here with any feeling of per- Prof. and Mrs. H. W. Nordmeyer, Prof.
sonal animosity." and Mrs. Norman Willey and Prof.
Ely 'Not Republican'! and Mrs. Walter Reichart.
Asserting he would support Landon, I The climax of the evening was
Ely added, however: reached when the group called on
"So far as I am concerned, I am prof. and Mrs. Fred Wahr, who
not a Republican, I do not propose opened their home for a party of the
Yesterday I dealt with the subject
of candid photography and suggested
that you try to secure instead of the
usual stiff posed snapshots, the more
interesting unposed type. This of
course implied that your subjects
would be personal friends and rela-
tives. Now there is another angle to
think over.
There are quite a few people who
put their whole heart and soul into
a hobby, if you are this type and
have taken up photography, here is
a chance for you to make up a col-
ection of pictures that will be price-
less. Just as the stamp collector often
specializes in one type of stamp, and
concentrates his efforts on the goal
of completing a certain group or se-
quence of stamps, you can concen-
trate your efforts to secure a collec-
tion of unposed human interest pic-
Just So It's Interesting
It would be best to choose a cer-
tain subject which could be anything
that you are interested in, or simply
any classification that you care to
pick. You could concentrate on chil-
dren, you might make a collection of
shots of drunkards or you might se-
lect the police force for victims. There
are so many possibilities that I could
list them for hour after hour and
never reach the end. Some people
might try to collect a set of pictures
showing how different people do the
same thing. For instance you could
shoot people sitting behind the wheel
of a car. A collection that showed
the various nervous drivers in the act
of freezing to the wheel would be of
intense interest to most -of us. An
array of pictures showing people
asleep on park benches would be right
in line with the recent depression.
Human Nature Study
For the traveler there is a chance
to shoot natives of various countries.
Perhaps most of them would gladly
pose for you in their native costume,
but there is real satisfaction in the
thought that your pictures were taken
candidly, and they should be a mil-
lion times better.
And please notice that today I make
no effort to mention one single thing
that is photographic. Not a word
about lens, shutter, film, exposure,
camera or gadgets. Why? Simply
because, as I tried to tell you yester-
day, candid photography is more a
study of human beings, and their re-
actions than a study of photography.
Photographic knowledge is essential,
but in candid photography you are
entirely lost if you don't understand
human psychology.
Photography For Fun
But strange as it seems the field
of candid pictures may' even extend
into the animal world. Of course
dogs, cats, monkeys, etc., don't know
what the camera is for, and any
animal picture is bound to be un-
posed. But if you have any patience
you should be able to get a beautiful
group of shots of the same animal
showing different emotions, joy,, sor-
row, excitement, etc. These collec-
tions are few and far between, and
a really good one should be an
achievement of the highest class.
So again I say: Is your camera
paying for itself in the fun you get
out of picture taking,
-Associated Press Photo.
All eight persons aboard a Chicago and Southern airliner, wreckage of which is shown (top), were killed in
an unexplained crash of the ship shortly after it took off from Lambert-St. Louis airport on a night flight to
The ship (below) was a new low-winged all metal Lockheed Electra monoplane, powered by two
Abandoned By
Gov. Comstock
Democratic Leader Misses
Anti-New Deal Meeting
After Friends' Pleas
'Continued from Page i)
had exerted pressure on Comstock to
bring about his return to the party
and the abnegation of the "renegade
Democrats" at Detroit.
It was also thought that they may
have enticed him back into the fold
by the chance to work for George
W. Welsh, gubernatorial candidate
whom Comstock already favors, and
thus have promised him an indirect
joust with Farley, who is charged with
trying to get the support of Van Wag-
oner's highly-organized state high,
way force for political work in Frank
Murphy's behalf.
Comstock was asked if the four
had objected to his attending the
anti-New Deal sessions because of the+
harmful effect his presence there
might have had on Welsh's chances
in the race. The former governor
made no denial, but declined to an-
swer directly.
"They seemed very much put out
by my promise to attend the meeting,
and so, while I do not believe my
presence there would have been as
important as they seemed to think,,
I decided not to go," he explained.
The five men came here Thursday
night from Detroit, where Comstock
had been in pre-convention confer-
ence with Edmunds and former Sen.
James A. Reed of Missouri. They
began their session at about 10 p.m.,
and did not emerge from their pri-
vate room until after 2 a.m.
At that time Comstock gave fur-
ther credence to the belief that he
had, in campus parlance, been "hot-
boxed." He was about to issue I
statement relative to his withdrawal
from the Detroit assembly when Van
Wagoner advised him to wait until he
had contacted several party leaders in
the state yesterday morning.
"See, they've vetoed me again,"
Comstock commented drily. 'It's been
that way all evening."
Major Leagues
Professor Says
A.F. Of L. Split
. .
Chicago ........
Detroit .......
Boston ........
Philadelphia ...
St. Louis ......
Pct. May B Screen
.543 (Continued roim Page i
.509 bitions, jealousies over power and
.490 material rewards and the real conflict
346 of principles between craft and in-
dustrial union interests, are not to be
discounted, they do not appear of
such serious importas not to be sur-
m- mountable or compromised, according
to Professor Jamison.
be Split Hurts Influerxce
Asked what would be the effect on
Cleveland 8, Chicago 1.
Washington 3, Boston 2 (10
Philadelphia-New York, to
played later date.
Only games scheduled.
Chicago at Cleveland.
Boston at Washington.
St. Louis at Detroit (2).
Philadelphia at New York.
St. Louis ........
Chicago .........
New York .......
Pittsburgh ......
Cincinnati .......
Boston ..........
Philadelphia .....
Brooklyn ........
....63 40
.... 60 41
... .58 45
....52 49
....49 51
....47 55
.... 39 63
....39 63
labor interests if the clash were to
develop into a breach within the
A. F. of L., Professor Jamison was
inclined, in this regard, too, to min-
imize its seriousness. "I cannot see
where such a division would have
any important influence upon the
operation of the individual unions
themselves." he stated. "The most
damaging effect, however," he con-
tinued, "would result in regard to
the ability of labor to influence legis-
"This is the best card now pos-
sessed by labor," he pointed out,
"and without a united front the lob-
bying function of labor would be im-
portantly impaired."
But the probability of the matter
is that such men as Green and Lewis
are well able to patch up their dif-
ferences-perhaps even have patched
them up already-and that the future,
when conditions appear ripe for a
strike within the steel industry, will
find craft and industrial unions of
the A. F. of L. as amicable and united
as ever, he concluded.
to condone the mistakes of the Re-
publican party and I am not chang-
ing my allegiance to the fundamental
principles which have always been ex-
pressed heretofore by the Democratic j
He said he respected Mr. Roose-
velt's desire "to create a more abun-
dant life," but differed with him onj
the methods "by which the welfare of
the people may be successfully pro-
moted." He added:
"I believe that he has departed
from the doctrines of the Democratic
party but I give him credit because he
departed from them because he be-
lieved them no longer effective."
Ely predicted that Landon would
"carry every New England State."
Comstock Missing
There were 31 men from 18 states
in attendance when Former-Senator
Reed, the temporary chairman, called
the conference to order.
Missing was Former-Governor Wil-
liam A. Comstock of Michigan, who
had accepted an invitation but wired
from his home today that many of his
friends and supporters had persuaded
him not to attend because "of the
possible effect on the Michigan local
Comstock said his friends, includ-
ing Edward J. Fry, chairman of the
Democratic state central committee
and others prominent in the party's
organization in Michigan "seemed put
out by my promise to attend."
"So, while I do not believe my being
there would have been as important
as they seem to think, I decided not
to go," he said.
serenaders, who in appreciation sang
until the early hours of the next day.
Professor Jobin Talks
Before French Club'
Professor Anthony Jobin of the
Frenchsdepartment addressed the
1members of the French Club on "Lef
Francais au Michigan," at the last
meeting of the club, held Thursdav I
evening, Aug. 7. at the French House.'
Professor Jobin was a dinner guest
at the French House as was also Prof.
Rene Talamon of the French depart-
It was announced that there would
be a banquet at the Union next Fri-
day evening for all the members
of the French Club. The banquet is,
under the direction of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles E. Koella. More than fifty
guests are expected.
New York 9, Philadelphia 3.!
Pittsburgh 5, Cincinnati 1 (second'
game incomplete).
Chicago 14, St. Louis 5.
Brooklyn-Boston, to be played later
Brooklyn at Boston.
Pittsburgh at Chicago.
Cincinnati at St. Louis.
New York at Philadelphia.
zl+_ --
and the PAYCOCI(
During your vacation, see Amer-
ica first and be assured of a
most delightful and interesting
trip. The rest of the world is
either seething in a revolution-
ary inferno, or disturbed by po-
litical and social unrest, or
advocating a policy not at all
inducive to tourists, while hosp-
itality and peace prevail in all
parts of our land. A trip to
any part of the country will be
most pleasant and peacefuland
will help you to return to your
work refreshed in mind and
Vacation time and every time
is the time to treat yourself to
a glass of the most refreshing,
stimulating beverage obtainable.
Call 8270 and just say "one case
please." The order will arrive in
a very short time and then, to
your amazement, you will find
that it is water, but what water!
The product of the Arbor
Springs Water Co., of 416 West
Huron, is cooling, satisfying and
delightfully pleasant to taste.
- -- - - -
its perception of distances and
places, was perhaps the first medium
of fast news dispatch. It was ' a
vital link in the evolution of co-
operative gathering and dissemina-
tion of news. As early as 1840, the
carrier pigeon was an important unit
in disseminating news.
planted the carrier pigeon, and
through these new, media 'of word
and thought transmission The
Associated Press has become an
even greater instrument for the en-
lightenment of the world. Read
Vol i icu l. VFLCG LYS 11K
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