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August 08, 1936 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1936-08-08

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' FIV MR-HI x XIty

9ATUi.RDAY, AUG. 8, 1936


OfRcial Publication of the Summer Session

Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.50, by mail,
$2.00. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City. - 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director ...............Marshall D. Shulman
Dramatic Critic ........................ John W. Pritchard
Assistant Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Ralph W. Hurd.
Joseph S.Mattes, Elsie A. Pierce, Tuure Tenander, Jewel
W. Wuerfel.
Reporters: Eleanor Barc, Donal Burns, Mary Deinay, M. E.
Graban, John Hilpert, Richard E. Lorch, Vincent Moore,
Elsie Roxborough, William Sours, Dorothea Staebler,
Betty Keenan.
Telephone 2-1214
CREDITS MANAGER ....................JOHN R. PARK
Circulation Manager................J. Cameron Hall
Office Manager ........................Robert Lodge

As Others See It
The Heart Of A Dancer
(From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
T IS, PERHAPS, for the best that lovers of
music and the dance seldom think of the haz-
ards of these two artistic callings, but a death, as
of La Argentina, forces the thought. The re-
port of the passing of a great dancer or a great
singer is likely to be the same old story: "She
(or he) died of heart disease."
The intensity of the urge in those who attain
distinction in any artistic endeavor is so fre-
quently accompanied by hypertension as to make
the percentage of heart affliction among them
high. In cases of dancers and operatic singers,
physical strain multiplies the dangers.
Some are martyrs consciously, sacrificing
health and sometimes life itself to give their bit
of beauty to the world. Others are dominated by
desire for acclaim, or self-expression, or even
gain, but in so far as they bring loveliness into
our lives, they are sacrifices upon the altars of
the muses. La Argentina was pre-eminent, and
her artistry enriched the lives of thousands. One
likes to think of her, and of others who went be-,
fore her, in the spirit of the lines Browning gave
"Abt Vogler"-believing that "no beauty, nor
good, nor power whose voice has gone forth, but
each survives for the melodist." For, after all,
the dance speaks, and we all are melodists ac-
cording to our gifts.
More Soviet Barbers
(From the New York Times)
SOVIET RUSSIA is to have more barber shops,
apparenltly as part of the latest Five-Year
Plan. It seems to be in the Russian tradition that
when the nation makes a big forward step it cuts
off its whiskers. Every schoolboy knows that
Peter the Great, nearly two hundred and fifty
y cars ago, took a short cut through the beard
problem, so to speak. "On the 26th of April, 1698,
the chief men of the tsardom were assembled
round his wooden hut at Praebrazhenskoye, and
Peter with his own hand deliberately cut off the
beards and mustaches of his chief boyars."
Today's anti-whiskers campaign is less impetu-
ous. This year will see 715 new barber shops, and
next year 1,412 new shops in the R. S. F. R. S.,
Union, with a population of close to 125,000,000.

"GREEN GATES," by R. C. Sheriff; (Stokes).
1)ON'T TRY TO READ R. C. Sheriff's "Green
Gates" on one of those days which demand
thrills. There isn't a thrill (using the term in the
movie sense) in all the novel. Nothing exciting
happens from beginning to end, but just the same,
it's very difficult to put the book down.
Mr. Sheriff wrote "Journey's End," a play you
must have seen. He also wrote another novel
called "A Fortnight in September," which was
rather a portent than an achievement. The newer
novel comes as a fulfillment-in spite of obvious
imperfections because Sherriff has been working
in Hollywood, where he should have learned better.
That is to say, there is no reason why he should
not have spiced up the story of Mr. Baldwin after
his retirement, not with silly adventures, but
with a little more humor and variety of state-
ment. The novel begins the afternoon Baldwin re-
tires from business, and receives a clock as reward.
He goes home from the city for the last time, on
the shelf at 58 years. On the train he reads a
couple of items in his paper which lift him out of
pointless despondency into the glow of a new
His wife expects to receive a man broken in
spirit at the door. Instead she finds Baldwin
cheerful, with a new life planned. The only thing
is that after a year of hard trial, the new life
doesn't pan out. And then one day the Baldwins
take a walk they had been used to taking be-
fore the war, and resent finding a new cluster of
"estates" at the end of their walk.
Just the same it is this group of "estates" which
lifts the Baldwin blight-just how, Mr. Sherriff
himself should tell. -J.S.
There are, :erhaps, 100,000 villages, which would
mean one new barber shop for every 200 villages.
Actually, the reform will first be applied in the
big cities, where clean-shaven men are to keep
pace with women in silk stockings and modern i
It is not stated whether there is a penalty for
conscientious tonsorial objectors. Perhaps they
will be operated on by raw apprentice barbers
wvith dull blades.
Religion is what the individual does with his
own solitude . . . if you are never solitary you
are never religious.-Dean Inge.

C H A U F F E U R'S position wanted.
Handy man. Box 164. References.
Plenty of experience.
EXPERT .TYPING by graduate stu-
dent. 10c a page. Ph. 3201, between
6 and 8 p.m. 28
LOST: Will the person who found
purse belonging to C. Barber please
return it to the Y.W.C.A. at once.
VOL. XLV No. 34
SATURDAY, AUG. 8, 1936
Comprehensive Examination in
Education: The Comprehensive Pro-
fessional Examination covering the
courses prescribed for the teacher's
certificate will be given Saturday,
Aug. 8, at 9 a.m.
The Comprehensive, Examination
in Education will be held this morn-
ing at 9 a.m. in 1430 U.E.S.
Pirates of Penzance Orchestra: Re-
hearsals for the opera orchestra will
be Sunday, July 9 at 1:30 p.m. at the
(Continued on Page 3'

Place advertitsemnts with Classified
Ad vertlshuDepart went. Phone,,2-1214.
The ('hISSI ned ('olumns close at five
o'clock previous to (ay of Insertion.
Box numinbers may bc secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance lle per reading line
(can basis of five average words to line)
for one or two insertions, 10c per read-
lwz line for three or more insertions.
Minimum ithree lines per insertion.
telephone rate - 15c per reading line
for t wo or more insertions. Minimum
three Un's per insertion.
101 discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
2 lines daily, college year ...........7c
By Contract, per line -2 lines daily.
ol"e month. ...................8c
4 lines E.O.OD., 2 months............8c
4 lines E.O.D.. 2 months.............8c
100 lines used as desired..........9c
300 Betes used as desired............8c
1,000 lines used as desired ..........7e
2,000 lines used as desired... .6c
The above rates are per reading line
based on eight reading lines per inch
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
6c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
10c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7a point type.
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. ix

ed. Men's shirts 10c. Silks, wools,
our specialty. All bundles done sep-
arately. No markings. Personal sat-
isfaction guaranteed. Call for and
deliver. Phone 5594 any time until
7 o'clock. Silver Laundry, 607 E.
Hoover. 3x
FOR SALE: Ford V-8, late 1933, low
mileage, good condition, price $250.
Inquire 720 Haven. ph. 8261, or 107
W. Engineering Bldg. 27
FOR SALE: Scottish Terriers, 7
weeks old, A.K.C. Sired by Wee
Swagger, judged best of breed in
last Cleveland and Detroit shows.
Little beauties priced to sell. 1313
S. State. 25
FOR SALE: Conn B Flat trumpet.
Just like new. Will sacrifice for
quick sale. Also Deluxe Plymouth
coupe, '33, radio and heater. Box
163. 24





A Student Reaction
To Teacher Organization . .,.
and colleges should organize is a
prominent subject of discussion on the campus
this week, following the meeting under the spon-
sorship of the American and Michigan Federa-
tions of Teachers on Tuesday.
Dean .William Russell of Teacher's College, Co-
lumbia, commenting on the question several weeks
ago, declared that such organization would destroy
our democratic school system. This statement is
worth examining.
Organization may mean merely setting up a
group to represent teachers or it may imply the
recognition of a unity of interest with labor as a
class and willingness to cooperate with labor in
solving its problems. Certain arguments pro and
con relate to both attitudes.
The arguments for organization are essentially
three-fold: First, few other groups of skilled la-
borers would work for the salaries some teachers
(even at the University of Michigan) are getting.
With effective organization, teachers can get a
fair return for their efforts and improve the con-
ditions under which they work. Second, effective
teacher organizations can be powerful instruments
for the preservation of academic freedom. What
the American Association of University Professors
is doing on a weak scale is a fair indication of what
can be done with universities that ;lischarge pro-
fessors for daring to discuss controversial subjects.
With the possible exception of the A.A.U.P., there
is no organization truly representing the teachers.
The Michigan Education Association and the Na-
tional Education Association are dominated by ad-
ministrators. There was no effective teacher or-
ganization in Michigan to fight the teachers' oath
bill in Lansing, but the American Legion, packing
the gallery and waving flags, passed the bill.
There is need for an organization of intelligent
people who know what true liberty is, are willing
to fight for it, and have the power to keep it in
our schools and universities. Thirdly, and this is
a corollary, of the last point, teachers, through
their disorganization, have little or no voice in the
administration of school and university affairs.
Academic policies are in the hands of administra-
tors, and faculty men, on the whole, have as little
to do with the university's academic aim as the
students. Organization would give them a voice.
Against teacher organization, the following argu-
ments may be advanced: First, the teacher may
be taken from his role as an objective onlooker to
the contemporary scene and thrust into a promi-
nent role in the class struggle. His teaching
may be biased in the direction of labor; powerful
unions will prevent the dismissal of teachers who
violate the code of objectivity, and woe unto a
teacher who dares to support the side of capital!
Second, it is inconsistent with the dignity attached
to the teaching profession to walk up and down in
front of Angell Hall with a picket sign, or per-
haps to be called out of classes because of a
teamsters' strike. Almost these identical argu-
ments are advanced against the American News-
paper Guild.
We believe that the evidence is preponderantly
in favor'of organization. Furthermore, we believe
that an organization is necessary that will recog-
nize the closeness of its problems to that of labor,
as'opposed to a teacher organization which seeks
to remain .aloof.
Teaching which renders facts without interpre-
tation is sterile; that which teaches attitudes
without a sound basis of fact is short-sighted.
Between these two extremes is the just role of the
teacher-the interpreter of today in terms of
abiding principles. To divorce oneself completely
from the significant social movements of his day


Facts from the Fascinating Career of an Amazing Woman!
Donald Woods.Nigel Bruce.Donald
\ Cr"p . Henry O'Neill.Billy Mauch
.. W.. - - Fa y-. Aby7 W6..DkK.d.

Civl Service a

England And Here

-A Sound General Education Versus Our 'Cubbyhole' Theory-

(Charles P. Taft in Review of Reviews)
THE FIGHT for the merit system began as a-
reaction against the stupidity and inefficiency
of the spoils system. Its history in England and
the United States has been quite different, and the
contrast is of real interest.
About 100 years ago, in England, the privileged
classes, from which had been drawn all the leaders
in public life, were deeply disturbed by the upsurg-
ing of the masses. This outburst of democratic
feeling had been expressed in various ways,
through peaceful Quakers, riotous Chartists, and
Utilitarians. Its leaders were educated, but not
their followers, for there was no public education
that amounted to anything until the end of the
By 1850, Macaulay was greatly impressed with
the necessity of improving the quality of the
personnel of the Indian Civil Service. He believed
absolutely in the value of an educational founda-
tion of a general character. As he put it, "We
believe that men who have been engaged up to
one or two and twenty, in studies which have
no immediate connection with the business of any
profession, and of which the effect is merely to
open, to invigorate, and to enrich the mind, will
generally be found in the business of every pro-
fession, superior to men who have, at the age of
18 or 19, devoted themselves to the special studies
of their calling."
His quick mind instantly related this principle
to the problem he was seeking to solve, upon the
background of what he conceived as a dangerous
and turbulent popular uprising. In 1853, provision
was made for the first competitive examinations
for the Indian Civil Service, based on this educa-
tional background. The principle spread to other
branches. Although the matter was very contro-
versial when first presented to Parliament, it was
less than a year before the principle was accepted
* * * *
It is hard to get direct evidence as to the reason
for this ready yielding to something which was in
fact a distribution of privilege. Those who con-
trolled the patronage gave it up with so little re-
ing academic freedom and improving the working
conditions of teachers, can function only by suf-
ferance. It receives publicity only through the
sufferance of the newspapers. Its recommenda-
tions against a university are ineffectual in a time
when a professor is glad to get any kind of a job.
The only effective way of accomplishing the aims
of organization is through a teachers' group which
recognizes its necessary affiliation with the labor
To return to the answer to the arguments
against organization now, because they refer large-
ly to the teacher's relation to labor, let us note
that: First, to assume that the teacher can be;
objective now is to deceive ourselves; if it is true
that a teacher will become biased in favor of labor,
he will simply exchange the bias of labor for
that of the American Manufacturers' Association,
the American Liberty League, the D.A.R., etc.
Labor at least is concerned about the general well-
being, and not in its relations to potential profits.
Second, about the matter of dignity, we wonder

luctance, however, that it gives much support to
the theory that the new system in fact restricted
the civil service to the educated and therefore
upper classes, and shut-out the dangerous masses.
In this country, the story is quite different. The
spoils were not claimed by the upper classes, at
least not from Jackson's time on. It was the com-
mon people who wanted and filled the jobs, and
they were in general an educated class. The Eng-
lish movement had some reflection in this country,
but it took the outrageous perversions of the spoils
system in the '60s and '70s to bring the first step
in reform. George William Curtis and his short
first commission did a little to prepare the public
mind, and when Garfield was shot by a disappoint-
ed office-seeker, the match was laid to tinder which
was ready to kindle.
The civil service law of 1883 has had steadily
widening application until on its fiftieth anniver-
sary 81 per cent of Federal employes were within
the merit system.
The theory of the British civil service is that
there are certain main classifications of employ-
ment. There are, for instance, types of clerical
work which are purely routine, with no discre-
tion whatever in the individual concerned. There
are types of clerical positions that involve dealing
with cases under regulations, checking accounts
and collecting material. There are positions higher
up in clerical departments involving the direction
of groups of employes in either of the first two
classifications. Finally, there are positions involv-
ing formation of policy, co-ordination of govern-
ment machinery, and general administration.
*' * * *.-
These are the four main classifications of the
British civil service. There is a regular progression
both of responsibility and of pay, and in entering
the service, a person may look forward to a satis-
factory life-time career. It is possible to advance
from one classificiation to the next. within limits.
For instance, in the administrative group, a col-
lege graduate can expect to start as an assistant
to a major department head at about $1,000 a
year, and then he will be trained by the govern-
ment itself in the problems of policy and the
details of its general administration. If he .suc-
ceeds, he can expect to go forward through regular
gradations and achieve an important position in
the government and a salary of perhaps $15,000
a year at the end.
Furthermore, the entrance to the civil service
is based entirely upon Macaulay's theory. It is
adjusted to the British system of public education.
For instance, the sub-clerical positions do not re-
quire more than a relatively limited education.
The years of entrance therefore are from 16 to 17,
or approximately the age of those who have had
some secondary education or perhaps even grad-
uated from high school.
On the other hand, in the case of the adminis-
trative class, the government is frankly seeking
the ablest graduates of Oxford, Cambridge and
the other great universities. It therefore fixes the
age of entrance between 22 and 24; roughly, the
ages of graduates of colleges and professional
schools. Candidates for the British civil service are
not expected to know anything about the tasks to
be performed. The government trains its own,
just as industry does with us.

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