TWO TUE MICHMIAN IZAiLY '1' DNE.SDA-Y, A!JG. , iMI . .. ... .. ... .. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Offiial Publication of the Summer Session BOOKS GONE WITH THE WIND, by Margaret Mitchell. MacMillan. (Review Copy Courtesy Wahr's Bookstore) C ONE WITH THE WIND takes for granted the y{4 1~c .4 Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in 'Control-:of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights ofarepublication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special- rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.50, by mail, $2.00 During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City. - 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, I'I; EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR..............THOMAS E. GROEHN ASSOCIATE EDITOR ..............THOMAS H. KLEENE Editorial Director...............Marshall D. Shulman Dramatic Critic ........................ John W. Pritchard Assistant Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Ralph W. Hurd, Joseph S. Mattes, Elsie A. Pierce, Tuure Tenander, Jewel W. Wuerfel. teporters: Eleanor Barc, Donal Burns, Mary Delnay, M. E. Graban, John Hilpert, Richard E. Lorch, Vincent Moore, Elsie Roxborough, William Sours, Dorothea Staebier, Betty Keenan. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER.........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDITS MANAGER ....................JOHN R. PARK Circulation Manager ..................J. Cameron Hall Office Manager ...........................Robert Lodge mistake, of abolition and the outrages of Reconstruction. Its author never stoops to argue; she never weakens her attitude by debate. In her pages the Yankee soldiers known in the North as the venerale veterans of Memorial Day, pillage, ravage, and murder like any conquering army. The desolation left in the wake of Sherman's march to the sea is set forth without mercy. The pride and joy of master and slave alike on the Hlantations before abolition turned the southern economy topsy-turvy is depicted with a loving hand. The author's absorption in this side of t1 e story, her convincing repletion of detail, and the lack of contentiousness will challenge con- victions to which some northerners have been reared in regard to the Civil War. Although this is an historical novel, its back- ground was not atrtificially acquired. It is fraught with the inatural touches of colloquial idiom and attitudes which do not have to be struck because they are inherent. Miss Mitchell took seven years in ;iting these one thousand and some pages, but it took her lifetime to reach such an understanding of the South as it was and is. She' .s imbued with the chivalry and the hospitality which we still place below the Mason and Dixon Line and with the homely facts of southern cook- ing and cotton-raising. Atlanta is her home and she celives the wrath of Georgians over the Civil War. So at home is Miss Mitchell in her historical setting that her characters are not the costumed puppets of a past era; they live and act upon the undying motives of love and hate, greed and generosity. In the panorama of plantation life, in the thunder of battle, and in the indignities of reallywag rule we never lose sight of the indivi- dual. Scarlet O'Hara, whose inheritance from her southern mother and Irish father contribute the turbulence of her life, is painstakingly developed. Before our eyes, she grows from the vain and frivolous belle of the ante-bellum South into the hirdened and couageous but still vain woman who has held up her fortunes and family when others have succumbed. Mammy with her class con- sciousness and loyalty in the face of freedom is what we have always wanted to believe about roammies. The contrast of the unmincing Scar- lect with the gentle Melanie is at times obvious. The southern gentleman personified by Ashley and certain others are drawn to fit the dimensions of the canvas. Rhett, the blockade-runner whose motives may be held suspect, at once callow and sensitive, cruel and devoted, is characterized with tome of the subtlety which others lack. The hearty realism which marks Scarlett and Rhett balances the undeniable sentimentality and pathos in the book. The obvious solutions such as would have been afforded by Melanie's death at the in- vasion of Atlanta most authors would not have been able to resist. Miss Mitchell has shown great restraint in this, and her "finis," when it finally Brookings Rou -Not Scarcity, But More Goods. Clifford B. Reeves, New York Bus TH E FORUM Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Free Enterprise To the Editor: Col. Knox demands "free enterprise." What is the meaning of "free enterprise"? Free enterprise means do just as you please as long as you come out on top. Disregard everything and everybody --consult your own interests only. No matter about the consequences. When "free enterprise" has leached the sky with most disastrous consequences some planning or restriction becomes necessary it: order to save the nation. The maxim of lais- sez-faire has no humane basis. Col. Knox also demands the "American way" in government. What is the American way? The American way is "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" for all-not for the few only. The American way also means equal opportunity for ,hl-it does not mean handing the government over to the "men who own*America." What do. s Col. Knox understand by the "Amer- ican way"'-exploiting the American people or treating them with some show of decency?-No one follows the true American way better than President Roosevelt. -Truth. comes, is as inevitable and uncompromising as life. The slow thickening of the plot and infinite care taken in setting the scenes suggest the natural gift of a Dickens or a Thackeray. The language is not brilliant; it is not rich Brilliance and richness would wear thin in the course of the long chapters. There is no con- scious seeking for effect, no tricks, no artificia climaxes. The writing is careful and precise neither sensuous nor constrained. It is prosy pros well adapted to its content-a serviceable medium for whatever Miss Mitchell will wish to turn her pen. It is essentially necessary to read this book for its intrinsic qualities rather than for its sig- nificance in any modern literary clique or psy- chological preconception. The leisured finesse of living which it is the object of this novel to con- "ey could scarcely be conveyed by an economy of description or a speed in narration. It is th give and uAke of conversation which gives motior to the events. The affectionate glance of th author may at times linger so long over a scen as to delay its consequences. The final rush o events may be suddenly precipitated. If this is a Thank You To the Editor: I would like to counter-act "R. B. 's" reactionary letter to this column by saying that in my opinion, your po- litical editorials are among the best I have ever read-either in college or other newspapers. They are much better than the puerile editorials of the Detroit "Free" Press. I doubt if "R. B." knows that the Michigan Daily has been placed among the very best of college journals? For me at least, it is delightfully refreshing to see your college idealism blaze forth ' with an invigorating liberalism so conspicuous for its absence in the kept press which has its reactionary, anti-New Deal advertisers to please. Incidentally, I might say here, that while several papers I saw carried the story of the six well known gov- ernors who attacked Governor Lan- don's speech of acceptance, I was not able to find it anywhere in the De- troit "Free" Press, although they lat- ter carried an editorial poo-pooing it. Nearly all the metropolitan news- papers are anti-New Deal. That's all right, but they have forgotten the rule of reason and stoop to coloring their news items, running articles ofj an editorial nature as news, scaring their readers by predicting drastic happenings in the event that the New Deal is returned, and getting unnec- essarily alarmed and foolishly sen- timental over the constitution and its future. On the contrary, I have viewed with pleasure the reasonable, sen- sible, logical, restrained editorials in 1 one of the finest college newspapersE in the country-The Michigan Daily. You have apparently come to the con-1 clusion that of the political parties ar sane man can intelligently vote, for -Democratic, Socialist, and Republi- can, your choice is the Democratic.1 I admire your conclusion ,and the way- l you reached it. Lets haie more dis- passionate, liberal, honest and frank e editorials that have helped give the Daily its fine position among the col- r lege newspapers of the country! -R.E.L. - P.S. I would like to join Mr. Joseph - Gies in congratulating the Daily and f Mr. Neal for the truly splendid and accurate essay on the presidential campaign and candidates. More of y this too. e Col. Quinton Will Speak e To Ordinance Group f. Lieut.-Col. A. B. Quinton, Jr., will address the staff and attending of- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance Ile per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per read- ing line for three or more insertions, Minimumn- three lines per insertion. Telephone rate 15c per reading line for two or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. 10% discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. 2 lines daily, college year ......7c By Contract, per line-2 lines daily, one month...... ..............c 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months ............8c 4 lines E.O.D.. 2 months.............c 100 lines used as desired..........9c 300 lines used as desired...........8c 1,000 lines used as desired ..........7c 2,000 lines used as desired ..... .6.c The above rates are per reading line based on eight reading lines per inch Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add 6c per line to above rates for all capital letters, Add 6e per line to above ror bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c per line to above rates for bold face caital letters. 'he above rates are for 7% point type. EMPLOYMENT C H A U F F E U R'S position wanted. Handy man. Box 164. References. Plenw y ( iexperience. APPLY FOR STATION WASHINGTON, Aug. 4.-(P)-The Central Michigan Radio Co., Mt. Pleasant, Mich., applied to the Coin mnunications Commission today for permission to construct a new radio station to be operated on 250 watts power, unlimited time. MATINEES 25c IT'S GREATER MOVI E SEASON ! ---NOW PLAYING --- DOUBLE FEATURE! GLENDA FARRELL "HIGH TENSION" -- and JANE WITHERS "LITTLE MISS Extra LATEST NEWS Coming Saturday K4YFRANCIS "THE WHITE ANGEL" CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING_] FOR SALE FOR SALE: Scottish Terriers, 7 we(,i-soldA.K.C. Sired by Wee Swagger,.j-udged best of breed in last Cleveland and Detroit show:. Little beauties priced to sell. 1313 S. State. 25 FOR SALE: Conn B Flat trumpet. Just like new. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Also e xe Plymouth coupe, '33, naho nil heater. Box 16 3. 24 LAUNIDRY LAUNDRY WANTED: Student Co- ed. Men's shirts 10c. Silks, wools, our specialty. All bundles done sep- arately. N) markin"s. Personal sat- isfaction guara ntteed. Call for and deliver. Phoie 5594 any time until 7 o'clock. Silve r Laundry, 607 E. Hoover. 3x 'LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Care.ful work at low price. 1x READ THE WANT ADS A TRIUMPHFOBTNT Mouth Open, Eyes .. .0 6a T HE PRESENT ATTITUDE of youth, is that morals are less vital than a knowledge of short hand or the ability to tap dance, declared Bishop Bernard Shiel of Chicago, leader of the Catholic Youth Organization in the Midwest, to a conference in Seattle this week. "Young-people have special problems which our generation has heaped upon them," the Bishop told the assembly. "They are children of muddled parents, the inheritors of a crazy-quilt civilization. They hear purity ridiculed and decency decried. Added to that, youth is wooed by Communists with the most astounding skill. "We must reshape our scale of values, even, perhaps our whole scale of vocational education. It seems we must meet the problems of youth's aversion to labor and reteach the theory of the dignity of toil and the practice of technical crafts. The white collar craving is an unhealthy product of an artificial generation." What the Bishop fails to acknowledge. is that the system of muddled values which we inherit is a produce of largely one thing-an economic system allowed by us to evolve from the simpler days of Adam Smith, which takes no cognizance of social or spiritual values. The church abets us if we divorce our private ethics from our economic ethics. We honor a man who hs given millions to charity, overlooking the fact that he acquired those millions at a terrific and horribly callous human cost, and we worship God in a swanky church built by him. There's nothing surprising about a churchman wondering over what's happened to youth. With a single infamous exception, the church has con- sistently refused to recognize the hopeless inade- quacy of free private enterprise has made a con- sistent set of spiritual values in our lives impos- sible. It nas opposed programs for economic re- form. It rejects all proposals of production for use instead of for profit because the Communists smothered the church in Russia. This is not meant to be a brief for Communism, but an in- junction that the church or any other institution, when it seeks to influence its followers in eco- nomic matters, take the trouble to examine and discuss principles of a program of reform before rejecting it The Bishop must have written " . .. we must reteach the theory of the dignity of toil and the practice of technical crafts . . ." with his eyes shut. What does the dignity of toil mean to our generation? It means crowds of dirty, over- worked, ignorant, oppressed, regimented, soul-less workers pouring out of the gates at Ford factory at five o'clock. "We must reshape our values . .. Values, indeed! Whose values, those of the work- ers? If you teach them what God means, Bishop, they'll have a better understanding if they can earn their living without selling themselves at pitifully low wages in between seasonal and cycli- cal layoffs. Co-operative boarding houses for men and women will be opened at the University of Texas next September which will provide room and board at approximately $15 a month. In commenting on the plan, the dean in charge said, "This is no charity arrangement but a business proposition of 14 students pooling their assets and labor to cut down the cost of living." Art Jarrett, sailing for Europe to join his wife, Eleanor Hlm Jarrett, dropped from the Olympic swimming team for drinking champagne: "I was going over for the Olympic games any- auiL, it appnles also L o-antayana as a novelist, ficers of the Ordnance Reserve Oil- who said of The Last Puritan that he grew so fond cers Training Camp on the subject of his characters that he could not leave them. "Planning for Manufacture of Muni- tions in Wartime" in a closed meet- The optimist says his glass is half full; the pes- ing at the East Engineering Building simist says his is half empty.-St. Louis Post-Dis- today. patch. The country is divided into districts for purposes of civilian mobilization. The address will analyze methods of training technical men, who, in time T R eC Vfoear,riyllhave to plan and provide te it for munitions. also MICKEY MOUSE PAUL TOMPKINS LATEST NEWS Matinees ,iii Nights 25c I I125c - 35c At Lower Prices Is The Answer- siness Man, in t he Atlantic Monthly. N CONT3AST to the almost universal loss of reputations elsewhere in the field of economics has been the increasing respect accorded to the Brookings Institution, whose name is heard more and more frequently in connection with economicI questions. Perhaps the reason is that it meets the requirements of scientific approach, organization and fact-finding facilities which have been so fre- quently lacking in the field of economic research to date. The Brookings Institution owes its exist- ence to a public-spirited citizen, Robert Brook- ings, who amassed a fortune in private business and retired to devote himself to public service. In 1932, the Brookings Institution undertook what is unquestionably the most complete study of broad economic fundamentals ever conducted. The project was financed by the Falk Foundation of Pittsburgh, and required the collaboration of Brookings economists over a period of three years. The purpose of the study was to ascertain, if possible, the reason why our entire economic machine does not function more efficiently year in and year out. The results were published in four parts. This study succeeded in isolating what the insti- tution believes to be the fundamental reason why the material progress of the nation has been dis- appointingly slow. According to its findings, the reason is that industry has failed to pass on to consumers enough of the benefits resulting from technological advances, particularly in the pasti 15 years. The answer, says Brookings, lies in more goods at lower prices. This recommendation is directly opposed to much of the economic philosophy now current, and is a direct challengo to price-fixing schemes and stabilization devices. Under a capitalistic system, the savings made possible by improved technology are supposed to be passed along automatically to the public in the form of lower prices. But in recent years, ob- structions to a free competitive system have been built up in the form of price-fixing devices which have prevented consumers from receiving the ben- efits of lower prices that a free competitive system' would have assured them. This conclusion, simple' though it may sound, was arrived at only after the most searcling inquiry ever made into economic fundamentals. In the course of its studies, Brookings has ex- ploded the widely held theory that vastly improved' technology in recent years has made possible a tre- mendous potential ovei-production of goods, and that our salvation from this glut lies in a reduc- -:..__4 t"- -1-."o1 iniv o ~r~i panded, for that is the only method by which the total income of the country can be increased to an amount suffcient to make possible an improved standard of living. The best solution, in the opinion of the Brook- ings Institution, lies in a reduction of prices without any decrease in money wages. This meth- cd results in an automatic increase in the pur- chasing power of every consumer. It tends to increase the volume of production, which is the only way the standard of living can be substan- tially improved. Under such a policy, if the efficiency of pro- duction continued to increase over a period of years the country could look forward not only to complete utilization of existing productive facil- ities, but also to the enlargement of such facilities, with more goods for each individual to enjoy. In its studies to date Brookings has not discussed any methods of insuring price reductions, but expects to examine that subject in future studies. The gist of the Brookings . conclusions is, "more oods at lower prices through elimination of price control." This calls for the free competitive sys- tem undeg which American business is theoret- ically supposed to operate. The trouble has been that it doe3 not operate that way in practice. An examination of the economic theories recently or at present in greatest vogue shows that most cf them are diametrically opposed to the Brook- ings recommendation. The NRA, which, until it was declared uncon- stitutional, comprised the administration's chief recovery effort, was directly opposed to the Brook- ings finding. Under the Blue Eagle, fixed mini- mum prices were established, which resulted in a rigid and artificial price structure. The higher prices tendad definitely to curtail production. Like- wise the AAA, the administration's second great recovery effort, violated virtually every recommen- dation of the Brookings studies. Moreover, the President has made it plain that he does not believe lower prices increase either uurchasing power or consumption.. In his speech at the Jefferson day dinner of the National Dem- ocratic Club in New York on April 25, Mr. Roose- velt said: "You can cheapen the costs of industrial production by two methods. One is by the devel- opment of new mv'hinery and new technique and by increasing employe efficiency. We do not discourage that. But do not dodge the fact that this means fewer men employed and more men unemployed." If that were so, there should be fewer men em- Do you have typing to be done or d you want typing to do? Or, have you lost anything? Insany case, your best mediu is The Michigan Daily Classified Column CASH. RATES LINE I c PEP Eli I.