TWO T 14 E 111 . C I H I I GAN DAILY TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1936 TH.MaTN DA T TTTFsJ SIIA..4. Y.A JL".. 11 . 9.i,7 t-lIL1 .L, f I r THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official Publication of the Summer Session French life, including French menus, magazine, novels, and newspapers. The whole experiment is not unlike the elementary grade school method employed in which two elephants on one side of the street and two elephants on the other side of the street, if brought together in the middle, of the street will make four elephants. Simple? Yes. But after all interest in subjects which can 'be boresome is not to be frowned upon. The German department, following closely in the steps of the French department has organized a German club and if this organization meets with success, a Deutches Haus will be established here next summer. May we encourage every stu- dent to support both of these departments in their efforts to make education vital. BOOKS Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board hin Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Assoca tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.50, by mail, $2.00. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City.-400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ..............THOMAS E. GROEHN ASSOCIATE EDITOR ..............THOMAS H. KLEENE Editorial Director..................Marshall D. Shulman Assistant Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Ralph W, Hurd, Joseph S. Mattes, Elsie A. Pierce, Tuure Tenander, Jewel W. Wuerfel, Josephine Cavanagh, Dorothea Staeber. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER ..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREbDITS MANAGER ....................JOHN R. PARK Circulation Manager...................J. Cameron Hail Office Manager............................Robert Lodge The Philadelphia Classic. W ITH GENEROSITY surprising in a political campaign, William Allen White, famous Kansas editor and staunch Re- publican, writes that the Roosevelt acceptance speech may very well become a "classic" if Mr. Roosevelt wins. Mr. White makes allowances for the generalities because the occasion was what it was; he looks forward to the course of the campaign in which the President may expand and make more specific his plans for the future of the country. We agree that the Roosevelt speech is a model of simplicity and forcefulness in its sound state- ment of the fundamental issue in the coming election. "Necessitous men are not free men," Mr. Roosevelt quotes an old English judge-this in his thesis, that political liberty, the kind for which Republicans are waving flags, cannot exist in a condition of economic servitude. We believe that this is true. Our problem must be to restore our economic liberty anew after industrial conditions have destroyed them-but how much political liberty are we willing to exchange for economic liberty? European coun- tries have, many of them, surrendered their personal rights completely for the sake of eco- nomic security. Russia, even though the new constitution may restore some measure of civil liberties to its citizens, has witnessed a period of suspension of those liberties such as few of us in this country would be willing to live through. Mr. Roosevelt is not oblivious to this. "They have sold their heritage of freedom for the illu- sion of a living," he says of them. "They have yielded their democracy." Yes, they have, and so too may we, unless we know precisely how far in the direction of central- ized regulation of American economy we are will- ing to move to restore economic liberty to our- selves as individuals. This is the essential lack of Mr. Roosevelt's spbech. We sympathize with his intention of substituting human values for industrial values; we believe that he is right in accusing large businessmen of violating moral principle because of the system under which they operate. However, before we allow Mr. Roosevelt to' move in that direction, we want to know in specific terms how far government reg- ulation of all or any industries, just what treat- ment will he give labor unions and to whatI means he will resort to insure agriculture a fair return, We are justified in insisting that Mr. Roosevelt' state his views in specific terms on this funda- mental question in the course of his campaign. _s0*'hr See It 1"ie At Suris (St. Louis Post-Dispatch) A BIT OF NEWS comes out of Boston, by way of the Transcript, which many will regard as an answer to righteous prayer. The breakfast pie has again raised its noble head, spread its buoyant wings, flashed its bright, Puritan sword. Somewhere in the land, the Transcript says, a hotel is serving pie for breakfast, and it asks why not? Those hills of Concord, swinging gently away from Walden's Pond, are now speaking that blue, alluring invitation which Emerson heard, and Thoreou and the Brook Farm visitor, Alcott. It is blue-berry time in Massachusetts, and the song of the blueberry pie entrances even as the bobo- link's whistle or the thrush's aria, and is rather more satisfying. And the apple pie is always there. Smart-alecky ridicule drove pie from the break- fast table. The dietitians carried on when the wisecrackers turned on other targets. But gener- ations breakfasted on pie and thrived. It was Vachel Lindsay (wasn't it?) who said, "It is he- man's food, and I don't mean Felicia Hemans." That "enraptured Yankee," Emerson, ate pie for breakfast all his 79 years. So did 'his fellow Brahmins. But we got sophisticated, and we went soft, and a godly custom perished. It was as if ambrosia had been banished from Olympus. The Boston Transcript might for once crack the shell of its reticence and tell us all the name and town of that hotel that is serving pie for breakfast. The True Spirit Of Education (Ohio State Lantern) r HIS IS an honest-to-goodness story which doesn't sound true and which, if we hadn't seen it happen, we wouldn't believe any more than you. Here's the story: An English department professor was handing back some mid-term papers. The guy across the aisle looked at his bluebook and noticed the word "Incomplete" written across the face of the paper. Worried about what that would mean to his grade, the student approached the professor after class and the conversation was something like this: "Professor Blank, I haven't a grade on this paper and I would like to know what the grade is." Said Professor Blank, "Oh, yes, I remember your paper. You left out two of the questions entirely. Why was that?" "I wdas unable to read all the material in time for the examination. Will that mean that I failed the axam?" "Not at all," answered the professor. "I'm not; interested in giving you a grade on something "A FURTHER RANGE," by Robert Frost; (Holt). THE MOMENT Robert Frost's new book of poems arrived a state of nervousness took hold of this reader. Had Frost, at last, succumbed to the demand that artists write sociological treatises whether fitted to write them or not? Heaven knows, being adviser to innumerable younger poets, he must have been urged to often enough. "A Further Range" proves he has not suc- rumbed. Some of the poems treat of modern life, some of them even have a bearing on polit- ical matters. But always these are sane poems, concerned at bottom with making real a state of mind, and with expressing Robert Frost. This is perhaps bad news for the left, but good news for the middle and right. Indeed, Mr. Frost asks, in one place, whether the tunes have reached a point where the poets should desert Or aage-long theme, for the uncertainty Of judging who is a contemporary liar Who in partaullar, when all alike Get called as much in clashes of ambitIon, And possibly his own answer lies in these lines: "The last step taken found your heft Decidedly upon the left. One more would throw you on the right, Another still-you see your plight. You call this thinking, but it's walking; Not even that, it's only rocking." Mr. Frost touches on social matters again in one of the best of the new poems-about the pathetic roadside stands erected by New England farmers anxious for "city money." For the most part, how- ever, the poems are merely putting Mr. Frost and his mental likeness on paper. They are the voice of New England, in a way. The emotional inflec- tions are not extreme, but on the other hand the point is always made. And we were delighted with the audacity of the poem about the two shoes, one wet with Atlantic water, one with Pacific. It cries to be read. -J.S. Francis Wallace, sports writer and author of six novels, seems to have been the only wise guy when it came to foretelling the results of the Schmeling-Louis combat. Writing in the New York "World-Telegram" just before the fight, he drew an interesting parallel between the careers of a certain horse named Brevity and a certain fighter named Louis. Both, he said, "had the habit of getting out in front from the first leap." But when Brevity "got what is the equine equiv- alent of a clip on the chin, he went to his knees W .. What will Joe Louis do when he gets clipped and goes to his knees? .. . One of these evenings he will be clipped on the chin. Not many people think it will be either Schmeling or Braddock, but you never can tell ...' . The "painful" loss of a driver's license was re- ported to the Texas public safety department by a motorist who said the license was "eaten up" when his car overturned, spilling battery acid into his hip pocket. you haven't read. I want you to read the material. Do it as soon as you can. When you have com- pleted the material, report to my office and I'll give you an opportunity to answer the questions." That, in our opinion, is the true spirit of educa- tion. When Professor Blank reads this he'll know we are referring to him and we hope he'll accept this bit as the real tribute that we mean it to be. To other faculty minds who happen to be listen- ing in . . . far be it from us to attempt to alter your classroom policies but just in case you're interested . DRAMA Here's a play that will have the staidest Liberty League Rotarians waving the old Red Flag and huzza- ing the International. For "Squaring the Circle." the "Abie's Irish Rose" of the Muscovite masses, takes the ro- bot dourness out of our conception of the Soviet character, and makes the Communist comedy quite crazy enough to convulse Broadway and all points west. Valentine Katayev, the youthful author, romps through three acts of mad fun, eliciting the maximum of comedy out of the minimum of sit- uation. Vasya and Abram, confirmed bachelors sharing a garret room, ar- rive on the same day from the Reg- istry office with respective brides, one a bespectacled Marxian bibliophile, the other a fluttery little blond-brain, who doesn't know dialectic from idea- logy. Out of the riotous confusion of cooperative living and the revelation of mismatings arises the merriest of satires. To Carl Nelson one schooner of vodka for his orchida- ceous role of Emilian Tonkonogov, the wild-eyed poet of the new regime. It'll roll you in the aisles. A dish of caviar to Charlie Harrell, whose de- lightful performance of the ever- starving Abram contributed much to the light-hearted mood of the play. The other three leads, Edward Jurist, Mary Pray and Virginia Frink were not far behind. The quadruple lead- sharing succeeded, if the cooperative living did fail. Anyhow, it's all good clean fun, and as the dogmatic leader Novikov says, "It won't hurt the revolution." The second Repertory play bodes well for the summer season; in fact it kind of takes the Windt out of Hender- son's sales. Brazil Takes Place Of Dixie As 1eich's Source Of Cotton (By the Associated Press) The most striking feature of the re- orientation of" Germany's foreign trade in 1935, says a report of the German Institute for Business Re- search, was the decline of cotton im- ports from the United States and the increase of such imports from Bra- zil. From the United States, which in 1933 furnished 72 per cent of Ger-1 many's cotton requirements, there was imported last year only 27 per cent. From Brazil, which the report says furnished in 1933 only "an insignifi- cant amount," the Reich imported about 20 per cent of its 1935 require- ments. Cotton imports from Argentina, Peru, China and Turkey also showed increases. Imports from India and Egypt showed little change. Foreign - exchange complications are mentioned as the reason for this reorientation of trade. FOR SALE OFFER wanted for lot twenty-one Eastover Hills. Write W. T. God- dard, Commerce Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. LAUNDRY _ -----~-- - EXPERIENCED laundress doing stu- dent laundry. Called for and de- livered. Telephone 4863. 2x LAUNDRY WANTED: Student Co- ed. Men's shirts 10c. Silks, wools, our specialty. All bundles done sep- arately. No markings. Personal sat- isfaction guaranteed. Call for and deliver. Phone 5594 any time until 7 o'clock. Silver, Laundry, 607 E. Hoover. 3x LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. lx CLASSIFIED 33 ti t FOR RENT FOR RENT: Pleasant single room; a room suitable for two; also a base- nent apartment. 933 Forest. FOR RENT: Single room in private, iefpni home. Nealr Ferry Field, 1336 White St.. Phone 7051. FOR RENT: Cool, nicely furnished i oe with adjoining lavatory, Shower bth. Conl-tious hot water. Garage Phone 8544 422 E. Washing ton. 1 BOA1. $1.50" weekly. 12 meals, ;11ri('tly hom cooking. Slade's, 608 Hill St., near Sate. 2 R'I) S WIN NIGHT GAME CINCINNATI, O.. June 29. --P)-- The sIrhlt- knickered Cincinnati Reds conmbiiied i' tfour its with three Chicagoe rr.s tnight to defeat the 'hai iipion CUbs,. 4 to 3. HALLER'S Jewelry State and Liberty Watch Repairing aw hL A THE new EVER- SHARP pen can t leak! It is the only pen that has the Safety Ink Shut-Off -the ingenious de- vice that locks ink tightly in the barrel when pen is not in use. Can't stain your fingers, purse or, clothes; A This new pen also brings you Tailored Writing. You adjust it, tailor it, to suit YOUR writing Holds more ink- fills in one stroke-- ink supply always visible. $7.50- $10 Other Models $5 Matching Pencils $3.50 and $4 302 South State St. "The Pen Hospital" RI DER'S PL. r s s The Fate Of Liberal Governments L 3Foyer Francais . . i T HE SUMMER SESSION, the French department and especially Mr. Charles E. Koella are to be congratulated for the establishment of the LeFoyer Francais-a new ed- ucational experiment at this University. The relative merits of classroom work as corn- pared to actual experience and association in the field have long been argued by educators, espe- cially in the Romance Languages. Many of the old guard believe that experiment ssuch as the French House are not feasible because they do not make for a pure French vocabulary. They claim the atmosphere too congenial and too social for an intellectual study of the language. The more progressive language scholars, however, will argue that the structure and quality of the lan- guage can well be learned in the classroom, while the actual "feeling" for the language must be obtained from actual association with the customs t 1 i t t c T. i { G k V C 1. S 0 e 1. The following is a reprint of the speech made by Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg of Michigan in the Sen- ate on Friday, June 19, in protest against the recently passed tax bill. MR. PRESIDENT, inasmuch as the new tax bill has how apparently been agreed upon, and we are generally informed respecting its terms, I wish to make a very brief statement respecting my opinion of it. I desire to register in a few brief sentences my reasons for opposing this tax atrocity: I consider it to be a climax in the unsound, wishful, dis- ruptive economics which have become the national curse. It races toward the further destruction of every real impulse which woul encourage re- covery, reemployment, and recaptured security. It is at war with the public welfare and will fall like a plague upon many of its victims. It will deserve the thundering rebuke which the Amer- ican people will register against it when they understand what has been done to them. In the first place, the conference report brings' us essentially a new bill which never has been put to the probe of congressional debate. It is the makeshift product of a star-chamber House and Senate conference, which in- sheer desperation has subordinated principle to expediency. It, as is our weary action on it, is precipitated more by an anxiety to adjourn than by any such adequate consideration as ought to precede a new levy of some $700,000,000 upon the already breakingI backs of American taxpayers. To pretend that we proceed deliberatively would be the sum total of political hypocrisy, because we do not. This is a blind and sinister speculation in the rights and resources of 125,000,000 people. Irrespon- sibility will not soon register a greater conquest. In the second place, this bill reaches for more and ever more revenue without any semblance of corollary effort to economize - to economize even just a little -in Government expenditures. We still linger in the blighting era' of the great pay off. Every penny which this new and deadly brium. The amazing idea that "rainy-day" pre- cautions have come to be a vice, to be discouraged by law, is no less wanton and suicidal, in my view, than the earlier but kindred spectacle of a government that deliberately destroyed food in the presence of a hungry people. In the fourth place, this tax on surplus encour- ages big business and monopoly. It crucifies little business and denies it growth. Those who are already fat can keep their fat. Those who are lean must stay lean or pay the heavy penalty fo rthe temerity of their aspirations. Thus it bluntly curtails American opportunity; and thus it blindly circumscribes tomorrow's employment opporunities. As a result it is a blow to those who toil, a blow to labor even as it is a blow to capital. Through tax pressure we substitute the judgments of Federal bureaucrats for the judg- ments of private ownership in the management of private business; and thus we approach more candidly the Fascist state. These are but a few of the burning reasons why this legislative crime should not occur. But they suffice. Oh, yes; we need more revenues; and I am prepared to help you get them whenever the formula is rational, and whenever it includes an honest, conservation effort to bring the Budget within sight of balance. But this is not a rational formula. It seeks revenue at the expense of recovery when recovery is our best assurance of revenue; and it attempts, once more, desperately to hide from the mass of our citizenship that they, and they alone, finally must pay these enormous bills which we contemptouously charge to the next generation. Nor does it encourage hopes of Budget balance when our contemplated expenditures next year, untouched by any sem- blance of retrenchment, will exceed even those of the present prodigal year by an amount fully equal to the new revenues now being contem- plated. We are merely financing our latest spree. i HOME-COOKED The Best in Ann Arbor HOT MEALS - COLD PLATES SALADS, Etc. LUNCHEON 11:15-2:00 DINNER 5:15-8:00 Prices from 25c to 50c BrigtSpot 802 Packard it pL > >r rif tho nat.innnI rharaot.Rr and pniiili_ IHI Ill -- !I V Last Day- GRACE MOORE "THE KING STEPS OUT" TOMORROW Room hunting was dreaded by poor Mrs. Ghent, Days and days even weeks she spent, While smart Mrs. Brown MICHwz~~sn i4. Found the choice of the town TWO FEATURES! Fred MacMurray Joan Bennett 7 -- - M:. . . Under the heading of "Rooms to Rent"! I 1I 1i E I