SATRAY, AUG. 1, 19.16 THE lICHIGAN DAILY rAGE TBREN w., NEWS Of The DAY (From The Associated Press) Cost Of Living Hurts U. S. Labor LANSING, July 31.-(/)-The State Emergency Relief Admin- istration said today the rising cost of living is cutting deeply into pay increases labor receives in Michigan. A bulletin released today said a survey of conditions last May disclosed that although payrolls were $1,189,078 larger than in the previous month, "increases in the cost of the various items of the wage earner's budget ef- fected a reduction of 1 per cent in real wages." No Townsend Candidate In Third District BATTLE CREEK, July 31.-(P) -The Townsend Clubs' advisory board decided today to endorse no candidate in the third con- gressional district until after the September primary. Rep. Verner W. Main won the Republican nomination and was elected last year, with support of the Townsend Clubs, but he an- nounced recently that he was waiving such endorsement this year. He said he could not con- scientiously champion the de- mand of the Townsend organi- zation for a $200 monthly pen- sion, but that he would continue to support the McGroarty Bill, which incorporates part of the Townsend Pension Plan. Airplane Missing In English Channel ST. HELIER, Jersey, England, July 31.-(P)-An airplane carry- ing eight passengers, a pilot and a radio operator was missing to- night in stormy weather on a short hop from Guernsey to Jer- sey Island in the English Chan- nel. The Jersey Airways amphibian plane took off at'7 p.m. on a flight normally requiring 2 minutes, but had not arrived here at 10 p. Cozens Attaeked By Brucker Here MContnued from Pae 1) miners to a new set of homes, while the mines are in danger of closing down without financial aid, and where .thousands of dollars were spent on a golf course 30 miles from the near- est town, when roads are badly need- ed. His organization tour has carried him through nearly 40 counties in the past six weeks, he stated, and Bruck- er-for-Senator committees are al- ready at work in all but five of the 83 counties in the state, with complete organization of the state hoped for by tonight. "The elements indicate an old-fashioned Republican land- slide," he added. The committee named to campaign for him in this county will be headed by Roscoe Bonisteel, of Ann Arbor. Other iembers named are Mayor and Mrs. Ray Burrill of Ypsilanti, County Welfare Commissioner Ever- ett De Ryck of Milan, Dr. Lee David- son of Manchester, Paul Maroney of Chelsea, Mark Sugden, of Salina, and Ray Dolph, Horace G. Pettiman, Mrs. Maria Peel, and Mrs. Mabel Blum, of Ann Arbor. Brucker told the group that he hoped to address night meetings in both Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor during his more intensive campaigning be- fore the primaries and in October, and to make a complete circuit of the county each time. 4 Among those who attended the meeting were Regent Junius E. Beal, Carl E. Stuhrberg, local attorney who arranged the get-together, former Banking Commissioner Rudolph E. Reichert, and William Laird, city at- torney. Hurricane Hits Gulf Of Mexico, Damages Ships Coastal Property Suffers; Residents, Vacationists Rush ToSafety PENSACOLA, Fla., July 31. - (P) - A midsummer hurricane whirled out of the Gulf of Mexico across a sparse- ly settled area 40 miles east of here today, inflicting heavy damage on some coastal property and leaving three vessels unaccounted for. Forewarned, residents and vaca- tionists moved to safety from exposed resort centers and no loss of life was reported immediately from the winds which reached as high as '100 miles an hour. Pensacola escaped dam- age. Ships unreported were the two- masted fishing smack Bob, carrying a crew of six; the steamer Tarpon with a crew of 15 bound from Apala- chicola to Panama City; and the 38- foot auxiliary schooner Ketchum of St. Petersburg. Blow Strikes At Dawn While the coast guard sought to ascertain their whereabouts, divi- sional headquarters at Jacksonville suggested the ships might have put in at isolated points to escape the storm. The blow, striking first about dawn, was the second appearance of a trop- ical hurricane which started in the Caribbean, swept across the southern tip of the state Tuesday night, and recurved with increasing intensity in the Gulf. Two deaths were attributed to the first appearance of the storm. A lineman was electrocuted and a deck- hand drowned. The resort colonies of Fort Walton and Valparaiso bore the brunt of the storm felt along a 75-mile stretch of the coast today. Winds of 85 miles an hour struck Fort Walton and an army radio station said at Valparaiso the maximum velocity was 90 to 100 miles an hour there. Fort Walton's wharves were car- ried away by tides eight feet above ,normal. More than 2,000 persons, including many on vacation, deserted the community. Gunnery Base Damaged The United States gunnery base at Valparaiso was badly damaged and the Pensacola-Valparaiso highway was under water in places. Cotton, corn and tung oil trees suffered heav- ily. The banana boat Malva from Hon- duras was beached at Panama City and the vessel Malosa unmoored. Mu- nicipally owned fishing docks were battered down, streets flooded and electric and water service was inter- rupted. A hastily erected short wave radio kept Panama City in communication with the outside. Olson Defeats Sookne Wins Codeball Title Codeball, squash, and horseshoe pitching championships were decid- ed this week in the men's intramural tournaments. L. W. Olson won the Codeball title, defeating J. Sookne, 2 to 1, in the finals. E. Espeilie won the horseshoe toss- ing championship by conquering over N. Ostich, 2-0, in the finals. Espelie entered the final round by defeating Mills, while Ostich Peat Olson in the semi-finals. George Duffy is the squash cham-, pion. The former University varsity football manager took over Ewing in3 the finals. L. Luoto is ahead in the intramural swimming meet which has 10 events. With about half' of the events com- pleted, Luoto has scored 500 points. He took firsts in the 25 and 50-yard back stroke, two seconds, and two thirds. R. Harrison, who is in sec- ond place with 460 points, won the 50-yard breast stroke, and has taken, three seconds and two thirds. Winning first in the 25 and 50- yard free style swim, and registering two seconds and one fourth, G. Moss has pulled up to third place. The fourth notch is held by J. Edmonds who won first place in the 25-yard breast stroke. The next events will be held at 4:45 p.m. Monday. Principals In Astor Fight For Child Custody Plotter's Suicide By Poisoned Gum DAILY OFFIC] I rPublication in the Bulletin is con nds iq n ase University. Copy received at the ofmi Angell Hall until 3:30. 11:00 a.m. on ST. PAUL, July 31-(P)-John P. Peifer, convicted Kincap plotter in VOL. XLV No. 28 the sensation - marked William SATURDAY, AUG. 1, 1936 Jr., case, ended his life in his jail; cell--presumably by chewing poison- Notices ed gum-two hours after he had Episcopal Students: There will be been sentenced to serve 30 years in the regular student meeting Sunday, prison, evening. Cars will leave St. An- The former St. Paul tight club op- drew's Church at 5 p.m. Supper and erator, branded by a Federal court swimming. All students and their jury the "fingerman" in the $100,000 friends are cordially invited. abduction, thus became the second suicide growing out of the three-year Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: old crime. Services Sunday morning are: 8 a.m. The first was "Stir Crazy" Willie oly Communion; 11 a.m. kinder- Sharkey, Chicago Touhy gang mem- garten; 11 a.m. Holy Communion and uer, who hanged himself with his necktie in his cell here two years ago after he and fellow gangsters had been acquitted on charges of kidnap- ing Hamm.., Three jailers, summoned by fellow prisoners when Peifer appeared to be in convulsions called in rescue squads which attempted to revive him. But their efforts were futile. DIRECTORY --Associated Press Photo. Mary Astor, screen beauty, and her divorced husband, Dr. Franklyn Thorpe, paid close attention while sensational testimony was being given in the Los Angeles court healing by which Miss Aster hopes to re- gain custody of their four-year-old daughter. Top, the actress is shown in conference with her attorney, Roland Rich Woolley; center, Dr. Thorpe (right) turned to pass a remark to his attorney, Joseph Ander- son. Below, Miss Astor and Ruth Chatterton (right), actress, are shown chatting in a lobby during a recess. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance 1He per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per read- ing line for three or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. Telephone rate - 15c per reading line for two or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. 10% discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. 2 lines daily, college year ...........7e By Contract, per line - 2 lines daily, one month ....................8c 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months............8c 4 lines E.O.D.. 2 months............8c 100 lines used as desired..........9c 300 lines used as desired............8c 1,000 lines used as desired ..........7c 2,000 lines used as desired ..........6c The above rates are per reading line based on eight reading lines per inch Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add 6c per line to above rates for all capital. letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and ower case. Add 10c per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. The above rates are for 71 point type. FOR SALE FOR SALE: Conn B Flat trumpet. Just like new. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Also Deluxe Plymouth coupe, '33, radio and heater. Box 163. 24. LAUNDRY LAUNDRY WANTED: Student Co- ed. Men's shirts 10c. Silks, wools, our specialty. All bundles done sep- arately. No markings. Personal sat- isfaction guaranteed. Call for and deliver. Phone 5594 any time until 7 o'clock. Silver Laundry, 607 E. Hoover. 3x LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 1x READ THE WANT ADS sermon by the Rev. Frederick W. Leech. Congregational Church: 10:45 a.m. service of worship with sermon by the minister, Rev. Allison Ray Heaps. Subject, "Let Us Pray." Soloist, Grace Johnson Konold. First Methodist Church: Morning worship service at 10:45 a.m. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "Beyond Science." This sermon concludes the series on the theme "What do you think of the Christian Task?" Stalker Hall: Wesleyan Guild meet- ing at 6 p.m. in the vestry of the Methodist Church. Miss Adelaide Adams will give an illustrated talk on "Christianity's Contribution to Art." Fellowship Hour following the meeting. All Summer Session stu- dents and their friends are cordially invited to meet at this hour. Trinity Lutheran Church, E. Wil- liam at S. Fifth Ave., Henry O. Yoder, pastor. Church worship service will be held at 9:15 a.m. The pastor will use as his theme "What aileth thee?" Ap- propriate music will be rendered with the regular liturgical service. First Baptist Church, Sunday 10:45 a.m. The morning worship and ser- mon by Rev. Howard R. Chapman. The communion service will be held. The Roger Williams Students Guild will hold its final meeting at 6 p.m. Sunday evening. A brief program and social hour. Friends on the cam- pus are cordially invited. The Lutheran Students in the sum- mer school will have an outing this Sunday at Whitmore Lake. You are asked to meet at Zion Lutheran Church at 3 p.m. The church is located at the corner of E. Washing- ton and S. Fifth Ave. Bring 25 cents for eats. Call 23680 or 5665 so that the committee can make sufficient plans for food and transportation. If you are married bring your family. The Graduate Outing Club will meet at Lane Hall on Sunday, Aug. 2, at 2 p.m. sharp where they will be taken to Crooked Lake for swim- ming, games and picnic supper. The approximate cost will be 40 cents. Those planning to go who have cars call 4367. A refund will be made to those furnishing cars. All graduate students are cordially invited to at- tend all meetings of the club during the summer. This week Professor [AL BULLETIN structive notice to all members of the ce of the Summer Session, Room 1213 Saturday. Rufus has kindly offered his cottage at Crooked Lake for the club's en- joyment. Weekly Reading Hour: For the pro- gram on Monday evening, Aug. 3 at 7 p.m. in Room 302 Mason Hall Pro- fessor Hollister will read from the newer poetry. The public is cordial- ly invited. Graduation Recital: Miss Florence Leach from Wauregan, Conn., will give a violin recital Monday evening, Aug. 3, at 8:30 p.m. in the School of Music Auditorium. Miss Leach is on the faculty of the Colby Junior Col- lege, New London, N. H. This recital is in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for a Master of Music degree. School of Music Graduate Stud- ents: Convocation of all graduate students in the School of Music, Mon- day, Aug. 3, 5 p.m. School of Music Auditorium. This meeting takes precedence over School of Music classes. Political Science 152S: Assignment is as follows: Ogg, European Goven- ment and Politics, pp. 844-887; Hill and Stoke, pp. 517-595; Lenin, State and Revolution. Edward H. Litchfield, Assistant in Political Science Dept. University Lectures: Prof. R. A. Fisher, Director of the Galton Lab- oratories, University of London, will give three lectures on mathematical ,statistics and its applications. The subjects and dates are as follows: Tuesday, Aug. 4: The value of de- sign in experimentation. Wednesday, Aug. 5: Recent Pro- gress in mathematical statistics. Friday, Aug. 7: The study of in- heritance in man. These lectures -will be given in Room 1025 A.H. at 4:10 p.m. All interested are cordially invited. Summer Session Students: Re- quests for transcripts of the work of this Summer Session in the College of L.S. & A., and Schools of Arch., Educ., and Music should be filed in Room 4, U. H. on or before Aug. 10. Requests received after that date will of necessity be delayed. Excursion No. 10: Put-In-Bay, Lake Erie, Wednesday, Aug. 5. Reserva- tion must be made in Room 1213 An- gell Hall before 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 4. Chartered busses leave for Detroit at 7:15 a.m. from in front of Angell Hall and will go directly to the "Put-in-Bay" dock at the foot of First St. on the Detroit River. The steamer leaves at 9 a.m. At 8 p.m. when the steamer reaches Detroit from Put-in-Bay busses will meet the party and will arrive in Ann Arbor at about 9:30 p.m. Expenses: Round trip bus fare, $1. round trip on steamer 75 cents; admission to caves, 30 cents; total expenses, including meals on steamer, about $4.00. Hooded Leoion Plot To Disease Jews Revealed Printer Tells Suggestion Made To Put Typhoid Germs In Jews' Milk DETROIT, July 31.-UP)-An ab- ortive plot to put typhoid germs in milk delivered to Jews was charged to the Black Legion today while a de- fendant told-in another case-how a black snake whip cracked -"per- haps a dozen times" on the back of a rebellious member. Prosecutor Duncan C. McCrea made public the formal, statement of William Guthrie, a Black Legion printer, who accused -a high-ranking Legion officer an another man-a "chemist"-of approaching him nine months ago with plans for breedingl germs in Guthrie's house. Guthrie, who said the plot never got beyond the scheming stage, re- ported the men talked of sending in- fected milk and cottage cheese into districts "most thickly populated with their enemies." "Did they name any particular class of people?" Assistant Prosecutor' William E. Dowling asked. "They said the Jews," Guthrie re- plied. Guthrie's story gave a savage twist he Great Extortion Is A Iell Of A Flop OMAHA, Neb., July 31.-(R')-R. A. Alt, Chief of the Federal Bureau of Investigation here, said Sterling Wal- rod Powell, 16-year-old farm boy arrested at his home one mile south of Grant, Neb., late today, has con- fessed to writing an extortion letter asking $25,000 of George F. Temple, father of Shirley Temple, juvenile screen actress. Federal officials said that the let- ter, which the youth admitted writ- ing, read: "Unless $25,000 is dropped from an airplane near Grant, Neb., on May 15, the life of Shirley Temple will be endangered." Agents quoted George Temple, the little acrtess' father, as saying the letter apparently was lost in her fan mail and was not opened until May 18, three days after the deadline set in the letter. Mr. and Mrs. Temple and their famous daughter are now touring the northwest. to the Black Legion investigation, which continued today while six men heard testimony against them in court on charges of abducting and flogging Robert Penland-the first Black Legion trial. How Penland was lashed for not attending meetings was described in court--by a defendant-although the alleged victim himself has denied he was whipped. I A I ___ -- ' . 7 Tl ,_ "ONE 1 I - L ast Day jI RAINY AFTERNOON" TOMORROW! Starts GREATER MOVIE SEASON! THE BIG PICTURE OF 1936 - NEVER SUCH A THRILLI Your two most exciting M-G-M's mighty romantic triumph! End - of- Season Will Continue Through August with SUMMER Dtress s its-,Coats ORIGINAL PRICE All White and Pastel Crepes - Light Prints Knits - Strings - Laces and Cottons Sizes I1 to 46 - 161/2 to 261/2 Values to $16.95 ' COATS~ String and Novelty Fabrics Sizes 12 to 20 - Values to $16.95 SPRING and MID-SEASON Darker Crepes - Sheers - Laces - Prints Knits at Reductions from % to 2. Values to $29.75 Two Groups of Spring Suits and Coats. Values from $16.95 to $29.75 at $7.95 and $12.95 BLOUSES - SHIRTS ARTCRAFT SWEATERS HOSIERY .$2.95 Values . . $2.00 Mostly Darker Shades. $1.95 Values ..$1.39 $135 Values ... 95c I 1. I CLARK IEANETTE GABLE-MACDONALD with ,san- rnic Ili III . I I .1 .1