TWO THE T-VIIUIMGXN OXILY . SATURDAY, AUG. 1, 193$ TH1~ T aI V T 1 V11URVDA \, AULiXG1.11'. 193Gvv I THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official Publication of the Summer Session Geographical Dispute Swells The Unwilling Editor's Mail Wharton well depicted a woman embittered by - life's circumslm:'nces, a woman who was different cnough not to succumb charmingly to the conven- "" ,. Ftlcltion of her day. And Zoe Akins took up the It has been inter-:sting to watch your collegiate theme to dramatize it with colorful and vivid idealism blaze for' h in all its glory in a weak words. That, in staging it, she jumped too sud- atempt to uphold the present administration and denly from 1839 to 1853 is obvious; but the a still weaker attack on Governor Landon. Far number of years are a witness to the growth of be it from me howvek o oen yor Fiw that bitterness and hatred which made Charlotte etfrmme. however, to condemn your views " or either subject; vtu are as much rntitled to print a crabled spinster. It is episodic, but are epi- as Malcolm Bingay .is to print his, sdes well-chosen and brilliantly painted so ter- - iolr pii onedaa theyoth m y be. a s t p i t h s - biased as they both ma~y be.rible? Every episode carried one immediately back But there is one point in the present political into the strugle between Charlotte and Delia. .situation vhich you have ignored and for which As for Joe, he was only a leading character in so situaasihe prichitytedhthecrisisein the thirdhepi Published every morning except Monday during the .il think ou should be roundly criticized. That is far as he precipitated the crisis in the third epi- University year and Summer Session by the Board in the .gubernatorial candidacy of Frank Murphy. sode. What happened to him is inconsequential; Member of the Wese cnfierence Editorial Associa- With several thousand young Michigan voters Jim said he supposed his brother would go away tion and the Big Ten News Service. eeking intelligent comments in your column every Icr awhik thus casually intimating that Joe bears MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS morning, you Ien'raliZe on broad national issues, io more nart in Charlotte's life. The much heard- The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use upon which even experienced prognosticators are of and never seen Clem Spender deserves more at- for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or tention, and we know that he was, at least out- not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news 'ost, instead of striking closer to home on a subject published herein. All rights of republication of special il wlich we .,;ould all be more vitallyvardly, "living happily ever after." dispatches are reserved.ndmr y interested. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as Perhaps you are afraid of the consequences, but Sarah Pierce and Ruth Le Roux plus a good second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by it seems to nie that "A Puppet Governor vs. The strong play and an efficient, if not super, sup- Third Assistant Postmaster-General.uncatm^k o-deerimn;thttws Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.50, by mail, People's Choice" is a more appropriate subject perting cast mrke go.d entertainment; that it was $2.00. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by for your editorial speculation on which presiden- dull appliedi to someone who expected the humor mail, $4,50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, tial candidate has evaded the most issues so far. of "Squaring the Circle," the superiority of "Mary Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. -R. B. of Scotland." Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 -Casual Critic. Madison Ave., New York City.-400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Il.,/ "_- ditions in the South were probably made from afar. There is an old saying that the distant meadows al- ways look greener. Also it is easier to criticize than to be criticized, espe- ciall.y when done unjustly. Your, state is a most pleasant one to visit. Your school is excellent. We respect your practices and habits, even though they may be different from those to which we are accus- tomed. Incidentally, none of us are perfect, and we often make mistakes just as pcssibly you do. We are Imore than glad to recognize any of our shortcomings, and sincerely apol- ogize-one for all and all for one. '"The Southern Gal," I am sure, is perfectly willing to make recompense for her remarks, or even let this serve in its place. and potatoes, but they didn't chirp to the contrary. Third, the members of the stronger sex may not fan you with palm leaf fans when you step from the cars, but they certainly know what the sdore is. I have found more Chesterfields and Lochinvars up here than I ever even heard of in the South. This isn't flattery. I'm only giving credit where credit is due-so take it -you may like it. i -A Geor Maximum: Three To the Editor:-. gia Girl. i EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 425 MANAGING EDITOR............THOMAS E. GROEHN ASSOCIATE EDITOR ..............THOMAS H. KLEENE Editorial Director............. Marshall D. Shulman Dramatic Critic.............. .......John W. Pritchard Assistant Editors: Clinton B. Conger, Ralph W. Hurd, Joseph S.Mattes, Elsie A. Pierce, Tuure Tenander, Jewel W. -Wuerfel. Reporters: Eleanor Barc, Donal Burns, Mary Delnay, M. E. Graban, John Hilpert, Richard E. Lorch, Vincent Moore, Elsie Roxborough, William Sours, Dorothea Staebler, Betty Keenan. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-214 BUSINESS MANAGER..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDITS -MANAGER..................JOHN B. PARK Circulation Manager .................J. Cameron Hall OQeie Manager .............................Robert Lodge Answer To The Constitutional Democrats OT MUCH EDITORIAL COMMENT ,Jis necessary on the following cor- respondence, which has not ben published before. The letters ave between Sterling E. Edmunds of St. Louis, a leader of the 'Constitutional Demo- crats,' a man who was called "the chief opponent of child labor legislation in the United States" by the chairman of the woman's division on the Democratic party this week, and James H. Win- ston, of tle prominent Chicago law firm of Win- ston, Str:n and Shaw, a Democrat of long stand- iig. Mr. Sterling's letter reads as follows: Dear Mr. Winston: Senator James A. Reed of Missouri and I. are addressing letters to Constitutional Dem- crats who are opposed to the present alien con- trol of our party's name and machinery in 30 or more States, asking if they will attend a conference in Detroit on Friday, August 7th, at the Book-Cadillac Hotel, to discuss what we can and should do in the present campaign. We are agreed, as are all who have any knowledge of Constitutional history, that the reelecti1n of President Roosevelt and his per- severance in his collectivist policies, with the prospect of his packing the Supreme Court to validate them, presents one of the gravest problems which has ever confronted the free American citizen. We have assurances from Democrats in a dozen states at this time, including Hon. Bain- bridge Colby of New York, Gov. Jos. B. Ely of Mass., and John H. Kirby of Houston, Tex., that they will attend such meeting. Will you kindly advise me by Air Mail or by wire, addressing me at Wequetonsing, Mich., whether you will join with us, and, if so, on your arrival in Detroit on August 7th, will you come to my sitting room in the Book- Cadillac Hotel promptly to register. Those attending should make their own hotel reservations. Sincerely yours, STERLING E. EDMUNDS. (Signed) Mr. Winstons reply reads as follows: Dear Mr. Edmunds: I acknowle~ge recepit of your letter of July 27th, inviting me to attend a meeting of "Con- stitutional Democratc" in Detroit on August 7th, "to discuss what we can and should do in the present campaign." You ask me to advise you by nir mail or by wire whether I will join with you. Feeling as I do, I know it will make no difference to you that my reply goes by slow mail. Being a Democrat on principle and revering the Constitution as much as anyone, I can say fo- myself that my mind is made up that "what I can and should do in the present campaign".is to support the nominee of my party, who has brought the country out of chaos. Aren't you covering too much territory when you say, "We are agreed, as are all who have any knowlefge of constitutional history, that the re -election of President Roosevelt and his perseverence in his collectivist policies, with the prospec of his packing the Supreme Court to validate them, presents one of the gravest problems which has ever confronted the free American citizen?" I know quite a few lawyers, Republicans as well as Democrats, possessed of at least a re- spectable knowledge of constitutional history, who feel that the preservation of our political and economic system depends upon the reelec- tion of President Roosevelt. Would you be justified in making the charge ha1.. i rs ei i n- t c.a ,,o * xrr,.ii , hp - a ,rinr I The ted-Faced general To the Fitor: Allow me to congratulate you on the sterling essay your Mr. Neal wrote for yesterday's Daily. A more lucid, dispassionate and intelligent treat- ment of the presidential candidates has so far ,iot appeared il any publication I have seen. By the way, did you notice the terrible boner the Free Press pulled in their early edition one day last week? A cut line under a picture on the back page (Today's Pictures Today) of the Spanish Civil war spcke of "the rebel Communists." Is .eneral Franco's face going to be red when he sees himself unmasked like that! --Joseph Gies, '39. 'The Old Maid' To the Editor: The something called "The Old Maid" for which Zoe Akins was given a Pulitzer Prize was played Wednesday right in a way well worth at least sin amateur Pulitzer award. The honor for which Sarah Pierce and Ruth Le Roux sparred was a high one; two characters well depicted who gained . rength and brilliance as the plot did, they both von equal laurels in a play which, though ad- mittedly fictional, yet portrays a cross section ef nineteenth century life in a highly dramatic method. , Yesterday's critic maintains that "The Old Maid" is "unnecessary as thematic material." Every theme is old, and this is one of the oldest. But the treatment is what counts, and this story bears placing under the list headed by: Tragedy: e study and denouement. As tragedy, Edith BOOKS "THE EARTH TREMBLES," fifth volume of "Men of Good Will," by Jules Romains; (Knopf). rfHAT interminable serial novel of Jules Ro-' mains has progressed into its fifth volume, a considerable book entitled "The Earth Trembles." As M. Romains progresses, his pattern becomes increasingly clear and (perhaps fortunately) it becomes evident that the author can, if he wills, continue writing the same book forever. He al- ready has made the English novelists of long ago seem mere postscript writers. Hervey Allen and Margaret Mitchell, too. And as the pattern becomes clearer it also be- comes evident that M. Romains could not have written his novel without generous use of hind-j sight. For he is bursting into a consideration of1 economics, of revolution, of social security and other problems we like to call modern. Since "The Earth Trembles" covers' the period between 1910 and the World war, approximately, it is not diffi- cult for the author to put sage remarks into the mouth of his Jerphanion. He has the 20-odd years experience of the world, since the beginning of the war, to draw from. The French railroad strike of 1910 is a fore- runner of the quake, as M. Romains sees it. One of his characters says to another, in effect, that the only escape from a foreign war would be a war at home, that France must choose. The sha- dow of a dictator is thrown upon the screen by Briand, who thinks about the possibility of un- trammeled power (through M. Romains' mind, to be sure). And Jerphanion (M. Romains' intellectual stalk- ing horse) thinks deeply of economics-of how there has dearly always been enough to make man- kind happy, and how the plenty has been drawn off into personally profitable channels by the "princes." And Jerphanion thinks too about war and the organization of good will and means to keep nations at peace. Truth to tell, the farther M. Romains wanders from the usual mold of the novel, the less readable he becomes. He is so anxious to make his points, that sometimes, he drives them clean through his readers' head. -J.S. sia, Germany, Italy, Spain, France and else- where, I cannot escape the conclusion that the waters have been troubled everywhere and that skilful steering has been required. Since we are still afloat, and our colors flying, I con- clude that all in all the Roosevelt Administra- tion has done pretty well. Again speaking as a capitalist who has suc- ceeded in laying by a competence for old age, and who therefore desires to preserve the so, called capitalistic system, I, like every think- ing person, am uneasy about the problems that best nie TBut T n mnov td tohor thngaht Here And There To the Editor: All demagegues appeal to emotion-never to reason. Such is the method of Hitler, Mussolini and Senator Vandenberg. * * * * Never shall state nor gold Shelter his heart from aching Whoso the Alter of Justice old Spurneth to night unwaking. -Aeschylus, "Agamemnon." . (vv381-4, Murray's trans.) * * * * The American people are pleasure and money inad.-United Lutheran Synod, Albany, June 10, 1936. * * * * The first item in our own Bill of Rights is freedom of religion, followed closely by freedom of speech, press, assembly and petition. When the Germans are delivered from the evil of tyranny they will again practice the virtues that are in them. -* * * * Jeffersonian Democracy as viewed by Cordell Hull, Secretary of State: * * * * "The Democratic party is conservative whenever eonservatism will suffice. It is radical whenever m dicalisrn is necessary to uproot deep-seated evils that afflict the country. It makes no war on wealth. While it declared eternal war on wealthy violators of the law, it guarantees to all law-abiding aggregatiorns of wealth freedom from molestation. No party can be conservative on all policies at all times." This former Representative-after that a Sen- ator, author of the Income Tax Law and chairman of his party's national committee-is now in the New Deal, although he is not a New Dealer in the Ickes-Tuawell sense. By his own definition he could not be. He is Cordell Hull of Tennessee, Secretary of State, one of the few men in public Me after decades of office-holding who need not cat any-or at least many-words he ever uttered. A priest does not need to be a gentleman, to have tact. to have breeding-all he needs is to sell bogus economics to a lot of gullible individuals. -Observer. GEOGRAPHICAL 1 As Miss Post Would Say- To the Editor: It has been most amusing to read the comments on courtesy and good breeding as expressed by op- posite sides of the Mason-Dixon line. But may I call to the attention of the young lady who wrote under the caption "Yankee" in the Thursday Daily (I think the writer in question must be a woman for I do not think any gentleman would speak so spitefully of one of the opposite sex), that by allowing herself such a display of verbal pyrotechnics, she placed herself in the same class as the one she so hotly condemned. "Judge not that ye be not judged.' May I also add that the poor taste shown by the one whom the League offended would not be tolerated for one second by any true southerner either. Such conduct is just as incompatible to my sense of good taste as it is to any of "You- all." And now, sir, I wonder if you would consider, or have what may be termed "intestinal fortitude," to apologize for your uncouth remarks addressed to one of our lot. We regret and are sorry for having caused such griev- ance. Can you say the same? Re- spectfuli y, -A Georgia Cracker. ([bid To the Editor: I do not suppose I should comment on something quite so puerile as the feeble attempt on the part of a so called Yankee to answer the whole- some criticism offered by a southern gal a few days ago, however, being a northerner and a middle-westerner I wish to make a few remarks in order to preclude the Southern Gal from getting the wrong impression of all northerners. I cannot disregard the urge to teach a cocky and irresponsible down-east- erner-I refuse to use the word "damned" that he has placed himself in the wrong catagory, he is not a Yankee, but one of those down-east- erners who has forgotten, or perhaps never has learned that we are now a single body-politic, a society of in- dividuals rather than a, nation dis- integrating under sectional strife, thus rendering the word "confeder- ate" non-applicable in the sense in which it was used by the down-east- erner. To be consistent with the above statement, I hurry to add that I am not using the term "down-east-' erner" referring to the down-east, but rather to this particular down- easterner. Next, may I suggest that the re- marks concerning the customs of the South were not exactly suited to the purpose of our Eastern friend in light of the fact the criminal records of northern cities by far are darker than in the South. To this our friend may reply that the rapid industrial de- velopment of the North is responsible for such conditions, but at the same time he must remember that the ac- tivity of cheap northern politicians in the South following the Civil War can be called upon to account for part of the attitude of the southern white toward the Negro, and that these same politicians were guilty of even greater crimes, affecting more people, and having longer enduring conse- quences than lynchings. And in pass- ing I also wish to remark relative to discriminatory judicial proceedings of which our friend spoke. A knowledge of the history of the reconstruction period following the Civil War will cast some light upon some very shameful discriminatory judicial pro- ceedings on the part of northernes. But, be all this as it may, my point is that while our Southern Gal was criticising only minor social and rec- reational customs of the North, our Eastern friend, in his consternation, alluded to customs of a nature wholly beyond the appropriateness of the subject at hand, and I grieve to say, in a manner wholly not within keep- ing with our feeling toward our Southern friends. Lastly, while I appreciate the ad- vice, offered by our friend of the East to the Southern Gal, that while one is among people having different cus- toms one should conform to those customs and try to learn something from them, I might suggest that he practice what he preaches, and while with the Romans do as the Romans do, for he is a down-easterner mis- representing the philosophy of the Middle-West. -An American. You May Like It To the Editor: For various reasons I would like to see this letter in print. First, I would like for these Northerners to know that there is one southern girl; who dearly loves their northland. My friends in the south couldn't under- stand why I would want to come upl hear and live in this "nest of Yankees" for eight weeks. They said, "You'll find them so cold, aus- tere, and arrogant." However, I only1 smiled, and came on, not knowing a soul. I haven't regretted it for one minute, for these people are most1 intriguing, and I am fascinated with1 their expressions and mannerisms. j I rise in defense of the Michigan coed! Disillusioned One, whose lamentations appeared in this col- umn yesterday, has grossly misrep- resented the feminine half of this campus by reference to one or two sad cases. Strangely enough, how- ever, the fault lies not with Disil- lusioned One, as many might infer. The real seat of the difficulty becomes clear after an exhaustive case study of his own words: "At last on Friday night I shook some forty hands at the League, and finally ended up at the dance hall." Now I ask you, how could any mortal, including Michigan coeds, ever run the gauntlet of the average reception line at the initial function of the social season-especially a line forty handshakes long--and come out feeling fit enough to act normal and be sociable for the rest of the evening! Humanly impossible, I tell you! I suggest that the solution for Dis- illusioned One and all the rest of his fellow sufferers is to start a move- ment fdr the merciless extermination of all reception lines more than three handshakes long, or else introduce the Chinese handshake into Ameri- can social circles as a permanent in- stitution. Then, and then only, will all guests attsocial occasions arrive at the end of the reception line free of psychosis and with right hands intact instead of squeezed to a pulp. Then shall the Michigan coed included ar- rive at the dance hall in full splendor, and shine forth in all her true glory until the last waltz is played and the morning Daily thuds distractingly on the front porch. -One Whose Hand Still Aches. Roul-Up To the Editor: Dear Editor: Well, my boy, I'm grinning at you. Brave man! You have managed to ex- pose a whole lot to the gaze of the Southern Gal that had better been left in the northern wash. First there was the Dowager Duchess Of- ficious Official. Of course you had to print that one. She admitted that this northern University had to pro- tect its girls on the dance floor by re- fusing to permit introductions to be made there. She declared that it would have been all right with her if the girls had gone in and executed a Lesbian duet about the dance floor, although this had not occurred to Southern Gal as a way out. Then there was advice to Southern Gal from someone who had earned her spangles in Ann Arbor; "Remem- ber, honey, that a bird in the hand is wtrth any number on the dance floor." She might have added, "Come up and se me sometime." But where did you get that Bounc- ing Baby "Yankee?" The little fel- low laid down his Winnie and Pooh long enough to say he was going to teach courtesy and then exhibited the nastiest bias and badmanners that could possibly come under the mild heading of discourtesy. It would be easy enough to answer him with ref- erences to Capone; the Purple Mob; Herron, Illinois, and the Black Le- gion. But what's the point? Must you allow unhousebroken pups of his sectional arrogance and stupidity to trail their innocent accidents across your pages? Better if he had re- mained illiterate! In short, after reading your series of Northern rebuttals and seeing your little box pleading to be let out of any attempt to square the row you got the sheet into, I ask, "Is it true what they say about Dixie? If it is, that's where I belong." I leave you your chivalrous, broadminded, courteous Northern defenders. Yours for bigger and better dipe- changing and milkwarming. -X. beautiful campus, lovely buildings and is a wonderful school for educa- tional purposes. I think the social committee of this University is to be complimented on its wide range of social events. If you haven't been too busy studying, there have been worlds of things to do daily. I attended the first reception dance unescorted and everyone knows what a crowd there was. A very nice Michigan boy asked me to dance and I spent a very enjoyable evening. For all the other dances I have met other boys and have had a most ejoyable c\ ening. I think 25 cents, is a very small sum to spend to attend any of the University dances and although I have only had to spend one quarter it was well spent. I have met many interesting people and I can't understand when anyone says they aren't enjoying school here. One boy had this argument: "I'm not having a good time here, I'm usedto going to a smaller university, where everyone knows me." I replied: "Aren't we all from smaller schools, but aren't you glad to have the op- portunity to make new friends and meet new people?" I asked him if he had tried making new friends and he said, "No, I expect them to do that." There's the thing in a nut shell! I attended the University Tea yesterday afternoon, unescorted, and had an excellent time. I looked around for a place to deposit my 25 cents as I came through the door but found no one was interested in taking it and let me say, that whoever is responsible for these afternoon tea dances needs also to be complimented, for where I come from we have silver teas. I like the dances here. For a change, it seems very nice to be able tofinish one dance with the boy you are dancing with, than being cut in and tagged as is the custom in the Middle West in some sections. Then too, don't you think it's a grand thing to be able to pick an escort from the various states represented in this University? Just think what a break the boys get, if they don't like North- ern girls, they can select Southern or Eastern or Western girls. I should think that would be very handy. If you don't like the Northern coeds, whom you say have a cold look, you can select a warm sunny looking Southern girl or a friendly Western girl So much for that! I think the "Yankee" who had his say in this column was a little unkind, don't you think? After all, we should be nice to our guests, for think of the mileage they cover just to attend Michigan U. Anyway I like this school. It registers 120 degrees on our porch where I come from; the Middle West is a grand place, but not in the sum- mer. You'll find the friendliest peo- pie in the U.S.A. in that region, but if you want to keep cool, better stay here. Here's the solution, if everyone will smile at everyone else at the dance toiy ight, then all the Southerners, Northerners, Westerners, and East- erners will have a good time and we'll have a nice big happy family. For it takes very little effort to be friendly and cheerful. I for one am thankful a:' d glad that I have the opportunity to attend Michigan University this summer, and get a big thrill every time I cross the campus. I've always had uninteresting ideas about summer school and preferred todring the U.S.A. instead. But Mich- igan U. has changed my idea, and as far as I'm concerned "Three Cheers" for it. I plan to recommend it to all of my friends. -Middle Western Girl. . . . and Lastly.. . To the Editor: It is unfortunate for the rest of us Southerners that such a demonstra- tion should have been made at The League by "Southern Gal" and we hope we shall not be judged by her. "Soutlern Gal," did you expect them to change their customs up here just for you? Are you in the habit of going to dances at home unescort- ed?" I can't understand where oh where in the South she must have come from for everywhere I've been girls never think of going to a dance with- out a date and usually when you ar- rive there's at least one extra one waiting in the "stag line" to dance with you. It just isn't the proper thing for girls to go to dances with- out dates where I come from and I doubt if they'd let you in at all with- out one. I like the North because it is dif- ferent and for one Southern Girl I can say I'm having the time of my life and I think the people up here are swell. -Another Southern Girl. LICENSE PLATE TROUBLE LANSING, July 31.-(AP)-The Sec- retary of State's office estimated to- night that 200,000 Michigan motorists have failed to renew their sticker .li- cense plates. The sticker plates ex-- pire at midnight tonight. Approxi- mately 410,000 of them were issued this year. LbCAL CLUB TO ENTERTAIN Though it is of little import here, I am inclined to believe that like incidents have happened in the South. with precisely the same reactions on beth sides. I believe that Emily Post would agree that the less said about such matters the better. The words "damned Yankee" and "damned Con- federate" seem just a bit archaic too, especially for the present generation. -A Texan. In Response To 'Yankee' To the Ede tor: As a native of the South and an ardent be- liever in her: ideals and traditions, I am forced to reply to your infamous and unjust letter pub- lished in the July 30th edition of this paper. However, I shall at least write in a gentlemanly manner, refraining from any speech that is un- becoming to any individual, regardless of where he may be. I refer of course to the profane manner in which oneo nf nor nnhn wa sadreved. We; Thing In A Nut-Shell To .the Editor: Dear Fellow Readers, I'm from the Middle West, a and I must have my say! I've reading the Michigan Daily lady, been each morning for the past few mornings have found the "Society" Column very interesting. I can't seem to understand why all the fuss! I traveled some 1,400 miles to attend Michigan U. this summer and I'm not at all sorry I- came. I have spent 5 of the most interesting, happy, weeks of any summer, right here on this campus. I caught my first £limnse of Michigan TT m1rm. I