The Weather Lower Michig an:Shower's lay, with generally fair to- irrow; slightly warmer. C, - 4r Sir 4 Iait Editorials The Philadelphia Clasic ... Le Foyer Francals.. Official Publication Of The Summer Session XVI No. 2 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1936 PRICE 5 CENTS Educators Flay cDictatorships 'In Nation's Schools United Head Ocths States Education Attacks Teachers' Of Allegiance Red Cross Leader Also Raps System To Ask Lifting Of Ban On Teaching Communism In District of Columbia PORTLAND, Ore., June 29.--(P)- Resentment at the congressional "Red River" limiting teachers of gov- ernmental science in the District of Columbia was expressed tonight at the 74th annual convention of the National Education Association. John W. Studebaker, United States commissioner of education, and Tho- mas W. Gosling, national director of the American Junior Red Cross, in addresses, flayed "dictatorship" in teaching., Not Advocating Communism "I am certainly not contending for the esta'blishment of or advo- cacy of communism," Studebaker said. "But I do wish to point out that the implications of the situation in the District of Columbia are of great significance to all citizens who conscientiously try to bring a defi- nition of education into harmony with our traditional concept of Amer- ican democracy. "If democracy meanspfreedom to inquire, to learn, to express oneself, then we can tolerate no dictatorial censorship of thinking and learning." :Gosling, who said teachers of the District of Columbia are required each month to state under oath they have not taught communism to their pupils, declared: Until we remove dictatorships from the schools, we cannot with good grace attack it elsewhere. Com- pulsory oaths of allegiance and com- pulsory salutes to the flag are flag- rant examples of dictatorship." Teachers Must Feel Free The Association's committee on academic freedom meanwhile re- leased a report declaring "teachers must feel free in their teaching" and declaring "it is futile to expect in- dependent, judicious and courageous minds to be developed in students by timid and submissive teachers." The report; issued by Dr. Henry L. Smith, Education School dean at Indiana University, will be presented to the Association. The keynote address was delivered by Dr. Frederick M. Hunter, Chan- cellor of Oregon's higher education system, shortly after the Association's legislative commission voted to ask repeal of the Congressional ban on teaching of Communism in the Dis- trict of Columbia public schools. Preston James To Give Second - 6 Lecture Today Prof. Lawrence Preuss To Give Talk On 'American Neutrality' Tomorrow Prof. Preston E. James of the geog- raphy department will deliver the second in the series of Summer Ses- sion lectures, speaking at. 5 p.m. to- day in the Natural Science Audito- rium on "Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo." Professor James is an authority on South American geography, and he is teaching a course during the Sum- mer Session dealing with the re- gional geography of that continent, contrasting features of the various countries and presenting their re- snective problems and possibilities for development. His lecture will be illustrated with slides. At 5 p.m. tomorrow, in the Natural Science Auditorium, Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the political science depart- ment will give a lecture on "The American Neutrality Policy." Professor Preuss is known through- out the country as an expert on' international law. He has been con- General Strike Is Predicted By Reed PITTSBURGH, June 29.-(i')-At- torney Earl F. Reed, a key figure in the steel operators' battle against New Deal legislation, predicted to- night labor's unionization drive may lead to a general strike of American labor unions. His statement came while a struggle impends between capital and labor over organization of the steel in- dustry's half million workers. Reed is counsel for the Wheeling Steel Company, whose New Boston plant at Portsmouth, O., has been closed a month by a strike. The attorney asserted: "A group of radicals has taken complete charge of the community, without interference from either state or local officials. "Trained agitators are being sent to scores of now peaceful communities and will create the same situation and a general sympathetic walkout by other unions unless the people awaken." Music Faculty Plans Summer Concert Series Besekirsky And Brinkman To Be Heard In Opening Program July 7 A series of summer concerts will be given every Tuesday during the Sum- mer Session by members of the fac- ulty of the School of Music. The first concert to be held at 8:15 p.m. July 7 in Hill Auditorium, will be given by Prof. Wassily Besekirsky, violinist and Prof. Joseph Brink- man, pianist. The program for the first concert will open with Mozart's Sonata in B flat major. Other selections are Chausson Poeme, Beethoven Kreutzer Sonata and the Pzigane of Ravel. The second concert will be a mis- cellaneous one for which the program has not been definitely decided, due to the absence of Prof. Earl V. Moore who has not returned yet from Eng- land where he is testing the tone of the bells for the Carillon. Prof. Palmer Christian will give an organ recital for the third concert. The program will be entirely com- posed of selections from Bach. A miscellaneous program to be ar- ranged at a later date, will form the fourth concert and Professor Brink- man will give a program of piano music for the fifth concert. The sixth program will also be a miscel- laneous one. Plans for the last summer concert are not definite as yet. According to Professor Brinkman, it is hoped that as in former years, Prof. Hanns Pick will give the program with the as- sistance of members of his classes. All concerts will be given at 8:15 p.m. in Hill Auditorium and admis- sion will be free. Miscellaneous pro- grams will include selections on the piano, organ, violin and ensemble se- lections. Australia Banned From Trade List WASHINGTON, June 29. -- UP) - President Roosevelt today ordered Australia removed from the list of nations receiving tariff concessions. The reason given was that the Australian government was at pres- ent according discriminatory treat- ment to American commerce. The decision of the President, con- veyed in a letter to Secretary Mor- genthau places Australia along with Germany as the only nations at pres- ent on the "discriminatory" list. The President's order is effective August 1. On May 22, the Australian prime minister, Joseph Lyons, presented to the Australian parliament a plan that became effective at once for the creation of an import licensing sys- ASU Asks Return Of Ousted Student NEW YORK, June 29.-W)-The American Student Union today threatened a."nation-wide" campaign for the reinstatement in Columbia University of Robert Burke, junior class president-elect who has been toldhnot to come back in the fall. The college and the union were in sharp disagreement as to just why Burke was dismissed, although both agreed the action came after the student's participation in a demon- stration in front of the home of Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, Columbia's president. Dean Herbert E. Hawkes of Co- lumbia College said the students had a right to conduct the demonstration -which was in protest against send- ing a delegate to a Heidelberg Uni- versity celebration. But the demon- stration itself, he said, was of a "disgraceful" character. Labor Leaders Storm Baldwin PeacePolicy Charges Premier's Stand 'Endangers Peace And SecurityOf World' LONDON, June 29. - UP)- Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin's govern- ment was attacked as "a danger to our country and the peace and se- curity of the world," tonight, but it won a vote of confidence in House of Commons debate. After the Premier and his War Minister, Alfred Duff Cooper, were subjected to a bitter tongue-lashing by Labor leaders, a technical Labor motion for adjournment of the de- bate based on Duff Cooper's speech recently in Paris, was rejected 284 to 136 in the balloting, which in ef- fect was a vote of confidence. The debate was called to discuss declarations made by cabinet minis- ters outside parliament which the labor faction contended were in con- flict with Britain's declared policies. Baldwin was absent during the wrangling, and Clement R. Attlee,; Labor leader, sarcastically referred to him as "Little Boy Blue who is sound asleep." Herbert Morrison, closing the case for the Laborites, charged the gov- ernment was "at sixes and sevens." "The truth is," he said, "the gov- ernment has got into a state of utter irresponsibility in the conduct of for- eign affairs." A loud cheer from opposition mem- bers went up when Morrison declared ministers like Duff Cooper "ought to be kept under control; it is bad for the country and bad for the peace of the world." Dug Cooper did not participate in the debate, but he heard Sir John Si- mon, home secretary, and Winston Churchill, Conservative, come to his defense after Morrison joined other Laborites in charging he had prom- ised an unrestricted alliance with France in case of war "pre-supposing it will be against Germany." Wallace To Make Tour Of Dry Area WASHINGTON, June 29. - UP) - After conferring with the adminis- tration's special drought committee, Secretary Wallace decided today to make a personal inspection survey of the north central drought area. Paul Appleby, Wallace's assistant, said no definite itinerary would be announced and that for the most part Wallace would travel alone. He planned to leave Washington tomor- row, Appleby said, adding that he might be accompanied during the first days of the trip by other agri- culture department officials. Wallace has a speaking engage- ment at Duluth, Minn., on July 2, after which it was indicated he would proceed into the Dakotas, Montana and Wyoming where the drought is causing' the worst damage, Coast Guard Starts Search For Wilkinsl NEW YORK, June 29.-UP)-Coast Guard ships were instructed several days ago to look for Sir Hubert Wil- kins' Antarctic exploration vessel Wyatt Earp, unreported since leav- ing New York for Norway twelve days ago, it was disclosed tonight. New York division headquarters of the Coast Guard said a message to Farley Denies Rumors He Has Quit Post New York Times Dispatch Says He Has Resigned To DirectCampaign 'Leave Of Absence' Is Also Reported Would Return To Position If President Roosevelt Is Reelected ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., June 29.- (P) --Postmaster General James A. Farley, denied tonight that he had resigned as Post- master General. WASHINGTON, June 29.--()-_ Advanced as an alternative to re- ports that James A. Farley proposed to resign as postmaster general, some Capital quarters tonight sug- gested that he might take a leave of absence until conclusion of the pres- idential campaign. Under this plan, usually well-in- formed sources said, Farley could be in a position to devote complete at- tention to directing-as Democratic national chairman-the reelection campaign of President Roosevelt. This would leave William W. Howes, first assistant postmaster general, as acting chief of the de- partment during the Farley absence, it was suggested. Farley was renamed chairman of the national organization at the clos- ing session of the Philadelphia con- vention. In addition to his national chairmanship, he also retains the chairmanship of the state organiza- tion, a position which he held prior to the campaign of Mr. Roosevelt in 1932. NEW YORK, June 29.--UP)-The New York Times in a Washington dispatch says that James A. Farley has sent his resignation as Postmas- ter General to President Roosevelt so he can devote more time to his duties as chairman of the Democratic Na- tional Committee. It was said that the resignation. will be accepted soon and that Wil- liam W. Howes, first assistant post- master general, will be designated acting postmaster general. Some Democrats were said to be- lieve that Howes would perform postmaster general duties during the campaign, and that Farley would be reappointed if President Roosevelt is reelected. The newspaper reported opposition had developed to the plan, however, and that the president might later appoint a new man to the post. "Friends of Mr. Farley," the dis- patch continued, "are hopeful that he can return as postmaster general after the November election. It is known that he desires to remain in the cabinet, believing that thus his prospects of success in his plans to run for governor of New York in 1938 would be enhanced." Opening Night Of Second Play Draws Crowd 'Squaring The Circle' Is Presented To Faculty, Students, Townspeople Despite a pouring rain last night, an enthusiastic crowd gathered to grcet the excellent opening night of "Squaring the Circle," the second play of the Repertory Players this season. Among the first nighters was Mrs. Avard Fairbanks whose young son, Virgil, took the part of Sashka in the cast. Hubert Skidmore, author of the recently published Hopwood Prize novel, "I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes," was also present. The Rev. Charles Brashares and Mrs. Brashares and the Rev. H. P. Marley and Mrs. Marley were also seen. Among members of the fac- ulty attending were Prof. and Mrs. Waldo M. Abbot and Prof. and Mrs. Gail E. Densmore, both men of the speech department. Italy Pledges Small Army For Ethiopia Note Delivered To League Just Prior To Selassie's Plea For Justice Italians Place Blame Of War OnEthiopia Guerilla Tactics Continue In Conquered Territory; Native Warriors Bombed GENEVA, June 29,-(P)-Italy, seeking to calm fears of Great Brit- ain and France, promised the League of Nations tonight that she would notI create a huge Ethiopian Army. This pledge was contained in a note delivered on the eve of a ses- sion of the League Assembly before which Emperor Haile Selassie will make a personal plea for "justice." The Italian note blamed Ethio- pians for the war and sketched plans for the development of the country, promising to keep the League in touch. It announced Italy's inten- tion to "collaborate in every way" with the Geneva body, Haile Selassie wrote officials: "It is our intention personally to take part in one of several meetings of the Assembly at the head of the Ethi- opian delegation." The Negus, stripped of his Em- pire by Italy, remained in seclusion in his hotel today working on his appeal, to be delivered in French. Creation of an "International Col- lege of Elder Statesmen" to help the7 League keep worldpeace was sug- gested tonight by the Greek jurist, Nicolas Politis. Behind Politis' proposal was the idea that the United States, Germany+ and Japan might join the League if members were freed of general sanc- tions responsibility.I Politis proposed to limit the par-t ticipation of nations in economic anda financial sanctions to those directly interested in any conflict and to re-' strict military sanctions to a re-1 gional group of states of which the victim of aggression would be a mem- ber. . He also proposed a new interpre- tation of Article 10 whereby nations would respect, but not undertake to guarantee, the territorial indepen- dence of other nations. The suggested College of States- men would advise the Council on the1 best means of maintaining peace during any menace of war. Delegates were agreed that the As- sembly would lift sanctions from' Italy, but a perplexing question wasI the question of recognition of the territory acquired by force, It was believed that some action at least implying disapproval of Italy's action was discussed by the Argen- tine, French and British representa- tives.I LONDON, June 30.-UP)----Guerilla warfare continues unabated in Eth- iopia, the London Daily Telegraph reported from Djibouti today. The newspaper said that Italian air- planes bombed several thousand Eth- iopian warriors massed near Harar, second city of Emperor Haile Selas- sic's lost kingdom. Dispatches from Rome, however, said that Premier Mussolini has or- dered several contingents of the Italian Army in Ethiopia to come home, apparently as a gesture to show the "pacification" of Ethiopia under Italian rule prior to tomorrow's session of the League Assembly. Kidnaper Of HamMrn Enters Guilty Plea ST. PAUL., June 29._--AP)-Charles (Big Fitz) Fitzgerald, Los Angeles,j pleaded guilty in Federal Court today to complicity in the $100,0000 kid- naping of William Hamm; Jr., in June, 1933. He will be sentenced July 7. The plea of Fitzgerald, indicted as a participant in the actual seizure of the brewing company head, reduced to three the number who will stand trial for the crime July 14. They are Alvin Karpis, Edmund Bartholmey, former Bensenville, Ill., postmaster in whose home it was charged Hamm was held; and John Piefer, former St. Paul night club owner named as "fingerman" in the case. Slosson Contends Dictatorships Are Positions as reporte torial staff and assi business staff are stil announced last night. Staff heads empha that experience on Daily is particularly, view of the fact that th and therefore, an o all varieties of work i 8 Football Definitel For Fall , 9 Other Prospe For Summer S Become Eligil Eight prospects fo football team are defir for the fall season, nin for the University'sE sion to straighten out difficulties and the s more potential footba nite, Andrew S. Bake the Board in Control o ucation, announced y Those who hope. to for the coming season their deficiencies duri Session are JohnB Campbell, Dick Gint dan, Forrest Jordan, A Sobsey, Bob Stanton a lek. Those definitely out: are Francis Clark, C Harold Hill, Bill Jurc Marion Thompson, Ha and Ray Courtright. The standing of Tiny la and Dutowski is as Wright's eligibility d grade which has yet to it is not known yet kowski or Anella have Summer Session. If Wright and Johl both ineligible for the Coach Harry Kipke w problem on his hands, left without a center f ine team. Wright w varsity center last se Jordan was awarded Alumni trophy lasts freshman who showed provement during spr Jordan is also a cente New Possi Clue Fou Child 11 EAST TAWAS, Mich -A suggestion thate Robert Kenyon mayh the woods to "meets day he was mutilated today from state polic the boy's death. Detective-Lieut. Ph quoted the boy's aun S. Thomas, at whose been staying, as sayi run away five or sixv stayed two hours, an her last Monday desp him. A dog with the boy an hour later. Rob found in the Augr throat slashed and tongue cut off. Coroner W. A. Eva poned until 10 a.m. We quest he had planned rs on the edi- Outmoded Theories stants on the i open, it was By THOMAS H. KLEENE sized the fact The conviction that the present is the Summer merely an age of dictatorships which worthwhile in are not permanent but rather "crisis e staff is small governments" was yesterday ex- pportunity for pressed by Prof. Preston W. Slosson is available. of the history department in open- ing the annual series of 24 Summer M en Session lectures. That some other type of govern- ment will soon be developed is a cer- tainty, according to the speaker, but there is no way of knowing what course new trends will take. "Any- S eason thing may happen but the contin- uation of dictatorships," he predicted. Professor Slosson addressed a ca- 'cts Enroll pacity crowd which filled Natural Session To Science Auditorium to overflowing on "Modern Dictatorships." Disease Of Democracy In describing dictatorship as "a r the varsity disease of democracy in its infancy," aitely ineligible he viewed as significant that "in the e have enrolled whole world there are no dictator- Summer Ses- ships where there has been any long their scholastic period of experience with democracy, as shown by the English-speaking tatus of three nations, Switzerland, France and the ilers is indef- Netherland countries." xsetry of- Dictatorships were cited as a "neg- r, secretary of ative system of government which f Physical Ed- result from the breakdow, of other esterday. forms of government." There is become eligible usually no orderly succession when by making up the dictator dies, Professor Slosson ig the Summer said. Brennan, Bob Tracing the history of dictatorships er, John Jor- from the year 1914 when there were Alex Loiko, Sol none to 1935 when two-thirds of the nd Vincent Va- states in Europe were under this form of government, Professor Slos- for next season son attributed their development in lyde Hanshue, Europe to the World War. a, Bob Schick, Dictatorships Listed rold Wilmarth Russia, where "the Communist party is the only party on earth to have been continually in office since Wright, Anel- 1917," Turkey, Italy, and Germany yet uncertain, are the states which are unquestion- epends on a ably dictatorships, he stated. Near- be filed, while dictatorships or those recently found- enlerDt-ed exist in all the states of the Baltic, nrolled for the Balkans, Hispanic peninsula, and all save one of the Adriatic countries, con seaon according to Professor Slosson. coming season Those are the countries "in which ill have a real the executive exercises power above for he will be and beyond constitutional or legal or the Wolver- restrictions, which fact at once sets as the regular it (the government) above hereditary ason and John or democratic forms," Professor the Chicago Slosson stated in speaking of the spring as the essence of dictatorships. the most im- j Russia Alone Is Communist fring practice. "It is the substance and reality of power which makes a dictator," the speaker said as he pointed out that the leader need not necessarily be the holder of a high office, but that In in some countries he is the holder of [fljj"a humble office or no office at all." "Russia remains' as the only ex- ample of a radical or communist dic- du' r ertatorship," Professor Slosson stated. _ "All other dictatorships are strongly ., June 29.- nationalistic arising from a national .,eJen-ear-l) danger or a feeling of national hu- eleven-year-old mility." have gone into In discussing the differences be- some one" the tween the Italian and German set- and slain came ups, the speaker pointed out that there are only two essential points of e investigating dissimilarity between the Nazi and / Fascist systems: first, in the person- ilip L. Hutson ality of the two leaders, Mussolini is t, Mrs. George an opportunist, while Hitler is fanat- home he had ical; and, second, in that Hitler is ng Robert had "obsessed by outmoded ethnological weeks ago and theories long since proven fallacious," d that he left while Mussolini is most concerned ite her calls to with his actual program. returned alone ert's body wassWomen To Support es River, the rLan udon's Candid7acy the ears and a..s a e ns today post- TOLEDO, O., June 29.-UP)-Wom- dnesday an in- en delegates from 25 states, repre- to hold Tues- senting both Republicans and insur- Positions Are Open To Students On Daily Staffs Any graduate or undergraduate students of the Summer Session in- terested in working on either the editorial or business staffs of The Summer Daily should report to the offices in the Student Publications Building on Maynard St. any day this week. ~Crises' Measures Says Other Governmental Types Will Develop;, New Trends Uncertain Delivers Opening Summer Lecture Hitler Is Described As Fanatic Obsessed With