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Official Publication Of The Summer Session
6 Democratic
Governors Hit
Landon Tall
Earle Accuses Nominee Of
Vagueness; Criticizes His
Labor Policy
Horner Says Talk
Disappointed West
Nebraska Governor Blows
Up Landon Economy In
Kansas Administration
NEW YORK, July 28.-()--Six
Democratic governors tonight joined
in a reply to Gov. Alf M. Landon's ac-
ceptance speech, terming it "vague,"
"indefinite," and "disappointing."
Speaking from their home states in
a nation-wide broadcast sponsored by
the Democratic national committee,
each of the governors analyzed a dif-
ferent section of the speech and gave
what they said wth the reaction in
their states.
Those who spoke were George H.
Earle of Pennsylvania, Theodore F.
Green of Rhode Island, Henry Horner
of Illinois, Charles H. Martin of Ore-
gon, R. L. Cochran of Nebraska and
Clyde L. Herring of Iowa.
Earle Unfavorable
Governor Earle speaking from
Philadelphia, said the people of Penn-
sylvania were "bitterly disappointed"
after hearing the speech because of
its "vague, far-reaching, indefinite.
He declared that Governor Lan-1
don's nearest "approach to a declara-
tion of policy on any issue is his ac-
ceptance of the company union, the
most powerful weapon against the
rights of labor ever invented.''
In Chicago, Governor Horner said:
"The middle west is frankly disap-
pointed in that speech. He had been
pictured to us by his sponsors as a
'trong silent man.' From such a man
we naturally expected frank discus-
sion of the issues. We found that he.
was indeed a 'silent' man, silent on
the issues of the campaign and even
more silent as tothe policies he in-
tended to carry out."
He spoke at length on Landon's
promise to restore government "one
a constitution1al basis, declaring:
"If the sponsoring of a measure,
later declared unconstitutional by
the Supreme Court, is to be construed
as enmity of the Constitution, neith-
er Governor Landon nor the party
that he represents can be considered
as supporters of the Constitution."
Says Landon 'Confused'
Governor Green, speaking at Provi-
dence, said "the more' definite" Lan-
don became "the more confused he
"He steered shy of the tariff,"
Green said. "He made a wide detour
around the utilities question. He did-
n't mention stock market regulation.
He breathed never a word about
banking legislation or a public works
program, or specific labor legislation.
"You and I have a stake in all
these issues. Governor Landon chose*
to ignore them. We know that the
Governor likes to ride horseback;
that he loves his family; that he
works in his shirt sleeves. But that's
just about all we do know about him."
Governor Martin, at Portland, said
the people of Oregon "see no reason
for substituting something else for
the New Deal" and that if Governor
Landon "thinks we should, it is up to
him to convince us."
"But I must confess," he added,
"there was nothing in his talk of last
Thursday to give our citizenry the
slightest reason for turning its backj
upon the present administration at
- Cochran Compares Record 1
In Omaha, Governor Cochran com-
pared the Republican nominee's fiscal
record in Kansas to his own in Ne-
braska, declaring that "Kansas has
been far from a self sustained state
during the administration of Gov-
ernor Landon."
"We find that Kansas, through
twenty-fourth among all our states in
population," he said, 'is fifteenth
among the states in the amount of
help received from the Federal Gov-
"I do not see anything in Govern-
or Landon's record in the state of
Kansas to give cheer to the taxpay-
Governor Herring, speaking at Des
Moines, criticized Governor Landon's
farm, program as "vague" and de-
clared that he "oromises. if elected.
Ford Plans Huron River Valley
Homes For Highland Park Men
Detroit Magnate To Break
Plant Into 'Thousand'
Divisions In This State
To enable his workers to live more
cheaply, Henry Ford is planning to
break up his plant at Highland Park
into a "thousand" small plants,nac-
cording to Dr. Henry S. Curtis, in an
article for the Huron River Valley
Guide, which is nearing itsrcomple-
With about a hundred workers
each, the new plants, whichware to
be built up around small water power
units, will enable the men to avoid
the high rents of the city, and give
them ample opportunity to keep gar-
dens in order to raise their own food.
"Engineers in general," says Dr.
Curtis, "believe that Ford could pur-
chase his power much more cheaply
than he can develop it on these small
streams, but there are undoubtedly
certain social advantages in what he
is doing. He brings to the small towns
where these plants are locatedan in-
crease of population and of business,
and the dams often make possible
attractive residence sites and a con-
siderable recreation in the way of
boating, swimming, etc., which would
not otherwise be possible."
A numbe iofbthese Ford projects
are in Washtenaw County, on the
Raisin and Saline Rivers, and at Mi-
ford. At the plant in Flat Rock, where
Ford head and tail lamps are manu-
factured, 700 men are employed.
There is also a small plant at Ypsi-
lanti where generators and starters,
are made.
Many of the farms acquired were
small, consequently there were more
farm-houses than were needed. The
owners were given a-life-lease on
their homesteads and two acres of
ground for gardens, said Dr. Curtis.
The farmers were originally organized
into a cooperation association, he
continued, which was similar to a so-
cialistic community with the farmers
in pretty full control of production,
crops, and personnel, but there was
a good deal of bickering and the
association was disbanded about a
year ago.
The cooperative store at Ypsilanti,
where farmers were allowed a credit
of $52 per month, has also been dis-
Schools are also included in these
projects. About two miles from Raw-
sonville, Mr. Ford maintains the Wil-
low Run School, which offers many
advantages, such as a large garden
for every child, an excellent health
service, and a model home where girls
learn housekeeping and cooking.
Pulitzer Prize
Play To Begin
Showing Today
'Old Maid,' By Zoe Akin,
Will Be At Mendelssohn
Theatre For Four Days
Leading roles in Zoe Akin's Pul-
itzer Prize play, "The Old Maid," the
fifth production of the Michigan Rep-
ertory Players, which will open a
four-day run at 8:30 p.m. today at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, will be
played by Sarah Pierce, as Charlotte
Lovell and Ruth LeRoux as her cousin
The play centers around Charlotte,
whose life is embittered by her ef-
forts to bring up her illegitimate
daughter without letting her true
relationship become known. How-
ever, as the child, Tina, grows up
she comes to regard Charlotte's cous-
in, Delia, as her real mother, and
Charlotte. as merely a sour old maid.
The role of Delia's husband, James
Ralston, will be played by Karl Nel-
son, and that of his brother, Joseph,
who is at one time engaged to Char-
lotte, by Robert Campbell. Sidney
Tremble will be seen as Dr. Lanskell,
and Frances Davis as Mrs. Mingott,
the Ralston brothers' aunt.
Flora May Slosson, daughter of
Prof. and Mrs. Preston W. Slosson
will play. the role of Tina as a child,
and Millicent McElwee will appear as
Tina grown up.bThe part of Delia's
daughter will be played by Mary
Pray, and that of her husband, Lan-
ning Halsey, by Ross MacPherson.
Morlye Maer will be seen as John
Other roles will be taken by Leah
Sanger, Evelyn Smith, Kathryn Web-
ster and Elsie Roxborough.
The parts of the children in Char-
lotte's day nursery will be played by
Nancy Cory, Justin Fairbanks, son of
Prof. and Mrs. Avard Fairbanks,
Myrnie McLean, Jane Rice, and Dale
The play takes place in New York,
the time covered being from 1833
to 1854. Valentine B. Windt is di-
recting the production, and settings
and costumes were by Alexander
Wyckoff and Evelyn Cohen.
Tickets for "The Old Maid" are
priced at 35, 50 and 75 cents, and may
be obtained at the theatre box-office,
which is open daily.
Landon Given.
Warm Support
Michigan Senator Believes
Republican Nominee Has
Proper Tariff Policy
Newsreels Record
Senator, Governor
Vandenberg 'A Realist,'
Sees Battle For American
System In Election
TOPEKA, Kas., July 28. - dP) -'
Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg closed
a conference with Gov. Alf M. Lan-
don today with a pledge to "the Lan-
don campaign and subsequent Lan-
don administration" of "every re-
source at my command."1
The Michigan Republican dis-
cussed campaign strategy with the
presidential candidate. In talks with
newsmen he stressed opposition to the
Roosevelt reciprocal tariff program,
and these treaties were made the
subject of an exchange with Landon
before newsreel cameras.
Approves Trade Comment,
"Outstanding among the important
points made in your sturdy accept-;
ance speech was the statement that1
th present administration has taken,
the American farmer out of foreign1
markets and has put the foreign
farmer into the American market,"
Vandenberg told Landon.
"It's worse than ridiculous to have
such a situation in the greatest 'agri-
cultural nation in the world," Landon
replied. "It's unjust to our farm
producers and unfair to our consum-
To Speak In Chicago
Vandenberg told newsmen he would
speak at the Union League Club at
Chicago August 6, in the first of a
series of addresses which would be
"dovetailed" into personal speaking;
programs of Landon and his running
mate, Col. Frank Knox, Chicago.
The conference with Vandenberg
was one of two political discussions
to which Landon allotted special time
today. Former Governor Gifford Pin-
chot of Pennsylvania, and Mrs. Pin-
chot were invited to a chat
During the day Landon held his
second conference of the week with
state officials of the Kansas drought
situation. He planned later a tele-
phone call to Estes Park, Colo., for
a personal greetingto his little daugh-
ter, Nancy Jo. She celebrates her
fourth birthday tomorrow.
Issues Formal Statement
Vandenberg just before departing
after his conference with Landon is-
sued a formal statement.
"I am a realist," he said. "I know
a battle when I see one-and this is
a battle. It is a battle for the Amer-
ican system in the midst of a world of
crashing democracies.
"Regardless of prior party affilia-
tions, those who believe in the Amer-
ican system must fight for it. But I
expect the same upsurge of common
sentiment and common confidence
which dictated Governor Landon's
nomination to dictate his election."
Vandenberg said he was glad "to
renew a warm personal friendship
which began many years ago when
the governor was fighting the big oil
companies before our Senate Com-
merce Committee."
"The drought accentuates this
(Continued on Page 4)
l, ,
As U. S. Trend
Political Science Professor
Believes There Is No
Way To Turn Back
The United States is "on the road
to Federal centralization" and there
is no way of turning back, Prof. Ar-
thur W. Bromage of the political sci-
ence department yesterday told a
Summer Session lecture audience in
Natural Science Auditorium, in a
speech on "The 48 Indestructible
Professor Bromage drew his con-
clusion after outlining the various
paths that lay open to the Federal
rights-states rights controversy, and
showing that nothing but increased
Federal centralization is likely to sat-
isfy the metropolitan centers which
are shackled by rural state legislat-
Almost insurmountable obstacles
stand in the way of every proposal to
avert centralization, the speaker said.
The possibility of the American
people ceding the powers of their
states outright to the Federal gov-
ernment may have been possible in
1933, Professor Bromage speculated,
but "it is not in the cards today."
The projected system of regional
commonwealths, which would con-
solidate states of common social and
economic interests into governmental
units, has likewise little change of
being effected, the speaker said.
In addition to the obvious diffi-
culties of consolidating the states sat-
isfactorily, the deep-seated love for
independence of the various states
would be hard to eliminate forsthe
adoption of this plan, Professor
i Bromage said. Various Federal units
are operating on a regional basis,
however, such as the Federal Re-
serve Banks and the Civil Service
System, he pointed out.
Granting the right of statehood to
large metropolitan centers is not only
'unlikely, but would be greatly harm-
1 ful to both the cities and the rural
sections of America, he said. Without
the benefit of the large metropolitan
taxes, the rural sections, which would
consist of 99 per cent of the land
under this proposal, would be unable
to maintain state roads, Professor
Bromage declared, but the city state
system is more likely of passage than
the regional commonwealth one.
Inter-state compacts, constitution-
ally legal with the consent of Con-
(Continued on Page 4)
Miami Threatened
B Trovical Storm
In Opposition
To Fitzgerald
Former Employe Of State
Department Files For
Republican Nomination
Democrats Rally
At State Meeting
Read Qualifies For Place
On Republican Ticket As
Brucker Throws In Hat
LANSING, July 28.-UP)-The zero
hour for candidates to qualify for
state office passed at 5 p.m. today
and brought Governor Fitzgerald op-
position for renomination in the Re-
publican primary.
Roscoe Cankling Fitch, former em-
ploye in the Secretary of State's office,
filed qualifying petitions for the Re-
publican gubernatorial race shortly
before the deadline hour.
Fitzgerald followers said the ex-
pected Fitch to provide only weak
competition. They were disappoint-
ed, however, because Fitch's appear-
ance in the race forced the governor
to run in the primary. The governor
otherwise would have received a cer-
tificate of nomination Tuesday.
Fitch, who lives in Detroit, said
he had qualifying signatures from 50
Democrats Rally
Fitch's qualification climaxed a
political jamboree at the capitol.
Democrats gathered to file nominat-
ing petitions on the last day and at-
tend a rally and a state central com-
mittee meeting.
Their state central committee chose
Edward I. Fry, of Fremont, state cap-
itol superintendent and brother of the
state treasurer, as its chairman. He
succeeds Elmer B. O'Hara, of Detroit,
who surprised the committee by send-
ing in his resignation today.
Democrats were careful to express
no preference for anyofhtheir com-
peting candidates, although when
Frank Murphy, high commissioner
of the Philippines, filed his nominat-
ing petitions, he was accompanied
to the secretary of State's office by
U. S. Rep. Prentiss M. Brown and
Edmund C. Shields of Lansing, na-
tional committeeman.
No Public Discussion
County chairmen met at the hotel
Olds and invited anyDemocratic can-
didate to speak before them. There
was no public discussion of the can-
didacies of Murphy and George M.
Welsh, of Grand Rapids, for governor.
Lieutenant-Governor Thomas Read,
of Shelby, qualified for the Repub-
lican nomination, and State Senator
Leon D. Case, Watervliet, William
W. Voisine, Ecorse, Democrat, and
Charles F.eHemans, Lansing, Demo-
crat, for the Democratic nomination
(Continued on Page 4)
Summer Term
Tea Dance Will
Be Held Today
Education Club, League
Will Sponsor Second In
Series; Cowan Plays
The second tea dance of the Sum-
mer Session will be held from 3:30
to 5:30 p.m. today in the League Ball-
room under the joint sponsorship of
the Education Club and the League.
Faculty wives who will pour at the
tea are Mrs. James B. Edmonson, Mrs.
T. Luther Purdom, Mrs. Calvin 0.
Davis and Mrs. Walter C. Trow. Re-
freshments of punch and cake will
be served.
Music for dancing will be furnished
by a three-piece orchestra selected
from Al Cowan's band. The tea is
under the direction of Mary Andrew,
chairman of the regular Wednesday
afternoon teas which have been re-
placed by the tea dances. She is be-
ing assisted by Adell Kleinecke of the
Education Club.
Last Wednesday the first tea dance
since the summer of 1932 was held
at the League and more than 350
students and members of the faculty
attended. The general public is in-
vited to the tea today.
Members of the committee assisting
Cam paignTo Crush
Fascist Insurgents
Launched In Spain
Rufus To Give
Lecture Today
On Astronomy
Solar System, Light Years,
Spectroscopy Will Be E
Topics OfSpeech
"A Voyage Through Space" will be
the topic of Prof. W. Carl Rufus of
the astronomy department in a Sum- S
mer Session lecture at 5 p.m. today a
in Natural Science Auditorium. e
A description of the moon and sun,q
the solar system, the stars, nebulae, c
spiral nebulae, and the milky way d
will be given and illustrated with F
slides. He will also discuss spectro-
scopy and measurement by light
years, in addition to the atom. r
Professor Rufus began his teach- >
ing career at Albion College in 1901,
coming to the University as an in-
structor in 1917. He was made anr
assistant professor in 1920 and anc
associate professor in 1924.e
He was acting director of thev
astronomy department and the Uni-
versiyt Observatory duringthe 1930-
1931 school year, and was on the t
faculty of the University World CruiseR
five years earlier.
Professor Rufus is a member of thep
American Astronomical Society, the
History of Science Society of Ameri-d
ca, the Rittenhouse Astronomical So-1
ciety, the Michigan Academy of Sci-c
ence, and the Korean' Branch of ther
Royal Asiatic Society.
He is a frequent contributor to 1
scientific publications.-
Cranbrook Tripc
Scheduled Fort
German Table
A trip to Cranbrook School is be-
ing arranged by Madeline Ochs ands
Clifford Reck, social assistants in the
German department, for members ofi
the German Table at 2 p.m., Friday,
July 31.
Vernon B. Kellett, a GermanC
teacher and director of thetGlee Club
at Cranbrook, will take the group
through, and has arranged with Mrs.T
Kellett, to open his home to enter-
tain the members of the Germant
Table. They will have dinner in the
dining room of Cranbrook School.
Week-end social activities for theĀ£
German table came to a climax Sat-
urday when members of the group
took part in an excursion by water
from Detroit to Put-In-Bay, where
swimming, sight-seeing tours, anda
games provided entertainment. Danc-
ing, singing and games with meals
in picnic style passed the time on1
the boat, and the group returned to
Ann Arbor by auto.
EIo hth Summer
Term Tour To
Be HeldToday
Busses will leave from in front of
Angell Hall at 1 p.m. today for Green-
field Village in Dearborn on the
eighth Summer Session excursion.
This trip is an exact replica of the
trip taken on excursion six on July 22
and is being repeated in order that
those students who were not able
to go the first time could have a
second opportunity to see the typical
central Michigan town which Henry
Ford has constructed.
In addition to the buildings of the
town which Mr. Ford has constructed
at Greenwich Village, much of the
buildings and, equipment used by
Thomas Edison in connection with
his inventions at Menlo Park have
1 been transferred to Greenfield Vil-
Saturday the ninth excursion, a
trip to the Cranbrook Foundation,
will be held. This trip will afford
an opportunity to visit the Cran-
"en. Mola Claims Control
Of Madrid Water Pipes
In Guadarramas
[hureh Property
Taken By Decree
Both Factions Hold Victory
To Be Within Grasp;
Fighting In 3 Sectors
MADRID, July 28.-('P)-Leftist
Spain tonight pushed new forces of
artillery and warplanes against reb-
els of the Republic and predicted a
quick end to civil war.
From Gen. Emilio Mola, northern
commander of the rebels, came a pre-
diction of "Madrid by Thursday or
Friday" and a militant dictatorship.
Preparing to deal with the fascists,
the Madrid government ordered all
rebellious naval and civil guard of-
ficers removed by decree.
Another decree announced confl-
scation of all building belonging to
religious orders and the Catholic
church in general within five days-
enforcement of a constitutional pro-
Set Up Industry Board
A leftist committee was set up
to guide industry and take it over
where necessary. Enlistment of both
men and women was continued.
Ample food supply was reported.
General Mola, supporting his pre-
diction of an approaching siege at
Madrid, said his forces had gained
control of water mains in the Guadar-
ramas supplying the capital.
This powerful weapon, he added,
had not yet been used. There were
other reports, however, that rebels
were shutting off the mains at in-
tervals to hinder defenders of the
Confident he will be victorious,
General1Mola said his projected dic-
tatorship will embrace an army to
match any in all Europe. There was
no intent, he said, to restore a mon-
At Burgos, liberal deserters were
reported as saying the capital's food
supplies were low.
Both sides claimed victory in fight-
ing today, centered in three sectors.
Government Claims Victories
In continued attacks on the
Guadarrama mountain passes, the
government asserted it had destroyed
vast stores of rebel ammunition. This,
coupled with asserted desertions from
rebel ranks, would severely cripple
the revolt, leftists contended.
But in the same sector, Mola forces
claimed capture of Dobre Gordo and
an approach to within 50 miles of the
Spanish capital.
In the far north, rebel forces with-
drew from advance posts around Ren-
teria but held to that city and fight-
ing continued.
Also in this sector, loyalists de-
fending Guadelupe rained heavy ar-
tillery fire on the Oyarzun-Renteria
On the third front, far to the south,
loyalists were reported retreating af-
ter a defeat at Estepona in the neigh-
borhood of Gibraltar.
Fascists still claimed much of the
northern area, with Burgos as north-
ern headquarters, and the southwest
with Seville as a center of forces.
Sorenson Wins
City Net Crown
Over Bill Bell
Hap Sorenson, Western State
Teachers' College net star, won the
city tennis championship yesterday
by disposing of Bill Bell, No. 2 man
on the University of Alabama squad,
in three easy sets, 6-3, 6-2, 6-2.
Sorenson qualified for the final
match by winning his five preliminary
matches with the loss of only one
set, which he dropped to Doug Greg-
ory in the semi-finals. His place-
ments and chop shots coupled with
greater experience exacted a heavy
toll on Bell, who was unable to take
one set.
In th6 mixed doubles finals, Merida
Antique Shops Raided In Hunt
For 'The Old Maid's' Properties
The little girl in the shorts and
middy blouse reminded one surpris-
ingly of "Mary of Scotland," even
though the vehicle from which she so
very unregally scrambled was a bit
rickety, and the driver looked a good
deal like the Repertory Players "Earl
of Bothwell," even though he did
seem a bit besmirched from a days
work of escorting the same little
lady from one antique shop to an-
other. In a very few minutes the
shorts and middy were scrambling
around midst a hodge'podge of furni-
ture and nick knacks dated from
every period imaginable. A silver-
haired lady approached her.
"Say, Mouldy, have you got some-
thing for me that's Empire or Vic-
torian," said Virginia Frink, for it
was Virginia Frink doing her duty
as one of the properties mistresses
for the Repnrtory Plavers: the vonna
"Mouldy" had an Empire table and1
serving cabinet to offer and also an
old Victorian relic which consists of
an immense glass globe covering a
large circlet of genuine-looking flow-
ers (The ladies of that period had I
been fond of ensconcing their wed-
ding orange-blossoms in containers
of this sort).
This much having been accounted
for, the "Earl of Bothwell," stepped
on the starter and transferred "Queen
Mary," to the Wilkinson shop where
she procured a pair of sofas, and
thence on to collect some chairs from
Mrs. Graves, another antique en-
thusiast, who also loaned them a
cradle that had insured the early
slumbers of her family for several
Still farther down the road and
from the Walker household they bor-
rowed a chair that had come down
in HIP amil of Pra. raa f -_w