FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1936 Hopkins Has Good Time On Good Will Trip Hitch-Hikes, Is Held As 'Hostage' On Visit To U. Of M.'s 3_Outposts (Continued from Page 1) the only one up was one of the di- rectors of the camp, Prof. Robert J. Craig, Jr., of the forestry school," Dr. Hopkins stated. "As long as I have been going up there I have never been abl to catch that man asleep." "We really have quite a housing problem at the forestry station," he said. "Last year when I visited the camp the enrollment was 43, and I thought then that its capacity had been reached, but this year it is 67 and still everybody has a bunk." Dr. Hopkins reconted how the boys in the camp have acclimated themselves to their crowded quarters by making over an old hay mow, sit- -uated in a barn between two horse stables, into a study hall. Use Momemade Boards "They study sitting on barrels with homemade drawing boards," he con- tinued. "I don't know how they do it but they all seem to be happy and healthy and having a good time. Every available building, according to Dr. Hopkins, even their recreation hall, has been converted into bunk- houses. During the morning and afternoon Professor Craig, Dean Dana and Dr. Hopkins made a tour of inspection of the territory around the camp, driv- ing most of the time not on roads but on plowed fire lanes. "Dean Dana is the most amazing man when it comes to getting through practically inpenetrable forest," the director said, "I'd be driving along on a nice paved road and he would tell me to turn into one of these fire lanes. How he knew where they came out, I haven't the slightest idea but we always managed to save a few miles and time in taking them." Dean Dana also climbed several fire station towers, "but not for me," Dr. Hopkins said. "I stayed on the ground and 'guarded' the car." In the evening an informal social evening was held. A member of the Michigan Conservation Department gave a short lecture and Dr. Hopkins also addressed the group. Thursday morning, Dr. Hopkins; and Dean Dana started southward. Enroute they visited several of their, friends and also a number of Michi- gan alumni. Late that night they crossed the Straits of Mackinaw. Visit Biology Station "It was a moonlit night," Dr. Hop- kins said, "and I don't believe I have ever seen 'a more beautiful sight in my life as that moon shining on the waters of the Straits." Their last stop, the University bi- ological station proved a most inter- esting one.3 "Unless you have ever visited the, station you cannot realize the scope of it," He said. "The University owns thousands of acres there-almost all of Douglas Lake and the whole northern portion of Burt Lake. There are more than 200 people in the camp and it reminds one of a small village. This camp is the most complete of the three in Michigan, according to Dr. Hopkins, because it is more than 25 years old and has been growing1 steadily every year. There are about, 50 buildings there, including a hos- pital and a drug dispensary, both under the direction of Dr. William1 M. Brace of the regular Health Serv- ice staff. Prof. George LaRue of the zoology department, director of the station, is doing a marvelous job in organizing the various research projects in bot-7 any and zoology that are undertaken,, Dr. Hopkins believes. Prominent men in these fields come from all over the country to work at the camp and Dr. Hopkins stated that 26 states are represented at the camp. Recreation Work Shown "During the day," he continued, "the boys wanted to show me the recreation projectthey have built for the farmers of the area across the lake. They also wanted to show me the new motor which the Summer Session office recently authorized for them, so we went across the lake in this launch which must hold at least 25 people. However, it is so big that we weren't able to get close enough to shore. That problem was soon solved when we all took off jur socks, rolled up our trousers and waded to shore." There he saw the recreation proj- eet and described it as "a splendid piece of work." Leaving the camp Saturday morn- ing, the two "goodwill tourists" made their way Ann Arbor-ward and aside from a flat tire, which they en- countered some difficulty in repair- ing because "for the first time in his life" Dr. Hopkins had forgotten to include all the tools necessary for such a job in his kit, they arrived here safely Saturday night. "Weboth had a marvelous time," Dr. Hopkins said. "Although, I take The LENS] By ROBERT L. GACH I could go on and on with Sunday's discussion, telling you that this film should be used for that, and that film for this, etc., and when I finish you would feel as if you had lost a battle with a good fast roller coaster. I was only trying to set down a few examples to show that it is quite impossible to pick out any one film and call it God's gift to the photog- rapher. That is where we commercial photographers have the advantage over most of you. Most of our work is done on cut film and we load only one at a time into the camera, and can without any trouble use a differ- ent film for each job. Of course we* are under a severe disadvantage as we have to get the picture every time or lose our bread and butter. Your best bet is to learn the ad- vantages and disadvantages of each type of film, and then before loading up the camera think over what you are going to shoot, and then pick a film that will best suit most of your subjects. You can not get superior results on all of them, but there is nothing that you can do unless you care to back out the film and put in another when the type of subject changes. That is one of the advan- tages of the 35mm. camera as with most of them it is possible to back out the film and replace it later. Should Use Ortho The only advice that I can give you concerning type of film to use, when I have no details concerning the subject is that you should use an Ortho film wherever possible, and only resort to Pan. when you are shooting under Mazda light or when the subject has too much red. This statement should not bet taken too literally. I am not trying to condemn the Pan. film, but unless you know exactly what you are doing, you are more likely to get into trouble with a Pan. film, because the Ortho. film has much more latitude and there- fore will stand over and under ex- posure much better. If you are do- ing your own developing you will find it easier to handle. And after you get to the point where you really can tell the difference in gradation scale of a film, you will notice that the gradation of Ortho is generally much better. And don't forget your pocket book, Ortho. is cheaper. More About Prefogging Since writing the article that ap- peared several days ago concerning prefogging of film, I have thought of a very simple method of proving be- yond any doubt the value or lack of value of prefogging. This method will also determine just how much is needed. As soon as the experiment is finished, I will give you any in- formation secured. Udet, German War Ace, Escapes Death WARNEMUENDE, Germany, July 27.-(AP)-Col. Ernst Udet, famed Ger- man war ace, escaped death today when his plane collapsed in mid-air before the eyes of Col. Charles A. Lindbergh. The flyer . bailed out promptly, pulled the rip cord on his 'chute and drifted down, just as Col. Lindbergh has done on several occasions in his old mail plane days. Lindbergh, in company with Lieut.- Commander F. M. Maile, Jr., assistant United States naval attache for avia- tion, visited the Heinkel works where fast military and commercial craft are built, and the accident occurred during a test flight after a tour of the plant. It was announced officially Udet's injuries were slight-cuts, bruises and sprains-but an unconfirmed report said his spine was injured. Surgeons asserted the chief of the technical division of the air ministry would be able to fly again in a week. BOY IS BURNED TO DEATH GRAND RAPIDS, July 27.-(A)- Eleven-year-old Jack DeHoek died Monday in a hospital of burns suf- fered when he fell in a bonfire. ,I tied Cross Rescues Injured After Barcelonxa Fighting Karr Dies In Second County Lake Drowning Harry Karr, 33 years old, Detroit,, was drowned Sunday when he jumped from a motorboat in Horseshoe Lake,j about eight miles northeast of Ann Arbor, and failed to reappear. It was the second death by drowning in Washtenaw County this year, both fatalities taking place in the past week. The drowning took place at the south end and west side of the hook- shaped lake, where Karr had been! riding in a motorboat driven by Har- ry Michaels, also of Detroit. When Karr failed to reappear after jump- ing out, Michaels went to shore and notified the sheriff's office here. Told at first to come to the north end of the lake by the parties calling in, Deputy Fred Sodt answered the call with a boat and grappling equip- ment. The body was recovered in 30 feet of water eight minutes after his arrival, at which time Deputy Rich- ard Klavitter arrived with a nurse and EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS 6:00-WJR Stevenson Sports. WWJ Ty Tyson. WXYZ Easy Aces, CKLW Phil Marley's Music. 6:15-WJR Heroes of Today. WWJ Dinner Hour. WXYZ Day in Review. CKLW Joe Gentile. 6:30-WJR Kate Smith's Band. WWJ Bulletins. WXYZ Rhythm Time. CKLW Rhythm Moments. 6:45-WJR Boake Carter. WWJ Albert Brothers. WXYz Rubinoff-Rea. CKLW Song Recital. 7:00-WJR Hammerstein's Music Hall. WWJ Leo Reisman's Music. WXYz Show on Wheels. CKLW Red Norvo's Music. 7:15-WXYZ Kyte's Rhythmaires. CKLW Robinson-Patman Bill. 7:30-WJR Laugh with Ken Murray. WWJ Wayne King's Music. WXYZ Edgar Guestuin Welkome Valley. CKLW Variety Revue. 8:00-WJR Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians. ! WWJ Vox Pop. WXYZ Ben Bernie's Music. 8:15-CKLW Charioteers. 8:30-WJR Rupert Hughes: Benny Goodman's Music. WWJ Ed Wynn, Graham McNamee. WXYZ Serenade to Summer. CKLW Return Engagement. 9:00-WWJ Democratic National Com- mittee. WXYZ Alice Sheldon. CKLW Moderne Ensemble, pulmotor equipment, which was used 9:15-WXYZ News for Voters. without success. CKLW Great Lakes Symphony. The officers said that Karr had l3WJ MrchSa fD ert s Musc. XYZ amm-Di-erts-M-ic -Associated Press Photo. These Associated Press photos, flown from Barcelona, Spain, to London and then sent by radio to New York, show (top) a wounded man being carried to a first air station by members of the Red Cross after fierce battle during revolution. Below, are shown a few of the automobiles that were wrecked and burned by rebels in the seaport city. Meanwhile, protection for Americans still in the city was asked of the state department by the U.S. consul. been under betwen 30 and 45 min- utes when his body was recovered. Vesper Service Is Attended By 700 More than 700 students and mem- bers of the faculty gathered for the mass singing and devotions lead by the Rev. Howard Chapman of the First Baptist Church of Ann Arbor at the second Vesper Service held Sunday night on the steps of the General Library. Mildred Olson was the featured soloist for the evening, singing "Green Pasture" by Sanderson and accom- panied by Mae Nelson, pianist. Prof. David Mattern of the School of Music directed the mass singing and the Men's Glee Club under his direction sang several selections. The third and last Vesper Service will be held Aug. 9. The program for, the evening will be announced at a later date. 9:45--WJR Hot Dates in History. WXYZ Police Field Day. 10:00-WJR Duncan Moore. WWJ Amos and Andy. WXYZ Johnny Hamp's Music. CKLW Scores and News. 10:15-W/JR Rhythm. WWJ Evening Melodies. CKLW Dance Music, 10:30-JR the Mummers. WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ Frank Winegar's Music, CKLW Griff Williams' Music. 10:45-WWJ Jess Crawford. WXYZ Jolly Coburn's Music. 11:00-WJR George Givot. WWJ. Dance Music. WXYz Shandor: Earl Walton's Music. CKLW Enoch Light's Music. 11 :15-CKLW Mystery Lady. :JR George Givot, 11:30-WJR Musical Program. WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ Lou Bring's Music. CKLW Joe Sander's Music. 12:00-WWJ Dance Music. WXYZ Les Arquette's Music: CKLW Johnny Lewis' Music. 12:30-CKLW Horace Heidt's Music. 1:00-CKLW Joe Sander's Music. Jewering! State and Liberty . Watch .RepairingI 4 Burr Switches Parties To Run On Dem. Ticket Takes Walk From GOP Because They Blocked Rural Lighting State Rep. Redmond M. Burr will forsake the Republican party to run -for Congress on, the Democratic tick- et, it was revealed Sunday at a din- ner of the Young Democrats in the Michigan Union. His candidacy on the Democratic ticket had been suspected for several weeks, but public announcement was not made until Sunday. Representative Burr explained that his transference of allegiance was due mainly to the Roosevelt admin- istration's attitude toward rural electrification and labor. He charged that Republicans in Michigan have' frequently blocked rural electrifica- tion. John C. Lehr, U. S. district attorney and former congressman, urged the Young Democrats to work hard in the coming election. Other speakers were Charles E. Downing, Monroe, George A. Schroeder, Mrs. Clara Van- Auken, Detroit, William Pantera and Mrs. James H. McDonald. "I am positive that people in every walk of life-except those who have only selfish motives and those known exploiters of humanity-will put forth every effort to elect Mr. Roosevelt," Representative Burr said. LEAGUE HEAD DIES BALTIMORE, July 27.- (P) - Charles H. Knapp, president of the International Baseball League, died in a hospital here tonight. He had been ill for months with heart trouble. He was 62. He had headed the league since the death of Johnny Conway Toole in 1929. Prior to that time he also had' been president of the Baltimore Orioles. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Conthiued from Page 3) the Certificate. The next examina- tion of this kind will be given in Room 1022, University High School, on Saturday, August 8, at 8 a.m. The examination will cover Education A10, Cl, special methods, and di- rected teaching. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received announcement of United States Civir Service Examinations for Senior, Associate, Assistant and Soil Conservationist (Farm Planning), Soil Conservation Service, Depart- ment of Agriculture, salary, $2,600 to $4,600. For further information con- cerning these examinations call at 201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. Graduate School: All Graduate School students who expect to com- plete their work for a degree at the close of the present Summer Session should call at the office of the Grad- uate School, 1006 Angell Hall, to check their records and to secure the proper blank to be used in paying the diploma fee. The fee should be paid not later than Saturday, Aug. 1. C. S. Yoakum, Dean. Reading Examinations in French: Candidates for the degree of Ph.D. in the departments listed below who wish to satisfy the requirement of a reading knowledge are informed that an examination will be offered in Room 103, Romance Language Bldg., from 9 to 12, on Saturday morning, August 8. It will be necessary to register at the office of the Depart- ment of Romance Languages (112 R.L.) at least one week in advance. Lists of books recommended by the various departments are obtainable at this office. It is desirable that candidates for the doctorate prepare to satisfy this requirement at the earliest possible date. A brief statement of the na- ture of the requirement, which will be found helpful, may be obtained at the office of the department. This announcement applies only to candidates in the following depart- ments: Ancient and Modern Lan- guages and Literatures, History, Ec- onomics, Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy, Education, Speech. Weekly Reading Hour: Mrs. Mar- garet Roberton will read Rudolph Besier's play "The Barretts of Wim- pole Street," Monday, July 27, 7 p.m., in Room 302 Mason Hall. The public is cordially invited. CITY OFFICIAL DIES LESLIE, July 27.-WP)-Maurice P. Crompton, 72, is dead here. At va- rious times he had held every muni- ipal office except that of villagemclerk. TYPEWRITERS Braddock To Fight Schmeling In Fall NEW YORK, July 27.-(AP)-The on again, off again world's heavy- weight championship fight between James J. Braddock and Max Schmel- ing was definitely on tonight. It will be held in, September in Madison Square Garden's big Long Island bowl, with the garden and the 20th Century Sporting Club as joint promoters. After weeks of wrangling, the two big New York clubs got together to- day. Everything was satisfactorily settled except the date. It will be between Sept. 24 and Sept. 30. The Garden and 20th Century will divide the profits fifty-fifty after all expenses have been paid. Typewriters Rentals 302 SOUTH STATE STREET Repair Service Supplies -.t.1Yd IlYeM' ...tnt.ti Arc::aM+'iRW:JM Nt.+p.....:.,,4'dWixbv+e4M .. i I y M K11 1 ' - 'I Vi 1 Madrid Embassy Shelters 161 Americans Grin -as nu !44xe.s. =* ": :. .. - .: ,. .:. e:.: . .. : .9 r1. _"Y..CF?:" it +. Sv.... E .. { f', . i ... . Lt.s . '} ti ..:_. ?. 7?F{..{...: . I