__ _ THE MICHIGAN DAILY MICHIGAN DAILY 1 Publication of the Summer Session betterment of conditions as a whole, will have be adopted if the nation wishes to come out{ its present chaos and disorder. to 'of Q .- "r t " ' Published every morning except Monday during the Uiflversity year and Summer Session by the Board in Lotr'o1 ocf Student Publications "1ienlber of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled' to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or utV etherwise credited in this paper and the local news liublshed herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mattr. Special rate of postage granted by Thtrd- Assstant Postmaster-General. Su""bscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. AOffices:Student Publications Building, Maynard Street' AnArbor, Michigan. Phone 2214. Pepresentatives: College Publications Representatves, Ikc., 40 Bat Thirty-Fourth treet, New York City; S,8 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd St., New York, N. Y. EDITORIAL STAFF Phone: 4925 O$AING EDITO........FRANK B. GLBETH AI NT MANAGING EDITOR..KARL- SEIFFRT .AMOCIATE -EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers Moulton s ed . Jerome Pettit. REPORTERS: Edgar H. Eckert, Thomas H. Kleene, Bruce Manley, Diana Powers Moulton, Sally Place. BUSINESS STAFF Ofce Hours; 9-12, 1-5 Phone: 2-1214 1tUSTNESS MANAGER... . ..:..BYRON d. VDDER ASSISTANT BUSINESS MANAGER...HARRY R. BEGLEY CIRCULATION MANAGER........ROBERT L. PIERCE WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1933 Society's Need lFor Edcton... A LONG - RECOGNIZED problem about which lttle has been done wak discussed Monday by State Superintendent of ;Public Instruction Paul Voelker, when he spoke before the conference on readjustments in public education. Tile rapid increase in man's leisure time, broughtraboutthrough the increasing efficiency of machinery and the increasing span of human life, is, according to this educator, one of the greatest problems to be faced at this time. As a result of this important trend education Will be forced to adjust itself in providing avoca- tional courses of study as well as vocational ones aid the time is rapidly approaching when definite steps must be taken to fill this need. This is fast becoming evident through the re- cent steps taken by Federal authorities .and others to limit the length of time when persons can be employed in the field of labor. It is reasonably certain, from the legislation in that direction, that before long persons under 20 years of age And over 50 will have to be provided with means for -utilizing leisure time, since these groups will be prohibited from working. It is to the field of education that society will look for a solution of this and other prob- lens arising from the civilization and advance- nient of man. With an increase in population to eenlarge the size of this group, society will have to protect itself by teaching large numbers how t live together properly, how to enjoy the finer things of life and how to employ the leisure time at Ii and. .Since these problems are already at. hand and not .strictly a matter for future solution, it is evident that all possible aid must be accorded edu- cational institutions in attempts to cope with these difficulties. And certainly the recent withdrawal of financial support from -the educational field will not help any. The time has arrived for society in .recognize one of its most important adjuncts End lend its full support, rather than withdrawing ii .at a time when education can best serve the largest numbers. A Proposal To Stop Speculating.. PECULATING in the grain market, both by amateur and professional traders, may be stopped as a result of the recom- mendations of Secretary of Agriculture Wallace to the grain industry representatives whQ have gath- Ired in Washington for a conference to consider the possibilities of stabilizing prices for the farmer. Collegiate 'Rickshaw' Toters.. T HE RECENT news dispatch telling of the newest "stunt" for the col- lege track stars who are toting jinrikshas at the World's Fair serves as a reminder of the success of that novel venture. Officials of the Century of Progress Exposition decided that visitors at the Fair would experience great delight at the opportunity of being hauled about the grounds by athletic young men of na- tional prominence. So they selected college track stars from schools a_ over the country and hired them to pull jinrikshas about the grounds. The vehicles were imported from Paris where they had been constructed for the Exposition there. Parisiennes apparently didn't take to the Oriental method of travel, as the carts were purchased at a nominal price. So, hitched between the staves as beasts of bur- den, the stalwart young men of track fame started pulling visitors about the Fair Grounds. But, instead of being regarded in the light of laboring coolies, the cart-pullers were instead treated as equals by those who paid them for their efforts. There was no social distinction be- tween the financial magnate and the young man who temporarily served as his slave. Mer- chant princes were regarded no more highly than the tracksters, clad in crude shorts, who pulled them from place to place. And, the answer to an age-old question was evident in this attitude. Why are some forms of employment considered menial jobs while others are regarded as "genteel positions?" The story of the college jinriksha men demonstrates the truth of the statement, "There is no such thing as menial labor; there is only the spirit of menial labor." The Theeatre W. SOMERSET MAUGHAM Information on the author of "The Circle," which opens tonight as the sixth play of the Michigan Repertory Players season. By DAVID MOTT Educated to;be a doctor, turned down as a news- paper man, W. Somerset Maugham made his for- tune as a dramatist, but will probably be remem- bered by posterity as a novelist. Born in 1873 in Paris, the son of a member of the English Embassy there, he has always taken a particular liking to French soil. At present he lives "very reticently" in one of the most pala- tial show-places of the French Rivera at Cap Ferrat. As a young man he studied painting in Paris. He began writing novels about .1897, and pub- lished his magnum opus, "Of Human Bondage," in 1915. This book is a rival both of "The Old Wives' Tale" of Bennett and "The Forsyte Saga" of Galsworthy for the position of first place among twetltieth century British novels. It is written in a naturalistic ven, cyncally concluded, and is said to be biographical of the first thirty years of the author's life. The chief character in "Of Human Bondage," Philip Carey, presents a timid, inward man who solves the problem of existence by resorting to a kind of frank cynicism and a craftsmanlike interest in his work. All of Maugham's writings reflect these two characteris- tics predominantly. One of his most recent novels, "Cakes and Ale" (1930),, became the subject of public controversy on publication when critics accused Maugham of having maliciously portrayed therein two famous English authors, one recently dead and the other still living-Thomas Hardy and Hugh Walpole. Though his list of plays is almost as long as that of his novels, the plays never reach the novels for quality of literary merit. But no dra- matist since Oscar Wilde has had such successes in the London theatres as Maugham. "The Circle," which the Players' are producing here this week, is credited as his best play. It is written in the line of Arthur Wing Pinero and Oscar Wilde, but more cynical than either. A masterly craftsman- ship characterizes his plays, and so particularly in "The Circle" that that play has been in- cluded in all modern play anthologies. Next to "The Circle," "Our Betters" and "The Constant Wife" are perhaps the best liked of his plays. He has been lucky in having some of the best English and Americans actors choose his plays for ve- hicles-John Drew, Mrs. Leslie Carter, Ethel Bar- rymore, Katherine Cornell, to name a few of the greatest, have appeared in productions of his plays.. Interesting is the fact that this writer of pop- ular drawing room shows is rather shy of the the- atre. His friends attribute it to his quiet nature.. He likes to be alone, to travel alone, to live alone, with the exception of being with his wife a Ad only, daughter. He has been an incessant wanderer since youth, his journeyings through the East have provided material for some of his most suc- cessful novels. The widely known play "Sadie Thompson" or "Rain" is from one of Maugham's stories. His reticent nature is apparent in the fact that he has never seen a performance of his. most popular play, ''The Circle." tine Sagan, European megaphone-wielder who also went to London to stage the play, "Children in Uniform," from which the picture was adapted. ! Miss Christa Winsloe, who is the author of bothI the play, "Children in Uniform," and the working scenario of "Maedchen in Uniform," has long been conceded to be one of Germany's foremost poets, and is now seconding Vicki Baum as the conti- nent's important feminine dramatist, The women who play the leading roles in the play are outstanding actresses from the Berlin stage, and had little or no picture experience be- fore their work in "Maedchen." The reputed ex- cellence of that work, however, has put some of them in the front ranks of picture stars through- out the world, and two of them, Hertha Thiele, who plays the sensitive pupil and Dorothea Wieck, who plays her instructress, are now on their way to this country with Hollywood con- tracts. It might be added, too, that the making of "Maedchen in Uniform" by these women was a cooperative venture, which, although they received no salaries during the filming and had only the prospect of sharing in vague future returns, has made each and every worker, even to the extras, independent financially. The story of "Maedchen in Uniform" is a dem- onstration of the axiom that a direct relation- ship exists between the national character of a people and their educational system. Here is a picture which might go far to explain the charac- ter of the German "Hausfrau" and, also, paradox- ically of the German military spirit. All the girls within the cloistered walls of the finishing school are of the same social strata, daughters of Prussian army officers. The Prin- cipal of the institution believes it to be her high- est pedagogic duty to permeate the, "goose step spirit" of the fathers into their 'daughters. Re- gardless of any emotional conflicts within the girls, she pursues a strict and pitiless discipline leading to an unavoilable catastrophe. She is com- pletely unable to understand the motives which force a particularly sensitive pupil to seek from one of the teacher's the mother-love substitute which she herself is unable or unwiling to give. The story concerns itself with the unequal struggle between the child who wants to love and be loved, and the principal who does not under- stand emotions and worries only about strict dis- cipline. It is significant of the emancipation of the female that this film was produced in its en- trety by women, from the director downwards to the lowliest "extra." wm Excursion No. 9: Greenfield Village (Second T r i p) - this afternoon, scheduled fpr students and citizens who were unable to go on the tour, July 19. Buses leave from in front of Angell Hall at 1 p. m. Party re- turns to Ann Arbor by 5:45 p. m. Nominal entrance fee of 25 cents will be charged at the village. Round trip bus fare $1. Excursion No . 10: Put-in,Bay, Lake Erie-Thursday, July 27. Under direction of Laurence Gould, profes- sor of geology and renowned antarc- tic explorer. Chartered buses leave from in front of Natural Science Building at 7 a. m. Steamer leaves Detroit dock at 9 o'clock, arrives at Island at 12:30 p. m. Tours under guidance of Professor Gould. Steamer leaves Island at 4:15 p. m. and ar- rives in Detroit at 8:15 p. m. Await- ing buses will return party to Ann Arbor by 10:30 o'clock. Bus fare, round trip, $1.50. Steamer fare, 75, cents. If party consists of more than 100, a rebate of 20 cents will be made, thus bringing the net fare to 55 cents. Total expenses under $5.' Make reservations by purchasing bus and steamer tickets before 5 p. m. Wednesday, July 26, in Room No. 9, University Hall. Observatory Nights: The Univer- sity Observatory will be open to stu- dents of the Summer Session Mon- day, Tuesday, and Wednesday, July 31, August 1, and 2, at 8:15 p. m. Admission will be by ticket. Tickets may be obtained in the office of the Summer Session upon the presenta- tion of the treasurer's receipt. M. A. Degree Candidates in His-. tory: The reading examination in French, German, and Spanish will be given Friday p. m., at 3 o'clock, in Room 1009 A.H. A. S. Aiton Latin 215, 216: The schedule for the reports is now being prepared. Please sign the paper on the Bulle- tin Board in Graduate Reading Room 1 opposite the date you prefer. This should be done as soon as pos- sible in order that a final program may be prepared for distribution. The first meeting will be on Friday, August 4, place to be announced by 'the Bulletin Board mentioned above. It is important that members of the class keep in touch with the an- nouncements posted there. O. F. Butler United States Civil Service Exam- ination: Statistician (Medical So- cial Service), $2,600 a Year. General Field Service, Veterans Administra- tion. Applications must be on file with the United States Civil Service DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday. Commission at Washington, D. C., not later than July 27, 1933. Debate Conference: Professor J. H. McBurney, Manager, Michigan High School Debating League, will con- duct an informal conference on "Goverment Ownership of The Ra- dio," on Thursday afternoon, July 27th at 3:15, in Room 4203 Angell Hall. The purpose of this conference is to secure suggestions for wording the proposition for debate in the State League for the ensuing year. G. E. Densmore The Conference on Readjustments in Public Education are concluded to- day with a morning meeting at 9:30 and an afternoon meeting at 2:00 in the Michigan Union. The Annual Education Banquet of the Men's and Women's Education Clubs will be held at 6:30 today in t h e Michigan Union. Professor James K. Pollock will be the main speaker. His subject is "The Teach- er and Governmental Reform." Tickets, priced at 75 cents, may be secured from members of the clubs a'id at 4217 University High School. Michigan Repertory Players: W. Somerset Maugham's modern comedy "The Circle" opens tonight at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre and will continue through. Saturday night. Seats are now on sale for all per- formances. The box-office is open from 9:30 a. m. to 12 and from 1:15 to 9 p. m. The telephone number is 6300. } l University Women: All signing out slips must be turned in to the un- dergraduate office by Friday noon. University Men and Women: A recreational club invites men and women to swim in the Intramural Pool from 6 to 7 tonight. The fee is ten cents. All people interested and who have npt seen Miss Mc- Cormick see her before 3 p. m. to- day. Hours 9-12 Barbour Gymnas- ium; Office of the Dean of Women: 1:30 to 3, Michigan League. Ethel McCormick Students of the Literary College and Law School are invited to at- tend a lawn party at the Michigan League on July 27 from 4 to 6 o'clock. . Michigan Socialist Club: "Fascism" will be the discussion topic at the Michigan Union this evening at 7:30. Charles Orr will give a sociological analysis and report on his experi- ences in Italy and Germany. Guy M. Whipple, Jr., will trace the his- tory of Italian Fascism and Jacques Engerrand will do the same for Port- uguial, Chili and minor countries. All opinions are invited. All Albion College alumni are in- vited to attend a picnic to be held on the evening of August 3. The supper will be a potluck. A later announcement will appear in regard to the place. For further informa- tion call 4010. Southern Students Club: There will be special called meeting of the Club this evening at 7:00 at the flagpole to make final arrangements for the picnic nxet Monday, All members are urged to be present. ID. L. Smith, President Public Health Nurses: There will be a picnic supper at the Fireplace Friday, July 28, from 5:00 to 7:00 p. in. A fee of 25 cents is being col- lected. Meet at the north door of the Michigan League, not later than 4:45 p. M. Stock Market Has A General Rally Tuesday NEW YORK, July 25.-c)-Profit- taking today claimed part of the stock market's recovory from last week's losses, but not until the mar- ket had had a general rally. By clos- ing time early gains of 1 to 4 points for many of the favorites had been more than surrendered and there was a liberal representation of 1 to 2- point net losses, due to late realiz- ing. Wheat at Chicago and Winnipeg was firmer than on Monday; but stock traders seemed willing to move cautiously. "Repeal" shares had a good early boom and rails were anx- ious to -et ahead for a time. Stand- ard Industrials, however, tended to lag, even while the rally was at its best, and finally reaction became fairly inclusive. Last pricesbwere somewhat above the lows. Sales to- taled 3,539,140 shares. The market had finished its sec- ond successive abbreviatedc session before two striking testimonials, to the businers recovery had been made public. The first of these was Gen- eral Motors' quarterly earnings state- ment, showing 90 cents a common share for the year's second three- month period against 11 cents in the first and seven cents a year ago. The cash position was also strengthened. Then came the figures for U. S. Steel Corp., always a good yardstick for measuring business trends. The company's June quarter was the best in a year and a half, for it had a net operating profit before depreciation, depletion and interest charges. Wall Street had expected no change in the 50-cent dividend rate on the pre- ferred stock, and there was none; Musi cal Events THE FOURTH FACULTY CONCERT - What do audiences expect from a concert-espe-s cially from a concert that is free? Are they going to quibble about notes, fret about lost chords, or a twist of the wrist? Isn't it rather that they expect good entertainment for nothing? Surely, a fine performance is expected of the artists who perform on the summer series of Faculty Concerts and, surely, these expectations are realized by most of the audience. Last night's concert is an example of the point to be made. The large audience must have felt the sincerity, the artistry, the concentration that made the con- cert successful. For instance, Professor Christian,'s complete attitude towards the Bach he played brought out the infinite, variety that age cannot stale in Bach's work. The Fantasie and Fugue in C minor built up from a firm, yet subdued beginning to a magnificent climax that stirred the emotions, but never became automatic nor pedantic. The Air in D moved in a lyric pensiveness, remaining calm and smooth. In a less carefully thought out inter- pretation it could have become hackneyed, could nave voiced emotions that were never intended; Professor Christian kept it even, dirigible. The Trio from the Cantata, "Tis My Pleasure," con- trasted with the two former pieces by its spright- liness, its quick repartee between the three parts, and its unexpected brevity. Bach in his lighter mood was glimpsed for a poment. The Sonatine from the Contata, "God's Time Is Best" (the "Funeral Cantata"), displayed Bach's feeling for tonal coloring. The flute quality, lucid and fluent, rose above the accompanying reiterated figures, throughout which the touch of sadness was not lost. If it is to be admitted reluctantly that the performance of the Benedictus from the B minor Mass of Bach seemed strained, is ,it not to be immediately said that Professor Hackett's' vitality and sincerity gave an impetus to the whole that made it valuable and true? Certainly, the later group of songs demonstrated indubitably his ap- preciation of nuance, phrasing, these details that constitute a total performance, aside from the physical fact of a fine voice. For example, the languid characteristics that modern French songs contain were instantaneous- ly apparent in La Fontaine de Carrouet, by Le- torey. Les Trois Jours de Vendange offered Pro- fessor Hackett opportunities to become a racon- teur, and actor, as well as singer, and he did not let this chance go by. Cesar Franck's two songs Nocturne and La Procession displayed the ease, the simplicity of his singing, making the most of his voice. To cap the group, Le Ciel Est Gai by Gaubert, showed theverve and enjoyment of his performance. Blue Are Her Eyes by Watts proved a successful encore. Professor Brinkman's accomp- animent moved smoothly and surely. The Brahms' Sonata for Violin was character- ized by Professor Besekirsky's true tone and deli- cacy of feeling. This Sonata is never virtuoso, but rather singing, dulcet, melodic. Its purity was never marred. Again Professor Brinkman sup- ported the soloist in an adequate fashion, .the tone always being clear and effective. The Bach Passacaglia and Fugue concluded the concert in a strong sweep. Professor Christian controls the great proportions of this work and ever keeps it moving to the final glorious state- ment of the fugue theme. Order out of chaos' arises under his competent hands. And) what can the performers expect from the audience? Nothing but disturbance and late - It has long ,been evdent that something must:be done, not only in regard to the grain market but also in other fields, if we are to expect legitimate and conscientious trading on open stocks. Whether or not this proposal is the best solution to the problem certainly it is worth consideration.. The elimination of speculators from the 'mar- ket, as well as "anyone who cannot show that he has a legitimate interest in the stock or that he is serving a useful social purpose" has often been suggested as a remedy for the unwarranted pre- cipitous drops and \ quick risings of the market. Nothing has been done however that would tend to legally prevent such operations. Certainly the time is ripe for some .type of leg- islation which would better market conditions and the regulations under which stocks are bought and sold. An artificial fixing -of prices, for eco- nomic reasons, would be unsound. A -limitation on the amount of rise or fall to take place during a certain period however, seems to be quite a sensible method of regulating trading. This is in- cluded in Secretary Wallace's proposal to the rep- screen Reflections Four .stars means extraordinary; three stars very good; 'two °stars good; one' star dust another." picture; no stars keep away from it. AT THE MAJESTIC "MAEDCHEN IN UNIFORM" (Showing Wednesday through Friday) "Maedchen in Uniform," conceded by critics to be one of the outstanding screen offerings of the entire year, will open today at the Majestic -theatre for a three-day, reserved-seat run. A cinematic event out of the ordinary, "Maed- Keeping ahead, of the second hand To keep telephone service in step with the she understands by saying, swift pace of American life, Bell System men To appreciate the impo tackle many an absorbing problem, find many second thus saved, just mu an ingenious solution. 40,000,000 conversations ha For instance, they decided that pre- ators on the average day. cious seconds could be saved by a change in In the telephone business, long-established operating routine. The ments that save the subscr operator used to repeat the number called give him better service often by the subscriber - now she indicates that such apparently minor chane "Thank you." rtance of the altiply it by the ndled by oper - major improve- biber's time and result from just ;es. .LJ. .1 0