£____THE MICHIGAN DAILY S Of The News Of The World As Illustrated In Associated, PressPictures «- E -**I These four men, captured at Elkhorn, Wis., were taken to Chicago by Federal agents in connec- tion with the kidnaping of John "Jake the Barber" Factor, Chicago speculator. " They were also to be questioned about the abduction of William Hamm, Jr., wealthy St. Paul brewer. Miss Morella Oldham (center) was crowned queen of the national cherry festival at Traverse City, Mich., by United States Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg (right) of Michigan. Gov. William A. Comstock (left) of Michigan also participated in the ceremony. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) on The Transition in English Do- mestic Architecture from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. The lec- ture is open to students in other his- tory courses who may be interested. R. G. Ramsay The Phi Delta Kappa meeting, Monday evening, 8:00 at the Union. Membership committee will present final report. Educa ion Conference Luncheon, sponsored by Phi Delta Kappa will be held Tuesday, at the Michigan Union, 12:10. Speaker will be Profes- sor Raleigh Schorling. Sixth Annual Traverse City Festival Concludes TRAVERSE CITY, July 22.---(AP)- This city today had returned to its normal tempo, following completion of the three-day national cherry fes- tival program in a colorful election which set a new record in the festi- val's six years of existence. The Mummers; parading in the cerie light of red fire and yellow torches, closed the program Friday night as thousands of spectators from this locality and many others in the state looked on. In spite of threatening skies during much of the program, rain did not fall, and the various events proceeded without a hitch. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY TYPING TYPING Seven Cents a Page PHONE 2-1636 Leave Name and Address Quick Service 15 REASONABLE RATES-Quick serv- ice. Phone 2-1988. WANTED WILL--Pay cash for used ladies' bi- cycle. Write Box 5, Michigan'Daily. WANTED TO BUY MEN'S OLD AND new suits aid overcoats. Will pay 3, 4, 5 and 8, 9 dollars. Phone Ann Arbor, 4306 Chicago Buyer. 34c LAUNDRY LAUNDRY --Soft water. 2-1044. Towels free; socks darned. 13c WASHING-And ironing wanted. Guaranteed satisfactory. Call for and deliver. 611 Hoover. Phone 2-3478. 17c BICYCLES RENT A BIKE-Russell Reed. Ray- ment Radio. Next to Witham's, South University. Phone 2-133' 200 STE NOTYPY (Machine Shorthand) HAMILTON COLLEGE State & William Sts. :;.:Janet Sheppard Graves, daugh- IL ______N___ Putting up a determined battle ter of Senator Morris Sheppard after he had been lured from his of Texas and once named as the Ruth Yancey, 17-year-old brunet office; Frank A. McClatchy, wealthy prettiest co-ed at the University of Fayetteville, Ark., was selected Philadelphia real estate operator, of Texas, obtained an annulment as the 1933 Ozark "smile girl" in was critically wounded by two kid- in Los Angeles of her marriage a contest among 100 girls. napers who fled after shooting him to William A. Graves of New York. through the chest. - Mrs. Winchell's Little Boy, Walter, Punched By Al Jolson Savings Windows Hours Changed At Post Office In. accordance with the curtail- ment set by the government to con- form with banking hours, the postal savings windows of the Ann Arbor Post Offices will close promptly at 3 p. m., beginning next Monday, July 24, according to an announcement issued yesterday by George F. Sanzi, assistant postmaster. Heretofore they were kept open from 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Mr. Sanzi added that, as has been customary, the windows will close at 12 noon on Saturdays. Allegan Robbers Await Sentences To Penitentiary ALLEGAN, July 22.-(A")-Edward Austin, 45-year-old farmer, and his wife, Grace, also 45, today awaited committment to state penal institu- tions following their pleas of guilty in circuit court to charges of at- tempt robbery while armed.. Austin was sentenced to life im- prisonment at Jackson State prison and his wife was sentenced to 10 to 20 years in Detroit House of Cor- rection for their holdup of Old State bank at Fennville Wednesfay, in which three men were wounded and Austin himself was struck in the face with a shotgun charge. The Austins escaped in an auto after their early morning raid on the bank, carrying with them $2,000 of the bank's funds. They-were over- taken three miles from the village and engaged in a gun fight with Rus- sell McKellups, 21, a garage me- chanic and Kenith Jackson, his em- ployer. Both McKellups and Jack- son were wounded, but are said to be recovering. Mrs. Wiley Post was all smiles as she sat in the news room of 1 The Associated Press in New York and read bulletins that told of her husband's safe flight across the Bering sea to Alaska. perhaps the most dangerous hop of his round-the-world jaunt. Play Reading . 9 Club To Meet Next Tuesday, The third meeting of the Summer Session play reading group of faculty" women will be held Tuesday at 2:15 p. m. in the Alumnae Room of the Michigan League. A play by Howard1 will be read by Mrs. Lowell Carr. There has not beenna play reading group of faculty women before dur- ing the Summer Session, but it is being enthusiastically planned be- cause it ,gives wives of non-resident faculty members and guests an op- portunity to meet wives' of profes- sors from the different departments, officials said. Wives of non-resident professors are invited to all. meet- ings. Hostesses for this Tuesday's meet- ing are: Mrs. Elmer Mitchel, chair- man, Mrs. Robert Brown, Mrs. Carl Coe, Mrs. Richard Coursey, Mrs. He- ber Curtis, Mrs. Frank Finch, Mrs. Charles Good, Mrs. Robert Hall, Mrs. John Johnstone, Mrs. Louis Keeler, Mrs. Joseph Markley, Mrs. H. H. Merrick, Mrs. Willard Olson, Mrs. William Sellew, Mrs. Hobart Willard. TVY PE W R I T I N G To Hold Sports Program For Men, Women Friday Friday night, July 28, a sports party will be held at the Women's Athletic Building for men and wo- men graduate and undergraduate students majoring in physical educa- tion, it was learned yesterday. The faculties of the School of Educa;. tion and .the mens and women's physical education departments will be present. 9 .. MAJESTIC THEATRE >resents the International Success wU'NIFO0-RM July 26E-27-28 TIETS 4NOW ON SALE All Seats Reserved dt:40c Two Performances Daily 2:15.8:15 I1 1 .. _ """""" MI9EOG RAPHI!G ±jzimptly and nee.tly done ifn our on shop by c etent operators at modera rates. 0. ,D. M R RILL, 314 S. State St.,Ann Ar+or, 1 CONTINUOUS TODAY! 15c to 6 p.m. - 25c After 6 i Today! Two Excellent Pictures A Great Star! Exotic -Wicked! AXTX~T A A1A V WntTh~Tf i 1 1111 W