THE MICHIGAN DAILY HIGAN DAILY tion of the Summer Session state; the other is a member of the University fac- ulty who is conceded to be an authority on edu- cational matters. Both of them back their state- ments with sound reasoning and sincerity of pur- T + ,.,.y. I J. wa_'r ' R .! ... L"' t erw.n v pose. It is up to the public to decide from available information just how serious the situation actually is. And we are inclined to side with Mr. Voelker in his decision that something must be done if the public schools of Michigan are to maintain a rea- sonably high standard. As stated in his address, approximately 10 per cent of the schools will be able to remain open for the full term during the coming academic year and about one-fourth of them will be able to operate for only a period of three months. The situation could hardly present any greater difficulties. It requires many years to build up a satisfactory standard for educational institutions and this standard can be lowered over-night. The practice of drastically reducing teachers' salaries as a way out of economic difficulties has been commonly adopted and few things could be as harmful to the entire system. The situation is in- deed alarming. Unless something is done to stop the present inroad upon education, many years will be required to bring the public schools of the state up to the former high level. Perhaps the Legislators didn't do "so badly" at ,the last ses- sion; perhaps matters could be worse; but the problem to be faced at present is "What can we do to better the situation?" a picture here and Miller and Howard are in London ready to start . . . So is Miss Cummings! A delay of three weeks, until Miss Wray gets there, with Howard's and other salaries going on, would run the costs up terrifically. Harry wanted Constance and now he doesn't want her, but Hollywood thinks he may have to take her-since there are no other actresses avail- able whose names are known sufficiently in Amer- ica. i i P. Ua I1 - ..,.. ublication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the niversity. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30;. 1.30= a. m. .Saturday.- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN shed every morning except Monday during the ity year and Summer Session by the Board in 1 of Student Publications. :er of thee Western Conference Editorial Associa- d the Big Ten News.Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use ublication of all news dispatches credited to it or terwise credited in this paper and the local news Led herein. All rights of republication of special shes are reserved. red at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Assistant Postmaster-General. cription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by ranged for the benefit of those teach ers interested in coaching the debat on Governmental Ownership of Th- Radio, nevertheless, the public is ir vited. G. E. Densmore Missed A Lot Speaking of strange things, Bette Davis told me that she never has seen a silent picture . The girls' school in Boston which she attended didn't permit -its students to indulge in the cin- ema, sb, Bette never indulged-poor girl missed a heap of fun when she was a kid . . . I told her. about some of the serials we used to skip school to see-Eddie Polo in "Liberty" and Helen Holmes in "Robbing the Limited" and other such hokus-pokus that thrilled us for a week. Half of Mae West's fan mail comes from men and women who want 'to know how to attract members of the opposite sex . . . And in replying she says, in effect, "There's no secret." . . . And then she:tells 'em that in her estimation sex ap- peal is the radiation of an 'attractive personal- ity . Excursion No. 9: Greenfield Village in C minor; Trio from the Cantata, (Second Trip) - Wedpesday After- "Tis my pleasure"; Sonatine from noon, July 26-Scheduled for stu- the Cantata "God's Time is the Best dents and citizens who were unable Time" (Palmer Christian): Bach, to go on the tour, July 19. Buses { "Benedictus" frgm the B minor mass leave from in front of Angell Hall (Messrs. Hackett, Besekirsky and at 1 p. m. Party returns to Ann Ar- Christian): Pizzetti, Trio for Violin, bor by 5:45 p. m. Nominal entrance Violoncello, and Piano (Messrs. Bese-' fee of 25 cents will be charged at kirsky, Brinkman, and Pick): Leto- the village. Round trip bus fare $1. rey, La Fontaine de Caraouet; Hahn, Reservations must be made by 5 I*Trois Jours de Vendange; Franck, p. m., Tuesday, July 25, in Room 9, La Procession; Gaubert, Sur la Mer University Hall. Wesley H. Maurer t and Le Ciel est gai (Arthur Hack- e t r i' :, r Ofldes: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214. .epresentatives: College Publications Representatives, fr.c., 40 East Thirty-Fourth titreet, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd B;, New York, N. Y. EDITORIAL STAFF Phone: 4925 MANAGING EDITOR...........FRANK B. GIIBRETH ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR......KARL BEIFFERT ASSOCIATE EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers Moulton and E. Jerome Pettit. REPORTERS: Edgar H. Eckert, Thomas H. Kleene, Bruce -Manley, Diana Powers Moulton, Sally Place. BUSINESS STAFF Office Hours; 9-12, 1-5 Phone: 2-1214 AbSINESS, MANAGER . ...... ...... BYRON ti. VDDER ASISTANT BUSINESS MANAGER...HARRY A. BEGLEY OIRCULATION MANAGER.........ROBERT L. PIERCE SUNDAY, JULY 23, 1933 iiua's Credit s Good... A MONG the interesting statements made by Professor George Grafton Wilson, who delivered the first public address of the series sponsored by the Summer Session Qn Teaching International Law, was one which described the economic status of a .nation in the far East. And from that statement can be de- rived much "food for thought." Professor Wilson elaborately described the re- lationship of the United States to Eastern coun- tries, referring in some instances to historical documents of prominence. He next discussed the many-sided problems of the great nations of the Orient, quoting statistics to demonstrate the lack of certain facilities which are to be found in America. He mentioned the inferiority of rail- road, telegraph, telephone, and highway systems in China. He followed this general discussion with a brief survey of productive methods in the Far East. Then . he tackled the problem of government, comparing that found in China and Japan with our own. He explained that China's government was a model one "on paper," though highly in- dividualistic. ".A-nd then, finally (and here is the statement which warrants attention) he declared that the credit of China is very good-that last year its budget was perfectly balanced. He further stated that leading statesmen of the nation claim that the budget will also be balanced this year. So, despite economic conditions which exist in the Far East, despite the lower general standard of iving, regardless of the lack of conveniences -nlevertheless China balances its budget. There should be some sort of a lesson or moral con- tained in those facts which might be of interest 14 those nations of the world who pride themselves upon advancement and efficiency. Another Viewpoint On1 Education. .. TATE SUPERINTENDENT of Pub- lic instruction Paul F. Voelker, peaking Wednesday before members of the Ann Arbor Rotary club, described the education situa-. tion in the state as "alarming." He explained that the proceeds from the recently enacted sales tax will be utilized by the state and welfare admin- iatration and that practically nothing will be left for the public schools of the state. '-He even went further and denounced manufac- turers who, he claimed, influenced the legisla- ture in order that they might evade the sales tax.. iThen, to climax his address, he pointed out that the governor's promise to call a special ses- sion -of the legislature for the purpose of consid- ering new methodsof raising revenue would come too late to be of any aid to the schools in their present alarming situation. Mr. Voelker's remarks are most interesting at this time, following the astounding statements recently made by Professor Moehlman, who raised the legislators for the constructive meas- ures which they had passed in an attempt to alleviate the seriousness of the current educa- tional muddle. According to the one, the schools are not in as bad a condition as we had formerly believed. Though more might have been done to aid them at this time, Professor Moehlman insisted that, on the whole, we have reason to feel grateful that the Legislature accomplished what they did and that they kept out certain destructive meas- ures. According to Mr. Voelker however, the crisis; is now at hand for the public schools of the state. He maintains that any attempts to aid the Screen Reflections Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very good; two stars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away from it. Call O. Henry Pert Kelton's story differs from most knock- ing-at-the-gate Hollywood stories. She tried hard to get a film job, after several years as a child dancer in vaudeville, but without much success. Then she managed to get the role of Constance Bennett's pal in "Bed of. Roses"-and, say the preview lookers, just about stole the picture..- - A contract and bids from all studios resulted..-- But, as I say, her story is different . . . Pert wasn't starving like most other jobless ones-she owns a thriving hotel here. Excursion No . 10: Put-in-Bay,' Lake Erie-Thursday, July 27. Under direction of Laurence Gould, profes- sor of geology and renowned antarc- tic explorer. Chartered buses leave from in front of Natural Science Building at 7 a. m. Steamer leaves Detroit dock at 9 o'clock, arrives at Island at 12:30 p. m. Tours under guidance of Professor Gould. Steamer leaves Island at 4:15 p. m. and ar- rives in Detroit at 8:15 p. m, Await- ing buses will return party to Ann Arbor by 10:30 o'clock. Bus fare, round trip, $1.50. Steamer fare, 75 cents. If party consists of more than 100, a rebate of 20 cents will be made, thus bringing the net fare to 55 cents. Total expenses under $5. Make reservations by purchasing bus and steamer tickets before 5 p. m. Wednesday, July 26, in Room No.. 9, University Hall. Wesley H. Maurer ett) Bach, Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor (Palmer Christian). Charles A. Sink School of Educavon Stutents: All students now in residence having courses recorded as Incomplete (I), or absent from Examination (X) must complete their work in these courses by July 26. If, because of extenuating circumstances, a student is unable to complete his work by this time, a request for an extension of time, with the written approval of the instructor, must be presented at the Recorder's Office of the School of Education. In cases where neither a supple- mentary grade nor a petition for an extension of time is received, the courses will be recorded with grades of E. The Summer Session Play Reading Group of faculty women will meet promptly at 2:15 Tuesday afternoon in the Alumnae Room of the Michi- gan League Building. Mrs. Lowell Carr will be in charge of the play. Wives of non-resident faculty mem- bers of the Summer Session are cor- dially invited. The Women's Education Club will meet, with the Men's Education Club at the Union on Monday evening at 7:00.nPaul Voelker, State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction, will speak. This meeting will take the place of the joint Pi Lambda Theta meeting. Women interested in edu- cation in Michigan should find this meeting of special interest. The Rev. Frederick B. Fisher, D. D,. will speak at the First Methodist Church today upon "Living Above Friction," 10:45 a. m. Wesley Hall: At 6 p. m. today "Christian Principles and The prob- lems of Mental Hygiene".will be dis- cussed,-Dr. E. W. Blakeman, lead- ing. At 7-Fellowship hour for all Methodist students and their friends. Special music. Community Sing: In West Park at 7 p. in. todayCProf. Wray Congdon will lead the Community gathering. The sermonette will be delivered -by Dr. Harvey C. Colburn, Congrega- tional minister from Ypsilanti. (Un- der auspices of the Vacation Recre- ation Committee of Ann Arbor, Dean J. B. Edmondson, chairman). The Congregational and Presby- terian Churches will meet together for the service of worship at 10:45 this morning at the Presbyterian Church. Rev. Allison Ray- Heaps, minister of t h e Congregational Church, will speak on "The Wings of the Morning." History 33s: Assistant Professor George B. Brigham of- the College of Architecture will speak on Tues- day evening at 8 o'clock in the audi- torium of the Architecture Building (Continued on Page 4) AT THE MAJESTIC "THE DEVIL'S BEOTHER" ** Laurel and Hardy, as Stanlio and Olivero, two vagabonding bandits, reach the height of their comedy career in "The Devil's Brother." In a play based on the celebrated Auber comic opera they are given ample opportunity to use the many tricks for which they are famous. Dennis King, star of "Rose Marie" and "The Vagabond King," is another reason why "The Devil's Brother" is a good movie. Supported by Thelma Todd, King supplies the musical side of this comedy. In the course of their adventures, the two come- dians encounter the usual difficulties which go to make up the strange situations which, in turn, make for a successful comedy. They meet up with the famous bandit chief, Divalo, and are forced to accompany him on his thieving mis- sions. Also in the cast of "The Devil's Brother" are James Finlayson, Lucille Brown, Arthur Pierson, and Henry Armetta. 1 + ~ Washington Off The Record By SIGRID ARNE SENATOR JOE ROBINSON of Arkansas, who cracks the majority whip in the Senate, hearc the call of Chesapeake bay one recent hot day. He piled fish-poles and Representatives Claude Fuller and Heartsill Ragon into a boat and wat off. They made a purse for the one who caught the largest fish. But the fish were bashful. Hour, passed. As the sun set Ragon pulled in something an inch removed from the minnow class. He claimed the purse and then they weighed the fish "Him. Ten dollars an ounce," said Robinson "That's no minnow. It's a goldfish." a e s t s e i c * "MEN OF AMERICA" The second feature at the Majestic is "Men cf America," starring Bill Boyd. It is a story of western gunmen and racketeers, and perhaps it is because of this combination that we don't espe- cially care for the picture. It coicerns the ictivities of city gangste s who meet their doom when they come up against the hard-boiled, two-fisted, six-shooting wiesterner. Furthermore it attempts to include the element f of patriotism along with the picturization of ranch-life and gangdom, which is too much for 1.s. Charles (Chic) Sale and Dorothy Wilson are in the supporting cast. AT THE MICHIGAN "HOLD YOUR MAN" (Showing Sunday througn Wednesday) Jean Harlow and Clark Gable are teamed again in "Hold Your Man," which opens today at the Michigan theatre. The picture follows their re- cent "Red Dust." The story, an original by Anita Loos, concerns a rowdy love affair that begins as a sketchy in- terlude and ends up inr the typical film romance. As the cheap little drifter who goes to prison for the man she loves, Miss Harlow is given an opportunity in this picture to display acting abil- ity. The show also provides the first serious role for Stuart Erwin. Dorothy Burgess, Muriel Kirk- land, Garry Owen, Barbara Barondess, Paul Hurst, Elizabeth Patterson and George Reed also have parts in "Hold Your Man." A song hit by Nacio Herb Brown and Arthur Freed is also in-, cluded. AT THE WHITNEY "AMERICAN MADNESS" "FLAME OF LOVE" (Showing Sunday through Tuesday) Walter Huston holds the spotlight in the lead- ing feature film which opens today at the Whit- ney theatre. Supported by Pat O'Brien, Constance Cummings and Kay Johnson, he plays one of his typical parts in a story of modern people in a modernistic setting. Sharing the screen with Huston's picture will be "Flame of Love," which stars Anna Mae Wong. Jhe film, as one might suppose (though not from the title) is a mystery which includes the tale of a weak man who holds a high political position, the fascination of suspense, and the other fac- tors one usually considers for Anna Mae Wong witness "Shankhai Express"). The new policy of the Whitney theatre will go into effect this week with only two changes of rogram. Wednesday will be the first day for "War Correspondent" and "The- Menace." The :atter film is based on Edgar Wallace's story, "The Feathered Serpent." SCREEN LIFE IN HOLLYWOOD By HUBBARD KEAVY HOLLYWOOD-"Strange Ending" might be the title of the Constance Cummings-Harry Cohn feud, it ends the way Hollywood thinks it may . . . Cohn is Columbia's boss and Con- stance was a featured player there . . . He failed to take up her option on time, so Constance claimed, and she went to work for another com- pany.I Cohn sued, but was unsuccessful in getting *HEN Governor Pinchot of Pennsylvania drives into the capital, everybody knows it. He drives a modest gondola painted orange and brown. W ILLIAM C. LYONS of Denver, administrative assistant to the postmaster general, has his own solution for the crime wave. He carries a diamond-studded watch, the gift of Jack Dempsey. But it is surrounded by a contraption of pins, wire and string. The idea is that a pick-pocket would sound off his own alarm if he reached for the timepiece. However, Lyons can get into his pocket without trouble. T'S "ap'n" now at the White House. President Roosevelt, through his cruise up the eastern shore, qualified for the Boston Marine Society, oldest of its kind in the world. the society, informing the President that he is now a member, said: "You are the first President elected as a captain to a marine membership for life." ENATOR Robert P. Reynolds of North Carolina has fallen into his own trap. He usually enters his .office by a side door be- cause the outside waiting room is filled with callers. But one day the Senator, in a pre-occupied mood, swung in the front door and made a bee- line across to his inner office. A big-shouldered man got up and grabbed him. "Just a minute, buddy," said the visitor. "Sit down and wait your turn." FORMER Secretary of State Henry L. Stimson who once rated the head of the dinner table, is now drawing places closer to thie foot as just plain "Mr. Stimson." But the Democrats, he says, are welcome to the cool, upper reaches. He has made a discovery. "You know, the foot's the gayest end," explains Stimson to his neighbors-who have known that for some time. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT could be excused for wondering is he has created a busier man than himself. The other day his secretary found Gen. Hugh Johnson, industrial recovery administrator, at. a "not td be disturbed" meeting of manufacturers in a hotel room, The general was "urgently wanted at the White House." The general's secretary peeked into the conference room, and backed out. He decided to send a bell-hop, but discovered the hotel would be no party to the scheme. Finally he drew a long breath and went in. "See if the President will let me off," ordered Johnson. "I'll see him later." So the President waited. " OING business in a gold-fish bowl" is a fa- mous phrase by now. That is how Gen. Hugh Johnson, industrial administrator, describes his manner of revamping industry-referring, of course, to the fish's total lack of privacy. But the General is no one-phrase man. At a recent code hearing, which he likes to drive through at top speed, a certain captain of industry 0 Con Pub bers cln: sio day F 'sky, Pia Art Pic serv' gra Ser o'i era ten ci n account of the meetings of the aference on Readjustments in lic Education which some mem- s of the class wish to attend, the s in Education B131s will not et on Tuesday, July 25. This ses- r of the class will be held on Mon- , July 31. Edgar G. Johnson aEculty Concert: Wassily Besekir- Violinist, Joseph - Brinkman, mist, Palmer Christian, Organist, hur Hackett, Tenor, and Hanns k, Violoncellos will unite their vices in presenting the third pro- rm in the Summer Session Faculty Ies, Tuesday evening at 8:15 ock, in Hill Auditorium. The gen- I public is cordially invited to at- d, with the exception of small ildren. Bach, Fantasie and Fugue 'r r T A mid-summer showing of etchings,, pencil renderings, ceramic sculpture and water colors by students and. young alumni will commence Sunday at 3:30 p. in. at the Student Art Exchange in the League. In addition to this showing of new work, there will be a One Dollar Show in which a wall of the 'Ex- change' is devoted to a collection of wood-cuts, water colors, etchings etc., to be sold for one dollar each. Fac- ulty and students are cordially in- vited. Radio:Mr. Leo J. Fitzpatrick, Vice-President and General Manager of WJR radio station, Detroit, will conduct an informal discussion on the subject, "The Problems of Radio Broadcasting," in Room'4203, Angell Hall, at 3:15 p. in., Monday, July 24. While this conference has been ar- Intern-ational LawSess7ion We are offering you subscrip- tions for the remainder of the The