The Weather
Increasing cloudiness Sunday;
followed by showers in west
portion; cloudy and cooler.
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
VOL. XIV No. 24
Loan May Aid
Thousands To
Go ToCollege
100,000 May Be Able To
Return To Universities
In September
Plan To Establish
Bureau Of Credit
Special Committee Finds
A Desperate Necessity
For Available Funds
EVANSTON, Ill., July 22--(Big
Ten)-One hundred thousand stu-
dents may be able to return to var-
ious c o l1 e g e s and universities
throughout the nation this Septem-
ber, even though they are without
funds, if plans being formulated by
the American Alumni Council are
Establishment of a credit union
which would provide $15,000,000 to
be loaned to students lacking the
necessary money for tuition this fall
was proposed recently by the council.
The group reported that a desper-
ate need for a loan system was dis-
covered by a special committee of the
main body that conducted a survey
of more than 700 educational insti-
tutions of the countryt
Members of the council feel that
the emergency can be met through
a credit union backed by students
with means, alumni, and faculty. The
investigating committee reported that
present loan funds are inadequate
to meet the problem.
This is partially explained by. the
fact that approximately $40,000,000
will be cut from educational institu-
tions' budgets for the academic year
1933-34, and this will throw more
than 6,000 professors out of work and
may result in nearly 100,000 students
being prevented from returning to
school this fall.
Jones To Talk
On The Outlook
For Railroads
Net Queen Returns
Two Books
Of Lecture
-Associated Press Photo
Accompanied by two gealyham
terriers, Miss Helen Wills Moody
returned- to New York from her
latest tennis conquests at Wimble-
don where she captured the British
singles title for the sixth time.
Churches Will
Offer Va ried
SSermons Today
Dr. Fischer Will Continue
Series On 'Studies In
Successful Living'
The Rev. Walton E. Cole, visiting
minister from Toledo, will deliver an
address at 10:45 a.m. today on "What
Happens to a College Student's Re-
ligion," at the Unitarian Church.
Rev. Frederick B. Fisher will con-
tinue his series upon "Studies in Suc-
cessful Living" by presenting the
topic of "Living Above Friction."
Rev. Allison Ray Heaps will preach
at the First Presbyterian Church be-
fore a union service, his theme be-
ing, "The Wings of the Morning."
At the Baptist Church Dr. R. Edward
Sayles will speak upon "Christianity's
Conception of God."
At 10 a.m. Dr. Howard Chapman
will address the Student Bible Class
at the Guild upon "Historical Ap-
proach to the Bible." Rev. Theodore
Schmale will preach at the Bethle-
hem Evangelical Church.
Young People's meetings will be
held from 6 to 7 p.m. Dr. Ora F.
Duffendack of the University mathe-.
matics department will speak at the
Baptist Guild upon "New Concep-
tions of the Universe."
The program at Wesley Hall will
be devoted to "Christian Principles
and the Problems of Mental Hy-
giene." Dr. Edward W. Blakeman
will be the speaker. The Presbyterian
Student Meet will be at the regular
hour, Justin Kline, chairman, and
Rev. Alfred Lee Klaer, campus min-
ister, officiating..
At 7 p.m., at West Park, Prof. Wray
Congdon of the School of Education
will lead a community sing, arranged
by the Ann Arbor Vacation Recrea-
tion committee. The address will be
delivered by Dr. Harvey C. Colburn,
Congregational minister from Ypsi-
Third Concert
Of Session Is
Christian, Hackett, Pick,
Besekirsky, Brinkman
Will Be Featured
Organ Selections Of
Bach To Be Played
School Of Music Trio Is
To Play Composition By
The third concert in the -Summer
Session Faculty. Series will be given
at 8:15 p.m., Tuesday, in Hill Audi-
torium, it was announced last night
by Charles A. Sink, president of the
School of Music.
Five members of the faculty, Palm-
er Christian organist, Arthur Hackett,
tenor, Wassily Besekirsky, voilinist,
Hanns Pick, violoncellist, and Joseph
Brinkman, pianist, all of whom have
appeared on previous programs, will
unite their services for this occasion.
The general public, with the excep-
tion of small children, is invited to
Professor Christian will open and
close the program with selections
from Johann Sebastian Bach. Pro-
fessors Hackett, Besekirsky and
Christian will take part in the sec-
ond group. In the third, Professors
Besekirsky, Pick and Brinkman, who
comprise the School of Music Trio,
will perform Pizzetti's "Trio for Vio-
lin, Violoncello 'and Piano." Profes-
sor Hackett will present the fourth
group, consisting of modern French
The program in full is as follows:
Bach: Fantasie and Fugue in C min-
or; "Trio" from the Cantata, "Tis
My Pleasure; "Sonatine" from the
Cantata, "God's Time Is the Best
Time," by Professor Christian. Bach:
"Benedictus" from the B minor Mass
by Professors Besekirsky, Hackett and
Crlistian. Pizzetti: Trio by Profes-
sors Besekirsky, Pick and Brinkman.
Letorey: La Fontaine de Caraouet;
Hahn: Trois Jours de Vendange;
Gaubert: Sur La Mer and Le Ciel Est
Gai by Professor Hackett. Bach:
Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor by
Professor Christian.
The audience is requested to ar-
rive on time as the doors will be
closed during each group.
Discussion On Problems
Of Broadcasting Planned
The general public is invited to at-
tend an informal discussion on the
subject, "The Problems of Radio
Broadcasting," at 3:15 p. m. tomor-
row afternoon, in Room 4203, Angell
Hall. Mvjr. Leo J. Fitzpatrick, vice-
president and general manager of a
prominent Detroit radio station, will
conduct the meeting, according to a
statement issued last night by Prof.
Gail E. Densmore of the department
of speech.
Since the speaker will give particu-
lar attention to the question of
whether the government should ex-
ercise complete control over radio
broadcasting, the conference should
prove to be of considerable interest
and benefit to high school debate
mentors and teachers who will be
coaching teams on that subject next
(By The Associated Press)
While one of the season's major
flights - Wiley Post world journey -
neared its end Saturday night, James
and Amy Mollison were skimming
over the north Atlantic from Wales,
with New York as their goal.
Prof. Eliot Jones of Stanford Uni-
versity will speak on "The Outlook
for the Railroads" at 5 p. m. tomor-
row on the Summer Session special
lecture series.
Professor Jones is the author of
two volumes, "Principles of Railway
Transportation" and "Railroads-
Cases and Selections," and of many-
articles on the subject. He was Mc-
Kinley professor of economics of,
public utilities at the University of
Illinois in 1924 and, 1925, and served
during the War with the Federal
Trade Commission and the War In-
dustries Board. Professor Jones is
noted for his work in the general
field of economics, and is a member
of a large number of national and
international economic organiza-
tions, among them the advisory
council of the Stable Money Associa-
tion, the Royal Economic League,
the American Economic Association,
and the National Council of the Na-
tional Economic League.
Tuesday's lecture will be "Some
Impressions of Modern Russia" by
Prof. John Sundwall. Others sched-
uled for this week are "The Twelve
Apostles Of The Anti-Slavery Move-
ment" by Prof. Dwight L. Dumond,
and "Gerhart Hauptman" by Prof.
Fred B. Wahr.
Burial Plans Completed
For Mrs. Marckwardt
Funeral services for Mrs. Margaret
Reed Marckwardt, 27, a member of
the editorial staff of the Early Mod-
ern English Dictionary here, who
who died Friday afternoon in Grand
Rapids following a short illness, will
be held at 3 p. m. today at the Mueh-
Jig parlors, it was learned yesterday.
Mrs. Marckwardt was the wife of
Albert Marckwardt, an English in-
structor here, and the neice of Prof.
Harley H. Bartlett of the botony de-
partment. She was graduated from
the University of California in 1927
and received her master's degree here
.n 198
Bargains?-The Public Ought
To Grab Them From The. Walls
"The public ought to go in and
buy 'em right off the walls!"
That was the reaction of Prof.
Jean Paul Slusser of the College of
Architecture yesterday after his first
quick look at the Dollar Show which
will open today in the Student Art
Exchange at the League.
"The work is really remarkable,"
he said, referring to the etchings
and watercolors making up the mid-
summer exhibit. He also lauded
highly the ceramic work being shown
by Alexis Lapteff in the Exchange.
The Dollar Show, as well as the
other student and young alumni
works to be shown in the Exchange
today, comprise the first .summer ex-
hibition to be held here, with the ex-
ception of class exhibits, according
to Professor Slusser. He expressed
himself as being highly pleased with
the enterprise.
"The ceramic work of Alexis Lap-
teff, who is working in conjunction
with Mrs. Cornelia Stratton, of the
Pewabic Pottery in Detroit, is per-