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July 19, 1933 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1933-07-19

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Moeilman Tells
Of Legislation
On Educaion
Says Political Upheaval Is
Cause Of Inexperienced
Legislator's Presence
An appraisal of legislation enacted
by the 193' State Legislature and
affecting public education was given
yesterday by Prof. Arthur t. Moehl-
man in an afternoon conference
sponsored by the School of Educa-
tion. His topic was, "resume of
Michigan Legislation Affecting Edu-
"The unprecedented political up-
heaval in Michigan politics brought
to Lansing a Legislature marked by
an absence of experienced men," he
said in explaining why "unintelli-
gent cutting of local and State ap-
propriations" followetl.
Cites Other Reasons
Pressure by well-organized inter-
est groups, the attacks of special
groups on all phases of government-
al activity, and the unreasoning re-
action 'to this propaganda were also
cited as being responsible for the
present educational conditions.
However, Professor Moehlman said
that in view of unprecedented finan-
cial conditions, as the bank.holiday,
under which the Legislature worked,
they finished with a very good rec-
ord as a 'whole in regard to public
As a positive act, Professor Moehl-
man 'namned the provision by the
Legislature of $15,000,000 to meet the
emergency occasioned by the popular
acceptance of the 15-mill limita-
tion, and said that legislators had
pigeonholed a number of harmful
bills, as that providing for, uniform
textbooks in the State ,' '
Negatively Balaneed
On the opposite side, he said that
the appropriation was negatively
balanced by a statute spreading tax
delingUinlcies of 1931 and earlier over
a 10-yeai period. Other bills blocked
include the one seeking to provide.
that school textbooks be printed in
State prisons and that attempting
to divide primary school ioney be-
tween private and parochial schools.
"Iegislative omissions that are ap-
parent to the schoolman in terms
of the general emergency in educa-
tion must be credited to the absence
of a comprehensive program oni the
part of the schoolmen and should
not be blamed on the legislators,"
Professor Moehlman concluded.
At 4:10 p. m. tomorrow Dean Clare
E. Griffin of .the School of Business
Administration will deliver an ad-
dress at another of the conferences.
His subject will be "Education for




On Beauty Queens Of Nation

Murtland Discusses Child Labor
At Education Conference Monday

Of Poetry


-Associated Press Photos
teft-Joanne Alcorn, Osage Indian girl of Ponca City, Okla., is
"Miss Oklahoma" of 1933.
Cei*ter-Marie Marks, 17-year-old St. Louis girl, was named
"Miss Missouri" in a state-wide bathing beauty contest. Would you
argue with the judges?'
Right-This rhinestone-dotted bathing suit (silk and rubber
underneath the spangles) attracted attention when Edythe Lawrence
were it on a California beach.

"Children have been eliminated
from mining, the glass industry, and
certain types of night work," de-
clared Prof. Cleo Murtland Mon-
day afternoon at an education con-
ference sponsored by the School of
Education. The topic for discussion
was "Trends in Child Labor."
The speaker attributed this strik-
ing change largely to the effort of
the National Child Labor committee
in their active campaign of the last
27 years. Hie also stated that "the
age of entrance into wage earning
and society's attitude toward the
rights of the child" have been con-
siderably improved.
Professor Murtland traced the his-
tory of the improvement in these
conditions beginning with the pas-
sage of a Federal law in 1916 making
the benefits of restricted employment
and increased educational opportu-
nities nation-wide. However, this
law was declared unconstitutional,
and another step which provided for
the reduction in the use of child
workers in wage earning pursuits
which interfered with their' growth
and development, he said. The next
attempt, the Federal Child Labor
Amendment of 1924, indicates the
extent to which this form of child
protection has become rooted as an
'American ideal.
As a further attempt to increase
the amount of adult labor in shops
where children have formerly been
employed, many states have passed
a statute providing for double com-
pensation of young people in haz-
ardous occupations. A more recent
advance in the'child labor movement
is the ratification of the national
child labor amendment by 13 states.
The latest development is 'thecot-
ton industry's new industrial code
which was adopted this month by
the national recovery administration
establishing standards which iclude
only adult workers, thereby eliminat-
Packer, Sheafer, atenZ,
Conklin, etc., $1.00 ziaup.
A large and. choice assortment
314 S.. State St., Ann Arbor.

ing child labor from -Oe manufac-
ture of textiles.
He added that the favorable re-
sults of these attempts have been
manifold. The principle ones are
the increase in school enrollment
and the increase in adult workers in
types of employment formerly per-
formed by boys and girls of school
The flood of child laborers are now
turning their attention to kinds of
labor that they may pursue undis-
turbed, the speaker said. They are
now concentrating their efforts on
street trading and door-to-door
This legislation keeping young.
people out of industry forces them
into school as increased enrollment
figures bear evidence. "It is appar-
ent that the schools must make these
additional years of scholiig worth
while in enriched experiences while
in school and in preparation for
types of employment that require
adult or near adult outlook and
earning power,"

Poetry, according to Prof. W. R.
3uimphreys of the English depart-
.nenit, makes its prima'y appeal to
"tile ear of the spirit."
In an address before members of
the Women's Education Club on
'Poetr'y and Sim1icity," Professor
Humphreys discussed, the essence of
poetic beauty and significance.
"Rhythmic motioni," jbe~~said, '"is
always present in poetry, for the poet
is the man who has not ldst step
with the constant beat of life. There
is first a feeling of -rhythm, and, as
words come, the poem is born."
Professor Humphreys declared that
words give a variety of texture to
poetry that other arts do not'possess.
The poet, he said, has not a mean-
ing but a feeling to communicate.
COLUMBIUS, 0.; July 18.-U/P)--
Federal Judge Benson W. Hough le'
John Iarrow, a farmer, of with a
thirty-day sentence on a prohibi-
tion violation charge because, he
said, a man 'who has lived 60 years
without getting into trouble deserves
some consideration.

Barga in bay Seil
SILK DRESSFS, on ot atH...:..Half. Pfic ,
COTTON >RESSES.$1.69 or 2 for$3.00
BELTER COTTON!S...........Half Price
PURSES, one lot at ........... .$1.00
BLOUSES, all at............69c, i45
SK I RTS and Jumpers.........Half Price

Regents Make Statements?--
Not When They Have Records

Sales Tax Act
is Authorized

(Continued from Page 1)
pursuit of dishonest or embarrassed
or bankrupt paymasters. Gentlemen
engaged in the quiet and scholastic
pursuits 'of the class room or, the
sttidy, with their salaries awaiting
them promptly at the end of each
month, have little conception of the
trials of the professional man who
earns - his fee once in the service
rendered and then earns it a second
time in collecting it, and perhaps
fails to get it after all. All these
things must be taken into consid-
eration in determining what is just
and fair in the premises. During the
last four years there has been an
almost universal reduction in the
wages of teachers of from 10 to 25
per cent, through the State and
"Our legislature at its last session
took notice of these facts, and with
very great unanimity requested that
the Board of Regents reduce all sal-
"We have endeavored to carefully
and faithfully consider the whole
question of University expenditures.
An earnest effort has been made to
so regulate this matter as to satisfy
the people, who have expressed their
wishes through the legislature, while
at the same time, the services 'of
capable professors ,$and instructors
have been duly appreciated.
"It were useless to ignore our de-
pendence on the legislature for sup-
port. Nor do we underrate the im'-
portance of acting in harmony with
that body in the interests of eco-
nomical management. This we do
without yielding the constitutional
right of the Regents to manage the
internal affairs of the University.
"While we believe a reduction
proper and -recognize the desire of
the legislature to aid this Board in

"We wish to accommodate our ac-
tILion;, as far as we deem it wise and
prudent, to the expressed desireof
the legislature on the one hand; we
are anxious to secure the hearty sup-
,port of our professors and instruc-
tors on the other. While we would
act in harmony with the legislature,
we cannot think that either the
legislature or the people would con-
sider it wise to pay salaries so scanty
as' to involve fruitful and hard-
working men in financial embarrass-
ASHTABULA, O., July 18.-(R)-
A female swan and her male protec-
tor assumed a hostile attitude to-
ward humans as soon as the prospec.-
tive mother started setting on three
newly laid eggs. When no baby
swans appeared after weeks and
weeks of such antics, park attaches
ignored their protests and investi-
gated. The eggs had been stolen
and replaced with stones.

By Legislators
LANSING, July 18.--()-The Sei-
ate today concurred iin the adoption
of a resolution authorizing the State
tax board to limit 'the sales tax to
retail sales. This ended the business
of the adjournment session. Most
members left for home, leaving only
a handful to make the formal ad-
journment motion at noon.
Long heralded efforts to override
with a two-thirds majority 21 of
Gov. Comstock's vetoes, with two ex-
ceptions, proved futile yesterday. The
chain store bill was passed over the
gubernatorial veto.
Both houses likewise voted to over-
ride the governor's veto of the La-
moreaux bill providing for a gradu-
ated rate for advertising tax sales
according to the number of descrip-
tions in certain counties.
Kentucky marriaes"In 1932 de-
clined 6.9 per cent under the previous
12 months.






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