The Weather Generally fair, somewhat warmer east portion Wednes- day; Thursday, unsettled. Y 4Iaitt Official Publication Of The Summer Session Editorials The University Budget Is Balanced . . i I OII YYr"t dl I IMIIYSiMYIIiY VOL. XIV No. 20 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1933 PRICE FIVE CENTS A Carr Lectures In Series On. Public Schools Says People's Scrutiny Of School System Is Natural In Present Times People Ask 3 Facts Regarding Schools Used To Take Generation To Get Accustomed To Changing Ideas By POWERS MOULTON "Li time of depression it is only natural that the public school sys- tem should come under the people's scrutiny," said Dr. William G. Carr, director of research of the National Education Association, in his lecture yesterday afternoon on the Summer Session special series. "It is the fluty of educators to go before the public with -unequivocal 'frankness." "There are three questions which the public is asking about public schools at the present moment: first, whether the principle of tax-sup- ported free public education is valid; second, whether the aims and meth- ods of our schools are appropriate; and third, whether the cost of the public school system is excessive," he said. Points to Difficulties Fueling Plane For Post's Second World Flight -Associated Press Photo This Associated Press picture, sent from Berlin to London by telephoto and thence to New York by radio, shows Wiley Post (right) standing by his plane after he landed at Berlin on the first leg of hisr projected round-the-world solo flight. i In discussing theprinciple of pub- lic schools, Dr. Carr pointed to' the difficulties met with in the early days" of American education, when it took one- generation to accustom people to the idea of free primary schools and another generation to obtain consent for more advanced schools. Early opponents of the principle be- lievpd that it was too visionary and would tend to educate the masses beyond their capacity. "The same objections are still raised today by some honest opponents of the pub- lic school principle." However, Dr.-Carr statedonomie- and social values of the system are now generally accepted as having proved their worth. In regard to the second point concerning the appro- priateness of the present methods, he pointed out that the objections were largely conflicting, it being held that the education system is too practical, has no connection with reality, has too much discipline, or not enough. Economically, he said, the system had proved over a period of the last 50 years that no depres- sion has been able to stop its growth. In the present case, the retaining of more pupils in . schools prevents a worse unemployment crisis. Schools $elong to Public "The one class that has protected the system in the last few years is that; of the professional teachers, but the schools don't belong to the teachers, they belong to the public. It is the public's duty to protect them," he said. "Let the issue be honestly drawn, and let the public decide whether to retain the public school system or move back to pri- vate education." Stason To Talk On Shifting Of Tax Problems Will Discuss Fundamental Transitions Now Taking Place In Many States The shifting trend from real prop- erty taxes to sales taxes in many states and the general effect the change has had in Michigan will be discussed by Prof. E. Blythe Stason of the Law School in' his talk on the Summer Session special lecture series at 5 p. m. today in Natural Science Auditorium. Professor Stason will take up cer- tain fundamental transitions which aretaking place in -axtir nin- Michigan and elsewhere, and the dif- ficulties sometimes encountered in the past in making them. Having helped in drafting the sales tax bill which the Legislature passed in June, Professor Stason has an in- timate knowledge of that form of tax legislation. The special lecture series will be concluded for this week tomorrow afternoon with Prof. Charles A. Knudson's talk on "Can America and France . Co-Operate in World Af- fairs?" Italian Planes Ready To Start For New York CHICAGO, July 18.-(A)- The 24 spalplanes in which Generial Italo Balbo and 96 companions flew from Italy to Chicago were tuned up to- night for the return trip, starting with a dash to New York City to- morrow. General Balbo announced that, weather permitting, the armada probably would fly from New York via Newfosundland to, Ireland. Such a route"would keep the planes over water for nearly 2,000 miles: The longest over water leg of the six-stop journey.eto Chicago Was 1,- 500 miles, from Iceland to Labrador. Refueled and pronounced in :e-p fect condition, the: planes wer ein readiness for departure "as soon as possible after 8 a. m." (E.S.T.) to-- morrow. * * * IRKUTSK, Siberia, July 19, (Wed- nesday-(A')-Heavy rain and fog early today delayed a takeoff by Wiley Post, American aviator on an around-the-world flight, for his next stop, Khabarovsk, Siberia, 1,400 miles east of here. The Oklahoman, who landed here at 3:35 p. m. Moscow time (7:30 E. S, T.) yesterday after a flight from Novosibirsk, Siberia, had intended to take off for Khabarovsk at 11 p. m. (3:00 p. m. Tuesday, E. S. T.). The heavy weather prevented his doing so. IRKUTSK, Siberia, July 18.-UP)_ Still ahead of his old record, Wiley Post, American aviator who is racing around the world, dropped down here and, immediately made preparations for hopping off for Eastern Siberia late this evening. When he descended at this city in Central Siberia, near the southern end of Lake Baikal, the Oklahoma fltewas 16 Hours and 34 minutes ahead of ,the record set by Harold Gatty and himself in 1931. With his partner two years ago Post reached Irkutsk from New York in 91 hours -and 59 minutes, but fly- ing alone on his present attempt he covered the distance in 75 hours and 25 minutes. Post hopped off from Novosibirsk early today, having rested but two hours after completing a difficult journey of 1,818 miles from Moscow,, in which he was twice forced to land in unknown areas because of bad weather. When he got to Irkutsk the airman had accomplished more than half the distance of his projected round-the- world flight. Having declined all opportunities for sleep since he left Moscow, Post looked forward to a night of rest at Irkutsk. His next scheduled stop was Kha- barovsk, near the Pacific Coast, from which city Jimmy Mattern, Texas airman who was making an attempt to fly alone around the world, hopped off on June 14 for the last time be- fore his disaster which stranded him in Northeast Siberia near the Anadyr River. His Honor Gives Horse Laugh To Lady Moralist CHICAGO, July 18.-(Y)-A wom- an attorney's effort to close up the shows in the "Streets of Paris" at the World's Fair on complaint of lewd- ness was thrown out of court today by Judge Joseph B. David, with the remark: "Lots of people in this community would like to put pants on horses." Summer Band's Third Concert Will BeToday Five Guest Conductors To1 Direct; Are Graduatesr In School Of Music Five guest conductors, graduatet students in the School of Music and members of the University Summert Band, will direct the band in itst third concert of the season at 7:15 p. m. today on the steps of the Gen- eral Library. According to Prof. Nicholas D. Fal-- cone, director of the band, the guest conductors have all been active and successful in the field of school or- chestra an ;, band-work They ae- William J. Watkins, Springfield, Mass.; Gilbert R. Waller, Clayton,t Mo.; Fredrick W. Ernst, Oconomo- woc, Wis.; Floyd V. Burt, Paducah, Ky.; and James C. Pfohl, Winston- Salem, N. C.T The program for the concert has been divided inte five groups, each of which will be conducted by one of the guest conductors. The list of selec- tions to be presented follows.: Revelation March, Chambers, and La Reine de Saba, Gounod, conducted1 by Mr. Watkins; Ballet Egyptian, Luigini, conducted by Mr. Waller; L'Africana Selections, Meyerbeer, conducted by Mr. Ernst; Don Quix- ote Suite, Safranck, conducted by Mr. Burt; Overture to William Tell, Ros- sini, and The Yellow and the Blue,1 Balfe, conducted by Mr. Pfohl. Because of the fact that no printed programs will be available, it is sug- gested that those who attend the concert clip the above. Coiuzens Asks For No Action On War Debts LONDON, July 18.-(P)-Senator James Couzens, of Michigan, insisted today that intergovernmental debts, including, the war debts, be excluded definitely from any action on in- debtednss by the World Economic Conference. This was the first flare-up about the war debts since Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald injected the is- sue into the Conference in its first week. The Drafting Committee on Inter- national Debts finally adopted a res- olution on the problem with an amendment by Senator Couzens specifying that intergovernmental debts were not included. As originally drafted the resolu-, tion did not mention the war debts, but Mr. Couzens said that it well could be regarded as embracing that issue through its phraseology. The measure was presented joint- ly by the delegations from the United Kingdom, France, Italy and Ru- mania. It stated in substance that the countries agreed in principle that the debts between nations should be paid but the problem should not be dealt with in a manner to impair Law Teacher Gives Views On Meetings Says That Modern Inter- national Law Is Based Upon Spaniard's Works To Give Public Talk On Monroe Doctrine Terms It 'Badge Of Inferi- ority' Upon Nations Of Latin-America By THOMAS H. KLEENE "Modern international law takes its origin from the principles upon which the readings delivered at the Univer- sity of Salamanca in Spain by Fran- cis of Victoria, professor of theology, were based," asserted Dr. James Brown Scott, chairman of the Sum- mer Session on Teaching Interna- tional Law, meeting in Ann Arbor from July 17 to August 18, in an interview yesterday. This is the major theme that Dr. Scott will expound in the course in "The Classics of International Law Before Grotius" that he is conducting during the session. He will prove this contention by analysis, comparison, and tracing the growth of interna- tional law. The readings of Victoria were based on the application of justice and morality to the discovery of the new world, he said.hDoctor Scott went on to say that the present ideas of international law were developed by the expansion of the 'rules of conduct for individuals and transferring them to affect groups of individuals or na- tions. He attributed further advances in international law to the recogni- tion of international communities as superior in power to any single state. During the third week of the ses- sion, Dr. Scott will deliver a public lecture on "The Monroe Doctrine." He is very strongly opposed to this plan, on the grounds that it has out- grown its original purpose. It was useful in the nineteenth century to protect the Latin-American nations from invasion, and did so admirably. Now that there is practically no necessity for protection of these countries, it remains as only "a badge of inferiority upon these nations and a badge of superiority upon the United States." The chairman refused to comment on the probable benefits to come from these meetings, but said that the courses, group conferences, and public lectures offered the student of international law new approaches to and new ideas about the subject. He added that these three types of meetings showed three phases of the teaching of international law-the courses, the teaching of the subject in the class-rooms; group confer- ences, the teaching of the subject in action; and the public lectures, the teaching of the subject through lec- tures. Two Cars Collide Here; Woman Seriously Injured Cars driven by two young men who are neighbors and friends living in the campus section here collided at an intersection at the opposite side of the city yesterday. Mrs. Harvey Boyd, 49, mother of Clark Boyd, 508 Thompson St., driver of one of the machines, is in St. Joseph's Hospital suffering from a possible skull fracture and broken ribs. Kenneth Gorton, 532 Thomp- son St., was the driver of the second car. He was unhurt. The collision was at Sunset Drive and Spring Street. Is Called Kidnaper Early Vote In 2 States For Repeal Would Be Eighteenth For Liquor .., Seventeenth, States Voting --Associated Press Photo John K. Ottley, kidhaped Atlanta bank president, identified this New York police photograph of William Delinski (above) as a picture of the man who abducted him. Police said Delinski, former sailor and salesman,. had a long criminal record. 50 Students' To Take P'art In Excursion University students numbering well over 50 were expected last night to take part in the Summer Session Excursion to Henry Ford's Green- field Village today. The tour will be the seventh on the season's pro- gram. Forty bus reservations for the trip had already been made whenthe Summer Session office closed at 5 p. m., and approximately 12 more students were expected to reserve places this morning. The tour will begin at 1 p. m. today when special buses leave from the front of Angell Hall, to return about 5:45 p. m. In addition to the bus party, some 25 are also expected to make the trip by private car, it was learned through the Summer Session ofifice. The group taking part in today's excursion will inspect a historical collection of old buildings which forms a typical central Michigan vil- lage of the middle nineteenth cen- tury. The buildings which Henry Ford collected and reconstructed at the site of the village include a white-steepled church, a colonial style town hall, a red-brick school house, a tavern, a country store, a postoffice, a toll-gate station, a tin- type gallery, and a' blacksmith shop. Supplementing these are buildings and equipment which are associated with the inventions of Thomas A. Edisoh. Among them are his original Menlo Park laboratory, his library, and his first Menlo Park factory. Vote Will Indicate Trend In Dry South Wets Pile Up Overwhelm- ing Majorities In Ala- bama And Arkansas BULLETIN (By The Associated Press) Arkansas, 962 out of 3,103 pre- cincts, for repeal 51,880, against 32,676. As all of the precincts in the populated district have been 'heard from, it is estimated that two-thirds of the vote is re- corded. Alabama, 671 out of 2,137 bal- lot boxes, for repeal, 35,034, against 25,301. BIRMINGHAM, Alabama, July 18. -(/P)-Alabama, one of the dryest states in the nation by statute, to- night gave indications of joining six- teen sister states in voting for revo- cation of the 18th Amendment, as growing returns widened the major- ity in favor of repeal. From small rural counties- and large urban districts came votes ranging from a bare majority to as much as four to one in favor of re- peal, which the counties indicating a dry trend could not offset. The vote at 8:30 p. m. from 309 out of 2,137 ballot boxes in the state gave for repeal 16,984, against repeal 10,913. The total represented returns from 38 out of 67 counties and these early counts largely were from rural dis- tricts. Birmingham, Mobile, and Montgomery, the states largest cities, voted overwhelmingly for repeal, and the smaller cities, while not show- ing the same ratio, returned large majorities to revoke the amendment. LITTLE ROCK, Ark., July 18.-(A) -Votes for repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment continued. to pile up to- night on the basis of incomplete re- turns from Arkansas state-wide elec- tion with 389 precincts showing 22,- 067 for repeal and 14,576 against. H. K. Toney, speaker of the Ar- kansas House of Representatives, from Pine Bluff, said he ,had been called into conference here tomorrow with Governor Futrell and others and "that if Arkansas had voted for repeal he will urge an immediate special legislative session to legalize beer. Toney said he would propose that a beer tax be levied for the benefit of the state's common schools. An unusual situation existed in at least two counties tonight where dry delegates to the state repeal conven- tion next month were shown in early returns to be leading but the county vote on the direct question of repeal gave wet majorities. I MAJOR LEAGUE STANDINGS By the Associated Press Professor Hobbs Will Attend Geology Meeting Prof. William H. Hobbs, head of the geology department and director of the geological laboratory, will at- tend the second International Geo- logical Congress, to convene in Washington, D. C., July 22 to 29, it was learned yesterday. Professor Hobbs said yesterday that the congress is to be attended by many leaders in the field of geology both of the United States and abroad. It will engage in a number of field excursions, some of which will be participated in by Uni- versity students now doing field work at the Geology and Geography Field Station at Mill Springs, Ky. The students will be unable to take part in all the tours, but will prob- ably go on one' or two of the brief Itrips on the Atlantic Coastal Plain. General Raise ;. ; AMERIICAN LEAGUE W New York ........ :........ 54 Washington..............53 Philadelphia ....... ....43 Chicago ...... .... 42 Detroit .......,..41 Cleveland1..............41 Boston..................35 St. Louis.................34 Tuesday's Results Detroit 5, Philadelphia 2. New York 9, Chicago 4. Cleveland 2, Boston 1. St. Louis 4, Washington 3. Wednesday's Gaines Detroit at Philadelphia (2). Chicago at New York. Cleveland at Boston. St. Louis at Washington. NATIONIL LEAGUE w New York ..........4 Chicago ........49 ittsburgh. .46 St. Louis.... ......45 Boston ...... .. .....43. Brooklyn.... .. .......36 Philadelphia3.......6. . 37 Cincinnati...............36 Tuesday's Results New York 14, Cincinnati 1. Pittsburgh 11, Brooklyn 8. Chicago 4, Boston 1. St. Louis 9, Philadelphia 4. Wednesday's Games Brooklyn at Pittsburgh, New York at Cincinnati. Bostonat Chicago. Philadelphia at St. Louis. L 30 31 41 43 45 47 49 57 Pct. .643 .631 .512 .494 .477 .466 .417 .374 'The Servant Of Two Masters' Opens Tonight At Mendelssohn Regents Make Statements?- Not When They Have Records: In Wages Said To Be Coming (By The Associated Press) Hugh F. Johnson, national indus- trial recovery administrator, pro- posed Tuesday a general wage-rais- ing, work-sharing agreement, for all businesses and industries, under vast sectional groupings. Other highlights of the events con- nected with the recovery program follow: Secretaryof LaborFrances Per- kins estimated that more than 500,- 000 persons went back to work in in- dustrial lines alone during June; biggest monthly gain in more than a year. All lines of workers and executives continued whipping into shape their individual codes of business ethics; men's hat manufacturers submit their code for final approval. William Green, American Federa- tion of Labor head, will ask investi- gation of reports that operation of cotton and textile code resulted in ousting of some union workers; 10,- 000 extra jobs for Philadelphia area predicted under the code. L 33 40 38 41 44 46 48 51 Pct. .598 .551 .548 .523 .494 .439 .435 .414 The Repertory Players' production of Carlo Goldoni's "The Servant of Two Masters" will open tonight at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The play will be staged by Thomas Wood Stevens, and is to be done with styl- ized scenery designed by Leslie Mar- zolf, of the Goodman Theatre. Goldoni is an Eighteenth Century playwright, and "The Servant of Two Masters" is one of his earliest and most popular comedies. When Goldoni wrote the play, it pany when he threatened to produce "The Servant of- Two Masters." When, a few days later, it was the hit of Venice, where it played at the S. Luca Theatre, she is said to have raged with jealousy. Goldoni had won his point, that he could write speeches better than actors could make them up on the spur of the moment. The incident of the prima donna, Senora Ricci, refusing to play in the Goldoni play has been written into a prologue by Mr. Stevens, and will .. .. . . 4--- «... ., L...,. ..R t The next time that the Regents have an official statement to make, they would save a lot of time if they just went back to their files and copied an old one. Here is a statement that the Re- gents might have made Monday. But they didn't. They made it following their meeting in June, 1878, 55 years ago. History still repeats itself. "During this period of depression there can be no doubt whatever that there has been an almost, if not quite, universal shrinkage of in- .,.,V,.o trr Q ,q +vn rlkh r _rr not. found their incomes falling off in the last four years to a degree1 that has compelled the practice of unwonted economies, even among the most fortunate, while the great body of professional men have, by hard work, been scarcely more than able to live. And to add to the diffi- culties of all these classes was the difficulty of collecting what had been honestly earned and was due. "Most fortunate of all during this period of financial distress have been salaried men working for some thoroughly comnetent employer like $260 Netted By Fresh