T JVI tC;MIAJGUA N ) A I L -Associated Press Photo, There was talk of wedding bells among friends of Jack Dempsey and Hannah Williams, Broadway musical comedy actress. The former heavyweight champion was reported to have told friends he and Miss Williams will be married in Reno, Nev., soon. Dempsey formerly was married to Estelle Taylor, film actress, and Miss Williams is the for- mer wife of Roger Wolfe Kahn, sore of Otto Kahn, New York banker. ,Asking no quarteer and giving ,none," Alabama prohiibtionists ar determined that this state shall be the first on .record against repeal Xepeaists, pressing their cause witl equal vigor, have made the doctrine of states' rights an issue. Alabama dpclined to legalize beer. Dr.. L. E. Barton, chairman of the executive committeee of the Asso- ction Against Repeal of the Eight- eenth Amendment, says: "We can win Alabama in a knockdown and drag out fight. It will be no kid glove affair, We ask no quarter and will give none.,. Col. Alfred Tunstall, chief of the repealists, says, "In voting for re- peal, Alabama will say to all states that there will be no interference in the future with their own decisions regarding internal problems. A vote against repeal is a vote against President Roosevelt and the Demo- cratic national platform." In Arkansas the campaign has been waged quietly, but last-minute speaking tours are planned. Prohi- bition leaders have hinted that they 1nay attempt to test the legality of the machinery set u for voting on the question. Repealists are working Qnder the leadership of the Roose- velt New Deal Repeal Club, The state failed to legalize beer Both Sides Claim Tennessee There is little to indicate how 'ennessee will vote, except that it legalized 3.2 beer. Dr. James E. clarke, vice-chairman of the United Prohibition Forces of Tennessee, Says,. "We have every reason to be- ieve that Tennessee will go dry by " large majority." Chairman E. L. lcNeilly, of the repeal campaign, predicts a majority of 50,000. Determined that Oregon shall be one of the first states to refuse to fall in line with the repeal move- ment, Methodist Episcopal leaders have launched an attack which they liope will result in a preponderance of dry votes at the election. Eight repeal organizations, on the Cther hand, have issued. repeated 'predictions that Oregon will vote to repeal the amendment as well as the state prohibition laws. Besides electing 116 delegates to the consti- t itional convention on national pro- Aibition, Oregonians will hold a di- rAct plebescite on repeal or retention df the amendment, and on the state prohibition laws.- In the general election last No- vember Oregon voted 206,619 to 138,- 775 to repeal .the state bone-dry en- f ceinent act. The state constitu- tional provisions against liquor re- ihained in effect, however, and re- deal or retention of these laws will le decided Friday. At the annual June conference of tile Methodist Episcopal Church in Oregon, the laity was adviseed to "get out and ring door bells" and otherwise work to insure retention of the Eighteenth Amendment. The last Oregon legislature re- f sed to entertain a proposal to Provide for some form of liquor reg- ulations in event of Federal repeal, and although the return of legal beer was imminent.at that time, re- ftrsed either to license it or impose a tax. PI LAMBDA THETA MEETS The members of Pi Lambda Theta and their guests met at the home of Irs. G. Layton on Wednesday eve- ring, July 12, for supper. Miss Selma Lindell, critic teacher in tha mathe- matics department of the Universitr Itigh School, addressed the meeting oa her experiences in Norway and Sweden. At the same time plans were form- D ail Reporter Visits University Open Air Camp (Continued from Page 1) grub for the last hour, the director, George Adler, tells me. They all have a turn at this and other duties. It teaches them group co-operation, he says. Half an hour later the boys are lined up in front of their barracks. A bugle sounds. The flag is lowered. Every day the flag of some foreign nation is hoisted up below the Stars and Stripes. The boys of the country represented-there are more than 25 nationalities altogether-step out in front of the line. A short talk is given about the nation. This produces a feeling of internationalism and good- will, Mr. Adler says. Supper. Diced carrots and onions. Milk, gallons of it. Towers of bread. Butter, jam, jelly, honey. A cocoanut blanc mange. After supper ball games and boat- ing. 9 p. in., taps. The boys drift into their cabins. A few lights flicker over the. water, then go out. The camp is quiet. In another week the boys will be back in their city homes. All they will have left of their camp experi- ence is a good coat of tan, a little extra weight, and a short stretch of correct environment. That with the experience of a really good time. Then another group of under-priv- ileged boys will come out for the eighteen-day -peilod-if the tag day to be held in Ann Arbor Tuesday goes over. The camp has to have money or it cannot run. So Buy Your Tag. iThere's A Difference Between Tax And Tacks WASHINGTON, July 15.--(P)-A tax on the tacks in pie are two dif- ferent things and the Agriculture Department says that the American pie eaters will swallow the former but not the latter. L. C. Carey of the Agricultural Economic Bureau, said today that complaints had been received that tacks were being found in commer- cial pies due to improper containers used by American growers of huckle- berries, blackberries and similar fruits. "Commercial pie manufacturers of this country may be forced to buy Canadian-grown fruit," Carey said; adding that "consumers do not like tacks in their pie." Canadian growers, he said, used better con- tainers. Golfer Gets A Rare Bird At The University Links The eagles, they fly high-espe- cially at the University Golf Course.i Charles W. Hall, dispensing clerk of the School of Dentistry, captured, ,ne yesterday that is due to remain for some time as a rare bird. Playing the course with Dr. G. D. Coggan, instructor in the School of Dentistry, Hall sunk his ball in the ninth hole on the second shot. Num- ber nine is 395 yards from the tee and is a par four hole. Attention to Ann Arbor's Finest On Tennessee Board" Chinese Again Endangered By Flood, Famine SHANGHAI, July 15.-VP)-The specter of famine and flood confronts millions of Chinese within the Yel- low River valley in North China. "China's -sorrow," as the mighty stream is called, has been flooding during the last month and today had reached an eyen greater volume, bringing the danger of disaster closer. Reports from communities on the headwaters of the river, whih is also known as the Hwang, or Hwang Ho, say rains are continuing, causing :ears of a further rise. From major points on the Yellow some dispatches saying the stream .s over-running its dikes in scores Af places and is flooding isolated areas. Many thousands already have een made homeless. At Tsinan, a city of 400,000, the capital of Shantung province, the river is said to have reached the top of the dikes in the vicinity, en-. .iangering the city. The Shantung. provincial govern ment is usig thousands of coolie$ and soldiers to strengthen the levees, while a similar race against time is in progress in Honan in an effort to stave off tragedy if the Yellow continues to rise. Meanwhile, the Yangtze, which a fortnight ago threatened to repeat its disastrous flood of 1931 and then :eceded again, is rising once more is a result of heavy rains at its headwaters. Renewed fears were thereby caused imong residents in the numerous :ities, towns, and farming communi- ;ies comprising "China's granary." Seven thousand miles of dikes were wuilt in 1931, but even these are again imperilled. (The Yangtze is 3,400 miles long, and the Yellow is 2,600 miles. These lengths compare with those of the CQlrado river, 1,360Q miles; Amazon, 3,400; Mississippi, 2,460; Missouri, 2,- A5%; Rio Grande, 1,800; and St. Law- rence, 2,159.) Pan To6llooi GroesbeekFor GoVeror ace LANSING, July 15.-()-Another boom for Alex J. Groesbeck for gov- ernor is under way. Although it is almost a year be- fore the 1934 campaign will start, friends of the former governor are busy proclaiming him as the hope of the Republican party. His recent activity in connection with the De- t r o it banking situation zoomed Groesbeck's name into prminence. Old political allies have been quick to take advantage of the situation. Elton R. Eaton, secretary to Groesbeck while he was governor, and now a newspaper pubisher in Plymouth, contends there should be a draft movement. He believes the Republican party should select a candidate rather than be content with a cluttered field of selfstarters. Thus he thinks the Republicans, if they wish to gain ascendancy again, should not ask Groesbeck to "run" but should unite behind him in a draft demand. Whether Groesbeck will be a can- didate remains to be seen. After his defeat in the primary four years ago he indicted he would be a. can- didate sometime again. There has been talk Groesbeck might run for the United States senate, but geo- graphically next year is the off-year for a Detroit candidate. Senator Ar- thur H. Vandenberg will be up for re- election. it has come to be a tradi- tion that one, of the two senators be from outstate and one .from De- troit. Vendenberg's home is in Grand Rapids. Senator James Couzens lives in Detroit. Another complication in the Groes- beck boom is that friends of Frank D. Fitzgerald, secretary of state, have been urging him to run. Many of Groesbeck's supporters are friend- ly to Fitzgerald. There is little like- lihood both would run. It is believed Groesbeck a n d Fitzgerald would reach an agreement before eitherI makes a decision.I Should Groesbeck enter the con- test the probability exists that Fitz-. gerald would again be a candidate for secretary of state and that his organization would be behind the former governor. Senator Adolph A. Heidkamp of Lake Linden has been spoken of as a possible Republican candidate for lieutenant governor. Film Stars Bac £ From England -Associated Press Photo Currency fluctuations were given as the reason for the return of Thelma Todd (left) and Sally Eilers, who have been working in British pictures. They are shown when they arrived in New York. Miss Eilers, a victim of changing value of the dollar and pound, made a bad bargain when she demanded pay for her film work in American currency. Miss Todd accepted British pounds and came out ahead. Supreme Court May Test New ecovery Aets For Legality WASHINGTON, July 15.-(P)- not impair, but rather foster, air While the Country buzzes with re- competitive opportunities." vision of national life under a set Sanction of the wide powers given 'of new laws, a question that still may the President is seen bysome as be- have to be decided is whether they ing foreshadowed in other decisions.; are constitutional. It has been claimed at various times Observers see possible contests un- that Congress has illegally deligated der the Industrial Recovery Act, the its legislative powers to .the President gold clause primarily. Legal battles and to various commissions. also may rise, many believe, over But the delegation has been in-* the wide delegation of powers to terpreted as transferring merely the the President, and over the constitu- right to carry out the will of Con-. tionality of 3.2 beer. gress in leg slation they have al- Meanwhile, there is possibility of ready passed on. four new apointments to the Su- Some observers see the Farm Act preme Court bench which must pass as possibly the first of the new laws on these laws should protests come to be tested, and that it will be into court. Four justices are over tested by processors upon whom the 70, the retirement age, and may give new taxes are laid, New Teeth In Laws May Kill Kidnap Racket (Continued from Page 1) oraska, Virginia and Illinois. Life imprisonment for convicted kidnap- ers is demanded in Indiana, Michi- gan, New Jersey, ,Rhode Island and Ohio. During the past three years 11 states have increased punishment meted out to "snatch"gangsters. Be- sides prison sentences, Illinois now deprives them of all citizenship rights. Louisiana, Georgia and Rhode Island have increased their sentences to 20 years maximum, and the last named state demands a life term if there is attempted extortion. Mississippi, Texas, Florida and Utah are the new states to make the penalty one of death or life impris- onment. Michigan and California both ask maximum penalties of life imprisonment, and in the latter state there is no opportunity for parole if the victim suffers bodily harm. The most significant fact in the law's attack on criminal abduction is the militant entry of federal au- thorities int, the battle. Joseph B. Keenan has been named by Attor- ney General Cummings as a special assistant to investigate rackets. Department of justice officials are building up a department exclusively designed to t rack down kidnapers. Fingerprints and case history data of every per;:on who has had the slightest connection with a kidnaping case are being assembled in Wash- ington, a system which is said to be almost certain to break up profes- sional kidnaping. power to the Federal Government over production of agriculture or the factories. Meanwhile, 95 per cent of publicly- offered securities, totaling upward of $50,000,000,000, carry some variation of the promise to pay in gold-and the United. States is off the gold standard by executive order. In 1868 the Supreme Court upheld a contract calling for payment in gold. Now that 65 years have passed, what will it do if a test is made? The English courts already have tested abrogation of the gold clause and decided that a debt can be paid in any tender legal when the debt is due. A similar decision already has been made by the New York State Su- preme Court. .But in both cases the adversaries were private parties. What will happen when the Govern- ment enters the picture if it does? -Associated Press Photo David E. Lilienthal of Madison, Wis., is a member of the board which is developing the Tennessee valley basin. Great Britain Will Meet U S. in Cup Finals WIMBLEDON, Eng.,. July 15.-(AP) -Great Britain qualified today to meet the United States in the inter- zone Davis cup final round at Par- is next week as Henry W. (Munny) Austin defeated Vivian McGrath, of Australia, 6-4, 7-5, 6-3, in the de- ciding singles match of the Europ- ean zone final play. Austin's swepping straight set vic- tory gave Great Britain the neces- sary three matches in the five match series and left the closing engage- ment of the day, the final singles encounter between Jack Crawford, Australia's new Wimbledon king, and Fred Perry, British ace, without pos- sible bearing on the final result. Great Britain divided the singles of the opening day as Perry beat McGrath after Crawford had trounc- ed Austin, and took a 2 to 1 lead yesterday' when her doubles pair, Perry and George Patrick Hughes, beat the young Anzacs, Adrian Quist and Don Turnbull. The victory put Great Britain vin the closing rounds again for the first time since 1931 when France turned her back in the challenge round. The winner of the inter-zone fi- nal at Auteuil in Paris next week- end meets France for the trophy in the challenge round the following week-end. up their posts if they so desire.N There now are decisions on record Per that seem to indicate a symp.athetic niz attitude in the court toward any ef- ten fort to relieve the depression and- revive industry. In addition, it must be remembered lawyers explain, that these times are held to be a national emergency, and hence, times of Iwider latitude. Some prophecy is seen by observ- ers in the Appalachian coal case, for one. This decision was handed down last March with an eight-to-one vote in a case that in some respects may be similar to possible tests arising out of the industrial codes in process of formation. Some 137 producers of bituminous coal had created a single selling agency which was termed a violation of the Sherman Act. But an investi- gation showed that the agency had not eliminated competition. "It is necessary to consider the economic conditions peculiar to the coal industry," said Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes, in delivering the opinion. "A co-operative enter- prise which carries with it no mono- polistic menace is not-to be condemn- ed as undue restraint merely because it may effect a change in market conditions, when the change would STENTYY (Machine Shorthand) HAMILTON COLLEGE State & Willialp Sts. Misses! Women!. u Little Women. Now is the time to fill out your summer ward- robe for a mere song. The Elizabeth Dillon Gown Shop offers you the oppor- tunity to select real bargains. 0 { CREPES, SHEERS, PRINTS AND CHIFFONS Sizes i2 to 44 at $6.95&$12.75 VOILES AND EYELETS sizes to 44 Men such a~s Rep. James M. Beck, Twenty thousand plants were used nnsylvania Republican, a recog- to make a globe of the world, four ed constitutional authority, con- feet in diameter, at the entrance to d that the Constitution gives no a Marion, 0., cemetery, ,, Pointing the wa o the advri h rand Many a "sale" made by advertising has gone to a competitor because the purchaser did not know where to buy the advertised brand. Tele- phone men evolved a plan to make it easy to find. They created a "Where to Buy It" service in the classified telephone directory. There-beneath the advertised trade marks -Buick, Goodrich, RCA Victor, General Electric and many others now list authorized local dealers. Thus telephone men complete the chain between advertiser and consumer -increase the effectiveness of advertis- ing - help manufacturers and dealers to increase sales - help consumers to get what they want! Because they apply vision to subscribers' prob- lems, Bell System men continually increase the value of telephone service. Ii-~~~ - --- -_ _ YourAt tention is called to an error that has appeared in the advertisements of NANKIN MILLS, and for which the following is a correction.