THE MICHIGAN DAILY E MICHIGAN DAILY Italy's Airmen i Publication of the Summer Session Have Arrived. _" --v " ^>,. A BOUT four and one-half centuries ago, an Italian sailed the Atlantic Ocean to discover America. For many weary months he journeyed before touching land in the western hemisphere. Yesterday, a squadron of twenty-four Italian seaplanes landed at the very heart of America after having left their native land during the cur- rent month. The planes and the daring airmen who piloted them on the 6,100-mile-flight are now at the Century of Progress Exposition, having fitfully demonstrated the progress of four and one-half centuries. Aviation has again proven its usefulness, for long distance mass flying, which will be inval- uable when perfected, has been shown successful and feasible. The men and the nation who made this demonstration possible are to be highly comp- limented. For this was no idle search for fame in which the -trans-Atlantic recipe was followed in order to add to the glorification of the indi- vidual or a group. This was a complete scientific venture backed with common sense and good taste and should be appreciated as such. estimates the treasury presented to a Democratic House during the wirnter of 1931-32.' The sales tax fight of that year grew out of that. Screen Reflections Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very ;ood; two stars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away from it.- AT THE MAJESTIC "THE MIND READER" Excursion No. 7: Ford's Greenfield Village, Wednesday Afternoon, July 19-Round trip bus fare $1. Buses leave from in front of Angel Hall at 1 p. m. Party returns to Ann Arbor by 5:45 p. m. Nominal entrance fee of 25 cents will be charged at the village. The conducted tour will this year include several new features and will also provide opportunity to see the museum just recently. opened to the pubhc. Reservations must be made by 5 p. m. Tuesday, July 18, in Room 9, University Hall. DAILY OFFICI Publication in the Bulletin is constru University. Copy received at the offic 11:30 a. m. Saturday. s 7 1 jil I ** Wilson Mizner, co-author of "The Mind Read- er," is probably ohe of the foremost living At'r- ican authorities on every phase of the fake for- tune-telling and mind reading rackets, and this is probably the main reason that the picture appears en hnirn fr t to lifa Ard thi in ti n is nb- Pubd~lished every morning except Monday during. the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATEDl PRESS The Associated Press is exclusiVely entitled to the use for reyublication of Q11 news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved., Enttered at thle Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Thir'd Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.0; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann 'Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214. Represeptatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc., 48 East Thirty-Fourth 5treet, New York City; 60 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd St., New York, N. Y. EDITORIAL STAFF Phone: 4925 MANAGING EDITOR..............FRANK B. QILBRETIJ ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR......KARL SEIFFERT ASOCIATE EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers Moulton ad E. Jerome Pettit. RERTERS:Edgar H. Eckert, Thomas H.Kleene, Bruce Manley, Diana Powers Moulton, Sally Place. BUSINES$S STAFF Office Hours; 9-12, 1-5 Phone: 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER.............BYRON C. VEDDER ASSSTANT BUSINESS MANAGER... HARRY R. BEGLEY CIRCULATION MANAGER.........ROBERT L. PIERCE SUNDAY, JULY 16, 1933 An Answer To Criticisms ... i so, oaslca L rLy ru o ne.LA) i n . n cu , is p ably the main reason that the film is a success- Excursion No. 8: Schools of the itacctemnes onplehwithe fiema-inguyWsr- ICranbrook Foundation, Bloomfield its accurateness coupled with fine actig by War- Hills, Saturday morning, July 22- ren William. Round trip bus fare $1.35. Buses During Mizner's long career as newspaperman, I leave at 7:45 a. m. from in frontI traveler and playwright, he has had occasion, both cf Angell Hall, and will return to as a matter of personal inclination and profes- Ann Arbor soon afteer noon. The sional duty, to irvestigate hundreds of these rack- schools, erected through the Cran- ets and he has, more than once, participated in brook Foundation, are considered the effective exposes of them. finest private schools in the Middle Houdini, who spent the latter years of his life West Assistant Head Master C. J. in a systematic and merciless exposure of such Keppel will personally conduct the in asysemaic ad mrciessexpoureof uchparty through the buildings and will frauds upon the credulity of humanity, was a eplain the educational methods used lose personal friend of the author. The iatte i n the sdho ati.nalsetossed in the schools. Reservations should was able to supplement his own considerable ex- be made by 5 p. . Friday, July 21, perience with the exhaustive investigaticns Hou- in Rooi 9, University Hall dini had undertaken into the byways of clair- Wesley H. Maurer Twenty-Three Students AL BULLETIN- Take Trip To Niagara uctive notice to, all members of the e of the Summer Session until 3:30; (Continued from Page 1) cursion 'went through as contracted. Fifteen persons joined Professor Lau- dropped after Saturday, July 22nd, rence Gould in boarding the private will be recorded with a grade of E. coach at Ann Arbor at 7:05 o'clock Saturday morning. Eight others left Pi Lambda Theta will hold its Ann Arbor for Niagara Falls in auto- summer initiation service at 5:30 p. mobiles Friday and will join the m. Wednesday, July 19, in the Uni- party later Saturday afternoon. versity Elementary School Library. Members of the party on the train The banquet will be held at 6:15 p. are residents of nine different states m. at the Lantern Shop. Members and graduates from fourteen colleges please call Margaret Hall at tele- and universities in ten different phone 4121, Extension 676 on Mon- states. Their names, places of resi- day July 17, between 8 and 12 a. m. dence, and the schools from which or 1:30 to 5 p. m. to make reserva- they were graduated follow: tions. Miss Dorothy Loope, Ft. Thompson, S. Dakota, Mercy Hospital Training Faculty Concert: Wassily Bese- School, Oshkosh, Wisconsin; Miss kirsky in the role of viola player; Bertha Weller, Alma, Michigan, Ypsi- Romine Hamilton, violinist; Hanns lanti State Normal College; Miss Pick, Violoncellist; Joseph Brinkman, Ethel Herrell, Butler, Missouri, Cen- Pianist; and Palmer Christian, or- tral Missouri State Teachers' College, ganist, will participate in the next Warensburg, Mo.; Arthur Richards, Faculty Concert, Tuesday evening, Marquette, Michigan, Northerly State July 18, at 8:15 o'clock in Hill Audi- Teachers' College, Marquette; Rich- torium, to which the general public, , ard Lorch, undergraduate, University with the exception of small children, of Michigan; Mr. T. L. McCuen, Da- is invited. The following program kersfield, California, Stanford Uni- will be performed: F. Bach (1710- versity; Mrs. T. L. McCuen, Dakers- 1784), Grave for 'cello and organ field, California, Stanfoid University; (Messrs. Pick and Christian) : Loca- Miss Eleanor Freeman, Weymouth, telli (1693-1764) Sonata for Violon- Mass., Radcliffe College; Miss Mi- cello and Cembalo (Moderato, Lento, riam Heidelberg, Clarksdale, Mo.; Muiet) Messrs, Pick and Brink- Mississippi State College for Women man): Mozart Concertante for viola, and Southwestern College, Meiphis, violin and piano (Messrs. Besekirsky, Tenn.; Hamilton and Brinkman): Sowerby, Miss- Otoleine Detrick, Jonesboro, Mediaeval Poem for organ and piano Ark., Arkansas State A. and M. Col- (Messrs. Christian, and Brinkman). lege and University of Wisconsin; Charles A. Sink Miss Maragaret Lewis, undergraduate at the University, York, Pa.; Mrs. W. Women Students: The badminton W. Johnson, Oxford, Miss., University courts in Barbour Gymnasium will of Mississippi; Stanley H. Fillion, be open for instruction and play on Springfield, . Mass., Worcester Poly- Monday evening at 7:30. technic Institute; J. R. Perkins, Rich- mond, Va', University of Richmond; Intramural Swimming: All men Miss Anna Fisher, Ann Arbor, Mich. . i 0 PINIONATED articles on Ann Ar- bor's police department have ap- peared recently in a column on this page devoted to an expression of individual thought and out- lok Items which appear in that column reflect only the opinion of the writer and do not con- cerh the editorial attitude of The Daily. For this reason it is only fair to state that much of the criticism which finds its way into a column of that nature .is often the result of a biased out- look which has developed from one-sided experi- ences rather thian intelligent investigation. In the instance of the criticisms directed to- wards the efficiency of Ann Arbor's police depart- ment, something should be added to that which has already been ,stated. There can be no question in the mind of any rational individual regarding the part played by the police in attempts to cope with the cycle of fraternity robberies. Naturally the police do all in their power to prevent such criminal outburste i4 to apprehend those responsible for the out- rages. And, considering the fact that those living in fraternities have had ample time in which to earn a lesson from the robberies of the past, the police do more to prevent such action than do the fraternities themselves. .Logically, all that the members of the police 'force can do to prevent local robberies is to main- tain as strict a watch as possible throughout the aty. They do this in as efficient a manner as possible with a limited number of men. But the fraternities have even a better opportunity to prevent robbery. The police car, when malting its rounds at night, is hampered to a great ex- tent when it comes to keeping guard over fra- ternities. It is impossible to personally guard each house all the time. And even if that were pos- sible the police are in no position to know who belongs in a house where people are coming and going at all odd hours of the day and night. We don't necessarily recommend a personal latch-key for each fraternity man, and yet that might be one step toward a solution of the prob- lemn. As it is now most houses are open all the time and, as has been demonstrated, outsiders can get in and wander about a house at will un- less noticed by someone belonging in the house. Consequently, a criticism of the abilities of the policemen on the grounds that they cannot pre- vent fraternity robberies is, on the face, rather ridiculous. A Washington BYSTANDER 1 ty KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON-The summer parade of the great figures of American private banking across the witness stand of a Senate committee, what- ever its legislative product may be next winter, served to paint two of the main characters in wholly new colors to the press and news-reading public. Thus it was found that J. P. Morgan, the sec- ond, instead of the cold, aloof, inscrutable money baron of popular fancy was a pleasantly genial fellow, of quick conversational wit, enjoying a joke, even on himself. And in Ott Kahn, master of the firm of Kahn, Loeb and company, there was revealed nc reactionary, die-hard defender of past or exist- ing economic social systems. Instead he stood as a champion of change and of progressive govern- mental experimenting, realizing that many exist- ing conditions are "overripe" for change. It is Mr. Kahn's observation that every 30 years or so the restless spirit of America, spurred per- iaps by recurrent depression cycles, moves to alter end modernize the national "economic pattern." He had no quarrel with that nor with the con- llusion that such a movement now has definitely et in and is exemplified in "the new deal." Coming from such a high, ultra-capitalistic :ource, all that is very interesting. Yet the thing Mr. Kahn had to say that is most apt to be re- )eated when Congress reassembles next winter to )atch or rebuild the permanent government struc- .ure was what concerned income taxes. The drive for abandonment of the capital gains nd losses provisions of existing tax laws un- doubtedly was speeded by the banker's feeling that Jncle Sam ought not to "gamble with prosperity" or invite tax dodging. Many Tax Cases Which lends point to figures the Bystander aas collected throwing light from a wholly dif- ferent angle on this matter of tax dodging. .Conning over the just upward of 200 cases al- ready on file for attention of the Supreme Court aext term, it develops that better than one out f every three is a tax case. Actual count shows the commissioner of in- ternal revenue, the national tax collector, is named as a party in some 75 of those 200 cases. He is either appealing for the government the decision A a lower court or fighting an appeal. And there are many other tax cases to which the commis-_ sioner is not a direct party. Looking For Loopholes Virtually every case involves attempts to get out of paying taxes-to find legal loopholes. Govern- nent briefs, to the outraged clamor of council for taxpayers, insistently press upon the court expedient consideration of the total loss of rev- anue, in millions or tens of millions, the govern- ment might face in this, that or the other case. Every technicality of corporate or individual in- come tax laws and regulations, from the capital :amins and losses to the consolidated corporate re- turns, is under fire. And the mass of these pending tax litigations does not get much closer to present day returns than 1922 or 1923, more than a decade ago. When Professor Moley sailed to London as spe- cial messenger to the American conference delega- ion, it was more or less officially stated that' Bernard M. Baruch would bat for him in Wash- ington for a time. An office at the state depart- ment was placed at Mr. Baruch's disposal. Yet Mr. Baruch promptly went to New York. voyance, spiritualism, mediumistic revelations and other mercentry exploitations of the supernatural. On more than one occasion the two men would get together for an extensive comparison of notes. So, because it has a definite natural back- ground, the story of "The Mind Reader" is aI good one. Warren William is starred and Con- stance Cumming is the leading woman. Miss Cum- ming's work in this particular instance is marked with a very fine restraint which makes her ideal for the part of the "sweet young thing" who falls in love with the -fakir, believing him to be sincere and honest. Allen Jenkins also has a good part, as a friend and assistant of the fortune teller, and he handles it quite nicely. Clarence Muse, Donald Dillaway, Natilie Moorhead, Clara Blandick and Robert Greig are also in the cast. AT THE WHITNEY "MY WIFE'S FAMILY" "FORBIDDEN" (Showing Sunday through Tuesday) Gene Gerrard, celebrated musical comedy star, who recently completed a co-starring tour with, Gertrude Lawrence, heads the roster of players in "My Wife's Family" which opens today at the Whitney theatre. It is said to be an uproariously funny farce comedy with clever situations and wise-cracking dialogue. Tyrannized- young hus- bands whose mothers-in-law are too prone to use their imaginary authority over an entire house- hold, should be especially entertained by "My Wife's Family," if what we've heard about it is tdue. On the same program will be a repeat show- ing of Barbara Stanwyck in "Forbidden," with Adolphe Menjou. "Forbidden" is one of the best pictures ever made by Miss Stanwyck and of course Menjou's acting in "The Front Page" will never be forgotten by theatre-goers. One of the new melody master series with Jesse Crawford at the organ and Graham McNamee talking Univer- sal News will complete the current program. Within the next few weeks, we understand, the programs at the Whitney will change bi-week- ly instead of every two or three days. This will give a longer booking to the first run pictures of prominence. Among the future attractions listed for the Whitney are many of interest; We are par- ticularly awaiting the Skeets Gallagher-Bert Roach comedy, "Easy Millions;" "War Correspon- dent;" "No More Orchids;" "The Night Club Lady;" "Pagan Lady;" "Manhattan Tower;" and "Cocktail Hour." AT THE MICHIGAN "COLLEGE HUMOR" (Showing Sunday through Wednesday) College life, not as it is but as it should be, is vividly portrayed in Paramount's "College Hu- mor," which opens today at the Michigan theatre. As might be imagined, the picture is replete with snappy song hits, dance routines, and shots of gals in a dormitory scantily clad (the gals, not the dorm.) Many radio head-liners are included in the list of stars which make up the cast for this comedy of the campus. Bing Crosby; Jack Oakie, Richard Arlen, Mary' Carlisle, Mary KornMian; George Burns, Gracie Allen, Joseph Sauers, Lona Andre and Eddie Nugent are a few of the "collegians"- who help to put the picture across. "Learn to Croon," "Moonstruck," and "The Old Ox Road" (whatever that means) are the leading song numbers of "College Humor". There is also a dance called the "Fraternity Stomp" portrayed in the film. The picture was directed by Wesley Ruggles. Political Science 18s will Room 2114 A. H. hereafter. meet inI Political Science 154s will meet in Room 2013 A.H. hereafter. Political Science 181s will meet in Room 2023 A.H. hereafter. Political Science 251s will meet in Room 2013 A.H. hereafter. Professor Cleo Murtland of the Vo- cational Edudation Department of the School of education will speak on "Trends in Child Labor" Monday afternoon at 4:10 in Room 1022, Uni- versity High School. Professor W. R. Humphreys will speak to the Women's Education Club on Monday evening in the Alumnae Room at the League. His subject will be "Poetry and Simpli- city." The meeting will begin promptly at 7:15 p. m. and will be dismissed at 9:15 nma m lv A aU who wish to compete in the 25-yard back stroke race, report at the In- tramural Sports Building Monday, 5:15 p. m. First . Methodist Church: Dr. Fisher will preach at 10:45 a. m. on "Learning to Manage Trifles." Wesley Hall: Student Guild at 6 p. m. Charles Orr will present Ann Arbor's Unemployment Problem. Class for students at 9:30 a. m. Union Service: The Congregational and Presbyterian Churches unite next Sunday morning for their serv- ice of worship, at 10:45 meeting in the Presbyterian Church, Huron and Division Streets. Rev. Allison Ray Heaps, pastor of the Congregational Church will preach. His subject will be "The Ministry of Silence." Poliee Seize Two Who Make Kidnaping Threat NEW YORK, July 15.-G')-An at- tempt of two men to obtain $10,000 from Dr. Jacob Wachsman, Brook- lyn physician, under threat of kid- naping, failed today when Brooklyn police speedily apprehended them after they had collected a dummy package of bills. The arrested pair, who surrendered when police opened fire on their au- tomobile, were booked as Michael Discolo, New -York, and Cincent Mosci, Brooklyn. Tipped off by the intended victim, police were lying in wait at the cor- ner of Sixth Avenue and 47th Street in Brooklyn when two men accosted Wachsman according to schedule and information given Wachsman previously in a telephoned warning. Snatching the dummy bundle from Wachsman., the pair fled in their car when they saw that they were surrounded by police. Even the bone market is picking up. C. C. Culwell, packing house op- erator of San Angelo, Tex,, recently sold two carloads-the first he had been able to dispose of in years. Univ. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information: Someone driving to Seattle July 27th wants a companion to share expenses. Kind- ly call Extension 371 Saturday morn- ing- or Monday. ultl00ua .0p. Il. alniver sity women are invited. Reverend Walton E. Cole will speak I in the Unitarian Church Sunday Mathematical Club: A meeting of k morning at 10:45 on "Can the the Mathematical Club will be held Church Meet the Needs of Modern Tuesday, July 18, at 4 p. m. in Life?" At 7:30 Scott Polk will talk Room 3017 Angell Hall. Professor on "The Technique of Modern Mar- W. L. Ayres will speak on the sub- riage." ject of Graphs. Col. Don Piatt, early Ohio poet, Students, College of Literature, -Iwas a member of the Ohio legisla- Science, and the Arts: Except under ture as well as a soldier, lawyer and extraordinary circumstances, courses diplomat. - -_- - r ve i summer )rtunities . CIVIC LEADERS and University of-' ficials in charge of community af- fairs for the summer in Ann Arbor are to be greatly comnplimented upon the splendid series of concerts, sings, and miass meetings which have been and will be presented. The community sing on the campus was at- tended last Sunday by approximately 1,000 stu- dents and Ann Arbor residents. The Wednesday 'ight band concerts have also attracted large gatherings. Atttractive plans for the future as- sure continued acceptance by those who have found enjoyment in the programs already set forth. With general campus activities at a lower ebb in the summer than during the regular academic rear-due to the absence of football games, proms, and the surrounding color-the efforts of commu- oity leaders to fill up this gap is even more note- worthy. The best method of expressing appreciation for hese efforts is by attending the various nrograms Such visits as he made to Washington up to the time of President Roosevelt's return from his yachting vacation were of the over-night variety. Editorial Com m ent At a time when he seemed to be achieving a place of distinction in the informal councils of the administration any man might well envy, the IT'S NOT FUNNY, financier deliberately removed himself from the GOVERNOR public picture. In laughing at representatives of Michigan The Bystander has now received rather con- manufacturers who are protesting because the vincing evidence that what prompted Mr. Baruch retail sales tax is placing on -them an iinpos- was modesty. He did not relish the interpreta- sible burden, not contemplated by the Legislature, tion, generally put on his status by the press, Governor Comstock may be sure he is laughing all that he was to be for the moment a sort of un- alone. He is giving a strictly bolo performance. official acting President or chief economic aide to There is nothing at all funny about a situation the President. which, if uncorrected, promises to force a number The easiest way to correct any such impression, of valuable - industrial enterprises to leave the naturally, was to get out of Washington and stay State and go to parts of the country where they out. can live and do business on equal terms with com- petitors. Important Figure There will be nothing in the least humorous Quite regardless of his snecial assignment after about an exodus which gives Michigan a reputa- Phone your Classified Adverto-~met THE MICHIGAN DAILY .1 II