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July 16, 1933 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1933-07-16

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Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Mid -c

Answer To Criticisms
Summer Opportunities
Airmen Have Arrived.



-Associated Press Photo
Chicago is giving a hearty greeting to this hardy band of 90 aviators from Italy. Taking off
from Orbetello, Italy, the armada of 24 flying boats crossed the north Atlantic via Holland, Ireland and
Iceland. They first touched North America at Cartwright, Labrador. The fleet is commanded by Gen.

Niagara Falls
Excursion Trip
Is Under Way
NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y., July 15.-
(Special) - An overcast sky and
cooling winds served to make an ideal
day for the first part of the Summer
Session excursion party tour. The
feature of the afternoon was the
viewing of a model of the falls, per-
fect in scale with respect to both di-
mensions and water flow. It served
to demonstrate how a simple con-
struction of a short submerged dam
and slight alterations of the river bed
would divert half the water from the
Horseshoe Falls to the American
Falls, thus increasing the potential
water power while protecting the for-
mer from further recession, A de-
lightful trip on the "Maid of the
Mist" and a view of the falls under
artificial illumination brought to a
close a very profitable day.. Tomor-
row will bring us the wonders of a
gorge unique in the world.
(Special to The Michigan Daily)
ROAD, July 15.-This time the Um-
versity of Michigan Niagara Falls ex-
(Continued on Page 2)
GRAND RAPIDS, July 15.--()-A
meeting of 'Democrats who have ex-
pressed opposition to some of the
policies of Governor Comstock has
been called for Sunday afternoon
"for the purpose of discussing Gov-
ernor Comstock's legislative policies
and possible recommendations of fu-
ture candidates for important offices
that will be open next year."
VIENNA, July 15.--P)--Charged
with hiding 400 tins of sardines
during bankruptcy proceedings Emil
Lerner said that he had been living
on nothing but sardines ever since
the day he had to close his delica-
tessen store. "I have already eaten
66 of the 400 tins and probably will
have to eat the remaining 340, too,"
he added.

CHICAGO, July 15.-UP)-Italy's
epic air armada, coursing an historic
trail of 6,100 miles from the home-
land to a Century of Progress Exposi-
tion, alighted on the unruffled waters
of Lake Michigan 'tonight as a million
persons watched in awe the comple-
tion of man's most pretentious con-
quest of the air. i
With the flagship of General Italo
Balbo, Commander of the flight, in
the lead, the twenty-four huge sea-
planes appeared over the Chicago
lake front shortly after 5:30 p. in.,
completing. the last leg of the journey
from Montreal in six hours and fifty-
one minutes.
The ariada left the home base at
Orbetello, Italy, at 11:40 p. m. on
June 30th, just completing the haz-
ardous flight in forty-seven and a
half hours flying time.
But one mishap marred the tri-
umphal journey. One man was
drowned when the twenty-fifth ship
capsized upon arrival at Amsterdam,
the first day's goal.
Massed on Navy Pier, crowded into
every conceivable vantage point at
the World's Fair and dotting the top
of buildings along Michigan Boule-
vard, the spectators today waited in
breathless silence for the appearance
of the Italians.
Flying low, General Balbo's plane
appeared over the south end of the
lake. Strung out behind it in groups
of three, the remaining twenty-three
seaplanes roared along in perfect
formation. Above them, sped an
escort of army pursuit planes from
Selfridge Field.
The planes landed in rapid succes-
sion and small boats began to ferry
the Italian pilots to the U. S. S. Wil-
mette, moored a short distance away
at Navy Pier.
On the Wilmette, the flyers were
given time to bathe and dress, when
they were taken in triumphal proces-
sion to the lagoon of the World's
Fair, there to debark and march to
Soldiers' Field where -100,000 persons
waited for the formal welcoming
Murtland To Give Talk
At Education Gathering
"Trends in Child Labor" will be
the topic for the School of Educa-
tion afternoon conference at 4:10
p. m. in Room 1022. University High
S hool. Professor Cleo Murtland is
t e speaker.

W L Pct.
Washington................ 53 29 .646
New York .................53 30 .639
Philadelphia...............43 40 .518
Chicago..:............42 42 .500
Detroit .............40 45 .471
Cleveland................. 39 47 .453
Boston ....................35 47 .427
St. Louis .... .........32 57 .360
Saturday's Results
Philadelphia 3, Detroit 2, (11 innings).,
N. York 11, Chicago 2.
Boston 7, Cleveland 2.
Washington 1-2, St. Louis 0-0.
Today's Games
Chicago at New York.
St. Louis at Washington.
Cleveland at Boston.
W L Pot.
New York................47 32 .595
Chicago ................. 47 39 .547
Pittsburgh................45 38 .531
St. Louis .................. 43 40 .518
Boston....................42 42 .500
Brooklyn.................. 36 43 .456
Philadelphia........36 46 .439
Cincinnati. ...........35 49 .417
Saturday's Results
Philadelphia 3, St. Louis 2, (10 innings).
Chicago 4, Boston 0.
New York.-Cincinnati, rain.
Brooklyn-Pittsburgh, rain.
Today's Games
New 'York at Cincinnati, two games.
Boston at Chicago, two games.
Philadelphia at St. Louis, two games.
Two Michigan Entries
Qualify In 440-Yd. Race
CHICAGO, July 15.--IP)-Ralph
Flanagan, fifteen-year-old swimming
sensation from Miami, Fla., led the1
qualifiers into the finals of the Na-
tional amateur outdoor 449-yard free
style championship today by making
the distance in 5:09.6, or 8.6 seconds
slower than Johnny Weissmuller's
world record.
Flanagan's arch rival of the water,
Jack Medica, of Seattle, led his field
in another heat in 5:34.7.
Dan Zehr, Fort Wayne (Ind.-
Y. M. C. A.), led the qualifiers in the
220-yard back-stroke ,trials with the
time of 2:42.2.
Two Michigan entries qualified in
the 440-yard free style trials. Jimmy
Gilhula, who won the 100-meter free
style for the Detroit Athletic Club
yesterday, placed second to Flanagan
in the first heat, while Tex Robert-
son, U. of M. sophomore competing
unattached, was third to Medica in
the other heat.

Bible Classes And Student
Guilds Will Also Meet
For Discussion Periods
Speaking on "The Place of the
Church "in the Experience of God"
this morning, Rev. Henry Lewis, of
St. Andreew's .Church, will complete
his series of four sermonettes under
the general topic of "Things We
Trend to Overlook in Religion." This
address will mark his last Sunday
in Ann Arbor before leaving for
Evergreen, Col., where he will at-
tend a conference of college chap-
lains of the Episcopal Church. Dur-
ing his absence Rev. Edward M. Duff
will officiate at St. Andrews.
Other Ann Arbor churches present
especially arranged programs for to-
day. At 9:45 a. in. Bible Classes will
meet at the Baptist Guild on East
Huron Street, and at Wesley Hall at
the corner of State and Huron. Dr.
Howard Chapman and Dr. Edward
W. Blakeman will be the teachers
in charge of these classes.
At 6 p. in.hthe various Student
Guilds will meet for discussion. At
Wesley Hall, Charles Orr, fellow in
economics, will lead a discussion of
Ann Arbor's unemployment problem.
At 7:30 p. m., Scott Polk will lead
a discussion on "Marriage." "
("Learning to Manage Triffes" is
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher's theme at
10:45 a. m. at the Methodist Church.
The Union Service at the Presby-
terian Church will be addressed by
Rev. Ray Allison Heaps upon "The
Ministry of Silence." Rev. Walton
E. Cole, visiting minister from To-
ledo, will preach at the Unitarian
Church on the question "Can the
Church Meet the Problems of Mod-
ern Life?" Catholic services, as
usual, will be- held at St. Thomas
Church, the student chapel being
closed for the summer. Dr. R. Ed-
ward Sayles, of the Baptist Church,
will speak on "The Personality of
The next campus "sing," to follow
the one of last Sunday, will be held
Aug. 6, with various campus music
groups participating, Dr. Edward W.
Blakeman, of the Community Rec-
reation Committee, has announced.
The program for Juily 23, with Prof.
Dav'id Mattern of the University
School of Music conducting, will be
held at West Park, Dr. Blakeman
At 4 p. in. Thursday, July 20, a
panel of ministers and educators will
discuss "Church and School Rela-
tionships" at the Assembly Hour of
the School of Education. This form
of meeting, with men of divergent
viewpoints appearing before a larger
group to discuss their opinions, has
become p o p u l ar during recent
months. It was used in the recent
Schoolmaster's Convention and at
the Spring Parley. The Thursday
m __1-,- - ,,ti I - _. .- . , 1 1 -_,, ,.-- -

Dunlap Talk
Is On Homes
Of Pompeii
Speaker rTo Describe The
Many Different Styles Of
Change In Housesa
Sinee Then Slight
Dr. William G. Carr Will
Discuss Public School
System Tuesday
A general idea of the arrangement
and decoration of the typical house
in ancient Pompeii, and an indica-
tion of how little homes have chang-
:d in the intervening centuries will
be given by James E. Dunlap, asso-
ciate professor of Latin and Greek,
in the first talk of the week on the
'pecial lecture series at 5 p. m. to-
morrow in Natural Science Auditor-
The different styles used in dec-
orating and furnishing Pompeian
houses will be discussed. Very defi-
nite periods may be detected in the
work by the distinct styles of paint-
ing used, according to Professor Dun-
Professor Dunlap's lecture will be
illustrated with slides.
The Tuesday lecture on the Sum-
mer Session series will be given by
Dr. William G. Carr, director of re-
search of the National Education As-
sociation. He will speak on "Evalu-
ating the Public School."
Prof. E. Blyth Stason will talk on
"Tax Troubles" Wednesday, and Prof.
Charles A. Knudson on "Can Ameri-
ca and France Co-Operate in World
Affairs?" Thursday.
arzolf Goodman
Thneatre Designer,
Does senery 'ere
Settings for "The Servant of Two
Masters," the fifth play of the Mich-
igan Repertory Players' summer sea-
son, have been designed by Lester
Marzolf, formerly of the Goodman
Theatre of Chicago, it was announced
yesterday by the Players. Marzolf will
be in Ann Arbor working on the ex-
ecution of the settings until the
middle of next week.
"The carnival spirit of the 'Ser-
vant of Two Masters' lends itself
very easily to a fine blending of the
old and the new in the theatre," Mar-
zolf said in discussing his designs.
"The very fact that the scene is laid
in Venice opens numerous opportu-
nities to use a very decorative and
colorful scheme. I have tried to make
the setting carry out the fantastic
quality of the commedia dell' arte
Marzolf's setting is of a permanent
nature with shifting set-pieces for
the various scenes. He has also made
costume plates for the production.
It is three years since Marzolf has
worked with Thomas Wood Stevens,
director of "The Servant of Two
Masters." That was when they were
both at the Goodman Theatre. Mar-
zolf was the scenic designer for five
years of that theatre. "It is great
fun," he said, "to be working with
Mr. Stevens again, great fun to be
with the Michigan Repertory Play-
"I feel that the Mendelssohn thea-
ter is a beautiful laboratory for the

producing of plays, and the equip-
ment well suited to any kindI of pro-
Marzolf comes to Ann Arbor from
Chicago where he has been working
for the past two years on designs for
the Century of Progress Exposition.

International Law
Teachers To Hok

Conference Dean



Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, head of the
pcitical science department, is the
dean of the Conference on Interna-
tional Law, sponsored by the Car-
negie Foundation for International
Peace, which begins tomorrow.
Regents Meet To Pass
On New Budget Monday.
The University budget for the
fiscal year 1933-34 will be dis-
cussed and probably passed to-
morrow when the Board of Re-
gents meets for what will probably
be the most important session of
the year.
It is believed that all of the
Regntsxll-b'ei resent to discuss
the extremely important matters
which is to be under considera-
President Alexander G. Ruth-
yen, who has been staying at his
summer home in Frankfort since
Tuesday, will arrive in Ann Arbor,
late tonight to be present at the
meeting. He will' return to join
his family shortly after the'meet-
Many Students
Dance At Two
League Parties

Second Annual Meeting
Will Provide Contacts
For Authorities
Program Consists
Of Talks, Classes
Carnegie Endowment For
International Peace Is
Sponsor Of Series
The formal opening of the Summer
Session on teaching international
law, sponsored by the Carnegie En-
dowment for International Peace,
will be held- at 8 p. m. tomorrow in
Room 1025 Angell Hall. The meet-
ing will not be open to the public.
The purpose of the International
Law Conference, which is being held
here from July 17 to Aug. 18, is to
allow a number of men who are stu-
dents in the field to come in contact
with other students and to receive
expert instruction from authorities
on the subject.
The program consists of a number
of seminars, conferences and public
lectures. The seminars and confer-
ences will be held from 8:30 to 10
a. m. almost daily and the lectures,
of which there are five scheduled,
will be held at 8 p. mn.
Thee faculty of the conference is
composed of five men who are all
leadern in the field of International
Law. They are:
Faculty Listed
James Brown Scott, director of the
Division of International Law of the
Carnegie Endowment for Interna-
tional Peace, Prof. Jesse S. Reeves,
head of the political science depart-
ment here, Prof. George Grafton
Wilson, of the interhational law de-
partment of Harvard University,
Prof. Charles Cheney Hyde, Hamil-
ton Fish professor of international
law at Columbia University, and
George A. Finch, managing editor
of the American Journal of interna-
tional Law.
All of the seminars in which the
group will participate will be held
in the political science seminar room
in Angell Hall. The conferences will
be held in the Alpha Delta Phi fra-
ternity house, 556 South State Street,
where the members of the group will
reside throughout their stay in Ann

Crowds numbering close to five
hundred attended the two Summer
Session dances held in the ballroom
of the League on Friday night and
last night, according to the statement
of Miss Ethel McCormick, the social
director of the League. The music
for dancing was furnished by Al Cow-
an and his band.
. So great were the crowds that it
was necessary to reserve the entire
.second floor to accommodate them.
Due largely to the efforts of the sum-
mer social committee, composed of
both men and women students, the
parties were very successful and
everyone who attended them had an
excellent time, Miss McCormick re-
The social committee announced
that, because of the popularity of
these two dances, they are trying to
arrange similar parties as a regular
feature each week-end for the re-
mainder of the summer term.

Lectures Planned
The public lectures which are to b
held are as follows: "The Far Eas
Disarmament," Professor Wilson, 8
m., July 20, in Room 1025, Ange
Hall; "Hugo Grotius; The Chaco ar
Leticia Disputes," Professor Reeve
8 p. m., July 24, in Natural Scienc
Auditorium; "The Technique of Dij
lomacy; Arbitration of Boundai
Disputes," Professor Hyde, 8 p. r
July 28, in Room 1025 Angell Hal
"The Monroe Doctrine," Dr. Sco
8 p. m., July 31, Room 1025 Ange
Hall; and "Manchuria," Mr. Find
8 p. m., August 14, in Natural Se
ence Auditorium.
Two courses are to be under tJ
supervision of Dr. Scott. He w
teach the classics of internation
law before Gtotius and pacific settl
ment of international disputes.
Professor Reeves will teach tl
classics of international law fre
Grotius to Vattel, international co
ferences, and codification of intern
tional law.
Professor Wilson will be in char
of three classes, territorial water
neutrality, and international law a'
the constitution.
Treaties, their making, interpret
tion, and termination will be taug
by Professor Hyde,
Mr. Finch will teach the mode
sources of international law.
Although the definite list of the
attending the conference is not ava
able as yet, it is understood that b
tween 35 and 40 will be enroll(
Those participating are invited
the Carnegie Foundation, which pa
their traveling expenses to Ann .
bor. The roster will include m
from all sections of the Unit

Barton Kane Visits University
Of Michigan Fresh Air Camp

New Barbs In Laws Of Nation
May Destroy Kidnaping Racket

One hundred and fourteen under-
privileged boys from the University of
Michigan Fresh Air Camp will pa-
rade through Ann Arbor at 10 a. m.
Tuesday morning. Following this a
sale of tags for the benefit of the
camp will be held. That's h'ow it
reads if you're hard boiled. Now lis-
ten to this:
* * *

110 art experts. The other four will
know how at the end of the week.
I arrived at the camp at 3 p. m.
The "leaders" mostly men from the
University, were grooming the boys
for a water carnival that will be held
today, Louis LaMack, varsity swim-
mer, was refereeing a canoe tilting
match. The camp champions were
going at it. Two boats. Two kids to a
boat. One doing the rowing, the other
maninutino- hnohnn nl ewith a

(Editor's Note: This is the sec-
ond of two articles telling what
steps are being taken to put an
end to the kidnaping racket.)
NEW YORK, July 15.-G')-De-
termined to crush kidnaping, the
rattlesnake of the racketeering zoo,
state and federal government quickly
are adding new barbs to laws cover-
ing this crime which has been

commerce, kidnaping or otherwise
unlawfully detained."
Federal officers also are author-
ized to begin immediate investiga-
tions of such crimes, it not being
necessary to prove first that the "in-
terstate" clause has been violated.
Senator Royal S. Copeland, chair-
man of the senate committee on rac-
keteering, urges speedier prosecution
and less red tap when kidnapers are


Queer Craft Is To Be
Tested At Barton Poi
A hont nronelled entirelv by

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