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July 15, 1933 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1933-07-15

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of the Summer Session

114.. _. .-


public his viewpoint. The political haranguers
haven't a leg on which to stand.
And once again the President will probably.
show the politicians a "thing or two." In the past'
he has stood apart from machine politics when it
has seemed necessary to do so, and has accomp-
lished admirable results by so doing.
He is true to the party which he represented
in the 1932 election. He has walked the many
planks of the Democratic platform as he pledged
himself to do. But he has also given evidence
that he will conscientiously attempt to give the
people' a government as free from the political
strings of the past as it is possible to give them.
Those who oppose the President upon this par-
ticular issue are nothing more nor less than un-
American politicians who are looking to their own
selfish ends and are catering to an insatiabletap-
petite for political power. It is to, be hoped that
Congress will support the President to the extent
of carrying out this attempt to take the post-
offices entirely away from* those who have mis-
used them in the past.

Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Sumrner Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial, Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively en'tie to the'use
for republication of all news dispatches creditec to itor
rot, otherwise credited in this paper and the local' news
pIlused herein. All: rights of. republication of, special
disptcles are reserved.
Entered at the post Office at Ann Arbor, ichigan, as
second clss matter. Sp.ecl rate of postage 'ganted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General
Sibscriptrion during suminer by carrier $1.00; by mail,
During regular school year by carrir, $4,00; by
Offces: Student Publications Building, 'Maynard Street,
,AtiArbor, Michigan.' Phone 2-l214.

Representatives : College Publications Representatives,,
Inc.,,40E ast Thirty-Fourth ,treet, New Yrk City;80.
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North ti'chigan Avenue,
Chicago. lional Advertising Service, Inc., I1West 42nd
St; New York, N. Y.
Phone:" 4925
AS$A.'IATE EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers Moulton
and E. Jerome Pettit.
REPORTERS: Edgar H. Eckert," Thomas H. Kleene, Bruce.
Manley, Diana- Powers Moulton, Sally Place.

Office Hours; 9-1,1-5
* *&*flA . 7 W~ 2

War Is Declared
Against Kidnapers...
IDNAPING activities of recent.
Jmonthis have finally brought, about
dsitable action by Federal offcials. War has been
declared. The gangster, kidnaper and racketeer
are gofingto be miade accessible to. national law
enforcement officers.
In the past the activities of' Federal agencies
1ave been confined to violations of. laws which
affect the nation directly. So-called police powers
have always been relegated to tle several states.
But the severe nature of the kidnapings which
have taken place in recent mionths demonstrates
the necessity for the existence of Federal police
The new proposals include the establishment of
a law enforcing organizationliwhich will be free to
cope with organized criminals. Underwprld char-
acters have always shown a definite fear of the
Federal government. National action has. been
swift and severe' enough to deter criminals from
interfering where Federal laws are cpncerned. Un-
doubtedly when national authorities are given
power to act in cases which are now closed to'
them, the racketeers, hoodlums, kidnapers, and
gangsters will be on a downward trend .And, with
a Federal body to co-ordinate the work of the'
individual states, the nation shound once again.
assume a law-abiding attitude which has no place
in its code for those who have so openly ignored
its lawsduring the recent wave of kidnaping. and
RosevelIt S ks..
The Politicians. .

Campus Opinion
o s trs published inthis comnn should ngot be
construed as expressing, the editoril opiion of
The Da11y.Anonymous communications will be dis-
regarded, '1The names of cotmuilats will, however,
be rearlded as confidentialmupon.reqes. Contribu-
tors are asked to send in only typewritten or legible
art iluing one side of the paper only. Contribu-
tors must be sBrief as possible, confning themselves
to iot more than 400 wors. -The Editors.
To The Editor:
Yesterday's letter to the Campus Opinion Co1-
umn signed. "A Student" was an highly appro-
priate answer to the personal attack of the pre-
vious clay in the column signe'd "Former Student."
I am of the opinion that the personal attack made
on Sergeant West was unnecessary to the end
sought-denunciation of the highly inefficient Ann
Arbor police department. Likewise "A Student"
cannot wash away the sins of the police depart-
mnent nd its.individual members with a sob story
about the big virile heart of the police officer
who started his "man" on the right path with a
few noble words.
Such qualities are highly desirous in any human
being, and far be it from me to attack the per-
sonality of a man who displayed such commend-
able persona traits. Nevertheless mere benevo-
lence isn't stopping the Ann Arbor burglaries.
Certainly justice should be -tempered with mercy,
but justice should also be firni and not a sponge
reeking with sopped up Puritanical milk of un-
natural human kindness. The principles of jus-
Lice demand that the citizens of Anm Arbor and
the visitors within its boundaries be protected
from the vandals who are looting houses of val-
uable. possessions, purchased with the fruits of
honest toil. The ends of justice require good police
administration, and good administration in turn
means certain apprehension and punishment for
the persons guilty of transgressing society's rules
'of order.
The genesis of Ann Arbor's police problem is
explained, I believe, not in personalities but rather
in the organic structure of the munic'ipal admin-
istration set up. What is that set up? It is a pic-
,ture. of a government with no direct lines of re-
sponsibility. The mayor appoints the police com-
mission by and with the, consent of the council,
and the words "by' and with the consent" are not
meaningless. Residents of the city are familiar
with the rough and tumble the mayor is forced to
engage in before finally appointing a commission
which is probably not at all to the mayor's liking.
From there on the mayor has nothing further to
say. The police commission appoints the chief of
police and all subordinates. This body, composed
of a number of men who aie not at all familiar
with. the technique of police administration, runs
the department. The mayor sits in City Hall pow-
erless to give orders to promote the efficiency of
the police, and the chief of police has to be sub-
servient to a board which knows nothing ,of polic-
ng and in all probabilities has friends whom the
Thief must not offend. The city council has a gen-
-ral fiscal supervision over the department further
dividing the lines of responsibilities. No wonder
we have such an inefficient police organization,
What can be done about it? Lots of things can
be done. Jackson reorganized its police force as
did Pontiac. They called in George E. Eckhart, long
associated, with the state police, a model in effi-
cient policing. Eckhart remained in the cities
mentioned for a period of about six 'months dur-
ing which time he was acting chief of police, and
had full power to adjust and reorganize as he saw
It is too much to expect Ann Arbor to cast off
the shackles of its outworn and out-moded form
of government, but it can replace clowns, in the
police department with brain power.
-Not A Student.
T heTrheatre

clorama for rather startling lighting effects, the
larger pieces are drops framed by gaudily painted
wings. Furniture is reduced to a minimum, often
it is painted on the drop. All the painting is done
in perspective.
Parker's drops revive. a theatre that seems
rather child-like in its devices. But when all is
said and dore it is a' theatre that is theatrical.
The mid-Victorian theatre treated its audience
like children on a holiday-it was colorful and
unreal-it was an occasion for the audience'. The
treatment is one which is very valuable for au-
diexces, they should on occasion be treated like,
children, or the theatre will lose a really vital'
SCreen ReIeCtions
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
(Showing Saturday through Tuesday)
Fortune-telling, in numerous forms and under
various guises, is one of the oldest methods of
capitalizing on human credulity and fear known
to mankind, and at the same time one of the'
Ever since the days of the soothsayers of old,
who were kept at coiirt by the, monarchs of the
ancient world to read the stars and foretell the
future for them-as well as interpret the royal
dreams-telling fortunes and "drawing aside the
veil from the future" for bewildered and anxious
human beings has been one of the most lucrative.
"rackets" in history.
How the fortune-teller of today plies his trade
the shrewd manner in which he employs the latest'
scientific inventions to convince his victims of his
'"supernatural" powers, is set forth in the dramatic
and comic film, "The Mind Reader," which opens
at the Majestic theatre today.
Starting as a "barker" in a barn-storming car-,
nival company, Warren William, in his role of
Chandler, is the man who soon learns to make
money as a "seer" and a "psychic."
Constance Cummings has the role of Sylvia, as-
sistant to "Chandra the Great," and Allen Jenkins
is Chandler's' confederate. The film' was directed
by Roy del Ruth.

Excursion No. 7: Ford's Greenfield
Village, Wednesday Afternoon, July
19-LRound trip bus fare $1. Buses
leave from in front of Angel Hall at
1 p. m. Party returns to Ann Arbor
by 5:45 p. m. Nominal entrance fee
of 25 cents will be charged at the
village. The conducted tour will this
year include several new features and
will also provide opportunity to see
the museum just recently opened to
the pub2c. Reservations must be
made by 5 p. m. Tuesday, July 18,
in Room 9, University Hall.
Excursion No. 8: Schools of the
Cranbrook Foundation, Bloomfield
Hills, Saturdaysmorning, July 22-
Round trip. bus fare $1.35. Buses
leave at 7:45 a. m. from in front
of Angell Hall, and. will return to
Ann Arbor soon afteer noon. The
schools, erected through the Cran-
brook Foundation, are considered the
finest private schools in the Middle
West. Assistant Head Master C. J.
Keppel will personally conduct the
party through the buildings and will
explain the educational methods used
in the schools. Reservations should
be made IWr 5 p. m. Friday, July 21,
in Room 9, University Hall,
Wesley H. Maurer
Univ. Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information: Someone
driving to Seattle July 27th wants a
companion to share expenses. Kind-
ly call Extension 371 Saturday morn-.
ing or Monday.
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: xcept under
extraordinary circumstances, 'courses
dropped after Saturday, July .22nd,
will be recorded with a grade of E.
Students, College of Engineering:]
The last day for dropping a course
Withiout record will be today. ,0
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretar y
Polo'iia Circle: Outing today at
the Island. All members and their
ffiends are cordially invited to take
part' in the festivities. Party' will
leave fron the League lobby at 3:00
p. m. No reservations are necessary.
In case of rain the affair will take
place on Sunday at the same time
and place.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30;
11:30 a. m. Saturday.

Faculty Concert: Wassily Bese-
kirsky in the role of viola player;
Romine Hamilton, violinist; Hanns
Pick, Violoncellist; Joseph Brinkman,
Pianist; and Palmer Christian, or-
ganist, will participate in the next:
Faculty Concert, Tuesday evening,
July 18, at 8:15 o'clock in Hill Audi-
torium, to which the general public,
with the exception of small children,
is invited. The following program
will be performed: F. Bach (1710-
1784), Grave for 'cello and organ
(Messrs. Pick and Christian): Loca-
telli (1693-1764) Sonata for Violon-
cello and Cembalo (Moderato, Lento,
Minuet) Messrs, Pick and Brink-
man): Mozart Concertante for viola,
violin and piano (Messrs. Besekirsky,
Hamilton and Brinkman) : Sowerby,
Mediaeval Poem for organ and piano
(Messrs. Christian, and Brinkman).
Charles A. Sink
Pi Lambda Theta will hold its
summer initiation service at 5:30 p.
m. Wednesday, July 19, in the Uni-
versity Elementary School Library.
The banquet will be held at 6:15 p.
m. at the Lantern Shop. Members
please call Margaret Hall at tele-
phone 4121, Extension 676 on Mon-
day July 17, between 8 and 12 a. m.
or 1:30 to 5 p. m. to make reserva-
Professor W. R. Humphreys will
speak to the Women's Education
Club on Monday evening in the
Alumnae Room at the League. His
subject will be "Poetry and Simpli-
city." The meeting will begin
promptly at 7:15 p. m. and will be
dismissed at 8:15 p. nm-All Univer-
sity women are invited.
Women's Riding Class: The riding
class for women will meet tonight
at 7:15 at Mullison's stables. Those
wishing transportation are to meet
at the North University entrance of
the Michigan League at 7:10.
Reverend Walton E. Cole will speak
in the Unitarian Church Sunday
morning at 10:45 on "Can the
Church Meet the Needs of Modern
Life?" At 7:30 Scott Polk will talk
on "The Technique of Modern Mar-
Uncle Tom's Cabin Saturday Mat-

inee: All seats for this performae
are unreserved. The doors will lbe
open at 2:00 and the performance
will start at 2:30. The admission fee
will be 50 cents for adults and 5
cents for children. Season ticket
holders who wish to attend this per-
formance may exchange their cou-
pons for general admission tickets.
Union Service: The Congregational
and Presbyterian Churches unite
next Sunday morning for their serv-
ice of worship, at 10:45 meeting" in
the Presbyterian Church, Huron and
Division Streets. Rev. Allisoi FRy
Heaps, pastor of the Congregational
Church will preach. His subject will
be "The Ministry of Silence."
Health Service Facilities
Stressed By Forsythe
"Many Summer Session students
have yet to realize that complete' fa-
cilities are offered them by the Uni-
versitfy Health Service," Dr. Warren
E. Forsythe, director, said yesterday.
Specialists in all branches of med-
icine are available to care for the
'illnesses of students, all expenses be-
ing covered by a portion of the an-
nual fee, he said, and besides this
students are reminded, that they now
have opportunity to have any exam-
inations made that they may have
been considering for some time.
"Although we are kept busy as it
is by students' calls," Dr. Forsythe
,said, "nevertheless we feel that others
should be reminded of the facilities
we have to offer them in order that
we may best accomplish our purpose
'Omnibusters' May Pay
Their Dues In Produce
WICHITA, Kas., July 14 -(/P)-
Alumni of Omnibus College, bianch
of the University of Wichita' which
combines summer sight-seeing with
study, may still remain in good
standing even if short of cash.
Anouncements of a reunion to be
held in Chicago icarried "notice to
the effect that dues night be paid
in any kind of edible produce if
money was not available.
More than 4,000' alumni, who are
dubbed."Omnibusters," are'scttered
throughout the midwest. The col-
lege, organized in '1922, conducts two
"expeditions" each sumner. Enroll-
ment for the first of the 1933' tours
totaled more than 700.

Off The, Record

attempt to place all postmasters of
ountry under Civil Service elicited a response
many quarters. And most of the objections
jiist what might have been expected.
his executive order changing. the age limit'
esidence requirements of new appointees, the
executive asked that all postnasters be
4d under the Civil Service rule. Under the
nt system, postmasters in charge of offices
e first, second and third 'classes receive their
ions through political influende rather than.
a merit basis.
e President's action followed a: complete sur-
nade by the first assistant postmaster-gen-
Joseph C. O'Mahoney, who investigated the
.es paid and the timtie, devoted: to the service
)stmaste of the classeg now exempt from

FTER miles of hand-shaking and smiles, Mrs.
A Franklin D. Roosevelt thought up a little plan
while motoring through New England. Her secre-
tary was to precede her into a Farmington, Me.,
hotel and register for "Mrs. E. A. Roose."
That done, Mrs. Roosevelt settled down for a
good night's rest, which she intended should ex-
tend slightly into the morning. She ,was catching
up on sleep when the phone tinkled at seven the
next morning. Two minutes after a bell-boy stood
at the door with both arms'loaded with flowers
for "Mrs. E. A. Roose."
Just another ruse that didn't work.,
1 STORY about the colorful Gov. Gifford Pin-
chot of Pennsylvania is kicking around town
to prove that seeing a cabinet officer these days
is like the old camel-needle's eye partnership.
The Governor, who was former chief forester of'
the United States, wanted to see his, fellow prog-
ressive, Secretary of Agriculture Wallace.
The outer-office secretary' stopped him.
"What do you want to see the Secretary about?"
she asked.
"Trees," said Pinchot.
"You'll have to see Mr. Jones," she said.
"Jones be blowed," exclaimed Piichot. "I ap-
pointed him to that job years ago. You get me
into Wallace's office inside of three minutes."
She did."
SECRETARY of the Interior Ickes lost his way
in the endless corridors of the department of
commerce building the other day. Finally he met
some newspaper men he knew.
"Say," he demanded, "send Mr. Hoover a wire
and tell him the secretary of the interior is lost
in his building."
r a
Editorial Comment
Monday the League of Nations treaty conven-
tion restricting the manufacture of narcotic drugs
went into effect around the' world, marking the
completion of one of humanity's longest forward
steps in many years.
The treaty, which restricts the manufacture of
narcotics to the bare demands of medicine and
commerce, was drafted by the representatives of
,57 nations, assembled in Geneva in July, 1931. It
was to become operative 90 days after ratification
by 25 of the nations, four of which, it was stip-
ulated, must be large manufacturing nations.
The first nation to sign the convention was
Nicaragua, on March 16, 1932. The United Statgs
followed two weeks later, ahead of' Peru, Portugal,
and Persia. Other nations' whose signatures have
been added are: Great Britain, Turkey, Germany,
Switzerland, France, The Netherlands, Japan, Bel-
gium, Egypt, Lithuania, Hungary, Bulgaria,
Czechoslovakia, Danzig, IrishFree State, Monaco,
Poland, Rumania, Spain, Sweden. Brazil, Caxada,
Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Haiti, Mexico,
Salvador, San Domingo, Uruguay, Sudan, and
India. Six of these-the United States, Great Brit-
ain, Turkey, Germany, Switzerland and France
are large producers of narcotic drugs.
The ratification of Belgium-the twenty-fifth

East Huron, below State
REV.R EWAR SALESState and Washington
Minister of Church
EMinister of Church1 ATTEND PETER F. STAIR
9:30 A.M.--The Church School. Dr. Sunday mornings at 10:45
Albert Logan, superintendent
10:00 A.M. -The Student Class atHU C "st ies in Successful
Guild House (across streetfrom C U C
' the 'Church), Mr. Chapman in LItiflp.
charge. R G L R YJl 6 einn oMh~
10:45 A.M. -Morning Worship. Mr. E ULYulnTrifes
Sayles speaks on-°" JulLy 2 iigAbe rin
}July230-Lvring A ense ofi
"The Personality of Jesus" July 30 -Overcoming a Sense of
This is the second in a series of four Failure
sermons on "The Uniqueness of August 6 - Tasting Deeply of Life
Christianity." "August 13- The Wonder of Religious
6:00 P.M. - All, graduate students Eprec
and others are invited to the stu- Experience
dent Guild House (503 E. Huron)SudyevngatWsyHllt6
for a discussion and social eve- Sunday evening at Wesley Hall at 6
ing. a e o'clock - Charles Orr speaking on
freshments will be served. Come "Economic Distress in Ann Arbor"
and' get acquainted.


In his letter to Postmaster General James A.
Farey, Mr, Roosevelt said:
"The studies which you have. made show that
there would be large savings to, theGovernment
if. tlexisting law were, changed and all present
pstiasterships were placed on a strictly Civil
Service basis as is the cast. under the existing law
regarding fourth-class postoffices. Willyothere-
fore be good enough to prepare for me' proposed
legislation to this effect in order that I niay sub-
mit it to the next session of Congress."
The President's recommendation then was
made, not strictly out of a clear sky, but after a
complete survey of the matter had been made.
and. after he felt' such action justifiable. And yet:
he must have known the reaction. it would cause
among that group of political barnaclgeswho, are
blind to any expense to the taxpayer, so long ,as
political patronage is maintained.
The postoffices, of the nation have long served'
as political footballs to be tossed about- by poli-
ticians. Any attempt. towrest these institutions
from the hands of those who have had their con-
trol in the past naturally results in intra-party

DROP in at your regular eating place a
of Kellogg's Corn Flakes. It's great f
So easy to digest it encourages rest
much better than hot, heavy foodsI


One of the big factors in any Tom show is the
scenic effects. If you remember badk a few years'
to the time when you were a kid, you will remem-
ber reading the words ,momentous, stupendous,
magnitudinous with regards to staging on the old'
bill posters that.advertised a production of "Uncle
Tom's Cabin." The gayly painted drops, the in-
genious heaven scenes, the ice floes were factors
which stirred your imagination; and made you hit
your old, man for two-bits'to see the "spectacle."
'Next to the summer circus day, there was nothing.
din your young life to compare with the Tom show.
Indeed, they were often conducted like circuses
--with Markses, bloodhounds, Evas, Toms, and
Topsy's riding through the streets in advance of
the performance..
But with all we remember about "Uncle Tom,"
we never forget the scenic effects. So with the re-
cent "momentous" production of the play by the,
Michigan Repertory Players, we are naturally in-


nd order a bowl
or a late snack.
tful sleep. HOW

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tempts your taste"-that's Kellogg's.




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