The Weather4 Probably showers and cooler ay in extreme south portions Politi Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XIV No. 17 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1933 Editorials Is Declared Against Kid- s; Roosevelt Bucks The Cians. PRICE FIVE CENTS Flyers From Italy Arrive At Montreal Fleet Of 24 Trans-Atlantic Planes Receives Ovation After 500-Mile Hop Italian Armada Will Pass Over Detroit Pilots Due In Chicago Late Today For Century Of Progress Exposition BULLETIN MONTREAL, July 14.-(M)- The Italian Air Armada will take off for Chicago at 9 a. m. east- ern standard time tomorrow, General Italo Balbo, the com- manding officer, announced to- night. The general made the an- nouncement on leaving the ban- quet arranged in his honor by the Italian colony of Montreal. The flyers were ordered to bed early and the general remained at the banquet only about an hour. Weather reports were favorable. MONTREAL, July 14.-(P-The trans-Atlantic fleet of 24 Italian sea- planes arrived here late today from Shediac, N. B., and swooped down to anchorages on the St. Lawrence River for their last rest before de- parting for Chicago. Led by the youthful air minister, Gen. Italo Balbo, the armada circled over Montreal shortly afternoon after having flown the 500 miles from the New Brunswick port in three hours and 34 minutes. Montreal gave the squadron a noisy welcome as the sirens of ocean liners at their piers joined with thousands of automobile horns to voice the pleasure of the throngs who gathered near the seaplane base on the south side of the river.; - Balbo was the first to zoom to the water level and was followed by the other ships in groups of three. A fleet of speedboats immediately charged out to the Italian craft to Coal Mining Leaders Meet To Draft New Code Prof. Dunlap, II 'r. Cuarr wil11 Lecture Soon irniture, Decoration Of Pompeian House To Be Subject Monday Fu -Associated Press Photo Leaders in the coal industry met in Washingtan to. draft a trade agreement under the industrial recovery act to raise wages and shorten hours in the bituminous mines. Left to right, the code commit- tee: George B. Harrington, Chicago; George Heaps, jr., Des Moines; T: G. Essington, Chicago, and John J. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers of America. Italian Over Fleet Expected City About Noon Salaries Paid Rail Heads Hit By Government WASHINGTON, July 14.-(i')----A group of the Nation's highest salar- ied railroad executives were told di- rectly today by Joseph B. Eastman, Federal co-ordinator of transporta- tion, that the Administration feels ~that their salaries are too high. Twenty-one of the ranking rail- road presidents and executives of the country stood personally by to hear from the lips of the Co-ordina- tor what the Administration thinks are the steps that should be taken to improve the transportation in- dustry. Several of the men in the group, named to represent the rail- roads under the Co-ordinator Act, now receive salaries in excess of or near $100,000 a year.-0 The men conferring with East- man represent the Southern,. East- ern and Western sections of the country. Seven were elected from each region. They will work with Eastman and his regional co-ordin- ators in an effort to bring about a reduction of rail expenses. In in- stances where it is feasible to re-or- ganize roads so as to cut interest and rental payments, this may be done. At the close of the meeting today each of the railroad presidents went his way, but with all declining com- ment. "The salaries to which many ex- ecutives attained were a symptom of the boom disease," said Eastman. "I am putting the question up to you as I must do in the first instance under the law, because I believe very sincerely that there must be an ad- justment of this matter of salaries before the railroads will start right with the shippers, investors and labor under the conditions that now exist. The executives have much more to gain by such an adjustment that they can possibly lose. "I shall not ask you to consider what fair salaries consistent with proper economy may be in those fu- ture days when prosperity is re- stored. "This country has been and still is suffering to a degree that it prob- ably never has suffered before. Mil- lions are out of work. Still more millions are living on a pittance. Thousands of railroad employees have no jobs at all and thousands more are working part time. 'Thous- ands of investors in railroad securi- ties are receiving no return. "I know that salaries have been reduced, but I ask you to consider- enough in view of prevailing condi- tions and what I am thinking about are the salaries at or near the top." Betrayed Says Ta The possibility that the Italian fleet of 24 seaplanes en route to the World's Fair in Chicago under, the comnand of Gen. Italo Balbo will make a side-trip over the campus here this noon was seen last night when it was learned that University officials had been in communication with Lieut. Col. Fred M. Andrews, commandant of Selfridge Field, Detroit, who will meet the flyers there. Officials said that Lieut. Col. Andrews has agreed to escort the flyers over the campus if at all possible. They are expected to pass over the vicinity of Ann Arbor about noon today. bring the leader and ashore, where a reception committee tend- ered official greetings... The local Fascist band with bursts of Italian music, led the Montreal Italian colony in a reception to their fellow countrymen. While the ar- mada arrived in the best of condition and without mishap, a wooden barge loaded with gasoline and oil for re- fueling of the planes sank shortly before Balbo appeared over the city. This loss swas not serious, as the gasoline was replaced immediately by local companies. The barge car- ried only enough fuel for one ship, it was said. DETROIT, July 14. - (A) - Gen. Italo Balbo and his fleet of Italian seaplanes are expectedato fly over Detroit around noor. Saturday. Two pursuit squadrons and one headquarters flight of Selfridge Field planes-39 ships in all-will. welcome the Italian Miniszer of the Air, Lieut.' Col. Fred M. Andrews, commandant' at Selfridge Field, announced. At first it was thought that the Italian fliers would land on Lake St. Clair, near the Army Air Post,' to be the guests of Selfridge Field officials at luncheon. Lieut. Col. An- drews said that the Italian General was unable to ,accept his invitation because of the time required for such a stopover. TT ndATrI . Ir Gr , W:.__.-_ Premier M'Donald r7 'nfl W Workers. rina Sinha Ramsay MacDonald--a man who betrayed his party and the working people. This was the description given by Tarini P. Sinha, exiled Indian So- cialist, who opened the lecture series sponsored by the Socialist Club yes- terday in Natural Science Auditor- ium. The British prime minister, ac- cording to Mr. Sinha, is a man who began his political career as a cham- pion of the labor party but who later became affiliated first with the liber-. als, later with the conservatists, and finally with the nationalists. "MacDonald lined up with the an- ti-war forces in England just before that country entered the war," he said. "He did this, not because he was opposed to war but because his pifla-friend, Jol n- Morley, had been forced to resign from the Brit- ish cabinet because he objected to England's 'entering the war, and MacDonald wished to vindicate him." He said that MacDonald was not a conscientious objector and prob- ably never would be. "At the end of the war there was a natural reaction against the man who had advocated it," Mr. Sinha continued. "'therefore, MacDonald, the man who had spoken in the House of Commons against England taking part in the World War, was made the head of the Socialist Party." According to the speaker, the Brit- ish workers are filled with revolt, they realize their power, and they are waiting to do something to as- sert their rights. However, they have been betrayed so often that they are afraid of their leaders. "They will free themselv'es," he concluded, "-how I do not know- by ballots or by a strike, perhaps." Jean Kyer Beaten As Mrs. Ilighie Sets Mark DETROIT, July 14.--(')--Proving a trifle steadier than her younger op- ponent, Mrs. Harley G. Higbie won her fifth state golf title and her third straight victory in the event when she conquered Jean Kyer, the Barton Hills stylist, 4 and 3, in the final of the twentieth annual tourna- ment Friday morning at Meadow- brook Country Club. In beating the Ann Arbor girl, Mrs. Higbie set a new record for the tournament. Previously Miss Lucille Dessemberg, of Kalamazoo, held the record with four victories. Roosevelt Will Take Up Codes For Industries Considers Blanket Order To Function While New Plan Is Formulated WASHINGTON, July 14. - (P)- President Roosevelt will take up with Hugh S. Johnson, industrial admin- istrator, on Sunday the need for a blanket order fixing minimum wages and maximum hours pending estab- lishment of industrial codes. Mr. Roosevelt expects then to re- ceive from Johnson a report on the necessity for broad Federal action and the means for accomplishing it. He is uncertain, however, whether this action can be made compulsory, although realizing that a mandatory ordr.would be nore -offective. Secretary Daniel C. Roper, after today's Cabinet meeting, said that he was working on a plan of Federal action to cope with those industries which are lagging. Two Codes Offered Two' industries stepped into posi- tion today with codes to hoist wages and curtail working hours. The cement industry put forward an offer to set 40 cents an hour as minimum wages and 36 hours as the maximum working week. Virtually the entire rayon industry and most silk producers asked to come in under the terms of the cotton tex- tile agreement which becomes effec- tive next week. There appeared a possibility also, that wool textiles might make a sim- ilar request, thus putting practically the entire spinning and weaving trade on a forty-hour work week. Proposals of formal agreements among industries to limit working hours and increase the pay of their workers, meanwhile came into the Recovery Administration at a sub- stantial rate. Hearings on several will begin next week, but officials did not believe enough of these codes could be put into effect with suffi- cient speed to effect a quick general increase in workers' purchasing power. Blanket Code Favored It developed today that the Na- tional Manufacturers Association, at first opposed to much of the recovery law, desired a blanket code and that its terms were closely in line with labor's. The plan probably will be given deep study by the President over the week-end. While several new codes were com- ing in today, Johnson had to delay action on a major industry. The hearing on oil codes called for next Thursday, was postponed until the following Monday to allow for con- ferences in the oil states and here to try to compose various disagree- ments before the whole thing is aired in public. Gerard Swope, of the Genera Electric Co., has been chosen as ad- viser for the hearings on the code thiat has been submitted by the elec- trical manufacturers industry. Elliott Roosevelt Files Divorce Suit At Reno MINDEN, Nev., July 14.-(P)- Tuesday Speech Is On Public Schools Prof. E. Blythe Stason, Prof. C. A. Knudson To Talk During Week An illustrated talk on "The Pom- peian House, Its Furniture and Dec- oration" by Prof. James z. Dunlap Monday afternoon will open next week's program of the Summer Ses- sion special lecture series. Dr. William G. Carr of Washing- ton, D. C., who is teaching in the School of Education's four-week courses, will speak on "Evaluating the Public School" on the lecture series Tuesday. In his position of director of. re- search of the National Education As- sociation, Dr. Carr has had an un- rivaled opportunity to study the edu- cational system from the viewpoint of its significance to the country at large. He received his doctorate at Stan- ford University, where he held an ap- pointment as fellow in education. Dr. Carr, has been professor of education at Pacific University and director of research for the California Teachers Association. Prof. E. Blyth Stason will talk on 'Tax Troubles" Wednesday, and Prof.- Charles A. Knudson on "Can Amer- ica and France Co-Operate in World Affairs?" Thursday. Committee Still Fig t-no bot 9 Isaiah Leebove LANSING, July 14.-())-The House Committee which conducted1 an investigation of lobbying is sched-, uled to meet here Saturday to draft a final report. Representative Ate Dykstra, Grand Rapids, and Earl Burhams, Paw Paw, the only Republican members of the committee, have indicated they will insist upon a report censuring Isaiah Leebov, Clare oil operator and friend of Governor Comstock, for making a prison survey. The Democratic mem- bers are inclined to exonerate Lee- bove. This issue presents the only vital point of difference., If Dykstra and Burhams do not gain their point they may submit a minority report. Otherwise, the committee'srfindings are expected to recommend that closer regulations be thrown about lobbyists in the fu- ture, and to clear the Legislature of charges by John W. Smith, Detroit Council member, that it is a "cash and carry" body. It is anticipated the report will say no charges of bribery were substantiated. Manders Will Play With Chicago Bears Next Fall CHICAGO, July 14.-()-- Jack Manders, big, hard-hitting University of Minnesota fullback today was signed by the Chicago Bears of the National Football League. He ranked as one of the best backs in the West- ern Conference for the past two sea- sons. He will understudy another great Minnesota star, Bronko Na- gurski. ALTON, Ill., July 14.-(M)-While two ransom demands have been re- ceived for the release of August Luer, elderly and wealthy banker, the ab- sence of proof that the banker is alive and held by the authors of the ransom note was given by two agents of the Luer family today as the prin- ciple obstacle to further negotiations.- The agents, Orville S. Catt andl Lawrence Keller, Jr., told reporters at an afternoon conference today they-were still negotiating "but theF kidnapers have not met our de- mands." Catt and Keller added that the kidnapers had not sent them a note from Luer, and said this was one of£ the hitches in pursuing the negotia-l tions further. As time wore on tonight and no word had been received from Luer,1 residents of Alton, who hold him in high esteem, sorrowfully shook their; heads. Mayor Thomas Butler considered ordering the police again to take hold of the case but observed that he feared the investigation will soon be- come "a search for Mr. Luer's body." ALBANY, N. Y., July 14.-(M)-The first arrest in the O'Connell kidnap- ing case was made today in Buffalo as the upstate politically powerful family publicized a third group of negotiators demanded by the abduc- tors in a letter. Guy Nolan, 40, who was reported to have said he knew where the abduc- tors held John J. O'Connell, Jr., 24- year-old nephew of Edward and Dan O'Connell, Democratic leaders, was apprehended at the request of Dis- trict Attorney John Delaney of Al- bany county. Nolan was understood to have remarked he heard in a Syra- cuse restaurant the plotting of the kidnaping. LINDBERGHS IN LABRADOR CARTWRIGHT, Labrador, July 14. -(IP)-Col. and Mrs. Charles A. Lind- bergh landed here at 6:30 p. m. local time (4 p. m. Eastern Standard Time) after a flight of about three hours from Botwood, N. F. Their powerful monoplane covered the 350 miles to Cartwright without any trouble. Degener won the* fancy spring board diving in easy fashion. Mar- shall Wayne, Miami, Fla., Biltmore Club was second; Clinton Osborne, unattached, Boston, was third; and Al Green, Lake Shore A. C., Chicago, fourth. Point totals for "-the diving were Degener ,166.73; Wayne 150.70; Osborne 140.94. Only three places counted points. Ralph Flanagan, fifteen-year sen- sation from Miami, Fla., broke the National record in the one-mile out- door swim. Jack Medica, Seattle, was second, with James Cristy, University of Michigan, third. Flanagan's time was 21:12.2, break- ing the old mark of 21:27 established by Buster Crabbe. Flanagan took the lead at the start and won by 12 meters over Medica. He was never threatened. Medica fin- ished five meters ahead of Cristy, who got off to a slower start. A throng of 3,500 cheered Flanagan as he sped through the choppy wat- ers. Had he been extended, he might have threatened the world mark held at 21:06.8 by Arne Borg, of Sweden. Flanagan swam the first half mile in the amazing time of 10:29, only nine seconds less than the half-mile mark established by Crabbe; Leonard Spence, star of the New York Athletic Club, cracked his own American record by winning the 440- yard breast stroke championship in the remarkably fast time of 6:08.8. Spence, who won by 25 yards, held the former mark in 6;x12.6. Program Is Announced For Faculty Concert The program for the second weekly School of Music Faculty. Concert of the season, featuring Wassily Bese- kirsky, violinist; Romine Hamilton, violinist; Hanns Pick, violincellist, Joseph Brinkman, pianist; and Pal- mer Christian, organist, was made public yesterday by Dr. Charles A. Sink, president of the school. The program for the concert, which will be presented at 8:15 p. m. Tuesday in Hill Auditorium, follows: F. Bach (1710-84), Grave for 'cello and organ (Pick and Christian); Lo- I catelli (1693-1764), Sonata for 'cello and cembalo (Moderato, Lento, Min- uet) (Pick and Brinkman); Mozart Concertante for viola, violin, and piano (Besekirsky, Hamilton, and Brinkman); Sowerby, Mediaeval Poem for organ and piano (Christian and Brinkman). r 1 1 ii II r+'# , Students To Visit Greenfield Village, Cranbrook Foundation State And Federal Forces Unite To Fight New Kidnaping Scare Plans for two more Summer Ses- sion Excursions-the seventh and eighth of the season-were made public yesterday. Taking up the series after the Ni- agara Falls trip of today and tomor- row, a party will inspect Henry Ford's Greenfield Village next Wednesday. afternoon, while another expedition will be made to the Schools of the Cranbrook Foundation in Bloomfield Hills next Saturday. conclude shortly after noon. The Cranbrook party will be personally conducted by C. J. Keppel, assistant headmaster of the schools. Reservations for Wednesday's trip must be made at the Summer Session office, Room 9, University Hall, be- fore 5 p. m. Tuesday, and those who intend to take part in the Saturday excursion must reserve places before the same hour on Friday, July 21, it has been announced by Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of the journalism depart- (Editor's Note: This is the first of two articles summing up the recent activity of kidnapers and, telling what measures are being taken to combat the wave.) By MARK BARRON NEW YORK, July 14.-(A)-With beer legalized and repeal of prohibi- tion a possibility, kidnaping has be- come the majorucrime to which racketeers are turning for illegal gain, justice officials assert. recovered later with the capture of the criminals. Statistics reveal that the "snatch" racket is an exceedingly precarious and . unprofitable business. Police dossiers of the last three years rec- ord that 43 kidnapers have been sentenced for terms ranging from two years to life, two are dead and 10 suspects are awaiting trial. The newest wave of illegal cap- tures came this month with the kid- nn,inf -Y f John Factor 'infChican MAJOR LEAGUE STANDINGS By the Associated Press AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pc Washington . . .......... 51 29 .6: New York . ...... ....52 30 AE Philadelphia......... 42 40 .5 Chicago. ... . 42 41 .5 Detroit ..... .......40 44 .4 Cleveland . ....-... 39 46 .4 Boston. ............34 47 .4 St. Louis ..... ....s 32 55 . Friday's, Results Detroit 8, Boston 3, New York 1, St. Louis 6. IPhiladelphia 3, Cleveland 2. Chicago 4, Washington 0. Saturday's Games Detroit at Philadelphia. St. Louis at washington (2). Chicago at New York. Clevelandat Boston. NATIONAL LEAGUE W L P New York.. ........47 32 I '