THE MICHIGAN DAILY 7teNeesOf TheWorld As Illustrated In, Associated Press Pictures Eleanor Holm, 19-year-old swim- fling star, and Art Jarrett, singer and screen actor, are engaged and plan to marry in the near future. They will live in California. August Luer, 77, wealthy invalid banker of Alton, Ill, was seized by kidnapers'in his home as he rested in bedroom slippers before re- tiring. Two men and a comely young woman entered his home on a pretext of seeking anotber person's residence and roughly seized their victim. He had been in partial retirement because of frequent heart attacks. Earthquake In Changiri, Turkey, Wrecks Homes ISTANBUL, Turkey, July 13&--(P) -An earthquake at Changirl, near Ankara, Wednesday left no house in the town undamaged and threw, the inhabitants into a panic, but nobody was hurt. Coats of arms in the United States army came into official use in 1919. HART, July 13.-(P)-A farm youth who submitted to a steriliza- tion operation after he was accused of having contributed to delinquency of a minor girl was awarded damages of $6,300 in circuit h1ourt here by a jury which did not return its verdict until 4:39 this morning. The youth, William Wells, had sued for $30,000 on the grounds that he had been coerced and was not fully apprised of the nature of the opera- tion. He was awarded damages of $1,750 from Henry L. Palmiter, for- mer probate judge, $1,000 from Frances Hackett, Aormer registrar of probate, and $500 from Guy Walker, f-rmer sheriff of Oceana County. The jury held there was no cause for action against Dr. Norman W. Hey- sett, the physician who performed the operation. ENJOY YOUR EVENINGS at . NANKIN MILLS John J. O'Connell, jr., was spirited a ay from s hme in Abany by kidnaiers who held him iunder threat of death for $250,000 ransom. T was believed the ye iing man may have been seIzed in an act of revenge against his uncles Edward J. a d an-el P. (onndl, Amany pcitical leaders. With the M usketeers N I GEvery Nighty Radio Orchestra except Mondlay BEER DINNERS OTHER REFRESHMENTS AnnArbor Trails 5 miles east of Plymouth, between Wayne and Middlebrook Roads Co pete AtGeoraphy Camp .1' dM L 0C V I f _ (Continued from Page 1) during the first few days of July. roc structre of the area around Stating that he was the personal ST. LOUIS, July 13-(A)-Irving Mill S'rings. The finding of this spokesman for Fielding H. Yost, Pro- Fisher, professor of political econ-. gioup m y o of import nce in lo- fessor Bursley is quoted as having >my at Yale University here to ad- c "ting oil or gas accumulatins, one said after the game, "Michigan lost dress the international convention well having been drilled two years with honor. True to the traditions f Lions clubs, asserted that refila- ago as a result of the investigations of the Yellow and the Blue, the Sta- ion policies of the Roosevelt admin- Of University of Michigan stutents. tion-team never gave up until the 1 - t ball was pitched in the ninth. stration has started economic re- Cumberid Trip Made And think of all the character that -overy which probably will continue AccompniSd by Profcssors Scott Ad tlt ofn thcat f ald today." completenree isreel.tly madetsriphysiIt is e pcted that Prof. A. C. Mc- Before complete rrad:us;tmxent sgraphyr yito Cum- Failan of the University of Kentucky iccomplished, Dr. Fisher declared, brland Falls and Cumberland Gap. will visit the Station and give an he dollar, as measured in commodit It was through Cuniberland Gap that interesting lecture on the geology >rices, will have to shrink 331 per the firs white men, one of whom of the State. Professor McFarlan ent from its present value. 1he was Daniel Boone, catered the Ken- visited the Station last year. dollar already has dropped 17 ler tuky area. Reurning from ithis trip, The feld paries will remain at :ent since Roosevelt entered ofhice, te party stopped in Stearns, Ky- Mill Springs for about two weeks ie said. ad vent through one of the coal more, after which they will make "If President Roosevelt had ac- mines of the Stearns Lumber and a short reconnaisance trip to Wash- :eded to France's wish to fix the Coal Company. The owners of this ington, D. C., crossing an area which lollar in terms of gold," he cx- company are Michigan men who is probably the most classical geo- >lained, "his action would have been have st up extnsive enterprises in loical region in North America. In premature and would have resulted the southern part of Kentucky, Washingtan opportunity will be af- n halting our economic recovery." The Station baseball team., known forded to attend a few meetings of The speaker based his prophecy in local sporting circles as "the Uni- the International Geological Con- fimminent betterment in industrial -versity of Miciigan baseball team," gress, and although it will be impos- Lnd business condition on his diag- after a short period of intensive drill, sible for the men to take in the long- iosis of the depression contained in put up a game but losing battle cr excursions of the Congress, it is its recent writines. gis h Sibnil nine. The hoped that one or two of the brief He painted a dark picture of eeo- scr :ats?8-5.and Coach-Trainer- trips ao the Coastal Plain will bein- iomic chaos which he sad would Umpire-Scorkeeper-Profesor Scott cluded. The summer- field courses iave resulted "without proper action pedicted a victory for the Station will terminate in Washington, July >y our government." "We would Team in the annual classic with Men- 29. >robably have had some kind of ticello on the Fourth of July. The evolution," he asserted. Fcuth preseted a perfect baseball FR-ANCE READY TO PAY Prof. Fisher's speech was a feature day, and the townspeople of Mona- PARIS, July 13.---The French >f today's convention activities, cello turned out in full force to cabinet today accepted Finance Min- watch their local team combat the iscer Georges Bonnet's assurance; Alabama pipe, cigar and cigaret in'aders. core: Monticello 11, Uni- that the national treasury is suffi- mokers paid the state nearly a quar- versity of Michigan 5. cicutly prosperous, and authorized er of a million dollars in taxes for Among the spectators at the base- repayment on July 29 of half of a he privilege of smoking in May, ball game was Prof. Philip BursLey, ritish 30,000,000-pound loan instead 933. i who was the gast o the Station lot wAitin for its maturity Oct. 29. John J. O'Connell, Jr., 24, nep- hew of Edward J. and Daniel P. O'Connell, New York state Pemo- cratic kiders, was kidnaped in Albany, N. Y., and held for $250,- 000 ransom. Is Given Key To City Through His Windshield DETROIT, July 13.--(P)-H. G. Oestricker of Pasadena, Calif., was presented with the key to the city Wednesday-right through the wind- shield of his car.. The fathers of two Dearborn boys who admitted they had been play- ing with the key divided the cost of a new windshield and Oestricker kept the key, a heavy souvenir of lead bearing the legend "Key to Detroit." CENTENARIAN LIKES TO WALK OWENSBORO, Ky., July 13.-(A') -Col. James Wright, who fought in the Civil War, celebrated his 101st birthday by taking his daily walk of four or five miles. 1\ / Attend Cool Washed Matinees Air TWO FIRST-RUN FEATURES "MEN MUST "ZOO IN FIGHT" BUDAPEST" Phillips Holmes Loretta Young Diana Wynyard Gene Raymond Shown only at Shown only dt 3:204-8:20 2:00 - 4:45 - 7:10 - 9:55 ---- - - - 1' "Maedchen inMA u 'rf Last 'rimes Uniform" MAJESTIC' Today Is Coming TWO FIRST-RUN FEATURES "THE CRIME of 'NAGANA" the CENTURY" Stuart Erwin : - Melvyn Dou lc's Jean Hersholt Talc Birell Shown Only at. Shown Only at 3:27 -8:27 2:00 - 4:40 - 7:10 - 9:56 Sat.-"THE MIND READER"-Warren Wiliam olow _te leader! on your way to lunch . . Mats. 15c - Nights 25c Today and Saturday AN EPIC OF THE SPEEDWAYS ! "Hih Gars JOAN MARSH JAMES MURRAY Extra Chap. 3-"DEVIL HORSE" MICKEY MOUSE FUTTfRS CURIOSITY Starting Sunday DOUBLE FEATURE .e. I rr t w liI the hut restaurant fingerle operated all. week feat~ures 1-sardine sandwich or roast loin of pork sand- wich, cut of our delicious home-made pie, orangeade, lemonade, coffee, ice tea I9 25c 2-chicken a la king, creamed tuna fish on toast chopped manhattan salad, orangeade, lem- onade, coffee, ice tea 3-cold roast veal special potato salad, rmexicanA I 1111 -- - , _ iIll' i I.